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tv   CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto  CNN  August 2, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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field. and i would add that tiffany pointed out the two biggest areas where he was krut niezed xfinity mobile is designed to save you money. were immigration and nuclear. i would also point out trade. whether you use your phone to get fit... ...or to find the perfect gift... but former vice president biden you'll use less data with a network that actually distanced himselves auto connects to millions of wifi hotspots from the trans-pacific and the best lte everywhere else. partnership during the second night of the debates saying i saving you hundreds of dollars a year. would not enter that deal until the best network. best devices. best value. it was renegotiated. and that reminded me how hillary and now get 250 dollars back when you buy an eligible phone. clinton had called the tpp the gold standard. and in her primary with bernie it's simple. easy. awesome. click, call or visit a store today. sanders she had to disavow it as well. >> i remember that. guys, i would like to turn the page and talk about will hurd, the only african-american republican in the house, will not seek reelection, tiffany. to put it in context, let's listen to what he said two weeks you. i'm jim sciutto in washington. ago. >> i'm the only black republican in the house of representatives. >> and i'm poppy harlow in new
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york. it has been quite a week and i go into communities that most there is a lot of news this morning. new this morning, the u.s. republicans don't show up in pulling out of the decades' long order to take a conservative message. if the republican party in texas doesn't start looking like nuclear treaty with russia. texas, there won't be a overnight the u.s. formally republican party in texas. withdrew from the 32 missile i'm the face of the future republican party. >> is he? range treaty and now there is and what does his decision not just one active treaty between the world's two greatest nuclear to run again tell us? >> well, look, this is a hugely powers and that, by the way, expires as jim points out in important district to both parties. 2021. it's a swing district. secretary of state mike pompeo of course he represents the longest stretch of the border tweeting this morning that between u.s. and mexico. russia bears sole responsibility for this. he has been an opponent of the president's border wall. the senior official says the but i would argue that i don't know how tough a loss this is. u.s. has already put in plans to test a missile that was banned i know he's championing his own under the treaty. >> it kept the peace for divertsty, but i would quote decades. the u.s. is preparing to draw ayanna pressley and say i don't back thousands of troops from know if black faces are as the location of its longest war, important as black voices. he voted with donald trump 96% afghanistan, amid peace talks on the time. with the taliban. he was one of the people who those troops could return home in the coming months. blocked the efforts to get trump's tax returns. the president has said he wants it to happen before the he's extremely pro-life.
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he's anti-choice, i should say. election. negotiations come in the wake of the deaths of two more soldiers so he does fall in line with the in afghanistan just this week. there they are, brandon jay republican party. if you remember, in last cycle he was running against gina ortiz jones and the election was so close that it wasn't called a election night. creiscer and michael unanimous. there was a little delay in 16 have been killed in declaring victory and jones afghanistan this year. actually came to the withdraw from the inf treaty, orientation. she was determined to be there. so i think he saw the writing on barbara starr is joining us now. the wall. this has consistently been a barbara, what this brings swing district and i think it forward is the redeployment of got harder for him to defend some of the president's rhetoric, even though he voted dangerous nuclear missiles in europe? >> well, that is possible. with the president most of the the u.s. now beginning the very time sg earliest stage of its own time. >> he's senator the only missile program to match what republican retiring earlier. there are people with senior the russians are doing by their positions in the party. the woman in charge of recruiting for the next election. are republicans worried that deployment of battalions of 2020 is not going to be a good enter med range missiles. year for them in the house? >> exactly. these are missiles the russians largely republicans were going on offense because there are 31 have staged in their regions that can reach into europe and in a conflict could target districts, 31 house democrats who have won seats or hold districts that were won by trump european cities, airports,
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in 2016. infrastructure, military targets, civilian targets, so republicans have been a anything that might make it little bit on the offensive difficult for europe to defend there in targeting those districts. but you also have to protect the itself, and perhaps more importantly, make it difficult for the u.s. to defend and districts, these swing districts that you currently hold. reinforce europe, make it and will hurd's border district, difficult for u.s. troops to get to those ports and air fields. what we call an r plus 1 this of course in the most dire of conflicts. so the u.s. wants to match that. district, it is the swingiest. if the russians are going to put it was a gut punch to missiles in europe on the flank, republicans who are trying to on the eastern flank of europe lay low and ride out the trump phase of the republican party and hoping that the republican now that could possibly do it, party can once again be an open the u.s. wants to have at least a program that is possible. tent -- or strive to be an open now, today the secretary general of nato is saying don't look for tent party. but i have to tell you it was really striking. new missiles in europe. i was watching the president's nato doesn't want an arms race. but the bottom line fact is the rally l rally last night and at the same russians are not backing off. time congress hurd's announcement of retirement comes they are keeping these missiles and it certainly does portend, in. and to see someone that espoused perhaps, the new superpower the future of the party and to see the president who is driving confrontation. >> only one remaining nuclear home the base strategy on immigration and culture issues treaty between those powers. and socialism and seeing which part of the republican party is new start expires in 2021. winning at this moment is very it sets up a remarkable sobering clear and very obvious.
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>> that's an interesting contrast. possibility of no treat he's. thanks for following the story. no question. great to have you both on this morning. jobs are up, unemployment is now for the major development in america's longest running war ever. low, fears are rising of the cnn has learned that the u.s. is economic consequences here at preparing for a dramatic troop home of an escalating trade war reduction in afghanistan, hoping with china. how long can the markets to bring home thousands of maintain their record highs if service members in the coming these tariffs continue? months. >> kylie atwood is in washington the market is already nervous about this. and she has the details. your very first sandwich, we're learning a lot more about your mammoth masterpiece. the troop reduction, and also and...whatever this was. because we make our meat about personnel. and i believe the biggest u.s. embassy in the world. >> that's exactly right. with the good of the deli an st the u.s. embassy in afghanistan with oscar mayer deli fresh. is by far the largest embassy in the world. i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. like the old "tunic tug". and as we are the first to but always discreet is less bulky. report today, the trump administration is in the midst and it really protects. of drawing down the personnel at 'cause it turns liquid to gel. that embassy with the goal of reducing the number of folks who so i have nothing to hide. are there by 50 percent by the always discreet. end of september. now, there are still a number of don't you get the one of those travel sites?t checks and balances they need to they tell you that, go through with congress to but when you book at, you get the price match guarantee. finish this. but they are well on their way so if you find your room at a lower rate, hilton is like... towards that goal. and the state department telling
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me that this is part of the we're gonna match that rate and give you an extra 25% off. trump administration's effort to what would travel sites do if you found a better price? end the war in afghanistan, but that's not my problem, also adding that they are not it's your problem. carrying out these cuts in a get outta here! hair-cut way. whoa, i really felt that performance. it's not evenly cut across the it's just acting, i'm really good at it. board. they're taking into book at and get the hilton price match guarantee. consideration where they can make cuts and where they need to if you find a lower rate, we match it and give you maintain a presence. 25% off that stay. they are not going to completely leave this embassy in afghanistan. but the other news today that we are learning is that as the u.s. goes into another round of talks with the taliban, they're hoping that a deal will be reached and they'll be able to pave the way to reduce the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan from approximately 14,000 to approximately 8,000 to 9,000. that's a significant reduction. and we always have known that ambassador khalilzad who is leading these negotiations has talked to the taliban about reducing u.s. troops. but what we're learning now is that there are some numbers that have been put on the board and u.s. officials have discussed
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those numbers with afghan government officials as well. >> kylie atwood, great reporting on the embassy stuff. very important. we appreciate it. let's talk big picture about these developments and bring in retired u.s. navy admiral along with former senior adviser to national security adviser under president obama. thank you both for being here. we need your expertise. when you were in the obama administration, you guys were assessing and addressing the fact that russia was violating the inf then. but the calculation of the obama administration was not to pull you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? out. so talk to us about what those flonase relieves your worst symptoms conversations were like and why including nasal congestion, that decision was made versus which most pills don't. this move by the trump flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. administration. >> well, poppy, that's exactly most pills only block one. right. flonase. russia's noncompliance with the inf treaty is nothing new. you'when you barely the clip a passing car. we've had detailed intelligence minor accident -no big deal, right? for years. what we've seen is the trump wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise administration make a your rate after the other car got a scratch so small
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cost/benefit calculation that it is better to violate the you coulda fixed it with a pen. agreement and to begin testing maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up and potentially deploying with a different insurance company. missiles that would allow us not for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual to lose some kind of competitive edge to russia, as they've been won't raise their rates because of violating this agreement. their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. my issue is not really just with the withdrawal from the treaty ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ itself, which nato had supported, but rather with the fact that we have no realistic take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. way to negotiate a new so you don't have to stash antacids here... agreement. we've withdrawn and it is unrealistic to think that we here... or, here. will be able to negotiate a new kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. agreement that would limit the deployment and development of one pill a day, these missiles. 24 hours, zero heartburn. and what we're seeing is the nuking of the nonproliferation architecture across the world. president trump is presiding over arms getting out of control rather than arms control agreements, whether it comes to russia, north korea or even iran. >> he is the aspiration of three-party talks between the u.s., russia and china to reduce those weapons. the question is how can he realistically get there.
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admiral john kirby, let's talk about afghanistan, america's longest war. negotiating a peace agreement with the taliban, which were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of troops there and thousands of afghan civilians and security forces and the president laying out an election influence timeline, it seems, to have those troops out by 2020. is it smart to negotiate with the taliban? can you make a deal with them here, hello! starts with -hi!mple... and is that a smart timeline to how can i help? follow? >> i think we have no choice but a data plan for everyone. everyone? to negotiate with the taliban everyone. and we did in the obama let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] administration, too. wifi up there? -ahhh. in order to find a peaceful end to this war you've got to sit sure, why not? down with the taliban. the difference is that they're making very little effort to how'd he get out?! include the afghan government. a camera might figure it out. now, the president and chief that was easy! glad i could help. executive have supported these at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. talks between the u.s. and taliban but they need to be a so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. party to this as well sooner than later. it looks like they're relatively supportive of this troop drawdown. but you cannot trust the taliban just at face value. so what worries me about this agreement is that we are
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conceding, we are agreeing to pull troops out without anything the july jobs report is out. tangible and credible coming it shows 164,000 new jobs are from the taliban in return right added to the u.s. economy last now. we have to keep it in perspective. we're going down to 8,000 to month. the unemployment rate held 9,000 troops, which is about steady at 3.7%. what president obama left in the numbers show that while the afghanistan when he left office. u.s. economy may not be as hot >> sam, what is your read this as it was last year, the job morning? i do think it's interesting market is still strong. because we heard a number of the but can it keep as strong as the global economy slows and the democratic candidates when they were asked this on the debate stage, including mayor pp pp, -- president promises more tariffs on china. with me, chief economist at pete buttigieg, saying that he would pull out within a year. >> it was one rare area of moody's. let me get your opinions. agreement. what does it tell you? and to admiral kirby's point, we >> job growth is okay, but as negotiated with the taliban you point out, job growth is under president obama. there was one key difference. slowing. last year in 2018 we created we relied on intelligence under the obama administration to 225,000 jobs on average every ascertain whether parties to month. negotiations could be trusted, after you subtract from the ups whether they could be taken at their world. and that intelligence really and counsels in the data it drove the interactions that we looks like 140,000 a job now. had with rival parties or that's a pretty big comedown. negotiating powers. what we've learned under this that's tough to keep
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administration is that the president really operates based unemployment stable but if it more on political or personal slows much further, that's a needs rather than what the problem. >> we saw jerome powell point to intelligence shows. i think it should be a goal for all of us to withdraw u.s. troops down to a more reasonable tariffs and trade wars for part level and to draw down embassy of the uncertainty and the fed personnel. we have separate reporting that the state department is lowering rates. my question is if we see these reviewing how many personnel are stationed overseas that are in new tariffs that the president afghanistan. the largest in the world. i served in iraq at the height announced, pretty much everything from china is going of the war when we had such a to be taxed. large presence on the ground. they have no incentive to give and so my question is really what intelligence is driving on a trade deal. these reviews, whether it be on they're not facing an up the troop withdraws or on upcoming election for xi diplomatic personnel. jinping. talk to me about what that means >> is it intelligence or for you, for me and more politics. i want to ask you a finalkirby, importantly, the soybean farmer in minnesota. there have been continuing protests in hong kong. >> this is a big deal. millions of peopleo choose if the president follows through on these tariffs, that is the fodder for recession. business people are already their leaders, concerned about very, very nervous about what's going o. they pulled back on their investment spending. chinese influence there. the president was asked about the next thing is they're start this. pulling back on their hiring. really remarkable comments from a sitting u.s. president. once they do that, unemployment i want you to have a listen to will rise and that will be for s
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them and then get your reaction. and consumers and that will be a problem. >> sure. >> mark, hearing you say the >> it's probably happening with words fodder for recession from hong kong, because when you look at what's going on, they've had the chief economist at moody's, riots for a long period of time and i don't know what china's attitude is. that's going to scare a lot of somebody said that at some point people at home. they're going to want to stop what about the strong spending that. but that's between hong kong and numbers that continue and the wage growth above 3%? that's between china, because hong kong is a part of china. >> all good. they'll have to deal with that themselves. they don't need advice. >> do you really think that we >> in fact, they're not riots. are on the edge of the riots are words that the chinese government have used. recession? they've been largely peaceful >> i think the odds are high. i think the tariff war is going protests. did the president just invite a lot of damage to the economy. china to crack down on those it hasn't shown up yet in terms protests. >> he certainly didn't do of jobs. anything to disincentivize them you can see parts of it in from taking action and manufacturing, transpore tagds potentially even more forceful and distribution. so far it hasn't happened, but action in hong kong. this next round is going to be what we needed the commander in too much for bids to bear. chief to say is we stand up for they're going to pull back. >> we just saw a warning today democratic principles, we understand the rights of these from the u.s./china business citizens to protest and what council, they say we don't think they're after. and we would ask china to use this is going to incentivize china to come back to the table.
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diplomacy and measured methods the big toy company is saying this is going to be detrimental, of trying to find a peaceful solution here. you need a president that's et cetera, and create going to stand up for basic disproportionate harm. my question to you is what are civic and human rights. our viewers supposed to think what he just said there was when they hear the president say basically just giving them carte we needed to go tough on china, blanche to do what they want and this is what we're doing, this they know the united states isn't going to intervene in any is good for the u.s. economy? way. >> i lived there for five years. can you point to any example in modern history, mark, where a i protests. trade war has benefitted this they are not rioters. country? >> no. in fact, just the opposite. always good to have you on. still to come, several trade wars do damage and they democratic candidates back on the campaign trail. don't end up in places that -- i the criticism many of them don't think it's going to end up leveled at the obama in a place where china is going administration has, not to agree to anything of surprisingly, caught the eye of president trump. substance. they may agree to some kind of >> that's right. and china threatening to retaliate after the president face-saving arrangement just to get rid of this thing and the announces a new round of president may do that because he tariffs, and these could hit has an election coming. consumers the hardest. but i don't think this is going this essentially means all goods to result in a substantive from china to this country will agreement with china. now be taxed. i think everyone can agree that and democrats on the hill china was a problem. vowing to derail the president's they weren't playing fair and they were cheating. pick to become the director of the strategy was the national intelligence. trans-pacific partnership. this as questions mount about that was a free trade deal that his resumé and experience. included everyone in the pacific
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rim except china because they didn't play fair. so we blew that up and now we're in a trade war and i'm very skeptical that's going to work. as you point out, i don't see any reason why the chinese are going to come to the table until after the election, because why if your gums bleed when you brush, would they? they're just going to wait and you may have gingivitis. and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, see how that plays out. receding gums, and possibly... >> he doesn't have to. tooth loss. help turn back the clock i think it's wonky, but they on gingivitis with parodontax. should google smoot holly act leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. and see what happened after that. >> there you go. >> history is a lesson. have a good weekend. thanks so much. >> that's a great point about the chinese waiting out the election as well. several democratic presidential candidates want the police officer at the center of eric a garner's death to be fired. this morning the police department will make their recommendation. how do you gauge the greatness of an suv? can the past help you write the future? can you feel calm in the eye of a storm?
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from l'oréal paris. "burger! i want a sugar cookie! i want a bucket of chicken! i want....." "it's the easiest, because it's the cheesiest" kraft. for the win win. my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. this just in to cnn. so what does the dishwasher do? congressman elijah cummings says cascade platinum does the work for you, he scared off an intruder who prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, tried to break into his
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baltimore home. the first time. let me read you part of the wow, that's clean! statement. cascade platinum. cummings said his security team went off saturday morning and he yelled at the person trying to get into his home. that scared the person away before they were able to access the residence. of course elijah cummings, a long time serving congress member, head of the house oversite committee. he then called the police. i should note this happened before president trump spent days attacking cummings and his baltimore district. after news of the break-in this morning, the president wrote commissioner of trials is really bad news, the baltimore expected to hand down her house of elijah cummings was recommendation on whether or not the officer at the center of the death of eric garner can be robbed. too bad, exclamation mark. >> i don't know that that tweet fired. we're standing by waiting for was dripping with sincerity. news. to another story we're of course there were no charges filed here so this would be following, joe biden says he's really the only remaining surprised at all the criticism recourse. >> reporter: it is the only remaining recourse and the recommendations would be that the officer at the center of the eric garner case gets terminated or fired or a suspension or some president seemed to agree. have a other punishment.
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or there could be no punishment at all. debate last night and i also this is a trial judge, a deputy commissioner at the nypd who watched the night before. that was long, long television. hearing, hearing all different and the democrats spent more sorts of evidence from the time attacking barack obama than civilian complaint review board, which were acting as they did attacking me prosecutors. and their argument was that he violated the procedures and practically. >> joining us now, cnn rebecca protocols of the nypd, and buck. cnn has reporting that president therefore he should be fired. obama himself was not pleased by ultimately i think what's the criticism of some of the important for viewers to know is that the decision rests with the democrats. what are you learning? >> well, that's right, jim. nypd commissioner. as you know, obama has been he can do whatever he wants. he can terminate the officer. trying to stay out of this primary as much as possible, keeping quiet and not making any he can suspend the officer. and that is ultimately what the endorsements. outcome -- that's where the y even with his former vice president in the race. but privately, obama, our cnn colleagues are reporting, is outcome rests, with the police commissioner, and that could take anywhere from a month to ten days. it's expected that this expressing kpaseration at how commissioner is going to act far left the party is moving on pretty quickly in this case and some policy issues and breaking obviously the family calling for with some of the things he did the firing of this officer. when he was president. now, of course primaries are all this is the first step, these about the legacy of the last recommendations from this trial president, where the party is judge. what's happening is that these
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moving and it's so secret that recommendations, they can't be made public by the nypd, so the democratic party right now has been moving far to the left what's happening is the attorneys that are representing policy-wise relative to the the officer and the attorneys obama administration. and it is for many of these from the civilian complaint review board actually have to go candidates a balancing act, down to police headquarters and because joe biden of course is running essentially as a third pick up the recommendation, the decision from the trial judge. term of president obama, but a and then we will learn what the decision is from the trial lot of these other democratic judge. >> we know you're going to be on candidates look at 2016 when top of it. hillary clinton was running as a third obama term and lost to joining us to discuss is cnn president trump and they see this as more of a balancing act. legal analyst and former how can they brace president obama, who remains very popular prosecutor. paul, if i could go big picture personally among many democrats, for a minute because they're in while also charting a new course administrative territory, not legal or criminal territory, and forward, taking a more this is part of a pattern progressive direction. and that's what we've seen from many of the other candidates, stephen clark in california, jim. >> rebecca buck, that's true. both officers still waiting on decisions for possible civil thank you very much. rights violations and in tulsa, let's talk about this with the co found and manager for the dbc and reporter for the oklahoma, police officer "washington post." good morning, ladies. acquitted. tiffany, let me begin with you. in louisiana, one officer
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let's listen to joe biden on this. >> i must tell you i was a dismissed, in baltimore all six little surprised at how much officers charged were back on duty in 2017. why is it so difficult to charge incoming was about barack, about the president. i'm prod of having served with these officers in situations like this where there is video? him and the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for and i >> i think there are two reasons. one, there is a bias in favor of think, you know, it kind of the police and i've seen it as a surprised me the degree of the prosecutor and attorney even exercised by members of grand juries. they feel that when a police criticism. >> tiffany, he says it surprised officer goes out to protect the him. i understand wonder if you public they don't go out intending to kill somebody and understand the calculus by so they hesitate to bring criminal many democrats to go after such a popular former president. charges. the second is that criminal >> well, again, we're taking donald trump's word and i would charges require proof beyond a reasonable doubt chrs the argue that donald trump has spent more time criticizing highest standard that exists barack obama than he has under law. on the other hand, this hearing learning how to govern. >> i watched the debate. that we're having now which is an internal proceeding of the i saw them. >> fair enough. i'm just saying that sometimes new york city police department is a lower standard. donald trump has the tendency to it's called by a preponderance push the news line instead of of the evidence, which means one the actual policy that people are targeting, and i think side has a little more evidence than the other. so it's easier to prove it in a that's bigger part of the
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proceeding like this. discussion. the two buckets that people were >> i think jim brings up -- and criticizing was the obama i'm so glad he did, such an administration's stance on important point, paul, that there is this repetition. immigration, as well as his how many of these young, often signature legislation, the black men have to die at the obamacare. so i think the challenge here honestly, poppy, is that you hands of officers for there to be what feels like justice to have these two factions of these families. voters and there are a lot of so on that point, we heard eric younger voters. garner's widow this morning on so for those of us who might be a little older, we knew what a cnn. here's what she said. i don't know what the next step would be legally, i don't know huge feat it was. but then when what it would be civilly. the time obama came in office and they witnessed some of these if they do not get justice from things that the obama the commissioner, is that truly administrationfloor, not their the end of the legal road for ceiling. and so they're looking at go this family? >> this is symbolic of a traj gee that we have seen all over the united states and it's home, let's push further. and they don't mind criticizing eroded confidence in the the obama administration for are african-american community about where they started. the fairness of police departments. it's not so much that they did but on the other hand, of course bad work but they're saying the law is the law and it gets there's room to grow. and i don't think that's applied strictly and cops tend necessarily bad. this is a healthy generational to get the benefit of the doubt. shift that's happening within now, in terms of where she goes the party.
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it's not a bad thing to debate next. if they're not happy with this this policy and i don't think it's a personal attack on the recommendation, they really don't have many options. president by any means. >> but you hear a lot of now, we should mention that the democrats, i speak to them, they're nervous about this. family previously received they say we lost in 2016, we $5.9 million in a civil case that was brought and that the city of new york settled very move further left, we're going quickly. but in terms of pantaleo going to lose again. it's been interesting to watch because some of the candidates to jail, that's not going to that took part in the debates, happen. the grand jury has dismissed criminal charges. booker, harris, gillibrand, the department of justice would not proceed with criminal charges. they've been walking back some so the prospect of him being of the criticism. i wonder how deep the concerns punished in a way tha think the are in the party that this may garner family would like to see, jail, that's not going to please the left part of the base but not win an election? happen. you're going to look at >> i think that is a concern something maybe as little as a loss of vacation time. that's going to persist even as they could go that low in terms just -- even as the primary of the penalty or they can fire season taking on issues pantaleo. that's the range of punishment. >> we're expecting the decision. such as immigration and health care are -- rep seizing on that that should come today. thank you very much. by saying, look, most of the we appreciate it. ahead for us, democrats are country does not support gearing up for a confirmation fight. decriminalizing border they vow the president's pick to lead the intelligence community
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crossings, most of the country does not support a single payer will not get through their scrutiny.
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welcome back. this morning democrats are ratcheting up their calls to stop congressman john ratcliffe from being confirmed as the next director of national intelligence, a very important position that oversees 17 intelligence agencies and this comes amid questions about whether the texas republican exaggerated his resumé as a federal prosecutor working on terrorism cases. alex is in washington and you have been digging so deeply into his statements, what's true, what's not, and what is puffery at best. what can you tell us.
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>> hi there, poppy. this is five days after the president named john ratcliffe to be the next director of national intelligence and questions over his qualifications, skepticism over his resumé has grown in those five days. and now you have democrats in open revolt saying they will do whatever they can to try and block it. republican senators at best are tepid. the ranking democratic on the senate intelligence committee, mark warner, says there are enormous red flags. ron widen, another democrat on the intelligence committee -- and keep in mind that's the first committee that ratcliffe has to get through in order to be named dni. widen has said i will pull out all the stops. i think he will do so much damage to the intelligence committee at a critical time for our country. i will do everything i can to stop this nomination. republicans are a little bit more quiet. the chairman of that committee,
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richard burr has said he will work aggressively to confirm the president's choice but hasn't answered any other questions about ratcliffe's resumé. what's causing koern is when you go to his bio on his congressional page, there's a line that says he put terrorists in prison. that's pretty black and white. we have searched the terrorism case when he was a prosecutor in texas, we have not found any evidence of that. his office has not been able to give us any evidence of that. so that is very troubling. and we know from his past statements he has routinely criticized the intelligence committee and for their role into possible relations between the u.s. and trum campaign. >> i knowg on this. we appreciate that. the united states this morning formally exiting a crucial missile treaty with ru war.
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hello, everyone. i'm kate bolduan. thanks so much for joining me. it was a landmark agreement, one of the cornerstones of the post cold war era. more than 30 years after the pact known as the inf, the intermediate range treaty, the administration has now officially and formally with
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drun from hit. secretary of state mike pompeo making the announcement this morning, accusing of russia of long being in violation of the agreement saying in the announcement, this, quote, russia is solely responsible for the treaty's demise. what does this mean for the world, for the president's


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