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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  February 23, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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now the breaking news, he allegedly had company outside the school, where a gunman took 17 lives. the very latest now from randi kaye. >> reporter: while the gunman was inside marjory stoneman douglas high school killing people at random, a trained broward county sheriff's deputy did nothing. >> devastated. sick to my stomach. there are no words. >> reporter: the broward county sheriff revealing the stunning news that one deputy, scot peterson, who was armed and in uniform, clearly knew there was an active shooter, but stayed in his position outside building 12. the sheriff says video shows the deputy doing nothing for more than four minutes while the bullets flew inside. the shooting lasted about six minutes. deputy peterson has since resigned. when reporters asked what he should have done -- >> went in. addressed the killer. killed the killer. >> reporter: and new information tonight that peterson wasn't the only sheriff's deputy who failed
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to act. now coral springs police sources tell cnn that three other broward county sheriff's deputies also remained outside. pistols drawn, but hiding behind their vehicles. it's unclear if the shooter was still there when they arrived, but not one of them had gone into the school. it was the coral springs officers who were the first to go in. meanwhile, during the shooting, another key misstep. turns out the surveillance video security teams were watching in hopes of locating the 19-year-old gunman in the school had been rewound. >> police, police! >> reporter: the 20-minute video delay led authorities to believe the gunman was still in the building, when in reality, he was long gone. >> the delay never put us in a situation where any kids' lives were in danger. >> reporter: long before the shooting, there were warning signs that went nowhere. even the fbi missed a major red flag.
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cnn has reviewed a transcript from a january 5th call this year, a tipster close to the parkland shooter warning the fbi that the teen was quote, going to explode. the female tipster spoke of his social media posts about guns and his violence in school, saying she feared him getting into a school and just shooting the place up. the fbi has admitted that proper protocols weren't followed on a key tip about the suspect just weeks before the attack. >> there was a mistake made. we know that. but it is our job to make sure that we do everything in our power to ensure that does not happen again. >> reporter: also, the broward county sheriff now revealing their office had received 18 calls related to the suspect over the past decade. in a 2016 call, officers got a tip that he planned to shoot up an unknown school. police records show the responding deputy passed the information on to a school resource officer. in another call last november,
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police records show a caller warned the teen was collecting guns, suggesting he could be a school shooter in the making. officers simply referred it to the palm beach sheriff's department for review. also last year, a family in palm beach county alerted police that the suspect had put a gun up to someone's head. the suspect himself called 911 about the incident. >> i kind of got mad and i started punching walls and stuff, then a kid [ bleep ] at me. and he threw me on the ground. >> reporter: police responded and were told at the scene it had all been worked out. >> randi kaye joins me from parkland, florida. these new details are so disturbing, and it's not the end of it. what have you learned about social services looking into this suspect years ago? >> reporter: john, we have learned the department of children and families here in florida took a closer look at the suspect back in 2016. it was right after he and his girlfriend had broken up. what they found was he was cutting his arms by himself, he
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was putting nazi symbols on his backpack and had plans to purchase a gun. yet despite all of this, they considered that he was a very low risk, despite all of those findings. that was because he was living with his mother, he was going to school, he was getting treatment for his mental health issues, apparently, so they considered him a very low risk. meanwhile, john, just months after that dcf report was closed, is when this suspect went out and bought this ar-15 style rifle that police say he used in this school massacre. so clearly, john, he was not a very low risk. >> randi kaye in parkland, florida, thanks so much. joining us now, cnn law enforcement analyst, former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey. chief, thanks so much for being with us. this new information that these broward county sheriffs, three in addition to the school resource officer, were outside the school, hadn't gone in, does it make any sense to you? >> nope. it makes no sense at all. you can't just wait outside. we learned that lesson after columbine.
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the first officer on the scene, the school resource officer, he definitely should have gone in. there's no excuse for him not having gone in. if what is being said is true about the other three, there's no way they shouldn't have gone in. you have to go in and neutralize the threat as soon as possible and even if you don't hear shots, you still don't know if the person is still in there. you have to clear the building. so you have to go in. there's just no other way to do it. >> that's the key point there. we don't know for sure whether these three arrived before or after the shooter had left, but even so, to still be outside when there could be wounded people who need treating, or the building does need to be cleared, it's still a problem, correct? >> yeah, it is. plus, you don't know if he's left the scene. we know now because we have a lot more information but at the time, you don't know that. you have to clear the building, period. you have to tend to the wounded. you have to do all these things. you can't do it hiding behind your car. >> you brought up one of the key issues here, which is the protocol.
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after columbine, the protocol changed. before that, it was secure the perimeter and wait. but now police are trained differently. explain. >> well, they are trained differently because we learned that while we're waiting for s.w.a.t. and god bless s.w.a.t., they are very good at what they do but it takes time for them to get there. in the meantime, these things are over fairly quickly. we have to train our officers and many departments have, i believe most departments have, active shooter training where they are trained how to go in and be able to clear the building, neutralize the threat, save as many people as you possibly can. i know the departments i have worked in, that's ongoing training on a regular basis that takes place. >> every department we have talked to says this is now the protocol. the training, the protocol now is to go in. that is what you are trained to do. that's why it's so troubling that it didn't appear to happen here. whether on the local level or the federal level, so many
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mistakes here. you look at this, it seemed everyone was saying this guy could turn out to be a school shooter. the guy who everyone warned was going to be a school shooter ended up shooting up a school. >> yeah. well, you know, clearly the fbi dropped the ball with the tip line and the information that they received. there's absolutely no reason why that information was not sent out to the field office for follow-up. the local authorities weren't noted. something should have been done. that has to be explored to find out exactly what happened, why it happened and make sure it never happened again. i mean, there should be sup supervisery oversight to make sure the tips are being handled properly. that didn't happen. clearly there's other people that again, the warning signs were there and they just failed to act. it's a tragedy all the way around. >> commissioner, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> that's okay. let's get another take on what could have been done better from someone who saw it from perspective no one should have ever been in. teacher dianne rogers was there today for the first time since 14 students and three colleagues were murdered. she and her fellow teachers returned to stoneman douglas. wednesday night, remember, she
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confronted the nra spokeswoman dana loesch at cnn's town hall. listen. >> i'm a history teacher. i ask my students to define terms for me. so i would like you to define something for me because i have wondered about it and i want to know, what is your definition of a well regulated militia as stated in the second amendment, and using supporting detail, explain to me how -- let me finish -- let me finish -- and using supporting detail, explain to me how an 18-year-old with a military rifle is well regulated and the world, our country, our nation is going to grade your answer.
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>> miss rogers joins us from parkland, florida. thanks for being with us and continuing this discussion. one part of the discussion is certainly about guns. you were having that wednesday night. the other part of the discussion is about the law enforcement response here and when you hear about these officers that stayed outside, did not enter the school, what goes through your mind? >> well, i tell you, john, you know, i tell my students whenever they write an essay and they have a point of view to make sure they have done all the research before they put it out there. so i have been at work all day trying to get the class ready for our kids so you know, what i really want to address is i want to address mr. trump and his solution to that. first, what i want to say is going around calling people who are mentally ill in our communities psychos and lunatics, that's not going to solve the problem. that actually creates barriers so people that we want to seek that help aren't going to. for doing that, i wanted to give mr. trump and dana, i want to give them a detention.
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normally, that's name calling and i give my students one week detention for name calling but because 25% of the americans at some time are going to have mental health issues, i'm going to make it two weeks and i want them to come after school and write letters of apology to the people in america. >> so as you say, the gun discussion, very much part of this right now. you brought up how the president's addressing mental health. we will focus on one other thing he's addressing first and i do want to come back to the law enforcement response. the president suggesting arming teachers. giving maybe 20% of gun-adept teachers guns. do you think that is a good idea? >> i'll tell you, it horrifies me. if what you're telling me is that we have trained professionals who weren't able to follow protocol, then i can't imagine my teachers, overworked, underpaid, exhausted, carrying a sidearm, then being able to perform that protocol. also, i want to talk about the white elephant in the room
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because what we know is that students of color get suspended and get expelled at a higher rate than white kids. now what are we going to say, mr. trump? we're going to say that now students of color are going to be shot at by teachers at a higher rate? it's absolutely ludicrous. >> governor rick scott of florida -- again, that's one of the president's proposals, governor rick scott of florida put forward some different proposals today, including raising the minimum age you can buy a firearm to 21, banning bump stocks, $450 million for student safety. is this a good start from your governor? >> yes. yes, it is. i want my students who are working so hard to never again to really provide real solutions to this problem. i want my students to know this is a start. yes. governor scott, it's a start. but it's only a start. this is a revolution. my students are generals and they are going to carry this through. it's a start, yes, it is. >> just to circle back to the %-p
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were in the way for years about this killer, right up until the end, when i know you may not have heard about the reporting in the broward county deputies, three new ones were waiting outside, but the school resource officer who did not go in, do you feel like the system has served you well in this case? >> i think that the system, there's a lot of ways that we need to improve it and we need to work together. we need to come together. we don't need to be finger pointing. we need to take our money, we need to take our resources and we just need to come to a solution. it really begins beginning with putting that money and resources into mental health. >> you went back inside the school. >> and wrapping those kids. >> you went back inside the school for the first time, today. >> what was that like? i can't imagine what that was like. tell me about it. >> you know, i was really afraid, i told my students, i blasted out an e-mail i was really afraid i wasn't going to be ready for it but the county, the school board, they provided so many resources for us that i really felt like i was wrapped
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in a blanket of comfort and i want my students to come back and i want to share that with them, because we are going to move forward and heal together. that's how i feel. >> i understand you actually say this is one of the last times you will speak to the media because you want to put 100% of your focus going forward on your students. >> right. >> there's a voluntary orientation for them and their parents on sunday. what's your plan going forward? >> oh, absolutely, i'm going to be there. i sent out an e-mail to all my kids and said please come by, you know. i need to see all of you, you need to see me. our hearts are broken but we are going to move forward. you know, stoneman douglas is strong. i hope you see that and you know we are going to get through this together. we are reclaiming our school. >> we do appreciate you speaking to us over the last nine days up until tonight. we wish you the best of luck going forward. the students, too. >> thank you, john. ahead, a conversation with a republican congressman from florida who was severely wounded
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in combat, now supports a ban on assault weapons. up next, breaking news in the russia investigation. former trump campaign aide rick gates, deputy campaign chair, pleads guilty and new charges filed against paul manafort. the former campaign chair himself. stay with us. everyone has a thing. that binge watch over the weekend thing. more checking in.. or checking out things. no no no no no no no. that triple-double thing. doing it yourself or tagging a friend thing. more revolutions in the making thing. that play like a girl thing. that four-legged friends thing. at&t gives you more for your thing. more entertainment, internet, and unlimited plans. more for your thing. yeah, that's our thing.
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ukrainian government. those politicians, the indictment alleges, posed as independent voices but in reality, were not. manafort, the indictment says, used offshore accounts to pay the former politicians about two million euros and this as major news, manafort's associate, former trump campaign aide, deputy campaign chair rick gates, entered guilty pleas for conspiracy to defraud the united states and making false statements. joined now by john dean, gloria borger, jeffrey toobin. jeff, let's start with this gates plea deal. gates, big fish here. the deputy campaign chair. a major player in the campaign, pleading to things that didn't relate directly to the campaign but again, this has got to be a bad night for paul manafort. >> in fact, manafort did something unintentionally very revealing, when he issued a statement he said, i continue to maintain our innocence. that shows how linked he is with
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rick gates, that he still speaks of them as a team. his problem is that gates has now admitted that he was engaged in many interlocking conspiracies with manafort. tax fraud, campaign finance laws, foreign reporting laws. all of those heavily documented, are now admitted crimes on the part of rick gates, and it really makes manafort's situation pretty desperate. >> you have the deputy chair flipping, what could it mean for the chair. gloria, paul manafort seems like he's fighting. >> yeah. well, his lawyer indicates that he is. maybe he's fighting until he's not fighting anymore. you know they have a suit that they filed in federal court against the special counsel, saying that in investigating all of his finances that predate the campaign that the special counsel is going beyond his
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jurisdiction. so they may be banking on that and hoping that the whole thing gets thrown out. but i agree with jeffrey. i think the tax case is pretty black and white here and i don't know where they go next other than to donald trump. >> we will talk about that in a second right here. because i think that's an interesting possibility. john dean, before we get there, look, paul manafort should be worried about rick gates. should president trump be worried about paul manafort? >> well, that's hard to know. he was certainly there at a key time in the ending days of the campaign. he worked for free, which is kind of interesting, and he also, as the indictment shows, once he joined the campaign started earning a lot more money or gathering a lot more money. so that suggests that there might be something going on below the surface that we don't know that he's well aware of. we also know that certainly the special prosecutor wants him very badly.
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they are leaning on him with the full power of that office. >> jeffrey, gloria brought up this issue of the pardon. paul manafort legally seems to be in deep, deep trouble, as you say. these charges are very hard to mount a defense against. now rick gates, you have testifying against you, presumably. should manafort just throw all his chips on donald trump, the president maybe giving him a pardon? >> well, he can hope for a pardon. i think at this point, you know, it would be so politically incendiary, it looks so much like trump was doing it to protect himself, not to protect paul manafort, that i think even donald trump, who doesn't fear the consequences of a lot of what he does, wouldn't take the risk of the backlash that he would get if he pardoned paul manafort at this point and his white house has said all along pardons are not under consideration. >> i listen to you a lot on tv. you think it's inevitable at this point, practically, that paul manafort will cop a plea
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deal? >> i do, too. >> i don't see any way he can make this case go to trial -- he can take this case to trial. i think the enormous expense involved and the stakes for him is that if he's convicted after trial and if he testifies and lies to the judge and is convicted, he could be spending the rest of his life in prison. if he pleads guilty, he won't spend the rest of his life in prison. >> i watch you on tv, too, gloria. you just said i do, too. one of the things john dean said, these crimes we are talking about began well before the campaign although the scheming and money laundering and other things that were going on here and the evasion were happening during the campaign. of course, paul manafort, though, was a central figure in the campaign. he was at the trump tower meeting. >> sure. >> where donald trump jr. was promised dirt on hillary clinton from russians. >> look, there is something that the special counsel wants from paul manafort. we may not know what it is, but he is squeezing him probably for a good reason. we know that he's interested in the trump tower meeting but we
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also know that paul manafort has relationship with the pro-putin ukrainian president that goes back quite some time and earned him an awful lot of money. he may be interested in that. he may be interested in the platform at the republican convention dealing with ukraine. we really don't know now, but if you look at people in this campaign who were openly involved with russia, before they came into the campaign, i think you would have to point to paul manafort. so there's got to be something there and i'm on with two attorneys here who can tell us this, there has got to be something there that mueller is looking for that he believes he needs to get from manafort and maybe that's a question of intent. you know, i don't know the answer. >> gates seemed to have been there every step of the way. not just before, but during as well. maybe he knows. maybe he knows and that's what the special counsel is offered.
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in watergate every player had his breaking point. you did, president nixon did. do you believe manafort will have a breaking point here? is it inevitable? >> i agree with jeffrey. i think he will at some point. he's risking the rest of his life in prison and he's not that young a man. so i think at some point he's got to. i don't think the pardon is a solution, because there are state offenses here as well, and he could well be charged by virginia and new york for tax violations that will not solve his problems. so there's no quick answer. >> i will note that robert mueller has done something nearly every day in the last week and a half so one can only imagine what happens next week. john dean, thank you. gloria, jeff, stick around. i appreciate it. more breaking news. new reporting tonight that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein gave the white house a heads up two weeks ago that jared kushner's security clearance would be further delayed by what "the washington post" calls significant information requiring additional
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investigation. we hear from the reporter who broke this story about what that means, next. as it colors.hat protects excellence haircolor by l'oréal. rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better or covers grays better. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. so much care in one little box. excellence créme from l'oréal paris. gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts
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yet more breaking news this friday night. new reporting that the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein telephoned the white house about two weeks ago to say there was significant information that needed more investigating that could further delay the security clearance for president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, jared kushner. joining me is josh dossi, part of the team who broke this story for "the washington post." so josh, what can you tell us about this phone call between
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the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and don mcgahn? >> sure. the call happened on february 9th, approximately two weeks ago. in the call, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein alerted don mcgahn, chief white house lawyer, that there were ongoing issues with jared kushner's security clearance and that it would take some time to continue investigating the issues and resolve the matter, basically that a decision would not be coming any time soon. as your viewers probably know, rod rosenstein is the deputy attorney general who oversees the mueller probe and is number two at the justice department, and tends to only correspond with the white house on pretty serious issues. >> so did the deputy attorney general, did rod rosenstein, say exactly what was being investigated relating to kushner and did he make clear that it was somehow connected to the mueller investigation? >> that's in dispute. department of justice officials are saying to us pretty explicitly that he did not
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delineate the concerns exactly what they were in this call. and only gave a kind of top level view that there were problems that still needed, you know, to be investigated. they don't say problems. they just say issues, things that come together in the normal process of a security clearance. the point though is that 13 months into the administration, mr. kushner who is the president's, one of the top foreign policy advisers, one of the most senior people in the white house, continues to not have a permanent security clearance, continues to be under investigation, and because of that, it is really perplexing to watch the folks in the law enforcement community and the mueller probe of why, why 13 months in does jared kushner not have clearance. >> in terms of the timing, it was after this phone call between rod rosenstein and the white house that the chief of staff, john kelly, made the announcement about staffers whose clearances haven't yet been finalized, correct? >> right. one week after this phone call,
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john kelly finalized a five-page memo, a pretty lengthy and detailed memo, explaining folks who still did not have permanent security clearance at this point, were still operating without one, would no longer be able to keep their interim security clearance. that policy is supposed to go into effect today. the white house is mum on whether jared kushner has any special, you know, decree granted, what's going on. all the president said today at his press conference as you saw was that decision's up to john kelly. john kelly will do what's right for america. but john kelly is also the person who authored the memo about security clearances and in the words of a senior white house official we spoke to, put a bull's eye on jared kushner. >> any comment from the white house or from jared kushner's attorney, abbe lowell, about this new story, the rod rosenstein conversation? >> abbe is declining to comment, the white house is declining to comment. some of our reporting indicates that kelly in recent weeks has
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expressed to folks that he would be happy if jared kushner departed the white house. maybe not happy, but he would be content, that it's caused a lot of problems and he has this interesting duel role, family member and staffer and that's problematic. so there's definitely some tension there between jared kushner and john kelly. they have been pretty documented at this point. the white house is saying they never speak about security clearances but i will make clear that in the course of our reporting, no one at doj or at the white house disputed that this call happened and that jared kushner's clearance came up on this call. >> josh, thanks for your reporting. thanks for your time. just ahead, more on this security clearance controversy with our panel. also coming up, in the aftermath of the stoneman douglas high school shooting a republican congressman from florida, army vet who lost both legs in combat, says he supports a ban on assault weapons. i'll talk to him about that next.
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we are talking about new reporting by "the washington post," also cnn, on the warning the white house got just two weeks ago about ongoing issues to do with jared kushner's security clearance. joining us, cnn legal analyst carrie cordero and gloria borger and jeffrey toobin. jeffrey toobin, rod rosenstein now is a key player in many dramas surrounding this white
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house. of course, he oversees the mueller investigation and now this phone call. for the deputy attorney general to call the white house and say hey, we got a problem that's not going away with the president's son-in-law, it's no small thing. >> no small thing but it all comes under the ambit of why nepotism is a bad idea. why is he still working in the white house? why does he work there in the first place? because if he were a normal employee he would be out on his behind a long time ago. 13 months to get a security clearance is too long. that's not how the system is supposed to work. but you can't fire the president's son-in-law because the president doesn't want to get rid of him. so you have this ridiculous situation of the president's son-in-law supposedly leading our negotiations in the middle east which is nothing but classified information with the cia and national security agency and he doesn't have a security clearance because they don't trust him. it's just an absurd situation. >> he reads the daily brief almost every day, we are told he's requested more classified information and background information than nearly anyone in the white house. gloria, you know, he's in the
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midst of this sort of shakespearean drama with john kelly. where do things stand there? >> well, they're not close, i would have to say. john kelly is somebody that jared and ivanka wanted to get the position of chief of staff, but in my reporting, it seems to me that they have grown more and more distant. they wouldn't be sad to see him go. he wouldn't be sad to see them go. and the president has dumped this entire thing in kelly's lap, giving him kind of a hint today well, i'm sure john kelly will do the right thing, jared is so valuable. well, what does that mean? it means the president precisely because of jeffrey's reason, the guy is married to his daughter, doesn't want to sort of publicly flog the guy so he's putting it in kelly's lap, and of course, the president, in the end, it's
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his decision, and if the president says in the end i want him to have this kind of clearance, kelly will have to salute. >> i'm sure he will do the right thing. carrie, just to be crystal clear, 13 months for a security clearance is not normal. they can take awhile. they don't take this long. when they do take this long, if they do, it tells you something. >> it's a long time. 13 months is a long time, particularly for somebody who is in such a senior position for white house officials or senior officials in the other parts of the executive branch. normally by now, the full level clearance would come through and you wouldn't be dealing with this issue. the phone call from rod rosenstein to the white house counsel, though, i will point out one good thing about it. it actually shows that there is a proper channel of communication taking place between the justice department and the white house, which was something we were not seeing early in the administration. but i will give you at least two reasons why his clearance could still be hung up at this point.
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one reason could be that the ongoing investigation somehow is related to the broader russia investigation being conducted by the special counsel's office. or there are other issues unrelated to the special counsel's investigation, probably which relate to mr. kushner's extensive financial entanglements that involve foreign lenders or other financial debt-related issues. financial issues and debt being a major issue in security clearance adjudication. so there could be a couple different explanations for why his clearance is taking so long but at this point, it seems unlikely that it actually will come through in a way that a normal clearance would, and so then that raises the question which is, is there any other senior official in the executive branch or in the white house whose clearance has not come through at this time who has the same level of access to highly
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classified information as jared kushner. if the answer to that is no, then the only reason that he continues to have this access is because of his relationship with the president and is a member of the family and that's not the way the american government is supposed to work. >> the white house will flat out not tell us who else does or does not have clearance. they say they won't discuss that issue. jeffrey, carrie brought up this big issue here which is, is mueller, is the mueller investigation, connected to this. josh dossi said they can't really tell, they are not exactly sure. that wasn't clear yet from their reporting. but that would be a big deal. >> of course it would be a big deal. but security clearances are an on/off switch. you either have one or you don't. it is worth also remembering that on a day when the president was speaking at cpac and for old times sake, the crowd was chanting "lock her up" about hillary clinton, the whole accusation of hillary clinton
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was that she was not treating classified information appropriately. what about this? here we have someone with access to the most classified seriously important classified information, he doesn't have a security clearance, how about that for inappropriate treatment of classified information? >> and jeffrey, if you had to amend your form, i remember doing like the first story on this last april, i believe, on jared kushner's sf-86 form which he initially filed, they said it was purely a mistake, without any -- without any disclosure of foreign meetings on it and then you had to amend it multiple times, and then you are now part of the mueller investigation, we know jared kushner had to testify on michael flynn, for example, and cnn has reported this week that part of, you know, part of the problem that
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he's got is the mueller investigation. not all of the problem, but you know, why would he get -- why would he get clearance and if he can't get clearance, then can he do his job? >> we will have to keep asking the white house that question. >> good question. >> we will keep asking the white house that question. whether or not we get a straight answer is a different story. thanks, everyone. busy night. it's not over yet. next, he said he would take action to stop the next school shooting. and promised to win over the national rifle association. now that the nra is opposing a part of his plan, the president's no longer talking about it. we are keeping them honest on what seems to be a tale of two trumps. ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate
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anderson asked the question last night in the wake of the parkland tragedy, would president trump be able to do what some have suggested that only he could. could he craft a set of reforms
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that might prevent another parkland and either persuade the national rifle association to get on board or push to pass legislation in spite of the nra, or would he instead bend to the gun lobby that spent $31 million to help put him in office. at wednesday's listening session in the white house surrounded by the families of parkland and other mass killings, the president suggested that he alone could fix it. >> for many years, where people sitting in my position did not take action, they didn't take proper action, they took no action at all, we are going to take action. >> action including raising the minimum age for rifle sales which is not insignificant. >> in addition to everything else, in addition to what we're going to do about background checks, we are going to do very strong into age, age of purchase. >> a day later, yesterday, raising the minimum age was still part of the president's plan. >> i mean, we are talking about
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rules and regulations for purchasing, talking about changing an age from 18 to 21. we are talking about common sense and it's a great thing. and the nra will back it. i really feel very confident, the nra will back it and so will congress and so will the senate. >> keeping them honest, by the >> and keep in mind the nra had issued a statement the night before saying they were against raising the age. maybe that tells us at that time at least the president was willing to fight the nra on this specific point. another possibility maybe he just didn't know where the nra stood when he said those things. either way yesterday was the last night he mentioned raising the age. instead speaking today at the political action conference he was all about schools, mental health and this. >> well trained. gun adept teachers and coaches,
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people in the army, the navy, the coast guard, people that are adept with weaponry and with guns. they teach. i mean i don't want to have a hundred guards standing with rifles all over the school. you do a concealed carry permit. >> he said much the same this afternoon standing next to australia's prime minister. nothing about age restrictions, nothing on twitter either. the question is -- and in fairness is could be too soon to tell, or maybe he's just bending to reality, that lawmakers many but not all of them republicans are already taking the same position at the nra. john cornyn signaled his opposition to raising the age to 21. focus on other things he says.
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florida's governor rick scott seems to be going in the opposite direction. he says he wants the minimum age raised, a sign perhaps of changing times. and a florida republican congressman now says he supports the ban of future purchases of ar-15 assault weapons. hez head lean reads i'm republican, i appreciate weapons, and i support a ban. congressman, thanks so much for being with us. why this change of heart. why now? >> look, when i was on the battlefield and i saw an opportunity to save a life, i didn't have a conversation about it. i acted. it's common sense, and that's what needs to happen here. >> so you're saying banning ar-15 weapons is a chance to save a life? >> i believe that. that's why i came out and said this. you know, i looked at the
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platform i carried. an m-4, very similar to an ar-15. i was carrying that weapon in the most dangerous country on earth for one reason. it was the best weapon they gave me to go out there to make sure i could eliminate our enemies. >> your colleagues asked the question, though, why take this out of responsible gun owner's hands? way take this from the well-trained adept gun users who obey the law and want to use an ar-15 for target practice? >> i love the well-trained responsible gun owner. i am one. i usually carry a .9 millimeter.
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i don't want to die because of a lack of shooting back one day. that's why i carry one. but i can go out there and look at this honestly as a person who's done threat assessment. and i can say if someone's coming at me with an ar-15, my max range with my .9 millimeter may be 20, 25 meters, maybe 30 meters on a good day, i'm not going to have the opportunity to protect myself. it's a net. it's a common sense approach. we're not concealing and carrying ar 15s. >> >> you know the supreme court has said, yes, americans have the right to bear arms but not the right to bear any and all arms. >> i think that's an important point. we don't have unlimited access to the automatic weapons i carried on the battlefield. i can't go out there and get a saw automatic weapon or hand
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grenades or a rocket. we respect that the second amendment is a god given right. that right to defend ourselves is unimpeachable, but it doesn't mean every single arm. >> heat me and very quickly on governor rick scott and on the national level of raising the minimum age you can purchase all firearms to 21. did you support that? >> i will absolutely support raising that age. i think there's a lot of things we can do, whether it's looking at add-ons, whether we're looking at all the things relating to mental illness. and here in florida we have the baker act, where you can get baker acted for saying that voices are telling you to kill people. and right after you get out of your 72-hour confinement we're going to hand you your weapons back. that's a very serious issue. we've got to look at all the
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things that existed with the fbi. and my school they know i'm congressman brian mass, but when i walk up to their window they still make me show a piece of identification before they let me walk in the door. i'm going to be supporting these measures if that means that we can save a life. i'm never going to regret saving a life. >> congressman mast, thank you for joining us tonight. up next new charges filed late today against former trump campaign chair paul manafort in a guilty plea from deputy chair, rick gates. the latest on what we're learning and what gates might be saying to prosecutors when "360" continues.
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