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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  March 12, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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concluding he tried to coach potential witnesses. and last month jackson said that manafort lied about his communications with constantine kilimnik, a russian who's a former business associate of manafort's. and don't forget that last week a federal judge in virginia stunned the courtroom by sentencing manafort to only 47 months in prison for his conviction of eight financial crimes including tax and bank fraud. prosecutors had recommended a sentence between 19 and 24 years. let's discuss. simone prokupecz is here. good evening to all of you. i'm going to start with you, shimon. tomorrows a big day. >> we expect paul manafort and his team to come in. we'll have some legal arguments. the big question is going to be, don, as you said what will the sentence ultimately be for paul manafort? does the judge go ahead and give
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him the maximum, which is the ten years on the two counts, five each. or does she give mim any kind of a break here? we certainly saw that break in the case in virginia. if you recall the judge there said paul manafort had lived basically a bleemless life before he did anything he was charged with. and the big question is what will happen tomorrow? will the judge go ahead and give him the maximum? she as you said has had a very different view of paul manafort throughout this case, throughout this investigation. the judge in virginia having a little more compassion for him. had quite the opinion on the whole mueller investigation. her opinion of the whole mueller investigation has been quite different. so the big thing, obviously, is does he get an additional ten years, five years? what more is he facing? >> interesting. as i said asha, judge jackson is the one who cept pasent paul ma
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to jail after witness tampering and also said he breached his plea deal by lying about russian constantine kilimnik. do you think this is going to factor in tomorrow's sentencing? >> yes, i think so. but i think that weave to wait and see. look, we give judges incredible discretion on how much to sentence defendants, and i think we were taken by surprise last week, so let's see. but i mean in this case -- you know, in her courtroom he has engaged in incredibly unsavory behavior from the court's perspective. he has obstructed justice, he's tampered with witnesses. he's lied to prosecutors. so i can't imagine that she would look kindly upon that. and look, one way or the other he's going to skral. i think the real question here is what will trump do after the sentence is rendered? is he going to pardon manafort, or will he let the sentence
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stand? >> interesting. let's talk about -- a little bit more about constantine kilimnik, manafort's codefendant in this case. reportedly tied to russian intelligence. what more could we learn about this relationship between manafort and kilimnik? >> we already know a lot. we know that manafort tried to share campaign polling data with him and that he appeared to be a link between manafort and russian intelligence, and, you know, russian oligarchs, you know, who also have ties to the kremlin. we could learn more about the relationship. we could learn more of what the mueller team knows, if there was more engagement there. i think also, you know, the judge is going to be under tremendous kind of public outcry, and that creates pressure to give manafort a strict sentence. you've had public defenders talking about their clients. you've got three to six years, guys in for life in jail selling
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$20 worth of pot to a policeman, and that's going to make it -- judges don't live in a vacuum. they hear and see this stuff, too. >> and besides the manafort sentencing tomorrow there's also roger stone's hearing on thursday and a sentencing update for rick gates on friday. are all of these developments a sign that mueller's report is imminent, shimon prokupecz? >> i do think that these main core players of this investigation and cooperators is all really wrapped up. when you look at michael flynn, we had an update on him today, he's essentially done cooperating. paul manafort was the first person indicted, first person that the mueller team, you know, essentially indicted was a main player in this entire investigation. remember it was before judge berman jackson, which is where tomorrow's proceedings is, where we learned that paul manafort in this meeting with cilimnic was
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the center, was the heart of the mueller investigation. so with tomorrow's end, with the sentencing paul manafort is done in terms of the special counsel's office. the main part of this investigation is over. the big thing is, though, i do think is rick gates. we've heard so little about him, and he's spent all this time cooperating. and we've learned a lot about his cooperation. he certainly helped him learn a lot about paul manafort's activities, the meeting with this russian kilimnik guy. so rick gates has been a bigger feg yr in this entire investigation. getting an update on him is going to pea a key sign whether or not the department of justice is done with his cooperation. we believe he's cooperating in other parts of the department of justice, specifically in the southern district of new york where there are other investigations. so i'm looking forward to that to see what happens there. but it does seem that the key players, the key parts of this investigation are being wrapped up. >> okay, then, what about flynn because there was supposed to be
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a flynn sentencing update tomorrow, but that was just canceled. what does that mean for the president's former national security advisor and for this case? >> they updated on us a few hours ago, they put that out. he's trying to delay his sentencing. the judge surprised everyone in this dramatic fashion and held this hearing, went after michael flynn, thought he should go to jail. the prosecutors had no position, they were saying 0 to 6 months. the judge was not satisfied with that and hinted strongly to michael flynn they should delay his sentencing because he's continue to cooperate. but interestingly enough in the filing today his status doesn't really change. what the government essentially has said is they're pretty much done with him. he's cooperating in this other case, but it's not a mueller investigation. of course they could always go back to him, but he also for all intents and purposes, he is done. the big thing here what's going on is they meant to delay it because they're afraid that
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michael flynn -- his lawyers are afraid that the judge is going to put him in jail. >> so, matthew, we're all focused on mueller's criminal investigation but former prosecutor nelson cunningham says that mueller is also continuing to counter intelligence investigation that started with suspicious trump-russia contacts in 2016. could this mean double trouble for the president? >> look, counter intelligence investigations are -- they tend to remain secret. they tend to be about countering another country's intelligence services. it's not about criminal charges. so i don't know if it means double trouble or we're going to find out about it anytime soon, but it really does seem like there's something going on here that are the focus of what the president's looking at. and those sometimes can yield criminal charges. this stuff is hard to predict, and shimon can tell us that. but it remains a concern, that's pretty clear. >> listen, cunningham says that
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unlike a final criminal report a mueller counter intelligence report must be shared with congress, and then he writes this. he says, the house is senate intelligence committees are legally entitled to be given reports in writing of significant intelligence and counter intelligence activity or failures. mueller's findings will certainly qualify. so he thinks there could be a second mueller report. do you think he's onto something? >> i think it was a very interesting take, and i think he's absolutely right, that there is a very large back story of what mueller has gathered that may not see the inside of a courtroom. and so his report to the attorney general, which is limited to criminal charges, the charges that he has chosen to persee or has declined to pursue will not tell the whole story. but i think that congress could have this other avenue to get this other information of what
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may pose a national security threat to the united states, and as matthew just mentioned may not warrant criminal charges or may not necessitate criminal charges because doing so could divulge sensitive messages or sources or give away to our adversaries but may still be of interest to congress in terms of deciding how to proceed with that information. and they may have that avenue through the intelligence committees to get that. >> i've got to ask you this while you're here, asha, about this massive college admissions scandal. you were the dean of admissions at yale law school for over 12 years. did you ever think that something like this could happen? >> you know, i mean, reading things like this, don, makes me so angry because so much of what i did as admissions dean was to go out and try to recruit students who didn't think they had a chance to put their hat in the ring. and look, let's not kid
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ourselves. there are structural issues in the admissions that do benefit people with access to resources, people who can take test prep courses or get help on their essays and stuff like that. but outright bribery, getting people to take tests for you, this distorts the admissions process and the way that people like me were trying to make fair decisions on people, and i just -- it upsets me that there may be people who are discouraged from shooting high because of this kind of unethical and illegal behavior by a select few. >> asha, thank you for that matthew as well and shimon. did michael cohen leave a trail of bread crumbs during his testimony? and what clues are investigators following? we're going to dig into that next.
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so the president launching a twitter tirade against his home state of new york and governor andrew cuomo calling them presidential harassers. this after new york state's attorney general subpoenaed two banks for records about multiple trump organization projects and an attempt by the president to buy the buffalo bills in 2014. let's bring in now jeb sugarman, the author of the people's courts. gentlemen, good evening. thank you both for joining me. david, i'm going to start with you. this investigation appears to have come out of michael cohen's testimony last month, just a few weeks ago. this is what he said about the president and the president attempting to buy the buffalo bills. watch this. >> i'm giving to the committee today three years of mr. trump's
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personal financial statements, 2011, 2012 and 2013, which he gave to deutsch bank to enchoir about a loan to buy the buffalo bills and to forbes. >> did the president ever provide access to a bank in order to help him obtain a loan? >> these documents and others were provided to deutsche bank on one occasion where i was with them and our lawyer and attempt to obtain money so that we can put a bid on the buffalo bills. >> so the attorney general is now acting on this. what kind of crimes are we talking about there, potentially? >> well, if he actually got a loan he has signed documents under penalty of perjury. he didn't get the loan for the bills partly because to buy the bills he would have to put up a little over a billion dollars in cash, which he didn't have. that's how the rules are in the nfl. but if this leads to other
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documents coming from deutsche bank that show he actually got loans on other occasions where he misstated his finances, then he's facing potential bank fraud, wire fraud charges. and one of the things we also learn from this is was it really deutsche bank loaning him money over the kiers, or was deutsche bank acting on behalf of vtb, the russian spy bank or some other russian entity, and the risk was on those people, or did they somehow privately guarantee it? there could be a lot there. maybe there's nothing here. we don't know yet. >> you don't know. you're shaking your head. >> look, the big picture -- first of all it's amazing donald trump couldn't get a franchise because -- where's that bar? so the big picture is many people speculate that deutsche bank has been the conduit not just in that window of time but
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way back in many years the conduit for money laundering. and deutsch bank is renowned for being and has been fined millions of dollars for money laundering with russia. >> their profits last year were about 300 million euros, and they're not that big a bank. so you have to wonder why are they taking risks loaning money to donald trump when every other bank walks away. remember during the campaign he said i borrowed money knowing i wasn't going to pay it back. >> so why did they do it? >> that's the great $64,000 question. >> let's talk about your piece in "the new york times" yesterday. you called for the new york ag to do a civil proceeding against the trump organization, one that could end up with the company
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dissolved. how extensive do the crimes have to be to warrant that? >> well, the steps they took last night the crimes don't have to be of such grand scope. it could be simply the business was engaged in fraud. let's keep in mind this is confusing to some republican officials today. this is new york state attorney general, so this is independent of federal interference. so the crimes can be relatively narrow for them to act. but the next step as they find out more from deutsche bank about not just some of these federal crimes but state crimes in new york consistent of bank fraud, insurance fraud and tax fraud, if they find enough pattern of persistent fraud the new york attorney general can bring up fraud. >> so looking for documents about documents from the trump
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hotel, properties in chicago in d.c. a golf course outside of miami, records related to the president's failed bid as i said to buy the buffalo bills. what does this tell you about the investigation? >> well, no one's seriously looked ever at donald trump's finances. when he was a casino owner they never once looked at his money or checked him out at all. so this is the first time we have someone with subpoena power, not people like me looking around to see whether they dropped something in a court hearing but subpoena power to compel the production of documents that has had the opportunity to go after him. and tisha james said elect me i'm going to go after this guy. >> it starts with the new york attorney general on the civil side, but this is an opportunity for the new york attorney general's office to share information with both new york state prosecutors like cyrus
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vance in manhattan. this is chance for him to redeem himself because he dropped the ball. his office had the goods on ivanka trump and don junior for criminal real estate fraud. he could get in on state prosecution, but they can also share information with federal prosecutors in the southern district of new york. >> i cuomo can -- andrew cuomo can grant latitia james criminal investigative authority if he wants to. i would expect he would probably do that. >> or governor cuomo. let's put up on the screen and these are all the investigations kurnlt currently under way on the trump administration. you can see them all. it's just astounding. how is any governing getting done, david? >> has there been any governing? we still haven't had an acting faa director. we have major countries where there's no u.s. ambassador more than two years after he took
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office. >> yeah. does he have any power with state investigators? >> no, so this is a key issue here is that, first of all, trump -- a presidential pardon only effects federal criminal liability. so the key name to look for in the future is allen weisselberg, who's the cfo of the trump organization. if there's any money laundering allen weisselberg who's already in jeopardy because of the campaign finance michael cohen pegged him in and the testimony because of the bank fraud with deutsche bank weisselberg could be compelled with state documents, and he can't bank on, if you will, a presidential pardon to get him off the hook. it also means trump can't interfere with state prosecutors or the state attorney general. >> thank you, gentlemen, i appreciate your time. a new book is claiming president trump wanted his own daughter and son-in-law pushed out of the white house and sent back to new york, and there's a lot more.
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book seeks to tell the behind the scenes story of their rise to extraordinary power in the white house. cnn white house reporter kate bennett has more now. >> reporter: washington buzzing about a new book "kushner inc." and its focus on ivanka trump's unprecedented role as both daughter and influential advisor to the president. a murky area ivanka has had to define. >> people think you're going to be part of the administration, ivanka. >> no, i'm going to be a daughter. >> the family connection has led to complicated political issues. ward writes how ivunga defended her dad after the deadly charlottesville protest. trump saying there was, quote, blame on both sides. ivanka, adamantly sticking up from her father. quote, my dad's not a racist.
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he didn't mean any of it. publicly she's played the role of defiant daughter, side-stepping side-stepping salacious. >> i think it's pretty inappropriate to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he's affirmatively stated there's no truth to it. >> saying she's able to voice her opinion. >> i'm part of a staff, i'm part of a team. >> reporter: ivanka tasked with tackling policy issues from family funding to economic empowerment for women. trump in return heaping praise as both boss and father. sometimes with cringe worthy results. >> she's so good. she wanted to make the trip. she actually said, daddy, can i go with you. i like that. daddy, can i gewith you.
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i said, yes you can. >> reporter: and just this week during a white house meeting. >> she's so formal. a special person and she's worked so hard as you all know. >> reporter: the book also taking a look at ivanka's west wing role. ward writes ivanka would request travel on air force planes and if the request was denied ivanka and kushner would often invite along a cabinet secretary in order to gain access. but is ivanka advisor, daughter or perhaps the answer is both? the result in washington more scruttenized than perhaps any other presidential family member in modern history. >> there's a level of viciousness that i was not expecting, but this isn't supposed to be easy. >> so here with me now kate bennett, also michael d'antonio, the author of "the truth about
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trump." good evening to both of you. according to this book excerpt ivanka and jared are they the moderating influence on this president as they are often portrayed? >> that has been sort of the underlying vibe i guess and it may actually be true because quite frankly they're still there. this is power couple inside the west wing and through all the tumultuous turnover, the back stabbing, the chaotic nature of staffing issues we've seen over the past two years. ivanka trump and jared kushner have had to most staying power, the most flurchs, and quite frankly the vast portfolios of anyone closest to the president. so i think that says a lot about their influence on the president, the family connection and that weird sort of gray area where those two things merge and connect. he feels comfortable with them. they feel comfortable speaking to him. and i think that that therein lies their sticking power.
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>> michael, vicky ward writes over the past few years the president has wanted to on and off get rid of ivanka and injured. and here's what he writes. when he hired john f. kelly as chief of staff a move that ms. trump and mr. kushner supported at the time, his kids didn't know how to play the game and generated cycles of bad press. mr. kelly responded that it would be difficult to fire them, but he and the president agreed that they would make life difficult enough to force the pair to offer their resignations which the president would then accept. so ivanka and jared are still working in the white house, michael. john kelly has since resigned. they are the survivors. >> they are the survivors. there are two things in that story that ring true to me.
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one is his impatience. he did say something about getting rid of them. the other thing that rings true is the scheme, this idea that somehow they're going to make jared and ivanka miserable, and then that would force them to resign. that's also consistent with the way the president operates. but they do have sticking power. but i actually think that the notion that they're moderating where the president is concerned is something the jury is out on. it's an idea that ivanka trump promoted when they were in private business. she often let it be known to friends and people she respected that, oh, it would be much worse if i weren't there to wield some influence. but i have it noted that donald trump is acting in a moderate way on any issue. we'll never know because we can all say, well, you should see
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what he really wanted to do. but i don't assume that they're all that powerful. >> according to the book, kate, ivanka and jared didn't initially plan to work at the white house. and once they were there, they clashed with a lot of advisers, a lot of other advisers. what's happened since? >> i think quite frankly the tumulti led them to actually stick to it. those rumors were fairly consistent until lately. you know, i think they found some things ivanka trump has found womens economic empowerment to be a special project for her. she's gotten some funding for that in the new budget. she's also taken on work and family leave rights to congress. she's forged relationships on capitol hill. certainly it took some time for them to find the footing, but i
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think now that they're there and they've seen what washington can be like. ivanka saying in that clip she didn't expect the vicious attacks. i think they have the idea they're going to stick it out. certainly the rumors, again, of them leaving, of them packing it up and heading back to new york whether by, you know, the president sort of scheming or on their own volition, those things haven't played out. and i think it's again jared kushner has the middle east, he has a lot of projects going on. there are flashes of troubled news about security clearances and other investigations and kushner businesses, et cetera. but they have found their niche inside the white house. i can't believe it. that we just hit the motherlode of soft-serve ice cream? i got cones, anybody wants one! oh, yeah!
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from panda express. we're back with kate bennett, michael d'antonio and we're talking about the new book that focuses on ivanka trump and jared kushner's rise to power inside the white house. so white house officials have demised this book. a spokesman for jared kushner said this. in a statement he said that every point that ms. ward mentioned in what she called her fact checking stage was entirely false. it seems she has written a book of fiction rather than any serious attempt to get the facts. correcting everything would be too long and pointless. two people who worked hard at controlling their image, will it cause significant damage to the couple or their brand, do you think? >> it's doubtful.
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the white house sarah sanders also released a statement today calling the book fiction and saying shady anonymous sources. the writer tweeted today i'm very proud to join the long list of writers disparmgaged by the white house. clearly this is the white house dealing with another book dealing with the east wing. ivanka is very interesting. she's her father's daughter, and when she finds herself in the midst of potentially bad press, this morning she was talking about the strength of the economy. it could have been a tweet from her father, the way listing job numbers and wage growth. and this weekend on instagram she instagramed to her several million followers sort of her highlight reel for the past two years. she's very savvy when it comes to keeping herself afloat when the headlines get a little bumpy and the story rocky. jared kushner, we don't really hear from him a lot anyway.
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it's likely he will weather this book for now. but it's the white house facing yet another book about what's happening behind closed doors. >> we've become a pr machine about promoting yourself rather than the actual policy. sounds like it? what's she doing there? kate? >> yeah, i mean i think in a lot of ways like i said this is a trump. she's a trump family member. branding is very important. maneuvering, manipulating public immg is very important. and also quite frankly ivanka has done things within this administration, you know, tangible pushing the ball forward in the portfolio she does have and i think now is the time to talk about those things. she doesn't do it with the sort of negative energy her father does all the time. however she does share a lot of her progress, her positives on
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social media. and that's certainly something she must have picked up along the way. >> she said, my dad's not a racist, he didn't mean any of it. appearing on a channel with her father she said that's not what he said. listen, i guess it's no surprise she'd be supporting her dad, but what does this say about her views on this? >> well, i think that her views are about protecting him and protecting herself. she is a true trump, so she is going to practice public relations. you know, when she talks about how vicious washington is and how the reception was so difficult, it's because she was profoundly unqualified for the job she was given, and the world
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knows it. jared kushner's profoundly unqualified. she received 16 trademarks from the chinese government since she's been in the white house. jared kushner's family has gone around the world looking for money. so all of this defensiveness and where in her father racism is concerned, he's said racist things for more than 30 years, so she's been aware of him all his life having problems with the attitudes he shares about various keends of people. so of course she's going to say he's not a racist. but to lie and say that he didn't say what he actually said and then to say, well, he doesn't mean it? this is -- this is too much trumpism from the daughter who'd like to distinguish herself. and the last thing i'd like to offer is that the the one tangible thing i know that
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ivanka trump has done is get a billion dollars added to the federal budget for child care. but the people who run child care at the state and local levels say that the money is directed at something they don't need. it's the wrong direction, and it's not nearly enough money. so she can go around bragging about it, but it's not effective policy, and it's a minuscule amount. >> thank you both. see you next time. we have some breaking news to tell you about tonight. it is out of california. governor gavin newsom will sign an executive order tomorrow placing a moratorium on the death penalty in that state. that means a reprieve for 737 people on death row in california, which has the largest death row population in the country. the order will immediately close the execution chamber at san quintan, but it will not alter any current conviction or sentence or lead to the release of any prisoner currently on
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with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? the faa is resisting calls tonight to ground the 737 max 8. that's after two plane crashes in less than five months killing 346 people. multiple countries around the world have grounded the planes. let's discuss now. former faa inspector the author of malaysia airlines flight 375, and also the inspector general for the department of transportation. also an aviation attorney who
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represents family of crash victims and has litigation pending against boeing. good evening to both of you. david, i want you to take a look at the countries that have grounded or canceled the max 8. the faa is saying tonight there's no basis to order >> all of those countries you have listed there, don, have one thing in common. they didn't certify this airplane. boeing did. and they're in the united states. and the faa is the one who certified that airplane to be manufactured. they have skin in the game. >> and that's it. what do you mean by that? tell me what you mean by that. >> well, the faa, they have all the chips on the table. they said we're certifying this airplane, they're standing behind it. if they admit now that the aircraft had some kind of certification issue or some problem that they overlooked when they certified the airplane. to ground the airplanes now would be admitting to that, would be admitting that we did
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something wrong. they're not going to want to do that. >> thank you. you said that regulators are essentially betting with their lives of crews and passengers that this won't happen again. explain. >> that's right. what the faa and boeing have said is after the first crash they said they were going to make changes to the manuals and require classroom training of the pilots now or of training. and then immediately after the ethiopia crash the faa issued another guidance, another order that said it was going to order boeing to make additional changes to the actual flight computer. but it also added very cautionly but we don't say this has anything to do with the ethiopia crash. we're just ordering this. and boeing has to have this done by april. but we have no idea what caused ethiopia. so what they're saying is they don't know what caused it, two new planes have made holes in the ground and killed almost 350
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people but they're not going to make changes but they don't know. so they're going to wait, not order changes, and just bet that it doesn't happen again. and that's a very foolish approach to safety. safety should be we know what's happened and we can make the change, not we're not going to make changes because we don't know. >> american airlines, mary, has more than 300 737s. only 24 are max 8s. southwest airlines has more than 350 737s. only 34 are max 8s. would it be easy to temporarily ground such a small amount of planes? >> well, i don't say it would be easy, but with fleets like that and the ability to change their fleets and make up for the shortages of the planes yes, for carriers like that they could do it. and they have experience in the past with other instances where they've had to ground -- southwest had maintenance issues where they've had to pull planes under orders. >> so why the resistance, then?
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>> well, again, i think it's because in the united states, in addition to what david said, and he's right. but in the united states the faa defers to boeing and they defer to the airlines. they have a different approach. in fact, they call the airlines their customers. i thought the traveling public was. and when it comes to boeing most of the boeing certifications and oversight are performed by designated examiners or persons right within boeing or who work for boeing. and when my old office, office of inspector general, when i was there, we reviewed the certification of the boeing 777, on order of congress we did that, we found that boeing self-certified about 95% of the plane. not saying that was bad. but the fact of the matter is boeing had the expertise and the faa just won't challenge them. even in the most air witness directive it said this is based on an analysis by boeing. it's right in the order. >> got it. so david, the president tweeted this today. he said airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly, pilots
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are no longer needed but rather computer scientists from m.i.t. i see tall the time in many products. al always seeking to go one unnecessary step further when often old and simpler is far better. splikt-seco split-second decisions are. this is followed by a phone call with the president of boeing's ceo, and the white house was later saying this. watch. >> certainly this is very early in the process. i think the first place we have to start is by offering our condolences. >> what's going on here? >> well, i've got a good example for the president of the old style, and the faa must be thinking the same way, because right now we fought long and hard to get streaming data from the airplanes that we could look at and analyze online real-time. adsb does that. and we have information. we have information about the vertical speed that was erratic. it was all over the place. it was exactly -- not exactly
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but very similar, frighteningly similar to the prior accident that we had with lion air. you look at it, it's streaming data, it's right there in front of you, but what does the faa do? they say well, we don't have any information, we don't have any facts, what we're going to do is wait until we get the black box out of the dirt and we're going to go take that, it's going to take a couple weeks to analyze, we're going to figure it out. in the meantime, we could have a lot of airplanes out there with the same problem and not know the difference. so here's a case in which technology's available, it's advanced, it's there, it's beneficial, it's something that really improves safety, but they're not using it anyway. so maybe that's what the president's referring to. >> david, mary, thank you very much. appreciate your time and your expertise. >> thank you. >> thanks for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. hey! it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. they help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture... and keep us protected. we've got to have each other's backs... and fronts. cerave. what your skin craves. ♪
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and it's odor-free, and pharmacist recommended. garlique good evening. we have a big night of breaking news, whether it's famous actors in court accused of helping cheat their kids' way into elite colleges or the federal government refusing to ground the world's best-selling airliner, even though the rest of the world now is. we'll have that and more in the hour ahead. we begin, though, keeping them honest with president trump. we intended to lead the story by saying he'd gone the entire day without tweeting once about the russia investigation or any other of the other half dozen inquiries under way into virtually everything he's touched. that's what we were going to do and then he tweeted just after 6:00 p.m. eastern. quoting the president, "new york state and its governor, andrew cuomo, are now proud members of the group of presidential harassers. no wonder people are fleeing the state in record numbers. the witch hunt continues." he's talking about new york's attorney general doing what the president once said would be a no-no, at least if robert mueller d


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