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tv   CNN Newsroom With John Berman and Poppy Harlow  CNN  July 3, 2017 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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all right, good morning, everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield in for john berman and poppy harlow. with just days before a series of high-profile meeltings at th dwchlt g20 summit, president trump is working the phones early. he is pivoting to foreign policy as he prepares for that face-to-face meeting with russian president vladimir putin. all of it comes as the president escalates his war with the media this weekend tweeting this edited video of a wwe match showing trump wrestling a man with a cnn image superimposed over his head. joining me now from bridgewater, new jersey, where the president has been, cnn white house reporter caitlin collins. so the president sending a few different messages. today is back on track but isn't
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his tweet from yesterday kind of upstaging a lot? >> yeah, after a weekend spent with rants against the media, the president spent most of sunday night and monday morning on the phone with foreign lar leaders. he'll spend the rest of the day here before heading back to the white house with the first lady tonight. tomorrow they will host military families for the fourth of july and on wednesday he departs washington for his second foreign trip. he'll make a stop in poland before heading to the g20 summit in germany on friday. he's expected to meet with several world leaders during the summit but the one everyone has their eye on is with russian president vladimir putin and whether the president will confront him about meddling in the 2016 election. >> what are we hearing from members of trump's party about his twitter war on the media? >> reporter: yeah action even members of the president's only party are skeptical of his
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attacks on the media. take a listen to what some members of congress had to say here. >> we need to protect predom of the press. there is a responsibility on the part of everyone, including the president of the united states -- >> people are begging the president not to do this. he ought to stop doing it. >> reporter: and the president may have heard those criticisms. he spent the morning tweeting about the work his administration is doing instead of attacking the media. >> all right, kaitlin collins, thanks so much. now to health care. the white house remaining confident today that the u.s. senate will pass their bill to repeal and replace obamacare despite not having the support to vote and pass it last week. with congress now in recess, lawmakers who headed home will likely face some fireworks from the critics. cnn's phil mattingly is live for us from capitol hill with more on what's expected and what are people, tourists saying? that's a big day for tourists there on capitol hill.
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>> reporter: the good part about the capitol building, you can always come in and see things. fred, one of the interesting moments is twofold. first and foremost lawmakers are home for recess. i've spoken to several liberal groups, several democrats who made it very clear they want to push as much pressure on those republican senators as they possibly can, even republican senators doing their best to avoid the limelight and not do any town halls. they are trying to make tv moments out of confrontations whether that be at grocery stores, july 4th parades. there's also a lot of internal pressure as well. they left town. we know they delayed the vote. senator majority leader mcconnell wanted this done before they left for recess. what i'm told is going on is the continued negotiations. lawmakers know what the parameters are. they know what the conservatives want. they're trying to thread the needle and figure out a way to get compromise. one interesting element that developed at the end of last week is this idea that a lot of conservatives have been pushing
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for a long time. just vote on straight repeal. in fact it's something the president endorsed on twitter on friday. something i can tell you a lot of senator leadership aides did not appreciate. people who did appreciate that, people like senator mike lee. take a listen. >> i've advocated for the last six months pushing a simple repeal bill. something patterned perhaps or built up upon the foundation of the 2015 repeal bill. the one that we passed in december of 2015. people knew what was in there. they could vote on that. we could pass that with a delayed implementation provision. and then we could figure out what comes next later in an interim step-by-step process, one that could involve democrats once obamacare has been repealed. >> reporter: a key and very important point. senator mike lee and ted cruz all said they were going to continue to work in the current process. and that's important because if they would have left that process altogether, the effort essentially would have died. what i'm told right now is negotiations obviously ongoing.
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senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has made very clear repeal and replace is the strategy. that strategy is not changing and that's going to continue forward. we also know another thing at least according to aides. the expectation that there would be a vote as soon as leaders come back next week is very unlikely. they're starting to circulate proposals to the congressional budget office. they need to get scores, hash it out internally inside their conference. expect this to take a couple more weeks when they actually get back. as the white house has said and congressional leaders have said, they're still working. what will be most interesting to see is if the public blowback they're expected to get will have any impact when they get back to washington. >> we shall see. joining me to discuss all of this, lynn sweet, washington bureau chief, david fahrenthold and rebecca berg, politics reporter from real clear
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politics. good to see all of you. lynn, you first. amid this war with the media, the president also made news tweeting this. if republican senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date. sources on capitol hill telling our phil mattingly there that that option is not on the table. something echoed by trump's health and human services secretary yesterday. so is there a real disconnect here? >> well, there is. let me explain why this is just a strategy without substance in terms of fixing what we need to do with health care. if you listen carefully to the congressman saying have a piece of legislation with an implementation date out there. let me make it in simpler words. if you pass repeal with an effective date of, let's say, 2020, 2019, all it will do is wreak havoc with the insurance
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markets. and what the republicans and president trump crave is a win. so it's kind of not how you would have an orderly transition in the marketplace no matter what your politics are. i think it's kind of a trick if you just repeal. we have to look at what the effective date will be in that piece of legislation. that's crucial and will tell the whole story of whether it's a glorified press release or a step to fixing what's wrong with our health system. i suspect if you have an outside date years away of effectiveness, it's just symbolic and not a way to fix the system. >> so, david, one of your washington post colleagues writes the following about the president's involvement saying, quote, trump has spoken out repeatedly during the tenure about the shortcomings of obamacare but he has made relatively little effort to detail for the public why republican replacement plans which fare dismally in public
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opinion polls would improve on the former president's signature initiative. so in other words, you know, this president really is not putting an effort in shaping whatever plan the senate would vote on. >> well, the president has actually said some things about health care. the problem is that they contradict each other and over contradict the things that republican leaders are working on, so he's had a pep rally at the white house after house republicans passed their bill but then came out and called it mean. he sort of pushed for the senate bill but then now he's saying forget it, scrap it, let's just repeal and replace later. it doesn't seem like president trump has a strong idea of what's in the bill or what he wants to be in the bill. i think without really having that kind of policy knowledge or specific policy goals, it's really hard for him to go out and beat the bushes and say we have to do this when it doesn't seem like in his own mind he's settled on what this should be.
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>> wasn't that the argument and the observation after the house plan, and now you've got the senate shaping it, it would seem as though the president may have lenders from that so that he could be out in front of the plan so that he can also best sell it. wouldn't that be the lesson learned? >> you'd think. instead there was this dynamic in the house at the very end when the republican from new york and darrell issa, republican from california, people that are in iffy districts for republicans an on the fence about that bill, they voted for it thinking we'll give the president a win. the president rooeally wants a win. a few days later the president says, no, that bill was mean. so these people who stuck their necks out for the party and the president in the house get kicked in the teeth. so people in the senate will not have that motivation to please the president if that's how he rewards you. >> so, rebecca, what is a win? is a win defined very different low for the president versus perhaps republicans who are
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going to stick their necks out for this president to succeed in changing health care? >> you know, i think, fred, simply if republicans in the senate are able to pass some version of health care reform over the next couple of weeks that the president could claim that as a win. but he and senate republicans and congressional republicans more broadly are really going to have to focus over the next weeks and months, assuming they're able to pass something in the senate and then approve that again in the house after conference, they're really going to have to focus and work hard on crafting a message of support for this legislation buzz we've seen the public polling, we've seen how unpopular their legislation, their ideas remain. the reason for that is because republicans have not focused on selling this reform to the public. the president could be a leader in that regard because he has a bigger platform than any republican lawmaker on capitol hill, but they haven't done that yet. so assuming they can pass something, that is the next step.
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that will be the question to answer, you know, is this a win for republicans. it could well be, but they're going to have to tell people why this is a positive change for them. >> and then, lynn, on the heels of the president's tweet yesterday, does that kind of behavior, the message that the president is sending from his potus handle, potentially jeopardize whatever support he does have from some republicans on the hill to focus on the president's agenda? >> yes, it does. and it's self-inflicted. i've kind of taken a recast view. it's not just this distracts, these tweets distract from his agenda or what they want the story of the day or week to be, be it energy week or health care week or infrastructure week. these tweets let you have an insight into the mind of the president. that is what people are analyzing and looking at.
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with this kind of material that we've never had before in history. so of course it distracts because the president is one of the most important people in the country. people are still writing books about abraham lincoln, for goodness sakes, so it's natural for the media to focus on what donald trump says in his tweets and what the president says is an important insight. in this case it massively distracts from his policy agenda and hurts his allies on capitol hill. >> all right, lynn sweet, rebecca berg, david fahrenthold, good to see you all. happy fourth. still ahead, moscow says it's losing patience with the u.s. all of this ahead of that much-anticipated face-to-face. what will president trump and vladimir putin discuss and not talk about at the g20 summit? plus, fierce fighting under way in mosul as iraqi troops battle for the final few blocks
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being held by isis. and beachgate. new jersey's government shut down by a budget standoff. state parks and state beaches are closed to the public, unless you're the governor. governor chris christie. rst ru bg a plant manager is to always keep track of your employees. micromanage them. make sure they're producing. woo! employee of the month! you really shouldn't leave their side. vita coco coconut water, hydration comes naturally.
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welcome back. president trump is making the rounds this morning with phone calls to leaders of germany and it italy. he is also preparing for his big face-to-face with russian president vladimir putin. the two will meet this week at the g20. the white house says this unstructured meeting will happen on the sidelines of the summit, which will allow the two men to talk about whatever they want. but officials say trump is not likely to address the big elephant in the room, which is the election meddling. cnn's matthew chance is joining us live from moscow. all right, so, matthew, the white house says that the two are likely to talk about ukraine or even syria, but what is the
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kremlin saying about vladimir putin's style? i mean he is a former kgb guy and likely he's all about dissecting and deciphering and really trying to read someone. will that really be his focus, trying to read donald trump? >> reporter: i think so. i think it's hard to believe that vladimir putin, this former kgb officer, this man who's been at the top of russian politics for so long now, is going to go into what is one of the most important meetings of the trump presidency so far from a russian point of view without being absolutely prepared to deal with any eventuality, absolutely prepared with an agenda of his own to push if there is no agenda coming at him from the other side, if you like. and the russians want more than anything else to normalize the relationship with the united states. they want the sanctions on their economy to be lifted. they want their interests around the world in places like syria
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and in plays like ukraine, where there are ongoing hostilities, to be recognized by the west in general and by the united states in particular. this is what vladimir putin is going to be trying to achieve, a normalization of relations. already the kremlin has suggested that vladimir putin may raise the issue of cooperating on international terrorism. it's what the kremlin have said in the past as being an obvious area where washington and moscow can coordinate, particularly in the syrian war zone. and that may again be raised by the russians. of course there's always the sort of unknown when it comes to donald trump. i mean who knows what topic he is going to raise and what offer he is going to make. >> and those are a lot of things for a sideline meeting. so really, you know, if there is a second meeting or if this meeting will help cement that there will be yet another meeting, then that might demonstrate some real
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groundwork, you know, some real ground has been made between these two men, right? >> reporter: yeah. i think in terms of expectation management, what the russians are saying is that if they can achieve simply an agreement to have another meeting at some point later on down the line, then that would be seen as a success. and so their expectations are very low. if this is not an abject failure, if it doesn't disintegrate into some kind of chaos, i think many russians will be very happy with that outcome for this fifrst meeting let's talk about this with counterterrorism analyst, philip mudd, a former fbi senior intelligence advisor. also with us cnn national security analyst steve hall, retired cia chief of russia operations. good to see both of you and happy fourth weekend. so, phil, you first. what do you imagine trump and putin really could discuss and
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the parameters of this sideline meeting during the g20? >> well, i think we've been overthinking this in the past couple of days. if you look at what trump has said, it's been pretty basic. number one, he's comfortable with putin. number two, he's comfortable dealing with people who want to oppose isis. number three, he's comfortable with dictators. he's met with the egyptian leader, who i regard as a dictator, in the white house. that egyptian leader was ostracized by the former president, president obama. i think the bottom line is pretty straightforward, that there will be pretty conversations, in particular about syria, and that those conversations will tend towards saying we need to stop the civil war. we both need to focus on isis. here's the tough part, if that includes an acceptance of the continuation in power of bashar al assad, i think the president will signal that that's okay. >> steve, do you see that there is room for negotiation, that this is a meeting where the two will have discussions about syria, you know, talk about
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compromise, talk about how to work things through, or is this more of a meet-and-greet, just kind of size one another up and see what happens later? >> for me, fred, this is always sort of a sad affair because the russians understand the western psyche so much better than we understand where the russians are coming from. the russians understand that we are going to want to come in and that the president is going to want to come in and look for cooperation, look for areas that we can agree on. his predecessors, obama, did that. obama's predecessor, bush, did that. they all went in with the best intentions. i'm going to fix this relationship and make the relationship with russia work. putin sees it coming and takes it to the bank every single time. what needs to happen is the president needs to go in and strongly say, look, you meddled with our elections. he can do that because on the 23rd and 24th he tweeted as much and he also said so on another news network.
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he said it in the context that obama should have done more but he tacitly admitted that. he needs to take the russians to task on crimea. >> and if president trump does not take this opportunity to say something about elections. it's not over. there are other elections, you know, to come that russia can influence or meddle with. so what does it say if trump does not take or seize this opportunity? >> it's a flag, it's an indicator and a strong one to the russians that they're not going to be held accountable for this. that they're not going to be held accountable for their unacceptable behavior not just in our democratic election but perhaps even more importantly, depending on your perspective, internationally. you can't go annexing other countries. yet what putin will say is certainly there's something we can agree on. can't we agree on counterterrorism? i think if you would look at the history of our cooperation with russia really on a lot of different things, but specifically on counterterrorism, and on intelligence sharing, which is a critical part of the under
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counterterrorism fight, you will find there is not a whole lot of success in past attempts of cooperation with the russians so you've got to ask what are we bargaining for? we're bargaining for cooperation on something like syria or counterterrorism, which probably isn't going to yield a whole lot for the russians. yet, we're not going to hold the russians to task? that's a clear sign to putin that i can get away with a lot here. maybe i can even get sanctions lifted and other things i need out of the american administration because they're not going to hold my feet to the fire on this. that's the danger, and the russians know it. >> in a briefing last week, h.r. mcmaster said that trump really would like there to be a more constructive relationship with russia. what does that mean? >> well, as steve suggested, the previous presidents have gone in saying, hey, let me fix this and we get taken to the cleaners by the russians every single time. there is one significant difference and that is in the past we wanted to talk about compromise with the russians. in this situation i think we have a president saying i'm pretty comfortable with the
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russian position. if we want to fight isis in syria, that's fine. if we want a continuation of the assad regime, that's fine. that's different than previous administrations. i do think looking at steve's comments about what's going to happen in this conversation, i would be surprised if the president makes an issue out of the election meddling. i agree he should, but the fact that he had a russian foreign minister in the oval office an couldn't even discuss this with the foreign minister is a signal that the reporting that he doesn't want to accept the reality of russian meddling is true. he doesn't want to raise this with putin -- >> remember that picture. he was very jovial, the president was, with the foreign minister of russia as well as the ambassador. they looked like they were having a great time. can trump afford to have that same kind of imagery with the russian president? >> look, every time he walks into one of these situations, we inside the beltway in washington, d.c., have an historical overlay. we say when you have this
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conversation with the russians, you can't afford to look happy, pat them on the back, you can't shake the hand of the man who is responsible for meddling in the american elections and donald trump does the exact opposite. i would expect to see a pretty comfortable meeting with putin. i wouldn't be surprised to see a photo op where both of them are smiling. >> all right, thanks so much, gentlemen, appreciate it. happy fourth. new jersey governor chris christie is caught lounging on the beach. usually that wouldn't be so bad. but when the governor says all state beaches are closed and parks closed, it doesn't look so good. just moments ago, he actually spoke about it. so, your new prescription does havoh, like what?ffects. ♪ you're gonna have dizziness, ♪ nausea, and sweaty eyelids.
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except for one group, governor chris christie and his family right there. these pictures caught by local media on this deserted beach right in front of a state-owned residence, the governor's residence on the beach there. here's how the governor is responding today in an interview. >> what a great bit of journalism by the "star ledger." they actually caught a politician being where he said he was going to be with the people he said he was going to be with, his wife and his children and their friends. so it's really -- i'm sure they're going to get a pulitzer for this one because they proved, they caught me doing what i said i was going to do with the people that i said i was going to be with. >> all right. but after the pictures were taken yesterday when asked if he had gotten a tan, he said this during a press conference. >> no, i didn't, claude, but go ahead. i didn't get any sun today. i'm done. we're talking about the closure of government and you're talking about your tmz stuff.
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>> so the spokesperson for the governor later added to that moment by saying the governor had not gotten any sun because he was wearing a hat. he had a baseball hat on. all right. joining me now to talk about all of this, sally cohn, columnist at the daily beast and john phillips, political columnist at the orange county register. good to see both of you. sally, you first. >> good morning. >> so within minutes, both houses of the legislature will be convening to try to strike a budget deal, but now this is kind of superseding all of that. that it looks like the rules are different for everybody else except for chris christie and the governor. chris christie and his family. big problem? >> yeah. i mean, look, as has lately been the case, we're often focusing,
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we in the media, we citizens in general often focusing on these tabloidy kind of personal infighting details instead of the important policy disagreements that are on the table. the problem for christie here is that this really crystallizes the larger critique of him, which is this i don't care about how much suffering i cause the regular folks of my state, i'm going to keep giving more giveaways, tax breaks, incentives to big business and the very rich. and if you don't like it, who cares. at this point it almost seems like christie exists just so that there's some politician in america who has a lower approval rating than donald trump. and if he really wanted to make himself look worse, he would go and pull a stunt like this. it's callous. it's ridiculous, it's absurd. it's chris christie. >> john, the governor's approval
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rating is at 15 and the governor has already said i don't care. is this just strictly a testament to that. that he was like, you know what, i don't really care. >> well, my favorite part of the story is that it warranted paparazzi photographs from a helicopter from every possible angle and it reminds us how fortunate we are that christie decided not to don his american flag speedo. because when he does that guam, puerto rico and the virgin islands all become states. >> i'm not going to laugh. >> it's a holiday. it's the weekend. and it's also a reminder as to why people like term limits. even the politicians that we start out liking end up living like marie an toinette, he's 2345not going to run for president again, he's not going to run for senate, he's a lame duck and he's acting like one. >> let's pivot now from that to a matter that so many people
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across the country really do care about and it's about health care and whether there will be, you know, a new deal struck, et cetera. you've got some members of the gop that are saying just bypass the august recess. they need to really get their hands dirty and try to make some real progress here. so, sally, is there going to be any real, i guess, shaping of a new plan made in the coming months? >> well, look, i don't know. i am not optimistic and i'm not optimistic for, by the way, what are good reasons. the divide in the republican party in congress right now is between people who want to see trump care cut medicaid even further, hurt poor and working class family, including the ones that voted for donald trump, hurt them even more. hurt seniors who rely on medicaid for their nursing care
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home, hurt them even more, so there's a large contingent of republicans who want to see this policy go further, exacting more pain. thankfully, there's a group of moderate republicans who say no, that's bad for america, that's bad politics. it's also just immoral. by the way, i have obamacare, so i'm not going to sit here -- it is better than what i used to have. it is still not what it could be. but the idea that we should scrap a system that works okay and could work better and instead replace it with something that is universally a p bad idea is incredibly worse, more destructive and disastrous is about as preposterous as everything else that this presidential administration has tried to do. >> so, john, listen to joe manchin. this is what he said. he said that he wants to see the president succeed. he wants to see some sort of health care deal made.
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but listen to how he put it. >> he is our president, and i want him to succeed. i want him to know there are democrats that want to work with him. but right now they can't even repeal it. they can't get 50 votes to repeal it because somebody is getting hurt more than what they're willing to sign onto. look at some of us. work with us democrats who are willing to meet you in the middle. i'm working to work with this white house and work with this president, my president, in trying to make things better. >> john, will this be a growing consensus? >> i think it might be. my take on this is it's better to get it right than to get it done fast. joe manchin is a guy who has worked with donald trump. he voted for many of his nominees that went before the u.s. senate. something happened last week very quietly that got lost in all the noise, and that is kate's law passed the house of representatives and it passed on a bipartisan vote.
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donald trump is coming into this with no political experience at all and it takes a while to learn how to build these coalitions together to get a majority of congress behind a piece of legislation. they were able to successfully do that in the house. i suspect kate's law will pass the senate on a bipartisan vote. i think that he's learning a lot of lessons from that. if he would employ the tactics that he used with that legislation to this, i think he will be in very good shape. >> good to see both of you. happy fourth weekend. iraqi forces are right now closer than ever to liberating the city of mosul. so what is the u.s. plan after isis loses control? that's coming up next. at crowne plaza we know
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welcome back. the new dramatic images into cnn we want to share with you now as iraq's military makes its final push to push isis out of mosul. nick paton walsh and barbara starr are following the latest developments. nick, you first. you were just there. how is this playing out? >> very slowly at this point. we are seeing the last few hundreds of meters literally of territory inside the old city of the iraqi town of mosul. once the biggest population center isis controlled. well, they're now in a very small pocket. but they have suicide bombers in their midst, civilians being used as human shields, rubble everywhere, booby traps in that rubble. it's been a nightmare for iraq but one that seems to be slowly
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coming to a close. much political will here to announce the end of isis, their final victory. that could be hours, it could be days away. things are moving slowly though. >> barbara, isis has another de facto capital in syria that is close to falling as well. once both capitals ball, what is the u.s. plan moving forward to defeat isis? >> well, this may be just the beginning as you point out. the fighters that the u.s. is backing are moving into raqqah, encountering a lot of opposition. no telling when it will be back under their control. but already the planning going on for what happens next and the what happens next is really the big problem. you could get raqqah back from isis presumably. it's going to take a while. but can you restore civilian control. these fighters that are doing this, mainly arab, kurdish, and that's going to be a problem. there's the beginning if you
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will of a reconstruction council, people to install hopefully to run a civilian government. but this is still syria. it's still bashar al assad's country and he is backed by the russians. if these fighters manage to get raqqah back, what happens when syrian forces backed by the russians also with some iranian influence begin to move back into these areas? will these people be -- could isis move back in? what about the money that it's going to cost? these are all questions that the trump administration has yet really to answer. and there is another complication. turkey, a close u.s. ally just to the north, turkey not happy about most of this because it's going to ato the kurdish influence in northern syria, something that turkey objects to. so this really just the beginning maybe of the middle but not even the beginning of
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the end for the complications for the trump administration. according to everyone we talked to. fred. >> nick, back to mosul, iraq, there are conflicting reports about the potential timeline about the fall of mosul. what are you hearing? >> reporter: as i say, it could be hours, it could be days. i'm hearing anything from potentially five days, the reality of the fighting on the ground to perhaps hearing a more political announcement possibly in the next 24 to 48 hours. how does the reconciliation begin in iraqi society? it's always been split of ethnic lines of sunni versus shia. the sunni used to be under control under saddam hussein, they have now fallen and the shia are running the government and running lots of the military. the shia have to reach out to that sunni minority. the sunnis were close to isis. certainly they're extremists, providing them room to breathe
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in certain parts of the country. there's deep suspicion on both sides being on opposite sides of the front line frankly. the question is can they begin to reconcile and can iraq begin to rebuild. so much of what isis has left behind is rubble and dust. >> nick paton walsh, barbara starr, thanks to both of you. appreciate it. the man accused of kidnapping a graduate student in illinois set for his first appearance in court. coming up, how the suspect's activity online could play a major role in the case. there's nothing more important to me than my vacation.
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this is the story of a savage and senseless murder. >> that was the chester county, pennsylvania, district attorney yesterday announcing the charges against the man accused of shooting and killing 18-year-old bianca nicole roberson in an act of road rage. 28-year-old david desper faces numerous charges. the victim's family says she had been shopping for new college clothes with her mom and grandmother just before she was
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killed when her car and the other vehicle somehow were merging there. desper turned himself in after fleeing from the scene after, again, shooting at the young girl, striking her in the head, killing her. in just moments now, the suspect in the disappearance of a university of illinois student is due to appear in court. this as new details emerge about brendt christensen. the fbi says that christensen may have visited abduction fantasy and kidnapping websites right before allegedly kidnapping 26-year-old yingying zhang. zhang was studying at the university of illinois when she went missing three weeks ago. police say surveillance video shows zhang getting into christens christensen's car. >> reporter: we're outside the federal courthouse in urbana, illinois, just on the outskirts of the university of illinois
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campus where both brendt christensen and yingying zhang studied. he is charged with the kidnapping of zhang. will additional charges follow? we shall see. it was on this june 9th video surveillance footage we lost saw yingying zhang. once police connected christensen to the car, they put him under continuous surveillance. after two weeks of keeping a watchful eye on him, they captured him explaining to someone how he kidnapped zhang. we don't know who he was explaining that to. perhaps we will learn that today in court. >> all right, thanks so much. president trump working the phones this morning all ahead of his first face-to-face meeting as president will be meeting with vladimir putin. we're following all the developments. (vo) a lifetime of your dog's
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hello everyone, i'm kate bolduan. after a biz weekend slamming and body slamming the press on social media, president trump carrying out some more traditional presidential duties today, speaking with the lead of key allies ahead of their annual meeting at the g20 summit later this week. at that summit maybe the most anticipated face-to-face of them all, president trump's first meeting with russian president vladimir putin. cnn, kaitlin collins is


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