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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 29, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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clear land, as scientists warn that the fires could strike a devastating blow to the fight against climate change. to our viewers thanks for watching. i'll wolf blitz ner the situation room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. outfront next, bracing for impact. hurricane dorian on track to become a category 4 storm heading straight for florida. residents now stock piling food and fuel. new details on the storm's path. plus the former vice president tells an emotional war story on the campaign trail but does it add up? and trump cozies up to putin again. the president considering a move that would put him in russia's good graces. let's go outfront. i want to go straight to reed timer an accuweather network extreme meteorologist. he has been following all the storm news this hour.
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reed, as you watch this today. tell us what you see as the storm moves forward. >> well, today in cocoa beach, florida, a beautiful beach day today. some thunderstorms initiated on a sea breeze front just east of cocoa beach but that happens every day usually this time of year during the summer. but hurricane dorian is still well off to the southwest. maximum sustained winds at 85-mile-per-hour. the pressure down to 8 o 986 millibars that's likely the intense fix process through tonight into the weekend. moving northwest at 13-mile-per-hour expected to continue the movement through tomorrow. but i do expect another nice day at cocoa beach, florida. with you thing i'm noticing that's different are the gas stations. there are huge lines all all gas stations across the area np including cape canaveral. some of the stations are even out of gas already today. they did expect that the delivery of gasoline at about 5:00 p.m. today. that happened. but it already shows you that people are starting preparations
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very early which is a good thing because they do expect the hurricane to intensify potentially to a category 4 as it approaches the east coast of florida and also some bad news is that it looks like this hurricane is going to be putting on the brake as it approaches and that's hugely a worse case scenario because the dangerous conditions can batter the coastline for days. about but there is a bit of uncertainty in the forecast track. time will tell over the next few day f2 it recurves a bit north or continues that westward turn and then head across the heart of the florida peninsula. >> yeah, our meteorologists have talked about that very possibility. sitting off the coast there. tell us the difference now thats been updwraded to a category 4 storm as it heads towards the coast. what kind of damage could it wreak across the state? >> well, right now, it is a category 1 but expected to reach category 4 status as it approaches the northwestern bahamas and eveningsly the possibly the eastern coast of
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florida. if you have a storm that's a major hurricane putting on the brakes it looks like that's going to happen on monday. this area will get hammered by devastating storm surge that will last for multiple tidal cycles also the very heavy rainfall is something that is a little bit of overlooked in the large hurricanes approaching. but he they stall out the prolific rainfall rates hammer the area and you also have the storm surge flooding i just mentioned and the winds gusting over 150 miles an hour with a category 4 storm. just battering the coastline here across the florida peninsula. if that scenario unfolds it would be an absolute devastation here across basically the entire peninsula. >> yeah and just in time of course the holiday weekend. thanks very much, reed we know we'll stay on top of it. this is dorian from the international space station expected to be a category 4 storm over the next several days. that would make it the strongest hurricane to hit florida's east coast since andrew in 1992. and right now there is nothing in its way but the warm waters,
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hurricanes of course feed on the warm waters. makes them stronger, more powerful. tom sater is outfront live in the weather center. tom, if dorian hits florida on the course that it is, third major hurricane in as many years to hit the peninsula there. tell wlaus we are rerng. >> yeah, i mean we just had michael last year and irma the year before. i expect this to be a category 2 late tonight or overnight. it's small in size but should grow in the days ahead. puerto rico is getting a lot heavier rain today with thunderstorms than they did yesterday when the center was a lot closer. as we take it though in the future, what has changed for our viewers from yesterday, we had it -- the national hurricane center had it making landfall at category 3. increased that to a 4. that's not a surprise because yesterday we had a category 3 well out into the waters. so that's plenty of time for it to really surge in the warmer waters going from the mid-80s to the upper 80s.
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but the biggest thing here and reed mentioned it, this is a cone of uncertainty and it's titled that for a reign. the european model put on the brakes like he mentioned. that means more than just sitting off the coast and churning up the coast. that's terrible. but it also will sit there for a while and give the surrounding environment time to decide where it wants to take it. it's anybody's guess. one thing for sure, the last several days, the model have been all over the place and they will tinted that in this is the red is gfs, the u.s. model we like to compare them there are many more. the yfl is the european. both today dropped significantly from the north down to the south. more of a drop for the european model. historically this is a good model we like to rely upon. i know this may be hard to see but there is a blue dot we put both model on top of each other. right now in agreement you can't see the u.s. motdle it's just the european. we go forward this is now monday
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morning. en instead of a late sunday night it's still offshore. look at the european down toward nassau and bahamas when the u.s. model is offshore as well. this is uncertain on the timing. the u.s. takes it south. well south. you can see around west palm. this is tuesday overnight. so i know there are so many people wanting to know what's happening in my the community right now. we can't tell you maren model south of ft. pierce. and european down in nassau bahamas could be the keys and the gulf. it could slide up georgia and carolinas. even the american model, jim, from the wednesday night run headed up south of jacksonville, you look at, you know, tonight as we're down to the south. so in is up in the air. anybody who tells you that they know exactly where it's making halve they will sell you ocean front property in arizona. do not buy it right now. because the system may stall off the coast this ball game, jim
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could be played in anyone's backyard. the steering current are unzoided here. we know there will be, though, tropical storm force winds moving toward florida. s in late saturday in toward saturday night and sunday morning obviously. there is a lot of preparation that can be done intsz of one good day we may be able to squeeze two to finish up the yops jobs. >> unone thing in certain florida is in the sites. these things can change in the fine hours and days. >> yes. >> outfront now, the mayor of ft. pierce, florida, ebds linda hudson. mayor you've been listening to the reports and you're watching the path. ft. pierce on the current path could take a direct hit. tell us what the biggest fear is right now. >> well, we need to take this storm seriously, as we always do. and but we have lots of preparations in place. our city is prepared and our county is getting prepared. the biggest fear probably would
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be a kind of a repeat from 2004 when this storm -- one of the storms frances or gene hovered around or area through two tidal cycles. that would be a big concern. but we can weather this storm. we are very experienced in hurricanes. and we're ready for it. and we will be ready for it. >> well, you raise a good point. does the storm hit when the tide is high? of course that leads to storm surge, flooding. >> right, right. >> the entire state currently under a state of emergency. at what point will you urge residents to start evacuating? i know it's early. but how long before the storm hits the coast do you start to make the recommendations? >> well, our residents are already paying attention. and if they're going to evacuate they've already started. and they will probably tomorrow would be a big push to leave the area. and they make their own
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decisions. but they're following the weather reports. and i have a feeling the biggest push will be tomorrow and saturday. >> okay. >> the people that will be lefg will be leaving then. >> all right. well, all i could say to folks watching now is when you get the warnings listen to them often times people don't listen and pay the consequences. a category 4 forms in significant sustained winds of 130-mile-per-hour. what could it mean for your city. >> we're an older is it he by florida standards, incorporated in 1901 we have a lot of older housing stock. by the sake token our houses have with stood a lot of hurricanes and been through quite a few recently as you said earlier. the damage could be foliage and trees down. and you know, yards ruined. and maybe roofs blown off. but a lot of the storm recently has encouraged us to improve our
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housing stock. so i'm hoping for the best. but preparing for the worst. >> listen, we wish you the best. we know you have a lot op your plate in the coming days. best to you and your community. outfront next trump changes his tune after attacking puerto rico. the president now has this to say about those now in the storm's path in florida. >> we're very ready also in florida. and we have a great governor there. he is incredible doing an incredible job. >> of course the governor is republican there. plus vice president joe biden telling supporters an emotional war story. >> this guy climbed down a ravine, carried this guy up on his back under fire. and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. >> there are reportedly some problems with what he has been saying. and it's a billion-dollar business that the 2020 candidates want to abolish. and tonight cnn investigates this controversial industry. wow!
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to be careful. >> unfortunately, the bad news is it looks like it's going to be making a turn into florida. we are very ready also in florida. and we have a great governor there. he is incredible doing an incredible job. >> well just yesterday as the hurricane was poised to hit puerto rico the president called the island one of the most corrupt places on earth. lashing out against the island's leaders and complaining about disaster relief funding. outfront now scott jennings, served as special assistant to president george w. bush and cnn political commentator and maria cardona and cnn political strategist and commentator. you look at the different tone from the president as the hurricane was headed towards puerto rico versus florida. what's behind it? >> you know, sadly it is something that is incredibly infuriating but not spraysing after the vial way in which trump responded to -- to hurricane maria two years ago. it shouldn't surprise us.
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look, the hurricane is now headed to florida which is as you mentioned, it has nine trump properties. it also has 29 electoral votes versus puerto rico where there are certainly 3 million american citizens which i think this president forgets conveniently. but her hispanic. they speak spanish. and clearly zero electoral votes. and clearly i think there is not a coincident in terms of the difference that this president has treated the american citizens living in puerto rico since two years ago with hurricane maria and then now when he blamed the island for being in the path of the hurricane in the first place versus how he is treating florida. and showing compassion and sympathy. which is exactly how he should act. but he should act that way towards all american citizens, including ones that live in puerto rico and frankly in other
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territories. and he has been unable to do that. >> scott, do you have an explanation why the president behaves differently as the hurricane barrels down on puerto rico versus florida? >> well, first of all, i'm grateful that the hurricane is not hitting puerto rico. and i'm sad and will pray for people in florida because the hurricane is hitting them. that's number one. number two. i think the president has well-known problems with the way puerto rico is managed in any objective observer would argue that florida is a much better managed piece of land than puerto rico is. >> as a storm is barreling down, scott, that acceptable for usa president to talk about it in those terms as the people are awaiting the approach of a devastating storm in. >> number three, my preference would be for the president to treat all american territories and states the same. they're all american citizens. they all deserve the same compassion and the same note towards disaster relief. i think the president should treat everybody the same if you are an american citizen living in a territory we manage.
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but to argue the president of the united states only cares about florida because it is a state that has electoral votes or to argue that he doesn't care about puerto rico because it has people hispanic when a quarter to 30% of florida is also hispanic i think only the most mindless partisan would argue that. it's a hurricane an emergency situation. florida gets hit with hurricanes alling the time. if your argument is the president should turn a blind eye towards this, i don't even know what to say to that. >> that's not the argument, the question is the president's words. >> partisanship at its worst as at the worse time i think it's terrible. >> scott is making my argument for me. yes. he should respond to every hurricane and natural disaster where people's lives are in the path of that disaster the way that he is responding to florida. he did not do it to puerto rico. twice now what is the difference between florida and puerto rico
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or frankly between puerto rico and florida and texas when texas was in the eye of the hurricane also two years ago before maria and then after -- during maria as well? what is the difference, scott? the difference is that puerto rico -- most of the people there speak spanish have brown skin are hispanic and zero electoral votes. i'm sorry those are the facts if there is any other reason you can think of as to why the president treats the 3 million american citizens in puerto rico differently and don't tell me it's because of the corruption from the leaders. the people in puerto rico, the 3 million americans in puerto rico should not be blamed for the corruption of their leaders? yes, i believe that they are corrupt and guessway, the people of puerto rico got that government out. that has nothing to do with the fact that this president should act in a humane way towards all american citizens and he has been unable and uninterested in doing that. >> scott i just want to quote. >> maria your argument is that
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because people in puerto rico have brown skin the president doesn't care them. >> how many hippis iks live in texas and florida that the that's a silly argument. there are millions of americans of hispanic original. >> let me quote the president he is the mayor of san juan is horrible, terrible so bad for her people. and then when he describes the governor of florida, ron won, he has been a great governor. he goes to san juan she doesn't know what she is doing. i wonder, the difference in the language as the storm was barreling down was marked. what explanation do you have for that? >> well, look, i think it's a well-known fact that the president and the mayor of san juan do not get along. my my preference would be that the president save the political beefs after a storm or when there isn't a storm. i totally grow. but it's objectively a fact that florida under this governor and the previous governor it's a much better managed place in
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times of emergency than is puerto rico. and so i think the president should not go on political attacks during storms i'm with you on that but to argue this is race race based or political base when the storm is barreling do down i don't see it i don't see it. >> it's kind of obvious. the majority of people in puerto rico see it and they can't stand donald trump and can't scan him because you have how he reacted to them during hurricane maria and denied his vial response that frankly led to 3,000 deaths of american citizens and to this day he hasn't been able to live up to that. >> the hurricane -- the hurricane led to deaths. the hurricane -- the hurricane led to deaths. >> his response led to their deaths as well, the lack of a response, the lack of his humanity. >> lack of a response? u.s. government has spent billions there. we had massive amounts of resources he did respond. >> we have to leave it there. scott jenning was maria cardona thanks to both of you if there
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is one place woed like to have politics taken out of it might be response to hurricane. >> you would think. >> appreciate you joining us tonight. >> thanks. >> joe biden facing questions about a moving story that he told on the campaign trail. >> this is god's truth my word as a biden. he stood at attention. he said sir i don't want the damn thing. >> and president trump is considering a move sparking bipartisan outrage by making vladimir putin very happy. year a sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the last chance to save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36-months. ends labor day. if ylittle thingsate tcan be a big deal., that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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steno joe biden's campaign trail story that's raising questions. moments ago the vice president responding to criticism that he was conflating three different true stories by trying to tell a moving story about a war hero in afghanistan. here is what he told the "washington post" which had been fact checking biden's claims. >> what is the gaff when i said there was a young man i tried to pin a medal on he said i don't want it sir he died. he died. he died np it was a young man my recollection was that in fact pulled a colleague of his out of a burning humvee and risked his
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life doing it. and the young man died that he tried to save. >> that is not entirely the story he told. here is part of the story biden told last week. >> young navy captain, navy, navy. up in the mountains in the kon aflt r valley in afghanistan one of his buddies was shot fell down a ravine. he climbed down a ravine carried this guy up on his back under fire. and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. i got up there. and this is the god's truthmy word as a bide. . he stood at attention. he said, sir i don't want the damn thing do not put it on me sir. do not do that. he died. he died. >> outfront now one of the reporters that fact checked the story. matt bieser of the "washington post". you heard biden's response to the questions about the story.
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what's your reaction? >> yeah, i mean the reaction is he is emphasizing today in an interview with my colleague, the story of chad workman which is a compelling story involving an incident in wardak province in afghanistan that happened in which he got a medal -- a bronze medal in 2011. and it does -- the incident does occur at biden has described it. and as workman, who we spoke with describes it. the problem is that that's not the story that biden told last week. it's also not the story that he was telling in 2016 on two occasions. so he has been telling a different story that has at the core of it in emotional story about workman -- sergeant workman but in a different context. >> what did he get right? and what crucial details did he get wrong. >> so on friday he got wrong
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several elements, talking about going to the kunar province in a different area than the one workman was in. in kunar he went as a senator, not vice president as he stated the other night. there was not a navy captain involved as he said the other night. it's an army sergeant in workman's case. he is not pinning a medal on anybody in kunar province. he is pinning a medal on somebody later in wardak province. the other element is that he describes this ravine and somebody falling down a ravine and going to retrieve a fallen colleague. that is an incident that did occur in wardok province. and the military member involved with that kyle white got the medal of honor, which was given by barack obama at the white house. so he is -- he is use did -- there are several different stories that are true nar told in a way that is not true.
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the emotional core, again, involving one of the soldiers did in fact happen. and that climax you hear where biden is emotional is one that occurred just not in the context in which he is zroibing it. >> matt thanks very much. outfront now april ryan, correspondent for american urban radio networking. and the national correspondent for "the new york times." april, are these significance differences in the story he is telling here. >> yes, they are significant differences. but, jim, what you have to look at, we are in a climate of lies being thrown at us from the president of the united states. and we're so hypersensitive about issues of lies. people who are prone to gaffes we are holding them to the same standard looking at it like a lie like this president tells versus saying that's joe biden saying he is prone to gaffing.
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at issue is this staff sergeant said he died do not pin the medal on me. all the other stuff is important. but was it something that -- it's been so long, and he just couldn't get the story right? or was it an out and out lie? that's the question. we have someone in the white house who we know is a liar. point blank. and now this person running for president is known to gaffe. he needs to get it right if he tells the story. but what is it intentional? that's the question. i don't think it was. >> lisa let's play more of what biden told the "washington pos"" about the story. >> i was making the point how courageous the people are. incredible they are, this generation of warriors, the fallen angels we have lost. and so that -- i don't know what the problem is. i mean, what is it that i said wrong in. >> i mean, matt visor lisa was making a location about the location in afghanistan, different provinces in
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afghanistan? does it fundamentally change the meaning of the story he was trying to tell. >> i think the emotional core is there as matt pointed out earlier in the show. but i think the question for joe baden is whether this becomes part of a larger narrative about his gaffes and not only about that but his rrdness and his ability to go head to head with donald trump. you know, you have this very risk adverse democratic party electorate that wants to find somebody more than anything else they feel is the strongest candidate to beat donald trump. and biden has positioned himself as the most electable. if he starts looking like a riskier choice through getting details in stories lake this wrong, through offhand comments that he would argue are misinterpreted and just little mistakes like last week when he was in new hampshire and said he loved vermont, things like that, he starts looking like someone is more risky to democrats. you could see this race start to turn. and there is a possibility that he could lose his commanding position in in primary.
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and that's really where i think the real risk comes in for him. >> april, to your point, though, we do have a sitting president who deliberately prop i gates falsehoods every day. >> deliberately. >> have the metrics of a campaign changed? in the past, a gaffe, a mistold story might be inconsequential are the standards different now when you have someone who deliberately lies every day. >> the standards are different. everything is changed. donald trump is a game player who changes the whole game of spades, i declare war whatever you want to play or monopoly, be it that, what happens is now we are very hypersensitive as anything anyone says. because we're holding this president at such an account with fact checking. that's one of the big things. for us to watch a president deliver a speech and in real time fact check, this is saying
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something. we have never had to really do that before. i mean, you have pundit it's talking back and forth after. but to fact check during the time. we want answers, we want truth. this is saying today what's happening with biden is we don't want to have a repeat of what president trump is doing. that's why they hold joe bidenen a others to the higher standard. fact check something great. but people like joe biden that's one of the things we love to love about him and love to hate about him is the fact that he is who he is, the this guy who is real. you know me. you know me but prone to gaf f-ing. he has to hold himself to a higher standard because we are fact checking. >> before we go, a quick shot thought, this is going to be a long and brutal presidential election campaign. >> the question and the question april is posing is whether the standard trump has been able to coast by on. the republicans he has a sky high approval ratings they don't
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care he lies and gets things wrong. the question is whether that applies to the democratic party and candidates who doesn't have the last name trump. that's part of what the primary tests at least with joe biden. >> and the difference between lying and factual errors. we are watching closely lisa april great to have you on. outfront trump going against his pentagon by considering a move that russia certainly welcomes. and the 2020 candidates want to put a multibillion-dollar business out of business. why is that? cnn investigates. [ music: "i am" by club yoko plays ] ♪ boom goes the dynamite, ♪ feels like i'm taking flight. ♪ [sfx: poof] [sfx: squeaking eraser sound effect.] ♪ i am who i wanna be ♪ who i wanna be ♪ who i wanna be. ♪ i'm a strong individual ♪ feeling that power ♪ i'm so original, ♪ ya sing it louder. ♪ i am, oooh oooh oooh oooh ♪ ehhh ehhh ehhh ehhh ♪ i am, oooh oooh oooh oooh
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tonight trump gives russia a favor. against advice from the pink, president trump is seriously considering blocking $250 million in military aid to ukraine, the money would mep ukraine defend itself against russia which invaded and annexed ukraine's driemia region in 2014, also has invaded parts of eastern ukraine. outfront tonight democratic congressman brad sherman sits hon on the house foreign affairs committee. appreciate for ime tonight. >> good to be with you. >> your reaction to the move, is this a weakening of america's position toward russia. >> well it's terrible foreign policy. mccain, mattis, rubio, graham all recognized how important it is that we help the ukraine defend itself.
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two parts of the ukraine are now occupied by russia. and more will be if the ukraine can't defend itself. also a tufr for trump. and he can reward putin and he can pressure the ukraine into interfering in the next election. it's terrible foreign policy and electoral policy that makes us wonder whether trump is trying to win the electoral college votes in pennsylvania or -- or figures that putin has electoral college votes. >> do you genuinely expect that president trump is seeking russian help here to interfere again in the 2020 election? >> well it's clear russia will interfere in our election. i want clear that trump has recommendinged their interference in the past. and it's clear that the interference that russia will perform next year will be in an effort to help trump. there is also an ongoing
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investigation or on again off again investigation in -- in the ukraine that trump hopes will embarrass joe biden. and so he is trying to pressure the ukraine to go in that direction as well. he wants the ukraine to hurt biden just as he got russia to hurt hillary clinton in the 2016 election. >> and it is true rudy giuliani has been going to ukraine seeking out dirt on bidden as 2020 advances. there is a different explanation being offered by trump's national security adviser john bolton. he warns ukraine against allowing a chinese company to buy a ukrainian aerospace company and that that is, he says, the cause of holding back in military aid. would that be a reasonable concern and a justifiable concern for holding back in aid? >> it would be something that we would want to change.
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but clearly this aid has not been expended the way congress intended over the last 11 months. and the chinese interest in this aerospace company is far more recent than that. no, i think that the real attempt here is to reward putin and to encourage him to interfere in the next election. but you can always come up with a red herring and say that's the reason, don't pay attention to trump's demonstrated desire to have eastern european countries help him win american elections. >> there is one republican lawmaker who is pushing back against the president. congressman adam kinsinger tweeting the following it was unacceptable it was wrong when obama failed to stand up to putin in ukraine. and it's wrong now. do you hear opposition from republican colleagues who have -- and we should note this in the past when the president tried to water down u.s. sanctions on russia, et cetera,
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republicans along with democrats have stood up to him. do you expect the same now? >> i expect some to push back privately and some to push back publicly. it's good to see kinsinger, a member of our committee come forward. but so many leading republicans have talked about now important it is that we give the ukraine the weapons it needs to defend itself. and i went through them before. robb owe, mccain when he was alive, the secretary of defense mattis, et cetera, have all recognized how important that is. and i think that this chinese interest in an aerospace company in the ukraine is just a red herring. what's really going on here is a president trying to help putin and pressure -- pressure the ukrainian government. >> it's quite a charge, congressman, brad sherman, great to have you on the program tonight. we appreciate you taking the
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time. >> good to be with you. >> outfront next cnn investigates a powerful billion-dollar industry that preys on the less fortunate. plus jeanne moos on the new era trump wants to slap his name on. is just a button. that a speaker is just a speaker. or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation even. right now, get 0% apr on all lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. plus no payments for up to 90 days. ♪ i planned each charted course ♪ ♪ each careful step ♪ along the byway ♪ much more ♪ much more than this ♪ i did it my way
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top 2020 democrats are promising a huge change to the criminal justice system, joe biden, elizabeth warren and bernie sanders among those saying they want to get rid of cash bail which they say disproportionally hurts poor low risk defendants. bernie sanders quote no one should be sitting in jail because they are poor. cash bail must be abolished. but a new cnn investigation finding out just how tough it could be to make that happen. drew griffin is outfront. >> $2 billion is roughly how much money the bail bond business reportedly takes in cross the country every year. who pays? underprivileged people. under arrest, who find themselves facing a decision. sit in jail for months to await trial or pay a bail bondsman to get them out. >> most people who are arrested are actually low income or almost no income individuals. and when we put a ran some on
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their liberty it has dramatic impact on people. >> here is how the bail system works. let's say you are arrested and the judge sets bail at $50,000. if you have money you can pay it. go free. and get it back when you show up for your court date. if you don't have the money you can sit in jail until trial or hire a bondsman to bail you out. the bondsman will likely charge you 10%, $5,000. that's a fee paid to a bondsman that you will never get back even if you are not guilty, even if the charges are dropped. add on interest from payment plans and fees, often the debt can last for years. iowa district judge robert hanson says the system is flawed. >> the thing that i know is that monetary bonds do not guarantee that the bad people stay in jail. and monetary bonds do not guarantee that the safe people are released. >> many states are making changes to move away from relying on money bail but cnn found out that the business that profits from the current system,
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the powerful bail industry is working hard to stop reform. it has derailed stalled or killed reform efforts in at least nine states. one of the best examples, iowa. gave judges more information about defendants, and those deemed low risk could get out of jail without having to pay bail. antoine stewart arrested for stealing beer was able to walk to his job at a bakery every day instead of sitting in jail. >> that's why i say it saved my life. >> reporter: cnn talked to a dozen officials in the correction system, judges, public defenders who supported the program. but here is where iowa's story takes a dark twist. because in the middle of last year's state budget process and out of the blue, this line was inserted into an appropriations bill which stopped iowa's bail reform in its tracks. the public safety assessment pilot program shall be
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terminated. it turns out, behind the scenes, there was an explanation. you just had to follow the money. >> leader man bail bonds didn't like the program because there were defendants, people being held in jail, that were getting out of jail without having to post any type of bond. they were losing business. as in market share. >> reporter: leader man bail bonds, a huge bail bonds company in iowa with 150 agents across the midwest and a drive-through service just outside the gates of iowa poke county jail. it's run by the lederman brothers. this is josh in davenport, declined interview requests. cnn did some digging and it turns out the leader mans decided money would do the talking. since 2017, josh leader man has paid a powerful iowa lobbying firm more than $74,000. he's also donated more than
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$36,000 to republican campaigns in 2018. that's more money donated in one year than he spent in the past 15 years combined. and josh leader man, for the first time ever last year, made a donation to a republican representative in rural storm lake iowa named gary worth ham. worth ham's district had nothing to do with the pilot program, but he submitted the amendment to the budget bill to kill the program. worth ham is coe chair of the appropriations subcommittee. representative worth ham, this is drew with cnn. thanks for picking up the call. >> reporter: he spoke reluctantly by phone. can you explain why you were trying to -- or why you did get rid of the public safety assessment pilot program? >> well, from your tone of
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voice, you are -- what direction this article is taking. and i'm not here to be misquoted or having my comments taken out of context. this is why i don't want to be associated in any way with cnn. >> reporter: this year, gary worth ham, once again, included language in the budget bill making it nearly impossible the program will ever restart. jim, what's still unanswered in all of this is why the program was killed, especially in a budget bill. this pilot program didn't require funding and was designed to collect two years' worth of data to determine if it was even working. republican lawmakers killed the program before anyone could even find out. jim? >> in that interview you just asked him why. wouldn't answer the question. drew griffin, glad to have you on the story. out front next, jeanne moos on trump's new golden age.
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tonight the president believes he is one for the ages. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: who better to christen his own time in the sun than president trump? after all. >> i'm a very stable genius. >> reporter: modesty. >> thank you, mr. president. >> reporter: has never restrained him. so when he called his time in office the age of trump, it didn't take ages for age of trump to trend. thanks to alternative suggestions, ranging from the age of embarrassment to the age of insanity. and even to the age of covfefe. very few trump supporters played the game as other critics don other critics.
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what ages would you name it? how about the snark ages or the age of nefarious. no, that was the age of aquarius. ♪ ♪ and though many twitter users skeworred the president, it's a name you see in book titles, it's almost humble compared to other presidential jokes. >> i am the chosen one. >> reporter: how could you choose not to mock that? ♪ ♪ many took the question what is the age of trump literally? the age of trump is roughly 6 1/2. age of trump is 5. 4 years old is the age of trump. the age of nefarious sure seems the opposite of the age of aquarius. ♪ ♪ jeanne moos, cnn, new york. ♪
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♪ >> thanks so much for joining us tonight. i'm jim sciutto. ac 360 starts right now. /s >> the deadliest track for a dangerous storm. john berman here for anderson. that combination is now a growing possibility for hurricane dorian. a path that maximizes both the number of people in harms way and the fuel it feeds on. for that reason we have live coverage from one of the highest risk areas tonight, but we begin with new storm data from the national hurricane center just in. and cnn meteorologist alison, tell us the latest. >> let's look at what we've got. current statistics is 85 miles per hour sustained. the forward movement is to the northwest at 13 miles per hour. we had not one, but three different hurricane hunter planes out investigating this storm at one point in time. that first one has now finally begun to exit and