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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 27, 2015 4:00pm-4:59pm PDT

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trump hitting a polling speed bump. three other polls showing carson leading trump in iowa specifically. trump is down playing the polls he once spoke so highly of. >> they are all so different. they are coming from all over the lot. one guy is up here, somebody else is up there. you see swings of 10 and 12 points. immediately even the same day. so right now, it's not very scientific. it's hard when you have this many. >> is donald trump islip in the polls causing any changes in enthusiasm you're seeing among voters there? >> reporter: certainly not among the voters i talked to tonight. they are plenty pumped to see trump. if you look at the crowd behind me, this is the kind of crowd that any other republican in the field would be envious off. it's why donald trump seems stunned to find out he is no longer number one in the polls.
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dr. ben carson is going toe to toe with the entire republican field. he's winning the latest round. >> this is the right color. if you get blood on it, you can't tell. >> reporter: donald trump is no longer on top nationwide. leaving the businessman struggling to explain the shift. >> well, i don't get it. to be honest with you. i'm surprised. >> reporter: carson ekes past trump nationwide in a new cbs/"new york times" poll. today carson picking up an enners toment from an mma fighter. >> that is a good picture there. >> reporter: the fight to lead the field looks like a two-way race. every other republican remains stuck in single digits. >> it's a marathon not a sprint. polls will go up and down over the next year. no one should be terribly alarmed and no one should be
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terribly excited. >> reporter: a corner stone in the field like trump he is a washington outsider at a time of growing frustration with the political class. it's an image he embraces in his latest campaign ad. >> i'm ben carson running for president and i'm very much outside the bach. >> reporter: as trump loses the lead, he's lashing out, claiming carson wants to do away with medicare. >> he wants to abolish medicare. i think abolishing medicare, i don't think you are going to get away with that one. it's actually a program that's worked. >> reporter: a claim carson denies. >> i would never get rid of the program. >> reporter: sunday trump said he was open to medicare alternatives. >> do you agree when he says medicare probably won't be necessary? >> it's possible you have to look at that. >> reporter: the donald trump we see at this event tonight should give us a preview of what we can
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expect to see on the debate stage tomorrow. this is another state where he is trailing ben carson. i should point out not everyone is happy to see trump here in iowa tonight. there are more than 100 protesters lined up outside protesting his appearance at this school. >> sarah, thank you as always. i want to go to boulder, colorado, and dana bash. 24 hours away from the next republican debate there. all eyes on that. and the pressure now. how much pressure is on donald trump now because he is behind in the polls? >> reporter: no question a lot. the question is whether or not he is going to change tactic, whether he is going to change his demeanor, if it's going to be much different than it's been in the last two debates. my guess is probably not much. you know, you covered donald trump for a long time. he's kind of a popeye. he is who he is. he definitely is somebody who likes to kind of continue with
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his showmanship. i heard some suggestions maybe he needs to be more policy-oriented. we'll see if that happens. this is going to be a different kind of debate. cnbc says they are going to focus more on the economy, on fiscal policy, things like that. in some ways it may be his wheel house, but they might get it down into the weeds on some of this policy that he might be expected to really answer on. >> what does this mean for carson? all of a sudden he's the front-runner, something donald trump said great, enjoy it, you get all the focus. he will be the focus. no one has gone after ben carson the past two debates. will we see that change? >> not much. he hasn't made much of an impact. that is fine with him. he's sort of intentionally stayed in the background except for maybe his final speech in the first debate which got a lot of buzz online and helped him raise money. i think certainly he is going to be in the line of fire. not just from donald trump.
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you heard john kasich today talk in a way he never talked before he's been reluctant to say anything about any other candidate. he went off on carson, on trump. i think big picture all these candidates get this is a crucial time. they've got to really come to play, and that is going to mean going after the front runners. >> thank you very much, dana. "out front" now, the vice president of the trump organization and special counsel to donald trump. trump led nearly every poll since july 14th. >> an amazing run. >> until now. four polls in less than a week putting ben carson on top. are you worried this could be a turning point? >> no. as you know because you've known mr. trump a long time, donald trump never quits ever. all that this means, whether it's iowa -- they talk about the polls as if they are talking
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nationally. he is still winning in new hampshire and south carolina. if you look at the aggregate of the states, donald trump is winning by a significant margin. we'll see what happens as far as other polls in time. let me tell you why donald trump is going to be the, not only republican candidate, but he is going to be the president, donald trump wants to cut taxes. donald trump wants to save social security. donald trump wants to make america energy independent. he wants to negotiate better trade deals. he wants to stop illegal immigration. he wants to get americans back to work and he also wants to make america respected again in the world. these are qualifications that only donald trump has. not just the republican side but the democrat side. >> you talk about america being respected in the world. that's what people like he is a winner. he will make america win again. he has made it also i'm number one in the polls. >> he still is. >> let me play for you his most
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recent rally which he is about to start talking about. >> another sellout. >> but we are really winning everything. everything. every state. we are winning everything. i'm leading every poll nationwide. right. i'm leading every state. today is the 100th day that we've been number one. every single poll. we are winning importantly in iowa and winning big. >> look, the point here is clear. we are winning big in iowa, winning 100 days, everything, everything, that's not true any more. are you worried a view people might have of i want to back a winner. donald trump is taking that away by emphasizing the polls too much in his own stump speeches. >> donald trump will work harder. again you know donald trump. if that's the way the polls are, he'll go to iowa more. he'll work harder. >> he is going to double down and work harder? >> of course he will.
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donald trump is not going to lose. he is going to double down on all his efforts and do what's necessary, not just to win iowa but win all the states. >> trump has avoided criticizing carson a lot. carson is leading in the polls. he is hitting ben carson on a few areas. one is abofrmgts. >> ben was pro-abortion not so long ago as everybody has told me. i don't know personaly, but that's what i'm told. all of a sudden he's so hard on abortion, under no circumstances virtually no exceptions. >> ben carson is not the only one who would have had a change of heart. here is donald trump. >> would president trump ban partial birth abortion? >> i'm very pro-choice. i hate the concept of abortion. i hate it. i hate everything it stands for. i cringe when i listen to people debating the subject, but still
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i just believe in choice. >> donald trump says he is pro-life. how is that different from ben carson? >> what mr. trump's policies are as far as abortion or any of the other important social issues that are important to the folks not just in iowa but in all the states, that's not what americans right now are even looking for. they are looking for leadership. they are looking for somebody that can actually do for america what only donald trump can do. >> are they looking for consistency though? a moral compass? >> you're talking about a video of donald trump 20 plus years ago. we changed over the years. >> 1999. he sounded like he was talking from the heart though to tim russert there. >> in 1999, i'm sure he was speaking from the heart. you're talking about a substantial number of years later. there is grandchildren that are now involved. there's friends, and he talks about the story of a friend
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decided to have the child. donald trump is consistent for donald trump. meaning that this is how he believes. it's not that he is believing it today. he's been believing this now for a significant period of time. that's the contrast with ben carson who it appears is saying things simply to say them because that's what he needs to say. >> thank you very much, michael. i appreciate it. executive vice president of the trump organization. "out front" next we are awaiting donald trump to speak in iowa at this rally in sioux city. we'll go there. breaking news of a new video. the sheriff says the student is actually strikes the police officer before he dragged her across the classroom. does it justify his use of force? >> rare access to the front lines in the war against isis tonight. who is telling the united states where to bomb? this is an exclusive report you need to watch.
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you're looking live at a donald trump campaign rally in sioux city, iowa. trump is about to speak to supporters there. this is his first time in iowa since multiple polls showed him trailing carson in that state. >> reporter: ben carson's surge is being powered in part by his faith. >> when i pick up my bible, you know what i see? i see the fairest individual in the universe god. >> reporter: his support among evangelical is on the rise leading trump by 40 points. >> you had that flirtation with donald trump and his plain spokenness, i suppose. now we see a settling back to somebody who is more quiet and who seems to be articulating their interests and concerns. >> reporter: carson talks about his faith, but little about his
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specific denomination. telling cnn many evangelicals see his religion as out of mainstream. "people think to askib any weird thing they heard about religion because they don't know." carson is a seventh day adventist. they worship saturday, not sunday, don't believe in hell, believe jesus' second coming is imminent and most are vegetarians, don't smoke or drink alcohol. >> some americans and even many evangelicals don't regard the seventh day adventist as part of the mainstream of american religious culture. i think he's tried to soften some of the edges somewhat. >> reporter: trump falling behind carson in iowa in the latest national poll tried to sew that doubt himself. >> i'm presbyterian. boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. seventh day adventist, i don't know about. i just don't know about.
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>> reporter: trump's own faith has been under the microscope among evangelicals, too. >> people are so shocked when they find this out. i'm protestant, i'm presbyterian. i go to church, i love my god and go to church. i go to marlboro collegiate church. >> reporter: the church tells cnn he is not an active member. when asked, he admits he never asked god for forgiveness. >> when we go in church and when i drink my little wine which is about the only wine i drink and have my little cracker, i guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness. >> reporter: ben carson in the past has really called into question the authenticity of donald trump's faith. he says that this is the biggest difference between them both as candidates. >> sunlen, thank you very much. i'm still chuckling every time i
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hear that cracker comment from donald trump. the latest polls show carson -- >> the wine makes me laugh. >> it's a really important voting block. isn't this a major problem when you look at those two demographics? >> no. i will tell you why i don't think it is. we need to broaden out to iowa in context with everything else that's going on. in 1980, ronald reagan lost the iowa caucuses and went on to win new hampshire and north carolina and the two went on to battle till may. bush occasionally pushing other states like here in pennsylvania. evangelicals swarmed to governor huckabee and senator santorum. neither got much further than iowa. i think we need to keep this in context.
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donald trump does not only have a lot of support in iowa, but he's got a good ground game there which i discussed myself. you've got to deliver this vote. he is well prepared to do that. what the state of the carson campaign is on that, i don't know. >> ben, when you like at the des moines "register" poll, people seem to agree on issue, a lot of them agree with ben carson. 77% like what he had to say about hitler and if jewish people had guns, hitler would have been less likely to succeed. 73% like he raised questions about a muslim being president. 81% like he likened obamacare to slavery. >> yeah. i think ben carson is a guy that connects well with the voters there. i think they like the fact they feel he is authentic and original. one of the big issues here is arrogant candidates do not do well in iowa.
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they don't. this is a group of people that are highly, i think, educated when it comes to politics and what's going on. they take pride in realizing their vote does matter. caucusing matters. they like being the first. i think there is part of this is the arrogance factor that's gotten trump in trouble. i also think donald trump and the way he's attacking ben carson turned up a lot of evangelicals. when you mock someone's faith or religion and say i don't know about this weird seventh day adventist thing, my religion is perfect and middle of the road. that does not go very well with these voters. >> not with evangelicals, that's for sure. trump and carson have been heavily criticized for their comments. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they are bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. and some, i assume, are good
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people. >> a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and come out gay. >> a war hero. >> war hero. >> he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. >> i would not advocate we put a muslim in charge of this nation. i absolutely would not agree with that. >> when you talk about george bush, say what you want, the world trade center came down during his time. >> i think the likelihood of hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been diminished if the people had been armed. >> governor john kasich arrival to them doing poorly in the polls. said he is sick and tired of this nonsense. are both going too far with comments? >> i don't think so. one of the things governor kasich, he is a terrific guy, but i do think the mistake he's making is not understanding how fed up the american people are with the quote/unquote republican establishment or the media establishment, et cetera.
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when they hear these controversial comments, and i put that in quote, as played back by the media being urged to think these are terrible things to say -- >> you are saying they backlash. >> there is a backlash to this. i think governor kasich doesn't get the drift. i think in all candor, he is way down in the polls. he's got to do something as do the other candidates. there is desperation here. >> i think it is a new strategy. they are trying to get together and rally behind, we must go after carson and we must go after donald trump. look at jeb bush. if you want someone like that, i don't care about the job. vote for donald trump if you want someone arrogant. he is trying to remind people, do you want a guy that acts like donald trump in the white house? whether that will work or not or connect, i don't know. right now the outside is connecting best to voters. >> that's for sure.
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thanks to both. new video, the key moment that might change how you see the story of a police officer slam a 16-year-old girl into the ground. we'll go frame by frame and show two crucial things in this video. >> we have learned new details about the officer tonight. we have a special report next. when it comes to helping you reach your financial goals,t taking small, manageable steps can be an effective... and enjoyable approach... compared to the alternatives. push! i am pushing! sfx: pants ripping how you doing eddie? almost there. small steps. at axa, we'll help you take the next steps, with more confidence. for advice, retirement and insurance, talk to axa today. and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again
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breaking news. parents and students demanding answers at a school board meeting after a south carolina sheriff's deputy took down a female high school student yesterday. it was apparently all over a cell phone. police say the student was being disruptive, refusing to hand over the device, didn't leave the classroom when repeatedly asked to. here is what happened next. >> give me your hands. >> tonight the fbi and u.s. attorney's office launched a civil rights investigation. we begin our coverage "out front." >> reporter: the video
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disturbing, a 16-year-old female high school student being forcefully ripped from her chair, handcuffed and removed from class. >> give me your hands. >> reporter: the school resource officer ben fields, a deputy since 2004 has been removed from his duties at spring valley high school. >> want to throw up. it makes you sick to your stomach when you see that initial video. >> reporter: more of the disturbing encounter can be heard on a second video clip. a video shows the young woman striking the officer as he begins to remove her from the room. >> when an officer puts his hands on her initially, she reaches up and pop stops with his fist. does that justify the means?
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that's what i have to look for. >> reporter: why would a deputy who received the district's highest honor last year use such force? one student in the room writes on social media the officer is a cool dude. he is not racist. girl was asked to put her phone away but told teacher no and administrator was called, asked her to come to his office. he told him know. then called the resource officer. he asked her nicely to get up, over and over. he did nothing wrong. the incident has caused anger and revived long-held concerns about the treatment of young african-americans in the school district here. >> what about the school resource officers? they are arresting more people in school than they are in the streets. that cannot be. >> reporter: the local aclu chapter notes school discipline from arrests to expulsions and suspensions is disproportionate. 61% of african-americans receiving such discipline
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compared with 29% of white students. >> miguel, what more are you learning about the officer here? we haven't much about his background. >> reporter: there's been a lot of talk about this being a racist incident. the board meeting behind me right now, somebody got up to talk about this very thing. one thing the sheriff said today that was very interesting. that this is an individual with a long-term relationship with an african-american woman. the sheriff said we've never seen any racist attitude or behavior out of him. it comes as a complete surprise. he's mounting his investigation. we'll have an answer in 24 hours to whether or not he will stay. the other thing about deputy fields is that he has been named in two federal civil rights complaints. one dismissed by a jury and the other pending. the idea this person is simply a
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racist, even the sheriff is saying it doesn't add up. >> miguel, thank you. "out front" now, chip jackson, a school board member. appreciate you being with us tonight. i know you're having multiple meetings this evening. what have you learned so far? >> we learned this tragedy that happened in our school yesterday is one that is so provokingly horrible that it has required us to take a very serious look at everything we do and put in practice any measure we can to prevent this from ever happening again in the future. >> in terms of the meetings that you're having, have you heard from other students in that classroom, heard any versions of this story that have made you question the videos you've seen? >> i have not heard personally from any students. looking at the video once we get
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facts in, i want there to be maximum charges employed, based upon every avenue we have under the law, number one. and that this individual, if found guilty of what clearly seems to be beyond comprehension, acts of violence, once that has been determined officially by the legal system, that that individual never be allowed to any of our schools. >> chip, the sheriff said today he is going to make a decision in the next 24 hours about job or goes back into a ps his - classroom again. obviously, sounds like you want that never to happen, right? >> we made it perfectly clear that this officer is no longer going to be coming back into the schools of richmond school district two. there are resource officer all over the state of south carolina in many of our 85 school districts. but this individual, we made it clear we do not want him back on our school grounds or in our schools. that is a permanent request we made.
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>> you heard miguel reported, 61% of black students disciplined in this school, only 29% of white students. when you see this video, and you have a black teenage girl, a white officer, i have to ask you the question, is it about race, do you think? >> that is a tough question. i'll say this to you candidly. when i saw the video as an african-american male, i saw my daughter who graduated from the school district several years ago, my niece currently in the seventh grade and i saw my wife who works in the school district. i'm an african-american male and i saw an african-american female. that's what i saw. the question is when the white officer looked into the face of that young girl, who did he see? it wouldn't look like his daughter, his niece or his wife. you can draw your own conclusions. that it's perspective i see when i see this video. >> chip jackson, i appreciate
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your time. thank you so much, sir. >> thank you so much. >> many share chip's outrage at this video. is there any way the officer's actions could be justified? the two crucial frames you need to see after this. we'll show you in slow motion exactly what we are talking about. plus you have combat boots on the ground. major about-face for the obama administration. a stunning report who is calling the shots where u.s. war planes drop bombs. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam.
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like, i have a chance. i can print out like six different ways to get to work. i would be proud to have someone like micaela be my neighbor. i would love to have somebody like claudia be my neighbor. claudia: i feel like it's part of what san francisco should be. breaking news, a south carolina sheriff revealed a third video emerges of a police officer taking down a high school girl in a classroom. they are looking at that itself this hour. we have new video that might make you think twice about what happened. might not. we want to go frame by frame here. danny, a lot of people are outraged at the officer's actions. they said this is completely unjustified. you heard the school board member saying completely unjustified. we want to look at a couple of
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frames that might make people ask different questions. let's play this and tell me what you see. >> take a look here. you see her right arm. it's blurred out. you can see a strike right there. we didn't see strikes beforehand, but that tends to show us the situation has escalated, not under just the law but this school board policy. merely from being disorderly in crash to fighting or assaulting an employee. >> let's show this again. her arm is going to come up. >> there it is right there on his neck. >> she hit him on the neck. that is a punch that happens here. let's look at -- there is another one you want to show me. this is later on in the incident. >> this is post punch. you see her leg appears to be caught in the desk here. she is flailing about. that can generate force which is why you see the officer
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struggling to drag her away. if this is, and it is post strike as we saw, in the officer's mind, he could be thinking -- >> her leg gets stuck there. >> gets caught in the desk. and her body is caught in the desk. the officer is pulling a student and desk along. by this point, the officer may have made the determination, i've been hit this has been escalated. if i wasn't going to arrest before, i am going to arrest now. this will end with her in handcuffs. >> now we've seen two specific parts of this. let's go to the full video and play this out. this is where it starts. you see the punch. chair goes back. her legs get caught. at this point he is going to arrest her. >> pulling her out. which originally she was sent out of the classroom. that was his original mission when he was called after two other administrators could not achieve this. >> we were all under the
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impression when you have cell phone video or helmet cameras, you are going to know what happened. we see this start and end. there is already an altercation happening. you see her punch him. the altercation started. is there something that could have happened before this that could have justified this action or not? >> absolutely. what we want to know, what was going on before? not only does it matter under south carolina law, it is a misdemeanor if you're disrupting a classroom, but this county's policy which tiers its infractions. if a student is merely disruptive, that can get the student in trouble. did it warrant calling the police officer in? that depends whether the teacher ordered her out of the classroom. that's where the escalation begins. >> danny, thank you very much. next, our clarissa ward on the front lines in isis. this is a report you cannot miss. you'll see who is calling the shots. who is telling american war
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tonight, boots on the ground. an about-face in the isis ward. ashton carter saying the united states won't hold back from direction action on the ground in iraq and syria. this comes days after the first american soldier was killed in combat fighting isis. barbara starr is out front. the president will not put combat boots on the ground. this is an about-face. >> reporter: why is that happening? i have to tell you. some officials at the pentagon have two suggestions why we saw this today when carter testified on capitol hill. one is white house legacy. president obama down to the last many months in office. not satisfied with the progress in the war against isis in syria
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and iraq. he wants to see faster action. the new wrinkle in the mix is the presence of russia. a lot of chatter that russia and iraq may be getting closer, having to show more progress in iraq to convince the iraqi government to hang in there with the united states. make no mistake, we are talking carter raised, the notion of more air strikes and direct action on the ground. he specifically pointed out iraq and syria and ramadi and iraq, two isis strong holds as areas he wanted to focus on. there seems to be no way around it. if it gets approved by the white house, it will put u.s. troops much closer to that front line, much more in direct combat. >> barbara, thank you very much. much of the u.s. efforts in this fight are centered in the headquarters of isis.
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clarissa ward got rare access to fighters right there. >> reporter: these men are at the core of america's latest strategy to defeat isis. manning positions along a vast and desolate front line with isis entrenched in villages just through the haze. their fighters with the wpj, a force of roughly 30,000 syrian kurds which backed by coalition air power dealt decisive blows to islamic state militants across northern syria. the commander is in charge of this front line position in the city which he took from isis in august after months of fierce clashes. >> translator: they tried to attack us again ten days ago. we were prepared so they didn't reach their target. >> reporter: but they keep trying. isis has control of the next village along which is just over a mile in that direction. the men at this base tell us that isis fighters often go at night to that building just over
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there so that they can launch attacks on these positions. the u.s. hopes the ypg will move from defense to offense, taking the fight to isis' strong hold. but in make-shift bases, they were lightly armed, poorly equipped and exhaused by months of fighting. the senior commander knows the battles ahead will be even tougher. can you take raka without heavier weapons from the coalition? >> translator: the weapons we have are not high quality for this campaign. we'll need new, heavy weapons. >> reporter: the most important weapon they do have but don't want to talk about is this device, which helps the ypg get exact coordinants for enemy positions. those coordinates are sent to a operations room, and minutes later, fighter jets come screaming in.
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rezan told us he was given a week of training before using the device. who trained you how to use this? >> translator: believe me, i can't say. when you finish the training, it's a secret, but they weren't speaking kurdish. >> reporter: a mystery, as is so much of the unfolding u.s. strategy in this critical corner of syria. >> our report from clarissa ward, and she joins us from erbil, iraq, tonight. that fighter you just had there in your piece told you he had one week of training, and now he's using a garmin device, as you showed, calling in air strikes? i mean, that is pretty stunning. >> reporter: it is pretty stunning, but you know, the u.s. has been desperately looking for good partners on the ground inside syria for years now, and the main criteria that the u.s.
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really has in that search is trying to find moderate fighting groups that don't have any ties to more extremist groups. and the reality is, in other parts of the country, even if you find moderate groups, it's a much more fluid situation. people move from group to group. they may have a brother who fights with al qaeda or al nusra in syria, even if they're with a moderate group. the kurds are far more insular. you don't have that fluidity and you don't have that extremism. so, in a sense, it's a marriage of convenience. >> now, the united states says today, as you know, that more boots could be coming on the ground. the u.s. defense secretary saying that. president obama had been, you know, very categorical that would not happen. obviously, things are changing. you saw those fighters on the ground. are american troops welcome? >> reporter: the fighters that we spoke to, erin, are asking for a lot from america. they want to see more military support. they would like to have heavier weapons. they want armor-piercing weapons. they rely heavily on american
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air support and american technology, as we saw in my report. but the one thing they are not asking for is to have american troops on the front lines with them, fighting with them. part of that may indeed just be pride, but i think there's also a sense that they feel the u.s. presence in the region, especially a visible presence, is so polarizing that it could almost do more harm than good. >> all right, thank you very much. as we said, an incredible report. and if you were stunned by seeing the fighters, america's allies fighting in sandals or after one week of training, calling in where the united states is dropping bombs, you can ask more questions. clarissa has a lot of answers. she is answering your questions about this report tonight. you can submit your questions on our facebook page right now. and next, shelter cats getting star treatment. this segment is good for your health. ld run on? it runs on optimism. it's what sparks ideas.
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more than 2 million kacat videos were posted to youtube last year, wracking up 36 billion views. did you know that watching those videos was probably good for your health? so, here's to your health and here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: first there was shake. ♪ glorious photos of dogs shaking. then came the sequel, "shake puppi puppies." and now, the sequel to the sequel, "shake cats." from furball to hairless, 61 shaking cats, most from shelters, shot by a photographer who let animals get under her skin. >> the sabertooth tiger,
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three-headed dog here. >> reporter: carly davidson was inspired by her beloved, slobbering mastiff, norbert, since departed. >> i would be on a little stepladder, like cleaning his drool off the walls. >> reporter: she took norbert's photo shaking. >> face everywhere. there was, like tongue over here, there was some drool over there. >> reporter: and when humans drooled over her photos, she'd found her niche. so, how do you get cats to shake? well, they did not squirt them. >> we captured the shake when we would clean their ears. >> reporter: adding a drop or two of special ear cleaner -- >> or just itch their ears. you know when you rub your cat's ears and they do that thing. >> reporter: for many furry mammals, shaking is an incredible drying mechanism. ♪ rats shake about 18 times a second versus four times a second for dogs. >> the secret is, my camera shoots, you know, ten frames per second. so, i'm just laying down on the sh shutter. the second i see the cat start to think about shaking.
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>> reporter: carly couldn't resist showing off her own pet. >> under that cover is my cat, yushi. look at that, yushi. >> reporter: but this is one tail we couldn't end -- >> yes. >> reporter: without tongues, the only celebrity cat in the book is lyttle bob, famous for a tongue that perpetually sticks out due to a genetic defect. did you see that one cat kind of lick his eye? >> yes! [ laughter ] how crazy was that? >> reporter: the owner had predicted it. >> and they were like, wah! >> reporter: this is a book that will have eyes rolling and tongues wagging. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. and tonight on cnn, the story behind the most-watched videos. "videos gone viral 2" airs tonight at 9:00 eastern and pacific. until then, it's not good whether you can touch your nose with your tongue, now try to touch your eyeball. thanks for joining us. set your dvr to record "outfront," watch us any time. anderson's next. good evening. thanks for joining us tonight. tonight, how donald trump is dealing with life at some place
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other than the top of the pack. for week after week in poll after poll, he's defied both political gravity and conventional wisdom. that began changing several days ago in iowa, and today, for the first time nationwide since july, trump is trailing ben carson by four points in a new cbs news and "the new york times" poll. right now, as you can see, he's speaking at a rally in sioux city, iowa. this morning he started downplaying the polls, calling them not very scientific. tonight he spoke again about the new numbers. >> and get a little shake-up in iowa. i don't know what's going on. >> no, keep going, donald, keep going! >> somebody said, are you going straight to new hampshire? now, i love new ha