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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  August 30, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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so if you're anywhere on that east coast of florida, you want to have food, water, medicine, for up to seven days. >> a state of emergency across florida. hurricane dorian gaining strength overnight. it could be the strongest storm to hit the east coast since 1992. breaking overnight, the iowa caucus could be in for radical change. why it may no longer be the first state to vote. through a lot of chemotherapy, and thankfully,
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that is now over. i'm on the mend. and that's all i can hope for right now. >> what is remarkable, alex trebek, healthy and back at work, months after a grim diagnosis. hello everyone. and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "early start." >> good morning. happy friday, everybody. friday, august 30, 4:00 a.m. in new york and in south florida. that's where we begin with breaking news this morning. florida on heightened alert. bracing for what could be the most powerful hurricane to slam into the east coast in nearly three decades dorian is expected to make landfall as a category four storm on monday. overnight, the hurricane strengthened to category two, wind speeds increasing to 105 miles an hour. >> this will be the fourth year in a row for florida, getting hit by a hurricane. and that hasn't happened since the 1940s.
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at this hour, every county in florida is under a state of emergency. >> we can't tell you exactly where this thing is going to go right now. it has been kind of here and there. it has been a very i guess consistent path in some respects but nevertheless, be prepared, and so if you're anywhere on that east coast of florida, you want to have food, water, medicine, for up to seven days. >> state of emergency has also been declared in georgia. the storm packs a lethal combination of open seas and high tide. derrick van dam tracking dorian from the cnn center in atlanta. what's the latest? are we getting any new information on this track of dorian? >> well, cat two, that's what we know, 105 mile-an-hour sustained winds. what is new to me is that it is becoming more and more difficult to envision a labor day weekend that won't be impacted by a major hurricane across the
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florida coastline. all of the models starting to converge. i will show you in a moment. the convection here on the satellite, looking more and more impressive, even though it is fighting off dry air, starting to get overshooting cloud tops, a sure sign that this storm continues to strengthen and strengthen it will do, continuing, for the next 48, 72 hours. but what i want you to notice is this large cone here, on the path of uncertainty, it is large, because it is expected to slow down in forward speed. so the computer models are having a difficult time picking up exactly it what it will do. will it move parallel with the east coast? central parts of the peninsula? re-emerge over southern florida and the waters of gulf of mexico and strengthen? all cards are on the table. we are looking at all possibilities. if the storm does indeed slow down as it is projected to do so, it will heighten the threat level across florida, sunday, monday and tuesday of this upcoming week. we have labor day weekend. it will be a triple threat with
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not only coastal storm surge, heavy rainfall, leading to flash flooding and damaging winds, for a prolonged period of time. look at the model consensus here. we have some concessions coming in to the location, into southern florida, west palm beach, particularly, and these timings, starting to come, they're miraculously together, because quite a separation in previous model runs. starting to tone in on a tuesday morning landfall in southern florida. dave, back to you. >> thank you. all hands on deck in florida. 2500 national guard members have been activated. 1500 more are on standby. the state has 819,000 gallons of water and 1.8 million meals ready for distribution. another 200,000 gallons of water are on the way. the university of miami and the university of central florida among the colleges closing for periods of time, today into next week. >> many local school districts are also closing early, or delaying classes, and the
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football game between florida state and boise state scheduled for saturday night in jacksonville will be moved to tallahassee. county health departments are busy preparing resources for the elderly and disabled. and businesses that rely on that labor day weekend as a major source of revenue now have a very big financial gap to fill. leyla santiago with more now from port canaveral. >> reporter: amara, dave, every single person that i have asked, what is your biggest concern, they say a direct hit. now, they're quick to say it is still a little bit early but they are monitoring, keeping a close eye on where hurricane dorian is headed. and for a lot of people, it is because they still remember hurricane irma, and the damage that came with it. so they are taking this seriously. and they are already taking precautions. getting prepared. the stores have started to limit the amount of water that people
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can buy. we've seen waste management making the rounds, making sure that they are picking up any debris that could be dangerous, should winds pick up around here. today, we expect two truckloads of sand to come in to cocoa beach, so that residents can make their own bags to help protect their property. now, the other aspect of this, is we're coming up on a long weekend here, so businesses were really fending on more tourists being here. i talked to one hotel manager who told us that she has had a whole bunch of cancellations already. here is what else she had to say. >> how much will you lose here? >> this hotel, in excess of $120,000. >> for this hurricane? >> yes, for this hurricane. two days in august. and then september, hit the first of september, sunday, monday. more, it is costing to the whole area. >> and we're at port canaveral, yesterday, they had two cruise
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ships here and today they expect three cruise ships here but already the port is saying after that, they are likely to see a bit of an adjustment of the itinerary. of course we are here as well, tracking the storm. along with the people, waiting to see what decisions will be made, as dorian makes its way to florida. amara, dave? president trump canceling a visit to poland to monitor hurricane dorian. vice president pens will go in his place. sending this message to floridians from the white house rose guarden. >> we're ready. we have the best people in the world ready. and they're going to help you. we're shipping food. we're shipping water. but it may be that you are going to evacuate. we are going to see what happens. we are waiting. it does seem almost certain that it is hitting dead center. and that's not good. >> the president striking a very different tone from the one he used when dorian was targeting puerto rico. one democratic congressman
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thinks he knows why. >> well, part of it is that florida could be a swing state in 2020. and part of it is florida is not an island full of people of color. >> no comment from the white house on those remarks from virginia's democratic congressman don beyer. breaking overnight, a move that could radically change the iowa caucus, the des moines register first reports that the democratic national committee will reject iowa's plan to hold virtual caucuses because of the potential for hacking. in february, party officials in the state proposed the idea of virtual voting after years of complaints that the process makes it impossible for people who can't show up on caucus night. a february des moines register poll suggested the virtual caucuss could expand participation by nearly a third. >> but now the future of iowa's first in the nation status could be in question if iowa can't come up with a plan for people
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to vote that's different from a primary. the iowa caucuses are just five months away. the campaigns and the party are facing a rapidly shrinking window to adjust their strategies. questions are raised about a moving but false war story that joe biden has been sharing on the campaign trail. here is the former vice president describing his interaction with the war hero in afghanistan, during a campaign stop last friday, in new hampshire. >> this guy climbed down a ravine, carried this guy up on his back, under fire, and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. he stood at attention and sir, i don't want the damn thing, do not put it on me, please, sir. do not do that. he died. he died. >> but as the "washington post," in the space of three minutes,
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biden go the location, time period, type of act, medal, and military branch and rank of the recipient wrong. bide be spoke last night about the story pushing back hard but again with inconsistencies. >> what is the gaffe when i said there was a young man, i tried to pin a medal on, i don't want it sir, he died, he died. it was a young man, my recollection was pulled a colleague of his out of a burning humvee and risked his life doing it and the young man died as he tried to say. >> biden's running series of gaffes appears to be catching up to him as he acknowledged in south carolina last night. >> one school psychologist for every 15 to 1700 children. i don't want to set an exact number because the press will say biden loses his mind, he didn't remember. >> for the record, army staff
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sergeant chad tells the post he did tell the vice president he didn't feel like he deserved the medal at the time. breaking overnight, two high profile pro-democracy activists arrested by hong kong police, including 2014 umbrella revolution leader joshua wang. according to the pro-democracy party, wang was pushed into a private minivan on a street. former legislative candidate agnes chow was also arrested. the two detentions coming at a very tense time in hong kong. months of pro-democracy protests deteriorating into street battles with police. china's government is now issuing new threats in an attempt to stop the demonstrations. and plans for a massive protest tomorrow have been canceled, after demonstrators failed to get permission from police. what point does the president of the united states get involved there? we shall see.
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ahead a major american city warning residents about the dangers of vaping. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, your plans can change in minutes. your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, "not today." if your current treatment isn't working, ask your doctor about entyvio. entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission.
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relief and remission - in the last year, of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership
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or visit we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. major medical news, no single gene determines a person's sexual orientation. but gentics, along with environment, do play a role in shaping sexuality. researchers examined data from more than 470,000 people in the united states and the united kingdom and were able to isolate
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five genetic variants associated with same-sex behaviors but none of them are predictive on their own. findings of the study were published thursday in the journal science. president trump is set to be seriously considering a plan to block $250 million in military aid to ukraine. the move would go against pentagon recommendations, and further ingratiate himself with russian president vladimir putin. the decision to review the aid package comes after the white house publicly lost a battle to slash $4 billion in foreign aid across the board. officials say the president has not yet made a final decision. but the review process has effectively paused disbursement of aid to ukraine. the pentagon has asked for the hold to be lifted. a pentagon spokesperson declined to comment to cnn. former fbi director james comey violated agency policies when he retained and leaked a series of memos documenting
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interactions with president trump. the inspector general asked the justice department, accuses comey of setting quote, a dangerous example for agency employees. the watchdog found no evidence comey nor his attorneys released any classified information. cnn has reported d.o.j. prosecutors do not believe there was evidence to show comey intended to violate laws and have no plans to charge him. the seven memos became a catalyst for the special counsel investigation. comey responding to the report saying, quote, i don't need a public apoelgs from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a sorry, we lied about you, would be nice. stop vaping. immediately. that warning from the city of milwaukee, after 16 people were hospitalized this month with chemical pneumonia. all of them reported vaping or inhaling potent marijuana product. health officials are advising people to stop using vapes, e-cigarettes and liquid thc
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products. officials are aware of 32 cases of lung disease, 89% reported using e-cigarettes or other vaping devices. another lawmaker caught up in a black face scandal hear what she is saying now.
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welcome back. alabama governor kay ivy apologizing for appearing in a racist skit when she attended auburn university in the 1960s. audio has surfaced from the 1967 interview with ivy and her fiance at the time, ben, and it was a back to student union, that was attended by i'vey, talking to her about wearing black face. >> i will do everything i can going public, that the alabama of today is a far cry from the alabama of the 1960s. >> governor ivey claim these does not remember being in that sketch but says she will not deny what is obvious. the defending national college football champion clemson tigers looking poised to
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repeat, in their season opener, travis started the heisman trophy campaign with a game of the ages, a career high 205 yard, three-touchdown effort including that 90-yard move. and clemson rolled georgia tech 52-14. and jeopardy host alex trebek is back at work, five months after diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. in a video message promoting the show's 36th season, tre beck says he has completed his cancer treatment and it is going to be a good year. >> i've gone through a lot of chemotherapy. and thankfully, that is now over. i'm on the mend. and that's all i can hope for right now. >> trebek is now taping episodes for the new season of jeopardy which premieres september 9. hurricane dorian
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intensifying again overnight with open seas and high tide ahead. danger is growing for the state of florida, the latest projections straight ahead.
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be prepared. and so if you're anywhere on that east coast of florida, you want to have food, water, medicine, for up to seven days. >> state of emergency across florida. hurricane dorian gaining strength. could be the strongest storm to hit the east coast since 1992. breaking overnight. the iowa caucus could be in for radical change. why it may no longer be the first state to vote. >> i've gone through a lot of chemotherapy. and thankfully, that is now over.
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i'm on the mend. and that's all i can hope for right now. >> what is remarkable, alex trebek, healthy and back at work months after a grim diagnosis. what a wonderful story to start our weekend. welcome back to "early start." 31 minutes past the hour right here in new york. and we begin with breaking news. florida on heightened alert. bracing for what could be the most powerful hurricane to slam into its oest coast in nearly three decades. dorian is expected to make landfall as a category four storm on monday. overnight, the hurricane strengthened to category two. wind speeds increasing to 105 miles an hour. >> this will be the fourth year in a row for florida, getting hit by a hurricane. that hasn't happened since the 1940s. at this hour, every county in the state of florida is under a state of emergency. the state of emergency is also
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been declared in georgia, the storm packs a lethal combination of open seas, and high tide. we are tracking dorian from the cnn weather center in atlanta. all of the ingredients seen there for this thing to continue to strengthen and grow. good morning. >> not what we want to see heading into the labor day weekend, that's is for sure. there have been some clear trends that have appeared overnight. even though the exact track, four and five days out, is still uncertain. a lot of variability with the model consensus, overnight what we started to see is a southerly shift and a timing coming together, with both the european and the american models that we use. so we are looking for a landfalling hurricane late monday into, the early morning hours of tuesday of next week, according to the best-month-olds we have available to us. this is something we haven't seen in the past 36 hours, this agreement between the models and
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we of course want to see this because it gives us more direction, more indications of what to expect and where to expect it. we are putting more of southern florida in play here with that particular agreement in the models. this is the latest from the national hurricane center. 105 mile-per-hour sustained winds. category two. forecast to strengthen and strengthen quickly over the next 24 to 48 hours and dramatically slow down as it approaches the florida peninsula. where it goes from there, running parallel with the east coast, moving across the peninsula, into the warm ocean waters of the gulf of mexico, all cards are on the table. one thing is for sure, as it slows down, this will magnify the threat across florida for some of the highest population densities that we have available on the east coast. and to make matters worse, we're also coinciding the arrival of this storm with king tide, the abnormally high tides that occur in the spring and fall months. of course, would he have significant wave height with an oncoming category four hurricane that could make matters worse.
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so the good news is here that we do have the potential for some ideas to at least keep this going, so you can have the potential to have the hurricane preparedness kit available to you and know your evacuation routes if you live in the state of florida. dave? amara? back to you. >> thank you for that. all hands on deck in florida. 2500 national guard members have been activated. 1500 more are on standby. the state has 819,000 gallons of water. and 1.8 million meals ready for distribution. another 200,000 gallons of water on the way. the university of miami and the university of central flord are among the colleges closing for varying periods of time today into next week. many local school districts also closing early or delaying classes, and the college football game, florida state and boise state, scheduled for saturday night in jacksonville, will be moved to tallahassee. the county health departments are busy preparing resources for the elderly and disabled, and
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businesses that rely on the labor day weekend as a major revenue generator, now have a very big financial gap to fill. leyla santiago has more from port canaveral. >> reporter: amara, dave, every single person that i have asked, what is your biggest concern, they say a direct hit. now, they're quick to say it is still a little bit early but they are monitoring, keeping a close eye on where hurricane dorian is headed. and for a lot of people, it is because they still remember hurricane irma and the damage that came with it. so they are taking this seriously. and they are already taking precautions, and getting prepared, and the stores have started to limit the amount of water that people can buy. we've seen waste management making the rounds, making sure that they are picking up any debris that could be dangerous, should winds pick up around here. today, we expect two truck lodes of sand to come in to cocoa
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beach so that residents can make their own bags to help protect their property. the other aspect of this is we're coming up on a long weekend here. so businesses were really depending on more tourists being here. i talked to one hotel manager who tells us she had a whole bunch of cancellations already. here is what else she had to say. >> how much will you lose here? >> this hotel, in excess of $120,000. >> for this hurricane? >> yes, for this hurricane. two days, in august. and then september, hits, the first of september, sunday, monday, another 60. it is costly to the whole area. >> would are at port canaveral, and yesterday, they had two cruise ships here and today they expect three cruise ships and already the port is saying after that, they are likely to see a bit of an adjustment of the itinerary. of course we are here as well tracking the storm. along with the people, waiting to see what decisions will be made, as dorian makes its way to
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florida. amara, dave? >> thanks. breaking overnight, a move that could radically change the iowa caucuses. the des moines register first reported that the democratic national committee will reject iowa's plan to hold virtual caucuses, because the potential for hacking. and in february, party officials in the state propose the idea of virtual voting. after years of complaint, the process makes it impossible for people who can't show up on caucus night. and the february des moines register poll suggested the virtual caucuses could expand participation by nearly a third. >> but now the future of iowa's first in the nation status could be in question, if iowa can't come up with a plan for people to vote that is different from a primary. the iowa caucuses are just five months away and the campaigns and the party re facing a rapidly shrinking window to adjust their strategy. questions are being raised about a moving but apparently false war story joe biden has
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been sharing on the campaign trail. here is the former vice president describing his interaction with a war hero in afghanistan during a campaign stop last friday in new hampshire. >> this guy climbed down a ravine, carried this guy up on his back under fire, and the general wanted me to pin a silver star at him, he stood at attention and i want to pin you, and he said i don't want the damn thing, do not put it on me, sir, please, sir, do not do that. he died, he died. >> but as the "washington post" put it, quote, in the space of three minutes, biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, type of medal, military branch, and the rank of the recipient wrong. that's all. biden spoke to the post last night about the story. pushing back hard, but again, with inconsistencies. >> what is the gaffe when i said there was a young man, i tried to pin a medal on him and he
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said i don't want it sir, he died, he died, he died. and it was a young man, my recollection was, that in fact, pulled a colleague of his out of a burning humvee, and he risked his life doing it, and the young man died that he tried to save. >> biden's running series of gaffes appears to be catching up to him, as he acknowledged in south carolina last night. >> one school psychologist for every 15 to 1700 children. i don't want to set an exact number because the press will say biden loses his mind, he didn't remember. >> for the record, army staff sergeant chad workman tells the post he did tell the vice president that he didn't feel like he deserved the medal at the time. fierce pushback from several states over the proposed multi-billion settlement with the makers of a drug that helped fuel the opioid epidemic.
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"the wall street journal" says attorneys general of new york and massachusetts don't believe the $12 billion price tag being discussed with purdue pharma goes far enough. negotiations are still ongoing with the company and its owners, the sackler family. 2,000 city, counties and tribal lands are suing the company, the trial is set to begin in october. the opioid crisis has killed nearly 400,000 people since 1999. purdue is widely blamed for sparking the opioid crisis. introducing oxycontin in 1996, with aggressive marketing. this week, a judge in oklahoma ordered the pharmaceutical giant johnson & johnson ordered them to pay $572 million for its role in the opioid crisis in that state. president trump is defending the trade war from china amid fears from its own party about its impact on the economy. with new tariffs between the two countries just days away, senator pat toomey an outspoken
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critic of trump's tariffs told "politico," quote, there is no unquestion trade uncertainty is contributing to the economic slowdown. >> what does he want me to do? does he want me to say, let me put my hands up, china, continue to rip us off? >> trump also said talks with china are continuing and repeated his belief that china wants to make a deal. while senate republicans worry about the economic tariffs are rising, they aren't new, and most lawmakers don't want to overtly challenge trump's trade war, because they agree with the administration's concerns about unfair chinese trade practices, in particular intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. breaking overnight. two high profile pro democracy activists arrested by hong kong police. and now, a new report says china rejected a request from hong kong to withdraw the extradition bill that sparked months of
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protests. cnn's paula hancocks live in hong kong with more on this. i mean this is only going to inflame the anger that we've been seeing on the streets for months now. >> reporter: yes, amara, this is a reuters report that we're seeing, saying that the chief executive of hong kong actually did suggest to beijing, to the government there, that they should expect one of the demand, one of the five demands, the protesters wanted, had to be met. that is, the complete withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill. and now potentially, that could have calmed things down just a few months ago. but according to the reuters report, the government in beijing refused saying they won't give in to even the protesters demands. we are looking at whether or not this is accurate. but if it is the case, we did hear from one pro-government official here in hong kong, speaking on a condition of anonymity that there was
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frustration that they couldn't at least hold up that extradition bill, which they thought might defuse the situation of someone. as you said, there are a number of very prominent pro-democracy activists, joshua wang, who has become one of the faces of this movement, certainly back in 2014, it is the fifth time that he has been arrested by police. we also understand that at least one pro-democracy lawmaker has ahead of what we were expecting to be a very busy week. there was going to be a massive protest on saturday. the police have said they're not going to approve that protest, even though it was by a group that is generally quite peaceful, so they have called off the protest. but it does not mean there will be none. we are still expecting many people to be out. amara? >> clearly not the end of it. paula hancocks appreciate it, live for us there in hong kong. >> continue to watch. ahead, downing street says it will meet frequently with the european union ahead of a
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possible no deal brexit. does it matter if parliament is sidelined? cnn live in london with the latest. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers.
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new prime minister boris johnson for the u.k. facing legal challenges for this plan to suspend parliament ahead of a no deal brex it. one of the court cases being decided in scotland. we have more from 10 downing street. >> boris johnson, the prime minister, saying last night, that they plan to send negotiators to meet with eu officials twice a week in order to sort of up the tempo with negotiations. this seems to be a message to perhaps wavering conservative members of boris johnson's own party that they are trying to do everything they can to get some sort of deal on the table. that's one scenario. they somehow get a new deal, and everybody votes on it and then brexit happens with the deal.
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but there are several other scenarios that could easily play out. things that are happening sort of all at the same time here. one thing is that the opposition labor party said that starting on tuesday, they are introducing legislation in parliament they hope will stop a no deal brexit. the question is if they will have enough support in parliament and if they will have enough time. because of the suspension of parliament, which is the longest suspension we've had here in several decades, it's not clear whether there ill will be enough time to get the bills through and the other scenario is crashing into a no deal brexit and there are other legal challenges that you mentioned, there are several core pieces being worked out, one in england, one in scotland and one in northern ireland. now the scottish court case, that is seeking an injunction to stop the suspension of parliament, we should hear about that in the next few minutes at 10:00 a.m. local and we will see what that means with the suspension of parliament and whether or not that will stop things and whether it will change the catalyst here. there are a lot of things here moving at the same time. and a lot of changes in
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parliament. and we're seeing battle lines being drawn between the different parties and we're seeing some of the opposition pears all starting to band together. but again, the question is do they have enough support? and do they have enough time to stop this no deal brexit? dave? >> keep us up to date about the 10:00 a.m. decision. what a hot mess there in the u.k. thank you. vaping among teens is on the rise. and now, the leading manufacturer is under federal scrutiny. cnn business has the details next. of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it
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with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit
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a woman who claims she was forced to give birth alone in a jail cell is now suing the city
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of denver. diana sanchez says her pleas for help during five hours of labor were ignored by deputies, nurses, surveillance video released by her lawyer shows sanchez crying out in pain before she pulls off her pants and delivers a baby boy. the federal lawsuit says jail officials cruelly chose convenience over compassion and the sheriff's department cleared deputies of any wrong doing and the department says it can't comment further because of the lawsuit. >> that video is hard to watch. 28 massachusetts communities are facing a critical risk level for an eastern equine encephalitis. the virus is transmitted by a mosquito that can be fatal in humans. 37 more communities, i should say, 160 communities, are at a high or moderate risk. state health officials say four people have had confirmed cases of the virus this year. communities facing the highest risk, include holliston,
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metfield, brookfield, and grandy. a top seed falls in a major upset at the u.s. open. >> the fourth seed and defending wimbledon champion simona halep stunned by american taylor townsend, the 116th ranked qualifier from atlanta, had never won a set against her in three previous meetings. and another american, coco gauff into the third round, after a thrilling win thursday, the 15-year-old, the youngest woman to make it this far at the open, since anna kournikova in 1996, and up next for gauff is a showdown with the world champ and world number one naomi osaka saturday night. >> exciting. jeopardy host alex trebek is back at work five months after being diagnosed with pancreatic
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cancer. in a video promoting the 36th season of the show, alex trebek says he completed his cancer treatment and it is going to be a good year. >> i've gone through a lot of chemotherapy. and thankfully, that is now over. i'm on the mend. and that's all i can hope for right now. >> he is now taping episodes for the new season of "jeopardy" which premieres september 9th. 4:57. a check on cnn business this morning. global markets reacting to china's commerce ministry, which shows china is willing to solve the trade problems with the quote calm attitude. asian markets closed mixed. european stocks are cautiously higher. wall street futures pointed to a positive open. stocks rallied thursday. the best day for all three major averages in about two weeks. still, stocks are on track for the second worst month of the year. in other trade news, the good trade deficit fell 2.5% in july as the u.s. imported fewer items. president trump has been trying to narrow the trade deficit by
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imposing tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum, as well as a variety of chinese-made goods. new tariffs on china would hit more consumer items like bikes, shoes. the commercial real estate market is flashing a warning sign as recession fears grow. new data shows for the first time in seven years, overseas investors sold more office buildings and retail space than they purchased. direct purchases totaled $21.3 billion, in the first half of the year, down more than 40%. this comes after overseas investing in commercial real estate hit near record levels last year. no single reason was responsible for the pullback, though it's worth noting china slid to number nine on the rankings. it was fourth last year. pressure is mounting against juul, "the wall street journal" reports the ftc is investigating whether juul used deceptive marking to appeal to minors. many blame the e-cigarette startup for the rise in vaping among teens. juul says it never targeted products to minors and they're
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made for adult cigarette smokers. the spokesman told "the wall street journal" it stopped using paid influencers last year. the food and drug administration and several state attorneys general are also looking into juul's marketing practices. thanks to our international viewer force joining us. have a great weekend. for our u.s. viewers "early start" continues right now. be prepared. so if you're anywhere on the east coast of florida, you want to have food, water, medicine, for up to seven days. >> a state of emergency across florida. hurricane dorian gaining strength overnight. a new update from the national hurricane center moments away. breaking overnight, the iowa caucus could be in for radical change. why it may no longer be the first state to vote.
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i've gone through a lot of chemotherapy and, thankfully, that is now over. i'm on the mend, and that's all i can hope for right now. >> what is remarkable? alex trebek healthy and back at work months after a grim diagnosis. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm in for christine romance. i'm amara walker. >> i'm dave briggs. happy friday. 5:00 a.m. in the east. south florida is where we begin with the breaking news this morning. florida is on heightened alert, bracing for what could be the most powerful hurricane to slam into its east coast in nearly three decades. dorian is expected to make landfall as a cat four storm on monday. overnight, the hurricane strengthened to category two, wind speeds increasing to 105 miles per hour. >> this will be the fourth year in a row for florida getting hit


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