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tv   Anderson Cooper 360 Post Debate Special  CNN  October 28, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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lose new hampshire which is not his state and the then if he doesn't win in south carolina can you be 0-3? he does have the resources, amanda is right that they have a plan for the southern states and the s.e.c. primtry but in most elections if you go 0-39 bottom falls out, so you're testing history. >> here's another question i have. so if you have a bad debate and the you're carson and you have a bad debate and you're trump or have a non-debate debate, but if -- it's okay, but if you're jeb bush and you have a bad debate like tonight or it's not a great debate. you don't seem joyful. you attack rubio t.backfires. it's killer. it's more -- >> it's not killer. >> no, no, no, no, no. >> before we continue this. it's 11:00. welcome to the viewers joining us at top of the hour. if you're joining us you're watching a view in the spin room, donald trump talking to some reporters. we'll see if he comes close to our cameras. dana bash interviewed him a short time ago and we'll shortly play you some of the key moments
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from the two-hour debate that just occurred, some of the most contentious moments and interesting moments and most important moments from tonight, about five minutes worth and it will really give you a good sense of what occurred over this evening in case you didn't watch the debate or you went out for a smoke or something. i don't know if people do that anymore. >> colorado. >> let's listen in to just see -- see where trump is going right now. >> they said you're promoting hate. >> no, no, no. >> i promote love. >> mr. trump, can i ask you a question about the debate. reince priebus came out before -- >> appreciate it. >> before you all came out and ripped into cnbc saying that it was a gotcha game and he was upset about the way they handled it. you're a politician but you know tv. what do you think? >> i was very happy with my performance and everybody seems to be very happy with what i did. i think it was much different than the hillary debate. they were all softballs. this was much different. i actually enjoyed it. i had a good time.
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it was tougher than probably the other debates in a certain way, but i loved it. >> how are you going to get back on top in iowa in. >> almost on top. >> in iowa? >> i was there the other night. if you saw my speech. >> i did, i did. >> it was a love fest. i think we're going to win iowa and i think we'll do great with iowa. >> what do we not know about what you all are doing there and should know that makes you so confident? >> it's not just iowa. i love the people in iowa. i just got -- i just left last night. i'm going back in three days. now i'm going to nevada, going to reno, going to new hampshire, going to south carolina. we're going all over, virginia. we're all over and we get, by the way, by far, the biggest crowds, so we're having a good time >> you know, watching the debate, you didn't -- you weren't sort of center and central to the conversation as you have been in the past. i'm just going to say where you are right now are you relieved? >> well, i was really happy with what i did. every online poll says i really
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won big. every single online poll. they just told me, 70%, 82%, but it's not even that. i actually think everybody did well, and i thought there was a great camaraderie between the different players. you saw it. there was no -- there was some little skirmishes as an example marco and jeb. >> what did you think about how that went down? >> i've been saying they can't love each other that much, but the fact is they had a skirmish, but generally speaking there was a lot of like on that dais. >> what did you think about the way that the skirmish went at the end? what came out on top? >> i think it was fine, between the two of them. i think they both did fine. >> thank, sir. >> all right. thank you very much. he killed it, he says. heard donald trump bottom line. he seems to have changed his opinion on the democratic debate because i remember a tweet afterward where he said i was tough but fair but now saying they are softballs and we can all evolve. i do want to welcome anyone who is just joining us, a crucial
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republican debate now in the books. the headlines being written and voting opinions being formed even as we speak, the first debate in which donald trump was not the undispute the gop poll leader, the first opportunity for dr. ben carson to speak at length about economic issues and an opportunity for ted cruz to displace his well-honed debating skills and jeb bush to show he's still a nominee and for others it was a time to take aim at media. here are some of the highlights from tonight's debate. >> where did i read this and come up with this -- >> probably, i don't know. you people write this stuff. i don't know. >> i didn't write this stuff. >> the democrats have the ultimate superpac called the mainstream media. >> i don't think it's so much about when the government orders corporation to do something. in fact, that's part of the problem. if you saw that blimp that got cut loose from maryland today. it's a perfect example of government. i mean, what we had was something the government made,
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basically a bag of gas that cut loose, destroyed everything in its path and left thousands of people powerless but they couldn't get rid of it because we had too much money invested in it so we had to keep it. that is our government today. we saw it in the blimp. >> we have $19 trillion in debt. we have people out of work. we have isis and al qaeda attacking us, and we're talking about fantasy football. >> would you feel more comfortable if your employees brought guns to work? >> yes, i might feel more comfortable. i would say that i would and i have a permit, which is very unusual in new york, a permit to carry, and i do carry on occasion. sometimes a lot, but i like to be unpredictable so that people don't know exactly when i'm carrying. >> are you carrying right now? >> governor huckabee, you've written about the huge divide in values between middle america
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and the big coastal cities like new york and los angeles. as a preacher as well as a politician you know that presidents need the moral authority to bring the entire country together. the leading republican candidate when you look at average of national polls right now is donald trump. when you look at him, do you see someone with the moral authority to unite the country? [ crowd booing ] >> that's unreal. >> the few questions i've got the last one i need is to give him some more time. i love donald trump. he is a good man. i'm wearing a trump tie tonight. get over that one, okay? >> what is it made in mexico? >> is it made in china or mexico? >> i have no idea. >> that's such a nasty question but thank you, governor. >> you're welcome. >> let me tell you, donald trump would be a better president every day of the week and twice on sunday rather than hillary. i've spent a lifetime in politics fighting the clinton machine.
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>> what should we do? >> what we should do is be investing in all types of energy, john, all types of energy. >> the government? >> no. do you want to answer or you want me to answer? i've got to tell you the truth even in new jersey what you're doing is called rude. >> i may not be your dream candidate just yet but i can assure you i'm hillary clinton's worst nightmare, and in your heart of hearts you cannot wait to see a debate between hillary clinton and carly fiorina. >> these folks, cnbc, they had it down to three, three and a half hours, i just read today in the "new york times" $250,000 for a 30-second ad. i could stand up here all night. nobody wants to watch three and a half or three hours. it was a big sacrifice and i have to hand it to ben, we called ben. he was with me 100%. we called in and said that's it, we're not doing it. they lost a lot of money.
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everybody said it couldn't be done. everybody said it was going to be three hours, three and a half, including them, and in about two minutes i renegotiated it down to two hours so we could get the hell out of here. not bad. >> all right. a lot more to talk about. let's get reaction from viewers with the biggest stake in this. randi kaye is with a group of voters in miami. randi, what stood out to the voters you're with tonight? >> a lot of different things. we're in the town of hialeah which is just outside miami, florida, and a lot of the viewers -- a lot of the voters we were watching with tonight, about 100 of them or so, they were trying to make sense of the tax plans that were mentioned. they were trying to make sense of a lot of things. many within them in our group undecided including this couple right here. mimi and isis, married couple, still undecided the. who are you leaning towards and are you any closer after watching the debate? >> i've always been leading towards carly fiorina but marco rubio is also at the top of my list but there's no clear winner tonight.
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i didn't see a knock it out of the ballpark winner so it remains the same, still undecided by leaning towards carly fiorina. >> how do you think rubio did with jeb bush coming after him for not going to work and not doing his job basically? >> he did great. you know, rubio has a knack for defending himself and he does a good job doing it, and he's just, you know, he had all the right answers, that's for sure. >> isis, what about you, any closer? >> you know, rubio is looking better and better but carly, again, seems like the one person that can really go head to head with hillary, but i think that he was really classy in how he handled jeb bush and preserved the integrity of the party. >> and what did you like about carly fiorina tonight? >> well, i think tonight -- the last debate i thought she had a lot more zingers and it was just a nice energy to have, a little different than old boys club that we have, but tonight she just -- she remained steady and she didn't disappoint. >> but you actually took a quiz
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online. this is how undecided voters are handling this, took a quiz to see who you should vote for and. and what did it tell you? >> how republican are you? as a gay woman it's good to make sure i'm still staying strong and sticking to my conservative values and it actually had ben carson up at the top for me and carly fiorina in second, and -- and it was actually a very interesting poll. >> very enlightening. a couple more insiders. we have ray. you're undecided, but you're a member of the miami young republicans. >> right. >> did you like what you heard tonight from anybody? >> well, as a young person i think that our party needs to strive to have a better younger image, and those candidates have to be a young candidate who will spark a sharp contrast between hillary clinton and the republican party. there's big differences and we need to show that. that's why i think haar corubio and ted cruz did a great job and the one-liners that they did was excellent and responding to governor bush marco rubio did a
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fantastic job. he ran on his own resume without attacking another candidate. >> you don't necessarily want an outsider. you like the idea of just a younger candidate. >> well, i think that being conservative is a big plus. we don't want any more of these candidates who are going to tout big value and liberal values that don't represent the will of the american people. >> just a couple, a sample here of many of our undecided voters in our group, anderson, but they are still, as you can see, turning to the internet to a quiz to try to decide who to vote for at this point. >> and if you look at polls, a lot of voters who even though they may indicate, you know, one candidate that they prefer, a lot of them are still -- it's anybody's guess who they may finally vote for. they still may change their opinions. we have a new panel here. also joining us david gergen former presidential adviser for
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ford, reagan, clinton, carl bernstein and nia-malika henderson, cnn politics correspondent and gloria borger cnn chief political analyst all here at table. david, we haven't heard from you so far tonight. who stood out? >> first of all, i think the debate may have given some heart to the republicans. after the benghazi hearings carl and i were on the air. she sees a clear path to the nomination, she has to be the front-runner for the white house. this showed that they have arguments in another area, in the economy, that if they push and weren't well developed arguments tonight, i think gave the republicans some sense we're still in this race in terms of who stood out. marco rubio. >> and it's interesting because he actually hit hillary clinton on her benghazi testimony saying as far as he was concerned it pointed her out to be a liar. >> and that's right, and he -- he's the smoothest out there. we've now seen, had seven hours of debates and we've seen this is not jeb bush's medium, i
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agree with ana. by far and await most qualified but it's not his medium. he doesn't handle this in a sparky way and marco rubio do, and i think if there's any change in the dynamics tonight it's that a second-tier candidate, all the people at the bottom may have broken out. >> carl bernstein, we haven't heard from you? >> i agree with the republican national committee. i thought it was a disgraceful performance by the sponsors of cnbc and the way they conducted it and it was got charges and we need in the mainstream media, as ted trcruz said to start paying attention to the right wing media. i read it. it's not for nothing that there's a republican congress and there may be a republican president, and we're not paying enough attention. what we saw tonight was the real republican party, and it's very interesting and it is a big threat to the democrats, miss brissil. >> you're not scaring me. >> and i'm saying it's a big threat, and there's huge appeal in its oversimplicity perhaps,
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but people need to pay attention. this was a powerful night and particularly because it went against the media as its target as well as a contempt for government that is really extraordinary. that is the message, and the democrats are going to have to show that government has a reason to exist. >> s.e. cupp, we haven't heard from you. >> frankly i'm not sure why reince priebus is mad at cnbc. if i were reince i would send cnbc a big care package. cnbc and their questions and disorganizations managed to elevate a lot of these canned days. they looked substantive and clamoring to talk about issues after months of being criticized for going after each other personally. they looked reasonable. they looked rational. they looked polite and they finally started to -- they finally decided to go after hillary clinton, so i think this was a great night for the
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republican candidates. as carl said people should be a little nervous. if these are the guys that are going to show up at the next few debates this is a different -- this is a different crew. for the most part, some exceptions. >> does anybody drop out after tonight? does anybody now drop out, or does everybody, even the candidates who weren't on the main stage, are they in it until iowa in. >> i don't think so. i think you saw the undercard debate. have you to wonder, rick santorum, it's so yesterday. the undercard debate almost doesn't seem like it ought to exist anymore. >> david axelrod, you're also joining us. if it remains an undercard debate, if some drop out then you wouldn't have maybe quite so many people on the stage during the main debate? >> i'm a little doubtful as to whether this debate will provoke people to drop out. i just want to return to a couple of points. one is bush in the poll on
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monday in the "new york times," monday or tuesday, had 18% of the supporters said they were enthusiastic as compared to 48% for ben carson. everyone was higher. nothing that happened tonight would increase their enthusiasm, so he's -- he's got the problem. the second -- the second thing i want to raise is there were two hidden issues in this debate or two issues that can be ticking time bombs. one is marco rubio smacking aside the suggestion that his tax plan was very generous to people at the top. he under his tax plan reduces all investment income as he said to zero. it would a tremendous windfall for the wealthy, and that's going to become an issue down the line should he become a more serious candidate, and then for ben carson, i think this issue of his relationship with this supplement firm, he maintained in this debate that it was a passive relationship. he did a couple of speeches for them. if it turns out to be more and it turns out that he had been recommending that product to
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patients, i think he has a big problem. >> let's listen to dr. carson right now. >> what they do based on their faith. now, even atheists and secular progressives have faith. their faith may not be what mine is and they have faith and that information how they think t.informs how they relate to other people and that's important. >> and how much do you hope that your faith and talking about your faith more and more will bring evangelicals your way, particularly in iowa where that tends to matter more in the caucuses? >> well, i'm actually hopeful that our whole nation will not reject our faith in god. you know, it's on our money. it says in god we trust. our pledge of allegiance says we're one nation under god. our founding document, the declaration of independence, talks about certainly unalienable rights given to us by our creator and in our
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courtrooms it says in god we trust. it's the fabric of who we are. >> it's not just god, your particular religion, donald trump talked about it and kind of questioned it. >> i don't think it's necessary for us to talk -- redissect the 400 different religions that there are in our country. >> okay. >> thank you, dr. carson. >> okay. dana, thanks very much. we'll take a quick break. up next we'll fact check some of what the candidates said tonight. back in a moment.
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welcome back. there were a lot of bold and brash statements on the debate stage in colorado tonight, but was it all completely true? tom foreman tonight joins us with a reality check. tom? >> reporter: anderson, one particular exchange that was very interesting. what happened in this moment in this whole debate was that the trump issued a couple of denials of some statements that were made by becky quick, the moderator. she asked him specifically about his attacks on marco rubio over these special visas for immigrants to come in and work, and he denied ever attacking rubio, not once, but twice. listen. >> you have been very critical of mark zuckerberg of facebook who has wanted to increase the number of h1b.
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>> i was not at all critical of him. in fact, he's complaining about the fact that we're losing some of the most talented people. they go to harvard. they go to yale. they go to princeton and come from another country and they are immediately sent out. >> mm-hmm. >> i am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in silicon valley. >> so you're in favor of increasing it? >> i'm not at all critical of him. >> where did i read this and come up with this that -- >> probably, i don't know, you people write this stuff. i don't know. >> you had talked a little bit about marco rubio. i think you called him mark zuckerberg's personal senator because he was in favor of the visas. >> i never said this. >> this was an erroneous article. >> there's another gentleman in forwa forward. >> really doing some bad fact-checking. >> twice here he's saying didn't attack rubio. i didn't attack mark zuckerberg and never said anything about this. where on earth did she get this idea? funny enough, you know where she
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got it, she got it the from donald trump's website where he says mark zuckerberg's personal senator marco rubio has a bill to triple h1bs, the visas that we're talking about that would decimate women and minorities. the bottom line is trump tried to bluff her. he tried to do it twice. she called him on the bluff, and she was right. his claim was false. anderson. >> tom, thanks very much. jeffrey lord, a diehard supporter of donald trump. >> i believe he did not say it was on -- it was never on my wednesday i'm i think he said i never said it. >> uh-oh. >> it depends on what the definition of is is. >> he's a very popular man that said that. in truth and seriously i really do think that stuff like that is seen by the larger public as nitpicking. all candidates have these kind of moments, and i just don't think in terms of major policy
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and major issues dividing the republican party or the country that something like that -- >> just as though, as the moderator, she's going to quote something to him, she should have the quote with him. if he's going to attack her for making something up and then it turns out he in fact did say it. >> especially the problem for trump he doesn't have a political record, so all we have from trump are things that he has said, things that he has written so if we can't take trump at something that he's posted on his website i think, you know, the bar is set a little low. >> blame an intern. >> can we just roll back the tape a little bit. this is modus modus operandi for donald trump, what he does over and over. talked bad about p.o.w.s, no, i didn't say that. says something about megyn kelly and about carly fiorina's face. i was talking about her person ark. it's over and over and he gets away with it. >> let's just -- let's --
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>> let jeffrey respond. >> let's just go back to hillary clinton's benghazi testimony. same sort of situation. she was out there with a videotape, saying one thing and yet in private she was saying another and she sits there and where was the call, other than marco rubio tonight saying, you know, she didn't tell the truth. >> how is that the same? >> you lost all of us on that one. >> are you comparing trump to hillary? >> i don't think that's a good move, my friend. >> another sign of desperation, jeffrey, to try to inject -- >> what i'm saying is no fuss was made about it, none. >> let's look at a different element of trump tonight. he was lethargic and did his usual thing i'm going to build a wall. we're going to do this. we're going to do that. we're this. we're big. we're down. we're up. nothing substantive. nothing specific, and the he differentiated himself from the rest of the pack and not for the better in that way. >> you're describing --
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>> one at a time. nia, go ahead. >> i think tonight we really saw it begin to fade. >> that's what we said, you know, almost every single time. >> we've all said that before. >> nia, go ahead. >> i'm not so sure trump or carson need these debates. they are kind locked in with their audience. the audience love him. the home-schoolers love carson. >> the question of guns came up tonight and donald trump talked about that. let's listen in. >> mr. trump, you've said you have a special permit to carry gun in new york. >> yes. >> after the oregon mass shooting on october 1st you said, by the way, it was a gun-free zone. if you had a couple of teachers with guns you would have been a hell of a lot better off. >> or somebody else. >> right. >> would you feel more comfortable if your employees brought guns to work? >> yes, i might feel more comfortable. i would say that i would and i have a permit which is very unusual in new york, a permit to
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carry, and -- and i do carry on occasion. sometimes a lot, but i like to be unpredictable so other people don't know exactly. >> are you packing right now? >> by the way, unlike our country where we're totally predictable, and the enemy, whether it's isis or anybody else, they know exactly what we're doing because we have the wrong leadership. >> we called a few trump resorts, few trump properties that do not allow guns with or without a permit. would you change those policies? >> i would change them. >> it's interesting, david, because, to nia's point, does it matter what kind of a debate performance donald trump or ben carson have? i mean, is there support so solid among those people who they have? >> i think there's a big distinction between carson and trump. i think it was important that carson was in the national spotlight tonight. people are looking at him saying he may be the front-runner, the man taking down donald trump. people are looking at him with fresh jewett any. >> how do you think he did in.
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>> i don't think very well. it was okay but sort of this vague, in the clouds, and, you know, you just -- it's not chief executive, you know, who is going to move a big country. >> let's listen to him talk about the economy actually. this is dr. carson. >> let me just say if you're talking about an $18 trillion economy, you're talking about a 15% tax on your gross domestic product. you're talking about 2.7 trillion. we have a budget closer to 3.5 trillion, but if you also apply that same 15% to several other things, including corporate taxes and including the capital gains taxes, you make that amount up pretty quickly so that's not by any stretch pie in the sky. >> i mean, ben carson said it himself tonight. he only started thinking about running for president when people asked him to. it's very clear from a lot of
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his answers on substantive policy issues he's not spent a lot of time thinking them out. whether that's guns, whether it's foreign policy, immigration, gay marriage. i thought what was really sort of alarming was he could barely answer the question on what he would do to curb pharmaceutical prices. in fact, chris christie and carly fiorina came in and answered that question a lot better than the only doctor on the stage. so i think ben carson for the first time as david said was the front-runner i don't think he stepped in to front-runner status. >> until now ben carson and donald trump have been held to a different scrutiny. >> yeah. >> than everybody else so the question if and when is that going to begin to change? >> i think it's dangerous for carson because if you look at the "new york times" poll this week 60% of his support is really soft. >> right. >> his supporters say i could imagine being with somebody else. >> yeah. >> so i think he had to impress tonight, and it had the ring of
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somebody who had studied for the test and really hadn't internalized what he believes particularly on these economic issues on which he's known to be weak, and so i don't think he succeeded. i agree with david and i agree with s.e. he didn't succeed on that front and he needed to. trump's supporters, 55%, say they are going to be with him no matter what. >> right. >> so whether he succeeded or not they still love him. >> one thing to look for in the days ahead in the next polls is how does carson do and where do -- if his support starts to drop does it go to cruz? is the cruz plan -- >> yeah. i think both donald trump and mr. carson, they got lost in the shuffle because they don't come to these debates with all of what i call the substance and the sound bites of an ordinary politician, but voters who are backing them, they are not looking for politicians with sound bites or with sound plans. they are looking for people who
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they believe carry their values, speak the language that they understand, but i have a question, anderson. fantasy football, during the break, you know, chris christie had that moment when he slammed everyone for talking about fantasy football. apparently this is week eight. i don't have a team. >> are you going to ask anderson about fantasy football. >> are you looking at me. >> the look of sheer terror in his eyes right now. >> you had me at fantasy, but football you lost me. >> let's not get there, babe. >> all right. but, you know. >> that was theest. >> somebody had to tell me the world series is going on right now. >> the royals won, 7-1, beat the mets game two. >> fantasy football. >> we've got to take a quick break and we'll look at who had the most at stake tonight. that with john king after this break.
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welcome back. big-name candidates having tough time, mike huckabee was given the chance to take on donald trump and instead he turned his fire on the media. let's listen. >> governor huckabee you've written about the huge divide in values between middle america and the big coastal cities like new york and los angeles. as a preacher as well as a politician you know that presidents need the moral authority to bring the entire country together. the leading republican candidate
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when you look at average of polls is donald trump. when you look at him do you see someone with the moral authority to unite the country? " [ booing ] >> that's unreal. >> the few questions i've got the last one i need is to give him more time. i love donald trump. he's a good man. i'm wearing a trump tie tonight. get over that one, okay? now -- >> is that made in mexico? >> is it made in china or mexico? >> i have no idea. >> such a nasty -- such a nasty question, but thank you, governor. >> you're welcome. >> mike huckabee tonight and candidates with a lot at stakes and john king has been crunching numbers to say a lot about that subject. >> a lot of ways to look at it. skip the national polls and look at iowa polls. this is over the last six months and bring it up for the last 0 days if you look at it this way. ben carson on top. donald trump has a lot to lose, second in iowa.
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his xoel campaign is predicated on i win so if these numbers keep dropping that's a problem and these are the guys that have a lot to lose with so much at stake and jeb bush is the green down here and he needs to move up whether it's in iowa or new hampshire. how long can you stay down here with everybody else, including the guys on the second-tier debate. that's one way to look at it. i wanted to come at it the this way because as you watched the republicans debate tonight, 75% of republicans say their party is divided. you saw that in the debate tonight. not just about who should lead the republican party, it's about what the party's posture should be on issues and how it should approach its strategy. 74% of republicans say the system is not working because of infighting. this is a very interesting number. remember, republicans control the house and the senate. 70% of republicans, republicans, when you add it up, say the republican congress gets some of the blame for the dysfunction and the gridlock in washington, and when you ask them well, what should they do about it 56% say compromise, a bit at least, to get some things done but 40%,
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just shy of that say stick to your positions. that's why you see john kasich say fantasy land. need to compromise to get things done and ted cruz saying no ray and rand paul saying i'll filibuster the budget deal. one other way to look at this, this is the poll that david axelrod mentioned a bit earlier. if you're jeb bush you're in trouble. this question from the cnbc/"new york times" poll was not who do you support today? it's if any of these people carson, rubio, fiorina, trump, cruz or bush, if they are the republican nominee what would you think? only 18% of republicans say they would enthusiastically support jeb bush. 25% say they would not support him, even if he's republican nominee. may think differently if he's on the ballot against hillary clinton and that's a pretty damning number and shows how important it is for bush to grow and ben carson, on the other hand, nearly half of republicans, anderson, say they would enthusiastically support him if he wins the nomination. only 13% say they would not so
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maybe carson can afford a flat debate because he's viewed as much more likable and favorably by the republican party. marco rubio say he could be a sleeper and others say that sleeper could be ted cruz. look at them, 30% or 26% say they could enthusiastically support if they win the nomination. the reason you say they could grow, only 15% in rubio's case say no high, a higher number, 24%, in ted cruz's case so like jeb bush faces the how much more can you grow and marco rubio has more of an upside and see if he gets a bounce out of debate. >> our panelists have a question and i want to bring in david axelrod because you specifically mentioned him. when you look at numbers that john was talking about, what jumps out at you? >> well, first of all, i think one of the reasons why marco rubio is getting a lot of chatter among republicans is he's one of the few guys who has a favorable rating among both factions of the republican party. he's seen as a guy right now who could unify both factions and he probably didn't hurt himself in
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that regard tonight. one point i want to make about donald trump, gloria mentioned earlier that 55% of trump's supporters said they will stick with him through thick or thin. the problem that's on a 22% base in that poll and the real question with donald trump is can he stand? can his makeup stand being number two, number three, and if he starts to slip in these polls will he hang around for that? i have some doubts about that. he's so -- i've never heard anybody revel in his polling more than donald trump. if the polling starts turning a little bit sour on him, he's only second or third or fourth, will he hang in there? i have real doubts about that. >> yeah. i mean, jeffrey, what do you think? if is it t stops being fun for donald trump because clearly he's having the most fun out there and has so all along, not to the downplay his seriousness because he is clearly enjoying the process. >> he is. the one thing that's important and we should always remember, donald trump or anyone else, what's actually happening, not
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on the debate stage but on the ground and the organization. i spoke to somebody who is organizing for donald trump in iowa just a couple of days ago and he went through chapter and verse with me about the technicals that they are doing to get people to these caucuses, and i think you're seeing that replicated in states like south carolina and new hampshire so this counts, and beyond, that because i think this will be a long march no matter who emerges here, and i think, you know, they are prepared for that. >> actually i think the guy who is having the most fun out there and it's something we haven't talked about at all is lindsey graham who was again the clear winner of the undercard debate, and frankly we should have him on the big stage just because he's so darn funny, and america needs to know republicans can laugh. >> i want to stick with john king mainly because we rented that magic wall again. >> carl, go ahead. >> john, fiorina and cruz through this thing sounded a lot like bernie sanders, attacking the rich, the powerful, the
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well-connected. their solution, of course, is no government, but they were talking about plutocracy. the republicans have emplaced the notion that we now have a plutocracy. does anything in your figures indicate that element of the debate because it's fascinating because we never had the republicans say we have a plutocracy and we have to do away with it? >> you do see more white blue collar workers coming to the party and that's been the success of the party in the midwest and iowa votes first and you can find some of those voters right there. new hampshire votes second and independents can vote in new hampshire and do have blue collar republicans there and the point about that, when they talk about these economic issues why they talk that way is they are trying to play to republican populism and to this fact. republicans are more pessimistic about the economy than americans as the whole. country going in the right americans, all americans, 26%, still a pretty sad number but 26% of all americans say the country is going in the right direction, only 12% of
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republicans. 84% of republicans say the country is on the wrong track so they are pessimistic. one of the reasons why you try to play to a populism condition. how would you describe economic conditions today, a sad number. 4% of all americans and 1% of republicans say things are very good. fairly good, 34% to 27. you keep looking at these numbers. republicans are more pessimistic and i'll move on to just one more. is the economy getting better or worse? republicans are much more pessimistic. i scratched these numbers earlier, let me see if i can get them to come up. 38% of republicans compared to 38% of all americans say it's getting worse, about the same and treading water. part of the play to the populism, carl, is that republicans perhaps because we have a democratic president, remember, they do have 31 governors, do control the house and senate and republicans are much more pessimistic about the economy than the electorate as a whole. >> david? >> david gergen, let me ask you this question about jeb bush, thought he had the most at stake tonight and he was in a situation where he's -- you know, he spent money on advertising in new hampshire and didn't seem to work. he had his first debate, wasn't
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good. his supporters looked to him for a second debate and that didn't turn out very well and now he's at a third debate and hasn't turned out the way they had hoped. where does he go from here and how does a jeb bush now get into this fight and give his supporters the kind of spirit and inspiration they need? >> well, it's funny, david, that he describes himself as the john mccain in this race. he says he's going to scratch it out and work it out the old-fashioned way in new hampshire. remember, john mccain beat his brother in 2000 and jeb bush -- john mccain won in iowa. six months in the national polls, jeb bush was at 15%, at that time the quote, unquote front-runner. didn't have a clear front-runner but he was the favorite you would have to say but then to the point you were making earlier about donald trump and can he sustain losing or flat-lining, this is donald trump. since donald trump got in the race, he's the blue line and plateaued a little bit here. these are the national polls. since trump got in, a lot of
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lines and jeb bush is the green line. that's easier to find. it goes flat and it goes down here and he's down with a clump of candidates. it's easier to see, over the last 30 days, trump and carson up top and jeb bush down here. that's nationally so you look for -- is it in iowa? no, jeb bush is down here and is it where he's going to fight in new hampshire? if he's going to fight and the come back in new hampshire he's going to do it from just shy of 10% and got a lot to prove. >> a lot more. got to the take a quick break. gary tuchman watched the debate from the most republican county in the most republican state and hopefully more with john king ahead. we'll be right back. (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you?
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welcome back. we've talked a lot about how much was at stake for jeb bush tonight. a short time dana bash and only dana bash caught up with him.
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here's her exclusive interview. governor, thanks so much for doing this. >> you bet. >> i'm not sure if you've seen the buzz online, there was a lot of buzz that the moment you went after marco rubio turned out to be a moment for marco rubio and not you. >> we'll see. the simple fact is he has worst attendance work in the u.s. senate, plain and sichel. unprecedented editorial of a major newspaper saying he should resign and continue his campaign and if he's not going to resign he should show up and vote and that's the way we should be doing this. he got elect the. i supported him. a lot of other people did to serve the people of the state of florida. when i was governor, i had a countdown clock. i worked each and every day until the last minute serving the people that i cared for and loved. i know marco loves the people in florida and he should be able to show up and work and go to committee hearings and fight for the military families that are worried about whether there's going to be a budget or not and not consider this something that's not funnie more and he just doesn't have to do it. >> when he responded to that, part of what he said was you're
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probably saying things because somebody told you to say so politically. >> no, no. >> you didn't get a chance to say in the debate so respond now. >> look, his record of attendance was low prior to his announcement of his campaign, and i just think that's wrong. i think you have to have a cervantes heart when you're in these positions of responsibility and to say it's not fun anymore or not enjoyable anymore, tough luck. a lot of people are working very hard paycheck to paycheck and sometimes they don't think their jobs are going great either but they roll up their sleeves and cntinue to work even if it's not the best job that they have. i just frankly think people should resign to run for another office which is what the law was in florida or they ought to have a deduction in their pay. >> it's one thing for you to think that, and it's another thing for you to say it publicly like you did tonight. i think that that was the argument that rubio is making that it's just, you know, politically motivated because this has to be a moment for you to break out. >> i'm going to break out by campaigning hard in new
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hampshire in, iowa, in south carolina where we have the best ground game, and i'm going to go there tonight, tomorrow morning, i'm heading off to new hampshire. i'm going to win this the old-fashioned way, the way party nominees always win it. >> your friend and mine ana navarro just said on our air that she's feeling glum tonight because of the performance that you had, and -- and the performance -- >> i'm running for the president of the united states. i'm running with heart. i'm not a performer. if they are looking for an entertainer in chief, i'm probably not the guy. if they are looking for someone who has a proven record of results, 32 years in the business sector and 8 years in the most reform-oriented conservative probably in the last 30 years in the country, i'm their guy. >> you seem quite frustrated. >> nope, not frustrated. >> no? >> no. >> i wish i had gotten questions on, you know, got to answer questions on things that are on the mind of people, you know, entitlement challenges, the debt. i got fantasy football. >> jeb bush talking about his debate performance tonight.
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gary tuchman in the most republican county in the most republican state in rich county, utah where he watched with nine gop voters. what did the people there think? >> reporter: anderson, we're in a cabin in the picturesque bear lake in northern utah with a very loyal and proud group of republicans, nine of them, and they all tell us they got a lot out of this debate and i'll tell you why. five who are strong supporters of ben carson, raise your hands, the five of you. raise your hands high. how many of you are still strong supporters of ben carson? so two of you. and what happened? we're going to find out. this is the mayor of garden city which is the biggest city here in rich county, the highest percentage vote for mitt romney in 2012 of all the counties in utah. utah is one of the top states every year in presidentiam elections for republicans and that's why we picked this group. you favored ben carson in here. what happened during the debate? >> i still think ben is a great guy and i think he's a
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principled individual but i didn't think he was as strong on the issues. i think this particular debate was more focused on economic things. >> who was the strongest. >> i thought carly was absolutely fantastic. i thought that ted cruz was excellent as well. >> so you're not saying at this point you're not voting for ben carson your mind is open now. >> that's correct. i'm definitely rethinking that and i think carly had an excellent command of the issues. >> two of the people here did not support ben carson, these two ladies were leaning towards ben carson but in gentleman right here, he favored john kasich. how do you feel about john kasich's performance? >> thought he did very well. >> you're still supporting him? >> i am. >> the man in the back, chuck stockton and a supporter of rand paul. do you still support him as strongly? >> i do. i wish he had more time to talk about the issues. >> one more interesting comment we wanted to get here and this is from drusy wadsworth leaning
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towards ben carson. who do you think did the best? >> carly. >> carly fiorina? >> yes. >> but you also told me you were impressed with a man who you weren't impress the with before the debate and that's donald trump. >> donald trump. >> why did you like donald trump in the debate? >> you know what, he's likable. he's personable, even though he's cocky and arrogant he's still personable and i think he can relate to a lot of people. >> are you considering him now for president? >> i would think about it, yes. >> you don't think he's humble though? >> no, no, not even close. >> but you didn't really like him before you came here? >> no, no, he was not even a maybe. >> what i'm going to ask you before we say good-bye, are all of you looking forward to the next debate. >> yes! >> absolutely. >> so you did get something out of this one. >> yes. >> all right. in our world we like to hear that you like to watch debates. >> thank you very much. thanks for letting us in their home. >> are we all looking forward the next debate? >> i want to get quick final thoughts from our panel starting
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with you, david. >> anderson, we don't know how this is -- what impact this is going to have, don't know what the audience size was up against the world series and if it did have a good audience it could hit the reset button in the campaign, could shuffle the deck in terms of the candidates and where they were standing. >> for rubio and one of the questions going forward is how does he do in that invisible primary in terms of endorsements and money. didn't so well the last quarter in terms of he's behind in endorsements. he has eight and jeb bush has 24. that's a metric to look at to see if marco rubio could capitalize on what was a big night for him. >> bush understands the issues and he can't articulate them and he's petulant and that doesn't work. the most impressive answer is when rubio brought up vocational education. he's deep into what is going on policy-wise. kasich really understands of the issues, but he can't get his message across in this debate
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format effectively enough i think to capture the imagination of voters because he's really substantive in a way that's presidential. >> interesting. >> i agree. marco rubio had a great night. i think carly also had another great debate performance. we'll see where she goes with it after this. i thought john kasich, saw a different john kasich than we've seen before and that will benefit him but i thought it was a great night for the party. i thought the party looked substantive and looked real and issues-oriented and finally uniting around the real opponent which is the democrat and hillary clinton. i thought it was a really excellent showing from most of the candidates. >> jeffrey lord? >> i thought they all did very well, but it does seem to strike me repeated whether it's donald trump, ben carson, ted cruz and marco rubio and certainly carly fiorina, that what you have just overwhelmingly is this sentiment for the quote, unquote outsiders versus -- >> and that still holds true. >> and that still holds true.
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>> interesting. >> marco rubio has had consistently good debates, is a good debater. ted cruz had a very good night and no against dense that both of them are senators and all they do is debate. they debate for a living, when they show up. i think kasich had a good night as well. he had an off night at the cnn debate. tonight he was back. i think we're not going to see anything change. there's an undercard debate also in the next debate which is in 12 days, november 10th. we're going to see this same cast. we may see some of the folks who are on this main stage going to the undercard debate. >> look. jeb bush offered to give any democrat $10 -- he offered to give democrats a warm kiss if they could prove that they could cut spending by-10. i just want to let president obama know that he's getting a warm kiss because he's cut the deficit and we've had 13 million new jobs created. that's a lot to kids. >> thank you very much. and thank you very much for
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watching. >> did they say -- >> "cnn all right, thank you, anderson. everyone in washington, d.c. this is "cnn tonight." welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. gop 1, cnbc 0. was the network the loser in tonight's big debate? here to talk about it, dana bash, gloria borjer and dylan byars. hello to all of you. dana bash, i've been watching you, you've been listening to all the spin. you're in the spin room and t k talking to many of the candidates. what are they saying to you? >> well, it depends on who it is. i think probably the most interesting conversation i had tonight was with jeb bush.


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