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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  October 23, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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hillary clinton on the hot seat for hours, hours and hours. an 11-hour hearing on the benghazi terror attack. this went late, folks. there were big emotional moments. we have new reaction this morning coming up. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> and i'm christine romans. this morning hillary clinton is back on the campaign trail. she's in virginia after that exhausting and exhaustive 11-hour grilling by the house benghazi committee. again and again republicans pressed the former secretary of state about her response to security concerns at the u.s. diplomatic compound in benghazi, libya. they drilled into her actions on the night of the attack on that compound, the attack in 2012, an attack that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens, foreign service officer sean smith and cia contractors glen
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doherty and tyrone woods. at times clinton's testimony was emotional. >> i wonder if you would like to comment on what it's like to be dealing with the allegation that you deliberately caused the life of an ambassador who was also a friend. >> congressman, it's a very painful accusation. it has been rejected and disproven by non-partisan dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless having it continued to be bandied around is deeply distressing to me. you know, i would imagine i've thought more about what happened than all of you put together. i've lost more sleep than all of you put together. i have been racking my brain about what more could have been done or should have been done. >> other moments in this
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contentious hearings, hillary clinton almost sat back and allowed others to do the shouting. >> would the gentleman yield. >> i'll be happy, to but you need to make sure the entire record is correct. >> that's exactly what i want to do. >> go ahead. >> i'm going to tell you. i move that we put into the record the entire transcript of sidney blume that. we're going to release the e-mails, let's do the transcript. that way the world can see it. >> we didn't -- >> the motion has been seconded. >> well, we're not going to take that up at a hearing. we'll take that up -- >> i have consulted with the parliamentarian, and they have informed us that we have a right to a recorded vote on that moment. we want -- >> you know what, let's do it. >> the whole true and nothing but true. let's what we'll have. let the world see it. >> i think the core theory is this. that you deliberately interfered with security in benghazi and that resulted in people dying. i think that is the case they want to make. >> there is no theory of the prosecution, mr. schiff, because
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there is no prosecution. there's a very big difference between a prosecution where you already have reached a conclusion and you're just trying to prove it to people. this is an investigation. >> no one ever recommended closing the post in bengzy. >> no one recommended closing, but you had two ambassadors that made several, several requests, and here's basically what happened to their requests. they were torn up. >> all right. so after all of this, after all the stacks of e-mails and shredding of papers did anything new emerge and what effect might it all have on the 2016 race? let's get that from political correspondent dana bash. >> reporter: john and christine we are still standing after 11 hours from start to finish. that is how long this marathon hearing took, and so the big question at the end of the day is what new did we learn? well, the answer to that from the republican chairman himself was effectively not much, not
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much compared to other testimony that hillary clinton has given which is not exactly what republicans out there wanted to know or maybe even americans who wanted their taxpayer dollars spent wisely. however, i spoke to another republican on the committee, susan brooks, who had some very interesting exchanges, good questions for hillary clinton during the many hours of that hearing, and i asked her what she learned new, and she actually thought that she did. take a listen. >> she led the agency where our americans died and so it was very important to ask her about who, what, why, when and where. we ask those types of questions. some she had obviously testified previously, but i think we went into much greater detail and much greater depth in getting an understanding of how -- who she took advice from, who was involved in decision-making and
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what happened actually on the night of the incident. i think we went into much greater detail so i think it was insightful. i think it was productive. i know that we have more important witnesses to go. this is not the end of the investigation. >>. >> reporter: now for people who watched some or all of this very, very long hearing, you cou could see that the democrats for the most part weren't trying very hard to probe exactly what happened when and why. some were asking security questions, but most of them used their time to try to call this out as a political partisan witch-hunt effectively, and so afterwards in these hallways talking to reporters they felt that they were vindicated by the way that it went, that it was partisan, and at the end of the day they insist that they are not sure that this is -- this whole select committee is going to come up with anything that we didn't know beforehand, so we'll see what's next. the chairman says that he does have other witnesses he's going
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to call. they do have more work to do. they still are waiting for some more documents from the state department, so hillary clinton's portion of this drama might be over, at least publicly, but the investigation continues. john and christine. >> thanks, dana. the republican presidential candidates a lot of them immediately jumped on clinton's testimony blaming her for security lapses in benghazi, and they spotlighted the controversy over her e-mail. overnight we heard from marco rubio and jeb bush. >> she has always felt and the clintons have always felt that they operate above the law, that there's a set of rules for one group of people and there's a set for them. >> i didn't see much of it, but she's not accepting responsibility. >> let's get more on the republican response now from senior washington correspondent joe johns. >> reporter: john and christine, as hillary clinton testified in that marathon session on benghazi on capitol hill, some of the republican presidential candidates were followingled proceedings with interest and weighing in on twitter,
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including south carolina senator lindsey graham who tweeted as threats increased security decreased. hillary clinton is responsible above all others for this dynamic. graham expressing support for republican trey gowdy, the republican chairman of the committee. he tweeted for those who want to avoid responsibility for their actions regarding benghazi, trade gowdy has become their worth of nightmare. senator rand paul tweeted a picture of we need a hard drive and hillary and dr. ben carson leading in iowa and the latest quinnipiac poll answered a question about the hearing. listen. >> well, i'm good she's gotten around to it, a good thing. benghazi is a very serious issue because it goes to the core of who we are as americans. >> do you think the committee has been delegitimized at all? >> i think a lot of people who
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say it's delegitimized because they don't want to get to the bottom of the situation, but we have to get to the bottom of it because it's very important. >> democrats have said the benghazi committee investigation was undermined from house majority leader kevin mccarthy saying secretary clinton's poll numbers were reduced due to the work. john and christine. >> joining us to talk about is cnn politics reporter eric brenner. the last time i've seen somebody sit there for so long i think it was lloyd blankfein, and i want to show you they, change with congresswoman brooks questioning hillary clinton. >> did you ever talk to ambassador stevens when all of this was going on in the hotbed
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of libya? that is a yes or no question, madam secretary. i'm sorry. did you ever personally speak to ambassador stevens of a -- we don't know the answer. did you ever personally speak to him after you swore him in in may? yes or no, please. >> yes, i believe i did. >> and when was that? >> i don't recall. >> that was a tense -- a tense exchange between the two. >> and to be clear, it wasn't while events were happening in benghazi. representative brooks was asking if you had ever spoken to chris stevens by phone after he was appointed by ambassador. >> this is maybe the worst exchange for hillary clinton of the entire day. she's giving this sort of heartfelt explanation for why this was a terrible period in her life. everything that she did to try to get to the bottom of what had happened and she's admitting that she perhaps didn't speak to this ambassador for months. now, obviously hillary clinton can't remember every conversation she had three years ago and she oversaw more than
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200 ambassadors. she surely spoke with many of them at the time, but republicans are going to see that as sort of an admission -- you know, if they want to read into this that hillary clinton was disengaged, that will probably be the moment that they are going to point to. >> yeah. it was interesting, too, one of the reasons they focused so much on sidney blumenthal the journalist associated working with the clintons for decades, one of the things she pointed out she interacted a lot with the sidney blumenthal so why wasn't she talking to her ambassador chris stevens, a man she also called a friend? >> right. >> another exchange, got some laughs from some people when alabama representative martha roby was asking clinton about the night of the attack, who she had been speaking with, where she was, and whom she was with. let's listen. >> who else was at your home? were you alone? >> i was alone, yes. >> the whole night? >> well, yes, the whole night. >> well, i don't know why that's
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funny. i mean, did you have any in-person briefings? >> i don't find it funny at all. >> a little note at levity at 7:15. >> what roby was suggesting she didn't stay at the state department to oversee personally what was going on in benghazi, the attacks in libya, but net result was a moment where a lot of people just out and out laughed, eric. >> right. i was in the room and i think literally everyone sort of chuckled at that because like hillary clinton, i think everyone was sort of taken off guard, wasn't really sure what the congresswoman was getting at, but -- but, yes, she was really pressing hillary clinton on the details of is that night, who she talked to, where she was where and what her staff was doing, and -- and so, yeah. this is hillary clinton is at that point more than nine hours into this hearing, and -- and really frankly didn't see where the congresswoman was going with that exchange. >> it seemed like a natural thing to laugh at frankly. if you're watching, it we all were. >> hours and hours and hours of
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testimony, too. so in the end, i mean, let's talk about where it goes from here. on the campaign trail today in virginia. trey gowdy after the hearing on clinton, i think we have that sound. let's listen to what trey gowdy said after that hearing was conclud concluded. >> i think some of jimmy jordan's questioning -- well, when you say new today, i mean, we knew some of that already. we knew about the e-mails. in terms of her testimony, i don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous time she testified. >> so he was asked if there was anything new. was there anything new to you? is there a thing that jumped out to you that this hearing revealed that we did not know before about benghazi? >> you know, it was only small stuff, like perhaps that exchange with susan brooks, about when she talked to chris stevens or whether she talked to chris stevens. there is nothing big, no major bombshell, and for hillary clinton that's a great thing. she's coming off, you know, a couple of highs here, a great
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democratic debate and joe biden deciding not to get in the race, and this was the third of three big challenges this month, and for her to emerge from it without any news or bombshell, new piece of information emerging is tremendous. this will be a really helpful sort of injection of energy into her campaign. so -- so, no, this hearing went about as clinton would have wanted it to. she got a little snippy perhaps naturally towards the end of those 11 hours, both trey gowdy and hillary clinton and elijah cummings, the ranking democrat who were sort of sniping at each other, but there were no bad moments, no the new pieces of information that are going to damage her politically that appeared to be revealed yesterday >> she mostly kept her cool and the democrats lined up around her and were able to attack republicans on her behalf, as her proxy and the republicans kept up very aggressive questioning the whole time. >> hard to see how minds were changed which may be the ultimate barometer here. eric, great to have you with us.
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>> have a great weekend. >> happening now, a high stakes meeting between russia and the u.s. over the crisis in syria. we're live next. just about anywhere you can use splenda®... calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda® awe believe active management can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can take calculated risks. active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn't reactive. it's active. that's the power of active management.
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ingredients deliver superior vapor and taste. vuse. unrivaled taste satisfaction. all right. secretary of state john kerry meeting with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov in vienna right now, an important meeting happening this morning. what they are looking for is common ground in the crisis in syria. the russians have been propping up the syrian leader bashar al assad with air strikes against his enemy. the u.s. insists he cannot be part -- assad cannot be part of a future syrian regime. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson watching this. they have friendly and have constructive dialogue often, but they have very seldom been able to most united states and russia together on key international crises points, nic. >> reporter: yeah, i mean, look, they have had a great track record in vienna if you look
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back to the iran nuclear talks this summer. the russian president is saying, and he met earlier this week with the syrian president, is that bashar al assad, the syrian president is willing to back rebel groups that will take on isis. well, the united states is doing that already, but here's the rub on all of that. bashar al assad and the russians are attacking some of those rebel groups that the united states is supporting so they seem to be on opposite sides of the table, even thought the rhetoric might side kind of attractive so lavrov is coming into a situation here, not just meeting with secretary kerry so you have the two big international world powers that are directly involved in syria at table but also going to be there as well. the turkish and saudi foreign powers works definitely have a lot of influence and a lot at take in what's happening inside syria, and right now turkey, saudi arabia on the same side of
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the table as john kerry, so it seems that sergei lavrov is, a, going to have a really hard sell and, b, it's going to be a real really, really hard sell. it seems unlikely that we're going to see a lot of progress out of this meeting, but they are meeting, and these are four big, big players involved in syria. that itself has got to be a good thing. john. >> that's a good point. nic robertson in london, thanks. this morning pentagon officials are trying to explain u.s. involvement in a raid on an isis-control prison in northern iraq, a raid that left one american service member dead. the u.s. joined the raid in a support role at request of the kurdish regional government, but the pentagon says that when the kurdish forces came under heavy fire, commanders decided to enter the fire fight. that's when the u.s. soldier was fatally wounded. it's the first time an american has been killed in action in iraq since the u.s. renewed military intervention there a year ago. >> all right. paul ryan made it official while
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so many people were watching the benghazi hearing, he officially announced he will run for house speaker. he wrote a note to his republican colleagues saying he's ready and eager to lead and unite party. he jumped in after two influential republican groups followed the house freedom caucus pledging support to ryan. he's now the consensus candidate. a vote for speaker is scheduled for next week. time for an early start on your monday, a great morning for stocks around the world. european and asian stocks and hopes of more stimulus from the european central bank and u.s. stock futures are up after the big surge yesterday, the dow 321 points, almost 2%. solid earnings from big players like mcdonald's, google, amazon, microsoft. one looming threat though to stocks, the debt ceiling. treasury secretary jack lew has warntd impasse in washington is already increasing borrowing costs. congress must act as soon as possible, and the treasury, this got a lot of people by surprise yesterday, john, the treasury cancelled the sale of two-year notes. that auction of debt was scheduled for next week.
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the cancelling is because the fears congress won't raise the debt ceiling in time. the sale, the auction scheduled for october 27th, set to go through on november 2nd, just the day before jack lew and the treasury think that they will have exhaust their measures to keep country below the debt limit. >> yeah. welcome to the next two weeks of your life, folks. serious fight, may not be a resolution. >> down to the wire. >> you may have been watching the hearings on capitol hill, but there was a different game, "thursday night football. "the seattle seahawks, and there was another time barely on the field as well. depends on who came out on top. eddie scholes has the details in "the bleacher report" next. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight.
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the 49ers and seahawks, they used to be good football teams. they met on "thursday night football" and even though we're not even halfway through the season, this was a really big game for both of these teams. >> andy has more in this morning's "bleacher report." hi, andy. >> both the seahawks and niners a disappointing 2-4 coming into last night's game and if you fall to 2-5 in the nfl you've got only about a 3% chance of making the playoffs. both of these teams knew how important this game was. the 49ers colin kaepernick, i mean, he had a real rough night. he was sacked six times and only completed 13 passes in the game, and you've got to check out this incomplete pass right here. it's going to drill one of the trainers right in the head on the 49ers sideline.
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hopefully he is okay. the seahawks go on to win this game pretty easily. the final score, 20-3. louisville head coach rick pitino telling cardinal fans he will not be going anywhere as investigators look at allegations that one of his former staffers hired an escort at other dancers to strip and have sex with recruits. pitino said, quote, i will not resign and let you down. some day i will walk away in celebration of many memorable years, but that time is not now. a great news for john ferrell and the boston red sox. the team announcing on thursday that ferrell's cancer is in remission. the 53-year-old has been on medical leave since august after being diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. ferrell will return as boston's manager next year and is expected to be ready to go for spring training. finally, a homecoming queen in alabama giving roll tide a whole new meaning last weekend to. honor her dad's last game coaching jody farnetti wanted to
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go out and make a field goal in the third quarter, went out there and nailed it. the first person she runs and hugs on the sideline is, of course, her dad. earlier in the night jody had been named homecoming queen while rocking the football uniform so pretty cool and awesome moment for her and her dad right there. christine, it's interesting. jody's got the same nickname that berman had in high school, miss friday night. >> well done. andy scholes, i just concede, i concede, you win. i can't beat that. >> how you doing, guys. >> thanks, end, appreciate it. >> it was a long night, as can you tell by my non-response from my and y scholes beattown. hillary clinton faced the house select benghazi committee, 11 hours there. what more did we learn and did she should any light on the e-mail controversy? all that and more next. you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease...
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some emotional moments, some shouting matches. hillary clinton grilled late into the evening, grilled on the 2012 benghazi terror attack. what we've learned new this morning and reaction this morning. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman b.31 minutes past the hour. this morning, hillary clinton she is back on the campaign trail in virginia with her friend terry mcauliffe, the governor of virginia, this after an exhausting and exhaustive 11-hour session before the house select committee investigating benghazi. over and over republicans pressed the former secretary of state about her response to security concerns or they would say lack of response to security concerns at the u.s. diplomatic
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compound in benghazi. they drilled into clinton's actions the night of the 2012 attack. that attack that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens and foreign officer sean smith and glen doherty and tyrone woods. there were moments of emotion. >> i wonder if you would like to comment on what it's like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. >> congressman, it's a very personally painful accusation. it has been rejected and disproven by non-partisan, dispassionate investigators but nevertheless having it continued to be bandied around is deeply distressing to me. you know, i would imagine i've thought more about what happened than all of you put together. i've lost more sleep than all of
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you put together. i have been racking my brain about what more could have been done or should have been done. >> at other moments in this contentious hearing clinton kind of sat back and allowed everyone else to do the shouting. >> would the gentleman yield. >> i'll be happy to but you need to make sure that the entire record is correct. >> that's exactly what i want to do. >> go ahead. >> i'm about to tell you. i move that we put into the record the entire transscript of sidney bloomenthal, we're going to release the e-mails, let's do the transcript. that wait world can see it. >> i second the motion. >> we -- >> the motion has been seconded. >> well, we're not going to take that up at a hearing. >> mr. chairman, i have consulted with the parliamentarian, and they have informed us that we have a right to a recorded vote on that motion. >> well, i'll tell you -- >> the whole truth and nothing but the truth, that's what we want to have. let the world see it. >> after all this did anything
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new emerge, whabd effect might this all have on the 2016 race? chief political correspondent dana bash has this. >> john and christine, we are still standing after 11 hours from start to finish. that is how long this marathon hearing took, and so the big question at end of the day is what new did we learn? well, the answer to that from the republican chairman himself was effectively not much, not much compared to other testimony that hillary clinton has given which is not exactly what republicans out there wanted to know or maybe even americans who wanted their taxpayer dollars spent wisely. however, i smoke to another republican on the committee, susan brooks, who had some very interesting exchanges, good questions for hillary clinton, during the many hours of that hearing, and i asked her what she learned new and she actually thought that she did. take a listen. >> she led the agency where our
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americans died, and so it was very important to ask her about who, what, why, when and where. we ask those types of questions. some she had obviously testified previously, but i think we went into much greater detail and much greater depth in getting an understanding of how she -- who she took advice from, who was involved in decision-making and who happened actually on the night of the incident. i think we went into much greater detail, so i think it was insightful. i think it was productive. i know that we have more important witnesses to go. this is not the end of the investigation. >> now for people who watched some or all of this very, very long hearing, you could see that the democrats for the most part weren't trying very hard to probe exactly what happened when and why. some were asking security questions, but most of they used
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their time to try to call this out as a political partisan witch-hunt effectively and so afterwards in these hallways talking to reporters, they felt that they were vindicated by the way that it went. it was partisan and at end of the day they insist that they are not sure that this -- that this whole select committee is going to come up with anything that we didn't know beforehand so we'll see what's next. the chairman says that he does have other witnesses he's going to call. they do have more work to do. they still are waiting for some more documents from the state department, so hillary clinton's portion of this drama might be over, at least publicly, but the investigation continues. john and christine. >> all right, dana, thanks so much. joining us to talk about the hearing, cnn politics reporter who was in a good chunk of the this hearing. republicans saying there were a couple of good things that came out. we saw some new e-mails and new
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communications from hillary clinton herself right around the time of the attacks around benghazi where she said it was a terrorist attack, e-mails and communications, not a terrorist attack and not because of the video and another thing new was a line of attack or this line of questioning that we saw for some republica republicans. why was hillary clinton talking so much to sidney blumenthal when she never communicated with chris stevens? and this was one such exchange where representative susan brooks was asking hillary clinton about just how much she had spoken to chris stevens over the years. listen. >> the did you ever talk to ambassador stevens when all of this was going on in the hotbed of libya? that is a yes or no question, madam secretary. i'm sorry, did you ever personally speak to ambassador stevens -- we don't note answer. did you ever personally speak to him after you swore him in in may? >> i believe -- >> yes or no, please.
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>> yes, i believe i did. >> and when was that? >> i don't recall. >> so you were not as focused on him and his concerns as you should have been that. was the charge we heard yesterday, eric. >> and the republicans were juxtaposing hillary clinton's communications with ambassador chris stevens with another man sidney blumenthal who is a friend of the clintons, someone who is not particularly well known outside of washington, but e-mailed with hillary clinton quite regularly, often to discuss libya. now republicans were basically saying, look, this guy, sid blumenthal, who isn't in an official capacity at state department clearly talks to you all the time. you're responding to him. you're forwarding on his notes to other people at the state department and yet you don't know if you talked with ambassador chris stevens. it was sort of an effort to pierce through this sort of heartfelt explanation that hillary clinton was giving of the incident of her involvement of her time afterward trying to figure out what had gone wrong,
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and if there was one moment in the hearing that -- that could be for republicans something that they sort of use afterwards, that was probably going to be it, even if it isn't a smoking gun or anything along those lines. >> let's talk about the awkward moment between the congresswoman from alabama and the former secretary of state about what she was doing about the night of the attacks. let's listen. >> who else was at your home? were you alone? >> i was alone, yes. >> the whole night? >> well, yes, the whole night. >> well, i don't know why that's funny. i mean, did you have in-person briefings. i don't find it funny at all. >> i'm sorry, a little note of levity at 7:15. >> i think the suggestion here from the republicans is she was home. she wasn't having meetings, locked down trying to figure out how to -- how to stop this attack, that she was disengaged from what was happening in the benghazi mission. >> right, right, and that actually offered sort of a good glimpse into the entire hearing.
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republicans were probing with these really specific questions about what she was doing, when she was doing it, and -- and to clinton and the democrats and frankly the audience in the room, it almost seemed silly at that point. that was nine hours in, and -- and hillary clinton didn't seem to know where the congresswoman was going with that, didn't really understand what she was trying to get out of that exchange, the who, what, where, when and why of that evening in hillary clinton's life, and so, yeah, it did create an awkward moment. it's sort of funny to look back on it, but at the time it was a rather tense with the republicans very much not appreciating hillary clinton laughing at it. >> so, eric, one of the biggest questions is what was new? what did we learn? going forward what did this prove, and trey gowdy, the chairman, was asked about this late last night and listen to his answer. >> i -- i think some of jimmy
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jordan's questioning -- well, when you say new today, i mean, we knew some of that already. we knew about the e-mails. in terms of her testimony? >> mm-hmm. >> i don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous time she's testified. >> we'll hear today from republicans is to prove that hillary clinton didn't care but they were already saying that. democrats are going to say, you know, it proves nothing, but they were already saying that. >> absolute l.frankly, not much new. you could point to some -- a transcript of a conversation with the egyptian prime minister related to, you know, what were the motivations of the attack. you could point to that exchange with susan brooks about whether clinton talked with ambassador stevens, but, no, the parties are going to hear what they wanted to heart. for hillary clinton this was a win in that she didn't end up in any sort of politically damaging sort of exchange. she didn't leave with some new bombshell, now big piece of information being dropped on
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her. following the ghemt democratic debate and joe biden's decision not to run for president this, caps off sort of of a trifecta of good news for her. >> eric, great to have you with us. thanks for being here after being in that room for so long. >> have a great weekend. >> happening now, secretary of state john kerry meeting with russia trying to find some common ground in the war on isis and the crisis in syria. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to take their act to the next level... before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time... 2% back at the grocery store... and 3% back on gas... vince of the flying branzinos got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card, because he may earn his living jumping through hoops, but he'd rather not earn cash back that way. that's the spectacle of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together
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breaking news. at least 42 people are dead in a collision between a bus and a rubbing in southern bordeaux. the bus was carrying elderly people and five were injured. just three walked away unharmed. right now secretary of state john kerry meeting with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov in vienna hoping to find common ground on the crisis in syria. the russians propping up president bashar al assad with air strikes against his enemies and the u.s. insisting assad cannot be part of a future syrian regime. we'll bring you details from their meeting as soon as we get them. >> time for an early start in "your money." a great start for stocks around the world. stimulus hopes from the european central bank pushing up stocks everywhere. yesterday the dow surged 321 points, almost 2%. big news from several players. google's new parent company, strong profit and better than expected sales in the third quarter. much of that growth comes from mobile search, the stock up 10%, a record high. amazon shocked wall street by posting a profit last quarter.
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yeah, you heard that right. amazon regularly loses money. typically only makes money during the holidays. this quarter was an exception. its cloud business is booming and so are retail sales. the news launches amazon shares to a record high as well. breaking news overnight. a powerful category 5 hurricane spinning towards mexico. this one could be catastrophic, folks. we've got that next. mcgladrey was founded to help growing businesses reach higher goals. soon our team of audit, tax and consulting advisors started taking the middle market to the global market. and now our network, spanning more than 110 countries, is unifying under one brand. mcgladrey is changing its name to rsm. experience the power of being understood. the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way.
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all right. hurricane patricia is getting bigger. the storm has grown into a monster category 5 hurricane and is bearing down on mexico. these wind speeds almost unbelievable. let's get more from meteorologist karen mcginnis. >> general and christine, when the national hurricane center uses a word like unprecedented when they are discussing hurricane patricia at a category 5, you know that that's important, and it got our attention because it looks like it has developed so rapidly. it has deepened in central pressure which tells us it's getting stronger, but it went from 160 miles an hour to winds 185 miles per hour, and this is going to be potentially catastrophic in coastal sections of mexico on the pacific site from puerto vallarta to
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manzanilla. looks like it will make landfall on friday. as it does, 6 to 10 inches of rainfall in some areas, but in those coastal regions computer models are suggesting 10 to 20 inches of rainfall possible there. as it continues to trek towards the north, eventually moving towards the northeast. a secondary problem that we have in the united states, available moisture being tapped from the pacific. that in an area of low pressure that moves across texas. take a look at this, and you'll see what i mean. most of the state under flood watches and warnings, even along coastal areas. we could see significant rainfall over the next couple of days. how much rainfall are we looking at? take a look at some of these estimates that the computer models are picking up over the next three days. even in dallas, texas, close to 8 inches possible. the potential for severe flooding is likely. even towards the coast, just as
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i mentioned. well, as we look through the forecast over the next 24 hours or so from dallas to san antonio to austin, this is where we're looking at that most significant rainfall. they have been in drought conditions now for quite some time. this is a drought buster. christine? >> all right, karen. karen mcginnis, thank you for that. you've heard that before. how long have you herd millennials have no hunger for mcdonald's? i'll tell you how that might be changing next. well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. that's 5 extra gigs for the same price. so five more gigs for the same price? may i? 50% more data for the same price. now get 15 gigs for the price of 10.
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i'm christine romans. let's get an early start on your friday this monday morning. a great end of the week for stocks it looks like folks. european shares rallying and hopes for more stimulus from the european central bank. stocks in the u.s. up, too, the dow up 321 points. that's almost 2%. good news from several big players. google's new parent company called alphabet very strong profit and sales in its third quarter. much of that growth coming from mobile search, something investors like to see. amazon shocked wall street posting a profit last quarter.
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its cloud business is booming. so are retail sales, and look at mcdonald's. it looks like it's finally coming back. good news yesterday on its u.s. sales. they are growing for the first time since 2013. americans gobbling up this new chicken sandwich, this buttermilk chicken sandwich with a revamped egg mcmuffin and a great quarter without the added boost from all-day breakfast which didn't launch until last month. it's all part of mcdonald's plan to rehash its image and compete for millennials. the stock up 8% yesterday. all right. hillary clinton grilled for more than 11 hours over the benghazi terror attack. "new day" picks up the analysis now. >> you knew the true. that's not what the american people got. >> i've lost more sleep than all of you put together. >> you immediate to make sure the entire record is correct, mr. cummings. >> and that's exactly what i want to do. what do you have to hide? >> i don't really care what you all say about me. it doesn't bother me a bit. >> an increase in requests and
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yet no increase in security. >> here's basically what happened to their requests. >> congress never fully funded the security requests. >> what terms did you use? what were the parameters? >> did you ever talk to ambassador stevens, yes or no question, madam secretary. >> i've been racking my brain about what more could have been done. >> she must take responsibilities for failures that happened at the state department under her watch. >> we really didn't learn anything that the other eight investigations hadn't covered. >> i don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous time she's testified. >> this is "new day" with chris this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> welcome to "new day," friday, october 23rd, 6:00 in the east. chris and michaela are off. no fear, john berman is here. what a morning, what a night. clinton managed to keep her cool even more than some committee members.
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and this morning there are conflicting impressions about how much new information was actually revealed. >> how about these questions? were there any new facts that proved that hillary clinton was directly responsible or negligent in preventing the attack in benghazi? did she provide new information about her e-mails and what impact will all of this have on the 2016 presidential race? we have it all covered for you. let's begin with cnn senior political correspondent brianna keilar live in washington. what a day it was, brianna. >> yes, this was a feat of stamina, ten hours in the hot seat for hillary clinton. she came out the survivor here, certainly a lot of observers think that she was relatively unscathed. her campaign feels pretty good about this. but republicans feel that she appeared very evasive and didn't answer all of their questions. >> i really don't care what you all say about me. it doesn't bother me a


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