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tv   New Day  CNN  August 7, 2017 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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president trump, and there are even a few questions about whether he'll be on the ballot in the next election. president trump waking up on his 200th day in office at his golf club in new jersey where he'll be spending his next two weeks on a, quote, working vacation, as the white house undergoes renovations. the president expressing on twitter that he'll still be taking meetings and calls while spending time at his resort, while touting the successes of his first six months in office. this as vice president mike pence pushes back against a "new york times" report that some republicans have begun 2020 shadow campaigns, some says he would plan to run if trump did not. pence calling the report, quote, disgraceful and offensive and dismissing as laughable and
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absurd. >> it is absolutely fru that the vice president is getting ready for 2020 for' election as vice president. >> no concern that he's considering a shadow campaign? >> zero concern. >> reporter: other republicans allegedly weighing a 2020 bid as the president continues to grapple with record low numbers and an intensifying russia investigation. >> the special counsel is subject to the rules and regulations of the department of justice. we don't engage in fishing expeditions. >> reporter: deputy attorney general rod rosen stein saying rob mueller can investigate any crimes within the scope of the investigation during an interview with fox news. >> if it's outside the scope, he needs to come to the acting attorney general, at this time me. >> reporter: mueller's investigators have asked the white house for documents related to fired national security adviser michael flynn and possible payments from the
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turkish government. >> reporter: the trump administration also celebrated a dramatic victory over the weekend with the big vote in the united nations security counsel imposing sanctions on north korea for the continued ballistic missile testing, applauding both china and russia for voting in favor of those tough sanctions. >> let's bring in the panel. cnn political analysts car reason demirjian, john avlon and alex burns. alex co-wrote "the new york times" story about mike pence's 2020 ambitions. let's get a little more of the vice president's denial, just because it makes it uncomfortable with alex onset. today's article in the "new york times" is disgraceful and offensive to me, my family and our entire team. the allegations in the article are categorically false and represent the latest attempt by the media to divide this administration. whatever fake news may come our
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way, my entire team will continue efforts to advance the president's agenda and see him re-elected in 2020. any suggestion otherwise is both laughable and absurd. alex, do you feel more disgraceful or offensive? >> pretty much my natural state. >> tell the audience what is the basis fof the reporting and what is it that you're hearing, and we'll deal with the vice president's reaction to it afterwards? >> our story was actually broader than just the vice president and his team. it was taking a look at the sort of larger mood and activities going on in the republican party among people who are ambitious, established and feel that there's some doubt about whether the president will be in a position to run again in 2020 or whether he will choose to run again in 2020. mike pence was a part of that. what we're looking at in terms of the vice president's activity is he has done some things that are unusual for a newly elected vice president in his first
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term. he has set up his own federal pact. he has kept a political schedule and fund-raising schedule that is miles ahead of where someone like joe biden was at this point eight years ago, and hi has essentially set himself up as the steward of the republican party's donor class, extraordinarily attempted to the people who fund the party and its campaigns. and i suspect this is what triggered the statement that two advisers to the vice president have, in private conversations with republican donors, suggested that, look, we need to be ready for 2020 just in case. they're not suggesting they run against president trump. they're not predicting that president trump won't run again, but they're leaving the door open to the possibility that you don't know what's going to happen with this guy and we need to be prepared for those scenarios. >> john avlon, that's the thing. there are a number of republican candidates, as you mentioned, alex, potential candidates. here is a list of several of them including ambassador nikki
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haley. we know her pollster is getting a paycheck. so wouldn't it be irresponsible for the vice president to not have his ducks in a row considering the tumult that we're seeing? >> that's a very reasonable point. yes. i think the point you're making, the point alex is making is there's nor mouse amount of chaos surrounding this presidency, there are question marks. you've got a situation where the vice president is doing things just objectively unusual, to have a pact that's raising more money than the president, to be doing this number of political events, and that the entire field, potential sort of successor group is breeding and saying what are my options. kasich almost certainly is going to run because there's a deep philosophical divide. ben sasse also could run. nikki haley is probably angling for something further down the road, but she's been keeping a
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very high profile job at the u.n. i think the point is pence dogt protest too much. >> a lot of adjectives about how awful this story was. >> the tale of the tape is there in that he is raising money and doing events. what we all know to be the case is this, there are plenty of republicans, let alone donors who are uncomfortable looking into '18 and 2020 with donald trump. mike pence has been playing the same responsible face of the trump administration. that leaves folks to say, life might be easier if he's at the top of the ticket. >> this would be a lot more compelling coming from the head of the rnc. the president has not been fully embraced by the parties, but they have big problems within that party of who we are, what we're about, and that's no secret to anybody, no matter how much you bash the reporting. karoun, let's deal with the best metric for what will happen in
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2020, the first 200 days. what do you believe the administration can reasonably point to and say this was worthwhile so far, here is our good list for 200 days. what are you hearing? >> well, the president is pointing to job numbers right now frequently. so those have been going in the right direction, although, if he has to continue on that trajectory for that line to hold, and he pointed to supreme court justice and various other things as well. the other things are all attempts. at point the first 200 days have resulted in a lot of campaign promises that have not been filled, agenda items that have not been attempted. it's on because the other major victory trump was clalg was this russia sanctions bill which his administration bill was actually lobbying against. the pickings are slim. no health care, tax reform remains an untapped thing to be done in the future. will it be just as politically treacherous? probably. but there's a lot of ground to makeup. so that's why you're in a situation where you see whispers
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happening in the republican party about, wait a second, what next if this ship doesn't get righted. >> karoun, i want to ask you about russia. we heard from the deputy attorney general who obviously is overseeing in a way the special counselor bob mueller, and he said he can investigate, mueller can, any crimes uncovered in the russia probe. here is what rod rosenstein said. >> if he finds a crime under the scope of what we agree is the appropriate scope, he can. if it's outside the scope, he needs to come to the acting attorney general, me, for permission to expand the investigation. >> he's saying he would need permission from rosenstein. how likely is you think he is to ask for that permission and how likely do you think rosenstein would be to grant that? >> it seems like rosenstein and mueller have had a good working relationship. rosenstein has put himself out
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there as a firewall since very early on, right after jeff sessions recused himself and comey was fired, he saw rosenstein testify that he was not going to fire mueller unless he saw cause and he saw no cause. he set himself up as the guy who would not be plight i can ruled, what mueller's role should be, what sessions' future should be and so on. it's very telling that he said the scope of it is what mueller and he have agreed to. if he's looking at flynn and his turkish lobbying ties, that's already broader. if mueller finds a random thing that has nothing to do with the scope of the 2016 election whatsoever, he'd have to clear it with rosenstein and then maybe it's not part of that investigation and goes to some other part of the justice department. at this point rosenstein has given mueller a very strong vote of confidence and stuck up for him when the party is starting
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to grow frustrated. i think it's very telling in the aftermath of all of the president's tweets against ref je sessions and this scuffle against the russia sanctions bill, you've seen other republicans come up to write legislation that would protect mueller and would make it impossible for him to be fired without the approval of a three-judge panel. it's not just your usual suspects doing it. >> that's a big deal, a necessary step that shows the seriousness of congress. it's a serious potential that the president could fire mueller against the advice of counsel and the chief of staff. this weekend, the spin was, via kellyanne con way, let's not go to hypotheticals. it can't imagine why would pould feel a need to do that. it shows the seriousness of the investigation and the seriousness that the president can put us in a constitutional crisis. >> this is a big part of why the
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whole 2020 conversation is evening happening right now. it's not that you have an unpopular president, unproductive administration. it's you have an administration sort of under legal siege right now and you don't know how they're going to handle it and how self-destructive the president could be if he continues to do things like attack his own attorney general, like fire people along the lines of jim comey and robert mueller. if he were to do something like that, many republicans, as you alluded to, have said that would be something of a red line. >> alex, john, karoun, thank you very much. the world is putting pressure on north korea after the u.n. security council issued tough new sanctions. but, the question is, will they make a difference in what kim jong-un's clear nuclear ambitions are? we'll discuss the plus-minus next. urbo, es 350 or nx turbo
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the hospital must come to the patient. stay with me, mr. parker. the at&t network is helping first responders connect with medical teams in near real time... stay with me, mr. parker. ...saving time when it matters most. stay with me, mrs. parker. that's the power of and. secretary of state rex says a unanimous u.n. vote slapping north korea with the strongest sanctions yet shows the world is united against their nuclear ambitions. north korea is vowing to retaliate against the u.s. as the war of words escalates. cnn's ivan watson is live in moscow where tillerson is attending a meeting of nations. >> reporter: the u.s. goal was to diplomatically isolate north
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korea. there's been some success with new u.n. security council sanctions which ban exports of coal, iron and e even seafood. in theory that could cut north korea's export revenues by as much as a third. secretary of state tillerson conceded the test will come in the practice. take a listen. >> the next steps obviously are to see that the court council resolution sanctions are enforced by everyone. we will be monitoring that carefully. we hope, again, that this ultimately will result in north korea coming to the conclusion to choose a different pathway, and when the conditions are right, that we can sit and have a dialogue around the future of north korea so that they feel secure and prosper economically. >> reporter: now, the chinese foreign minister has been at this meeting.
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he met with his north korean counterpart and repeated that warning, you have to stop firing these ballistic missiles that are banned. there's a broader station by southeast asian nations expressing concern over the two icbm tests that north korea carried out just last month. but there is little sign this is making a change. pyongyang issued a statement calling the new sanctions a violation of north korea sovereignty, and there was another stark warning to the u.s. coming from north korea, quote, there is no bigger mistake than the u.s. believing that its land is safe across the ocean. brianna and chris? >> i want to bring back john avlon and karoun demirjian. and also gordon chang, author of "nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world." he's also a daily beast columnist. with these new abilities we're seeing if north korea, there's
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this increase worry about the reach and the potential conflict with north korea and something we heard from the npt's national security adviser h.r. mcmaster. here is what he said. >> how concerned should america be that we are on the brink of a war with north korea? >> i think it's impossible to overstate the danger associated with this. i think it's impossible to overstate the danger associated with a rogue brutal regime. >> gordon, how worried should americans be? >> i think we should be worried because what mcmaster is saying is the united states can't be assured of deterring north korea. we lived with the soviet union, we live with china now. they both were big powers when it came to nukes, but with regard to north korea, the issue is the regime stable enough, can we come to some equilibrium.
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what mcmaster said is maybe not. that means if we don't think we can deter them, we've got to use force. that is going to be, of course, horrific. >> so that concern winds up becoming boot strapped by what seems to be a non-reality with these sanctions. this was supposed to be a celebrated event. you've got people on board, china on board. this is great. i guess they felt the rath of the president of the united states. so they're stepping up. you see it very differently. you see china as getting involved with these sanctions as proof that they won't work. justify your needle in the balloon of hope. >> the problem is, yes, the sanctions on saturday were the strictest of the seven sets that we've seen since 2006, but the problem is it's just incrementally tougher than the proce preceding one. the north koreans have been able to adjust. if we want to cripple the north korean regime, even just bring it to the negotiating table, what we've got to do is hit them
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with all we've got all at once, so they realize they have no choice but to talk to the international community. we're not willing to do that. that's not considered to be practical. the problem is we're then going to drift to that point where mcmaster say, oh, my god, the north koreans can nuke see at are or washington and we can't deter them. that's going to be critical a year from now when we figure out how stable is the north korean regi regime. >> speaking of this celebratory sentiment you're talking about, listen to nikki haley, the ambassador of the u.n. and her assessment. >> this is a gut punch to north korea. we did what we could in the u.n. is speak with one voice. he is now on an island. north korea has to look at the rest of the world and see they're all thelg them to stop this reckless activity. >> i guess what stands out to me, john avlon, is we did what we could, right? >> right. which is a little at odds with
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the gut punch. unanimous sanctions is unusual. china has dragged its feet historically with regard to north korea. that is an accomplishment. i think the problem gordon is making, if it's incremental, how serious of a gut punch is it? >> this is ratcheting up in the real danger. i think the administration deserves credit for taking north korea more seriously, more proactively than some in the past. this is getting expo tenlly more complicated. the question is when will china step up and exert its influence on north korea. >> karoun, you with the synthesizer here. if both of these points are taken at face value -- you have gordon chang saying, look, this is incremental. that's why china isn't on board with it and john avlon saying something that's also true which is this administration has teed up north korea with an urgency we haven't seen, why, why are they teeing up north korea the way they are and making it an
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urgent situation if the measures that we're taking aren't getting it done? >> well, we know that president trump has been very concerned about north korea since before he became president. that being the one report when he was getting briefed early on by president obama during the transition. a reason may be because our tools are to an extent limited. we yield a lot of influence in the financial area. we can't -- we don't take in north korean workers into our country the way china and russia do. if china and russia wanted to send all those people home, that would be a way of blocking hard currency from getting back to pyongyang. they're not doing that. they're agreeing to sanctions that can be enforced internationally, but not taking the deep dive measures at home that we can't force them to do because we can't take a parallel measure at the same time. when nikki haley said we did what we can do and bringing
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noise brought to bear on the countries that have more influence to yield in this sphere. that's why gordon's point is so important, it's not everything, but we don't have control over all the strings in this one. that's part of the problem. >> gordon, i saw you shaking your head there. >> i think one thing we can do is we can sort of look at not just north korea as the target of sanctions, but china. china talks about, oh, we don't want the north koreans to launch. the missiles they launched on july 24 and 28 were brought to the launch site by chinese transporter erectors. they're helling the north koreans become a real threat to the u.s. what we can do is target bank of china. it was money laundering in a 2016 u.n. panel of experts report, that the bank of china devised and operating a money
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cleaning scheme for the north koreans. we don't go after chinese banks. we know there's a lot of mon any that flows between iran and north korea in the chinese banks. iran pays north korea between $2 billion and $3 billion a year for their military competition. it's not just seafood, iron ore and coal. >> the political problem of going after china. when you go after china, you can't do that without injuring yourself. i don't know if the trump administration feels like it's on solid enough ground to take whatever economic hit that's likely to be to the united states if you pursue that path. like you said, it's going to be effective if you do, but it comes with costs that the administration might not be ready to bear. >> a whole new can of worms. >> the good bad news is there are things you can do, but they'll cost in a way that nothing to date has. that was really helpful. gordon thank you very much. karoun, as always.
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john avlon, i didn't see you there. secretary of state rex tillerson meeting with russia's foreign minister, the two men discussing duelling sanctions and the damage done by election meddling. can the serious mistrust be repaired? that's the question. answers ahead.
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and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. we have breaking news. two of the u.s. marines missing after they os spri aircraft crashed off the coast of australia have now been identified as recovery crews are finding the wreckage. loved one mourning lieutenant ben cross of bethel, maine. corporal nathan ordway is also presumed dead. 23 others were rescued. secretary of state rex
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tillerson revealing he said the russian meddling created serious mistrust between the two nations, the two discussing duelling sanctions. cnn's matthew chance has reported extensively from moscow joins us. good to have you in new york. what's your take on the relevance of this discussion and the language used by the secretary of state. i think it's interesting we're seeing these meetings take place so soon after this was signed into law by president trump. i think the significance of that perhaps hasn't been truly recogniz recognized. essentially it takes the personalities out of the relationship between russia and the united states. it's great that tillerson and lavrov, the russian foreign minister get on. it's great there are chemistry between trump and putin when they met at the g20 summit. but that doesn't matter more. the sanctions will be in place until congress decides to lift them. that's going to recharacterize
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and change the nature of that relationship. putin can't get the sanctions lifted now no matter how nicely he makes with president trump. >> what does that lead us to in terms of an understanding of the basis -- hats the relevance of these discussions now between tillerson and lavrov? >> they're still going to work with each other. they discussed, according to the foreign ministry, they discussed the situation in ukraine, discussed the conflict in syria. so they're still talking about all those sort of issues where they've got joint interests. the truth is, the incentive or run of the main incentives for russia to do a deal with the united states to get those sanctions lifted, that's not there. they finally have understood if they didn't earlier, it's not always the president of a country that decides what happens. that's the case in russia. it's not the case in the u.s. >> while it's being played as tillerson talking tough to
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lavrov saying serious mistrust because of the meddling is about the gentlist way of putting it. >> i think that kind of phrase is going to get putin shaking in his boots. you'll have to be tougher than that. these kinds of words the russians have gotten used to. >> matthew chance, great to have you here in new york. thank you very much. >> thank you. president trump tweeting a list of accomplishments in his first 200 days in office. has the president delivered on his campaign promises? we'll break down the facts yet. ♪ ♪ ♪
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200 days of trump. last night the president complained the fake news refuses to report the success of the first six months, supreme court, surging economy and jobs, border and military security, isis and ms 13, et cetera.
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so let's take a little walk down those suggestions and test them. president trump did get his pick on the supreme court justice neil gorsuch. the economy, the dow is in record territory. unemployment had 4.3% with 1 million jobs created under president trump. but with six years and ten months of consecutive job growth, most of those years were under president obama. so this is a continuation more than it is a new trend since president trump took office. more recently, if dollar is at a 14-month low. average wages are still stagnant. remember, that's what matters most. that's what president trump kept saying during the campaign. it's not about the unemployment rate. it's about wages and those are still under water. border arrests are down, about 14%. the question becomes why? is it intimidation by president trump or is it surrounding
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economic externalities, meaning mexico has an improving economy, means a lot of people don't need to come to the united states for opportunity. now, ms 13, the administration points to the arrest of 13 ms gang members in new york and there's increased emphasis on them. isis, the state department claims one-third of territory reclaimed from isis was taken in the past six months and credits trump military policy. the problem with that, you talk to military experts. they'll tell you it's hard to prove that assumption. that's what the president celebrates, but what about his other big campaign promises? >> we will be able to immediately repeal and replace obamacare. >> my number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with iran. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. >> let's be honest, the
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big-ticket items haven't happened. you know the latest attempt at health care reform is dead in the water. the iran nuclear deal is still in place. many experts will say that's a good thing. the wall, we just heard what happened in those transcripts with the president of the united states and the president of mexico. he was calling it a political stunt at that point. will it happen? we don't know, but it could be central to this upcoming debt ceiling fight. all right. so there's a take on the plus-minus for the first 200 days. let's talk about president trump's promises and what he has delivered on with cnn senior economic analyst stephen moore, now a distinguished visiting fellow at the heritage foundation. we have brian lanza, deputy communications director for the trump campaign. good to see you both. the president, if he's watching this morning, can't complain we have a stacked panel. it is all trump folk here this morning. let's start with the political optics, brian lanza. what do you believe the president has a right to
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celebrate 200 days in? >> i would say he has consumer confidence. i think if you look at the sort of culture that the president brings to washington, he's brought a culture of business. he's brought a laser focus on jobs. that laser focus, whether it's deregulation, whether the stock market hitting 30 new highs in the first six months, that focus has been jobs. i think that's something the president can hang his hat on and say the voters voted for a president who wanted to focus on jobs, and they certainly have that. >> the pushback, stephen, is the data is there. you can't ar with the numbers, but you can argue on the source. most of these positive space data metrics are continuations. while there may be, as bryan suggests, a rhetorical emphasis on jobs, he hasn't made any hard actions that have changed the labor base or certainly the wage structure. >> there's a lot there. let me start with this idea this is a continuation.
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certainly we've had an eight-year expansion. that's undeniable, chris. if you look at last year, 2016, the economy grew at 1.5%. a lot of people said we were headed towards a recession, that this recovery had run out of gas, the same thing with the bull market. instead of the deceleration we had seen in 2016, the economy had gotten better. it ramped up into a higher gear. the same thing with the stock market. look, there's no denying that the stock market rose 700 points the day after the election. investors and employers like what trump is doing. one other quick point, it is true, obviously the sore them you mentioned, they've gotten nowhere on obamacare. that's a big embarrassment to the republican party. on the regulatory front, when i talk to businessmen and women running companies, they say easing the regulations has been a plus for their businesses and their hiring. >> bryan, the big-ticket items,
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what stephen was referring to, making health care better, big tax reform, big infrastructure, big wall, not done. what level of criticism does that warrant? >> i think it's a wait-and-see. let's have some perspective here. you have health care. we came up one vote short. the president and the republicans came up one vote short. none of them are stopping. they're going to continue. having served in government myself a good number of years, it's a slow process. it's a sausage making factory and never a pretty process. look when obama passed obamacare, he had to hand out gifts to several u.s. senators to get the vote going forward. we're six months into this. i'm comfortable with the slow process, comfortable with the president putting good focus on it. challenging republicans to stay true to their campaign promise, and we'll go from there. government inherently is a slow process. i wish it would have happened faster, but it's not. i also like the fact that he's
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still focused on it, still rallying the troops. if you look at some of the other issues, stephen brought up the economy. deregulation, the last six months of the obama administration he passed $600 billion of regulatory burdens on new businesses. president trump has passed zero. it's very much about a culture change in washington, d.c. that america is open for business again. >> i think that's true, chris -- >> hold on. let me recast it a second though because i want to attack the premise and you can give us the conclusion. the job is to test, my friend. if i just let you give your version of events, there's no reason for the show. you guys have your own show to do that. let's try to balance it out with a little fact and not just feelings. stephen, the idea of what bryan was just saying which is, we're moving in the right direction, we're doing these things, but is that enough on these things, whether it's getting health care
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done. he couldn't come up with enough goodies to get the republicans to want to do the right thing by his perspective. how much of the lack of action on the big ticket items must you blame on a lack of leadership to this point? >> it's a good question. i was in nashville this weekend at a political rally. i've got to tell you, the attitude in washington, d.c. and new york and maybe silicon valley is trum s&p a disaster, he's a failure. when you go out and talk to people in real america -- >> they're people at a trump rally, stephen. of course they'll be pumped up. look at the poll numbers, you can't find a group within your own party where he's growing. >> that's a fair point. let me address your point about what trump has to do. look, the failure of obamacare repeal -- by the way, i don't think that fight is over -- was a big, big setback. there's no question about that. it only doubles down, chris, in my opinion, what he has to do next which is the republicans
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have to deliver, they must deliver on tax reduction and tax reform this fall. if they don't, then i'll be attacking the republicans and the president because this is one of the central promises. i always said trul had to do three things this year, get obamacare repealed, get a tax cut and build the wall. by the way, i think you're being excessively negative on the wall. the wall is being built in southern mexico. i've been there. they're building the wall. >> this comes down to semantics. i've also been down to the border. i've been listening to bill herd, and the idea that the wall the president promised is under way -- >> it is. >> they're doing suggested, not doing what he suggested they would. at a minimum you have to say the jury is out on whether that promise is being delivered as
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argued. >> it would be nice if we'd get a single democrat to vote for the money for the wall. the democrats have been opposed to appropriating any money. >> fair point. you have to make your point. either the wall is under way or it's not because the democrats are blocking it. appreciate the double is speak. >> we're spending the money the congress has allowed us to spend. >> how you're doing it and how much is new construction versus pre-existing plans is another scruggs. bryan lanza, great to add you to the mix. >> thanks, chris. michael smerconish will join us with his score card on president trump's first 200 days in office. we'll be right back.
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fomy doctor recommended ibgard. abdominal pain and bloating. now i'm in control of my ibs. nonprescription ibgard- calms the angry gut. president trump is marking 200 days in office. where does he stand on his promises to the american people. let's get information to parse the facts here with michael smerconish, cnn political commentator and the host of cnn's "smerconish" joining us now. separate us from the spin,
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michael, how would you evaluate the president's first 200 days? >> brianna, i made a chart. i don't think the arguments are in dispurt. you like that? by the way, in hd for the first time. so very nice. >> very nice. >> says who, says who is what i wrote in my notes. i was thinking as i was listening to that conversation was gone are the days when the entire country gathers around the television set on thursday night and watches "seinfeld." we don't all do the sale things. technology contributed to that stratification. we are all in our silos. if you're on the os seller corridor, the guy is a disaster. if you're in a red state, it's good, obamacare being among them. if we fast forward three years and get to the next election and assuming he's running for
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re-election, people will be dug in then much more than today. depends on who you ask. >> a little nod for brianna keilar for stealing her lines, emmy nominated. two interesting things we heard from lanza and stephen moore. two things that hit me, one is this idea about the wall. the other thing is, is this belief that less regulation must be better, that it frees the spirit of the economy, and that is such a debatable proposition. that's exactly how you find your way into a mess in 2006, '7 and '8 that almost crippled the economy for a generation to
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come. >> not only in economic sense, but also in a flint, michigan sense. should there be some type of economic disaster where that less regulation did not protect people's safety, then i think it will become a huge impediment. with regard to the wall, i fully expected by now he would have pivoted. >> next election there will be been a wall begun and there would be a tangible result we can all see, feel, touch and appreciate or there won't be. there will be no spin that can retrieve that. >> let's see how americans are appreciating donald trump. when you look overall according to quinnipiac university, 33% approve right now. that's down from 40% in june. you can see the disapproval.
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he's way under water here. then take a look at what republicans think. 76% approve. but that's down eight points from june. michael, when you look at that, chris and i were saying, that's like, as you said, chris, how many people in your family like you, three-quarters -- >> good for me, but not good for a politician. you only have three out of four people in the family like you, usually they're at 90, 90-plus. >> it's true, but i don't want to make the mistake i made in the last cycle which is to look at those raw numbers and not factor in passion. he won the election because his voters were the most passionate, and in those electoral college-controlled states, he was able to get them to the polls far better than she was. in the end you need to measure not only the raw numbers, but how strong is their level of commitment. thus far, i don't see the level of commitment of his voters is all that diminished. >> one percentage point on one
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side may not be equal to the percentage point on the other. we saw that. >> it's true. having voters that aren't going to leave you no matter what, changes the scale. michael smerconish, well done. always a pleasure. >> good to see you guys. >> he did steal the line. >> he did. vice president mike pence is pushing back hard on this "new york times" report that suggests he and many others are keeping options open in 2020 just in case the president doesn't run for a second term. we'll tell you what he's saying and why it may be just a smidge doth protest too much next.
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president trump crossing 200 days in office as the vice president strongly denies he's already eyeing a possible 2020 run. >> vice president pence is a very loyal vice president. >> it's believable that he would look to see if he could be more popular in 2020. >> i can assure you we are going to do the right thing and follow
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the rule of law. >> so far you've got conclusion and no collusion. anybody who denies that is lying. >> i'm not sure i agree with the kwich hunt. we'll let the facts lead us to whether or not it was a hoax. >> we're prepared to do whatever it takes to defend ourselves and to defend our allies. >> these aren't going e to change north korea's mind. >> hopefully send a strong message that north korea understands the expectation of the rest of the international community. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to "new day." alisyn is off. brianna keilar is with us. >> good to be here. >> we have reached day 200 of donald trump's presidency. marking the event with a 17-day stay at a new jersey golf club where he insists he is not vacationing and he's touting his accomplishments marking this 200-day period. meanwhile, there's a report in the new york times that says


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