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tv   CNN Newsroom With John Berman and Poppy Harlow  CNN  February 28, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PST

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when people ask me for i always tell them the thicker the enamel, the more white you're going to have. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to actually strengthen the enamel. it's going to keep it brighter. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, but also what patients are looking for. ♪ good morning everyone. john berman here. serious surprising questions of credibility overnight about two of the people closest to the president. serious surprising questions being asked about some of the issues most sensitive to the president. executive time might be a bit awkward this morning. the president's communications director admits she sometimes
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lies. his son-in-law and senior adviser has been barred from top secret intelligence, and four countries believed him to be so compromised, that they thought they could play him. the special counsel now asking questions about the president's business and finances from before they announced his candidacy. the president has declared this a no-go area. rob mert mueller not just crossing into the red zone but jumping up and down on it. this morning the president's former campaign chair will be in federal court on a new slate of charges from the special counsel. he arrived moments ago. news breaking out all over the place. we are all over it. let's begin with cnn's abby phillip live at the white house this morning with the special counsel firmly, abby, in that no-go zone. >> reporter: that's right, john. it appears the special counsel is looking at information that extends beyond the 2016 campaign. he's asking questions about the
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president's business dealings as it relates to russia around the time, years before he was even running for president. some of these questions involve the 2013 miss universe pageant that was held in moscow and also the plans for a potential trump tower in moscow. all this as robert mueller is trying to find out if russians might have tried to influence trump at a time he was trying to do these business deals and considering a run for president. we also know that president has made it very clear that if robert mueller looked into his personal finances and also the finances of his family, that might be a red line. he said that in an interview with "the new york times" last year. it seems very clear, john, that robert mueller is going there and asking these questions of witnesses and trying to suss out if there were any attempts at that time in his life, as early as 2014 or even before that,
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that the russians might have tried to influence trump before the 2016 campaign began. >> there are also new questions about the no longer cleared for top secret intelligence jared kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior adviser, abby. >> reporter: that's right. jared kushner now has been downgraded from a top security clearance to one that is lower that does not allow him access to very sensitive information. this is as a result of the new rules change that chief of staff john kelly put in place last week. all of this is coming as jared kushner is under a lot of scrutiny for his contacts with foreign officials. "the washington post" reported overnight that kushner was seen as someone who could be potentially influenced as a result of the fact that his personal finances and business entanglements were so complex. foreign governments talked openly about the potential that kushner could be influenced as a
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result of these complex entanglements. now the question is can kushner continue to do his job even though he does not have the kind of sensitive security clearance that he needs, that he enjoyed before this moment. right now his portfolio includes middle east peace. there was questions about whether these new restraints will restrict what he's able to do in his current role. >> abby phillip, we'll be watching that closely. thank you so much. we'll go now to the d.c. federal courthouse. we expect to see actually the former campaign chair for the president, paul manafort, arrived just moments ago. our jessica schneider is there right now. what do we expect? >> john, this hearing slated to start at 9:30 this morning. this is the first time that paul manafort will face a judge alone. his co-defendant in this case, rick gates, pleaded guilty on friday to two counts. now paul manafort is all alone in this particular case brought by the special counsel.
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paul manafort this morning faces this new super seeding indictment that streamlined some of the charges. they include counts of money laundering and false statements. in just the past week or so paul manafort has faced increasing and substantial pressure. that's because rick gates pleaded guilty on friday. just a few days before that it was the guilty play of the lawyer, alex vann der zwaan. paul manafort has remained steadfast over the past few days. it was on friday after the guilty play from rick gates that paul manafort released the statement maintaining his innocence. he said that rick gates' guilty plea does not alter his commitment to defend himself against what he calls untrue piled-up charges. so paul manafort now in court. he'll be facing the judge at 9:30 at loan on that new super
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seeding indictment with several charges including money lawn during and false statements. we understand at this hearing as well paul manafort's lawyers will continue to press for modified bail terms because paul manafort is still under house arrest. john? >> jessica schneider at the d.c. federal courthouse. keep us posted. wait, there's more. white house communications director hope hicks admitted to the house intelligence committee that she tells white lies for the president. our evan perez live in washington with what's going on here. evan. >> reporter: john, i think you call them big little lies when it comes from the communications director at the white house. certainly at the house intelligence committee, hope hicks declined to answer questions about her time at the white house. she was able to answer some questions ability tout the tran. one of the big questions they had from her is when did she learn about the now famous june 2016 trump tower meeting where
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russians were meeting with donald trump jr. and others trying to allegedly provide dirt on hillary clinton. she said she didn't know about that meeting until reporters started calling. that would have been me in june of 2017. a few weeks later "the new york times" reported the story. she said she didn't have much of a role in that misleading statement that was issued to "the new york times" and to the public. the question now is what are the little lies that she says she has now told on behalf of the president. she says there's nothing substantive, nothing related to russia. but she couldn't qualify what exactly those big little lies, as i call them, that she has told on behalf of the president. >> evan perez in washington, a very unusual admission. joining me rear admiral john kirby and laura coates. admiral, among your many, many jobs, you served as press secretary in both the pentagon
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and state department. was part of your job to tell white lies for your bosses? >> no, john, not at all. if i had and anybody found out that i did, i would have been fired by the secretary of defense and/or the secretary of state. when you take an oath for the american people, one of those oaths is you protect and defend the constitution. that means telling the truth, being honest both off screen and on screen. think about this, john. this is the communications director of the white house, not just a staffer. where is that line between a white lie and what she considers to be substantive. i think the american people deserve to know that. >> laura coates, is there a case precedent for white lies? is there a difference between a white lie and a big lie? >> not if you're robert mueller. you've already seen at least two to three people, if you're lying generally, then you're going to get prosecuted for it, you'll have a guilty plea. there's no semantics-based
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nuanced argument you can make. it sounds like in her private life for donald trump's organization, she was the spin doctor. that role changes when you're communications director for the white house, especially if you're talking to the fbi, a chief investigator or even congressmen. >> she did say after consulting with her lawyer she has never lied about anything having to do with the russia investigation. we'll find out. you brought up the special counsel. i want to stay on that for a minute. cnn reporting overnight robert mueller's investigation focusing on finances and business deals from before the time that president trump declared his candidacy. donald trump has said this will cross a red line. that's his red line. it's clearly not robert mueller's. >> nor should it be. he's in no position to establish the red lines. e's somebody that is being investigated, his campaign members. the reason mueller is looking into this, you don't decide to
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run for president in a vacuum. there are things that predate that decision. what mueller's team is doing is looking back to figure out, is there anything about your decision or about the campaign itself that would have rendered you highly susceptible to indue influence. you can't start that the day he comes down the escalator with melania in tow. you have to do that, was he vulable, susceptible, somebody immune to common sense rationale with regard to russia. it's all part of the investigation. >> waiting to see how the white house and the president responds to this developing news. one other giant bombshell, "the washington post" story about jared kushner. w know he's had his security clearance reduced, but the post reports four countries felt him so compromised that they could play him essentially, play this key senior adviser. the post story has three key details. that h.r. mcmaster, the national
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security adviser learned kushner had contacts he didn't coordinate through the nsc, the perceptions of vulnerabilities were raised in mcmasses center's daily intelligence briefings. those details. >> not surprised at all that mcmaster would be perplexed and perhaps angry about this. this tells me that kushner is all the more vul nibbnerable to counterintelligence by other countries. now they know his security clearance has been downgraded. that makes him even more vulnerable to manipulation because they can use that to spoon-feed him information that he's not getting through his own intelligence briefings. the national security staff exists for a lot of reasons. one is to help cabinet officials and senior officials engage in a foreign stage in a measured, deliberate, informed and contextual way.
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it sounds like kushner was having those engagements without letting the staff know what he was doing which means he wasn't as effective and was more vulnerable because he wasn't being informed by national security professionals, more vulnerable to foreign countries. >> the fact it was raised during mcmaster's daily intelligence briefings, does that tell you something about the level of concern inside the national security community? >> absolutely. this is the national security adviser getting a very fulsome, comprehensive intelligence briefing. if they're raising it to him, that tells you, a, they have a fidelity of information out there, b, it is so serious that they have to raise it to the level of h.r. mcmaster. this is very troubling. >> laura coates, it's interesting. one of the people speaking most for jared kushner right now is his lawyer. he had his security clearance reduced inside the white house. some of the only statements we received is from the lawyer handling his relationship with the special counsel. i find that very odd.
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he's now involved in these two -- what should be very different roles here. you can see how one thing is affecting the other. >> you know when your lawyer becomes your spokesman, you're in a lot of trouble. the idea that there's going to be somebody to channel a particular narrative -- the reason is because mueller is quite powerful in washington, d.c., powerful enough to be the person to say i'm investigating a whole host of people. i haven't revealed who they are. you may very well be one of them, jared kushner. if there are instances where people are concerned about your foreign contacts, your failure to disclose them, that it may have compromised you in some way, there's a bullseye on your back and a microscope above your head and that's why his lawyer is involved. john, it's extremely important to note, the government and security clearances, they care about credit card debt. that's an issue. your shoe collection may be a problem, let alone the failure to disclose foreign contacts and other things that may be seen as a little -- >> thanks for being with us.
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two weeks after the massacre, stoneman douglas students make an emotional return to their school. we're live in florida. minutes ago, a major move by one of the nation's largest sports retailers. dick's sporting goods stopping sales of all assault style rifles in stores. the president's former campaign chair arraigned as we speak in d.c. federal court. live pictures. we'll have the very latest ahead. who's the new guy? they call him the whisperer. the whisperer? why do they call him the whisperer? he talks to planes. he talks to planes. watch this. hey watson, what's avionics telling you? maintenance records and performance data suggest replacing capacitor c4. not bad. what's with the coffee maker? sorry. we are not on speaking terms.
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of neighboring departments were here. as the principal said, it was going to be the highest security they had ever seen. undoubtedly, that is exactly what happened. they were escorting kids in. i've been texting with some of the kids inside the school there, some of the kids i rode up on the bus with last week to tallahassee. they said they started the day off with a 17-second moment of silence. one second for each life lost during the massacre. they described it, john, as weird. that's a word i'm getting the most from these texts. it's strange being back. it's emotional. it's tough for them. when we talked to the kids right before they went in, they told us they were apprehensive about going back to school. >> i'm hesitant to walk into the building but i know i have to to start -- i have to face it head on. at least that's my approach.
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>> i'm nervous. i feel the same as her. i'm really scared to go in. >> i'm still in shock from everything that has happened. going back in to school, i just -- i'm just worried that it's going to happen again. >> i want to be a part of stoneman douglas, and i want to live out the rest of my high school career normally, but there's no such thing as normal nipple. >> reporter: that's it, john. what is normal for these kids anymore? they don't really know. the teachers have told me they don't know what normal is anymore, john. the idea today is not curriculum. it's compassion. the principal -- they're going to all eight of their periods, going to these 20-minute periods. today they started school off in the same classes as they did when the shooting happened two weeks ago, john. >> every student is different. some of the students that i've spoken with, they need to get back to class. others are just not ready yet. i think the school will be sensitive to everyone's needs. appreciate you being there, dianne, thanks so much.
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the ceo of dick's sporting goods says the company will stop selling assault style rifles like the one used in the parkland shooting. alison kosik joins us. what have we learned? >> you'll see change happen before i think you see anything happen with congress. this morning we're hearing from dick's saying no longer will you be able to buy assault-style rifles at its stores. it's taking those weapons off the shelves. just to be clear, it's the dick's sporting goods stores that took the weapons off the shelves years ago after sandy hook. it's the field and stream stores that continue to sell these weapons, you will no longer be able to buy them there. you will also not be allowed to buy high capacity magazine. why is this happening? cnn's ed stack spoke with chris cuomo this morning. >> when you look at those kids and their parents and the grief
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everyone is going through, we don't want to be a part of this story any longer. we stully sold the shooter a shotgun in november of last year. we looked at that and found out that we did this -- we had a pit in our stomach and said we need to -- we don't want to be a part of this story. we need a responsibility to these kids and we decided we are not going to sell these any longer. >> pretty stunning that dick's sold a weapon to the shooter at the high school, at stoneman douglas high school back in november. this wasn't the gun that he used. it wasn't the type of gun he used. it was kind of a wake-up call for dick's to say, listen, we don't want to become part of this story. let's take these off and let's begin being part of the national conversation about how to start to control this. >> dick's saying they're hearing the kids, they're doing this for the kids. allisison kosik, thanks so much later today, a meeting with democratic lawmakers to talk about the way forward.
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according to the white house, the president still supports raising the age limit to 21 for the purchase of certain firearms. a source close to the white house saying the president backing off on other things that would have a more dramatic effect. former trump campaign chair paul manafort in court answering questions from the special counsel. he is inside. what is' moerjing from this hearing? we're on top of all the breaking news. stay with us. and upholstery clas a place where seniors get the care they need in the comfort of home. home instead senior care.
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analyst alex burns, cnn contributor salena zito and staff contributor natasha ber trump. we learned not only has jared kushner had his security clearance restricted. white house officials say jivanka are locked in a death match. two enter, only one survive. a nice thunderdome reference there. >> i think it's a colorful reference, but we've been hearing this about this white house for a very long time, person x and person y are locked in a death match. only one can sur slive. what we've seen is you can have an endless death match where everyone survives while they're
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tearing each other apart. i think it's like lick whly wha continue to see. the question a few weeks ago was whether john kelly can hang onto his job. the overwhelming expectation is kelly will hang on in his job and the move yesterday against jared kushner really reflects that kelly is in a pretty strong position here. at the same time he's not a member of the president's family. getting rid of members of the president's family is something nobody in this administration has accomplished. >> john kelly is a lot of things, but will never be the president's son-in-law. "the washington post" reporting that there are questions about the protocols kushner used when he set up conversations with foreign leaders. now there's overlap with the mueller investigation. do you think that's an air areat will be of hot pursuit? >> absolutely. especially when you look back and see how jared kushner was involved in setting up this back
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channel with the russia ambassador during the transition period. if you'll recall, he proposed setting up a diplomatic back channel at the russian embassy where the russian ambassador, sergey kislyak. these all fit together now. what we're going to be seeing is mueller will be examining whether or not he followed protocol when he was in communication with these foreign officials. if he was not following protocol, that would mean the national security adviser and other officials in the white house would not have known the content of those conversations, which for the white house trying to manage national security is a big problem. >> raises the stakes if bob mueller is involved. >> all right, celina, we know the president's base supports him, wants to be supported by his adviser. does the base really care about jared kushner? are there massive save jared demonstrations that will be held around the country? >> no, there's not a #savejared
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going on that i'm aware of. one of the things that connected trump to his base and people who voted for him who wouldn't ordinary vote for a character such as him was his ability to go into a place and ask for their vote. jared was never part of that equation. one of the things we see with the trump administration and we don't know if this is going to be successful or not, is some companies or administrations thrive off of incredible tension which is what we see and mahear and read about. the way we measure that is how successful they are not just in their approval ratings, but things they're able to get done. the first big measure is how people accept what they've been doing in a midterm election. that's the first big measurement. are you happy, do you like the
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way -- the way the tensions and the dramas that happen every day, or are you looking for something a little more pragmatic, a little more normal. we'll see. >> indeed. we're seeing right now, in fact. natasha, you got a pretty remarkable story out overnight in "the atlantic" that deals with communications between roger stone and wikileaks. you obtained direct messages essentially between stone and wikileaks. b i the way, stone testified they only communicated through an intermediary, wikileaks saying the same thing. what's the nature of this communication and what does it tell you? >> essentially roger stone reached out to wikileaks on october 13, 2016. we don't know if they communicated before that. this is the exchange i obtained, asking wikileaks to essentially stop attacking him because wikileaks had been going on this public relations campaign tweeting they had no formal association with roger stone who at the time was saying he had -- implying he had advanced knowledge of what wikileaks was
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about to drop. which was prop mattic for roger stone and the trump campaign. he asked wikileaks if they could back off. wikileaks said we don't want to appear there's any association between us because that's undermining our documents that we're publishing. roger stone said, you should learn who your friends are, you should figure out who you want out there defending you. right now you don't have a lot of defenders. on the morning of november 9th after donald trump won the election, wikileaks reached out and said, are you happy now, we're free to communicate. >> it shows they were communicating which is something we didn't know before. it doesn't necessarily show they had a close relationship. as you mention in the article, you haven't seen everything as far as we know. >> we haven't. stone said he turned over the entirety of his communications to the house intelligence committee, but he would not immediate lay share them with me. >> alex stone, you have another big story facing the country
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right now. guns and how politicians from both parties are dealing with this issue right now, politically and legislatively. >> that's right. what you really do see between the two parties is the split along geographic lines. the pain on the republican side is being felt by suburban politicians, folks closer to big cities, don't have a lot of constituents who embrace hunting culture but have constituents whose kids go to big high schools and elementary schools that look at an event like pair land and field terrified. those republicans really trying to make some kinds of gestures in the direction of gun regulation. for as long as any of us can remember, there has been a sense, at least 20 years, that democrats need to do what they can to placate the nra and court gun owners and to show they're not a party that's hostile to gun rights. often they've nod been terribly successful in doing that.
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really right now at a critical moment in the cycle, you have democratic candidates for governor in places like ohio and minnesota who in the past have had pretty warm relationships with the nra trying to show they've either completely changed their minds or meaningfully changed their minds and they reject nra support. >> interesting to see how politicians are moving left, right and center. salina zito, if you have a spokesperson or communications director for a politician tell you, you know what, sometimes i tell white lies, how would that change your relationship with thatperson? we don't know the context of hope hicks who is the president's communications director. it's unclear to me the context of what she said in the house intelligence committee where she admitted she tells white lies on behalf of the president. still it's very unusual for someone whose job it is to disseminate information to admit sometimes they lie. >> i think there's this general
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understanding among reporters that a lot of times communications people, especially if they're dealing with you publicly and there's a bunch of other reporter around, you're going to get white lies. it's important to get them to yourself and say, hey, okay, what's really going on? i need to understand what's going on. unfortunately white lies is sort of part -- i'm not saying it's acceptable. but i am saying it's part of that relationship between a communications person and a press person. i did want to make a point about what alex was talking about in terms of guns and regulations because i think it's really important right now. in that the district i live in, pennsylvania 18, the democrat connor lamb, has come out and said he is not for more gun regulation. he said that last week in the aftermath of what happened in parkland. it's the first time that we have
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seen in a very long time someone on the democratic side who is almost in the same position as the republican, and it's probably a good thing for the nra because they need more democrats, and the democratic party i think need more democrats who are more second amendment friendly in terms of being able to win more elections. you see that race is tied right now. i bet that has something to do with it. >> it's past the primary. he didn't have to deal with that issue in the primary quite the same way. salina zito, thank you. very shortly the president meets with members of both parties. he will talk about guns. is there any chance of a deal here. is there any chance for movement on significant legislation? stay with us.
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here. yesterday attorney general jeff sessions announced he would have the inspector general of the justice department investigate allegations of fisa abuse against those investigators who have been working on the russia probe over the last year. this has to do with the republican memo. jeff sessions asked the ig to look into it. well, moments ago the president weighs in with a new attack on the attorney general. the president writes why is ag jeff sessions asking the inspector general to investigate potentially massive fisa abuse? will take forever. has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on comey, et cetera. isn't the ig an obama guy? why not use justice department lawyers? disgraceful. again, the president criticizing his attorney general. joining me now is the house w.h.i.p. democratic congressman steny hoyer. thanks so much for being with us. i hope you had a chance to hear what i was just reading, this
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new statement from the president criticizing anew the attorney general for calling for an investigation into fisa abuse. >> well, the president tends to call out his friends and his foes for anything he believes are contrary to his interests. i think that he's undermined clearly attorney general jeff sessions in a lot of different ways from the very beginning, most of all, of course, for recusing himself and, therefore, not being able to fully protect trump from what the facts may show. i think it's a continuing, unfortunate modus operandi to undermine the credibility of anybody who is trying to get at the truth. >> put yourself in the attorney general's shoes. he was once a lawmaker. could you work like this? >> i don't think so.
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i don't think i would tolerate being undermined by someone who asked me to be the attorney general of the united states and a person i had supported very, very strongly and frankly uniquely in many ways being one of very few who were strong supporters of trump and believed he could win from the very beginning. the president is loyal only to those who are absolutely and unquestionably loyal to him. >> on that point, hope hicks, his communications director testified to the house intelligence committee yesterday, apparently told them she sometimes tells white lies for her boss. does that concern you? >> of course. but she didn't say what the white lies were, so we don't know how important those lies are. it doesnd sound to me like it's cleaning the swamp up. it is adding to it when hope hicks who obviously is one of the president's closest advisers
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apparently in the white house will not tell the truth about what's happening in the white house, the american people have the right to know what's happening, and the fact that she admits to white lies, heavens knows what else might be the case, because other than that, she was unwilling to be very forthcoming. >> if the democrats do take back the house, you think there's a 90% chance, is this the type of thing you would investigate? would you be calling on the house oversight committee to be launching an investigation? >> i think one of the reasons americans are going to vote for democrats to take back the house is because they want a check and balance on this administration. whatever they think of the administration, they obviously don't have a lot of confidence in their continuity or their transparency or truthfulness. i think they're worried about this administration and would want to see the checks and
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balances that our founding fathers had in mind, operate in a way that the founding fathers thought it ought to do as a check on executive power so that i think that clearly would be something we would be looking into, yes. >> america is watching washington today, congressman, to see what you do on gun saf y safety, on school safety. yesterday i watched bill pascal say paul ryan has lost his guts here. what do you want to see come to the house floor? >> we have 67% of the american people who think we ought to deal with assault weapons which are the weapons of choice for those who want to kill a lot of people very quickly in public places, whether they be schools or restaurants or concert venues, restaurants, nightclubs. the american public want action. they certainly want action --
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97% of americans, majority of republicans, democrats, independents, believe we ought to have background checks that don't have loopholes, we know who are purchasing weapons. we find out whether they have mental health problems, criminal problems, whether they're domestic abuse persons, whether they're terrorists, can't fly on airplanes because of the danger to the air public. the fact of the matter is america wants action and we ought to have action. the speaker has said we will take on the tough issues one at a time. we'll have the courage to do that. well, he's not doing that. he hasn't done it in so many different ways, but certainly on this issue. we filed two discharge petitions, one to make sure we have -- everybody has a background check and, two, that you can't get a gun until that background check is finished, not just 72 hours later if the background check is not
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approved. you get the roof case in charleston where the individuals who were killed were in a church. i think americans want action. they expect action and we ought to take action. >> we'll see what happened today after the president meets with lawmakers of both parties. congressman steny hoyer, thanks. >> thank you. i want to go to abby phillip at the white house. we heard from the president moments ago really cutting into jeff sessions, the attorney general. the attorney general called for the type of investigation you might think the president wants. it's still not enough. what's going on here? what are the issues and who are the players? >> reporter: certainly not fast enough for president trump. this is a person who was one of the president's earliest supporters and is now, as the president has called him himself, beleaguered. this tweet -- president trump says why is ag sessions asking for the inspector general to investigate massive fisa abuses. will take forever and has no prosecute torl power, and
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already late with reports on comey, et cetera. the president is also concerned that the inspector general is a holdover guy from the obama administration he's wondering why sessions will not use justice department lawyers. now, sessions announced this yesterday in an effort to get ahead of this issue and try to put it through what would under normal circumstances be a normal department of justice process, have the inspector general look at it. the inspector general is already looking into how the clinton investigation was handled. it's clear that president trump is not happy with the pace of this. he thinks jeff sessions should be much more aggressive. president trump's anger with sessions has not abated over the last several months. these attacks are still growing very public and continuing for months and months. meanwhile, sessions remains in the job. recently, the last it was clear that the president's advisers believed
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these would continue and he would not stop criticizing sessions publicly but it was still not clear whether there was any intention to move sessions off of this particular job. we also know in the last year, there were a lot of efforts made to keep sessions from resigning in the face of these criticisms from his boss. but obviously, john, this saga continues and president trump wants his department of justice to be more aggressive in investigating the prior administration, investigating the use of the foreign surveillance program in the overall russia investigation. that's ultimately what a lot of this is about. >> he called his attorney general disgraceful. the president of the united states called the attorney general he nominated disgraceful and pushing for some type of justice department lawyer investigation into the fbi. abby phillip, thank you very much. paul manafort pleading not guilty to these new charges moments ago.
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who never stop wondering what we'll do or where we'll go next. we the people who are better together than we are alone... are unstoppable. welcome to the entirely new expedition. shooting victim -- dwyane wade had his best game of the year. this was awesome -- >> since being traded bay ck to miami, dwyane wade was averaging
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9 points per game. he had one inspirational performance last night. oliver, one of the 17 students who lost their lives in the stoneman douglas shooting, he was laid to rest wearing wade's jersey. wade writing oliver's name on his shoes last night and went out there and had his best game of the season, scoring 15 of the heat's final 17 points, including this game winner right here with five seconds left after the game wade posted on instagram, oliver and henry thomas, thanks for being my angel tonight. thomas passed away last month, wade's agent. the team skipping the annual trip to the white house to celebrate their nba title, instead visiting the national museum of african-american mystery and culture with students from kevin durant's hometown. durant and steph curry and kerr said they would not go to the
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white house and president trump rescinded their celebration to celebrate the title with him back in september. finally one day away from march but the madness already beginning. last night north carolina down three to miami, joel barry, the clutch three to tie the game with four seconds left but newton going to get the inbound, one last second heave and it goes down. snapping the heels six-game winning streak. selection sunday a week from sunday. start doing your research. >> andy scholes, thanks so much. my heart skipped a few beats there. we have a whole lot of breaking news right now. president trump's former campaign chair paul manafort pleaded not guilty in court and a stunning attack from the president of the united states on the toerp general. the president calling the man he nominated disgraceful. we have new developments right after the break.
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good morning, everyone, john berman here. the president of the united states just called the attorney general disgraceful. the man he nominated, the man who endorsed him before any other senator, disgraceful he said. let me read this to you. why is ag jeff sessions asking inspector general to investigate potentially massive fisa abuse, would take forever, isn't the ig an obama guy? why not use justice department lawyers? disgraceful all


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