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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  October 27, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ stunning video. a student arrested after been thrown to the ground by a school resource officer. what led up to the violent encounter. breaking overnight. a budget deal with the white house and congress. it could prevent a shutdown, but will it divide the republican party? and u.s. defying china. a navy ship sailing through the waters in china now claimed by the chinese.
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i'm christine romans. >> welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. we have cell phone video taken from the classroom in south carolina. it shows a school resource officer body slamming a female student after she refused to get up from her chair and he dragged her across the room. >> we don't really know what led up to the incident. the officer is richland county officer darren field. he has been placed on administerirative leave. >> the student was asked to leave the class several times by the instructor of the school and assistant principal. the officer was called on scene to have the student removed from the location. the student refused.
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the officer acted that you see on the video. again, what we saw was just a tid bit of what that video showed. we will look at what happened and then what happened afterwards. all of that will take part in what the sheriff decides. >> we are learning the officer in question, ben field, has been the subject of two lawsuits in the past decade. a potential budget deal to bring peace and calm to washington. democrats and republicans hammered out a deal. the deal is dividing republicans. some say the retiring speaker john boehner gave too much away and the next speaker, presumed to be paul ryan should have been part of the negotiating team. many believe this is the best they can get. >> i can only speak for myself. outline presented was a path
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forward. >> we should read the bill before we vote on them. some of us remember that from 2010. things like presumptive speaker should be negotiating too. >> can the conservatives stop the vote set for tomorrow? we have the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: the white house and republican leaders with a deal to avert a possible debt default by next week. this would raise the national debt ceiling until march of 2017. essentially taking the fight off the table in the election year. pretty significant deal. it would raise domestic and defense spending by $80 million to apiece the defense hawks who are worried of the across-the-board cuts to hurt the pentagon. the increased domestic money to
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apiece the democrats. this deal is being pushed aggressively by john boehner because he wants to clean the barn up before his successor assumes the speakership later this week. the question is how will house republicans in the rank and file respond to this? right now there are mixed reviews out monday night. the question is what will happen on the floor on wednesday? we don't know the answer to that yet. guys, the betting is house republicans will pass this bill and it will pass the house. likely pass the senate and the president may have a major fiscal deal on john boehner's final days in office. >> all right. manu. donald trump will be in iowa for a rally in sioux city. he says he has work to do in
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iowa, indeed. a new poll, yet another new poll, finds trump a distant second behind ben carson. cnn's sara murray with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. three is a trend and it is a bad one for donald trump. the third poll showing ben carson knocked him from the top of the polls. it shows carson with 32% support. a 14-point lead over donald trump at 18%. the other candidate is marco rubio. he is surging a bit in the poll up to 10%. the candidate still struggling though is jeb bush. he is at 8% among likely republican caucus goers in iowa. he spent yesterday rallying donors at a retreat in texas. he got a bit of help from family members there. this only drew the mockery of donald trump. >> so he's meeting now with mom
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and dad. no, it's true. he needs counsel. >> reporter: with all of the dynamics shift in the race, it is clear bush is on the attack. donald trump is on the attack and ben carson is on the lead. it sets up for a potentially fiery republican debate on wednesday. thank you. a long planned event for donors in houston. the first time in the campaign where jeb bush appeared on stage with his brother. also there, barbara bush and george h.w. bush. george describes his brother as a fierce competitor with ties to the mexican community. it will be crucial. a power point demonstration with special attention to marco rubio who is painted an an inexperienced person for the
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white house. today, jeb bush arrives in colorado ahead of the debate in boulder. in a new interview, bernie sanders passed on taking shots at hillary clinton. sanders portrayed clinton as a flip-flopper. given the same or worse on "the view," he changed the subject. last night, he told rachel maddow, he says the former secretary of state has been rewriting history when talking about the defense marriage act. >> all that i criticized secretary clinton on was saying something that wasn't accurate. you can argue, i don't agree with doma. you can make that argument. you can't say that doma was something prevent - that is just not the case.
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that is the only point i want to make. >> clinton and sanders are both in new york. hillary clinton will make her first appearance on "the late show with stephen colbert." and a u.s. ship passes of an artificial island build by china these are unsinkable aircraft carriers in chinese waters. the chinese very unhappy about it. i want to bring in cnn's will ripley in osuka, japan. the chinese taking these small islands and building them into a military come compound. the u.s. sending a destroyer
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nearby to show these are international waters. >> reporter: the united states sending the message through the freedom of navigation patrols that they will continue to abide by international law and not respect china's claims. this is 600 miles from the shores of mainland china. china aggressively tried to push and push the boundaries of its country setting up military presence. in effect, the concern it is trying to change the geopolitical structure. they said the united states actions were illegal. listen to what john kirby says in response to that. >> this is a military matter. but more broadly, you don't need to consult with any nation when you are exercising the right of
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freedom of navigation in international waters. the point of freedom of navigation in international waters, it is international waters and you don't need to consult with anybody. >> reporter: war ships with deployed from here to the south china sea, but to the north china sea where they are in a dispute with japan. the south china sea is more important, christine, because not only militarily could china set up control of the area, but trillions of dollars of international trade moving through. the south china sea is the economic lifeline to japan which is the united states number one ally in asia although president jinping had a successful visit this fall. abe was there this spring. >> clearly a very important relationship with united states and china with tensions around
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the islands. thanks for that, will. new word on a big presidential trip next month. the president will visit turkey and malaysia. he will attend a series of summits in each country to expand u.s. businesses. the president will push for a climate change ahead of the trip to france. and european shares are lower because of the signs of weakness in china. u. u.s. stock futures are down. the fed rate hike may not happen this year. walmart wants in on the drone race. asking regulators to test drones like its competitor amazon. it has been testing them indoors for several months. it will be for shipping
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merchandise before tackling home delivery. getting a package via drone won't happen anytime soon, but a new kind of, i don't know, space race. it is over the streets. >> these are unarmed drones. walmart and amazon, as far as we know, unarmed. did the driver accused of killing four people when she plowed through a parade, did they mean to do it? new accusations and her family's defense. these next. starting now with roc® retinol. holiday season.
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. this morning, a woman charged in the fatal charge of the oklahoma state homecoming parade, adacia chambers, is being held on $1 million bail. prosecutors allege that the 25-year-old intentionally drove her car into the crowd killing four people and injuring nearly 50 others. investigators state that she claimed she tried suicide several times.
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her attorney said she gave no indication anything was wrong. >> we know she left work, but we don't know why. we don't know if she was sent home by her employer or left on her own. she did leave. the statement from her employer, when she left, she seemed absolutely fine. they had no concerns about her at all. they certainly didn't think that she was on her way to do what ultimately happened. >> i just want people to know that adacia is a kind, loving, caring person and she would not have done this purposely. i just don't believe that in my heart. >> chambers father apologized to the victims. fbi director james comey says people have become gun shy because of the so-called ferguson effect.
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speaking on a conference, officers have told them they have reluctantly enforce the law for fear of being caught on the next video alleging of police brutality. >> i spoke to officers in one big city who describe being surrounded by young people with mobile phones held high taunting them when they get out of their cars. they say we feel we're under siege. >> that has contributed to an increase in homicide in many cities. >> the white house says they don't see any evidence of this. the administration he works for at odds on the key issue. the baltimore police department is testing body cameras on its officers. on monday, 150 were outfitted with the cameras. the department is looking into making them standard equipment. this is six months after freddie
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gray's death. six officers tried separately in the case. the meat industry is disputing the report by the w.h.o. of increased risk of cancer. it puts processed meats in the same category of asbestos and carcinogens. the w.h.o. says the links to cancer has not been proven. a lot of attention to the w.h.o. report yesterday. the bottom line here is eating more than 50 grams of processed meat a risk a day increases your risk of cancer. the w.h.o. finds unprocessed red meat does have nutritional benefits. >> so does bacon. it raises the possibility of getting cancer by 18% if you
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consume it in a day. that sounds like a lot. cigarette smoking raises it 800%. an epidemiologist told me that the w.h.o. is reaching here. the bottom line is watch what you eat. cnn will take you inside syria on the frontlines against isis. we're live after the break. here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry
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so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare...
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and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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u.s. secretary of state john kerry set to brief the senate foreign relations committee today in a closed session on syria. later this week, he is expected to continue talks with a dozen arab communities. cnn's senior international correspondent clarissa ward has more. >> reporter: just 15 tons of ammunition to kurdish fighter on the ground in northern syria happened. we spent time with the largest group in the coalition. the kurdish fighters known as the ypg. this is at the core of the latest strategy to defeat isis. backed by u.s. and to coalitionr support. what the u.s. is hoping now is
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the ypg can take the battle further. can take the fight to the frontlines. on the frontlines in northern syr syria, we found the ypg fighters are exhausted. most of them carrying old ak-47s. some fighting in sandals. some acknowledge without heavier weapons and taking on defensive like raqqah would be difficult. can they replicate successes in the kurdish part of the country in the arab/isis strong hold? christine, there is a big question mark hanging over that. >> remarkable to see the pictures of them in sandals and socks. the u.s. has been wary about
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supporting the ypg. why is that? >> reporter: the u.s. is very circumspect about the support for the ypg. that is for one major reason. across the board from the ypg, the turkish counterpart is the pkk. that is considered to be a terrorist group and turkey regards the pkk as the domestic threat. the u.s. walking a fine line trying to balance diplomatic considerations with turkey and new strategy for fighting isis on the ground in syria. >> thank you, clarissa ward. the death toll in the south asia earthquake is climbing this morning. more than 300 people killed in the 7.5 quake. it was the remote afghanistan, but the tremors reached pakistan. landslides in remote areas. this makes it a big challenge in
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getting aid to the victims who need it. and video of a student's arrest. a teenager thrown to the ground by a student resource officer. we will tell you what led up to the violent encounter next.
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stunning new video. a school resource officer body slams a female student, drags her across the classroom. what caused this and what are the implications? breaking overnight. the white house nears a budget deal with congress. a deal that would prevent a government shutdown, but could
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divide the republican party. breaking news. this morning, china warns the u.s. after a navy war ship sails through waters claimed by the chinese. the u.s. says no, international waters. a dispute nonetheless. welcome back to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. 30 minutes past the hour. let's show you the cell phone video of the classroom in south carolina. it shows a school resource officer body slamming a female student after she refused to get up from her chair. the officer dragging her across the room. the officer in the video identified at deputy ben fields. he has been placed on administrative leave while police investigate.
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police are still trying to investigate what led up to the incident. >> the student was asked to leave several times by the teacher. then the assistant principal was called to the scene. what we saw was a tid-bit of what that video showed. we will look at what led up to it and what happened afterwards. >> we are learning the officer in question, ben fields, is a question of two lawsuits in the past decade. a major budget deal that could bring peace to washington for more than a years. an agreement was brought together. the deal is dividing republicans. some say house majority leader john boehner gave too much away and the next speaker, presumed
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to be paul ryan, should have been part of the republican negotiating team. a reason he wasn't. many republicans believe this is the best deal they can get. >> i can only speak for myself. the outline presented seems like a path forward. >> we should read the bill before we vote on them. some of us remember that from 2010. things like presumptive speaker should be negotiating too. not just the outgoing. >> can they stop the deal set for a vote tomorrow? we have the latest from cnn's manu raju. >> reporter: this deal would raise the national debt ceiling until march of 2017. essentially taking this fight off the table in an election
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year. it would raise the domestic and defense spending by $80 billion in an effort to apiece the defense hawks worried about the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration. in addition, increased domestic money for the democrats worried about the same sequestration would hurt the same programs. the deal is pushed aggressively by john boehner. he wants to clean the barn up before his likely successor paul ryan assumes the speakership this week. how will house republicans in the rank-and-file respond to this? right now, there is mixed reviews outside of the conference meeting monday night. the question is how will they deal with it with the vote as early as wednesday. we don't know the answer to that yet. guys, right now, the betting is that house republicans will pass
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this bill and they will pass the house and likely pass the senate and president may have a major fiscal deal on john boehner's final days in office. >> thank you. donald trump in iowa for a rally trying to whip up support in sioux city. he says he has work to do. a poll finds trump behind ben carson among iowa republicans. cnn's sara murray has the latest. >> reporter: john and christine, three is a trend and it is a bad one for donald trump. third poll showing ben carson knocked him from the top spot. carson with 32% support. donald trump drawing 18%. the other candidate, marco rubio, surging a bit in this poll, up to 10%. the candidate still struggling is jeb bush. he is at 8% among caucus goers in iowa.
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he spent yesterday rallying donors at a retreat in texas. he got help from family members there and that include the mockery of donald trump. >> so he is meeting now with mom and dad. no, it's true. he needs counsel. >> reporter: with all of these dynamics shifting in the race, it is clear donald trump is on the attack and now ben carson on the lead in the first nominating state. it sets us up for a fiery republican debate on wednesday. back to you. >> sara, thank you. we have details from inside the bush campaign's family extravaganza. the first time this campaign where jeb bush appeared on stage with his brother, the former president, although no cameras were allowed in the room. also there is barbara bush and george h.w. bush.
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a power point presentation focused on rival candidates with special attention to marco rubio which was painted as inexperienced for the white house. there were comparisons to president obama when he took office. not meant to be flattering. today, jeb bush heads to colorado. big republican debate in boulder tomorrow night. in a new interview, bernie sanders passed on a chance to take shots at hillary clinton during a speech in iowa, he portrayed her as a flip-flopper. given the same to do on "the view," he changed the subject. he says the former secretary of state has been rewriting history when speaking about her then support of the 1996 defense of marriage act. >> all that i criticized secretary clinton on was saying something that wasn't accurate.
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you can argue that somebody may say i don't agree with doma. politically, i have to do it. you can't say that doma was passed in order to prevent something worse. that is just not the case. that's the only point i want to make. >> clinton and sanders both in new york this morning. sanders on the "today" show and clinton on "the late show with stephen colbert." and a u.s. ship passed within 12 miles built by china in the south china sea. the move the chinese claims they built the islands in which the u.s. calls the spratleys. for the latest, let's bring in cnn's will ripley in japan. will, this is meant to send a
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message more than anything else. >> reporter: you know, john, christine put it well when she called these islands unsinkable aircraft carriers. it is an airstrip with the ability to station forces and put personnel and hardware and remember, i was just in beijing at the beginning of september when they were showcasing the carrier missiles that can reach targets such as u.s. war ships in the south china sea. nobody is talking about military dispute like that, but by china establishing the islands and developing the weaponry and military, there are concerns about the potential for future conflict. the united states, the number one ally in japan. a number of assets in the region. they are trying to make a point to china they cannot opinion push their boundaries. the spratleys are 600 miles.
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china is claiming what is theirs. the u.s. disagrees. the united states says they are following international law and pledge to continue the freedom of navigation patrols where they send war ships of the artificial islands that the united states still intends to assert its military, not force, but presence in the region. we will have to see if it escalates for if they can come up with a compromise. angry words from china and the united states standing firm. >> it feels like a cold war demonstration. we may see these for some time. will, thank you. time for an early start on your money. u.s. stock futures lower. the fed begins a two-day meeting on interest rates. no change expected this week. a slightly better chance of rate hike in december, but nothing is
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certain and even a rate hike in december is not even 50/50 at this point. it is a huge day for company earnings. bp, t-mobile. hillary clinton flunks economics. that is the headline from carly fiorina in a wall street journal op-ed. brutal to the middle class and hillary clinton's policies would benefit those at the top. fiorina says household incomes are falling and too many people are leaving the work force. big government only works for big business. her solution, simplify regulations. crush regulations that crush small business. there is too much regulation for small business. the challenge to win the election is the idea of income inequality. the middle class has been hollowed out. what are the near term solutions besides tax reform and
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regulation? >> that's what they say are the solutions. >> on the other side, what resonates is raising the minimum wage and taxing the wealthy. have the wealthy pay more. two different views. that will be sharp focus. and the deadly crash this morning. a driver intentionally drove into that crowd of people according to police. what the suspect's family is saying. ] eligib medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about
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and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. there's a range of plans to choose from, too, and they all travel with you anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. ♪ call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor
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who accepts medicare patients. and there are virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you.
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this morning, the woman charged in the fatal crash of the oklahoma homecoming parade. adacia chambers made her first court appearance and prosecutors allege she intentionally drove her car into the crowd of spectators killing four people and injuring nearly 50 others. court documents reveal chambers told investigators she had attempted suicide several times and was feeling suicidal. her attorney said she gave no indication anything was wrong. >> we know she left work, but we don't know why. she did in fact leave. i believe the statement from her employer was that when she left she seemed absolutely fine. they had no concerns about her at all. they certainly didn't think she was on her way to do what ultimately happened. >> i just want the people to
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know that adacia is a kind, loving, caring person and she would not have done this purposely. i just don't believe that in may heart. >> chambers father apologized to the victims. the judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation. james comey says police across the country have become nervous because of the so-called ferguson effect. speaking at a conference, comey said officers are an aggressively afraid to take action. >> surrounded by young people with mobile phones held high taunting them when they get out of their cars. they say we feel under siege and we don't feel like getting out
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of our cars. >> he says this has contributed to the increase of homicides in many cities. the white house, interestingly enough, says it sees no evidence of this. the fbi director and the white house director. and baltimore police department testing body cameras. on monday, 150 officers were outfitted with the cameras. the department is looking into making them standard equipment. this comes six months after freddie gray's death. cnn taking you inside syria on the frontlines in the fight against isis. we are live right after the break.
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u.s. secretary of state john kerry is set to brief the senate foreign relations committee today in the closed session on syria. he is expected to hold talks with a dozen arab and european countries. joining us now after touring the frontlines in the battle against isis is cnn's new correspondent, my once and current colleague, clarissa ward. great to have you here on "early start." >> reporter: good morning, john. it is great to be here.
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we just got back from the frontlines touring with a group called the ypg. these are kurdish fighters and they are at the core of the strategy to defeat isis. they part of the coalition newly formed fighters who joined major victories against isis with the backing of u.s. and coalition air support. now the u.s. is hoping that the next step could be the ypg would take the fight to isis strongholds and launch offensives in cities like raqqah. we found the ypg fighters were exhausted after months of fighting. we found they were poorly equipped and armed. carrying old ak-47s. some fighting in sandals and sneakers. we talked to an american fighter who joined ypg. he said they only had the
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rudimentary of training. there is a big question mark hanging here, john, as to why the ypg without getting more training or support from the u.s. would actually be able to take the fight to isis and its strongholds. >> it is part of the political campaign here, clarissa. arm the kurds. it is very complicated because of one of the u.s. chief allies in the region. >> reporter: that's right. this is a very delicate balancing act for the u.s., which is why it has been some circumspect for the support for the kurds. that is because the ypg based in syria. right next door, the counterpart in turkey is the pkk. the pkk is seen to be a terrorist group. turkey certainly regards it as a primary domestic threat. the u.s. really trying not to
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defend, but the same time, wanting to push ahead for defeating isis in syria. >> clarissa ward. great to have you with us here at cnn. thanks. winter is almost here, but we have a little good news for you. your heating bill is going down. way down! >> way. >> i'll tell you why next. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses,
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i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan
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might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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i'm christine romans. let's get an early start on your money on tuesday morning. stock futures lower right now. a lot going on today. big day for business news. the first day of the fed policy meeting. no change in the interest rates. a slight chance of a rate hike in december. a brisk morning for earnings. alibaba and pfizer and ford. good profit there. the world's most valuable company, apple, reports after the close. the private company looking to raise more money. uber wants $1 billion in funding.
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making the five-year-old company worth more than ford and general motors. go outside and play. rei wants you to go outside. it doesn't want you to shop on black friday. it is giving workers thanksgiving day off and the day after. they encourage you to explore the outdoors instead. rei says the decision will put a dent in revenue, but it is a good brand. >> it got a good brand in marketi marketing. >> your heating bill this winter will be lower by the godzilla el niño. natural gas prices tumbled to a more than three year low. it has been a warm fall.
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abundant supplies. americans are saving big at the gas pump, too, changes to cheap oil. it is like a stimulus for the typical american household. gas prices, heating oil prices. a stimulus. "early start" continues now! stunning video this morning. a student arrested after being thrown to the ground by a school resource officer. new details about this video coming up. breaking news. white house and congress nearing a budget deal. will it divide the republican party? the u.s. defying china. a navy war ship sails through water claimed by the chinese. this is an international dispute over manmade islands. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine


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