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tv   New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul  CNN  August 3, 2019 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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another presidential nominee being pulled from consideration. >> i felt that congressman ratcliffe was being treated unfairly. >> president trump removes the nomination for ratcliffe to be the next. >> puerto rico has a new governor, this comes after months of unrest. ricar ricardo rossello jumped down and has chosen pierluisi to replace
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him. >> a lot of people here are saying they are not happy with that selection. >> it is the 9th straight weekend of massive public protests in hong kong. >> this may be the last time we can come on to the streets to demonstrate for our freedom and democracy, as long as there is still a little bit of hope, we will still fight until the end. this is "new day" weekend with victor blackwell, and christi paul. >> good to have you here at the top of the hour this saturday morning. president trump now says that congressman john ratcliffe will not be nominated as the next director of national intelligence. now, he was just announced less than a week ago, and with every passing day, his confirmation seemed less likely, and now the president says he feels bad for ratcliffe. >> i felt that congressman ratcliffe was being treated very unfairly. i was reading the press, and i think i am a student of the
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press. and i could shat the press was treating him very unfairly. i asked him, do you want to go through this for two or three months, or would you want me to maybe do something else, and he thought about it. it's going to be rough. i can see exactly where the press is going. >> ratcliffe had little national security experience to start with and a republican senate source said there was very little enthusiasm for his confirmation. president trump of course blaming the press for the down fall but also said he seemed to depend on the media to vet his candidates. >> you vet for me. i like when you vet. i think the white house has a great vetting process. you vet for me. when i give a name, i give it out to the press, and you vet for me. a lot of times you do a very good job. not always.
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if you look at it, i mean, if you take a look at it, the vetting process for the white house is very good but you're a part of the vetting process, you know. i give out a name to the press and they vet for me. we save a lot of money that way. >> we'll talk about that in a moment. joining us now from washington, cnn political analyst, white house correspondent for the "washington post," i give you the name and you vet for me. let's save that to the end. let's start here, tolu, and good morning to you first. >> good morning. >> listen, nomination fights in this administration have been partisan. they have faced media scrutiny. there have even been questions about qualifications before. what was the tipping point just five days after the first tweet that led to the final tweet in the story of john ratcliffe as nominee for dni. >> victor, normally you don't have presidents making these big
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types of announcements on twitter without consulting a senate that's led by their own party tahat would be pivotal in deciding whether this person got through. the president tweeted out this name, he waited for the press to do the vetting. normally presidents talk to republican leaders, they talk to members of their party, does this person have the support necessary to get through the confirmation process. the president obviously did not do that. he put out this name and got a tepid response from republicans, they were not seeming enthusiastic about rjohn ratcliffe being the next director of the dni. telling the white house it's going to be tough to get this guy confirmed, there are a number of republican senators that have concerns about whether or not he has the right qualifications of the job. this is supposed to be a nonpartisan position. you're supposed to have extensive national security experience. ratcliffe did not have that. it's even written in the law that you're supposed to have a certain level of experience.
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it's becoming more and more difficult to see a pathway for ratcliffe nomination. that's why the president pulled the plug pretty quickly on that nomination. two sources tell cnn that it's unlikely that the deputy dni will be chosen as the acting director of national intelligence and they are actively looking for another option. is the president looking for someone who's more loyal, more partisan, why look beyond the deputy to be the acting moving forward until they find a permanent nominee. >> if you think about the reason that dan kocoats, the current director is being pushed out of the way is because he has not walked in lock step with president trump about intelligence issues, russia's interference in the election. he has been clear on speaking out on behalf of the intelligence community and sometimes in contrast to what president trump has said. he has down played russia's interference in the 2016 race.
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sue gordon being a career official, not a trump loyalist, not someone appointed or selected by the trump white house, this president is concerned that maybe she would continue that practice of breaking with the president, talking about issues that maybe make the president look battlegroubad or as if he's not sticking to the facts. they thought ratcliffe would be loyal, especially how he behaved, where he was aggressive towards bob mueller and advancing conspiracy theories. the president is looking for somebody who can be abon attack job in the community! toluse olorunnipa, always good to have you, sir. after seeing a map of widespread wildfire, president trump called vladimir putin this week. >> according to a senior administration official, several, in fact, they moved on from the fires to the need to
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replace ambassador jon huntsman. >> joining me now, cnn reporter, sarah westwood, how did they make that shift from fires to the ambassador? >> reporter: well, sources say this was a relatively quick phone call between russian president vladimir putin, and president donald trump. it was, as you mentioned, initiated because president trump saw that map of the wildfires ravaging siberia, he called to offer u.s. assistance in combatting those flames but the conversation did drift to the fact that soon the trump administration will likely need to name a new ambassador to russia, given that ambassador jon huntsman, who's been there since the beginning of the presidency is said to be planning his departure in the weeks ahead. sources told our colleagues that huntsman and his wife have been on a farewell tour, having dinners with fellow diplomats, going to events in what appears to be preparations to leave the country. sources said that trump and putin did not discuss the
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intermediate range nuclear forces treaty to which the u.s. formally withdrew yesterday. they did not discuss the coming u.s. sanctions on russia in retaliation for russia's poisoning of a spy in the uk. that conversation did drift to huntsman. trump and putin apparently did not discuss possible new names to replace huntsman. they just discussed the need to replace him, and this could be interpreted, victor, and christi as an effort for president trump to warm relations between putin and russia. the white house in the readout also said the two discussed a trade relationship between the u.s. and russia. >> sarah westwood, appreciate it, thank you. beijing is watching, also sending out a warning. the antigovernment pro democracy march started a few hours ago while pro-police demonstrators held a competing rally. >> this is the 9th weekend of protests and you have seen that the tensions are running high,
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the unrest continuing there in hong kong. sometimes it gets down right scary. >> let's go live now to cnn's senior international correspondent ivan watson in hong kong. ivan, the sun is going down there, a little after 7:00 p.m. what are you seeing from the protesters? >> well, we see a large number of predominantly young people, mostly dressed in black, some of them, many of them with their faces covered to protect their identities, some with helmets and other makeshift pieces of armour, anticipating some trouble which have shut down one of the busiest commercial thorou thoroughfares in the highly congested city. hardly any traffic, and all of the stores on what would normally be a busy shopping day, shuttered and closed. authorities have been warning, this is not authorized, not allowed, they are calling this illegal. the problem here is that there
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is a fundamental disagreement between the protest movement and the hong kong authorities over is this a sanctioned legal protest that people have the right to do or is this a riot. which the government has called these actions in the past. both sides have grown increasingly violent as the protest move has continued and the government in mainland china has been ramping up its warnings as well. nobody really knows where this will go in the end, but it's hurting the economy in this international financial hub, and it is dividing families, those who support the protest movement and those who oppose it. victor and christi. >> ivan watson in hong kong for us. ivan, thank you. we're just getting this in. defense secretary mark esper is talking about a plan to deploy intermediate range missiles to asia. >> this is an announcement that comes, think about it, just a day after the u.s. left the inf
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treaty, and i want to take a minute to listen to what esper told reporters moments ago as he's on his way to sydney, australia. >> i'm talking about conventional weapons, inf range, exactly. i would prefer months. i just don't have the latest data play on time lines for either a cruise missile or a long-range missile as the army was preparing it but these things tend to take longer than you expect. there's a number of factors that weigh in. i don't want to get ahead of ourselves. we need to first focus on the programs and getting the system right. >> we'll talk more about that throughout the morning. still to come, though, employment growth in the u.s. is still solid, although there has been some slowing. how long requecan the u.s. sust the economic expansion. three people are killed when
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rapper asap rocky is back in the united states while a swedish court decides his future. the 30-year-old rapper spent a month in jail on assault charges after a street fight in stockholm. three and two members of his entourage claim they were defending themselves. >> prosecutors are requesting asap and his codefendants spend six to ten months in jail. a verdict is scheduled august 14th. there's three people have died, two others are hurt after a bluff collapsed on top of them. now, this was just north of encidas california. experts say the chunk of cliff that fell is about the size of a bus and as heavy as a concrete wall. >> falling bluffs are unfortunately common along the san diego county beaches there.
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life guards say they are constantly warning people to stay away from them. >> it's absolutely sad, watching them counsel the victims, children or relatives, whoever they were, they were pretty distraught. >> experts worry there could be another collapse in the area, but they say there's no way of predicting when. the u.s. economy, let's talk about that, added 164,000 jobs in july. the unemployment rate remained at 3.7%. so this marks the 17th straight month that it's been at or below 4%. >> what does the jobs report say about the state of the economy and did it warrant this week's interest rate cut. cnn's christine romans reports. >> hi, it was a report that was exactly in line with what economists expected. doesn't really change the story yet for the fed but it paints a picture of an economy that is still strong. companies are still hiring but it's slowing a little bit. let me show you what i mean. you had 164,000 net new jobs in
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the month. that's right in line with the average for the year. but when you look at the average for this year so far, it is a little bit of a slower pace than we have seen in years past so this shows you a labor market that has really been doing well for ten years and is now starting to show some signs of tiredness, i would say. let's look at the sectors, business and information services, this is a typical strong part of the labor market, and i'm going to tell you that a lot of these jobs here are highly skilled, highly technical jobs that pay well. health care, that has been a consistent performer, and look here at manufacturing. created some jobs, about 16,000, but the bureau of labor statistics, the department of labor, points out that basically this is unchanged for the month, and honestly, unchanged for the year. you're not seeing manufacturing job growth like you'd like to. again, when you look at the trend overall, it is still fine, but not gang busters, and certainly we're on track now for the first half of this year for the slowest kind of job growth that we have seen really in the
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past eight or nine years. wages coming in at about 3.2%. a couple of real bright spots to tell you about. we saw 370,000 people come in off the sidelines to try to look for work. that is a good sign. that means that the job market has been good enough for long enough that people who were sidelined after the great recession are confident enough to come in and get work. that is a good sign. we also saw something called the u 6, the underemployment rate. that fell all the way to 7%. that's really the best we've seen in this whole cycle. so a couple of numbers there showing you that after all of this time, this is still a pretty healthy labor market. it's just not as robust as it was last year. victor, christi. >> now, we have ceo kataka roy, thank you for being here. >> we heard those numbers, they're very solid. the l a lot of people may be sitting
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at home saying how long can we sustain this growth? >> yeah, when we look at the jobs market, the strong market is adding more jobs, and it's good for women as well as for the economy. so what we're actually seeing is that it's pulling more women back into the work force, and last year we saw that women actually increased their labor force participation to 47% of the work force, and women are the most educated cohort in the u.s. and actually for the first time this year there's nor educated women in the work force than men and that actually is good for our economy because it is increasing women's labor force participation, actually helps us read the $2.1 trillion economic opportunity of closing the gender equity gap. >> but is it sustainable? how sustainable it is as we look at these numbers? >> you know, when we look at it, one of the things that we see is that in fact, women, while they
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are the most educated cohort, have been leaving the work force, and are projected to leave to 2026. seeing a turn around of that number we know is actually a positive sign, not only for women but also for the economy. >> let's talk about the president threatening to hike tariffs on $300 billion of chinese -- worth of chinese goods. next month, that would happen september 1st. let's listen together to what he said about who's going to feel that impact. >> china is devaluing their currency and they're also pouring money in. their currency is going to hell, but they're also pouring money in, and that will pay for the tariffs. the tariffs are not being paid for by our people. it's being paid for by china because of devaluation, and because they're pumping money in. >> here's the thing, analysts say that these tariffs are targeting every day goods as opposed to to say the industrial materials that were affected last time around, tvs and iphones and sneakers and toys.
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how soon might be it be before americans see the spike and is what the president said correct, are we going to feel that as consumers? >> yeah, so when we look at the tariffs through the lens of gender, what we actually see is the tariffs actually are part of the gender pay gap, and they sit squarely in the pink tax. and so what happens is that more money is actually coming out of women's wallets and men's for items like apparel, footwear, and household items, and in fact, 75% of the tariff burden on u.s. households is from apparel, and women actually bear the brunt of 65% of that. so the average import tax for men's clothing is actually 11.9%, and for women, it's actually 15.1%. so i think it calls into question as we expand the tariff burden, really is this good for u.s. consumers as well as for the broader economy.
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all right. katica roy, appreciate you taking time with us this morning. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. some 2020 democratic presidential candidates are walking back their criticisms of the obama administration after backlash from this week's debate. how democrats can build on the obama legacy at least from some of the candidates' perspectives, coming up. the music event of summer...
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tnch 25 minutes past the hour. former candidates walking back their criticism of president obama. some targeted joe biden's record on health care during the obama administration, in turn attacking the former president's legacy. >> now those democrats are reversing course, senator booker applauded the former president's popularity. if obama was running for a president in the third term, saying he wouldn't be in the race. >> meaning booker himself wouldn't be running. >> back to discuss now, tola, maybe not so much on tuesday, some of the candidates are saying, yeah, maybe that was too far. >> that's right. we're hearing a huge defense of president obama's legacy now after the debates, that we did not hear during the debates.
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you did not hear candidates praising obama's eight years in office and the accomplishments he was able to achieve. you heard a lot of them using what they believed were the deficiencies of obama's term to attack joe biden, whether it was on immigration and deportations or the troop surge in afghanistan. even health care, a lot of candidates were looking to not only build on obama care but replace it with something they believe would be better, medicare for all. the candidates saw some of the backlash, not only from obama allies but democratic voters who find obama to be a popular president. the polls show that obama continues to enjoy very high approval ratings from democrats and independents and the coalition that obama put together to win in 2008 and 2012 including young voters and minority voters, whoever emerges from this big field of democrats is going to need to put that coalition back together and trashing obama's legacy is not one way to do it, and i think
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those candidates realize that after the debate. >> some people may think obama is sacred to some degree. they may miss the respect and dignity he brought to office, not necessarily the policy as we saw on wednesday night in terms of what they were looking at but let me ask you this as we move forward, how do you attack former vice president biden which was really their intention without attacking president obama. . >> it's a tough question. you have to do it with a lot of respect. senator kamala harris went after biden on the issue of deportation, she spent a lot of time with a long preamble talking about how she respected president obama, she worked well with president obama but disagreed with him on this one issue. that is an easier pill to swallow for a lot of democrats, rather than an all out attack on his record. democrats are trying to figure
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out the best way to separate obama from the biden record. talking about whether he was a positive influence or negative influence on the white house and what he failed to do what you would expect the vice president to do, provide guidance, help, to steer a new president through the rigors of the office. democrats are rig to figure out -- trying to figure out a way to separate obama from biden. he's saying i was a very close adviser to president obama, he vetted me, he chose me, so all of these attacks on me are also an attack on obama. he's making it very difficult for the democrats to attack obama. >> help us understand that, it's not new for candidates in a primary to criticize or question the previous administration. now, president trump is in many ways an anomaly and his criticism of the bush administration, and when george w. bush left office, he wasn't
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very popular. in the 2018 primaries, there were certainly criticisms of former president clinton who left office with a pretty high approval rating. why is this so different when it comes to the obama administration. >> one thing is voters realize how tough of a time president obama had, not only with republicans but with president trump who has spent the better part of 2 1/2 years trying to tear down the legacy of obama, trying to erase him from the history books and really repeal a lot of the accomplishments that he had over eight years. democrats are sensitive to anything that other democrats do and anytime they spend attacking other democrats are time they're not spending attacking president trump which is the real focus for many in the party. >> all right toluse, we appreciate you being here as always. thank you. eric garner's family is demanding justice. it's been five years since the death of their family member. coming up, what could happen to the officer accused of killing
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nypd judge recommended daniel pantaleo be fired for his role. his last words, i can't breathe sparked a national outcry leading to protests across the country. now, new york's police commissioner has to decide if pantaleo will lose his job. garner's daughter says her
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family has waited long enough. >> we've waited five years. ccrb has made the recommendation. commissioner o'neill, fire pantaleo, that's all we're asking. we're asking for the congressional hearings. we're going to keep fighting for the eric garner law, but five years is too long. >> cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson with us right now. good morning to you, joey. what do you think is going to happen here? what do you think is the right thing to do? >> good morning, i think the right thing would be to do is to have him in jail but that's a separate issue. let me discuss it anyway. i think we have to recognize the nypd does a lot of good. they serve and protect us every day, walk the beat, when an officer, however, steps across that line, i think we have an obligation to call it out. let's reverse before we go forward. the fact is this family has waited such a long time for justice. there was a ground swell of support in the community for his state prosecution. of course at the time, if we
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want to talk historically when this occurred five years ago, there was state charges that were being contemplated but there was no grand jury action. what does that mean, it means that the district attorney at the time and staten island, dan donovan who was in 2018, he presented the case, didn't get an indictment. i can tell you as a former prosecutor that a grand jury, indeed, a prosecutor could, and a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich and so when you don't get an indictment, it's because that's how you leave the jury. it's a smack in the face to the family. moving forward, there was no action as it related to his discipline, and the questions were why. mayor de blasio said the justice department told me not to do anything. every state, every city is a sovereign. the federal government doesn't tell you what to do. you do as mayor what you think is most appropriate. the police commissioner does what they think is most appropriate. you have the justice department only recently deciding not to pursue charges which i wrote an op-ed column to cnn stating that
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was an outrage. what was the basis? you know what, we don't know if we could get a conviction. the fact is that you have an obligation to present a case to a grand jury, number one, and number two, to go to trial and let members of the community make that determination. that wasn't done. i know there was squabbling within the justice department, should we go forward or not. i think the family deserved that. and finally i do think based upon this decision, i really believe that the commissioner will do the right thing and have him fired. >> all right. i want to talk t too about the judge has ordered r. kelly to be held without bail. the singer pleaded not guilty to a long list of charges. he's accused of having sex with three girls under the age of 18. hiding the fact that he had a sexually transmitted disease, producing child pornography. this is the second time he's facing child pornography charges. he's got charges in new york, charges in chicago. is he going to be let out.
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we know years ago he was released pending some charges that had to be reviewed and look at all of the charges that have come up in that time since then. so how strong is the argument that this is a man that needs to be held or confined until this is worked out. >> it's very strong. we should deep in mind, and he is and the judge made a determination in chicago that he will not be let out pending his trial, and a judge in new york has made the similar determination. we do not expect or anticipate that he'll be out. we're in a different climate. we're in a different time. hands up, me too, times up, excuse me, me too, and the fact is that i think the day of reckoning for mr. kelly, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. he deserves that same presumption. he has called the victims sort of disgruntled, et cetera. >> groupies is what his attorney said. >> exactly. disgruntled groupies, but the fact is he faces a world of hurt, and certainly he can get consecutive time if convicted both in illinos and new york. >> all right.
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joey jackson, always appreciate your perspective. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> absolutely. victor. a new law in california says all presidential candidates must submit their tax returns in order to get on to the state's primary ballots. that includes president trump. the implications for the president, the state and the republicans and democrats beyond california. we'll talk about that next. can my side be firm? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both... adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. so, can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with him? yup. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus no interest until january 2022 on all smart beds. only for a limited time. hi, it's real milk, just00% farmwithout the lactose, id. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive.
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17 minutes to the top of the hour now, in order to make the 2020 ballot in the country's largest state, california, lawmakers have now passed a law and the governor signed it that says president trump has to release his tax returns. the big question this morning, will this law hold up to challenges? and does this open the door for other states to start regulating the ballot requirement process too? i spoke with university of california irvine election law
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professor rick hasan about the implications. rick, the sponsor of the original bill made it clear that this is in direct response to president trump's refusal to release his tax returns, and now we know that the treasury department is not releasing them to congress, but there is this 25-year-old, about 25 years old decision by the supreme court that states cannot stipulate that to run for congress, candidates have to do more than the constitution determines. will this stand up in court? >> well, i think there's a huge question as to whether or not this is going to stand up in court. cr you mentioned a case involving trying to require people who want to run for congress a term limit, the supreme court said you're adding qualificationins.. i think there's a real danger that this law is going to be struck down by the courts and not be put in place, at least for presidential candidates. >> let's talk about the broader
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context here, when we speak about california specifically for president trump and not being on the primary ballot unless he releases his tax returns, there's not going to be a significant primary fight, and the chances that he would win california in a general election were slim to none anyway, so it's broader than the state of california, right? >> well, i think there's a few things going on. one is that if trump's not on the ballot, then you're going to have fewer republicans turning out to vote generally, and that could affect other republican race. it could affect voting on ballot measures. i think there's a real issue there. you're right it also has national implications. what if a state passes a law that said you can't run for president unless you produce your birth certificate, leading to a spiraling down that states put in place different requirements that affect kwhost on t -- who's on the ballot. it's a road the courts are going to be reluctant to let the
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states go down. >> birth certificates, health records and it would change from state to state. let me ask you this, what are the supporters of this new law from the governor to democrats across the state saying about that potential tit for tat that could spread across the country because of california's decision? >> i haven't heard much about that, but i have heard them saying the states have a lot of control over, you know, the ballot, what ballot looks like. states get to decide, for example, in california, people get to list a three word description of what their job is. you know, so states generally have a lot of lee way when it comes to structural how the ballot is, how many candidates can qualify to be on the ballot. those are generally a matter of state law. it's really a question of how much power do you give states to do this, versus how much power does the institution reign in when you're trying to add, you have to be beyond 35 years old, a natural born citizen if you want to run to be president of the united states. >> that was part of my conversation with rick hasen.
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the top u.s. navy seal says his force has a quote discipline problem, and he's setting a deadline for solutions after incidents that include allegations of sexual harassment, and drug use. is the misconduct a sign of a more systemic admiral john kirby is going to be here to talk about it. getting an important night's rest is as important as exercise and nutrition. we're looking at ways to design a sleep friendly bedroom so you can get a better sleep. >> the bedroom is incredibly important when it comes to designing your home for comfort because it's often a single sanctuary that you have for peace and privacy in your home. i recommend that my clients try to darken their space as much as possible because light can really interfere with your circadian rhythm. >> a good sleep environment is one that's cool, dark and quiet. some would say the optimal temperature is around 67 degrees. >> as far as window treatments
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doesn't mention any specific incidents but recent allegations include sexual harassment, alcohol use, as well as drug use. i wand to talk to retired rear admiral john kirby. admiral kirby, thank you so much for being here. were we talk about this letter from rear admiral colin green about navy s.e.a.l.s in iraq, do you think there is a culture that deals with issues that is part of the culture of issues with the s.e.a.l.s normally? or is there something at the 64 here that maybe this is specific to iraq? >> well, i think they don't know that right now, chrissy. and that's what admiral green wants to find out. i've known colin green for 20 years now. we were students at the naval war college.
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you're not going g ting to fin dedicated leader than colin green. he's exactly the right guy for this job i think he wants to find that and deal with the ethnics and behavorial issue before him. and a greater cultural problem. i'm not excusing the behavior, because as admiral green noted, some of it's is egregious and must be dealt with, on its own merits. but, we have to remember, christi, you're talking about a community that has bore the brunt of these wars for the last 17, 18 years in ways that no other community has. i mean the special operators that we have out there have really been at the very front edge of the fighting in iraq and afghanistan, and in syria as well. and many places around the world. and they're not getting much. the divorce rate until navy s.e.a.l.s is it among the
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highest in the military, certainly way higher than the public. they deal with ptsd, they deal with increased rate of suicide. there's a lot go on in the community that i think bears remembering. >> there were some tough numbers on suicide. rear admiral green have given them until next tuesday to come up with solutions. what immediate action, it calls for immediate action, needs to be taken? >> i'm not in a position to say what needs to be taken. i think that's really for admiral green after he talks to his commanders and gets their recommendations. i would expect to see, christi, recommendations in training. i don't mean physical training. leadership training, ethics, training before they deploy. and whether or not you need to check in a little more with these guys when they come home and see how they're doing. i suspect it will be more of a holistic approach. but my guess, the basic foundation they'll be looking at
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is from a training perspective. >> admiral john kirby, we always appreciate the service and your perspective. thank you. >> thank you. the next hour of your "new day" comes up after a quick break. ring an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy and that it was going to clog my pores. but what i love about olay regenerist whip with spf 25 is that it's lightweight, it's barely there. and then i can put makeup on over it if i want or if i'm not working, you know, just roll. it's perfect for me. i'm busy philipps, and i'm fearless to face anything. offers free so bookers can book now... and ask their boss later. [do you want breakfast or no?] free cancellations! [definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at since my dvt blood clot i was thinking...
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nomination of congressman john ratcliff to be his next director of national intelligence. >> he strikes me ass streamly unqualified in every way. puerto rico has a new governor. it comes after months of unrest. ricardo rossello has stepped down and chosen to replace him. >> a lot of people say they're not happy with that selection. >> it is the ninth straight weekend of massive public protests in hong kong. >> this may be the last time we can come out to the streets to demonstrate for our freedom and democracy. i feel like there is still a little bit of hope. we will still fight until the end. this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. it was announced less than a week ago, and now president trump


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