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tv   Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  October 2, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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thanks for watching our special edition of "the lead" the white house in crisis. follow me on facebook and twist and instagram and tweet at the lead on cnn. our coverage continues right now. thanks for watching. see you tomorrow. happening now, breaking news. accusations and anger. a sieging president trump unleashing a torrent of attacks during a white house news conference and making extraordinary and unfounded allegations against house intelligence chairman adam schiff, joe biden and his son and the whistle-blower and the impeachment inquiry looming over his presidency. early guidance. the house intelligence committee confirms that the whistle-blower contacted one of the panels aides for advice on how to file the complaint but a spokesperson denies adam schiff saw it in advance as president trump accuses schiff of writing it. mystery envelope. the state department inspector
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general comes to congress for what he deems an urgent briefing presenting staffers with a mysterious envelope filled with what congressman called conspiracy theories delivered to the secretary of state. tonight questions about who sent it and why the inspector general thought congress needed to know about it. and brazen launch. north korea tests a medium-range missile designed to be launch from a submarine days before talks with the u.s. are scheduled to resume. tonight why this missile is raising new concerns about the safety of tens of thousands of u.s. troops. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room". >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> breaking news this hour. fast-moving developments in the impeachment inquiry into president trump including an angry white house news conference by the president. he went on a tirade against the
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impeachment inquiry. congressman adam schiff who is driving it and the whistleblower whose complaint launched it and accused schiff who is chairman of the intelligence committee of writing the complaint. schiff's office has confirm the the whistle-blower sought guidance from a committee aide on filing the complaint but denies schiff saw it an advance. and up on capitol hill, what was deemed an urgent closed-door briefing by lawmakers by the inspector general has just finished. we're learning new information about the ukraine-related documents he revealed. we'll talk about all of the breaking news with two key lawmakers, jamie raskin in the briefing with the state department inspector general and congressman andre carson of the intelligence committee and our correspondents and analysts are standing by. first to the white house at the scene of the off the rails news conference by president trump a little while ago.
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our chief white house correspondent jim acosta is on the scene. jim, the president is clearlyin fury ated by this impeachment probe. >> reporter: it looks like a meltdown in realtime as president trump denied any wrongdoing during his phone call with the ukraine president and went after the house intelligence chairman adam schiff accusing him without evidence of helping write the whistle-blower complaint. kk but the press conference went off the rails when the president was asked why he was talking about joe biden with the president of ukraine. sounding like a man backed into the corner, the president railed against the whistle-blower's complaint about the phone call with the leader of ukraine sparked the impeachment inquiry. >> if you look at this whistle-blower's -- which i have a lot of respect for whistle-blowers but only when they're real. his report of the phone call was totally different than the fact. >> reporter: the president seized on a report in "the new york times" that the whistle-blower sought guidance from the house intelligence committee on how to file a
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complaint. mr. trump then accused the committee chairman adam schiff of helping write the complaint. a charge he leveled with zero evidence. >> well i think as scandal that he knew before. i would go a step further, i think he probably helped write it, okay. that is what the word is. and i think it's -- i give a lot of repect for "the new york times" for putting it out. >> reporter: the president then defended his call for schiff to be investigated for treason, still fuming days after the chairman mocked his phone call with the ukrainian leader. >> because of the fact that he's lying about the president of the united states and as to what the president said, i believe it or not i watch my words very carefully. there are those that think i'm a very stable genius, okay. i watch my words very, very closely. and to have somebody get up and to totally fabricate a conversation that i had with another leader and make it sound so bad, it was so evil. >> when asked why he raised joe biden during the call mr. trump
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misstated what happened insisting the ukrainian president first brought it up but it is not true. it is the president who did that. >> and if you look at what he said. and he brought it up. i think he brought up the name rudy giuliani. and what i want is the following and i've said this loud and clear and we have our ambassadors here and mike pence here, why are we the o-- the ony ones that give the big money to the ukraine? >> reporter: the president was pressed by other reports in the room about biden. >> what did you want about biden? what did you want on biden. >> biden and his son are stone cold crooked and you know it. his son walks out with millions of dollars. the kid knows nothing. >> reporter: at that point the president was blowing his top. blasting reuters reporter jeff mason for his question. >> are you talking to me? >> yeah. i was just a follow up of what i just asked you, sir. >> listen, are you ready. we have the president of
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finland, ask him a question. >> i have one for him but i wanted to follow up on the question i had for you. >> did you hear me? ask him a question. >> i will. >> i've given you a long answer. ask this so you a question. don't be rude. >> don't want to be rude. i wanted you to answer the question i had for you. >> i've answered everything. it is a whole hoax. and you know who is playing into the hoax is the people like you and the fake news media we have in this country and i say in in cases the corrupt media because you're corrupt. much of the media in in country is not just fake, it is corrupt. >> reporter: the president revealed his call with the ukrainian president as a part of his ongoing effort to prove he was wrong during the 2016 campaign and an effort that may include bringing lawsuits against federal investigators on special counsel robert mueller's team. >> and just so he know, we've been investigating on a personal basis through rudy and others, lawyers, corruption in the 2016 election. we've been investigating corruption because i probably
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will, i was going to definitely, but i probably will be bringing a lot of litigation against a lot of people having to do with the corruption investigation, having to do with the 2016 election. >> reporter: the tantrum played out in a soerk bunker as he tweeted the do nothing democrats should be focused on building up our country not wasting everyone's time and energy on bullshit and nance insisted democrats are pushing forward with the problem. >> it is unworthy of the constitution of the united states to do what he did in that call and he admitted to me it is perfect. no, it is not perfect. it is wrong. >> reporter: the president suggested the white house will cooperate with the subpoenas issued by house democrats for information in the ukraine investigation. but the president hasn't fully cooperated in the past. consider the russia investigation and recall he never sat down for an interview with special counsel robert mueller and never given up his tax returns. though he's been asked multiple times and the whistle-blower's attorney said no one from the house intelligence committee
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helped in writing that complaint. wolf. >> jim, thank you. jim acosta at the white house. let's go to capitol hill now. our senior congressional correspondent manu raju is on the scene. that closed-door briefing by the inspector general has just wrapped up. what are you learning? >> reporter: after the inspector general said this was an urgent briefing and convened several key commits, the members who attended and the staffers who emerged end up scratching their heads after hearing exactly what the inspector general found which was a 40-page document full of what one lawmaker jamie raskin calls conspiracy theories about the ukraine matter, about joe biden, and also targeting the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch who was recalled from her post in may of 2019. the question is who is pushing this document. the state department confirmed it provided the inspector general with this document that
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was labelled from the white house. of course there was not clear if this was written by someone at the white house. or if this person had any connection to it. but the inspector general had no idea according to jamie raskin who wrote this document, what was the motivation behind it, why they were peddling this information, but it sounds according to the people that we spoke to, the same kind of conspiracy theories pushed about the whole ukraine matter over the last several weeks nevertheless the questions are emerging from the briefing why the inspector general felt it was necessary to call this urgent briefing of members in the middle of the impeachment inquiry and one reason why is perhaps the former ambassador to ukraine will come behind closed doors to meet next week with the key house committees. this could be a one area of questioning that some of the members plan to ask next week when she does sit down for her closed door testimony but nevertheless, this is only raising more questions than answers from people who sat down and are hearing about the documents that were obtained by
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the inspector general, wolf. >> manu, at the same time, house committees are moving forward issuing subpoenas to the white house. give us the latest on that front. >> reporter: that is right. they are threatening to issue a subpoena by friday if they do not get compliance with documents or getting any indication that the white house will actually provide information related to ukraine. these committees had asked them multiple occasions to turn over ukraine-relat ukraine-related communications what they know about efforts to urge the ukraine government to investigate joe biden and what they know about the rudy giuliani efforts in the country and the white house counsel has now provided this information and now the committee is planning to move forward with a subpoena as soon as friday if they do not get compliance. now this comes, wolf, as the impeachment probe is rapidly escalating. the state department was hitted with a subpoena last week and rudy giuliani was hit with a subpoena this week and in a matter of days the white house will be hit with a subpoena and expect more as democrats are demanding answers and if they
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don't get it this is evidence of what they view as obstruction of congress. >> a lot going on. manu raju up on capitol hill. thank you. let's get more on all of this. the democratic congressman andre carson of indiana is joining us, a member of the intelligence committee. congressman, thank you so much for joining us. and let's start with your fellow democrats who were accusing secretary of state mike pompeo of shielding officials at the state department from depositions, from testimony. can your committee get the information you're looking for without secretary pompeo's cooperation? >> i think so. i think secretary pompeo, i've traveled with him, i served with him on the intelligence committee. he is someone who i believe in my heart is a patriot. however, i do think that he is being misled right now and he's proven himself to be a bit naive with regards to president trump. i think if he is a true patriot
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he should be concerned about the preservation of our republic and it is not doing it now. >> and despite the pressure from secretary pompeo, the former special envoy to ukraine kurt volker is move ago -- moving ahead with his deposition tomorrow. what are you expecting volker to say? >> it is hard to say. at this point i hope that he will be forthcoming, i hope that he'll be truthful and i hope that he will give those questioners and investigators the tools they need to get to the bottom of the very pressing matter. >> you sit on the intelligence committee and chairman adam schiff office has confirmed reports that the whistle-blower did contact your committee for some guidance before filing the formal whistle-blower complaint. president trump you just heard suggested chairman schiff wrote this whistle-blower complaint himself. which an attorney for the whistle-blower by the way totally denies. what is your response to that accusation from the president?
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>> chairman schiff is a very skilled attorney. he's a very brilliant man. he takes his oath very seriously, as do the rest of us. he would never do such a thing. i think this is part of the gaslighting and misdirection that trump is doing right now and we have a lot on the table, wolf. president trump, we saw the meltdown earlier at his press conference. it would be best -- even trump's ardent supporters would love to hear him talk more about infrastructure, our national security without demonizing immigrants and muslims, talk about education, talk about real issues but he's so easily distracted because he's trying to cut deals, he's taken on this persona of a mobster. not a president. and so the meltdown that we saw was someone who is incapable of being a true leader, it is one thing to be reality show star but it is another thing to be president of the united states. so my hope is that president trump and his administration
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will cooperate with the committee. if not, more subpoenas will be issued. >> are you confident your committee and the whistle-blower followed all of the proper procedures, the legal preeds -- procedures in producing the complaint? >> i am. look, it is -- it is not illegal and it wasn't illegal for the whistle-blower to reach out directly to the committee. it is within that person's right to do so. i think what we have to do is to make sure we secure the pipeline of communication between whistle-blowers and our committee. it is very important. this person is really put themselves out for scrutiny, they've jeopardized and could possibly jeopardize their livelihood and the security of their family. and so we have to do all that we can as a committee and as a congress to protect this person going forward. >> the justice department has ordered the white house to preserve all presidential records including notes from meetings and phone conversations the president has had with
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foreign leaders. do you trust the white house to follow those orders? >> at this point, wolf, i don't. unfortunately, i don't think that the white house has proven itself. at least most of them of being capable of really protecting our democracy. i think they're more concerned about protecting them jobs and not upsetting president trump. president trump needs more people around him who can be honest with him and who can say, sir, you should cooperate here. they shouldn't pat him on the back for his outrageousness. they shouldn't encourage hister antical behavior and he needs though think about his future as president going forward and because right now america is not great, america has become the laughing stock of the global community. >> serious statement indeed. the president has been attacking various lawmakers this week as this scandal has clearly picked up steam. he's calling your chairman adam
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schiff a low life and a sick man. he called democrats like chairman schiff and jerry nadler the chairman of the house judiciary committee, alexandria ocasio-cortez and other members of the so-called squad said they are savages and he accused your party of wasting time on what he called and he put it in all caps and i'll say it -- i'll say what the president of the united states said, bullshit. he said it is a bullshit investigation. what is your reaction? >> well, i think he's speaking coded language. he's speaking unfortunately to a base that he's relying on. saying things like savages, those are kind of meta-messages that are reserved for people of color, minorities, and women quite frankly. and so he's speaking coded language and saying to his base, i'm still with you. look at what they're doing to me. i'm such an underdog. >> congressman andre carson, thank you for joining us. >> what a pleasure. thank you. and stay with us for more on
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the breaking news. president trump accuses intelligence committee chairman adam schiff of helping to write the ukraine whistle-blower complaint but the whistle-blower's attorney tells cnn that is not true. it's what gives audible there'smembers an edge.ening; it opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. the most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories: audible.
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we're following multiple breaking news this hour including the just finished close-door briefing by the inspector general to lawmakers and the ukraine-related documents he shared with these members of congress. democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland is joining us, a member of judiciary and oversight committee and in the briefing. congressman, thanks for joining us. what could you tell us about the briefing from the state department inspector general in. >> well, not much other than it probably raised more questions than it answered. essentially the inspector general from the department of state presented us with the contents of a manila envelope that were delivered in either late april or may to the department of state and the cover of it looks like this, i don't know if you could see this, wolf, but it said secretary pompeo and attention and up here it said the white house. so apparently the effort was to make it look like it came from the white house, maybe it did come from the white house. we don't know. there were also a series of
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sub-dividing federals with information and you probably can't see this but they said trump hotels and there were a series of divided off folders under the trump hotel introductions. but basically from my speed reading of it, wolf, this is a packet of propaganda and disinformation targeted primarily at hunter biden and ambassador yovanovitch and so it is very con grewent with the things -- with what rudy giuliani has been saying over the past several days. apparently got into the hands of secretary of state pompeo and we don't know how he got it but it is not post marked but somebody handed it or delivered it to him and he gave it to the counsel of the department of state, if i'm getting this correct, and then the counsel gave it to the inspector general who turned it over to the fbi. and we've not heard anything
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about it since then. >> did the inspector general, congressman, explain why he considered this an urgent matter that required him to go up to capitol hill and present this document directly to you? >> well, that was my question. and to take his representations on their face, essentially he was saying he had this for several months when the whistle-blower's statement came out he felt it was very important to give it to congress. and there were a number of questions asked by people there about just what you've raised and i think a lot of people are wondering why didn't the department of state try to figure out why this document came from, who put it in the hands of secretary of state, who else did mr. pompeo give it to? because when you flip through it, and i imagine this will be released soon, none of it is classified, it looks like a rather shotty hit piece put
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together against ambassador yovanovitch and against hunter biden and to a certain extent joe biden too. so it is more of the same in terms of the stuff we've been saying. from the perspective of the oversight committee and i imagine our colleagues on the intelligence committee, it is irrelevant distraction from what we're focused on which is the fact that the president of the united states used the military and national security power of our government in order to try to extract dirt on a political opponent from an ally country, an ally country which we are trying to support in their resistance against russian aggression. and then they tried to cover the whole thing up. so as you know, over the last week or so we've been treated to a revving up of a propaganda machine. and i think that propaganda machine has been working for a long time to create a counter-narrative to mr. mueller. and this is the part that piques my interest because, look, the mueller report did not indict
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even morally donald trump for a conspiracy with russia. it said there was evidence of more than 100 contacts between the trump campaign and russia but not sufficient evidence at least with donald trump not testifying that he participated in a conspiracy. so you think they would leave well enough alone but you turn on a tv and just now we saw it again with the president, he continues to be railing about the 2016 campaign and he wants to debunk for some reason the special counsel's very clear finding there was a sweeping and systematic campaign by vladimir putin and russia to undermine our election and that is the president's target and rudy giuliani's target and deploying cabinet members to go abroad to debunk and overthrow the mueller report when the president was not found to have been in a conspiracy with russia. they are in a certain sense trying to protect russia or putin at this point.
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>> congressman raskin, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. our political experts are here in "the situation room." we have a lot to discuss. we will right after a quick break. woman: my reputation was trashed online. i felt completely helpless. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555. asbut when your team is always dealing with device setups,
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we're following multiple breaking stories including president trump repeatedly lashing out at the ukraine phone call whistle-blower and house democrats who are leading the impeachment investigation and dana, the president was really on the attack today over the past few days. he's really attacking various democratic lawmakers, congressman adam schiff the chairman of the intelligence committee calling him a sick man, a low life and said that schiff and jerry nadler the chairman of the intelligence committee and alexandria ocasio-cortez and the other so-called members of the squad, women of color are savages. the president is really -- he must be so angry, so frustrated he's going off the rails with this. >> it is never a mystery how the president feels. he puts it right out there and today unfortunately for republicans on the hill and those in his staff, he had two events where he could let it all out and, boy, did he let it all
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out. those were the personal attacks which are even for him pretty egregious. what was striking also was to hear how many times he just flat out lied about things. whether it was what went on with joe biden and hunter biden but more importantly even basic things like he said on several occasions the transcript was a verbatim transcript and it is an exact transcript of the phone call with the ukrainian president. on the actual document that they released from his white house, it says on the first page, explicitly this is not an exact transcript. that is just one example of how exhausting it is frankly to fact-check him and how exhausting some of his fellow republicans are getting on capitol hill and probably why we haven't heard from a lot of them. >> the document they released it is saying specifically memorandum of a telephone conversation is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion.
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>> we have a great stenographer and they get -- and he went on and on and again i'm not trying to get bogged down but again another example of something so easily fact checked and indicative of how frankly off the rails he seemed today. >> and it is called a memorandum of a telephone conversation. nia, the president insisted he's ready to cooperate and fully cooperating but does he look like someone who is ready to fully cooperate? >> no. >> with the lawmakers? >> no. today was exhibit a, the days before his twitter sort of tweetstorm talking about all of this doesn't look like he's a man who is going to divulge everything that the congressional committee is looking into in impeachment and to that phone call and doesn't look like he's ready to give up information and we could tell by what the state department is doing, mike pompeo saying that folks who want documents from the state department are bullying state department officials and he's going to be sort of the bodyguard in
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making -- sort of protect those people. so yeah, we've heard this from the president before. if you remember back to the mueller investigation, he would occasionally say oh, sure, i'll sit down but the lawyers don't want me to sit down. so i think this is probably what he's going to perhaps keep saying. that he's cooperate while also really tearing down schiff and the whistle-blower and tearing down democrats. >> bianna, the president said he respected whistle-blowers but they have to be, in his word, legitimate. what is your analysis of that. >> i don't know how to interpret that. we know his line is that the whistle-blower is not legitimate when the icig said the whistle-blower complaint was legitimate and the acting dni said the whistle-blower complaint was legitimate and members of intelligence committee that have just dissected the whistle-blower's complaint and said this is clearly somebody who is a seasoned expert on these issues, knows very well about u.s. and ukraine relations and it hasn't been refused by anyone and you have a portion of a transcript to back it up.
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so by the president saying this, i could imagine many thinking it is a bit rich given the conspiracy theories that he's out there promoting that no one would claim is credible including his former homeland security secretary and adviser tom bossert who said that he had told him repeatedly that the crowdstrike theory was not real. that it was debunked and yet the president continued to follow it. i can go on and on about the conspiracy theories that this president has promoted. so this is another example of the president trying to deflect and he clearly is not over the russia investigation and what we heard from him today is a suggestion that he may, in fact, go after and sue some of those that were involved in the mueller investigation. so this is a president who had a lot of steam to blow that we saw play out fully in front of the u.s. public and the world public and it was a bit of a joke, i guess, when the finished reporter asked the finnish
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president if the president made any requests of him and favors that were asked but i think it speaks to a larger issue at play right now and that is that u.s. intelligence and u.s. national security is at stake. if many foreign leaders are going to assume, if not had already experienced similar types of conversations with the president. >> jim baker, you are the former fbi general counsel. after the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff confirmed reports that the whistle-blower did approach a committee staffer before filing the formal whistle-blower complaint and the president leveled a serious and unfounded accusation. listen to this. >> i think it is a scandal that he knew before. i would go a step further. i think he probably helped write it. okay. that is what the word is. and i think it's -- i give a lot of respect for "the new york times" for putting it out. >> there is no evidence that schiff helped write this whistle-blower complaint. but what is your reaction when
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the president levels a charge like this, word is that blah blah blah. >> well he should be speaking the truth and not just some supposition or just making things up quite honestly. we know and we've heard that the whistle-blower's attorney has said that no one helped him write this complaint from the hill. so those are the facts that we have to rely on. we don't know exactly what the content was of the discussions that took place between the whistle-blower and anybody on the hill and in these very, very difficult circumstances, circumstances that i've been in before where you try to figure out exactly what to do and not really knowing -- having rules and having a book but not having that fit of the fact or circumstances you're dealing with and if the whistle-blower is trying to figure out i have a unique kind of complaint to file can you help me figure out how to do this. i can't find any precedent for this and if it was all procedural then i don't know what the big deal is. >> how do you see it? >> i think that is absolutely right. they are attempting to attack
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the process to distract from how incredibly damaging the confirmed transcript is. that said, there is nothing wrong with the process here. what appears to have happened is the whistle-blower went to congress and said i have this unusual thing and how should i get this to congress and they could have said come in and tell us what you know and we'll take it from there but counsel said do this by the book and whenever the executive branch was stonewalling, schiff gave them an opportunity to comply and when they weren't doing that schiff didn't out the whistle-blower and surprise i know there is something serious, instead he chose to protect that person's identity and protect the confidentiality of communications not with schiff but with his staff in order to allow this legitimate process to play out. >> the abbreviation for the house intel committee. everybody knows that. and stand by. in the race for the democratic
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presidential nomination, senator bernie sanders just tweeted he's feeling good after being tweeted for an artery blockage. the senator's campaign said he experienced chest discomfort while campaigning in las vegas and a medical evaluation found he had a blockage in one artery so two stents were inserted. his campaign events and appearances have been canceled for the time being and we of course wish senator sanders a complete and complete and speedy recovery. coming up, a dallas jury hands down a prison sentence for a former police woman convicted of murdering her neighbor. she could have gotten life behind bars and the jury's decision is next. panera's new warm grain bowls are full of good.
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controversial. >> reporter: well it was quite a sentence. also quite a verdict in this case as amber guyger the former dallas police officer was convicted of murder yesterday. here in just about an hour's time the jury sentenced amber guyger to ten years in prison. she'll be eligible for parole in five years. the family inside of the courtroom was visibly stunned by that number. after the jury had walked out, the prosecutor walked over to the botham jean family and said i can't explain that and botham jean's father told the prosecutor, it is okay, you fought the good fight. outside protesters angry about the light sentence in their view. >> where is the justice? amber guyger gets a chance to get freedom after ten years? and my son, botham are dead forever. we did not get justice and this
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is not fair. how many of us is it going to take? there shouldn't be another mother after us. they're just shouldn't be another mother. [ crying ] >> it's okay. >> reporter: and wolf, it is highly emotional on the seventh floor of this courthouse here in dallas after everything had settled down in the courtroom and botham jean's brother asked if he could approach amber guyger and botham jean's brother hugged the former police officer right there in the courtroom. the judge in the case also went over and hugged botham jean's family and the former dallas police officer as well. right now we are standing just down the hallway from the courtroom where all of this unfolded moments ago. we are waiting to hear from botham jean's family. this is a gag order in this case so they haven't been able to speak publicly. any of the major players in this case. but highly emotional moments unfolding here in dallas, wolf.
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>> ed lavandera, thank you for the update. more breaking news coming up next. north korea confirms it test fired a new type of submarine launch ballistic missile, one that could pose an even bigger danger to tens of thousands of u.s. troops. let's be honest, insurance can feel a little outdated.
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there's more breaking news we're following. north korea has just confirmed it test fired a new type of submarine-launched ballistic missile. cnn's brian todd is working the story for us. brian, kim jong-un is provoking the united states, even as new denuclearization talks are set to begin. >> he is doing that, wolf. as you just mentioned, moments ago the north koreans did confirm with new pictures they launched a newly designed ballistic missile which kim's regime says further bolsters its military muscle. it's also bolstering the di dictator's confidence. it's the most brazen thing from kim jong-un in years, apparently testing president trump's backbone by test firing a ballistic missile in the water that's designed to be launched
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from a submarine. >> this is way above and beyond. this is sending a message that we can do these tests any time we want. >> reporter: it's above and beyond because this time u.s. officials tell cnn kim tested a medium-range missile which can reach targets further than any of the short-range missiles he's tested this year. >> there are tens of thousands of americans in south korea, japan, military personnel, civilians, that are threatened by these missiles. this is a big deal. >> reporter: specifically 80,000 american troops are in the target range of the missiles kim has tested this year, tests that violate u.n. resolutions but the president has consistently played down. >> he has been doing some short-range missiles but every country is doing them. they're pretty standard fare. >> reporter: but by testing short and medium range missiles, he is advancing the technology for his long-range missiles that
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could potentially hit the united states. and experts are alarmed tonight over the ramping up of kim's submarine-launched missile capability in recent weeks and the north koreans' attempts to hide those efforts. satellite photos show new activity at a ship yard and there are pictures of kim inspecting an enormous subunder construction. it will likely carry nuclear-tip id missiles and could give the dictator the element of surprise against his enemies. >> a land-based missile you can follow it around and maybe attack it before it's launched but not a submarine-launched ballistic missile. it only gives you minutes warning. >> reporter: this missile tests comes just days before working level nuclear talks between officials just under trump and kim are set to begin. analysts say that's no coincidence that kim is sending a message. >> very much his message is i am calling the shots now, you know. and i think he feels that
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president trump is weakened, especially with the ukraine whistle-blower affair, and they do believe that trump needs a foreign affairs victory. >> the white house has expressed, quote, strong concerns about the north korean missile test. the state department is calling on north korea to refrain from provocations. but will president trump specifically call out kim jong-un for these tests the next time they meet or exchange letters? will the state department hold north korean diplomats' feet to the fire during this new rounding of talks about to start? we have pressed the white house and state department and they have not commented. disturbing developments indeed. there's more breaking news we're following as house democrats threaten to subpoena documents from the white house. president trump says, and i'm quoting him now, i always cooperate. but will he? used to love ulia and mike, but since they bought their new house... which menu am i looking at here? start with "ta-paz." -oh, it's tapas. -tapas.
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investigation and to attack democrats. tonight he's aiming his most intense wrath at the house intelligence committee chairman. he's scared. house speaker nancy pelosi says mr. trump is terrified of impeachment, so he's desperately trying to divert attention from the ukraine scandal. does he suspect another bombshell is about to drop? strange delivery. the state department's inspector general gives an urgent briefing on capitol hill, delivering a mysterious packet sent to the secretary of state. one democrat says it was filled with ukraine conspiracy theories. why did congress need to have it? and vintage plane crashes. a celebration of historic aircraft turns deadly as a world war ii era bomber goes down in flames and spoke. tonight a new warning for residents living near the crash site. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situati


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