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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 19, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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thinks it's a steal. jeanne moos, cnn. but it doesn't smell. >> it smells like history. >> new york. [ laughter ] >> thanks so much for joining us. "a krrks "ac 360" starts now. good evening. thanks for joining us. there is breaking news tonight. there is no reporting in the washington post on white house discussions at a senior level of a tax cut to head off a possible economic slowdown. "the washington post" is siting three people familiar with the talks who say the white house is looking at a possible cut in payroll taxes and that talks are in the early stages. in the meantime, the white house is knocking down this idea saying, telling us that cutting payroll taxes is not under consideration at the this time. they said the same to the wall street journal. now if the post's three sources have it right, what is significant is this move would be evidenced in the white house there is real concern the economy would be weakening, which is not the message they have been saying publicly. they are running immediate
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campaign of denial and deflection and scapegoating. >> this is not the way we say it and of course, it's nice to have the mainstream media covering the economy but only cover it when they can use sesame's word of the day, recession. >> grover is my favorite long-tim resident of sesame street. he's furry and blue and what is not to like? he's not an economist. this is morgan stanley. >> opt for 25% on the balance $300 billion of imports from china and stay there four to six months time and china does take counter measures similar to overnight then we will see global economy entering into recession in three quarters time, nine months time. >> he was focused as apparently the white house may be on a number of policies and economic indicators that could signal trouble ahead, trade war and bond prices slowing investment. thankfully, none of those indicators guarantee a recession
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and not every economists sees the same degree of danger but few are dismissing it but members of the administration publicly that have been doing this media blitz and whose words ring false if the washington post reporting bears out. >> i think we're in pretty good shape and i want to just say you know, we should not be afraid of optimism. i don't know what it is, everybody wants to talk about pes m pes m p pessimist pessimistic, recession. >> that was larry. he predicted higher economic growth than the cone me seconom he's not a good economic forecaster asked about on another sunday show. >> you say that. but you know, you actually said that in 2007 right before the second worst down turn in american history. this is what you wrote. there is no recession coming. this is in december of '07.
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they were wrong. it not going to happen. the bush boom is alive and well and finishing up the sixth consecutive year with more to come. the more to come was a massive downturn. i admire your optimism but the data is pointing in another direction. >> well, i plead guilty to that late 2007 forecast. i plead guilty. >> well, yeah, there is nothing else you can do. it's on the record. for vice president pence today he sited a new economic indicator, two guys who like beer and the beach. >> these two fellows walk by on the beach, true story. couple of big guys wearing budweiser t-shirts, one of them looked over at me and said hey, you're vice president mike pence. i said yes, i am. and he said well listen, he said you got to tell the president that he's got to keep doing what he's doing because i made twice as much money last year as i made the year before.
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>> which very possible and if it is true, that's great for them. we all should do twice as well next year but signs are we won't or at least the economy could slow considerably. administration is looking to put any possible blame for a slowdown elsewhere, which means queue the attacks on the media. >> i think what has changed is that the two and a half years of the collusion hunt and the mueller report were a big dud and so now they are serging around and they are trying to burro into the president's number one issue in the polls. >> the memo must have went out with talking points because the media is being blamed by hogan. >> they have tried systematically to destroy this president even before he was sworn into office. you saw it with the marches on washington d.c. before he had passed a policy or pushed some type of proposal. it happened from sun up to sun down, the media is come polil c
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et and compliant. this economy is doing better than it ever has before. >> the president set the tone for this particular talking point. last week tweeting the fake news media is doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my reelection and blamed jerome powell, the person he appointed quoting from his tweet our economy is very strong despite the horrendous lack of vision but democrats are trying to wield the economy to be bad. very selfish. jim acosta joins us with more on the story and the white house's denial about possible consideration of tax cuts. jim, earlier i said there must have been some memo that went out about the economy. i understand it turns out there actually was a memo that went out with talking points about the economy. >> that's right. there were talking points that went surrogates an extension of the president's
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rhetoric and tweets, these talking points describe the u.s. economy as the best in the world and the white house is predicting that the economy is going to remain strong through the 2020 election but anderson, when they are knocking down reports that a payroll tax cut is under consideration, that's a big deal and indication they are talking inside the white house about ways to boost the economy and this white house official i spoke with this evening while knocking down the motion, they may go after a payroll tax cut and other tax cuts are under consideration. they are looking at options to juice in economy. meanwhile, the president is denying that there is really anything wrong with the economy right now. he's proclaiming it to be just fine but make no mistake, when larry cis scheduled to go on calls throughout the rest of this week with business leaders and state and local officials to reassure those officials that everything is fine with the economy, there is growing concern inside this white house and mirror what is is happening
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across much of the rest of the country and particularly down on wall street, anderson? >> jim acosta, thanks very much. joining us somebody like jerome powell the president hooired bu tired of. anthony scaramucci working to defeat his old boss. thanks for joining us. i'm wondering what you make of the washington post story. three sources, white house saying not true that they are looking at in early stages according to the post a cut in the payroll tax and i'm wondering a, what you make of that and the fact they are denying it. would that be significant to you? >> well, you know, look, on the margin, after the 9/11 attacks there was also a tax rebate and on the margin, it did improve consumption but the problem with those sorts of things is that, you know, consumers plan for that and a lot of consumers will take a big portion of that and
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save it because they know there is an impending downturn coming. so economists are mixed on that. some think it improves it. some think it's neutral. i would suspect that people are fearful out there because if you talk to business leaders and the smaller business community, they are quite fearful. one of the big indicators for me, i'm running $10 billion of capital is the trucking industry. you can tell in the trucking industry in terms of where shipments are whether or not the economy will be robust over the next two or three quarters. so right now it's probably a 60% chance we'll have a recession by the second to third quarter of 2020. >> how worried do you think the president should be about reelection prospects if that 60% turns out to be right? i mean, if it's not doing as well come november, how much do his futures based on the economic future? >> well, let me just say this. these important people know i do
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not want there to be a recession. i want there to be aggressive wage growth for all americans and i definitely do not want there to be a recession. some people want a recession to have the president lose reelection. that is not me. yes, if there is a problem with the economy, that will put very thin ice under his candidacy because again, if you look at the style of points, the manifestations of his tweets today, which are constantly scaring people and one of the talking points, well, it's the economy and we could be going up against a socialist so i'll hold my nose and do this but if he's really fully weakened the economy, i think those people will change their minds quickly. unfortunately, they made one large bet. it's an economic bet and he's also, the way he's talking about the federal reserve chairman, that is literally the way a head of a banana republic would talk about their central bank.
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i'm astonished that the politicians and republicans in my party that believe in the regulated free market, again, regulated free market are not speaking out about that because it's very important for the constitution and trust in our capital markets that we leave some independence for the fed and those governing agents at the federal reserve. it is a very complicated situation because we're in new territory on every different front. the guy is attacking individual citizens. he attacked my wife this morning for no reason. he's attacking the federal reserve chairman. he's got the entire gop using their twitter feed to attack fellow republicans like me. i mean, this is down the checklist of authoritarian behavior and it is very disconcerting to what i call the normal group of people in the united states that are moderate democrats and moderate republicans and so i'd love to see it end and we're working on it. >> i want to put on the screen something the president tweeted
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today because obviously this has been going on for quite awhile between you two. he tweeted out anthony scaramucci is a nutjob and weed led his way into my campaign. b barely knew him until his 11 days of gross incompetence-made a fool of himself, bad on tv. abused staff. got fired. wrote a very nice book about me and just recently, now the back is a lie? he disassociates himself from anyone he ever embraced. jerome powell, you -- >> i'm okay with that. that's -- >> but it's a sign of -- it's not a standup guy. >> now, come on. i had to go on the keto diet so he didn't call me a fat slob on top of evening else. he has a checklist of things.
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he didn't know me. i got fired like a dog. all this other stuff. i actually i don't care. i'm 55 years old. i have five beautiful kids. i'm really thinking about my children in this whole thing and i have to sit down and look at the future of the united states and the level of division that he's creating. he wants to personally attack me and try to shame me, i get the motivation for that because his entire cabinet like hates his guts and most of the congress so he's got to do that because he's very, very afraid that the dam is going to break and the insiders will say hey, no mas, we can't take it anymore and when that happens, like i told your colleague john berman, the wick ed witch of the west, the water gets thrown and gee, dorothy, i'm sorry. the perceived power had me scared. i'm telling republicans and americans there is absolutely no reason to be frightened.
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we have to come together now and call this for what it is and if we do that and we do that together, we can beat it back and we can get a really experienced republican candidate to go against some of the democratic adversaries that have been declared. there may be dark horses that come in later. this is something we absolutely need to do. take a look at the word salad that the president put up against me. i mean, it's very laughable. and he is doing a little projecting because i mean, i'm a lot of things. i'm not tall and i'm not that thin and i'm definitely not nervous, anderson. this is a lot of projecting going on for the president. it's sort of sad in a lot of ways. i don't like it personally because he is the leader of our country and i'd like him to settle down and focus on the problems that are right in front of us as opposed to the attacks going on right now. they won't work. it's a playbook that worked in '16. it's not going to work now. everyone knows the playbook now. it's a tired playbook. it's not going to work.
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>> it seems like he has a lot of time on his hands whether to watch fox news or other cable shows or tweet. when you were there, i mean, does -- what -- you were there for 11 days. i know not ahuge huge amount ofe but what is he doing all day? >> you know, i don't know the answer to that. i don't think it's fair for me to give you an 11-day sampling of what he was doing all day. i can tell you what i was doing all day, interviewing the staff and try to figure out what was going on with the leaking and i was genuinely because i loved my country and worked for the campaign was trying to help. i made mistakes. i'm accountable for those mistakes. i got fired. general kelly fired me. we built a nice relationship with each other post fact. i don't have any grudges and i don't take any of this personally. this is really about the country. this is like step back, be
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brave, be courageous, look at the entire country. when you're going to bed tonight, close your eyes and say wait a minute, is this how it's supposed to be in my country? i know i'm worried about my 401 k but whatbility about the fabr my country and division and hatred sewed? i hope a few guys will wake up tomorrow morning, very easy to find to say let's put this collision together. >> appreciate you being on. thanks very much. >> nice to be here. thanks, anderson. the president's latest claims about voter fraud and the top official demanding he shows evidence. >> the woman that failed for her run for governor of georgia but a king or queen maker stacy abrams ahead on "360." it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. can it help us fall asleep faster?
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for a limited time, come to t-mobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. got new evidence president
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trump is obsessed with his victory it can crowd out the oc oppressing business and tweeted a fresh and dubious claim on the subject today but i want to play you this clip from yesterday because of how well it shows where his head is three years after election night. it was in response to a question about banning high-capacity magazines. first he quickly changed the subject to mental health and then, well, take a look. >> the concept of mental institution has to be looked at. unrelated to that, i believe that the concept also of voter identification has to be looked at because you can't have great security for the voter. people that vote, you can't have that national security unless you can have voter identification. it's something people have to look at very strongly. >> what does that have to do with guns?
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nothing. he said the worst segway ever, a segway clearly what he wanted to talk about, which is voter fraud that says has nothing to do what i was talking about. voter fraud is not a thing as the president continued to claim it is but still keeps hammering away at it. he tweeted wow report just out, google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for hillary clinton in 2016 election. this was put out by clinton supporter, not a trump supporter, google should be sued. my victory was bigger than thought. so this takes a little bit of explaining but the bottom line is the thing he's saying is not accurate and i know that's surprising. cnn fact checker daniel dale speak with the researcher. he said the president was wrong in saying that google manipulated votes or search results. the study claims that google search algorithms are influencing voters and senate testimony epstein said the search results were bias to
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favor hillary clinton over the course of 25 days he studied. he never says what bias in favor of hillary clinton means or how he extrapolates that it could have influenced 2.6 million votes for hillary clinton in 2016. so the whole thing is flimsy at best but it was certainly enough for the president to hop on one of his favorite hobby horses, voter fraud. i want to quickly follow the hoof marks. first, he trotted out the unfounded claims that millions of illegal immigrants voted for clinton. then he went for a cantor with a voter fraud commission to establish that happened that fell apart because there was no evidence to find. by last week nearly three years after the election after he said we won was back on the horse at full gallop. >> new hampshire should be have been won but we had a lot of people come in at the last moment which was a rather strange situation. thousands and thousands of people coming in from locations
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unknown we i knew where the location was. >> i don't know what that means. location is unknown. i knew where the locations were. it's made up and doesn't make actual sense but something the president said and i know it seems normal and we think that's how presidents talk but just for the record it's not. our guest tonight would like to know what the president is claiming to know, as well. ellen chairs the federal election commission. we should point out sates on her fec biography she's a democrat. she has written him a letter challenging the president to provide evidence to back up his voter fraud claim and i'm quoting to put it in terms a kascasino operator should you believed there comes to time to lay your cards on the table or fold. ellen joins us. have you gotten any kind of response, any slhred of evidenc, documentation of these that flooded into new hampshire and
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the locations only the president seems to know? >> i have not. i don't think anybody has. this has you know is not a new claim for the president. couple years ago he made the same claim and i asked him then if he had evidence for it because if it were true, there were thousands of felonies committed and law enforcement ought to be pursuing that but there is no evidence brought forth at all, not then, not now and i think it is really damaging to our democracy to have these kinds of stories put forth by the leader of our country. >> right and i mean, new hampshire is not the largest state in the union and if thousands and thousands of people were being bussed in from secret locations to vote, i suppose, the idea is they somehow voted multiple times wearing different hats and disguises, i mean, the president just refresh people's memories create a taxpayer funded commission in an attempt to give
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credibility to this conspiracy theory among others and millions of other immigrants voting in california and the commission came up with nothing. nothing. >> and the commission was not exactly constituted in the most even-handed way and even they could not come up with any evidence of this supposed voter fraud. >> has there -- i mean, we've done numerous, you know, fact checking reports on the president's claims over the years. i've talked to the people who did the study that the president sites and a lot of people site who believe in this who say they are misinterpreting what the study actually says. you obviously are involved in this very deeply. has there ever been massive wide spread voter fraud in mod teern u.s. history? >> no and people keep looking for it. there are folks who have an incentive to make claims and studies one study looked at every election between 2000 and 2014 over a billion votes and
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found i think 31 instances of perhaps voter fraud, of somebody voting who was not legally allowed to vote in that election. and it's an infinite testable number. the non-partisan number associate with nyu has stated that you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be involved in voter fraud. it's so, so rare and the problem is that people use that as an excuse, they start talking about voter fraud and then citizens get scared about it and afraid it's happening and legislators use that as an excuse to adopt measures to make it harder to vote. so the end result is that it becomes harder to vote and more and that's damaging to our democracy that will be stronger if we can get more people to vote to exercise that franchise
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and doing so. >> it extraordinary when you have the president of the ice w -- united states won the election and voted in and making up stories about wide spread voter fraud and i mean, never producing evidence because there isn't any evidence to produce and yet, it's a marketing thing. he keeps repeating it and beats people into submission to believing oh, well, if he keeps repeating it, you know, okay. it just becomes sort of something he just says and people acre se people accept. >> that is damaging. people do believe the president of the united states, and that's why it's so important that we actually have facts behind what our leaders say. actual verifiable fact checkable facts, not alternative facts, not conspiracy theories but real truthful facts because truth matters. >> ellen, thanks very much.
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>> my pleasure. gun legislation in the wake of two mass shootings the president was asked about before changing the subject. we'll go into details ochoen th -- on that and he's pushing back on the background checks and we'll discuss it with jeff merckly. they give us excellent customer otservice, every time.e. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today. who used expedia to book the vacation rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time
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>> president trump's support for gun buyers never lasts long and promised they would be backed last year. they were not. he 15id said he was looking to background checks and talked about meaningful background checks and never said what that meant. on sunday his enthusiasm waned again. here is what he told reporters. >> people don't realize we have very strong break ground checks right now. you go in to buy a gun, you have to sign up. there are a lot approved over the years. i'll have to see what it is. congress is meeting bipartisan, a lot of people want to see something happen but just remember this, big mental problem and we do have a lot of
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background checks right now. >> so basically we need background checks, two weeks ago, meaningful ones, there is plenty of them. joining me is jeff merckly that would expand background checks and the author of a brand-new book called america is better than this, trump's war against migrant families that goes on sale tomorrow. on the background checks, it should be no surprise the president is now saying seems to be ind kayiicating. it seems like the last person in the room the president kind of goes with that and seems like maybe the nra or supporters of not doing anything was the last person in this room. >> right after a couple massacres, emotions are very high and trump feels he needs to say something to that and then he immediately starts backing off. when he says we have a lot of background checks, we had 1.2 million guns listed for sale without background checks last year. about one-fifth of the guns are
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sold without background checks. >> private sales. >> private sales, online sales, gun shows. we have a big problem with straw purchasers. we have our background check system is anyone who wants to by pass it can. so therefore we need an effective background check system. >> i want to talk about this book because it's very easy to lose focus on this issue as the president is masterful at just sort of keeping everybody jumping with another issue or another outrage. you -- i mean, you have spent a lot of time looking at the border, looking at immigration. overall the politics of it, is it possible to really get some sort of overall immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reform in this political setting? >> it's certainly possible from a policy point of view. we did it in 2013 with democrats and republicans working together and the house didn't pick it up. now the house is ready to take it up without the president's support, the republicans and the
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senate don't want to touch it and yet it is so much needed on every aspect but it comes down to this. the president wants this as a political issue. he's not about to start solving the problem. >> i mean, you in the book america is better than that, you write you have a lot of different solution, a lot of propels, a lot of ideas. to you, how much of this stems from say political decision by the president and backed by, you know, steven miller who is a top advisor according to a bunch of "new york times" washington post both had big things about him this weekend? >> just 13 days in was the first announcement they were pursuing a strategy separating children from their parents. and then a month later john kelly talked about it. >> with wolf blitzer. >> and a month later instituted a pilot program and didn't publicize it. they had a bad reaction to the little publicity it had until
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jeff sessions gave that so-called zero tolerance speech. that's what caught my attention because when i read that speech, i said they can't be doing this. no administration, no one in america would support ripping children out of their parents' arms. i went down to the border found out they were doing it, saw the kids in cages and saw just a little children knee high to a glass hopper maybe 4 years old and said we have to shine a light on this and put an end to it. >> how do you do that? obviously administration says we're not doing that any longer. but fear is still something they believe in making anybody afraid of what will happen to them if they come here. >> administration still is doing it. hundreds of children over this past year separated from their parents for this parent had a dui or things that would never separate a child from a parent. >> i think if a parent is hiv positive, they will separate. >> they are looking for a whole
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series of minor excuses but blockading children at the border. i met this little girl just 56 days old named andrea who had been in his mother's arms at the border three times before her mother went to the car bridge and borrowed ed ed a response a pretended to wash windows. there is a border blockade and ice cold holding cells and lights on all night and for profit prison, homestead is still holding it to reopen it. this massive corrupt operation in florida. >> some of these kids may never be reunited. >> yes. >> the recordkeeping is not only done wrong but badly. >> when i first went down there, the officials on the boarder said we know exactly where the kids are, the parents are, how to connect them. that was repeated by the officials of the cabinet. wasn't true. they had no system set up.
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you had to wonder how much was callousness and incompetence and maybe a combination of both because they keep coming back to the theory inflict trama. if this was done by any other country, we should be puttingho but with our taxpayer money on our land with our government and nobody can stop it except for us, that's why this book is a call to action. we can't let this issue drop. >> the book is "america is better than this." appreciate your time. >> thank you. up next stacy abrams nearly lost the race for governor last year. she joins me to discuss her comments calling president trump a racist and her national push to protect voting rights. oko pl] ♪ boom goes the dynamite, ♪ feels like i'm taking flight. ♪ [sfx: poof] [sfx: squeaking eraser sound effect.] ♪ i am who i wanna be ♪ ♪ who i wanna be ♪ who i wanna be. ♪ i'm a strong individual ♪ feeling that power ♪ i'm so original,
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the criticism over the use of racist language four non-white congresswoman appears to hit a nerve in the white house. a republican source saying the white house is telling sure gr gases a racist, such accusations are appalling. focussing on the four congre congressmcongres congresswomen is aewedge issue. they barred two of the congresswomen last week.
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rasheed talib and ilan omar responded. >> we know donald trump would love nothing more than to use this issue to pit muslums and jewish americans against each other. the muslim community and the jewish community are being made into the country. >> she was going to visit her grandmother would decline siting the conditions that israel placed on her entry. joining me right now is stacy abrams that ran for governor last year and released a program to fight voter suppression. it's interesting on the voter suppression in the light of what the president now is yet again claiming about new hampshire and all these thousands of people who came in, just talk a little bit about, you know, the laws which are being pushed by republicans in many states because i've had people on and
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when they talk about it, it often sounds very fair that they don't want voter fraud, they are -- it's not about voter suppression. >> so part of the insidiousness of voter suppression and i use that word intentionally we're used to the more aggressive 1950s, 1960s style voter suppression where it's billy clubs and hoses and dogs and laws that say you cannot vote. well, after the voting rights act came into place, clearance told those states that engage in that behavior to cut it out, that you could not pass laws that have the ability to suppress votes without getting preclearance and for years that worked so effectively that the republicans pushed hard to get it gutted. in 2013 they gutted the act. what's happening over the last 20 years is states that have seen a shift in the demographics and have seen a shift away from republican conservative dominance, they have put in place laws that sound common sense on their face, but when
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you understand how the laws work, it e vis rais the right t. photo i.d. we know administrative barriers to getting photo i.d.s harm elderly people and students. in new hampshire, they are trying to stop elder students to vote and texas and georgia that he decided which college students id could be used. the most agreesous example is north dakota where they changed the rules to say you have to have a residential address to vote in north dakota knowing most of the native americans that live on reservations do not have a residential address. it disenfranchised a specific community and that's how insidious it is. it convinces you it's your fault and forget it's a series of laws designed to lower the ability of certain communities to enter the right to vote. >> you're starting this initiative called fair fight, is
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this about passing laws or informing people? >> fair fight 2020 and we can find more information at fair fight is designed to build voter protection teams in the 20 battle ground states and define them influence to write how redistricting is done in 2021. we'll invest in the communities and hiring and training staff and localized teams we can respond to these new laws or old laws and help people actually fight back against voter suppression. >> when the president talks about millions of illegal, you know, undocumented workers or undocumented immigrants voting in the state of california for hillary clinton, that's why they didn't win california or new hampshi hampshire, do you think that works? >> it works for the people that want it to be true but it's a lie. it's not true. voter suppression is real. voter fraud is a myth.
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often examples are mistakes made. we do not have a rash of people putting on disgraces trying to vote twice. we have a challenge getting 70% of the people to vote but we do know it's hard to get on the rolls and stay on the rolls and difficult for communities to cast a ballot and getting that ballot counted so what we want to do through fair fight 2020 is be in the states and help push back against that through law making and having volunteers who become full-time staff who do this all the time. >> stacy abrams, appreciate your time. >> thank you. just ahead, the president has beef with his favorite cable news channel lands on t"the ridiculist" ahead. , tim. could you email me the part about geico making it easy to switch and save hundreds? oh yeah, sure. um. you don't know my name, do you? (laughs nervously) of course i know your name. i just get you mixed up with the other guy.
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coming up, president trump takes aim at fox news and winds up on the ridiculist. but first let's check in with chris. >> we have two big things, one,
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what this playbook that has been revealed by the tampa bay times tells us about why you hear republicans not saying what they should about white supremacy, why this president is backing away from what he had said was common sense when it came to guns. we'll go through that. and the idea of a tax cut now, if you have the strongest economy ever and you have this kind of deficit, makes no sense until you look inside the latest poll numbers. we have the professor here to do that. >> one of the arguments on this, for folks who don't know, "the washington post" is reporting is the white house is considering a payroll tax cut which would be an indication that they believe they are concerned about a slowing economy. >> and that they're looking for a cheap thrill. they're looking to juice the economy which is what a tax cut does. it's not targeted the right way. they're saying it's middle class. they won't give specifics. but why not a infrastructure
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bill. but it doesn't happen fast enough and that's what this is what it's about. >> see you at the top of the hour. president trump angry with fox news, his late et cetera wrath and still in his good graces, he's not angry at everyone over there, next on the ridiculist. redefining value fess with zero account fees for brokerage accounts, and zero minimums to open an account. we have fidelity mutual funds with zero minimum investment. and only fidelity offers four zero expense ratio index funds directly to investors. because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. ♪ so, maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero family meeting! busy! well, i'm going to t-mobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, they'll give me another one. but if you're busy... iphone ten r? let's go! for a limited time, come to t-mobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us.
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for conspiracy theories, fox news. he's furious over a recent poll. and speaking to reporters yesterday, it was clear the president has turned fickle in the absence of the old fox news tickle. >> something going on at fox, i'll tell you right now. and i'm not happy with it. i'm certainly happy, i think, sean hannity and lou dobbs and i think tucker carlson and laura and jessie waters and jeanine, we have a lot of great people. >> even greg gutfield, that's a close one. everyone stand down, the president has got it from here. i love the president says we have a lot of great people at fox, not trying to hide that he thinks they all work for him, that they're all just part of the party. he just starts ripping names at fox like justice cavanagh.
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and there's judge jeanine pirro. >> as someone who's run for office five times, if the devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on the opponent, i would be on the first train to hell to get it. and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. >> i don't know why everyone is yelling. first trolley to hell. that should be the name of her show. after every interview, she be like do-do. coming up, next stop, voter fraud. the country is -- that's not really -- yeah, it is my larry
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king voice. i have one voice. that's all i can do. the country's best known name sake might not like it when fox news releases a poll, but the president hasn't forgotten all the network did for him and his also. where else would rudy giuliani have been able to defuse the stormy daniels hush money scandal. >> it's not campaign money. no campaign finance violation. >> they funneled it through a law firm. >> funneled through a law firm and the president repaid it. >> oh. >> i did not -- he did. there's no campaign finance law. >> zero. >> zero. a lot of "o"s, like in loser. expect michael cohen is in federal prison for conspiring with the president to make those payments. let's just say zero.
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what is the relationship between the president fox news goes from here, i don't know. but i've already bought my continue to the first trolley to hell. i want to hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> the gift came before the request. thank you very much. i'm chris cuomo and welcome to "prime time." the president is backing away from his words of support for gun reform despite three more planned shootings being thwarted. but now we have a memo that may explain why this president has lost his spine. we're going to bring in one of the biggest warriors of this battle in congress. does he have a counter to this playbook on guns and white nationalism? another question, if this economy is the strongest ever, why does this president need another tax cut to juice