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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  July 17, 2017 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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. new trouble for the republican health care efforts as the cbo score is delayed and so, too, is a vote after a health scare for senator john mccain. and a brand new poll shows the president's approval dropping to record lows. the record is defending the number even as the russia investigation hampers his agenda. in 70 years, no one at this stage has had such a low, low 36% approval. welcome to "early start." >> it's monday, july 17th. it's 4:00 on a.m. in the east
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and we start on the health care. it was a health care for a senator trying to pass a new health care bill. there are new concerns that john mccain's absence could be longer than first thought. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell announcing he will postpone a vote because senator mccain is recovering this arizona after having a blood clot removed above his left eye. mccain's absence could jeopardize efforts to repeal and replace obama care with rand paul and susan collins already declaring their opposition, mcconnell needs every other gop vote all 50 to pass this measure. >> doctors describe the surgery of mccain as minimally invasive, but dr. gupta says he does have a history of invasive melanoma in and around that area. they are waiting for a pathology test to see if more treatment is needed. the health bill, we mentioned
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senator collins is a no. asked mike pence if it strengthens or secures medicaid, collins said this. >> i would respectfully disagree with the vice president's analysis. this bill would impose fundamental sweeping changes in the medicaid program and those include very deep cuts. that would affect some of the most vulnerable people in our on society including disabled children, poor seniors. >> reaction from state governors, not much warmer. an intense closed door session saturday, governors confronted the vice president and top administration health officials over the doss cost of the healt bill. the administration team made a frantic bid at the national governors association meeting this weekend to win over or at least win the silence of skeptical republican governors.
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republican and democratic governors said that effort left major questions unanswered. >> they are being encouraged to innovate, to get block grants to have the fell expansion of medicaid benefits limited and that would somehow spur innovation. that is not an argument that any of those lawmakers took to heart. meantime the congressional budget office will not release its latest analysis of the gop health bill as was expected. it's also unclear whether a new analysis will improve its popularity with the public. this new poll showing americans preferring obamacare to the republican proposal by a 2:1 margin. >> that same poll bearing news that might rattle another president but drawing a shrug from the current white house occupant. president trump approval just 36%, todown five points in the same poll at his 100 day mark in
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april. president trump responding that apparently he wants to have it both ways, accepting and casting doubt on the same poll. >> he says the abc "washington post" poll even though almost 40% is not bad at this time was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time. okay. first, is actually the lowest approval rating at the six month mark of any president in 70 years, so it is a record at this point, a record low. and second, the final estimate from the "washington post" poll was 43% for trump, 47% for clinton who posted 48.5% on election night. that is well within the poll's margin of error. secret service rejecting a claim by president trump's lawyer that the agency would have pre-presevented anything happening at that last meeting between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer. here is jay sekulow claiming
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nothing happened at the meeting that included several russians and top members of the trump campaign. >> i wonder why the secret service if this was nefarious, why did the secret service let these people in? donald trump jr. himself said things should have been done differently. have rg said that, that is not violation of the law, it is more process. >> problem being this, well, through the president had secret service protection, the president did, but after that interview, the secret service said it had no responsibility to check out participants in the meeting because don jr. was not under its protection at the time. >> the president's personal attorney's lawyer -- or comment, rather, also drew fire from some lawmakers including democratic congressman ted lew who tweeted this, dear dumb as a rock jay sekulow, secret service job is not to deter violation of the
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federal election campaign act, that is the job of prosecute doors. sekulow rye sekulow reiterated that the president was not a wafware of meeting and it got a septembkep response from mark warner. >> i think if i had a meeting that involved russian government efforts to try to help trump and hurt clinton that i would remember that and frankly, it's a little bit unbelievable that neither the son or the son-in-law ever shared that information with their dad the candidate. >> all this came after we learned yet another person attended the meeting, lobbyist rinat akhmetshin. it sparked a sunday defeat storm who said the media is distorting democracy and he headed hillary clinton can illegally get the questions to the debate and delete 33,000 e-mail, but my son is being scorned by the fake
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news media. >> we'll have to fact check that 33,000 e-mails and questions of the debate, it's like not worth it. the white house looking to get back on message by announcing a sear arie seeries weeks. and this is made in america. the focus is on manufacturing. a white house spokesperson says products created in the 50 states will be showcased today with other events planned during the week. america's heros week and america dream week comes later. the white house has tried to highlight themes like infrastructure and workforce development week in the past, but those messages were largely overtaken by other news, often jen rated by the president himself. it is worth noting even though this week's theme is made in america it will be a meme many items in president's own clothing line and that of his daughter ivanka are made overseas including countries
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like bangladesh, china and indonesia. >> yeah. that's -- >> xlus siexclusively as far as goes. >> and american factories are still humming because of market forces frankly at this point not any specific policies. the u.s. dollar hit a 13 year high after the election and then prices have fallen, dollar's prices have fallen amid excitement for trump's economiced a skreconomic economiced a jen today cools, they are down about 16 of%. and global demand arising, so a weak dollar makes u.s. goods more attractive to foreign policies. the trump administration is making decisions on a potential pair arri tariff on steel. american companies have long accused chinese companies of boxing out u.s. competition and killing jobs. experts expect this
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administration to announce tariffs any day now and chinese and u.s. officials are set to meet this week to discuss monetary and economic issues including trade. >> an american researcher convicted of spying and now sentenced to ten years in prison in iran. princeton university identifying the man as a history grad student, wong, saying he was arrested last summer while doing research in connection with his ph.d. dissertation. the farce news agency saying wong was accused of gathering information and the ruling can be appealed. iran has a history of arresting foreign nationals and holding closed door trials. the state department says it is aware of the case but would not go in to specifics. and symbolic rejection of maduro, 98% of the more than 7 million people who cast their balance lots sided with the
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opposition on president maduro's plans to form a constitutional assembly without a vote by the people. the vote was organized by the opposition and has no binding result, but it was aimed at weakening maduro's legitimacy days before his assembly is expected to convene. opponents see the assembly as a power grab asthma did your row glaple grapples with a bhad economy. >> one of the emerging economies in the world and it is just a disaster. also a disaster in chicago, gunfire there claiming the lives of a little boy and an anti-violence activist. more on another brutal weekend in chicago next.
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here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new. you're not stuck in a network... because there aren't any. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive.
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and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. just tragedy. a weekend of tragedy in chicago. a little boy and anti-violence
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activist among the dead in new bloodshed there. ten people have been killed, 37 others wounded since friday night. among them were a 9-year-old who was a passenger in an suv where he and a 31 behind the wheel were shot. the driver is reported in critical condition. also killed was 58-year-old willie cooper who ran a nonprofit that provides jobs to south side teens. cooper died in a drive bi oiy s by someone with an ar-15 assault rifle. one person is still missing after a family was swept away in flash flooding. nine died when the floodwaters swept 14 members of the family downstream. among the dead, six children between the ages of 2 and 13. a 27-year-old man is missing. all were near the cold springs
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swimming hole saturday when heavy rains triggered the flash floods. academy award winning martin landau has died. his publicist confirming landau suffered unexpected complications following a short hospital at ucla medical center. he's best known for playing master of disguise, the original 1960s mission impossible tv series. landau was 89. fans with mourniare mournin of the man known as the foind r founder of the zombie movie after a brief battle with lung cancer. he wrote and directed nift living dead at the achblg 28. the film spawned sequels, many sequel, and an endless procession of zombie variations, some clever, some brainless.
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romero was 77 years old. next, cnn takes you to syria, women join isis looking for love and were left with despair. >> i want someone because i can't get my son. >> powerful stories from the wives of isis next.
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what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. welcome back. 21 past the hour. with isis defeat in mosul, the battle shifts now to raqqah and syria the capital of the caliphate. so far among those rounded up,
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sympathizers women who married into the terror group. now, they have not been charged with anything and authorities are not sure exactly what to do with them. for now they have been jailed and segregated inside a refugee camp telling nick paton walsh the isis life even what they thought it would be. >> reporter: don't kid yourself, they saw the videos. girls, mothers, some who married into isis who knew what they were about but still came. now jailed in a refugee camp, is you can stuck in limbo trying to go home. they want your pity and that you believe he them when they say it was all, all of it, a huge mistake. they use women for sex? >> yeah. very disgusting. >> reporter: three indonesian sisters say they paid thousands to get here, lured by the false promise of free health care and schools but paid thousands to
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get smuggled out. it wasn't pure caloriphate as ty expected. >> they say that they want jihad, but what they want is only for the sake of ala but it's only about women and sex. >> reporter: single women arrivals like them kept in a commune while they look for husbands. >> the women inside the dorm, it's very different, it's very far from islam. harsh men shout each other, fighting and between the women and i was very are surprised when i see that. >> reporter: she explains the dorm is a bit like tinder. >> when the woman arrives, she puts down her age, name, her penalty. what she looks for in a man. and men also post their cvs.
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it's dating so, you meet, you talk 15, 20 on miminutes and th they both agree, they get haired. it's very quick. >> reporter: she says she came for a charity work but her husband was killed the second time they tried to flee. she was as appalled by the paris terror talks as she was by the booming of raqqah and just wants to go back to france. >> i love life. i love my jeans, my makeup, my parents. the only thing i want is to go back. i'm not far from the beach. i used to go to the beach every weekend in a bikini. yes, in a bikini. >> reporter: the syrian in addition teacher whose first husband was killed by a sniper in homs says she was traveling to turkey when she was way laid in raqqah where she met andmoro. >> were you looking for a man?
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>> no. >> so how come you found one, are oh, my god, here is this guy next door? >> reporter: she says isis spokesman allowed him not to fight. he's now in jail. she isproving of less pure love stories. >> they look to ieuropean men that they are strong men with guns and they can protect them. it's an idea that just like movies. many were shocked because when they get married, you know, three, four days, one month and they divorced. i know a woman, she was married six times and after three days, she goes to a court and asks the judge to divorce her. and when the judge ask her why you want divorce, she say he prevent her from making any
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sexual, you know -- and she say i can't accept him all of time of my husband. so marry him if you don't marry him and he say i will send you to the prison and she was crying no, no, no, this is the last time, i promise. >> reporter: her husband was once arrested for smoking by the religious police and because she had to on literally had to enter a man's world to get him out of jail. >> i came up with a crazy idea. i just got my husband's colors, his shoes, and i covered my eyes with black glasses and i take a gun and my boy and let's go to the boy's part.
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>> reporter: these stories decide their fate here. whether they stay in limbo or go home. >> isis speaks a language more than mouth. don't you feel that there is a trust in my eyes? >> your husband, what if you enough see him again? >> i want someone because i can't get myself. i just complaint. >> reporter: nick paton walsh, cnn, northern syria.complaint. >> reporter: nick paton walsh, cnn, northern syria. >> a remarkable look that story. some of those women went there willingly after seeing the videos of the beheadings and burning people alive. >> you do sympathize for the children who were dragged there unwittingly. >> or born into that. >> yeah. all right. ahead, new polling shows the president with record low
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approval. now another health care delay in the russia investigation prying more set backs ig for the white house. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. there's a range of plans to choose from, too,
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will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you.
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new trouble for republican health care efforts. a brand new cbo score delayed and so is a vote after a health scare for john mccain. and new polling shows the president's approval dropping to new record lows. the president defending the number even as the russia investigation hampers hissed a j agenda. welcome back. 32 port st. lucast the hour. 36% righting, lowest of any from the at this time. let's talk about the health scare for a key senator.
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there are new concerns john mccain's absence potentially could be longer than first thought. mitch mcconnell announcing he will postpone a health care vote because senator mccain is recovering in arizona after having a blood clot removed above his left eye. mccain's absence could jeopardize efforts to repeal and replace obamacare with two republican senators ra s hand h paul and susan collins already declaring their on that position. >> doctors describe the surgery as minimally invasive, but dr. sanjay gupta notes that mccain does have a history of invasive melanoma in and around that area. mccain's doctors are waiting for pathology tests to see if more treatment is needed. the health bill faces political challenges as well. he we mentioned senator coal on lyn collins is a no. asked about the claim by mike pence that the senate health care bill strengthens and secures medicaid, here's what
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collins said. >> i would respectfully disagree with the vice president's analysis. this bill would impose fundamental sweeping changes in the medicaid program and those include very deep cuts that would affect some of the most vulnerable people in our society including disabled children, poor seniors. >> reaction from state governors not much warmer. in a very tense closed door session saturday, governors confronted the vice president and top administration health officials over the cost the health care bill would impose on their states. the administration team making this frantic bid at the national governors association meeting to win them over or at least on win their silence of skeptical republican governors. republican and democratic governors said that effort left major questions unanswered. >> meantime the congressional
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budget office will not release its latest analysis of the gop health bill today as expected and it's not clear when it will do so. also unclear whether a new analysis would actually improve the bill's popularity with the public. take a look at this poll from the "washington post" abc news showing americans prefer obamacare to the republican proposal by a 2:1 margin. not clear how much they really know about the bill. i'm not sure how much any of us know. >> and that same poll bearing news that draws a shrug from the current white house occupation. president trump reaching a new low in approval ratings, just 36%, down six points from the same poll at his 100 day mark in april. president trump responding with a tweet that apparently he wants to have it both way, accepting and casting doubt on the poll at the same time. >> he says the abc news "washington post" poll even though almost 40% is not bad at this time was just about the most inaccurate poll around
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election time. now, that has a few issues. first, it's actually the low ers approval rating at the six month mark of any president in the last 70 years, so not exactly not bad. and second the final estimate from the "washington post" poll was 43% for trump, 47% for hillary clinton, who actually ended up at 48.5% on election night. that is well within the poll's margin of error. secret service rejecting a claim by president trump's lawyer that the agency would have v. prevented anything questionable from happening at that meeting last june between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer. here is attorney jay sekulow claiming nothing happened at the meeting that included several russians and top members of the trump campaign. >> i wonder why the secret service if this was nefarious, why did the secret service allow these people in? the president had secret service protection at that point. donald trump jr. said things
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should have been done differently, but having said that, none of it is violation of the law. >> he was on the sunday shows and clearly the mess achbage fre personal attorney of the president that the secret service let them in, so nothing bad could have been happening. it is through the president had secret service protection, but the secret service said it had nothing no responsibility to check out participants in the meeting because don jr. was not under its protection at the time. >> yeah, you might want to double check that. sekulow's comment also drew fire from lawmakers including democratic congressman ted lu who tweeted this, dear dumb as a rock mentioning that mika brzezinski tweet that the president sent, secret service job is not toolations of federal campaign act, that is the job of the prosecutors.
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sekulow reiterated that the president was not a wafrt mewar meeting and that got a septemsk response from mark warner. >> i think if i had a meeting that involved russian government efforts on to try to help trump and hurt clinton that i would remember that and frankly it's a little unbelievable that neither the son or the son-in-law ever shared that information with their dad the candidate. >> all this came after new developments on who was in that room. we learned yet another person attended that meeting, russian measure lobbyist rinat akhmetshin. we've learned that eight people were at that meeting. that is a significant jump from what we've been told originally. it sparked a sunday tweet storm from the president who said the media is distorting democracy and he added rhetorically hillary clinton can illegally
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get the questions to the debate and delete e-mail, but my son is being scorned by the fake news media. the white house looking to get back on message and stay there by announcing a series of additional theme weeks spotlighting domestic issues. the white house starting with made in america this week with the focus on manufacturinging. a white house spokesperson says products created in the 50 states will be showcased today with other events planned during the week. american heros week and american dreams week come later. details yet to be announced. the white house has tried to highlight themes like infrastructure and workforce development in the past, but those messages were largely overtaken by other news often generated by the president himself. it's worth noting even though this week's theme is made in america, many items in the president's own clothing line and that of his daughter ivanka are made overseas in countries like bangladesh, china and
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indonesia. >> in fact human rights activ t activists were are detained in china where they were trying to you had a it the faudit the fac. wall street's optimism has not translated in to economic growth. s&p and dow look at this, record high closes on friday even as turmoil in washington stalls the trump economic agenda. here is what is driving stocks. corporate profits. corporate profits are keeping the bulls running. a number of big name companies report this week including netflix, american express, microsoft. expectations are high. last season's profit growth was the best in years. investors are also banking on a fed that is more cautious about future rate hikes. cautious because of low on inflation and slow consumer spending. consumer spending makes up the majority of economic growth and americans seem to be cutting back. retail spending dropped in june for the second month in a row, consumer confidence fell to the lowest since the election which
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may be a sign americans are losing faith potentially in the president's economic can edagen they haven't republican seen anything quite yet that has led to economic growth. the administration promises that it's policies like tax reform on and spending cut will spur 3 administers growt% growth. experts expect more like 1.8%. >> the president trump tweeted over the weekend that everyone at med minubedminster was happye is stock market is up 17%. >> we've pointed out many times that wages haven't risen very much. there is really good job creation and continuation of what we've seen for investors. investors are making money because companies are making money. >> that would make sense. an american researcher convicted of spying and now sentenced to ten years in prison
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in iran. princeton university identifying him as history grad student xiyue wang. he was arrested in iran last summer while doing research in connection with his ph.d. diser station. farce news agency saying wang was accused of gathering information and that the ruling can be appeared. iran has a history of arresting foreign nationals and holding closed door trials. the state department says it is aware of the case but would not go into specifics. south korea making a rare proposal for military talks with north korea, the move coming after weeks of heightened tensions amid a series of north korea missile tests. the most recent, a successful intercontinental ballistic missile launch. south korea proposing talks friday on the north korean side of the demilitarized stoen. t zone. ahead, public support has grown for camilla duchess of
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cornwall since her marriage to prince charles now speaking exclusively to cnn, camilla is taking on some critical topics on her birthday. we'll tell you what she's talking broke next.
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megan's smile is getting a lot of attention because she uses act® mouthwash. act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. the duchess of cornwall speaking to cnn to mark her 70th birthday. camilla now married to prince charles opened up to us on issues important to her. >> max foster live in london with more on this exclusive interview. >> reporter: yeah, interesting she was the other woman in many people's minds, camilla was the woman who stole princess diana's husband away from her. so very contentious figure. but over the last 12 years since charles and camilla were married, i think there has been
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this program to rehabilitate her brand really around the world and to bring her out and bring her in touch with the public more and more. putting her in a position to one day becoming queen. she will technically become queen whether or not she uses the title is another thing. but i was given access to her for a day and a harmless process really getting to on know the future queen. and she spoke to me on camera, she's never done that before, and speaking to me in a center for victims of domestic violence. but here's what she said to me. we've heard some powerful stories today. what are you able to bring to these sorts of conversations? >> i'm not sure what i'm able to bring. it's what all these very brave ladies tell me. seeing is believing. hearing is believing. i think like many other people in this country, i didn't know much about domestic abuse, i knew nothing at all. read a bit about it.
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and i think that i went to visit another charity where again i sat around and listened to some very brave ladies tell their stories. and i think everybody there was moved to tears. and i thought as i came out, i thought, you know, i just wish there was something i could do to help. it was a taboo subject but i think that we can talk about that now and bang the drum a bit. so that's what i'm trying to do to help. >> sone charity that she focuse on is domestic violence so a subject she cares about. >> it's remarkable. you see pictures of her, but really she's not sort of the face of the family by any stretch. how did it come about this
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interview? she's rarely on camera. >> reporter: one thing i wanted to do for a long time is just to give an insight really into camilla's character simply because when you meet her, and it doesn't come across on camera, be she's very charming, very are funny. she's by far the most popular royal with the royal press pack because she comes up to us, she speaks to us and she has a laugh and she does care about the media whereas some of the other members are quite prickly around the media. so i wanted to get a sense of her and i think through the interview you get a sense of her and that is really what it achieves if anything. and as you say, many people hpt heard her and she's not really compete confident about speaking very are often. >> and you also had great video where she is eating chocolate, didn't realize that was and you uncomfortable moment, but able to laugh it off. so nice to see that side of her as well. max, thanks so much. >> i can't imagine anyone would be prickly around max.
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>> not at all. elon musk says he knows the biggest threat to humanity and he has a plan. that is on cnn money stream next. a
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it's a good thing we brought the tablets huh?
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yeah, and i can watch the game with directv now. oh, sorry, most broadcast and sports channels aren't included. and you can only stream on two devices at once. this is fun, we're having fun. yeah, we are. no, you're not jimmy. don't let directv now limit your entertainment. xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens.
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. a little boy and anti-violence activist among the dead in new blood shed over on the weekend in chicago. wls reports 10 people have been killed, another 37 wounded since friday night. mosq among them with a 9-year-old who was a passenger in an suv when he and the 31-year-old behind the wheel were shot. the driver reported in critical condition. also killed was 58-year-old willie cooper who ran a nonprofit that provides jobs to south side teens. police say cooper died in a dri dri
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driv driv drive-by. a family swept away by flash flooding in central arizona. police saying thine people dini when the floodwaters swept 14 town the stream. among the dead are six children. a man still missing.down the st. among the dead are six children. a man still missing. so what is next for that area? let's bring in pedram javaheri. much of the four corner states, once you get to 3:00 in the afternoon, thunderstorms blossom across this region. and we know it's proved to be fatal across parts of arizona here with the river flooding that was in place. and these temperatures really going to be moderated as a result of all the rainfall. las vegas dips into the upper 90s, phoenix coolest there about
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n. about a month. and how about the northeast? some of these storms could be severe into the afternoon hours. should keep your temperatures on the cooler note. 83 new york city, even st. louis you by their standards a 90 degree afternoon not too bad. but look at the trend, it wants to warmed up, st. louis climbs up to 102, new york city gets up to around 91. and yes, washington once again back up there closing in on 100 later this week. actor martin landau has died. his publicist confirming he suffered unexpected complications following a short hospitalization at uc are la medical center. landau probably best known for playing a master of disguise in the original mission impossible tv series. landau was 89. let's get a check on money stream this monday morning. global stock markets mostly
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higher after china's economic growth numbers beat expectations and wall street hit fresh record highs on friday. the s&p 500 and dow both closing at new highs as corporate profits keep the bulls running here. this is all about how much money companies are making. when companies make money, shareholders make money and stock prices go up. a number of big companies reporting again this week including net mix, goldman sachs, microsoft. last season's profit growth was the best in years. visa is offering restaurants $10,000. the cash? they have to stop accepting cash. called the visa cashless challenge, the company wants to convince small businesses to stop accepting cash forcing customers to pay with credit cards. credit card companies charge processing fees and experts say those fees can cut into the margins of small businesses. have you ever seen restaurants where they say cash please?
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>> yeah. artificial intelligence the biggest threat to nhumanity? elon musk wants to make sure that tech is developed safely and even suggests creating a regulatory body to oversee the progress of artificial intelligence. fascinating, right? >> still a few good years of tv left, right, before ai -- robot anchors. "early start" continues right now. new troubles political and otherwise for republican health care efforts. a new cbo score is delayed and so is a vote after a health scare for senator john mccain. and new polling shows the president's approval dropping to record lows.
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yet the president defending this number even as the russia investigation hampers his agenda. good morning, everyone. welcome to early start. i'm dave briggs on this made in america week. happy made in america week. >> i'm fired up. i'm christine romans made in america. it's mocnday, july 17. a health scare for a key republican senator. the latest obstacle for republicans trying to pass a new health care bill. and there are new concerns john mccain's absence could be longer than first thought. mitch mcconnell announcing he will postpone a vote because senator mccain is recovering in arizona after having a blood clot removed above his left eye. mccain's absence could jeopardize efforts to repeal and replace obamacare with two republican senators now rand paul and susan collins already declaring their opposition. mcconnell needs all other 50 to pass this measure. >> doctors describe the


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