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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  August 1, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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we have moments to show you and discuss. let's begin with cnn's athena jones joining us with the highlights. athena. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. front-runner joe biden was the top target on the stage last night taking hits on all sides from everything from health care, tough on crime laws, women in the work force, immigration, climate change. as promised, the president was more aggressive fighting back. it didn't take long for kamala harris and all others to pounce on joe biden. >> you want to be president of the united states you have to answer the tough questions. >> mr. vice president, your argument is with science and unfortunately your plan is too late. >> you want to compare records, and frankly i'm shocked that you do, i am happy to do that.
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>> mr. vice president, you didn't answer the question. >> reporter: but biden came swinging, too. >> i have guts enough to say it doesn't make sense. you can't beat president trump with double talk. >> reporter: he brought back one of his old catch phrases. >> this idea is a bunch of malarkey here. >> i don't know what math you do in california, but i tell ya, that's a lot of money. >> your plan by contrast leaves out almost 10 million americans so i think that you should really think about what you're saying. >> reporter: after senator cory booker brought up biden's support of a controversial crime bill in the '90s, biden lashing out. >> the bill he's talking about in our administration we passed. that's the bill you passed. the fact of the matter; secondly, there was nothing done for the entire eight years he was mayor. there was nothing done to deal with the police department that was corrupt.
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>> mr. vice president, there's a saying in my community, you're dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. you need to come to the city of newark and see the reforms we put in place. this isn't about the past, sir, this is about the present right now. >> reporter: former senator julian castro sparring with biden. >> if you cross the border illegally you should be able to be sent back. it's a crime. >> first of all, mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> reporter: biden wasn't the only one taking jabs from the other contenders. tulsi gabbard slammed senator harris's record as a prosecutor. >> she put over 1500 people in jail over marijuana violations and laughed when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. she fought to keep cash bail system in place. >> i did the work of significantly reforming the criminal justice system of the
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state of 40 million people which became a national model for the work that needs to be done and i am proud of that work. and i am proud of making a decision to not just give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body and give speeches on the floor but actually doing the work. >> reporter: some 2020 hopefuls were tired of talking about the past. >> this is the fourth debate that we have had and the second time that we have been debating what people did 50 years ago with bussing when our schools are as segregated today as they were 50 years ago. we need a conversation about what's happening now. >> reporter: political rival andrew yang implored people to go after president trump. >> we are playing a role in this reality tv show. it's one reason why we elected a reality tv star as our president. we need to be laser focused on
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solving the real challenges of today. >> reporter: now the question now is who if anyone will get a meaningful and lasting bump in polls and fund raising from their debate performance. several candidates are staying in the area today. biden has an event in a restaurant in detroit this morning. harris has a union event in the afternoon and cory booker has an organizing event. the beat goes on. alisyn and john. >> athena, thank you for showing us the highlights. joining us we have tulu, john avlon and arlitt saing. i'll start with you, arlitt. he showed up last night. >> yes. >> all of the things people worried about. will he have energy, too tripped up to know sort of the nuts and
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bolts of policy? >> yeah. he did show up with a lot more energy and he showed that he was willing to punch back. there's a long time that joe biden was saying he has information on people's past but he's not going to go there. that is something that he did in fact do yesterday. he took the hits on health care, criminal justice. in some he was steady and others he was rocky. the question is can he prove that he is the solid front-runner. i'm not sure the debate did that. we'll see how he is out on the trail. we'll see how he is and can he cold his own? >> you covered them day in and day out. did you have a sense over six hours from team biden than you did in the first debate? >> they certainly tonight were
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able to -- last night were able to -- >> we don't know what day it is. they were able to stand there and say he took the hits. that's something they have been telegraphing. he was going to be more aggressive going into this. they thought it was a solid night. there's some room for improvement there, but i think going forward we're going to see over the next few weeks how it all pans out. >> john, your top line? >> when your team says he stood up, that was a lobar. kamala harris had couldn't stand up. cory booker reconnected to the happy warrior self where he presented the uniter versus divider. there was an authenticity.
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michael bennett had a better night than most people expected. really passionate talking about education reform. i think a lot of that field is not going to be here next time. biden, harris, booker, bennett, those folks all had solid debates. they get their ticket punched. >> sabrina? >> i think this was a debate without a clear winner. there were a lot of candidates who had a better night than they had had before to john's point, whether it was cory booker, julian castro but the question is did they do enough? there was two dynamics. candidates trying to have a moment. this could be their last opportunity to leave a national impression and, two, was trying to present themselves to clear alternative to joe biden and knock him off of that front-runner status. unlike the last debate where you
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had that very zeroisearing confrontation, there wasn't really such a moment and i do think a question really for democrats was is this really going to continue to be a circular firing squad where the party does more damage to itself than it does to president trump. that's where cory booker did have the good line reminding everyone on the stage that they're pitting moderates against progressives. the only person benefitting is the person sitting in the oval office. >> i would say biden is seen as a weak front-runner by the entire field and that's why you saw him taking attacks from all different corners. people saw biden voters as their voters whether it's african-american support, whether it's the moderates, working class. voters who are migrating towards biden.
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one other thing that was important, we did see the candidates start to take on parts of the obama legacy talking about immigration, trade, foreign policy and attacking biden by proxy but attacking obama who is a popular democratic president. >> those are two giant themes this morning. >> it's so through the looking glass, the fact that the entire democratic field -- barack obama is revered in the democratic party. if you didn't pay attention, you might think he was republican. that is a mark of a democratic party moving left. the idea that barack obama is a crypto conservative is laughing in his face. >> let's take a look at that and all the time people went after biden's record advice a have i
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obama. >> i asked the president point blank, did he use his power to stop the deportations, he went around the president. >> you invoke president obama more than anybody in the campai campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> your plan by contrast leaves out almost 10 million americans so i think that you should really think about what you're saying. >> mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons from the past and one of us hasn't. >> arlitt, that's interesting, right? i mean, i don't know that he expected that because as john says, no democrat expect obama to be used as the wep be upon against biden. >> cory booker's line is a very effective line. biden was asked by de blasio to explain what he advised obama about on deportation. i keep my advice private. there are times that he has
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shared his advice specifically on the osama bin laden raid. biden does use president obama as his biggest credential. there are areas where he has to be careful and he is tied to him and the candidates want to point out some issues. >> tulu, you brought up the fact that every candidate sees some of joe biden's voters as their voters. that's an astute observation. i don't know that i've ever seen a debate where one candidate was in the spotlight so much. did he survive those attacks? >> he definitely showed he could take those attacks and sort of take a licking and keep on ticking, if you will. he did show he pushed back on a number of a being at thats. he stood on the stage and took attacks from all different sides. he was ready to respond. he was halting in some stages and he didn't have a clear response to every attack.
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he did show he could stand in the ring and take attacks from all different sides and stand up. >> i think the other contrast that you saw if you're looking at night one and night two of this round of debates is on wednesday night -- tuesday night, you had elizabeth warren and bernie sanders put in the position of having to defend this progressive agenda of which they have very much been the architects and a number of centrists on the stage trying to argue that perhaps this will actually hurt the party in terms of appealing to some of those independents that they want to win back from president trump whereas it was last night joe biden commanding that centrist lane and everyone around him was picking at some of his wlord it comes to issues like criminal justice, immigration, health care areas where they don't
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believe he was in line where the party has come to be. that really speaks to the question before democrats in terms of whether this is going to be an election about electability, which is where joe biden has put all of his eggs that's been at the center of his pitch since he launched his campaign, or has it been about starting a movement, a grassroots movement that inspires the grassroots pace where she said we're not going to win through small mindedness -- small ideas and spinelessness. we shouldn't be running on what we can't do. that's not going to inspire anyone to the polls. >> moral victories and real victories. all elections are about electability at the end of the day. we saw this rift last night where people were talking about the cost of single payer and it was dismissed of republican talk. if we're getting to a place where we consider that, we're getting to a problem.
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>> nobody had one of those breakout moments that kamala harris had but i think everyone had a breakout moment. everybody had a strong moment. >> everybody. >> no, every single person on that stage, i coukcould tick thh it if we have time, everybody rose to the occasion and got in whatever they came and set out to accomplish they did it. >> except de blasio. >> he had the whole thing about deportation. >> what gives? >> come on. >> i say that because he did a whole ripon led which is one of the least distinguished things. >> he is the one that had joe biden back on his heels that joe biden couldn't answer about whether he was proud they were deporter in chief. >> he interrupted that. i think that is a tough question for joe biden. but in all seriousness, i thought andrew yang had a
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message of discipline. he is a very good communicator for a single issue candidate. look, kristin gillibrand exceeded expectations. i think tulsi gabbard took shots that really stung for kamala harris. so, look, everybody can point to something. not everyone is going to survive to the next round, folks. >> we have to take a break which we will in a second. i will pose this question to think about. >> homework. >> if we take several giant steps back and assess this this morning, the big questions are is joe biden a stronger or weaker front-runner and are democrats in a better or worse position to beat donald trump? i think that's a legitimate question after last night and i hope we have a chance to get to this. >> the good news is we have five of the ten candidates who were on the debate stage last night. we can pose some of the questions to them. we will speak to andrew manage,
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senators michael bennett, kirsten gilley brand, kamala harris and cory booker. >> we have half the senate. i hope there's not a vote because they have to come to the set. we have a lot more coming up including what's next and be where does this go from here? stick around. . they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. ( ♪ ) only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol®.
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presidential debates or it could just be the wind is blowing this morning. before the break i used my s senateorial position. number two, are the democrats in a better or worse position to take on donald trump. back with us, tulu, sabrina, john avlon and arlitt sainz. let's start with the second one, tulu. if there he isehe is -- there's position, what's your thought? >> they had a long night and it seemed like they wanted to dump all of their opposition research against one another. it left president trump rejoicing in his campaign, that democrats are tearing each other apart. they're moving way far to the
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left. the trump campaign sees an ability to highlight the fighting on the democratic side. even though a lot of people don't like what president trump says, they don't like his approach to politicking, at least he's not moving the country way off to the left. they didn't do any favors by letting president trump off the hook. they could have spent the whole two hours attacking president trump. i think we'll see that in the future debate. they distinguished themselves against each other. >> is a breen yeah, i wonder why they didn't do that. they missed the opportunities. there were memorable moments and they stood out. when the candidates did go after president trump, the audience perced up and realized that's
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what they were supposed to be doing. here's kirsten gillibrand. listen to this. >> the first thing i'm going to do when i'm president is i'm going to clorox the oval office. the second thing i'm going to do is i will re-engage on global climate change. >> clorox the oval office. the audience seemed to like that one. but other opportunities they missed to go after president trump? >> right. there were a few moments where there was perhaps a really good zinger with respect to the president or cutting line like you heard from kirsten gillibrand or watching governor jay inslee say there was a white nationalist in the oval office but this is what happens when you have a sprawling field. to your point earlier, there were moments, almost everyone had a moment but no one in particular stood out or was able to claim the night. what you had was all of these candidates who were kind of
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vying for attention and really trying to make it to the next debate and that's why you saw them really throw out the opposition research book against one another. i think that a lot of democrats think it's healthy for the party to have this debate, to really think about who was best positioned to represent what was an increasingly young and diverse party. at the same time if you're wondering about the obama administration's record, the party is trying to focus on the fact that this president has tried to enact some of the most restrictive immigration laws. they're focusing on the family separation policy and that message gets lost when they're much more focused on rel relitigating the past. >> barack obama had a very tough record on deportations but that wasn't enough to stop republicans from running on a fear-filled fantasy of illegal immigration epidemic in this.
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look, i think biden is bodily strengthend. going into it there was a question whether the wheels could come off. he was attacked in the first half than donald trump. >> really? >> that takes a lot to with stand that. the second question is is donald trump stronger? i think everything needs to be seen through the prism of the fact that donald trump's campaign is clearly predicated on making a case for negative partisanship. the democrats are too radical, too extreme, too socialist. to the fact that the democratic party plays into that, they're weaker. >> let me give you an and but here. one of the things we saw was a muscular middle. the a scescendant moderates -- >> go on. >> for the first time you had candidates defending a position as opposed to where bernie
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sanders and elizabeth warren were. you heard much more about it from john delaney and the others. it was there, much stronger and louder. >> that is fair. it comes from people with governing experience. they tend to be centrists and it's not an ideological debating society. this is serious. it's later than you think. for folks who say, i have a plan and not worry about passage or the price and attack anyone who opposes it is not a sign of being well moored when it comes to governing. that's the reality we have to face. it's a good sign that the senator is getting his back up and saying these are principled positions that are deeply held. this is not just expediency. >> also, arlitt, i thought tactically what we saw last
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night was that people figured out, probably before they got on the stage, that if they brought up one of their rivals they got more time because then you engaged. the rules were then that person got a reot to respond. i thought that they were tact tactically doing it intentionally bringing up joe biden and kamala harris. that was on some level helpful for voters to be able to see the difference between them, but i thought it was strategic on the part of the candidates. >> when kamala harris was asked, she would turn it right back to joe biden. this was a fight that she had been preparing for. bill de blasio acting like a moderator. always turning to joe biden. it shows the contrasts the candidates were hoping for. biden is still the front-runner. i think he's slightly perhaps a little bit stronger because he survived the night. the question going forward is can he convince voters that he is the sing due lar best
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candidate? i think there are a lot of options. the next debate is having them on stage with elizabeth warren. that's one person he has not faced off against. she is very sharp. they are on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. that will be the key match-up. >> their careers have been in opposition to each other for a long time. this isn't a new thing. that will be fascinating. arlitt, before we leave the point. i want to ask. we like to think that all of our ideas are novel and new, this has been out there for a while. why isn't joe biden spending more time on the debate stage talking about president trump. was there a reason the campaign gave for why he decided to go after each one of the candidates one by one as opposed to trying to turn everything to president trump? every one of biden's answers should be a noun, a verb and donald trump. it wasn't last night. >> you have from joe biden the going after president trump and the closing statement but
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everything in between, he had to find was to differentiate himself from his rivals. biden has really tried to stay above the fray early on in this campaign only talking about president trump, but they feel there have been major mischaracterizations and he will be ready to fire back. >> why isn't he one of the can dates coming on "new day"? >> we want to get to the important things. >> there's a larger question here. why is joe biden still avoiding live interviews for the most part? >> yeah. they've been very selective in the way that they are doing interviews with the national press. only sat down for a few formal interviews. he has been engaging a little bit more with reporters on the trail, he's holding more gaggles. going forward he is at some point going to have to come and sit here on "new day." >> who's done, tulu, sabrina? who are we not going to see in september at this point? >> there are a couple of
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candidates who have not broken through yet and they're still waiting to see polling that would get them on the stage, maybe jay inslee, kirsten gillibrand, andrew yang seems like he'll be in good position. some of the elected officials may not be on the stage. it could be a shrunken field. it will be interesting to see bernie sanders and elizabeth warren on the stage with joe biden. we saw them having an alliance going against the moderates. whether or not they're able to do that in september and whether or not joe biden has any support support, he'll be on his own, how he responds to that in september may be very interesting. >> to that point, after the last debate, joe biden struggled to
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defend his record on civil rights and he took a hit. he was able to come back and regain that commanding lead that he had in the polls. i think he was bruised and down but not out last night. he was able to weather the attacks but i don't think he'll ha have a record on that. >> a lot more to discuss. luckily, as you say, we have the time to do it this morning. >> in fact, let's extend the show. we might need five hours. >> i'm curious to see as the candidates wake up this morning how they characterize this moment and what the voters say going forward. other major news, the federal reserve did something it has not done in a decade and the stock market didn't like it in a bit. christine romans here with us to explain. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes
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all right. really big economic development. the dust settling not just on the debate but on the fed's big decision to cut interest rates, but in doing so the fed chair
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said something that didn't make the president happy and now the markets are reacting. cnn chief business correspondent christine romans here with that. great recession.e cut since the- the federal reserve lowering costs for businesses and consumers. the u.s. economy is strong. this is an insurance against the president's trade wars, low inflation and slowing growth. the president has demapped rates, right. he has rage tweeted the fed and fed chief. jerome powell said this didn't factor into the fed's decision. >> we never take into account political discussions. we don't conduct monetary policy in order to prove our independence. we conduct monetary policy in order to move as close as possible to our statutory goals. that's what we're always going to do. we're always going to use our tools that way and then at the end we'll live with the results. >> with a rate cut in hand, the president still criticized the
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fed tweeting the fed chair had let us down saying the markets wanted more and, you know, they did, john and alisyn. stocks fell because powell hinted the rate cut was a one off. it wasn't the beginning of a trend of lower interest rates. the dow closed down 333 points. that's about 1.2%. let me give you some perspective. the dow was up 20% this year. it's up 35% since the president took office. one reason why the president wants to keep the stock market high, he's using it as his own personal popularity indicator. the fed chief made it clear that the fed was watching closely the trade wars. the fed has only cut rates in four different periods. all of those times during recessions and tough economic times. the economy is still strong here. >> christine, you always give us great context to understand these fluctuations. thank you very much. so the city of flint, michigan, is still suffering
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after the water crisis. did the candidates offer any answers for that? we're going to hear from michigan voters next. there's a lot that needs to get done today. small things. big things. too hard to do alone things. day after day, you need to get it all done. and here to listen and help you through it all is bank of america. with the expertise and know-how you need to reach that blissful state of done-ness. so let's get after it. ♪ everything is all right what would you like the power to do?® ♪ all right
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cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. so voters in nearby flint, michigan, watched last night's debate with significant interest. they are still reeling from the water contamination issue for the past five years. cnn spoke to voters there. >> reporter: very tough crowd up here in flint. these are folks that watch politicians with a very, very critical eyes. the senators harris and booker did well. vice president biden is liked here but didn't do himself a lot of favors. who did you like in the debate tonight? >> so i really enjoyed joe biden but i also enjoyed kamala harris with her health care plan.
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>> basically i didn't hear nothing that was too positive. i'm a very big joe biden supporter but right now it's about flint. >> has any candidate given you the sense that they can fix the problems like flint and cities like it? >> no. >> reporter: the watch parties supported by black voters matter focused on organizing and energizing the african-american vote. >> i might, too. a lot of back and forth and bickering. i think there was a lot of pontificating. >> reporter: people here felt vice president biden's performance was good. >> he was facing a high hurdle. did he clear it? >> he didn't totally clear it. he got caught up a couple of times. >> go to joe 30330 and help me in this fight. >> reporter: the vice president apparently confusing his website with his text message number didn't help him even among those who like him.
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>> i think that he stumbled in some places like verbally stumbled as well as strategically stumbled. his last remark was strange, i don't know what the website was. >> andrew hasan didn't vote in 2016. she may stay home again. >> joe biden had a lot to prove tonight. did he do it? >> he proved to me i won't vote for him. >> he seems like he was entitled and because he was in the club and that he was the vice president that he is going to be the democratic candidate. >> here in flint still struggling with a contaminated water supply, health care tops the agenda for many. >> i'm especially encouraged but not clicking my heels that health care has become one of the top issues in this campaign. >> reporter: now the breakouts of the evening were
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congresswoman gabbard and gillibrand but the one that really made an impression was andrew yang. he spoke in ways that were simple and concise and it really connected with the audience last night. john? >> miguel, we have andrew yang on with us in a little bit to talk about that debate. it's interesting. andrew yang, marianne williamson before. breaking through maybe because they just look different than the other people on the stage. thanks to miguel for actually talking to voters to get a sense of what they think. other news this morning, the father of an american teenager accused of murdering an italian police officer is speaking out. the latest on that investigation next. they had me at fort knox - they keep all the gold there. after that we moved to georgia for a couple years. then we spent some time in korea- mmm seaweed snacks. and now we live here for good.
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this morning the father of one of the american teenagers accused of stabbing an italian
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police officer 11 times now says his son did not know his friend had a 7 inch knife. after his arrest.nly found out - cnn's melissa bell live in rome with the very latest here. it seems like the strategy of these two defendants may be differing at this point, melissa? >> reporter: that's right. to be fair for the time being, we simply haven't heard that much from either them or their lawyers or their families. within the last few minutes the jail in central rome we saw the father of one of the two teens, finnegan elder, the one that was accused by italian prosecutors of having been the one to wield the knife and murder the italian police officer that italy has been mourning for much of the last week. we've seen the lawyer of the other young man make his way out. he's been very tight-lipped so
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far. all he would tell us was his client was extremely tired and they've had a constructive meeting preparing his defense. a defense we have heard precious little. we managed to get hold of gabe elder's father yesterday and this is what he told us after an extremely emotional meeting with his son. >> we are deeply upset by his predicament but at the same time deeply convinced by his innocence. he did not know his friend was armed. he only became aware of what actually happened after his arrest. >> the father of gabe natale there speaking about his son. as you said a moment ago, he said his son had no idea that his friend finnegan elder had no knowledge that his friend had a knife until after he was arrested. >> thank you for the update from rome. meanwhile back here in
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detroit, did joe biden emerge from last night's debate as a stronger front-runner? we discuss the big debate and where things stand now. really the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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♪ ♪ the late night comics were life again after last night's debate. these are your late-night laughs. >> julian castro had his own answer to trump's slogan. we're going to make america better than it's been in the years to come. >> yeah, forget maga. julian castro is going with --
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>> joe biden is 76 years old. he tried to win over younger voters by using some of the hip slang for today. >> this idea is a bunch of malarkey. >> good luck freeing asap rocky with language like that. >> if you agree with me go to joe 30330. >> is that the name of your home ma made rocket ship? >> did you just tell everyone your atm pip number? is this a weird clue? it's like being in an escape room. go to joe 3033. we need the clue master. clue master! >> yeah, you knew while that was happening that that was going to be a thing. you absolutely knew. now alisyn is not talking because her mike is not working. >> true. >> five of the candidates from
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last night's democratic debate will join us live this morning here on set or at least me because my mike is working. "new day" continues right now. >> we are ten years too late. we need to do everything we can to start moving the climate in the right direction. >> she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations. >> i am proud of making a decision not to just give fancy speeches but actually doing the work. >> she was uneven. she department expect to be prosecuted on her prosecutorial record. >> you're dipping into kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. >> cory booker turned in a performance. >> 24 is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day," thursday, august 1st. 6:00 here in detroit. joe biden's front-runner status
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was put to the test at the cnn debate last night. the former vice president took a lot of heat >> from everyone. >> from everyone. here's one moment. where joe biden sparred with cory booker over their records on criminal justice. >> why did you announce in the first day a zero tolerance policy of stop and frisk and hire rudy giuliani's guy in 2007 when i was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine? >> there's a thing in my community, you're dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. you need to come to the city of newark and see the reforms we put in place. >> so what about senator kamala harris after a strong showing in the first debate? some thought the strongest of all the candidates, she now learned what it's like to take serious


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