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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 30, 2019 11:30pm-12:00am PDT

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harvey. which would have made my life more difficult. >> that would have been ashonda. >> my mother was not good at picking names. my sisters name is ellen. she wanted to name her fern. she would have been fern stern. she says fern is a beautiful name. my father stepped in and said are you crazy? that can't be. so, i'm not harvey i'm howard. and i'm thankful for that at least. >> fern stern. >> i would have gotten beaten up 20 times more. >> thank you very much. >> all right, thanks. >> appreciate it. >> good seeing you. >> hope you interviewed this interview with howard stern. his best-selling look is out now. thanks for watching. dorian is now a category 4 hurricane as it powers towards the bahamas and florida. we have the latest on the storm's path. and protesters coming together right now in hong kong, this despite a police ban
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following the arrest of seven activists. we're also learning more details about why president trump's long-time assistant is suddenly out of her job. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world, coming to you live from atlanta. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters. "newsroom" starts right now. >> people in florida are preparing for the worst as a monster storm heads their way. in a 24-hour period, hurricane dorian went from a category 1 to an extremely dangerous category 4 with maximum sustained winds of 140 miles an hour or 220 kilometers. >> it's still not known exactly where that storm will make landfall. but right now it's projected to hit near melbourne, florida. that's on tuesday. and then go up the coastline. here is a look at the storm from a hurricane hunter aircraft. a hurricane warning is already in effect for the northwestern
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bahamas. the prime minister there has issued evacuation orders for some locations ahead of the storm. >> meantime, evacuations in two florida counties take effect sunday. the governor is warning people to prepare now. >> we anticipate a lot of rain, losing power is a big probability. you're also in an area prone to flooding, you're likely to see that with this storm. it's really, really significant, and you need to take precautions. >> the u.s. president is monitoring everything from camp david. here's what he had to say earlier as he left the white house. >> the hurricane is roaring and it could be a big one. we're hoping it maybe makes a right and goes up north, but that's about a 5% chance. it's not looking good. and it's one of the biggest hurricanes we've seen in a long time, a long time. so it could be very devastating.
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>> let's talk more about it now with our meteorologist karen maginnis in the international weather center. karen? >> this is such a ferocious hurricane, and we've been telling people across the florida peninsula for days to gas up, make sure your home is secure, make sure that if anyone needs your help, that that's available to them as well. this is a ferocious system that is also frustrating. i'll tell you why. right now we're looking at this system that has supporting winds of 140 miles per hour with wind gusts up to 160. it is still churning reasonably slowly to the west-northwest. at some point, computer models want to bring it towards the west. is that going to happen? it probably will. there is a ridge of high pressure out here. that's going to be shifting. so it's going to take the path of least resistance. but this is a monster hurricane. here in the bahamas, where you see that red-shaded area, hurricane warnings out across the northwestern bahamas.
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that will impact the freeport airport, probably impact the nassau airport as well. but look what happens here. tuesday, 6:00 a.m., we were thinking landfall. here are the winds around that core. well, it looks like it remains offshore. this is why it's become so frustrating for meteorologists, because the computer models are suggesting something different every time they run. you can see here, even going into wednesday offshore, will this happen? is it possible it could not make landfall across the florida coast? certainly is possible. and we've seen this time and time again. we saw it with matthew a few years ago. all right. here's what we're expecting. this is just kind of a compilation of the computer models. category 4 hurricane. kind of a mid grade category 4. it sits at 140 miles per hour. it moves over the bahamas, will impact that air with
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catastrophic damage. then start to make its turn more towards the northwest. perhaps interacting with land. perhaps from the treasue coast. that's that area right around port st. lucie. perhaps the space coast. that's cape canaveral and all of those important facilities that lie there. and very important coastal areas that are so fragile and have so many people populated this area, but i want to show you this. this is the american model. this is on wednesday. and this now looks like it's threatening savannah, maybe even into charleston. here is the european model. well off the coast of jacksonville. here is savannah. there is charleston. but both of these models that we rely on so much are hedging their bets on making landfall in florida. it might. but here's what i was talking about. that shift to high pressure and that system, dorian, making its way towards the west-northwest. back to you guys. >> and very slowly with days to watch it. >> days and days.
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>> karen, thank you. with the uncertainty over where the storm might land, the entire state of florida is preparing for the worst, and of course hoping for the best. >> that's right. our martin savidge has more on the urgent preparations there. >> come on, guys, all the way down. >> reporter: all of florida is under a state of emergency, and the clock is ticking. biggest concern about this storm is the uncertainty of where it's going and the intensity which it's coming in. >> hurricane dorian now expected to barrel headfirst into the sunshine state early tuesday morning is gaining intensity and could now unload heavy rains, powerful winds, and a strong storm surge on more than 20 million people. >> i'm a little concerned. i'm getting more and more concerned about what category and what's going to happen, because i've never seen a hurricane. >> reporter: florida's governor says he is contemplating ordering evacuations, but hasn't yet. >> at the state level, you know, we've been monitoring some of
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the decisions or contemplations about evacuations. it's something that we obviously believe for certain people is going to be necessary and in certain communities are going to need to do that. >> reporter: but getting out could prove difficult. while there are long lines at gas stations, there is little gas. the state says at times, as many as half of the fuel pumps in miami have run dry. >> starting today, implementing florida highway patrol escorts for fuel trucks so we can facilitate refuelling in critical parts of the state. >> reporter: those who aren't gassing up are preparing to hunker down. >> i live in a mobile home. so i stand to be homeless. but that's not really what's worrying me. i have animals. i can replace my home, but i can't my animals. >> reporter: in miami, they're stockpiling food and water. >> how are you doing, ma'am? >> how are you. >> reporter: though at some stores, that's also in short
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supply. florida power and light says electricity could be out for days. the company is bringing in 16,000 workers, positioning them at 24 sites across the state. >> the damage that could be required, will require extended repair work, and in extreme cases, it may require fpnl to rebuild parts of the system here in florida. >> reporter: florida's governor is warning those who care for the elderly to have a plan and a generator in place. 12 people died in 2017 after a nursing home in hollywood, florida lost power in the aftermath of hurricane irma. >> these folks have got to step up and protect these folks. >> reporter: more than a dozen universities here preparing to shut down, along with theme parks and other attractions. in a place that thrives on tourism, what should have been a busy labor day weekend is now a bust. as the sunshine state braces for days of rain. >> we're hoping that everything comes out okay, but i'm kind of freaking out.
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>> joining me now by phone is william capote, mayor of palm bay, florida. mayor, thanks very much for joining us because we know this is a very busy time. when you saw that this hurricane is now a category four, what was your reaction? >> wow. here we go again. matthew, that's the first thing that came to mind. not so much irma, because irma came from the keys. but matthew had the similar trajectory. and luckily, it veered into the ocean 25 and missed us. but we felt the winds then. >> what's the trajectory as you see it now? models have it going all over the place. it logistics like much of florida could be blanketed. but what is the trajectory for palm bay right now? >> we're in that line, because that room for error, i think maps would show brevard county
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in that red. that could be from south florida to here. one time they were talking about vero beach all the way to daytona. now they've gone as far down as jupiter and west palm beach. so it's all over the place at this time, but i believe that to include my city, we declared a state of the city emergency today. around 9:30. and we're buckling down to make sure that our residents are safe and that we're ready for whatever comes. >> how have people been preparing? and do you think there will be a mandatory evacuation at some point? >> the barrier islands, i believe they're going make that call rather quickly, because the storm now is at 4. and they don't want to risk anything. i believe by sunday, the order will come through for mandatory evacuation of the barrier
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island. we're more inland in a sense. we're right on the indian river lagoon. but then you have the barrier islands on a-1a, the melbourne beach, satellite beach. >> right. and what kind of weather are you seeing there right now? >> oh, right now, i mean, we've been getting a lot of rain lately, but it's been sunny today, but then you get little showers here and there. it's florida. and it's rainy season. so you kind of take it as it comes. you have to take the sun with the rain. it's just when the hurricanes show up, it's a different perspective. >> right. and you're talking about you're a little bit inland. but we've been hearing over and over again that what could be really devastating about this storm is that it is a slow mover. >> yes. it reminds me of when fay came here back in 2008, '09 time frame. we've had our share of tropical
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storms, hurricanes, and it dumped a lot of water. i believe if it stays around for that much, it's not so much the winds as so much the water. where is the water going to go? and that's the question. >> william capote, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. at least ten teenagers were hurt when someone started shooting at a high school football game in mobile, alabama. five victims are said to be in critical but nonlife-threatening condition. >> police say one person suffered a seizure. another was injured while trying to get away. two people have been detained. they're being questioned by police. that's all we know right now. hong kong pro-democracy movement. it is very much alive, despite some high profile arrests that happened this week, and now protesters have a message for beijing that they're refusing to be intimidated. we're oscar mayer deli fresh and you may know us from...
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." hong kong's pro-democracy activists say they won't be stopped by police bands or arrests of prominent activists. >> it is the 13th straight weekend of protests, even though organizers canceled a major march that was planned for saturday after police refused to give permission. thousands of protesters are marching now through central hong kong. >> and we're live in hong kong with our andrew stevens following it all. andrew, tell us more about what you're seeing, because clearly protesters are making sure that the government knows they're resilient. >> absolutely. what we're seeing here, george, is thousands of people once again clogging the streets of hong kong on a weekend to make their demonstration, their protest felt. this is one of the busiest roads leading into the central business area, the heart of congress hong, if you like. and it's now, as you can see, a sea of people.
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there is traffic still moving here, but there are thousands and thousands of people now who met about -- gathered about an hour ago who are now walking into the central part of hong kong. and we've been talking to them, george, and they're all saying that they are ignoring what the police said. the police said any gathering like this is now illegal. but they are saying we have come to talk and protest about our democratic rights still. and what we're seeing so far, george, is a very, very low police profile. we've been told, we've seen pictures, that there are police vehicles with water cannons. they are not where we are. we see no police whatsoever where we are. and this at the moment is the main protest area, but we have been told there are two or three other areas which will be focused on in the next three or four hours here, including the liaison office, which is really the symbol of beijing here in hong kong. already water barriers have been
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erected around that, and as i say, there are police water cannon vehicles there as well. but at the moment, no protests. this is where we are at the moment. you can hear them chanting behind me. they're basically saying liberate hong kong, freedom hong kong, and another is an eye for an eye in reference to the protester whose eye was severely damaged by a projectile in previous demonstrations. as you can now see, it's now teeming with rain, but it hasn't stopped the move here and the protesters, george. >> the rain, the weather certainly working against these protesters. there are the intimidation tactics that they say are being used by police and also the rumors that we mentioned earlier of possibly the chinese mainland stepping into this. is any of that dissuading people from taking part in these protests? >> well, i think if anything, if
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i understand the question correctly, george, it's actually firing protesters up. as i say, this is an illegal rally. yesterday seven pro-democracy high profile pro-democracy activists were arrested. they were rounded up and arrested, including one of the leaders of the 24 team occupy moment, joshia young has already served time in prison. he says very clear that he is not one of the leaders here. one of the defining characteristics of this protest is there is no clear leadership. we also saw this rotation as the chinese call it of pla, the people's liberation army vehicles going into hong kong, rotating with the garrison that is already being staffed here. so against all that, you're still getting thousands and thousands of people coming out, george. it really is this spirit that the protesters have and remain with that they are going to see this out. >> andrew stevens live for us in hong kong.
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andrew, thank you. you're watching "cnn newsroom." we'll be right back after the break. i mean, if you haven't thought about switching to geico, frankly, you're missing out. uh... the mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. your marshmallow's... get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a... whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa! oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. my bad. geico. it's easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow? iand if we were in a stressfulmy fenvironment. or had a stressful time, we'd say hey let's go smoke a cigarette. interestingly enough, the further i got away from the military, i'd- i started noticing. you know, being in corporate environments and it not being as prevalent, being around smokers. so i would tend to be- become the odd man out. i'm kinda the only one taking a break- five times a day. yeah i'll never forget it.
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president trump said he will be monitoring hurricane dorian from camp david this weekend. >> our kaitlan collins has details. >> reporter: yeah. president trump at camp david now where he's going to spend the weekend monitoring the developments of this storm before returning to washington on sunday where he says he'll get a briefing at the fema headquarters and that's when he and state and local officials will start making decisions about whether or not there are parts of florida or other states that could be in the storm's path that they need to evacuate. he said he's not concerned about the fact that this weekend goes going to be surrounded by some officials who are not in a permanent position in this administration but instead are in an acting role, including the fema administrator and the department of homeland security secretary. those two officials have played major roles in helping shepherding and navigating the president's response to a natural disaster like this one. the president did comment on that abrupt departure of an aide that is very close to him, someone who has incredibly close
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access to the oaf oval office, madeleine westerhout, who left the administration after she revealed she was talking about the president's family during what was supposed to be an off the record conversation with reporters. the president said he had just spoken with westerhout and this is what she had to say. >> well, i guess she said -- i think she said some things and she called me. she was very upset. she was very down. and she said she was drinking a little bit and she was with reporters and everything she said was off the record. that still doesn't really cover for it. mentioned a couple of things about my children. but she's a very, you know, good person and i thought i always felt she did a good job. >> now, the president declined to say whether or not westerhout had been fired. he instead said he didn't want to say either way.
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but he made clear when he learned she had made remarks about his own children the decision for him was, quote, an automatic one. kaitlan collins, cnn, the white house. >> kaitlan, thank you. and thank you for being with us. i'm george howell. >> i'm natalie allen. we'll have our top stories right after this. ♪ driving music (male announcer) the next groundbreaking idea from america's #1 selling boat isn't a boat. the legendary performance of tracker just made landfall. best quality in america. lowest prices in america. and it's taking america by storm. now get the tracker 570 atv for the introductory price of only $5799 plus freight, and a 10% discount card for up to 2 years. tracker off road. should always be working harder. that's why, your cash automatically goes into a money market fund when you open a new account.
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bracing for hurricane dorian. that monster storm barreling toward the bahamas. florida is next. and it's gaining strength as we speak. >> also this hour, following days of unrest protesters in hong kong are capping off the week with another march. >> and you know that saying, a picture's worth a thousand words. well, this time it's worth 280 characters. a tweet from the u.s. president could be a matter of national security. >> welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. we're coming to you live from atlanta. i'm natalie allen. >> and i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters. "newsroom" starts right now. and we begin


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