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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  October 25, 2015 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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language he might understand. they tell me with the trump's numbers slipping in iowa it's time that the billionaire put his money where his mouth is literally. that is all for "inside politics." thank you for sharing your sunday morning with us. see you soon. "state of the union" starts right now. one on one with donald trump. showing a crack in the armor. >> i think ben carson is lower energy than jeb if you want to know the truth. >> what is trump's next move. >> plus, bernie sanders. does he need a new strategy now that hillary is on a roll? >> it's been quite a week, hasn't it? >> i'll ask him live. >> and marco rubio on hillary, hispanics and who can take down trump to win the republican nomination. an exclusive interview next.
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hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is competitive. the newly icy relationship between leading republican candidates donald trump and dr. ben carson. donald trump has been leading nationally but in early primary state polls for once is suddenly slipping. for trump that bro mance with carson it's over. >> with have a breaking story. donald trump has fallen to second place behind ben carson. we informed ben, but he was sleeping. >> carson, too, is taking shots
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at donald trump on immigration policy, taxes, even on trump's upcoming hosting gig on saturday night live. >> i think the presidency of the united states is a very serious thing, and i don't even want to begin to put it in the light of comedy. >> so naturally this new rivalry was on the top of my mind when i sat down with mr. trump at tin miami. >> thank you for doing this. proos appreciate it. surprising news out of iowa. dr. ben carson is polling ahead of you. what is your message to iowans. why should they vote for you and not ben carson? >> i was surprised to see it. three nights ago in iowa we had a packed house. it was 4,000 people and a love fest. i've done well with the evangelicals and the tea party. i don't understand the number but i accept the number. it means i have to work a little
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bit harder in iowa. i think it's just the same. i'm going make our country great again. we're going to do trade pacts that are incredible instead of incompetent. what we have with china, japan, everybody is incredible. nobody can is going to be able to do what i do in terms of making our country wealthy again so we can do all the things we want to do including the military and vets and taking care of people. so i'm just going to have to work a little bit harder in iowa. i was very surprised to see the numbers. i had a lead and it sort of flip-flopped a little bit with ben carson. and i like ben but he cannot do with trade like i do with trade. he can't do a lot of things like i do. we'll have to see what happens. >> you two disagree on the number of issues immigration is one of them. are you going to start contrasting your positions? >> i think so. you bring up one. he's very, very weak on immigration. i'm very strong on immigration. he believes on amnesty. he believes on citizenship.
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he's going to give citizenship to people who are here illegally. we disagree on other things, also. i think the big thing, also, he's not going to be able to do deals with china. to do deals with japan. these countries are all ripping us like nobody has ever ripped us before. >> another position where you two disagree he thinks everyone should pay taxes including the poor. he proposed something where everybody pays 10 or 15 or 20%. you don't. you believe in progressive taxation. >> i agree with him 100%. >> you do? >> except for one problem. i know, how to administrate. i know, how to get things done. i know, how to run a company or a country. and you are going to have millions of people and millions of tax returns coming in and you're talking about an irs you have to build it even bigger than it is now. the amount is going to be so little. i wanted to run right. what i want to do is create opportunity, create jobs so people get back on the tax roles. you're talking about millions and tens of millions of tax
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returns going in with $1. it costs you more than that toed a minister. most of these people are paying nothing now. they have nothing. and what are you going do? i believe in proper management, proper administration. i'd love everybody to pay because psychologically i think that's good. from an administration standpoint it would be a total nightmare. >> i want to ask you about specifically a group he seems to be beating with you. the des moines register poll shows he's beating you in iowa with born again christians 33% to 18%. you stayed pretty steady. he has gone up. 32% of iowans said yes, 28% no and 40% said they weren't sure. in september dr. carson was asked what distinguishes him from you. he mentioned faith. he brought it up. he said, quote, probably the biggest thing i realized where my success come from and i don't deny my faith in god.
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do you think that comment in any way might have affected evangelical support for him? >> no, because, look, i can only speak for myself. i don't like to talk about somebody else's faith. i'm a press baa teern. i'm a believer. i do well the evangelicals. i'm surprised it was the first time he's done better than me. i match myself against just about everybody. i'm a believer. and they've always really -- they like me. i've gone to many meetings. we've had 28 of the great ministers last week. you probably saw that. and pastors from all over the country, and so many and they really -- i've had a great relationship with christianity, and frankly, i would say every bit as good as his. i don't understand the poll. i don't. >> paul ryan is likely to be the next speaker of the house. you referred to him as weak on immigration. >> very weak. >> are you concerned about that? if you become president he has
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to be speaker of the house. >> i think i'll get along with him great. he can change but they have to pick somebody. right now they have no idea who they'll pick. it looks like paul ryan. i think he's a nice guy. a very capable guy but there are a couple of issues he's weak on. one of those is immigration. and we have to -- we have to have a border. we have to have a wall. we're going to have a wall. >> should house republicans not support him as a speaker because of this? >> that won't happen because they can't come up with another name. you see what is happening. so i think he'll be speaker and i think i'll get along well with him. >> let's turn to the issue of super pacs. you issued a statement disavowing super pacs in your name requesting they return their donations and calling on all presidential candidates to do the same. >> it's a scam. they are a disaster. i think nine or ten super pacs were set up in my name. i don't know who they are. we have people raising money.
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i guess in the name of trump that we love trump. some of them, i'm sure, do. and probably some of them don't. i have no idea what they're going to do with the money they're raising. they're raising all of this money and they're going pend spend it on the campaign. and the candidates aren't supposed to be involved in that stuff. they have all the money going. nobody knows who are the people. it's a big scam. if you look at ben carson, ben carson is spending money from super pacs all over the place. now i hear his super pacs are going to merge. i've heard his super pacs are essentially running his campaign in iowa they're doing all the groundwork and everything. that's not the purpose of a super pac was supposed to be. and, by the way, jeb bush the same thing. he has one of his best friends that heads up his super pac. i'm calling on all candidates to disavow their super pacs. it's a scam. they know it. it's a joke. they're all laughing about it.
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i laugh about it. >> you brought up jeb bush. he had tough things to say about you not being a serious candidate, about his having grave concerns about you being commander in chief. >> i'm going to respond. he happens to be a nice person. he's a low energy person. ben carson is a low energy person. we need high energy people. >> why? >> we need energy. we are so far behind the eight ball. you need a stronger templement. you have to have a strong temperament. i've watched people all my life. and i know all about low energy guys. it doesn't work. it doesn't work. when you're dealing with china. these people come in they're fierce. they're fierce. and you have to be a certain -- you need a certain temperament. i remember when jeb would say that he's a little bit too strong. we need strength they're cutting off paid people's heads in syria. we need people with a certain
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strength. i have more common sense and i'm a far better leader than jeb. jeb will never be a leader. >> why do you keep talking about jeb bush? >> i talk about beb ben carson, too. i think ben carson is a low energy person. i think ben carson is lower energy than jeb, if you want to know the truth. we need strong energy. the thing with ben he's got a good pact and people running the pac. in my opinion he has people all over iowa from his pact and they're running. ben doesn't go to iowa that much. he's doing well in iowa? so i think that the super pacs are a real problem in terms of our country, and i am talking about ben. i did talk about jeb because i thought jeb was going to be the frontrunner. obviously he's no longer the frontrunner. i probably won't talk about him so much anymore. >> carson criticized your proposal to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. he said it would cause the collapse of the farming industry. that's something of major
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concern. >> people can -- with visas they come right back in. in other words, people can come back in with visas. >> you don't buy that? >> these are illegal people. there are at least 11 million. nobody knows. could be 30 million. but there are at least 11 million. i've been hearing the number for years. could be less or more. they could come back in. they can come back in with visas and work permits. they can be worker permits. they can come back in. but i would tell carson and i would tell other people that are very weak on it, jeb happens to be, rubio happens to be weak on immigration. he was a member of the gang of eight th eight. all of a sudden he got out of the gang of eight very fast. they're weak on immigration. i'm strong on immigration. we either have a country or we don't. and we either have borders or we don't. >> don't go anywhere. we have more from my interview with trump.
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what did he think about the benghazi hearings? what would the trump doctrine be? plus, his surprising take on hillary clinton. >> i don't consider her an enemy. right now she's an opponent. isn't it beautiful when things just come together? build a beautiful website with squarespace.
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welcome back to state of the union. let's get back to more of my interview with donald trump. his views on the benghazi attack might surprise you. >> former secretary of state hillary clinton testified before the benghazi committee the other day. what did you think? >> i thought she did okay. i felt she was going to do okay. it was a very partisan and it looked quite partisan. the level of hatred between republicans and democrats was unbelievable. the level of -- you've never seen anything like it. i've been doing this for a long time. i get along with everybody and i've always gotten along with everybody. in all the years i've been involved in politics, i have never seen dislike, hatred, whatever you want to call it between two parties like you have now. >> do you think it hurts the republican party? >> i think it hurts both
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parties. i think it hurts the country. to be honest with you, jake. it hurts the country. nothing can be done. we have corporate inversion where tremendous amounts of money want to come back into the country. it's impossible. everybody agrees. but this is an interesting one. the republicans and the democrats they all agree. >> you're talking about trump administration bringing in an era of bipartisanship. >> i think so. i'm a tough guy and i actually think i'm a nice person. but some people say he's tough. i'm going to unify. this country is totally divided. barack obama has divided this country unbelievably and it's all hatred. what can i tell you? i've never seen anything like it. i'm going to unify the country. sometimes i'll say that and people say -- but the people that know me and i'm talking about some of the biggest people in the world they call up and say it's right. i've seen it. and, you know, one of the big knocks on me was that over the
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years i've gotten along with democrats and with republicans. i said that's a good thing. as a businessman, i had ab obligation to do that. i get along with everybody. i will be a great unifier for our country. >> hillary clinton at the debate the democratic debate was asked to name enemies of which she was proud and she said republicans. >> that's part of the problem. you have the other side using that. as a republican, what do you think when you see a thing like that? >> is she your enemy? >> i don't consider her an enemy. she's an opponent. i don't consider her an enemy. she can be easily beaten by her record. i'm not talking about the benghazi record. hundreds of phone calls came from the ambassador asking for help and nothing was done. people are forgetting the things that took place during the hearing. but i don't consider that. i just say that her record -- her record in government. if you look at her she was in
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favor of the war with iraq. it was a disaster. i wasn't. i should be given credit because in 2003 i came out with a major statement front page all over the place i don't know why. i was just a businessman. i wasn't a politician that we shouldn't go into iraq because it's going destabilize the middle east and iran will end uptaking over iraq. which is, by the way, after spending $2 trillion, thousands of lives, wounded warriors, who i love all over the place. iran is taking over iraq as we speak. by the way, what they don't have isis has. so we shouldn't have done it. hillary clinton voted in favor of the war. >> the u.s. just hold a soldier in iraq. you were talking about isis. sergeant joshua wheeler was killed in a joint message to rescue hostages. he's the first american soldier killed in combat against isis. would you have ordered that mission? >> i would say the following.
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i was against iraq but we shouldn't have left the way we left. if you remember, i told you very early on if we're going to leave take the oil. right now you know who has the oil and china is buying the oil. they don't have ten cents and they're the biggest customer. you have the oil going isis and the oil going to iran and iran will end up with most of it. and isis will have plenty. they have plenty of money because they took the oil because we were stupid. i said take the oil when we leave. but we shouldn't have really left. we shouldn't have gone in but then we shouldn't have left. so bush shouldn't have gotten us in and obama shouldn't have taken us out. and the other thing predi predictabili predictability. he shouldn't have said we're going by a certain date. the enemy sat back just waiting. take them out and they go and get their number, which they're doing to this day. >> this is the situation you will inherit if you become commander in chief.
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>> i think i'll be good at it. if you look at the polls in iowa. nobody talks about the abc washington post poll where i was number one nationwide by a lot. everyone loves to talk about the iowa poll and i think -- >> you're leading in nationwide polls. >> by a lot. >> by a lot. i believe that -- if you look at the polls people give me the highest mark for leadership. they give me the highest mark for military. thigh give me the highest marks. >> would you order special operations mission to go rescue hostages even if they weren't americans? >> i think i might but i have to look at the situation. i'm not going to criticize anybody for that. i think i might but i would have to look at the situation. all i know is this we're living in mid evil times. i used to read about mid evil times they chop heads off. we're in the most brutal period of this war that anybody can remember. i'm talking thousands of years. we're having heads chopped off, people drown in cages.
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we're living in an unbelievably dangerous and horrible world. which is why i want to build up the military. we need it now more than ever before. >> what is the trump doctrine. wi when would you use force and how? would be overwhelming, more like counter terrorism special ops, navy seals? >> the trump doctrine is simple. it's strength. it's strength. nobody is going to mess with us. our military will be made stronger. when the general left i was watching three or four weeks ago on television he said that the army is in the worst level of preparedness that it's ever been that he can remember and maybe in the history. i said what a statement. >> you said that the middle east would be better off with gadhafi and saddam hussein in power. >> i didn't say assad. we have not gained anything with gadhafi. you look at what happened. look at libya. look at iraq.
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iraq used to be no terrorists. he would kill the terrorists immediately. now it's the harvard of terrorism. iraq. if you look at iraq from years ago, i'm not saying he was a nice guy. he was a horrible guy but it's better than it is now. right now iraq is a training ground for terrorists. right now libya nobody everybody knows libya. frankly there is no iraq and libya. it's broken up. they have no control. nobody knows what is going on. >> the world would be better off with saddam hussein and georgad in power. >> 100%. people are getting their heads chopped off. they're being drown. right now it's far worse than ever under saddam hussein or gadhafi. i mean, look what happened. libya is a cats tee -- catastrophe. libya is a disaster. iraq is a disaster. syria is a disaster. the whole middle east. it all blew up around hillary
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clinton and around obama. it blew up. one thing about assad. not a good guy. indian tha i understand that. we're spending money backing rebels where we have no idea who they are. i happen to think they're isis. who knows. we're spending billions of dollars to get assad out with people that we have no idea who they are. i don't think that's smart. we have to rebuild our country. our country is falling to pieces. we have $19 trillion in debt. we have infrastructure that is disast disaster. our roadways, airports, schools. everything. we have to think about ourselves. we're pouring trillions of dollars into the middle east and we have nothing for it. nothing. >> mr. trump, thank you so much for spending the time talking to us today. >> thank you very much. feel the burn! that was the message flying over a clinton rally in iowa yesterday. is sanders stepping up his fight? we'll ask him. live senator bernie sanders
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if you're a political junky in iowa, this was a weekend not to be missed. there was a big democratic dinner featuring all the democratic candidates still rubbing for president. a blow out concert from katy perry, who is supporting hillary clinton, and a drop by from an old friend. ♪ >> the strangle hold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse. >> in question now is whether bernie sanders can keep his momentum going as hillary clinton builds some of her own. senator sanders joins us live from des moines. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> senator sanders, you went on offense last night at iowa's
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jefferson jackson dinner contrasting your record with that of secretary clinton. she's coming off a stretch many pundits consider to be strong. vice president biden not running for president. are we in a new phase of the campaign. are you going to be drawing contrasts on issues more aggressively? >> well, i don't know it's a new phase. i've known hillary clinton for 25 years. i have a lot of respect for her. she's a friend. we have differences of opinion. i think the american people, people participating in the democratic primary process need to know the differences. i have consistently been a critic of what is going on on wall street, the recklessness, the illegal behavior. i help lead the effort against the deregulation of wall street. i believe that we should bring back glass stegall legislation so you do not have the absurd situation of commercial banks
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and invest banks and large insurance companies being together. you do not have six financial institutions having assets equivalent to 60% of the gdp. with all the economic and political power that these have i think you have to break them up. that's been my view for a long time. that is not hillary clinton's view. i believe that nafta and permanent normal trade relations, trade agreements have been a disaster for american workers over the last 15 years we've lots tens of millions of factories and decent paying job. the transpacific partnership was a bad agreement. i didn't have to do a lot of thinking about it. keystone pipeline the same thing. war on iraq the same thing. i have been consistent over the years. i think it's point for the people to know that. >> and one of the issues you drew a contrast with on hillary clinton last night had to do
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with the defense of marriage act, which bill clinton signed into law. i want you to take a listen to what clinton -- hillary clinton had to say on friday about her husband signing that law. >> doma was a line that was drawn that was to prevent going further. it was a defensive action. >> it was a defensive action. the culture rapidly changed so that now what was totally political forces they had seeded. >> senator sanders, you voted against the defense of marriage act. hillary clinton is calling it a defensive action. last night you said some are trying to rewrite history >>well, i think the history of that is pretty clear. the republicans came into congress. many of them, i'm sorry to say,
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are home phobic. they saw it as a good prelim issue. they were trying to make it impossible for gay couples to be married. to have -- to get benefits from the federal government. to have marriage in one state be recognized in another state. i think everybody at the anytime knew it was simply home phobic of legislation. i have to tell you something, jake. the vote i cast, the vote on that was overwhelmingly for doma because i think a lot of members of congress were nervous about going home. it was not an easy vote. i voted against doma because i thought then and i think now people have the right to love those folks that they want to love and get married regardless of their sexual orientation. it was not an easy vote. that was the issue. >> right. >> i think everybody at the time knew what was going on. >> you're calling that
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legislation home phobic. hillary clinton is saying that bill clinton signed into this legislation. she said it was done as a way of being defensive to protect gay right rights. >> i would not agree with that. that legislation was initiated -- it was initiated by republicans in the house. he ended up signing it. not vetoing it. to my mind i think the evidence is very clear that that legislation was anti-gay legislation. it was playing off a fears of a lot of americans. the good news is hillary clinton just indicated the culture changed radically. we have become a far less discriminate story. we should be very proud of it. we have come a long way since that vote in 1996.
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>> senator sanders, i appreciate the tone that you bring to the presidential race, but i have to say your rival secretary clinton is not bringing the same tone. she's basically calling you a sexist. i want you to take a listen to thi this. >> i was told to stop, and i quote, shouting about gun violence. first of all, i'm not shouting. it's just when women talk some people think we're shouting. >> she's suggesting in public that you have a problem with women speaking out. >>well, you know. all i can say is i am very proud of my record on women's issues. i certainly do not have a problem with women speaking out. and i think what the secretary is doing there is taking words and disapplying them.
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what i was saying is if we're going make some progress on dealing with these horrific massacres that we're seeing is that people have got to stop all over this country talking to each other. it's not hillary clinton. you have some people who are shouting and other people across this country. you know that. this nation is divided on this issue. what i have said is i think there is a consensus out there that talks about banning assault weapons. that talks about expanding background checks and doing away with the gun show loophole. making sure that the straw man situation becomes federal law and make sure that guns don't get into the hands of people who should not have them. that we deal with the mental health crisis. what i was talking about, clearly, across the country you have people shouting at each other. >> right. she's suggesting you're saying -- >> no. >> that you're shouting and that you when you hear a woman
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talking you think they're shouting. >> no. what can i say? that's just not the case. that's wrong. >> i want to turn another issue that came up at the democratic debate. it you were the chairman of the senate veteran's affairs committee following the debate you were criticized by the founder and crow of the iraq and afghanistan veteran's of america. he told cnn, quote, for far too long senator sanders was apologizing for the va. he was positioning it as a smaller issue than it was. while veterans were dying waiting for care. i want to give you an opportunity to respond. >> let me say this. i'm very proud that when i was chairman of the senate veteran's committee i received the highest awards from the american legion and the highest award from the veteran vfw. i received those awards because they knew that i was doing everything that i could to
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protect veteran's rights. doing everything i could to make sure that every veteran in this country, the health care and the benefits they needed in a timely matter. the politics in the veteran's committee is a veteran's world as well. i worked very closely with all of the veteran's organizations. all of the veteran's organizations and what we ended up doing in a bipartisanship manner, i work with people like john mccain in the senate to put together the most comprehensive veteran's health care legislation in the history of this country, which in fact is making improving health care for our veterans. >> thank you, senator. in a timely manner. >> huang so much. we appreciate it. and hope to see you out there on the campaign trail. >> thank you very much. there are on the polls and the odds. why the betting market say marco
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welcome back to "state of the union." jeb bush is slashing spending and salaries to stay competitive in a race many once thought he might easily lead on the campaign trail. this weekend he sounded disenheartened. >> if this election is how we're going to fight to get nothing done, i don't want any part of it. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that. >> the most obvious beneficiary of a weakened bush is senator marco rubio. cnn special correspondent sat down with him for an exclusive interview. >> so let's start with republican frontrunner mr. trump. we're here in south carolina but he was in your hometown last night.
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he has 28% in your home state of florida. you have 14. why are you -- >> if you start paying attention to the polls in october you'll go crazy. i've been up-and-down. >> you're the sitting senator in florida. >> it's an unusual year. i think part is people are angry about the direction of our country. what you see in florida is no different than what you see reflected around the country. >> last night there were protesters on immigration that had to come out and in the end trump said i'm going to win with hispanics. i love the hispanics. what do you think when you hear him say things like that? >> that's donald being donald. that's what it is. >> he is the frontrunner, though, he hits you and carson over and over again. he says you're weak on immigration. is he more in tuned with the republican party on this issue than you are? >> no. his rhetoric is a little louder.
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if you think about where he was six months ago. it was nothing like what he's saying now. whaec what he's saying now borders on the absurd. he's going to deport the people and allow back in the ones that are good. it makes no sense. >> jeb bush said donald trump has dangerous views on national security and has grave doubts about him as commander in chief. are you comfortable with the idea of donald trump with his finger on the button? >> well, i wouldn't term it that way. i would say ultimately the next president of the united states on their first day in office must understoand the threats tht face the country. >> are you comfortable? >> the truth is, i said in the debates the last time on cnn. i don't believe up to this point in the campaign he's clearly outlined a deep understanding of the issues before the country in a serious way. he has time to change that. we have more kbaits coming up. >> right now he's not ready? >> to this point in the campaign he's not proven an understanding
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of these issues or the preparation necessary to be the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the world. >> if he's the nominee, would you enthusiastically support him? >> i'm going to support the republican nominee. i'm comfortable it's not going to be trump. i'm increasingly confident it's going to be me. >> do you think there needs to be a stop trump movement? >> no. i think we should have a republican primary. i think the candidates should go out and tell people who they are and what they're for and the voters will decide. >> marco rubio criticism over and over again you keep missing votes on the senate floor. 43% of the votes. i know, you say you're campaigning for president but bernie sanders, rand paul, they've missed fewer than ten votes. you're at 59 or 60. >> everyone needs to run their own campaign. in the history of presidential politics when they have been running for politics in the senate they have missed votes.
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i'm not missing -- actually, this is lower than what other people missed. i'm running for president so the votes they take are meaningful. if they pass the president would veto it. >> the other day you got up on the senate floor and you said federal workers who don't show up should be fired. >> that's not what i said. >> what did you said? >> federal workers not doing their jobs not performing at their jobs should be able to be fired. should be held accountable. >> someone might say you're not showing up. you're not doing your job. >> it's only part of the senate job. most important thing is constituent service. we're involved in looking out for florida's issues. >> votes an important. >> of course they are important. >> we do all the intelligence briefings. i was there this tuesday. i got fully briefed and caught up on everything that is happening in the world. i'm fully aware. we have a staffer assigned to
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intelligence. we get constant briefings. votes, of course, are important. unfortunately too many of them today are not meaningful. >> hillary clinton has had a pretty good two weeks. she had saturday night live. she did well in the debates. she went through 11 hours of the hearings. if it is a face off marco rubio hillary clinton how formidable is she? >> someone that comes from a political dynasty. it brings capabilities and so forth. people may think she had a good week. i think it's the week she lied about benghazi. >> you are on the rise. the betting folks say you are now the most likely person to win the republican nominee over jeb bush. democrats say you are formidable that they are scared of you. why is it taking you to long to get traction? >> none of those things matter. it's just campaign talk.
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politics today is covered almost like sports. you watch the teams that have a good game they're the top team in the world. the next week they have a bad game they're a disaster. that's not the way campaigns work. >> they say they're scared of you and are formidable. >> i don't believe any of these things back and forth. this is a campaign about the future of america. it's not a college football game. we need to take it seriously. the very direction of our country for the next 50 to 100 years is at stake in 2016. >> when we come back a brand new state of the cartoonunion. what might we see coming up at this week's republican debate? ♪ isn't it beautiful when things just come together? with squarespace. diis critical for brain health?n brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health
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some of the republican candidates complained it took super human strength to get through the last debate. will they be channelling their super power to succeed. it's the subject of this week's state of the cartoonion. our friends at cnbc announced which republicans made their debate. it was all very super heroic as if this is the new line up for the super friends in the hall of justice. christi the crusader, killer carly or the legion of doom. >> dedicated to a single objective. >> the traffic disrupter. lady of layoffs. it was all a theme this week. jeb bush was stopped when asked to name his favorite comic book character landing on super girl.
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star of an upcoming tv show whose super power, according to bush, is being attractive. >> i saw there's a super girl on tv. i saw it when i was working out this morning. there's an ad promoting super girl. she looked pretty hot. i don't know what channel it was on but i'm looking forward to that. >> we already knew donald trump not only has a favorite super hero, he is one. >> i'm batman. >> he's punching the lights out of a villain looks an awful lot like donald trump. the theme will continue this wednesday when they all vie to be captain america. ♪ >> thanks for spendi ining your sundaying with us. i'm jake tapper. gps is now.
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this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. today on gps, the finger pointing on the campaign trail has reached back into history. first up, does president bush bare the brunt of the blame for the 9/11 attacks? >> say what you want, the world trade center came down during his time. >> trump's words have reignited the debate. i will talk to the director of the 9/11 commission and bush's


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