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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  August 2, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the trump administration pushing for a peace deal with the taliban to bring thousands of troops home from afghanistan. >> until such time as there's a deal, we'll beaxing them. president trump slaps china with new tariffs on things like iphones, speakers and toys. missile. president trump says he has no problem with that. a dashboard camera captures the moments a plane swoops in for an emergency landing on the highway. stopped at the red light. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm boris sanchez. it's friday august 2nd. 5 a.m. on the east coast. the u.s. preparing to bring back thousands of troops from afghanistan. the trump administration negotiating a peace deal with the taliban right now. two sources familiar with negotiations say the number of
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u.s. troops in afghanistan would shrink from 14,000 to between 8 and 9,000 in the coming months. a spokesman says the move is part of the administration's push to end the war in afghanistan which has dragged on for nearly 18 years. this has been a signature issue for president trump going all the way back to his days as a candidate in 2015. here's what he said just last month. listen. >> we're like policemen. we're not trying to fight a war. if we wanted to fight a war in afghanistan and win it, i could win that war in a week. i just don't want to kill 10 million people. does that make sense to you? i don't want to kill 10 million people. i have plans on afghanistan that if i wanted to win that war, afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth. it would be gone. it would be over literally in ten days. >> the afghan government didn't receive those remarks well. the trump administration has already gun shrinking that industry. the goal is to cut half the
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embassy's personnel by the end of september. tariff man is back. president trump one day after trade talks wrapped up in china with no progress, president trump said he will slap a 10% tariff on $300 billion worth of chinese goods next month effectively taxing all chinese goods coming into the u.s. when my people came home they said, we're talking. we have another meeting in early september. i said, that's fine. but in the meantime, until such time as there's a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> this is on top of the tariffs already imposed on 250 fwhld chinese goods. these new tariffs will hit tech particularly hard. goods like iphones and other consumer electronics will be taxed. it will affect sneakers and toys. these are categories that have been protected to insulate the american consumer until now. as he has said many times before, trump falsely claimed this. >> we're absolutely no inflation and, frankly, it
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hasn't cost our consumer anything. it costs china. >> fact check, the money comes from consumers. the bill from customs and border protection goes to the american importers. business groups and the u.s. chamber of commerce coming out against the new tariffs, of course. they say it will only hurt consumers and undermine the economy. china's foreign minister said china will take counter measures if the u.s. is bent on putting tariffs on any of these. it closed down 281 points. retail tech and industrial stocks fell. crude oil took a dive indicative of how the trade war will hurt global growth. asian markets fell lower and european markets fell lower for each of the major averages. one notable point in the story, some 80 to 85% of toys sold in the united states come from china. >> that's right. >> these tariffs are coming in before the holiday season. >> that's right. >> the relationship between the
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united states and north korea also under the microscope. for the third time in eight days north korea has conducted a missile test. officials believe the test on thursday included a short range ballistic missile. even though the tests violate u.n. resolutions, president trump says he has no problem with them. >> reporter: is kim testing you in. >> i think it's very much under control. >> reporter: why do you say that? >> very much under control. short-range missiles, we never made an agreement on that. i have no problem. we'll see what happens, but these are short-range missiles. they're very standard. >> analysts believe the recent launches signal north korea's displeasure with upcoming military exercises between the u.s. and south korea and their decision to obtain stealth fighter jets. the u.s. is going to test a cruise missile. a senior defense official said
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it was set to test russian aggression in europe. cnn's barbara starr has the latest for us. >> reporter: christine and boris, look for this treaty, the imf treaty, look for it to disappear into history. the u.s. says russia had already been violating it by deploying the intermediate range missiles on its territory, missiles that could target europe and as of today the u.s. officially will be out of this treaty. this is a cold war arms control treaty signed back in the 1980s by president ragan and mikhail gorbachev. the question now, are we in an arms race?
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look for congressional funding to begin its own program. there is very little hope that the russians will come back to the table on this. they want to have this kind of system. look for nato today to talk about all of this and talk about european security and stability for the countries in europe. if the u.s. decides to go ahead and field a new missile, they will need those european countries for basing the missiles. nations like poland that are nervous about next door russia may take them. republican congressman will hurd of texas will not run for re-election. he says he plans to pursue opportunities in the private
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sector to, quote, solve problems at the nexus between technology and national security. he cited china's geopolitical threat, ai and cyber security and instability in central america. hurd is the only black republican and a frequent critic of president trump. on thursday he scolded the president for his recent attacks against four congress women of color. telling the washington post when you imply someone doesn't look like you and telling them to go back to africa, you're implying they're not american. as the dust settles from the cnn democratic debate, joe biden said he was surprised at the degree of criticism from former president barack obama. key accomplishments of the obama administration came under fire. the real attack was on biden. he's tied himself closely to
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obama. biden was asked about the attacks on obama's legacy. listen to his answer. >> i was surprised about how much there was about barack, the president. i'm proud of having served with him. i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for. i hope the next debate we can talk about our answers to fix the things that trump has broken, not how barack obama made all of these mistakes. he didn't. >> yesterday cnn asked four candidates about the legacy. here is the response. >> we are having an honest conversation about an administration that was incredible. if he were running for a third term, i wouldn't be running. >> i have nothing but praise for obama. i think he did great work. >> i have always had praise for obama. at the same time, let me be very clear, don.
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i do believe when it comes to immigration and i said this before i joined the obama administration in 2014, there were ways we could improve on what the obama administration was doing. >> president obama was a great president. for a lot of us we're looking at how to figure out how to build on his accomplishments and record. >> you know who else noticed the attacks on president obama? president trump. he talked about them at his ral ri last night. listen. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night. and i also watched the night before. that was long, long television. and the democrats spent more time attacking barack obama than they did attacking me practically. >> a spokesman for obama declined to comment on the attacks from biden's democratic rivals. former obama aides said they're
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furious. with the puerto rican governor set to leave office in a few hours, it is still unclear who will replace him. i'm finding it hard to stay on top of things. a faster laptop could help. plus, tech support to stay worry free. worry free. boom! ha.ha. boom! now, save up to 40% off furniture. up to 40% off at office depot officemax or has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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mouth or tongue swelling ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1 2 3. ♪trelegy 1-2-3 save at can the past help you write the future? ♪trelegy 1-2-3 can you feel calm in the eye of a storm? can you do more with less? can you raise the bar while reducing your footprint? for our 100 years we've been answering the questions of today to meet the energy needs of tomorrow. southern company the justice department will not prosecute james comey for leaking classified memos. the inspector general's office
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referred him for potential prosecution but doj officials decided not to move forward because there was no intention to violate the law. daniel rich mopped gave the information to the "new york times" reporter. democrats are vowing to derail president trump's pick to become the next director of national intelligence. they're already raising questions about john ratcliff's resume as a federal terrorism prosecutor. they claim as a u.s. attorney that he putter or lists in prison. his office is unable to provide any names. that's no problem if you ask the president. >> congressman ratcliff is an outstanding man. i'm sure he'll be able to do well. highly respected by everybody that knows him. >> democrats are not just concerned about the accuracy of
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ratcliff's resume, they fear the president is trying to polite size the role of the dni. >> if we don't have a dni who speaks truth to power, who first is able to cull the facts and come up with an unbiased view of what they say and in an unvarnished way can tell the president, we're in a much more dangerous world than they would have been. i could hardly think of a worse choice than him. >> if there's any time when they speak truth to power, it's now. >> richard burr refused to answer questions about ratcliffe's nomination. puerto rico's scandal-plagued governor ricardo rossello leaving office today. who will replace him, still unclear. the puerto rico legislature delayed a vote to confirm the new secretary of state. by law he should be the one to succeed rossello but if he is
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not confirmed before rossello steps down, then wanda vasquez would be next in line. she says she does not want that job. she tweeted thursday, if the time comes she will assume the responsibility imposed by the law. we are waiting for months. finally we can say football is back. we got our first look at the nfl class of 2019. andy scholes has more on this morning's bleacher report next. with my hepatitis c, i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret,
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the long national hibernation finally over. football is back. the nfl prooe season kicking off with the annual hall of fame game in canton, ohio. >> i don't know what i was doing without football. andy scholes has it. >> we made it. we made it through the non-football time. we won't have another weekend without football until february. celebrate that. the broncos and falcons kicking off the season. ed reed honored. he wore a t-shirt with people who had died with interactions with police including michael brown and tamir rice.
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we saw a pass interference challenge. didn't work. the call was still upheld but i'll tell you what, get ready. you are going to see this kind of challenge pretty much every game this season. broncos rookie head coach, he was coaching through that game with some pain last night. he spent the majority of the day in a cleveland hospital because of a kidney stone. he didn't pass the stone but he said he was in good enough shape to coach. broncos won 14-10. even though it's just a preseason game he said, quote, winning has cured more ills than penicillin. the new protective netting coming into play in this one. jeff mcneill on a dead run, makes the catch and uses the netting to sling shot himself back onto the field. the netting was put in place to
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protect the fans. in this case it prop bring saved him from bumps and bruises. speed pitch challenges at the park, nathan patterson tried one out. he hit 96 miles per hour on the gun. his buddy tweeted out this video saying the mlb should sign him up. well, it happened. the oakland as signed patterson to a minor league deal yesterday. patterson, he hasn't pitched in a real game since high school but he said he's been working on it for nine months, guys. this is one of those lessons. never give up on your dreams. hard work pays off. if you still want to be a pitcher in major league baseball -- >> andy scholes. >> -- you can do it. >> you've spoken the words i wanted to hear. i'm going to get back into gym and fix this rotator cuff. >> tommy john, come back stronger. >> good to see you. there's hope for an end to america's longest war.
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the latest on peace negotiations with the taliban in afghanistan. we've got that next. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. dealing with psoriatic arthritis pain was so frustrating. ♪ my skin... it was embarrassing. my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling. the tenderness. the psoriasis. i had to find something that worked on all of this. i found cosentyx. now, watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. it's a different kind of targeted biologic.
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breaking news. the secretary of state confirming just moments ago the united states pulling out of a landmark arms control treaty with russia. north korea's kim jong-un just launched another missile and president trump says he has no problem with that. plus, the trump administration pushing for a deal to bring thousands of u.s. troops home. >> until such time as there's a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> president trump, the tariff things like iphones, sneakers and toys. >> i'm christine romans. >> i'm boris sanchez. we begin with the end of a landmark arms control treaty between the united states and russia. mike pompeo confirming it moments ago with this tweet.
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on february 2nd, 2019, the u.s. gave russia six months to return to compliance with the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. russia refused so the treaty ends today. the u.s. will not remain party to a treaty when others violate it. russia bears sole responsibility. the treaty was signed 32 years ago by president ronald regan and mikhail gorbachev. the pentagon going to test the mobile launch cruise missile which was developed specifically to test russian aggression in europe. cnn's barbara starr has the latest. >> reporter: christine, boris, look for this treaty, the disapr into history. the u.s. says russia had already been violating it by deploying these intermediate range missiles on its territory. missiles that could target europe and as of today the u.s.
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officially will be out of this treaty. this is a cold war arms control treaty signed back in the 1980s by president ragan and mikhail gorbachev all aimed at arms control. the question now, are we in an arms race. the russians, according to the u.s., have deployed multiple battalions of their missiles that are conventional at the moment. it can target into europe and the u.s. now upon withdrawal will begin testing its version of the missile and try to get some congressional funding programs to begin its own program. there is very little hope according to experts that the russians will come back to the table on this.hi and talk about security and stability for the countries in europe. if the u.s. decides to go ahead
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and field the new missile, they will need those europea of the american missiles and nations like poland that are nervous about next door russia just might agree to take the american weapons. christine, boris. >> barbara starr, thank you for that. for the third time in eight days north korea has conducted a missile test. u.s. officials believe the latest test on thursday involve a new short range ballistic missile similar to the two other launches in recent days. even though they violate u.n. resolutions. president trump says he has no problem with them. >> reporter: is kim testing you? >> i think it's very much under control. >> reporter: why do you say that? >> very much under control. short-range missiles, we never made an agreement on that. i have no problem. we'll see what happens, but these are short-range missiles. they're very standard. >> i have no problem. analysts believe the recent launches signal north korea's
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displeasure with upcoming military exercises between the u.s. and south korea including their decision to evade north korean radar. the u.s. preparing to bring back thousands of troops from afghanistan. the trump administration negotiating a peace deal with the taliban right now. two sources familiar with negotiations say the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan would shrink from 14,000 to between 8 and 9,000 in the coming months. a spokesman says the move is part of the administration's push to end the war in afghanistan which has dragged on for nearly 18 years. this has been a signature issue for president trump going back to the early days of his candidacy in 2015. here's what he said about afghanistan just last month. >> we're like policemen. we're not fighting a war. if we wanted to fight a war in afghanistan and win it, i could win that war in a week, i just don't want to kill 10 million people. does that make sense to you?
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i don't want to kill 10 million people. i have plans on afghanistan that if i wanted to win that war, afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth. it would be it would be over in -- literally in ten days. >> the trump administration has already gun shrinking the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. the goal is to cut half the embassy's personnel by the end of september. >> tariff man is back one day after trade talks wrapped in china. president trump said he will slap 10% tariffs on $300 billion starting next month effectively taxing all chinese goods coming into the u.s. >> when my people came home they said, we're talking. we have another meeting in early september. i said, that's fine, but in the meantime until such time as there's a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> this is on top of tariffs already imposed on $250 billion of chinese goods. this will hit tech particularly hard.
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goods like iphones, consumer electronics will be taxed. it will affect sneakers and toys as he has many times before, trump falsely claimed this. >> we're taking in many billions of dollars. there's been absolutely no inflation and, frankly, it hasn't cost our consumer anything. it costs china. >> just not true. business groups and the u.s. chamber of commerce coming out against tariffs saying they will only hur consumers and ultimately undermine the economy. china's foreign minister said china will take counter measures. investors not happy at all. the dow had a 600 point swing from up 300 down 281 points in the end. retail, tech, industrial stocks fell big. look at best buy. crude oil took a dive indicative of how this trade war will hurt global growth and could kill demand for oil. republican congressman will hurd of texas joining a growing
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list of republicans saying he will not run for re-election. he plans to pursue opportunities in the private sector, dissolve problems between technology and national security. he cited international competition and artificial intelligence and instability in central america. hurd is the only black republican in the house of representatives and he's a frequent critic of president trump. just on thursday he scolded the president for his recent attacks against four congress women of color, the squad. he told the washington post, quote, when you imply that someone doesn't look like you and telling them to go back to africa, wherever, you're implying they're not an american and you're implying they have less worth than you. as the dust settles from the cnn democratic debate, joe biden said he was surprised at the amount of criticism aimed at former president barack obama. the real target, of course, was biden. the former vp has tied himself closely to obama who is beloved
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among democrats. campaigning in detroit, biden was asked about the attacks on obama's legacy. >> i must tell you, i was a little surprised at how much there was about barack, about the president. i'm proud of having served with him. i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for. i hope the next debate we can talk about how we fix our answers to fix the things that trump has broken not how barack obama made all these mistakes. he didn't. >> president trump also noticed the attacks on obama and talked about them in his campaign rally in cincinnati. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night -- , and i also watched the night before. that was long, long television. and the democrats spent more time attacking barack obama than
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they did attacking me practically. >> a spokesman for obama declined to comment on the attacks from biden's democratic rival. >> former aides said they were furious about the attack. let's bring in jackie kucinich. >> good morning. >> we have to talk about the attacks during the democratic debates on president obama. pretty hare much tuesday and wednesday night by thursday the candidates walked them back a little bit. take a look. >> yeah. >> we are having an honest conversation about an administration that was incredible. i would take him back. heck, if he was to run for president for a third term, i wouldn't be running. >> i have nothing but praise for president obama. i think he did great work. >> i've always praised barack obama. last night i did that with regard to the economy. at the same time, let me be very clear, don, i do believe that when it comes to immigration, i said this when i was mayor of san antonio before i joined the
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obama administration, that there were ways we could improve on what president obama was doing. >> president obama was a great president. i think poor a lot of us we are looking how to build on his accomplishments? you're suggesting at least on the issue of immigration he shouldn't be surprised. >> reporter: welcome to democratic primary politics especially on the issue of immigration. if you spoke to people during obama's base, they weren't happy how obama was running it, particularly deportations during obama's term. >> they called him the deporter in chief. >> reporter: they called him the deporter in chief. particularly on that issue, it's really hard for me to believe that biden was surprised because that was bubbling up throughout the eight years that obama was
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president. on some of these other issues, again, there was a lot of debate during -- when the aca was going through the legislative process about how far to the left they should go. they ended up in the middle, which is i think why you hear some of the lawmakers and some of the governors that have had to implement it saying, well, guys, you can't -- what you're -- some of the medicare drug proposals, that's not going to be possible. that's going to be a little bit too hard to implement. >> isn't that what president trump wants? he remained relatively unscathed and now the conversation is about obama's legacy and not him. he's joking about it at a rally. >> that's the risk during these debates is that you take that -- some of these democrats are taking their eye off president trump. that said, it's also the aim of these debates to contrast different democrats who are vying for their parties.
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>> sure. >> i can't imagine when we're talking in a general election that it's not going to be about president trump and his policies, that it's going to be about president obama at that point. but they do risk alienating voters that love president obama, that miss president obama. a lot of those voters who are big joe biden fans as a result by going hard against his legacy. some of these other candidates. >> cory booker said, look, we really miss obama and her husband. >> i know. let's talk a little bit about impeachment. by our count you have 117 house democrats who back an impeachment inquiry. that is 22 since robert mueller had his public testimony. it makes manu raju look like he had a crystal ball last month when he was talking with house speaker nancy pelosi. listen. >> reporter: if a majority of the caucus wants to go forward would you go for it?
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>> it's not even close in our caucus. >> that was only in june. slowly chipping away to 117. what's your snoint. >> manu is a little clairvoyant, isn't he? it's not only that there are more, it's who is backing impeachment. someone like elliott engel, the fact that he has put his name in there. that said, among democratic leaders, the most important flame is nancy pelosi, right? without her backing it would be a major coupon if they decided to go forward without her blessing on this. that said, you know, some of the president's actions particularly, racist comments of late, democrats have a range of reasons why they're choosing to speak up now and that is both -- it's causing the surge but it also could be problematic because it could look a little unfocused if they decide to go forward. >> it's also dammed if you do,
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dammed if you don't. >> totally. >> if they don't go for impeachment, trump says they didn't have enough evidence. >> yes. >> you heard that during the debate. julian castro made that point when he was speaking about impeachment. so there really is a hot debate out in the house right now as to how to handle this. >> jackie kucinich, thank you. >> have a great weekend. >> you guys, too. just moments ago the lawyer for one of the american teenagers for one of the teenagers accused of killing an italian police officer made a statement. we go live next. i don't keep track of regrets.
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-and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not.
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new developments in the case of two american teenagers who are being held for the murder of an italian police officer. moments ago we learned gabriel hjor is appealing the decision seeking freedom or at least lower security confinement. let's bring in cnn's melissa bell. melissa, how common is that sort of lower security release? >> reporter: well, the big question is whether the italian system will allow it. we should know more by the beginning of next week. the question will be whether they believe that he can be placed in some other kind of
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facility or under house arrest, but the real question is given that he has an american passport he will be considered by the italian judiciary a flight risk. what will be appealed is going to be, boris, a question of until these charges are brought and that can take some time he can be allowed out of this prison in which he's being held with finnegan elder, the other teen of whom he's accused of having been responsible for the stabbing of the italian police officer so tragically killed in the early morning hours of last friday morning. crucially though, this is the most important thing, that appeal by gabe natalie hjorth's attorney, all they've seen is reports through the press and through the judge just a few days ago. the lawyers were present when they were giving their
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confessions. they have the full transcripts, they were there. beyond that, they don't have much more for the time being than we do. >> controversial case. melissa bell, we know you'll keep watching it. back to the states, a controversial billboard in north carolina is coming down. it features photos of the four progressive congress women known as the squad along with the headline the 4 horsemen cometh. it was crossed out and says are hideous. the company convinced the gun shop owner that it had to come down. that gun shop owner said he had no intention of inciting violence. take a look at global markets. you have down markets around the world. pretty significant declines in tokyo and in hong kong. european markets closed down well this morning, too. paris, frankfurt both down. wall street leaning lower after stocks closed lower. this is all about tariffs and
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trade war and president trump resuming that title of tariff man. he will impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of chinese goods starting in september. the dow ended thursday down 280 points. that was a 600 point swing during the day. the s&p 500, the nasdaq also down. retail, tech, industrial stocks hit hard by this announcement. caterpillar down, nike and best buy had big declines. u.s. oil fell sharply down 8% indicative of the fear how the president's trade war will hurt global growth and could crimp the demand for oil. important piece of economic data. the jobs report will be released in hours. economists estimate the economy had 164,000 jobs. economy holding steady at 3.7%. that will be a little bit of a cooling from the 171,000 job average over the past quarter. according to the national federation of independent business, finding qualified
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workers is still the big concern for many sectors. the question also remains how many workers are left to be pulled back into the labor force. and then this. the senate passed a huge budget deal that would stave off the looming threat of a potential default on u.s. debt. prevents automatic spending debts with deals, suspends the debt limit through july of 2021. now the bill now goes to president trump for his signature and the budget watchdog, the committee for a responsible federal budget said if the deal becomes law, president trump will have signed into law legislation that adds $4.1 trillion to the national debt during his first term. one hand you have that big tax cut law which was not paid for and this spending deal. >> a budget hawk he is not. >> no runway, no problem. see what drivers saw as a plane came in for an emergency landing on the highway next. dietary choices are crucial to help manage blood sugar,
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but it can be difficult to find a balanced solution. try great-tasting boost glucose control. the patented blend of protein, fat, and carbs is part of a balanced formula that's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. in fact, it provides 60% more protein than the leading diabetes nutrition shake and contains only 1 carb choice. enjoy the balanced nutrition of boost glucose control as part of a healthy diet. we're going all in thion strawberries.ra, at their reddest, ripest, they make everything better. like our strawberry poppyseed salad and new strawberry summer caprese salad. order online for delivery. panera. food as it should be iand if we were in a stressfulmy fenvironment. or had a stressful time, we'd say hey let's go smoke a cigarette. interestingly enough, the further i got away from the military, i'd- i started noticing. you know, being in corporate environments and it not being as prevalent, being around smokers. so i would tend to be- become the odd man out.
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i'm kinda the only one taking a break- five times a day. yeah i'll rget it. the first time i actually tried juul i was surprised at how similar it waarette. ♪ for miles and miles. running circles
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♪ being lost ain't never really been my style. ♪ but i told ya... yo, jer! we gotta get to the show. ♪ i was looking for a sign. get on the bus. ♪ i need something to believe in. ♪ throw my hands up to the ceiling. ♪ oh sky won't you give me a sign. ♪ tell me will the world one day ever be mine? jeep wrangler. freedom to do it all. we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands!
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check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. police dash cam catches a small single engine plane making an emergency landing on a state road south of tacoma, washington.
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a state trooper happened to be on patrol at just the right place at the right time. the pilot struggles to land without power but he nails it. no damage to any cars on the road. they were able to stop the plane at a red light. look at the pilot getting out of it. there's a fugitive on the loose. have you seen him? animal control workers across two north carolina counties have been trying to call this emu who they decide to call eno. every time they get on the scene, the big bird is gone. they can run up to 30 miles an hour. it's been on the loose since june. eno was spotted last tuesday near the town of hillsboro. seth myers following up on the cnn democratic debates with a look at the best case and worst case scenarios on the 2020 candidates. here now, your laughs. >> best case for bill de blasio.
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worst case, he misses the debate because he's stuck on the f train. marianne williamson, best case she gets a boost in her book sales. worst case, she becomes president of the united states of america. senator bernie sanders, best case he finally secures the democratic presidential nomination. worst case he throws his arms up so hard they get stuck that way just like his mother always warned him would happen. mayor pete buttigieg, best case he gets the vice presidential nomination. worst case, his mom comes home early from vacation and she shuts the whole case down. elizabeth warren, worst case when the 1 millionth person asks her if she's likeable she finally snaps, murders them, and spends a decade in prison. former vice president joe biden, best case he gets elected vez. worst case, he gets elected
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president but obama can't make the inauguration because he has a thing. >> those are your late night reminders. mike pompeo is visiting thailand. the united states just got out of a major treaty it held for decades with russia. he is expected to join us soon. i'm boris sanchez. "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning, everyone. we do begin with breaking news for you because mike pompeo, secretary of state, has just announced that the u.s. will be withdrawing from the imf treaty. this treaty has obviously been in effect for decades, since the '80s. this was supposed to help with the cold war era. it was a nuclear deal and it banned intermediate range missiles, weapons with a range of up to about 3,000 miles. secretary of state mike pompeo says russia is, quote, solely
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responsible for this treaty's demise and why the u.s. is pulling out. >> watching very closely. might hear from the secretary of state any minute now. also breaking this the u.s. is preparing for a dramatic troop reduction in afghanistan hoping to bring back thousands of troops in the coming months. the trump administration has already begun scaling back personnel at the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. let's get to kylie atwood in washington. inf treaty is one of the most significant nuclear arms deal of the 20th century. as of just a few moments ago, it's dead. explain. >> reporter: exactly right. so secretary pompeo coming out this morning and saying what we expected which is that the u.s. has now officially withdrawn from that treaty. the u.s. told russia if they did not come back into compliance with this treaty that the u.s. would be departing it. that's what they have o


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