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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 20, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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weapon that was similar to the weapon that we believe was used in the actual homicide. >> investigators think this was a targeted killing and they are asking for the public help in identifying that suspect. i'm briana keeler, erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. outfront next, mixed messages, the president undermining his own argument and his own white house telling reporters he is considering a tax cut after multiple denials. plus, breaking news. president trump speaks with the nra this afternoon. is he completely backing down from background checks now? and president trump claims isis is zeefted but that's not what the secretary of state is now saying. let's go outfront. good evening, everyone i'm kait baldwin in for erin burnett et tonight. trump's fears exposed. fears grow about a looming
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recession. here he is from the oval office. >> we're looking at various tax reductions. but i'm looking at that all the time anyway. payroll fax is something we think about. and a lot of people would like to see that process. eye i've been thinking about payroll tax as long time. >> he has been thinking about payroll tax as long time so he says. could have surprised a lot of folks considering the white house has been putting out 24 hours of push barker on the very idea literal i about three hours before the president said that his deputy press secretary said the opposite. >> is payroll tax considered zpl not at this time. >> got it. and that's on top of a statement from a white house official mo tolden cnn yesterday something similar that cutting payroll taxes is not something under consideration at this time. they must be weighing very speckly on the at this time element of that conversation. well we know that is not true. but is this all now being discussed because of the warning signs in the economy?
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here again is the president. >> whether or not we do it now or not is -- it's not being done because of recession. >> really? that is some coincidental time. if it's not a looming recession what is it about? tough to it tell consider the president has said over and over again that the economy couldn't be doing better. >> last carrier for the tiers time in a decade the united states was ranked the most competitive economy anywhere in the world. >> yeah, i made the economy so strong that nothing is going to stop us. >> we have the number one economy on earth. >> our country now has the hottest economy anywhere in the world. >> our economy is fantastic. so something of an admission from the president on the whole payroll tax talk. but wait there is more. another admission about his trade war with china today. >> it's whether whether it's
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good or bad short-term is irrelevant. we have to solve the problem with china, because they are taking out $$500 billion a year plus. and that doesn't include intellectual property theft. and other things. and also national security. so i am doing this whether it's good or bad. >> whether it's good or bad. tariffs he now says could be good or bad for the economy. that may well be as close as president trump is going to get to admitting the reality of the impact of the tariffs, that they are impacting american consumers. pamela brown outfront live from the white house for us. pamela how concerned is the president and his team behind the scenes about the economy right now? >> well, kait, despite this public facing showing of confidence about the economy from administration officials there are concerned behind the scenes and discussions about way to offset anxiety about the economic slowdown. the president acknowledged just this afternoon that payroll tax cuts are on the table.
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he said they have been for a long time. but he said it has nothing to do with recession fears. he said recession it an and i peter word. while the white house is folksed on wanl growth and low employment, some of the aides have grown concerned the trade war with china could urt hurt the economy and hurt chances for re-election, even though trump may not share the exact concerns. president trump today shrugging off keir fears of a short short-term recession due to disputes with china. telling reporters he is negotiating with china whether good or bad in the short-term. . but let's not forget president trump and his campaign are banking on strong economy for re-election. >> absolutely right. thank you so much. outfront now white house correspondent for american roid marcs. april ryan. mark preston and kathryn rampell. april this is the latest example of white house aides running
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with one thing, what they know to be true. i'm not blaming them. and then the president contradicting them a moment later. tell you anything about how seriously the president actually is in considering a payroll tax cut here? >> what it tells me is that they are not managing the message well. and that's one thing that this administration has been having a problem with since the very beginning. basically, what this president is trying to do is two things. he is trying to assure americans that they will have a decent economy. he wants more money in their pockets so they can push it into the economy and spend. possibly with a payroll tax cut. and also he wants to fix the economy. he lts wants to reassure his chances in the oval office for the second term. >> kathryn, the president says the economy is going gangbusters. then the president says he admits he is considering a payroll tax cut or another tax
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cut to juice the economy. can both be true? ? how do you square the two things. >> it's very challenging. you can either say the economy is the strongest it's ever been and you shouldn't worry. you shouldn'tware your pretty little face about a recession. don't wore, public. >> it's fask everything is great. >> this is what he sent the economic team on the show of tv showing force saying that. yet simultaneously saying the economy is great but we need to do all of the things that we last did when worried about another great impression. calling for the fed to cut rates and peter navarro said 75 basis points. reasonable policy can disagree that's an enormous difference from where we are now. calling for payroll tax cuts which with we did in the aftermath of the great recession. and by the way republicans were against it. then but for some reason when the economy is great when unemployment is now now they are saying it's time for that.
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look, it's a fools errened to try to make sense or to try and -- try and find any consistency from this white house. >> do you believe, though, at all, kathryn, he would be -- it's like a double negative, the president is talking about a payroll tax cut but it has nothing to do with a looming rezbleegs republicans love tax cuts whether the economy is good or bad. >> good point. >> historically, though they are not fans of payroll tax cuts. democrats are. these are tax cuts generally that by definition go to working people. on your payroll, right? so in that sense i guess it's possible. but you have to also remember that larry kudlow isn't oh the record. the economic counsel director on the record lots of tweets, search twitter for this, saying he thinks the payroll tax cut from 2010 -- 2009, 2010 somewhere apprehend there, was wasteful, didn't do anything to stimulate the economy, what have you. i don't know that this is
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something that his core economic team actually wants. i don't know this is something they will sprus. >> one thing that's consistent maybe the only thing consistent, mark, is that the president has insisted he is in the worried about a reeggs session. listen here. >> i think theward recession is a word that it's inappropriate. >> i don't see a resfwleegs i don't think we're having a recession. >> look, being optimistic is one thing pan and i heard when larry cudd low said don't be afraid of being optimistic. i hear that. how troubling are the recession fears for president trump and the re-election. >> the fact that you have him uttering the word recession and pushing back against it that's a losing day for him because he has to address something he doesn't necessarily want to address. you know, it doesn't have to be a recession for him to be hurt politically. if you look at the polls right now his strongest attribute right now is what he does on the economy. but it's still below 50%.
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could you imagine if the economy slows down a little bit and some of that support that he has that soft republican support that he has people that are happy that they're able to put money in pockets, they have jobs and what have you but they don't like him perm. if you see an kmook slowdown that's when there is going to be issues. that's which you see them talking about doing this -- this type of tax cut right now. why because it's a populist tax cut. people want more money in the pockets but as everybody on the panel can tell you when you take out money that way you are taking money away from social security or also contributing to the debt right now which is now staggering us. >> there are no deficit hawks in washington. i will say that he every day until proven oisz .. this isfare far from the first time president trump contradicted aide processes. two examples stuck out why he fired james comey as the fbi director and then the travel
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ban. listen. >> this had nothing to do with russia. >> regardless of recommendation i was going to fire comey. i said, you know, in russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. >> first of all it's not a travel ban. what it is is to make sure that the people come in are vetted properly. >> it is not a travel been ban but then trump tweets the feeling, people lawyers and court call it whatever they want but i'm calling what we need to to and what it is. i love a wak down memory lane because it makes the statement about where we are today. is this a driving force behind why they are not holding briefings anymore? >> yes. and, you know, i got a clue into some of this from a white house person who is in the communications department. i said look the president directs all of this. he will tell -- when sarah was there he would tell sr. ray when she could or couldn't have a briefing. he would say on worst days he would we need a briefing.
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but we're in some of the worst daying and he is not having a briefing. it's been a long time. i don't even know how long it's been since a briefing. but we need a briefing. this president feels that he is the messenger. but we also need to hear the ideas the president throws out with the knee jerk reactions. we need them fleshed out. we need the reasoning behind it, how it impacts the american public or impacts the world. we need to know what's going on. we need to know the rest. there is a need for the briefing. but the i guess he feels he is his own mouths now. and he is not managing the message well. he is going against his administration officials. they need a briefing to explain the explaining from the president. >> i'd love to get from both prevcs kathryn and mark on what sticks out to me. because when contradictions abound. say one thing about the economy. mixed messages all over the
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place, mark. does this matter? i shout once again into the vacuum though. >> you are shouting into the vacuum and it doesn't matter. it really goes back to the first question we are talking about. if the economy does well, then donald trump is in a good position to win re-election. i mean that's the bottom line. you dw and talk to people out there outside of washington, d.c. guess what they don't care about his moral failings. they don't care about his lies. what they care about the fact is they have jobs appear they see the economy moving along right now. >> wrath win. >> i think it matters if the economy goes south. because if we can't trust anything from the white house and right now -- we've been there basically since day one when sean spicer lied about crowd size. but if we can't trust what the president is saying. what his advisers are saying, whether they're trying to inspire confidence about the economy or telling us about what their solution is for dealing with it, that credibility is a major vulnerability.
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if you can't trust the white house to have competent personnel and coherent policy, then why should anybody have any trust we would ever get out of the hole of a recession? >> it matters on a good day. it really matters if we dip even short of a recession. when we are in the economic downturn. great point. thanks guys outfront breaking news, president trump on the nra speaking in afternoon. are universal background checks, completely off the table? plus president trump coming to russia's defense as he pushes a new claim as to why russia was pushed out of the g-8. >> putin outsmarted him. president obama thought it wasn't a good thing to have russia in. so he wanted russia out. >> president obama former defense secretary will respond. and are you seeing double? you are not alone. jeanne moos on the woman who has
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our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. breaking tonight, prurp on the phone with the head of the the nra wayne lapierre this afternoon. trump's message according to the atlantic, universal background checks off the table. though some white house officials are pushing back. the president publicly supported background checks and the expanded background checks in the days after the mass shootings in dayton and el paso
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that killed 31 people. tonight cnn is learning folks in the white house from capitol hill and outside groups have all been pressures the president to turn away. that may be exactly what is behind this change in tone. >> we have very, very strong background checks right now. but we have sort of missing areas and areas that don't complete the whole circle. and we're looking at different things. and i have to tell you that it is a mental probable problem. i've said it a hundred times it's not the gun that pulse the trigger. it's the person that pulse that tryinger >> outfront now rob aft trin o. and our democratic strategist and comment tare. rob is the president kachg to the nra. >> it's typical like president obama would talk to planned parenthood. this is advocacy. there are 5 million people
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members of the nra. many more tens of millions not members of the nra who have serious concerns about where we might go. the slippery loep is a real issue. it's not even hidden anymore because the democrats even a couple of years ago saying no we are not coming after your guns. now outwardly presidential candidates saying yes we are coming after your guns. we want mandatory buybacks, confiscation there are serious issues. >> what we are talking around is background checks. >> background checks would have not have meant presented the shooting. >> nothing prevents 0 oh% cht time. >> but i've heard from republicans on capitol hill that if it does something it's a good thing after what they saw in lpds appear daten. >> we've had 20 or thousand so gun laws all common sense gun laws in the on the books none of which prevented these because they are isolated done by deranged people. when you have good americans which is 99.99% gun owners. >> and 99.99% would pass the
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background checks. >> yeah. >> precisely. what we have is a situation where thousands of people, thuses of people have been murdered at the hands of gun violence. and we're having a conversation right now where the president is literally carrying caring more about the $54 million or so than the nra spent on his campaign that he hopes that they're spending again for his re-election and getting into bed with them and hugging guns as opposed to hugging people. i think this entire conversation is really a testament to the character of this clown that's in the white house who literally does not care about lives and does not care about people. and cares more about this quote unquote advocacy but the lobby that's frankly a lobby of death at this point. when you can't see clearly that just doing something -- republicaning -- many republicans are saying let's do something to at least try to mitigate lives lost. let's do that mitt fwat lives lost and the spt like, when we already are policies on the
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books. to me it goes to at this point a conversation we should have about the moral fiber database moral fabric moral compass of the white house which is completely lacking. >> well. >> specific will i i'm kurd, though, what changed? because just days ago we heard from donald trump that here is one quote. i think we can bring up background checks like we have never had them before. i think mitch mcconnell is onboard. i think we can do something about it. the president said that. how else are people supposed to see this other than he speaks with the nra a bunch of times and now he changes his position. the landscape has not changed. this is the only thing that's changed. >> the landscape in 2009. >> i'm talking about right now. >> no. >> talk about right now, stay here. >> no, you know, because you just said -- it's a death lobby and republicans are gripping. when the democrats. >> that's inflammatory as well. >> when the democrats controlled in 2009 the white house, the senate and congress were the filibuster prove why didn't they do these things?
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why didn't they? >> the question is we're talking about today. >> no, no we had mass shootings back then too why didn't they do anything when they had the votes? >> missed opportunities but answer my question. >> people say do something. do something that will work. we know this will not work. >> let's go back to the question. >> we do not know that you dough do not know that. >> all these people passed background checks. >> which is why. >> the president is flip flopping. the fact of the matter sta is that every time there's been a shooting the president of the united states claimed background checks. mind you came into office and essentially rescinded the background checks that obama the obama administration tried to move forward. >> that would have put more restriction on people with mental illness. >> he dialed that back by executive order. every time there is a shooting the president says one thing, yeah we are doing something that gets on the phone with the nra and flip-flops. the question becomes appear we just watched the president say oh it's a mental issue. is it a mental issue when you believe something one day and then you decide the next day to change your tune over and over
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again? i think we need to get to the heart of the matter of why donald trump can't seem to form an opinion and keep it, especially when it comes down to the well being of the american people. >> okay. is it not a mental issue? because. >> hi flip flopping. >> no every time it's brought up right now that it's not a mental health issue. >> that's the red flag. >> i think appear most people are in favor of red flags if it's done correctly. and there is. >> lots of states have done it. >> there is a slippery loep on that. >> you're maepg up sliply slopes as a and calf yats as way to do nothing. >> just like abortion. >> due -- this is the president's position now that universal background checks are off the table. without his support do you think that this effort is dead before it even began when they get wak to congress? empties. >> mitch mcconnell has proven he doesn't want to move much. but onts honestly i think there is a ground swell in america. i think the american people are tired of the double speak, tired
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of the cowings to the powerful lobbies and the american people want movement. to me what happens when folks get back is they are looking at the senate landscape and elections and what's happening on the ground. i think that republicans at this point are tired of people dying. they're tired of emdying in the districts closer to districts and feel an urge to do something. the question becomes what is the something? >> right. >> but i do think that people are feeling some motivation which is why it's enfuturing the white house is not kperding leadership here. >> we also had over 312 people so far this year in chicago die by gun homicide last weekend in philadelphia they had done deaths all over the place. why aren't we talking about that why not vigils there. >> we are talking about all of it. >> would that have prevented. >> supertired. >> would that have prevented. >> we can debate a million things stop asking me questions. seriously. >> i'm get tired when i ask a question you guys keep trying to
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change it to another topic we can talk about chicago tomorrow. right now. >> because. >> i'm talking about president trump bass backed town from something he promised. >> he didn't promise he suggested. >> not even close to suggested we can get it and he says mitch mcconnell wanted if he was making that up maybe but that's why i'm asking right now is it he is changing his position why he is doing it instead of talking about chicago that is what i want to talk about. >> it's all tide in if you have universal background checked would 3123 because gang bangers are looking up on google. >> saving one life because of background checks would keep someone pr getting a gun that doesn't matter. >> it does but that also would be why don't we just take everyone's gun away because that would cure the problem, right? >> right? >> rob that is not what i'm saying right now. >> what are you saying one death would be saved if we took away every gun. >> they are not paying me the at all. they're not. >> the lobby is i haven't heard you once express any empathy for the people.
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>> of course i do. >> victims of gun violence i brought up people in chicago and philadelphia. >> not once suggesting we should do anything to figure out dsh zbloosh we should. we should. >> but every time mental illness is brought up the left goes, oh, no, no, no. >> that's not true. >> absolutely. >> it was the left. >> american psychological association come out against it. don't -- no because now we are putting a bad reputation on people with mental illness. >> why is your. >> that's why is your president a flip flopper that's the question what does he believe. >> again he didn't get anywhere on that to want. outfront secretary of state mike mofrp pompeo kaying ice sis getting power what does that mean for president trump's claim they are deet defeated. the a republican refused to endorse president trump. so she quits and joins me next.
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ton, mission not accomplished. a sobering new assessment from secretary of state mike pompeo acknowledging that isis is resurging. >> is it gaining strength in your opinion. >> it's complicated. there are certainly places with isis is more powerful today than they were three or four years
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ago. but the caliphate is gone. and their capacity conduct external attacks has been made much more difficult. we've taken down significant risk. not all of it but a significant amount. >> more powerful than they were three or four years ago. that certainly is a stark contrast from what you heard from president trump. >> we have won against isis. we have beaten them and we have beaten them badly. when i was elected president two years ago isis was all over syria and all over iraq. we have wiped out isis in iraq. we have wiped out isis -- >> wiped oud isis. the caliphate maybe. the ideology, definitely not. according to in new report -- and it's a lengthy report, the pentagon independent watched isis has estimated 15,000 fighters in iraq and syria now. a resurgents.
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including targeted assassinen nations and suicide bombs. like this attack in kabul, afghanistan. a suicide bomber killing 63, injuring 200 more. outfront now is former undersecretary leon panetta. >> good to be with you kait. >> thank you so much. estimated 15,000 isis fierts in iraq and syria now. secretary pompeo saying in some ways stronger than it was three or four years ago. how big of a concern should the news be for americans? >> it should be a very serious concern for the president of the united states and for our country. because his first responsibility is to protect our yes. and we learned from 9/11 the fact that these terrorists have one fundamental aim, which is to
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attack the united states and attack countries in the west. and now what we are hearing is that isis is clearly remobilizing to the tune of almost is a thousand to 18,000 that are mobilizing into secret cells, mobilizing into attack teams, conducting not only attacks but kidnappings and assassinations and bombings as we saw in afghanistan. so this is in the end a national security threat that the united states cannot simply stand back and pretend is not there. >> that's why i'm curious. i mean, i recall very clearly -- i mean you were even critical of president obama's handling of the syria crisis, you know, saying that the withdrawal from iraq allowed for a vacuum, that isis could fill and flourish in. if president trump does nothing here, what will happen?
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>> well, history is pretty clear. you know, we should have learned that lesson when we withdrew all of our forces from iraq. and into that vacuum crisis created the caliphate that was the size of great britain and controlled become 12 million lives. we had to then he deploy our forces so both syria and iraq in order to get rid of the caliphate. if we simply withdraw forces and pretend that isis and the remnants of al qaeda are no longer a threat, make no mistake about it, it's an open invitation to terrorists to establish the kind of base from which they can conduct attacks against the united states. we can't let that happen again. >> secretary that's a stretching proposition because that's a real conversation happening now
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is will troops be leaving syria? how long will troops be in afghanistan where ice sis becoming a threat there now as well. >> i think the president has to be very careful here about just going ahead and promising that somehow we will pull back all troops from the region without any assurances that ultimately this problem will be dealt with. he says let others deal with the problem, that we've got -- we're 7,000 miles away. but that has always been a false promise by isolationists. they use that argument in the 1930s that said because of our oceans we didn't have to worry about nazi germany. and today we say that somehow we can withdraw and be able to be protected. we are not protected. a global world with a global threat from isis and from terrorism, we have to worry that
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ultimately if they mobilize any will -- their next target will be an attack on the united states. >> secretary, president trump said today --well well he was asked about the tensions in the south china sea. i would like to play for you what was said. >> china there is a new study out of australia that suggests with the current chinese military posture in the the south china sea, indo-pacific region it could wipe out most u.s. bases within a number of hours. is that something that keeps you up at night? >> well, nothing keeps me up at night. >> honestly set aside the south china sea should something keep the president up at night? >> well, let me put it this way. i think most presidents would be kept awake by the concern that our national security could be threatened. and you know, it just -- i think the indication that this doesn't
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represent a threat to our country is something that we shouldn't be hearing from the president. look, we live in a dangerous world. i think it's more dangerous than ever today. it's not only the threat from china and rash. it's the threat from isis. it's the threat from iran, from those conducting cyber-attacks again our own country. there are a lot of flash points in the world that ought to frankly keep this president awake and concerned. >> you mentioned russia, russia seems to be receiving welcome news today. the president offering his endorsement of bringing russia back into the g-7 which would be then the g-8. listen. >> putin outsmarted him. president obama thought it wasn't a good thing to have russia in. so he wanted russia out. but i think it's much more appropriate to have russia in. if somebody would make that motion i would certainly be disposed to think about it very
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favorably. >> i just want to give you an opportunity to respond to the president what he said there about president obama. >> you know, i -- i would say to the president that at least president obama was aware of the threat that russia constituted to this country. i do not get the impression that this president is aware that russia is an adversary. and before he starts inviting russia to join the g-8, ought we not to get something back from russia? ought we not to know that russia is for the going to attack our election system in 2020? shouldn't we know that russia is not going to continue to be aggressive in the ukraine, in syria, in the middle east and elsewhere? shouldn't we get something back with regards to the nuclear threat that russia constitutes today? i don't know what the president is saying in the sense that he
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is basically saying he is inviting russia to be a part of the g-8 and is getting nothing in return as far as i can see. >> yeah, especially since russia was kicked because of the annexation of crimea. we see how that's going right now. thank you so much for your time, secretary. >> good to be with you. >> thank you. outfront next one woman cuts ties, one republican cuts ties with an organization after it backed president trump saying she won be able to look her kids in the eye. she is my guest. plus if the economy is slows will trump voters stick by the president? >> would you vote differently? >> not necessarily, because i think the economy is always up and down. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients... ...that help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today.
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tonight president trump honored or at least he says he is honored having received the endorsement of the log cabin republicans, a conservative lgbt advocacy group. listen to this. >> i was very honored to receive it. no, i have done very well with that community. some of my biggest supporters are of that community. >> but one member of the group's board is not supporting the president. and is protesting the endorsement. jennifer horn writing in her resignation letter the following in order to maintain favored
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with the unprincipled president too many in our party fast pabding the moral high ground i could never endorse him for president of the united states and still look my children in the eye. outfront now is jennifer horn. she is also a former chair of of the new hampshire republican party and recently served as campaign manager for bill weld's primary challenge against president trump. thank you for being here, jennifer. >> thank you for having me. it's a pressure. thanks very much. >> were you surprised when you heard that from president trump today? >> not particularly. in fact, that statement is exactly -- goes to the heart of what is the many pr with this endorsement from the log cabin republicans to begin with. of course the president is taking it and using it to advance his own political and personal agenda without ever having earned it. and that's my problem with this endorsement is that this president has not earned the support of an esteemed organization that has spent 40 years fighting for equality and including for all americans. i have a tremendous amount of
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respect for the people on the board appear privileged to work with. but this endorsement was given without any earning on the part of the the president and i think it's a mistake. >> you are clear why you were stepping down. was it one thing, jennifer, in particular that you just could not stand behind? >> no, it really wasn't any one thing, frankly. you know, folks who know me know that i have been speaking up against this president, honestly since 2011. i wrote my first op-ed when he came to new hampshire to kind of dip his toes in the water of the 2012 race and scared off by mitt romney at that time and didn't decide to run. donald trump is not an advocate for equality. he is not an advocate for inclusion for the lgbtq community frank or anyone else. he is a terrible example for children. he stands for everything that my husband and i taught our kirn to fied against. there is no world where i could
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possibly endorse donald trump or have my name be associated with an organization that does. >> in announcing the endorsement, the heads of the organization in an opinion piece -- at the end they wrote something that i found striking and i wanted to ask you about. they wrote to be treated equally, fairly and justly under the law is our goal. and we know that inclusion wins is a man tra we share with the president. that's what they write. but -- >> right. >> does the entire board agree other than you? >> the entire board doesn't agree. and we went through a process under our by laws when it came to the endorsement. there were a number of of us voting dependence it. i'm not the oem one who resigned. i'm the only one who came forward to discuss it publicly. the entire board does not agree with that. and i think unfortunately that was an unfortunate line to use in that, because it's so obviously untrue. when you hear this president
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talk about women when he talks about muslims, when he talks about any -- any individual or group of individuals, immigrants, you know, folks at the border, the children of these families who are trying to come across the border, the president does not talk about an inclusive america. he does not talk about an america where everyone is treated equally under the law. >> jennifer, just real quick. >> so i think that was a bad line unfortunately. >> rick rinnell the president's ambassador to germany. >> right. >> he says the highest ranking gay member of the president's administration. his position, rick being there, does that meet with your criticism. >> i'm sorry. >> i think rick is doing a great job. qualified for the job. i think that when you advance the best person for the jab job that's the lowest bar that we expect the president to meet.
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and certainly the president deserves credit for having, you know, stayed with rick when they were trying to slow roll when the democrats were trying to slow roll his confirmation. he is the right guy for the job. but president has been so wrong on so many other issues. when you look at trying to roll back protections for transgender students, transgender people in-housing. the transgender military ban. there are so many times this president has been wrong. and let's not forget, by the way, that when he was our nominee in 2016 he chose not to try to remove the language in our party's platform that targets the lgbtq community. >> thank you so much. >> i would have much -- >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much i appreciate it. >> sorry seems to be a delay. thank you for coming on i appreciate it outfront for us next as recession fears loom will voters still back the president? >> we're in a high right now. if we go belly up i think it's
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going to be a big difference. >> and jeanne moos on elizabeth warren running into her twin in the twin cities. longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. who used expedia to book the vacation rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. expedia. everything you need to go. sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus free home delivery. ends saturday.
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a rally the steel industry isis >> reporter: the birthplace of joe biden, in a state where white working class voters helped propel donald trump to victory. and if he hopes to win again, trump's chances may hinge on those same voters and the economy so i'm here asking people how is the economy? and i'm getting two very different answers. >> yeah, i think things are definitely good. there is more jobs in the area. the stock market is really high. >> i think we're on the verge of a recession. >> reporter: i quickly pick up on a theme. how are you feeling about the economy? >> i'm feeling optimistic. >> reporter: if i ask you how is the economy, you say? >> have some concerns. >> reporter: how people view the economy is directly related how they see the president. jessica owns a saloon and she's
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a huge trump fan. did you like the fact he was a businessman? >> yes. that was one of the biggest things. i feel the country has become like a business. >> reporter: criminal defense attorney paul walker is definitely not for trump and he sees trouble ahead. >> if this economy turns like i think it's going to, it's going to turn on him. >> reporter: scranton is a factory town nationally manufacturing jobs numbers are the highest in a decade according to the department of labor but there are signs hiring and production are slowing. bad news from manufacturing workers, a key part of the president's base. people like trump voter douglas waldrop, an electrician, economic forecast suggests dark clouds but he sees only sunshine where he works. >> we got more work than we know what to do with. >> reporter: really? >> yes. >> reporter: i ask would voters stick with the president if the
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economy turns negative. this democrat doesn't think so. >> we're on a high and if we go belly up, it will be a big difference. >> reporter: trump voters say even if the economy turns bad, they would still back the president. >> right now, yes. >> reporter: would you vote differently? >> not necessarily because i think the economy is always up and down. >> reporter: another question that i asked these voters was there any democrat they might possibly consider believing they would say joe biden, after all he is from here. nope, wouldn't bite. in fact, they say joe biden is too progressive. kate? >> wow, statement of where we are right now. great stuff, martin, thank you. "outfront" next, can you tell who is the real elizabeth warren? bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar.
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it may be hard to keep track of all the democratic candidates out there especially when there are duplicates. here is jeanne moos. >> meeting her dooplegangers is one thing. >> here with family. >> yeah, your twin. stephanie has dressed up as elizabeth warren for halloween so when she got ready to attend warren's minnesota rally. >> i thought i would put on the blazer, go to the rally and get a couple giggles. >> instead of giggles. >> people started turning, oh my god, it's warren, it's warren. it was really touching to see the number of people with tears in their eyes and said things like you're my hero. i felt terrible having to tell them i wasn't the girl before
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them. >> she herself is a huge warren supporter. >> warren! warren! >> i talk with my hands, so i'm sitting there going i'm not her. i'm not her and of course i look exactly like her. >> let's see you transform back into stephanie. she takes off her prescription glasses, ditches the blue blazer. >> i will also add i'm 20 years younger than elizabeth warren but maybe that doesn't show. >> when warren finished her speech, stephanie got in line for the meet and greet, selfie taking time. what happens when you meet the real elizabeth warren? >> she looked at me up and down and said and pointed at me and said we need to talk. >> and that was it. no discussion of their resemblance though stephanie was called back for a second photo for the senator's staff. can you put elizabeth warren back on? must be nice to be able to transform yourself into one of your own. >> this is like watching clark kent. >> super heroes.
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jeanne moos, cnn new york. ♪ ♪ >> they do look a lot alike. thanks for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. we begin as we often do these days with presidential double talk. in fact, today we got two perfect examples of double-double talk, the first occurred when the president today confirmed that yes in fact he and the white house are considering a payroll tax cut just yesterday when washington post reported the white house was considering a payroll tax cut, the white house denied it. that he did ni they denied it to us. the president confirmed what they have been denying. at this point it's not clear if we should believe anything a white house spokesperson says or what the president says for that matter because they just contradict each other constantly and themselves. we'll have