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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  October 29, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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i'm don lemon. thanks for watching. good night. fireworks fly at the republican debate. candidates lash out at each other and debate moderators. a night filled with explosive moments. party leaders fuming this morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. it is thursday, october 29th. the umbrage still taken. a squirm in your seat republican debate. wow! yes, the candidates went after each other. some in boulder, colorado. the main target, by far, was the
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media. >> just resign and let someone else take the job. >> the only reason you are doing this now is because we are running for the same position. someone convinced you it is appropriate to attack me. >> he is so nice. i won't attack. his poll numbers tanked. that's why he's on the end. >> the leading candidate is donald trump. when you look at him, do you see someone with the moral authority to unite the country? >> you know, the few questions i got, the last thing i need to do is give him more time. i love donald trump. he is a good man. i'm wearing a trump tie tonight. get over it. >> you had the logo over their shoulder. >> if someone put me on their home page, they did it without my authority. it speaks to the fact. >> we had $19 trillion in debt. we have people out of work.
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we have isis and al qaeda attacking us and we're talking about fantasy football? >> chris christie did not want to talk about fantasy football. that was just the beginning. for the latest, let's bring in sara murray in boulder. >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. the stakes were high for the candidates on the stage in boulder, colorado. the third republican debate and they wasted no time. they came out swinging early on. perhaps the most memorable moment was jeb bush going on the attack against the man he calls his friend. florida senator marco rubio for missing votes to run for president. >> marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term. the senate, is it like a french workweek where you have three days to show up? just resign. >> i listened to jeb and heard that you are modelling your campaign after john mccain.
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you will comeback by fighting hard and carrying your own bag at the airport. you know how many votes john mccain missed? i don't remember you ever complaining about mccain's vote record. the reason you are doing it now is because we are running for the same position. >> reporter: the immediate reaction from the moment is fired on have back fired on jeb . marco rubio may have best capitalized on that moment. even though donald trump and ben carson are the frontrunners in the republican field right now, the fireworks did not come from them. you had to look at senator ted cruz. he is running in the conservative land at the party and looking for support from trump and carson. he did that by going after the media. >> the questions so far asked in the debate illustrate why the american people don't trust the
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media. this is not a cage match and you look at the questions. donald trump, are you a comic book villain. marco rubio, why don't you resign? how about talking about the substantive issues people care about. >> reporter: cruz wasn't the only candidate unhappy with the debate last night. republican national convention chairman reince priebus came to the spin room saying he is disappointed with cnbc. back to you. >> thank you. joining us to break down the debate is jeremy diamond. a late night for you. i know you wrote a good piece last night. the winners, marco rubio and ted cruz. the loser, jeb bush. >> without a doubt. marco rubio had his moment in the spotlight. he came out swinging from the outset. it started with the exchange with jeb bush that you just saw
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in sara murray's piece. it is clear he kept on attacking every person. he went after democrats. he went after the republican establishments. it all came across strongly. every time he was able to tilt to policy which was a strong move for him. jeb bush on the other hand, his former mentor, not doing so well last night. last night or today. which day is it? jeb bush certainly was struggling last night. he just didn't have his moment. this comes as the campaign is struggling. they had to cut back on staff payments and so he really needed something last night to propel him forward and give him momentum to continue. we will have to see what the road ahead looks like for jeb bush. it was not made easier by the performance last night. >> it is not just the moment.
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it is he did try to take a moment. it did measure up against marco rubio. marco rubio really won that exchange where jeb bush went after him. we have a sound here where he is able to deftly turn the subject. when the voting record came up, he turned it into mainstream liberal media. >> it is actually evidence of the bias that exists in the american media today. let me answer your question on the editorial. back in 2004, one of my predecessors ran for president. missing 30% of his votes. later that year, john kerry ran for president and missed close to 60% of his votes. the sun endorsed him. in 2008, obama endorsed him and
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he missed 60% of his votes. that is the double standard that exists with the mainstream media. >> he hit that point hard and repeatedly ted cruz did also. the mainstream media a big target. >> of course, the interesting part of that is the sun sentinel endorsed marco rubio when he was running for senate. he didn't mention that point. definitely, the media and cnbc moderators in particular, and from reince priebus who slammed the moderators who pushed the gotcha questions. it always works with the conservative base. >> a good night for marco rubio. a good night for ted cruz. ted cruz breaking through a crowded field last night with his very pointed remarks. let's listen to the grab a beer
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soundbyte. this is a telling piece of sound. >> if you want someone to grab a beer with, i may not be that guy, but if you want someone to drive you home, i will get the job done and i will get you home. >> he is going to get you home. he is trying to be the grown up on the crowded stage there. >> you know, his campaign has been playing a really interesting long game. ted cruz is similar, but on the conservative side, he paced himself. the campaign is a professional organization. strong ground operation not just in the early states. they are looking to the march primary to capitalize. they are hoping to be the campaign that can coalece the conservative of the candidate. maybe marco rubio or maybe marco
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rubio and ted cruz. that would be the power of donald trump and ben carson and several others. that is not said and done. >> it is interesting. you heard ted cruz he is not the guy to have a beer with, but share a hash brownie with the moderators after the debate. that got a lot of laughs. trump, he to an extent, stayed above the fray or much of the fray last night. he sort of drifted back. willingly so. he undercut kasich and went after the moderators, but let everything else play out. >> i put donald trump in the winners category for that reason. we saw a different donald trump last night. for the first time in one of the republican debates, he was not doing personal attacks against other candidates. when he did go on the attack, it was only against john kasich.
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only after kasich launched at him. he did not respond on your hair likes like this. he said you worked at lehman brothers and called him out for the way that he was couching ohio's economic success. i thought we saw donald trump who came across a bit more presidential in his restraint. that could go a long way with voters who may have been skeptical because of his brash personality. maybe they are seeing a different side of him. if he can hold back a bit, maybe that is somebody i can move myself to support. >> he did not seem to know what was in his own immigration policy paper they sent out. he seemed to have no idea he slammed h-1b visas. he seemed to really not even know what was in that platform that many of us reported on. let's talk about ben carson. he is at top of the pack. he is leading in iowa. how did he fare?
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a lot of folks thought his weakest thing would be the economy and policies around the economy. how did he do? >> i put him in the unclear category there. simply because of the fact that you know, ben carson was ben carson last night. he didn't surprise anybody. he didn't do anything extraordinary. he kind of remained his calm, cool, collected self. that may do well with his supporters. it served him well so far. he is leading in iowa. he is the frontrunner in the one national poll. he kind of has that luxury, it seems, to be able to sit there and answer questions and not get flustered. so we'll see how that will play out for carson. certainly it doesn't seem to have hurt him and his performance last night. >> jeremy diamond, great to have you with us. the winners and losers of cnbc politics. we will talk to you again later. ben carson called out for his involvement in the diet
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supplement which sold in 2009 over claims products could cure cancer and autism. and cnbc moderator carl quentanilla called him out. >> do i take the product? yes. i think it is a good product. >> to be fair, were you on the home page of the web site with the logo over your shoulder. >> if somebody put me on the home page, they did it without my permission. >> does that speak to your vetting process or judgment? >> no, it speaks to my -- see, they know. >> his image appeared on the web site last year. carson has done videos for the company and paid speeches. he credits the company for the cancer symptoms disappearing. >> the way that ben carson deals
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with controversy is to say no. simply not true. despite what you see here and the record of them taking the drug, and being paid by them, i am no no way involved with them. in other news, a blimp drifts free and breaks free in pennsylvania. what this issue caused. the latest next.
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military investigators are waiting for daylight to figure out how an air defense blimp came loose from the moorings in maryland drifting north into pennsylvania before crash landing in the woods. the norad helium blimp dragged the steel cable behind it and that caused officials to protect children as school let out. a norad blimp drifting over
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pennsylvania. now officials want to know how this blimp went rogue. cnn's boris sanchez has the latest. >> reporter: john and christine, we are in anthony township in pennsylvania. officials set up a perimeter around the blimp. it is a half mile around the road. this a rural area. there is not much light. investigators are hoping to collect evidence that might lead them to answers as to how the blimp got loose and how it went down. we know there is a mechanism on the blimp to help itself deflate in case it gets loose. it is unclear if the mechanism was activated. we know the f-16 jets that were following this thing were armed. the f-16 jets did not fire on the blimp. it is not clear how the blimp
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went down. we are unclear how it got loose in the first place. the blimp is supposed to withstand hurricane-force winds. it will be interesting to see exactly how that blimp got loose. john and christine. >> first of all, boris sanchez standing in the rain. >> other, boris. i watched the developments yesterday. i thought it was a joke. i could not believe a norad blimp was loose. >> i wish i could remember the joke. one thing we know, at least we know it is a male blimp. our bosses aren't watching at 4:18. that made me laugh. history this morning in the house of representatives. john boehner will step down. paul ryan will be elected to replace him. house republicans chose ryan to be the next speaker. it has to go to the full vote. ryan is pledged to unite the
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leadership. ryan says this beginning a new day in the house. the full house passed a compromised budget deal to help ryan take the speaker's gavel. it aims to avoid a government shutdown through the year 2017. conservative opponents hate it. they call this bill a fiscal monstrosity. it now goes to the senate where approval is expected on tuesday. if you were not watching the debate, you may have been watching this. the baseball game. the kansas city royals are halfway home. even as they leave kansas city, they dominated the mets last night in game two of the world series. they won 7-1. 2-0 series lead. they scored four runs. the star of the game, that man right there, pitcher johnny cueto. a two hitter. the first complete game in a world series by an american
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league pitcher since jack morris in 1991. i think he pitched ten innings. johnny cueto, great game. mets have a tough road. >> i'm disturbed how much you know about sports off the top of your head. >> jack morris pitched ten innings in 1991. i have done a lot to my brain since then. >> we will check the files. the things donald trump never said, but were they right? we are reality checking the candidates next. >>mine hurt more.. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand.
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among the fascinating confrontatio confrontations at the debate is with moderator becky quick. trump fired back he denied he ever criticized the florida senator prompting an apology from the moderator, but was quick, too quick to back off on the line of questioning. cnn's tom forman has the reality check. >> reporter: what happened in the moment in the whole debate was that the trump issued a couple of denials of statements by becky quick, the moderator. she asked about his attacks on marco rubio over the special
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visas for immigrants to come in and work. he denied ever attacking rubio. not once, but twice. listen. >> you have been critical of mark zuckerberg of facebook who wanted to increase. >> i was not critical. in fact, he is complaining about the fact we are losing the mt talented people. they go to harvard, yale and princeton. i am in favor of keeping these talented people here to work in silicon valley. i'm not critical of him. >> where did i read this and come up with this? >> i don't know. you people write this stuff. >> you talked a bit about marco rubio. i think you called him mark zuckerberg's personal senator because he was in favor of the h-1b. >> i never said that. he has another gentleman in florida who happens to be another nice guy.
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you are doing bad fact checking. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: twice here, he is saying no, didn't attack rubio or zuckerberg. where did she get this idea? funny enough, you know where she got it? she got it from donald trump's web site. he says mark zuckerberg's personal senator, marco rubio, has a bill for h-1bs to decimate women and minorities. trump tried to bluff her. she called him on the bluff. she was right. his claim was false. >> in that position paper, it was his official position paper on immigration reform. it came out in the middle of august. it cleared out mark zuckerberg and said marco rubio is his personal senator. these visas would hurt women in silicon valley. not bringing in labor to replace americans. >> on his web site.
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>> apparently he didn't read it or write it or know about it or changed his position in the past month and a half. >> whether or not the words mark zuckerberg came across his lips. >> and some of his immigration positions as he has gone along, he has softened or changed. with the wall in mexico. the local authorities are saying why you are saying can't work for us. it is almost as if people will say he is making this up as he goes along. >> we will talk more about this and the candidates as they sharpen attacks on each other, but mostly frankly on the media and the moderators. this was tense. uncomfortable at times. stay with us.
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uncomfortable night in boulder, colorado. the candidates after each other, but more than anything, going after the media. what happened at the debate? campaign manager banging on doors. welcome back to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. 4:31 in the east. a squirm in your seat republican debate. republicans sharpened attacks in boulder, colorado. candidates trained their sights on the media. >> just resign and let someone else take the job.
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>> the only reason you are doing this now is because we are running for the same position. >> he was so nice. he was such a nice guy. he said i'll never attack. then his poll numbers tanked. that's why he's on the end. >> leading republican candidate is donald trump. when you look at him, do you see someone with the moral authority to unite the country? >> you know, with the few questions i got, the last thing i need to do is give him more time. i'm wearing a trump tie tonight. >> you were on the home page with their logo over your shoulder. >> if someone put me on their home page, they did it without my permission. >> does that speak to your judgment or vetting process? >> we have people out of work. we have isis and al qaeda attacking us and we're talking
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about fantasy football? >> for the latest, let's bring in sara murray in boulder this morning. >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. the stakes were high for a number of the candidates on the debate stage here in boulder, colorado. it was the third republican debate and they wasted no time. they came out swinging early on. perhaps the most memorable moment was jeb bush going on the attack against a man he calls his friend. florida senator marco rubio. for missing votes to run for president. >> marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term. you should show up for work. is it a french workweek? three days you have to show up? you can campaign or just resign and let someone else take the job. >> i listened to jeb and heard that he is modelling his campaign after john mccain. you will fight hard and carrying your own bag at the airport.
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you know how many votes mccain missed? i don't remember you ever complaining about mccain's vote record. the only reason you are doing it now is because we are running for the same position and someone convinced you attacking me will help you. >> reporter: the reaction from the moment is attack may have back fired on jeb bush. marco rubio may have actually best capitalized on that moment. even though donald trump and ben carson are the frontrunners in the republican field right now, the biggest fireworks did not come from them. you look further out on the stage and candidates like ted cruz. he is running in the conservative land at the party. looking to poll support from trump and carson. he did that by going after the media. >> the questions asked so far in the debate illustrate why the american people don't trust the media. this is not a cage match and you look at the questions, donald trump, are you a comic book
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villain? john kasich, will you insult two people over here. marco rubio, why don't you resign. we are not talking about the substantive issues people care about. >> reporter: the candidate unhappy with the debate last night is republican national convention reince priebus came to the spin room after saying he is disappointed with cnbc. back to you. >> sara, thank you. i want to go over the winners and losers last night. jeremy diamond has a great piece on our web site. look at it. we are happy to have jeremy with us. no one needed a bigger night last night than jeb bush. we saw the exchange with jeb bush and marco rubio. not good for jeb. we heard late last night that his campaign manager, danny diaz knocking on the door of cnbc demanding more time for jeb bush to talk which is stunning.
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after the debate, you could see jeb did not love the way things went. listen. >> you see him quite frustrated. >> not frustrated. i got to answer questions on things that are on the minds of people. entitlement challenges, the debt, fantasy football. it's important, i guess. >> not a man who looked particularly happy afterwards, jere jeremy. >> you almost want to shake him and say, jeb, yu're frustrated. even when pressed after the debate, he cannot express some show of emotion that he seems to have been lacking. the problem with danny diaz knocking on the control room door to complain about bush not getting enough time. all of the other candidates fought for their time.
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beyond allotted questions. they were elbowing in and trying to get a word in edge wise any way they could. it is not just that the other candidates got more time from the moderators, but they fought for it. jeb bush kind of stood there and waited to watch things unfold. the night got away from him. >> what happens to him from here? if you are in the campaign, how do you take that performance and move forward on the campaign trail? >> i think we have to look forward and see which ways he can improve his debate performance. there are many more debates to come in he wants to stay in the race. the excuse he is not the best debater, but other ways on the campaign trail is not good enough if they want to keep the debate long term. and anna navarro, who is close friends of jeb bush's and close supporters. she said she was glum. she said marco was a great
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debater. jeb bush did not do it. she said the campaign will have to take the next few days and reassess and find a way to move forward in a different way that puts jeb in a more positive light and reinforces his strengths. >> and to your point that jeb bush did not seize the moment. a look at the candidates time. we don't have it yet. jeb bush actually spoke the least. carly fiorina spoke the most. ten minutes and 30 seconds. that is because carly fiorina butted in. she answered any question asked to any candidate. she took the time. ted cruz is another candidate. he was in the middle of the time. ted cruz's message was that the media isn't the friend of the conservatives here. listen to one of his exchanges with the moderators.
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he really went after it. >> the questions asked is not trying to get people to tear into each other. it should be what are the substantive issues. >> i asked you about the debt limit and got no answer. >> you want me to answer the question. i'm happy to answer the question. let me tell you how that -- >> i have a question for out the same subject. >> you don't want to hear the answer, john? >> you used your time on something else. senator -- >> if you are not interested in an answer. >> ted cruz making himself a part of the debate. >> you know, it is interesting. that was one of the only moment where is the moderators gained control of the debate which seemed to get away from them through most of the debate. ted cruz definitely did what he needed to do. he is doing pretty well in the poll. slow and steady trying to build support. the candidate to go up against
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the establishment. if it comes down to a two-person race. ted cruz did exactly what he needed to do to accomplish what was necessary. a lot of the lines against the media will play really well when he tries to fund raise and he will blast those segments out. >> let's put the graphic up with carly fiorina with the minutes on the debate stage. it was a debate that launched her from obscurity to contender. will that play well for her? >> i didn't see a strong showing from carly fiorina. this is her event normally. she surged in the polls off her last appearance in the debate. she did kind of see a slump in her poll numbers after a few weeks. that's the problem. this was an economic focus debate. this is also supposed to be not just a debate, but economic policy that is supposed to be
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her strength as a former fortune 50 ceo. carly fiorina did not come across with any big moments. she did not do a bad job, but this was her time to show that her campaign has staying power and she is able to recapture that momentum and enthusiasm that first brought her ahead in the polls. >> jeremy, we will talk to you again in a little bit. thank you, sir. jeb bush says although democrats boast about the economic recovery, jeb bush attacked the president's record on jobs and poverty. >> 6.5 million people working part-time. work force participation rates lower than 1977. 6 million more people living in poverty than the day obama got elected president. >> there are 6 million part-time workers who want more hours. that number higher than a decade
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ago. it is falling and has improved during obama's tenure. the labor rate is down. 62.4% of working age are working or looking for work. that is the lowest since 1977. that is due to the aging work force. part of that is the baby boomer generation. some people feel left out by the recovery. the number of americans living in poverty is climbed by 7 million. that is true. that's more than bush said. the percentage of americans in poverty is now declines. a lot of the context around the claims and attacks against democrats and president particularly on the economy, all of the context has to be said. many numbers can be true, but you have to remember the great recession. some of these very bad trajectories began under george w. bush.
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presidents get more blame and credit due because of the economy. >> the end points matter. the republicans went hard at the cnbc moderators. were the questions asked fair? do the republicans have a legitimate gripe now? we will discuss. if ynow's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything -
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only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long.
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all right.
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one of the things that really came out last night was the anger, irritation among all the candidates on stage frankly with the debate moderators. they were very critical of the cnbc team both during and after the debate. >> the questions asked should not be trying to get people to tear into each other. it should be what are your substantive solutions. >> what we should do is invest in all types of energy, john. i laid out. >> in government? >> no, john -- john, do you want me to answer or you to answer? because i got to tell you the truth. even in new jersey what you are doing is called rude. >> is this a comic book version of a campaign? >> no. it is not a very nicely asked question. >> they did not control the debate. it was not a fair debate in that regard. >> i want to bring in brian
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stelter. brian, this is a serious issue. the republican party is angry about the types of questions, how they were asked and to whom they were asked. >> the anger was mounting as the debate went on. they were angry with the rnc and angry at the cnbc. we have three groups director ire at cnbc. here is what the chairman of the republican national convention reince priebus said after the debate. >> one gotcha question. one low blow after the other. they tried to design a rubik's cube after every question to take the worst element of what moderators and media should bring to the table. all i can tell you you is that while i'm proud of our candidates for pretty much sticking together. i'm very disappointed in the moderators and very disappointed with cnbc. >> the fox news debate with
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personal and tough questions, cnbc had tough and personal questions. the difference is the moderators did not have as much control over the debate stage and moderators. this is cnbc. a niche news channel where there is more for economic and substantive questions. we heard personal questions off the bat trying to create tension and debate. that set a very bad tone and got worse. >> the stakes are high for the candidates. they are running out of time to show they are good debaters and have substantive policy issues. they don't have time to get it right for another debate. >> rather than debate each other, they want to debate the moderators. some of it was grandstanding. we should keep in mind they disguise defense tactic. it is like a shield to attack the media. there were legitimate reasons to compla complain.
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>> marco rubio went in with a scripted line for the media. there was an attack on the mainstream media right there. what ted cruz did, that was in the moment. he was actually criticizing specific questions asked of the other candidates. we are talking 20 minutes into the debate. this was early on and ted cruz complained about questions to kasich and trump and rubio. and ted cruz made this his moment in the campaign. that may have been the most significant moment in the entire campaign for ted cruz. >> on facebook, the most talked about candidate was ted cruz. here is what cnbc said. they released a statement after the debate with the criticism. they said people who want a president of the united states should be able to answer tough questions. that was their one line defense of the debate. of course, we can agree with that as a basic thing to say. they should take tough questions, but it did seem the debate was out of control. the moderators were not able to run the clock effectively.
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that led to chaos. >> becky quick challenged comments donald trump made about marco rubio and trade policy. she did not push hard enough. >> trump actually did say it, he claimed he did not say it. instead of following up, she said i don't know where i read that. at one point, she said my apologies. no worse words to say to a candidate than my apologize. it makes you weak. when in fact, she was in the clear. she was in the right. she should have held up the headline. the fact that did not happen, put trump on the offense and her on the defense. we should say live tv is hard. this is a reminder that this job is very difficult and it goes to show how effective fox and cnn were earlier in the cycle. the next debate is on fox business. >> this is a huge issue in the
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debate. some of the candidates, it may have been a turning point. brian stelter, thank you. bernie sanders evolving on marijuana. >> on the subject of marijuana. he wasn't on marijuana. just to clarify. >> evolving on the position of marijuana. what he is saying about whether the drug should be legal next.
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bernie sanders is stumping in virginia and calling for an end on the prohibition on marijuana. he wants each state to be able to regulate marijuana the same way state laws regulate alcohol and tobacco. sanders stopped full of legalizati legalization. he said marijuana is a gateway drug that can lead to heroin and cocaine. big fireworks at the republican debate. candidates going after each other and alameddiimmediatmedia. the reaction after the debate while you were sleeping. you have not heard this yet. stay with us. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. there's a range of plans to choose from, too, and they all travel with you anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled
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in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. ♪ call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and there are virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you.
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kablam. punching landing at the republican debate late last night. the reaction from the campaigns in the spin room. what


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