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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 1, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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want to see it very often. >> thanks very much for watching. i'm wolff blitz fler the situation room follow me on oh twitter. tweet the show at @cnn sit room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. outfront next, president trump about to speak at a rally live. now claiming he doesn't know if he can stop his crowd from clanting the offensive cry, send her back. will we see the racist repeat? plus kamala harris taken to task when it comes to marijuana. the man who got harris to admit she inhaled and smoked charlamagne the god is oufrt. joe biden calling the attacks on president obama bizarre. is the former president really the one democrats should be targeting? let's go outfront. and good evening i'm erin burnett. outfront tonight, trump's racist tease. the president is in ohio right now.
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about to begin speaking at a rally. it's in cincinnati. it's his first since the racist send her pack chant about an american congresswoman broke out. now, tonight, the president seeming to suggest he may let it happen again. >> in cincinnati at your rally tonight are you prepared to tell your supporters to stop if they begin chanting something problematic? >> i don't know what's going to happen. i can't tell you whether or not they're going to do that chant. if they do the chant we'll have to see what happens. >> will you stop them, sir do you think. >> i don't know you can stop people. i don't know that you can. >> he doesn't know if you can stop them? well, except he can. because he the only reason they even said such a thing, send her back was because he tweeted it. remember, why don't they go back and help fix the totally crime infested places from which they came? right. so when the crowd at last month's rally seized his words and kmanted send her back about
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the american congresswoman he tweeted about, he claimed he knew how to stop them and in fact he said he did stop them. >> mr. president if i may, when your supporters last night chanted send her back why didn't you stop them? why didn't you ask them to stop saying that? >> well, number one i think i it. i started speaking very quickly. it really was a loud -- i disagree with it by the way. but it was quite a chant. and i felt a little bit badly about it. but i will say this, i did -- and i started speaking very quickly. >> well, except of course he didn't start speaking quickly. he didn't try to stop them. he stood there for 13 seconds. watch. >> omar has a history of launching vicious anti-semitic screeds. [ chanting ].
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>> he can speak more quickly than that. he looked around, took it all in. only again speaking once the chant died down. now the president now claims he he disagrees with the chant that it's offensive. of course it came from his tweet. if he does disagree, why would he say he doesn't know if he can stop it? we'll see what happens? that's blatantly encouraging them to do it again. because of course let's be clear. when he was asked will do when they chant, he said what the congressman representing cincinnati he said i hope the president silences the crowd and tell tell them don't do it's not helpful it's not right. but that's not what president trump said when asked about it. he encouragedpeople them. we'll see but if if happens president trump has a ka chance to do the right thing to stop it. following the lead of another
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republican running for president. >> i can't trust obama. i have read about him. and he is not -- he is not -- he is a -- he is an arab. he is not -- >> no, mom, no, ma'am. >> no? >> sno, ma'am. no, he is a decent family man, citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. and that's what this campaign is all about. he is not. thank you. >> abbey phillips is outfront live outside the white house. abby, the president did not go that way this afternoon. will he do the right thing if it happens tonight. >> we'll find out in a few short minutes, erin. but president trump seemed to make it clear that he may not be able to stop the chants from starting. but he might be unwilling to stop them once they have. and this is exactly the thing that many republicans were afraid of, that this chant, in sentiment might be engrained in the tweets, becoming part of a typical trump rally and that the
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president might decide to just let it go. president trump has not since that first disavowal repeated his repeated disavowal of the chant. he continues to praise supporters saying in response to the questions from reporters today that the message he has for his supporters at the rally tonight are that he loves them and they love him. he did not say that this is something he would want repeated at his rally. and already you are hearing a message from donald trump junior, for example, who spoke just before the president earlier today at the rally in cincinnati, a message that everyone is using racism against the president and his supporters. so that is something that the campaign does want to use in this context, saying this is all political correctness gone amok. but the question is will president trump allow this to happen again creating more heartburn for his party as they felt this really did cross the line, erin. >> abbey, thank you very much. i want to go to congressman
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donald payne junior, a member of the congressional black caucus. and on set tonight. thank you for your time. you heard what president trump was asked on the way to cincinnati if they chant send her back what do you do? he said i don't know you can stop people. we'll see. didn't say it was wrong. there is no place for this sort of thing. that's not what he said. can the president stop them. >> well thanks for having me, first of all. and you know, just as you played the clip of the senator when obama was asked -- called an arab. >> an arab. >> he corrected her directly. the president could step in and say that it's not right. but he has no interest in doing that. stoking the racial divide in in country. he has made it okay for this type of thing to go on. it's unconscionable. >> you know, last time as he
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said i jumped in quickly, of course he looked around 13 seconds. the chants died down. he continued his speech. why do you think he allows it? >> well, injury it's who he is. and it plays to his base. and he just cannot help himself. it is unfortunate, but the president of the united states is a racist and a bigot. and it's just -- it's a sad time in this country to have the leader of the free world act in this manner. >> look, you have taken a stand. you said you support impeachment inquiry. i want to say people might hear you say he is a racist and bigot you thought that way for a while. did you not publicly come out oh until after the mueller hearing. after that you came out. moments ago your fellow congressman pete aguilar is onboard. you are almost there. 117 out of 235.
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you only need one more vote to have the majority of the caucus behind the impeachment do you know anymore democrats ready to get onboard. >> not to my knowledge for me we are back in our districts right now. it could happen any day. we are at the tipping point. >> do you believe you have the momentum. >> i believe so, yes. >> speaker pelosi has dismissed the idea of impeachment, right. here she is in june when asked about what happens when your caucus is there? here is the exchange with our manu raju. >> if the majority of the caucus wants to go forward with impeachment inquiry would you go for it. >> it's not even close in our caucus. >> that was june 11th. tonight we are one vote away. >> right. >> you're not close. you're there. today she was asked about it. and here is what happened. >> speaker pelosi, your reaction to a majority of your caucus supporting impeachment inquiry?
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>> she seemed -- didn't want to talk about it. seemed to say she would have a statement soon. of course we don't have one. does she need to back the impeachment proceedings as soon as the majority of democrats are onboard? does she have any other ground to wait. >> speaker pelosi is trying to make sure that the -- it is the will of the american people. i believe in discussions with her that has been one of her main interests. there have been many of us and many of my colleagues that have wanted to go prior to this. but miss pelosi has a lot of things she has to take into consideration in doing this. and one of the main -- her main interests is making sure that it's the will of the person people. >> you want her to get there but you're not saying once we get the one vote we better there or i'm livid you're not in that camp. >> no, no. >> okay. look. last night as we talk about the topic of race and the president's rally about to begin.
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joe biden pointed out the diversity in the democratic primary field opinion it is diverse. he played off trump telling people to leave high pressure send her become. here is joe biden. >> mr. president, this is america. and we are strong and great because of in diversity, mr. president. [ applause ] >> not -- in spite of it, mr. president. so, mr. president, let's get something straight. we love it. we are not leaving it. we are here to stay and we're certainly not going to leave it to you. >> i know congressman pairn you support cory booker for president. you've known him a long time from new jersey. you worked with him. what do you make of joe biden delivering that message? >> well, i have been a great supporter of the vice president, and i'm not surprised. he is a man of great integrity and has been helpful and has
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worked with diverse communities throughout -- throughout his time in the public service. so i'm not surprised. >> but he is not your guy. >> no i'm with senator booker right now. it would be a -- a great opportunity for the senator to be the president of the united states. and i support him wholeheartedly at this time. >> all right. congressman payne, i appreciate your time thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and outfront next former vice president joe biden misspeaks again and again and again. >> if you agree with me, go to joe 30330 and hematocrit me this this fight thank you very much. >> is that a problem for someone who is now trying to convince voters that age is not an issue? plus charlamagne the god, the radio host every democratic candidate for president sits down with who he says was the clear winner last.
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pack handed compliment to the former vice president joe biden. >> i think biden did okay. he came through. he came limping through, as i say about sleepy joe. he limped right through it but he got through it. he really did. i think he was okay. i think kamala had a bad night last night, i would say. >> outfront now national affairs correspondent for the nation joan walsh and former chair of the dnc ed rendle, a joe biden supporter. governor rendle you heard president trump. kamala harris had a bad night at the debate and joe biden came limping through, as i say about sleepy joe. he limped right through it. is that how you see it? >> well, i think he did better than limp through. i think he appeared strong and in command of the facts. he did a good job defending his position. did a good job pointing out differences in his position and some of the other candidates. i think overall he had a very strong performance. kamala harris, you can't judge
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her by her first debate performance because she did terrifically well in that debate. she didn't do nearly as well in this debate. but kamala hair sis a force to be reckoned with, no question about that. kamala hair sis a bright, intelligent dynamic person. and she didn't have as good a debate as she did in number one. but so i would disagree slightly with the president. but i can't believe that i'm actually thinking he did a good analysis. >> well, he seems to be reflective of what a lot of people people say. limping through juror joe biding. >> no, absolutely not. vice president biden had a better night than in miami last month for sure. he had rusch patches. i would say senator harris did not have the same kind of night she had. but the second half was much stroirng stronger but i don't think the governor or the frrm vice president care at all what donald trump says. i don't think democrats should be baited into react whag he
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thinks of our debates because it doesn't matter. >> there is a real conversation out there, though. let's be honest about joe wide biden, right? and whether -- you well did he do last night and as well as he needed to no where was the bar sfl governor rendle where multiple instances where joe biden misspoke. you say command of the facts. but there were moments a big awkward to watch. here a few examples. >> four more years of donald trump will go down as an aberration, hard to overcome the damage he has done but we can overcome it. eight more years of donald trump will change america in a fundamental way. if you agree with me, go to joe 30330 and help me in in fight. >> i mean i'm not trying to make light of it government but eight more years would change america in the fundamental way because the president can't serve three terms. >> change the constitution. >> right. i mean, he is trying to show
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that age is not an issue here. and it's not relevant. do moments like that hurt? >> no, no one is taking an isolated moment out of context. they're going to view the overall performance. en and overall it was strong. erin you're probably to remember ronald reagan's debate against walter monthdale. >> you know i watched it. i don't remember all of it but i watched it with my parents i remember watching you're right i wouldn't have been able to judge? the way you are now. >> right. he seemed completely incoherent. you really were deeply troubled because in a 60, 907en-second presentation he seemed to lose track of everything. he went on to win i think 49 states. so people -- we -- the 4,000 of you who make our living out of politics we seem to isolate the facts and give them emphasis. the average voter doesn't. i believe joe biden's lead in
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the polls will be as strong if not stronger than before the debate. >> to that point, joan, biden had loud applause multiple times during the debate. we have some technical issues so i can't play it. we don't have the sound bite. but there were several when kirstin gillibrand wrote an op-ed opposed working mothers. he is like what are you talking about? you were there with me. and my -- my deceased wife worked. and my wife -- he got a lot of applause. and there were many moments he seemed ready. >> right. you know, i had a different reaction to -- to some of that, erin. i think that one of the issues for the vice president -- and i would say this to senator harris as well, is not being defensive. i know it's tough. we know it's tough backup you know when he said to senator gillibrand, you went to syracuse university with me. and you've praised me. we worked together. >> you said i you came with me i'm wonderful and passionate
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about the concern for working women turned it back on her. >> but, you know, he has done this several times. he did this with senator harris, you know, she knew beau. he personalizes thing that puts him off his game. he needs to understand he got in the race kind of late. all these people think they should be president, not him. it's not personal. they've been friends, will be friends again. and there is a tone sometimes that he takes that i think sounds a little bit like entitlement. and it also -- injury puts him off his game. >> so, governor let me ask you, because, you know, i'm curious because you have known him a long time what you think is happening in a couple of the moments. you know, we know this is a guy every story i hear about him, governor is about how we gave joe biden four minutes and 31 minutes later. literally that's of an exact quote from somewhere. the guy doesn't want to be quiet. it's part of what defines him. yet in the first debate there were a lot of moments like this that got attention. and let me just play it.
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with kamala hair zblies i agree everybody wants -- no, no my is up. i'm sorry. >> of course governor he grot criticized was he scared? did he not know what he wanted to say what was the problem. >> last niem everybody is running over the time and the moderators cut them in. joe biden he handled it slightly differently but let me play what happened. >> if the 160 million people who have it say they like their employer insurance they should have a right to have it. if they don't they can buy into the biden plan which is obama care. >> thank you, vice president thank you. >> and they buy the gold plan and they're not going to pay -- anyway. >> thank you, vice president. >> if you cross the border, illegally you should be able to be sent back it's a cranium. it's a crime. it's not one that in fact. >> thank you, mr. vice president. >> governor what was that he didn't try to talk over finish his thought he almost seemed relieved to be told to be quiet.
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what do you think happened there. >> i think he is a polite human being. look, a trait not found in many of us politicians. >> joan, what do you think? >> i think -- perhaps he has been warned that he is too gerlous. talks too much and maybe he is self-correcting. i don't know a couple of times it seemed like he ran out of steam. he should not look like he is running out of steam or answers. he is really -- he has to take up all his time. take up space in the room and so i don't think it looks good for whatever the reason. >> we'll see what will happen. >> joan. >> quick final word, governor. >> he did take up all his time. he just stopped when told to stop. he actually stopped when someone asked him to stop. shocking. let's drum him out. >> right, right. >> he did what people asked him. >> i'm not saying drum him out i'm just saying finish the sentence. there was something strange about it but maybe he was being overly polite. it's possible. >> thank you very much. and next kamala harris defending
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her record after being accuse of jailing people for minor overs. marijuana offenses. despite this. >> have you ever smoked? >> i have. >> okay. >> like. >> and inhaled -- i did inhale. it was a long time ago. but, yes. >> i know you have to -- >> the man conducting the interview charlamagne the god is my guest. plus dems critical of president obama at last night's debate. today it's a very different story. and there is a real question as to why when you look at the polls can dems have it both
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prosecutor president but i'm deeply concerned about this record. there are too many examples to cite but she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when asked if she ever moekd marijuana. >> all right. that exchange, the one about laughing about it that gabbard refers to came from an appearance harris made on the popular radio show the breakfast club hosted by my next guest charlamagne the god, a must stop on the campaign trail. here is the moment. >> have you ever smoked? >> i have. >> okay. >> and inhale. i ininhale. >> you did did inhale. >> it was a long time ago but yes. >> i know you have to dsh zbloosh outfront now charlamagne the god. and i know we played that moment before. it was an important moment. you talked about how genuine she seemed. and now obviously you were talking about legalizing marijuana during the exchange. congresswoman gabbard put forth the people she put behind bars for marijuana. what did you make of the moment
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in the debate last night. >> i didn't think it was a genuine moment simply because if you want to attack senator harris for i guess cribbing to putting people in jail for drugs then why wouldn't you attack joe biden too? if you your purpose was to combat somebody for the war on drugs, i mean, the author of the '94 criminal backup bill and 88 crack laws was sitting in front of you it was low hanging fruit to go after senator harris but everybody should be questioned on the record. >> the debate ended. she came on cnn and did an interview. she then was talking about the moment with gabbard. here is what happened, charlamagne. >> did you expect that from tulsi gabbard? had you had interaction about that in the past? and how do you think it went? >> well, i mean, listen, i -- this is going to sound immodest but i'm obviously a top tier candidate. so i did expect i would be on the stage and take hits tonight because there are a lot of people trying to make the stage.
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>> for a lot of them it's do or zplie li is. >> especially when people are at zero or 1% or whatever she might be at. >> okay. does that swagger help or hurt her charlamagne. >> it's the truth. she is a top tier candidate. you know her. you know joe bidenen on the stage were the big guns. everybody was coming up against them. >> aiming. >> and gabbard -- i can't pronounce her gabbard. she is at zero%. >> you like the swagger. >> it's the truth. >> not immodest. >> she should have had the swagger because she was terrible on the stage last night. >> is she still your favorite. >> yeah, she is still my favorite simply because our current president is a criminal and who better to go up against a criminal than a prosecutor, donald trump needs to be prosecuted. >> i want to ask you about a candidate we have had on the show. >> cory booker. >> yes. >> you snow him well from new jersey, the senator. i asked you before which candidate was the least comfortable talking about race in all the conversations you had with him.
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you said without hesitation cory booker. you told me we want to know exactly what type of agenda you have for african-americans and you said he wasn't prepared to answer. did he change your mind at all. >> cory booker won the debate last night if you ask me. i thought he did great. he brought up things i've been waiting for people to question. i wanted people to question joe biden on the the tough on crime stance. >> yeah. >> i wanted people to talk about the russian interference we know exists robert mueller talked about in the report, that the senate intel committee talked about. i'm private citizen that has to vote next year. i want a fair vehicles. >> that was a moment when cory booker connected those, race and russia. here he is. >> look, this is one of the times where we're not staring at the truth and calling it out. and this is a case for the democratic party, the truth will set us-free. we lost the state of michigan because everybody from republicans to russians were
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targeting the suppression of african-american voters. we need to say that. >> what was it about that moment. >> i love that simply because last week i watched you know robert mueller say that there was russian interference. i watched the senate intel committee say there was russian entertains. i watched mitch mcconnell block the election security bill after getting the information. if that doesn't tell us the administration is in cahoots with russia what will? me as a citizen having to vote, i want to make sure it's fair and balanced election. >> he linked it to the african-american vote. >> two nights of debates with the democrats. none bringing it up. shouldn't that be a pressing issue. we don't know if it's a fair election in 2020. >> so coming into the debate you were critical of joe biden. >> up up. >> you have been direct about that with the crime bill. criminal justice reform. and its impact on black americans. i don't want if you saw that poll but a recent poll had 26% when you look at the 53% of
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black voters the who have decided who they're vetth for say joe biden. 53%. sanders is the next closest at 8%. then kamala harris at 7 elizabeth warren at 4. and 2% for cory booker. >> broism is real. like i said. people are not educated to joe biden's record. and people can change and unlearn. i want everybody to keem in mind last night month the state your name he called cory booker the president. i'm sorry future president. because he thinks all black politicians look alike. nobody paid that no attention. joe biden why can't he admit hey i made mistakes did some things wrong i want to correct those things going forward. >> you come out of this saying joe biden is not getting there. >> um-hum. >> cory booker wins. >> um-hum but you are still as of now. >> i just think that. >> backing harris. >> i think the democrats as a collective are famg america. and the reason i think they are
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failing america is because they are not being honest like cory booker said. we have a crisis in the white house. we have a president that seems like he has the facist agenda to me. that's what i think. and i think if we continue on this path democracy as we know it is going to be dead because it looks like the fight is fixed. he has the department of justice on your side. you have the senate, the supreme court. you got the national intelligence now and it's like and the russians in 2020? i'm not going to feel comfortable until some type of election security bill is passed and i know the fight is not fixed in 2020. anded i don't understand why people aren't making a big deal of this especially the democrats. >> charlamagne the god. thank you. >> thank you. >> and outfront next, the most popular democrat. how does attacking president obama's legacy help the 2020 candidates? and jeanne moos on how the candidates are cashing in on their one liners? >> i knew that when i wrote the damn bill. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis,
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tonight joe biden standing up for president obama's legacy after the democratic debates. >> i must tell you i was a little surprised at how much incoming there was about barak, about the presidentm.. i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there is anything he has to apologize for. >> the thing is, some of the democratic candidates actually a
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whole lot are using obama's record on immigration, specifically the deportations, the 3 million people he deported over two terms to hit his vice president joe biden. >> did you say those deportations were a good idea? or did you go to the president and say this is a mistake we shouldn't do it which one. >> mr. president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> mr. president, you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in the campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not. >> outfront now patrick healy our political analyst and "new york times" politics editor and gloria our chief political analyst. thanks to both. joe biden tide himself closely to obama. if anything people sometimes criticize him for that refers to him as barak, not the president. he is making a bet on that. could this hurt him when some of obama's policies which are now seen as positively right-wing by some running for president go
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unthe microscope. >> the reality is that joe biden is running as barack obama's vice president, if he hadn't been barack obama's for eight years he wouldn't have the support with a lot of the older voters, with some to many african-american voters. that service, those eight years are core to who he is. he has a story to tell about this vice presidency that is very different than what some of the democrats running against him want to talk about. they want to appeal to younger voters and liberals looking at eight years of obama and saw a lot of moderation. they were happy for obamacare but want to go further now. they look at the deportations. i want not trump light but a prolog to what trump is doing now. and they're not happy with what all of what that record says. so he is going to keep taking the incoming fire. but i think for at least right now for the older voters, african-americans, what joe biden did today in saying, i
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can't believe they are going after barak, that works for him. >> gloria, look, president obama is popular. >> very. >> when you look at the full democratic base, his -- his average approval rating among democrats cheh he left office was 83%. >> is that all? >> and it might have gone higher right -- because you are talking about democrats who have been living in the era of trump. i mean, going after him, smart move. >> look, i think in the end it's a mistake for democrats. i think that right now what they're trying to do is differentiate themselves. they have to figure out a way to say this is how i'm different from joe biden. you saw julian castro. >> he is running on obama you have to go to it's kind of logic. >> health care, obamacare and immigration. >> right. >> but i also believe biden could have had better answers on immigration in particular. he could say well who are the people -- let's look at this. what's the context of this? who are the people that we deported? we deported serious criminals. we deported people who had just
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come across the border so we could send them back, didn't have to put them in cages. >> selectively enforced the law. >> this is why he did it and how. and defend what you did. but instead he said well i'm not telling you what i talked to the president about and. >> it's such a good point. he could have said we weren't putting children in cages. we're weren't doing. >> exactly. >> what the president is doing at the border right now. and instead he found himself -- this went to a broader problem. you know, the nimbleness of surviving a debate these days waents on display. >> let's talk about in because biden you mentioned this -- he refused to answer a question from mayor de blasio which maybe he should have refused because de blasio was not moderator but like a new yorker he got in there and through his elbows around. and look, about deportation under president obama. de blasio comes straight at joe biden. and joe biden did not defend obama. he seemed to throw him under the bus? can i just play this moment?
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>> i was vice president i'm not the the president. i keep my recommendations to him in private unlike you i expect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately with him. that's not what i do. >> it -- it felt like a big bus. >> yeah, that was not a good moment. every time barack obama's name should have come up at the debate, you know, joe biden if he was, you know more of a nimble debater would have pivoted back to the closeness of the relationship to eight years together to what they did for america. and it was strange because instead of -- he is getting himself in a ground war with bill de blasio. >> answering his question. the answer was it wasn't me it was him is what it sounds like. >> right. >> gloria, it wasn't just he implied i might have had the currently popular point of view. but i don't know what that guy did. i'm not telling you. he then said, you know, this isn't what i do. i don't tell anybody what i talk about with president obama except that's not true. >> right. >> he has many times discussed
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openly conversations he had with president obama about osamma bin laden like this. >> i get to be the last guy to be with the president. walked up toorpds the residence, the office. and i knew where he was going to go. i always -- he looked at me again. follow your indistinct mr. president. as we walked out of the room and walked upstairs. i told him my opinion. i thought he should go but follow his own instincts. >> he just didn't have an answer. so that's what he said. you know, to de blasio. he didn't want to defend the policy which he defended for eight years because he knew that he is talking to a different group of people, that the base of the marketic party has shifted. so instead he said, well, you know i'm not talking about that. that's not really an answer in a debate. and we know that barack obama probably couldn't win in this primary if he were standing for the policies he stood for then. >> joe biden could have said you
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you are the mayor of the new york not the moderated ert you don't ask the questions. i stand by barack obama there was a way to just -- he didn't do it. >> here is what he did for eight years. you know what we did eight years. i'll tell you. he should be doing that and maybe he will now. >> i got to give gloria credit i literally punched herer her in the face she didn't flinch. >> i did not flinch. >> thank you both and kamala harris record as a prosecutor a major selling point on the campaign trail. tonight under scrutiny. plus jeanne moos and now joe biden's gaffe is paying off for cory booker, as only jeanne can tell it. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer,
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>> senator kamala harris. >> reporter: her career as a prosecutor is her central pitch to voters. >> what we need is someone who is going to be on that debate stage with donald trump and defeat him by being able to prosecute the case against four more years -- >> reporter: an opening for attack against tulsi gabbard. >> i'm deeply concerned about this record. >> reporter: serving up a slew of attacks, gabbard zeroed in on one part of harris's record as san francisco's district attorney. >> she fought to keep the bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way. >> i am kamala harris -- >> reporter: it is true. in 2004 harris advocated for higher bail amounts for gun-related crimes. she had just been elected district attorney. may 2004 audio first recorded by website free beacon captures harris talking about her priorities, mainly increasing those arrested for bail on par
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with nearby counties. >> we're going to change the bail schedule in san francisco. people come to san francisco to commit crimes because it's cheaper toe do it. you know, we have to do something about that. >> well, welcome. >> reporter: the harris campaign says as a prosecutor she acted to protect the public from rising gun crimes, the job of district attorney. fast forward 15 years, a new job, a new time, new priorities. >> i tell you what, she's the best. >> reporter: now a california senator, she introduced bipartisan legislation to change the cash bail system, citing its disproportionate impact on the poor and people of color. harris struck back at gabbard's attack. >> there were certainly inaccuracies about my record. there's no question about that, and, you know, from a person who has been an apologist for assad, who is by all accounts a murderer of his own people, an accusation by someone who refuses to call him a war criminal.
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>> reporter: gabbard did, indeed, meet with bashar al-assad in 2017 in a private meeting and then this is some context here, this is when assad had already used chemical weapons on his own people. at a cnn town hall last march, gabbard declined to call him a war criminal, and then, erin, it was only after she was pressed repeatedly on cnn after the debate that she said she would not dispute the fact that assad is, indeed, a murderer and a torturer. erin? >> thank you very much. up front next, jeannie, on the one liners that stole so much of the show at the democratic debates. >> the first thing i'm going to do when i'm president is i'm going to clorox the oval office. r longest-lasting aa battery goes to... (cymbal crash) energizer ultimate lithium. guinness world records title holder for longest-lasting aa battery.
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we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: this is a salute to debate one liners, starting with
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the one that launched a thousand clorox jugs, oval office strength. >> the first thing i'm going to do when i'm president is i'm going to clorox the oval office. >> reporter: it inspired mopping by everyone from mr. clean to spongebob, though critics suggested, why don't you start by using clorox on your friends? showing senator gillibrand posing with bill clinton and harvey weinstein. now, the senator didn't dream up that clorox zinger on the spot. it's a line she's used before. then polished. e egged on by voters. >> what's the first thing you'll do when you get in the white house? >> clorox myself. >> reporter: she honed the line in new hampshire. >> after i clorox the oval office. >> clorox the commander in bleach. >> reporter: others are cleaning up with their one liners. kamala harris talked about being
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bussed. >> and that little girl was me. >> reporter: the campaign started selling "that little girl" t-shirts. when bernie sanders got feisty -- >> i wrote the damn bill. >> reporter: the campaign author "i wrote the damn bill." arguing with ryan >> you don't have to yell. >> reporter: ryan started plugging "you don't have to yell" stickers. kool-aid clinched the promotion. >> you're dipping in the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. >> you know what's cool about being black? you can makeup phrases and white people don't know it's real. >> reporter: when joe biden really did call rival cory booker. >> future president here -- >> he endorsed my presidency already. >> reporter: he's selling stickers "future president" because one liners stuck. careful with the clorox.
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we ended up with a spill that made a splash. jeanne moos. i hope they had better luck cleaning the oval office than we did. cnn, new york. >> oh, no, i hope we can expense that, jeannie. thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. >> good evening. democratic presidential candidates marian williamson and kirsten gillibrand join us tonight. we begin with growing concerns trumper republicans in the wake of the cnn debates in detroit. the candidates they say are risking their general election chances by taking on one another and tarnishing barack obama's legacy instead of focusing on defeating president trump. president obama s after all, an ex-president with 65% in independents. this is democrats and republicans giving democrats advice echoing president obama who warned about this before the campaign even got going at a town