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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  October 22, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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hillary clinton faces the house select committee on benghazi. facing tough questions about what happened on that compound, facing questions about her e-mail. what will her strategy be? >> paul ryan could be speaker of the house if he wants it. new support overnight from congress's most conservative republicans. >> how joe biden got to know. we have new information about the decision he made, how late he made it and who knew, when did they know it? there were a lot of people surprised yesterday. >> i'm john berman, welcome to "early start." >> i'm christine romans. this morning, hillary clinton goes before the house benghazi committee. the committee says the focus willing on the 2012 attacks on the u.s. diplomatic compound in benghazi, libya, attacks that killed ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. the republican-led committee is
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expected to ask then secretary of state hillary clinton about what she knew, about reported problems at the compound and why the u.s. even had a diplomatic outpost in benghazi. there are huge political stakes here. hillary clinton is running for president. and democrats say this is all about the campaign. cnn's elise labbit has the latest. >> reporter: after months of anticipation, the day is finally here and it's going to be a long day. we understand there will be four two-hour rounds of questioning of secretary clinton with breaks. aides to clinton says she is ready, spent the week preparing with policy and legal teams, going over potential questions and studying up on events leading up to and following the benghazi attacks. it was a long time, after all. there have been more than than a half dozen investigations
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following the benghazi attacks. democrats maintain it was designed as a takedown of clinton and you had a string of comments recently by republicans almost backing up those accusations. committee chairman trey gaudy says he will prove the committee is not about politics with the hearing that is respectful of clinton and focuses on the facts surrounding the benghazi attacks. democrats, republicans, the state department, all be watching this hearing putting out their own spin, their own talking points but for secretary clinton, this is really a chance to defend her record as secretary of state and argue that this committee is retreading old ground here. you know, in some ways it's a chance to lay out her approach to foreign policy as they campaigns to be commander in chief. so clearly this hearing, a key moment for both clinton's presidential campaign and the future of this committee. john, christine? >> thanks so much. breaking overnight,
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congressman paul ryan cleared a pretty big hurdle in his bid to become the speaker of the house. overnight, a super majority of the house freedom caucus, the group of conservative republicans voted to back ryan. they say to support him. he didn't get fight enough support for a formal endorsement. >> the freedom caucus supports him but didn't fully endorse him. what does that mean in practical terms? >> it means we couldn't get 80% as our rules require but we got more than two-theirs of the group that said they wanted to support paul for speaker. if he has the votes that we all think that he has in other portions of our conference, he has enough votes to be the speaker of the house. >> paul ryan had earlier set a firmal endorsement as a condition by his bid. by last night, two-theirs with be that was enough for him. he put out a tweet, i'm grateful for the majority of the support from the house freedom caucus. i believe this is a positive step toward a unified republican team. the other two groups almost a certainty.
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this is essentially a done deal. new details about joe biden's decision not to run for president. the vice president he ended mo s -- months of speculation with this announcement in the white house rose garden. >> but while i will not be a candidate, i will not be silent. i intented to speak out clearly and forcefully to influence as much as i can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation. >> biden's decision is big news for hillary clinton. polls shows she's likely to benefit the most from his absence. let's get more on this from senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. >> good morning, john and christine. in the end joe biden followed his head, not his heart as he decided to back away from what surely is his last chance to win the presidency. in closing the door to weeks of self-induced speculation about joining the 2016 presidential race, he opens the door to the rest of the democratic campaign. was he ever serious at all?
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several advisers and friends insist that he was. i'm told the more he knew about race, the more exploring he did in calls to iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, the more daunting his path to victory actually seemed. over the past several days when he was out calling out hillary clinton for saying republicans are the biggest enemies, he wasn't firing a warning shot as much as offering a lesson in bipartisanship for how he thinks washington should actually work. hillary clinton is surely relieved. bernie sanders is now the leading alternative. if democrats are still looking for one. now, biden made clear he would not remain sideline the in the race going forward. urging democrats to embrace president obama and his legacy tightly. but his endorsement may depend on which candidate actually listens. john and christine? >> thanks, jeff. >> if you're keeping score at home, what a 24-hour period, joe biden out, paul ryan essentially in as speaker of the house,
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hillary clinton about to face what could be the biggest hurdle in her campaign yet. joining is us, cnn politics reporter eric bradner. good morning. i want to start with the benghazi hearings. hillary clinton, face-to-face with the select committee. there's been so much talk. is this a little witch hunt, is this about uncovering new facts about what happened in 2012? let's quickly listen to representative susan brooks, republican from indiana, what she says she's after today. >> i'm particularly focused on the security incidents and the posture of the state department with respect to the security requests. we have learned through e-mails and through documents that there were hundreds of mentions about security incidents, particularly in 2012. so we have questions for the secretary about what she did with respect to those security requests. >> what do you think the risks are for secretary clinton today? this is obviously right in the middle of her presidential run.
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>> right. she believes she's prepared for this. she's testified about benghazi before. there have been several other investigations into this. so she feels like she has a good grasp on answering the questions. the risk is that this is going to be the most politically charged hearing of all of them. this is coming at, as you say, a key moment in her campaign. she's gotten through the hurdle of the first democratic debate. this is next big marker. she's probably going to have terse exchanges with republicans today. she will not start there but won't hesitate to counterpunch. it's a matter of coming out looking good, not looking overly political, not looking like she's trying to politicize this incident. in those exchanges, in what's going to be an eight plus hour hearing. this is going to go all day. one bad moment could be a big problem. >> one bald moment could find
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its way into a campaign ad in the months ahead. so every word she's beginning to be scrutinizing here even as she's trying to honestly answer the questions and get to the bottom of this. there is four americans who are dead. what is the risk for new information? what is the hope for new information here? for example, why was there an embassy compound in benghazi in the first place? are there these new e-mails showing exactly all the concerns of chris stevens over security in the region? and did she read those e-mails? >> republicans have been preparing for this exhaustively. they've been practicing. they know this is going to be closely watched. they're well aware of the politics here. they're not going to play this as a political hearing, a political event. they do know they'll be heavily scrutinized. they've invested $4.5 million of taxpayer money, trey gaudy has staked a lot of his reputation on the outcome of this
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investigation. they've been prepping for this, they know they're going to have america's eyes on them. so you're right, it's going to be tough to sort of surface new information here. after so many investigations, after such a close look at this. but they do believe they have new points to make and how secretary clinton responds to those will be sort of the key to watch through this entire hearing. >> you get the sense over the last several days that brooklyn, hillary clinton campaign has had one eye on the benghazi hearings, one eye on joe biden. well, the biden hurdle has been cleared right now. >> right. >> what does his announcement, what does it mean going forward? it's not about today, really but about tomorrow once the benghazi was over. >> coming in october it was the first democratic edate, joe biden's decision, whenever that would come and the benghazi hearings. now they're thinking two down, one to go. if they get through all thee of these unscathed without a new opponent, without a really bad
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moment, that will be huge. that will send a signal to brooklyn and to clinton's donors and her supporters, especially in early states, that perhaps the worst is over. they've hit rock got on with the e-mail scandal. they've overcome it through this contentious hearing where republicans will take their absolute best shot at her. and if they can get through those three things, they're looking at polls that show her competing much better one-on-one with bernie sanders than she would have against sanders and biden. and they're looking at her debate performance and feeling good about the next five coming in the months ahead. if she can get through this hearing unscathed, she'll be feeling a lot better than she was in the beginning of october. >> let's talk about the negotiating skills of paul ryan. comes out there and says i'll do take this hard job if you do this, this, this and this. it's looking better. >> he said he wanted the endorsement of the house freedom
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caucus, this hard line conservative group. the house freedom caucus has a lot of rules such as they need 80% of their nebs members on boo issue an endorsement. they have more than 70%. that's a big hurdle. he put the ball in their court, said i'll run for speaker if you're on board. if you're not, then this one is on you. so he got that endorsement. right now it looks much, much more likely that paul ryan will be the next speaker of the house than it did last night. he has two other groups in the house republican caucus that he needs to get on board. those have always been much more likely than the house freedom caucus. there's a moderate grupp and conservative but not fight as hard line group. they've been ideologically aligned with paul ryan. they've always seen hill as a thought leader. so he's almost certain to get their support. >> it turns out the easy job will be winning the speaker seat, the hard job might be actually holing it and wielding
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that gavel. eric bradner, thanks so much for joining us. the world debut on "early start." >> he is officially an "early start" early bird. i'll tell you, the real challenge will be having work/life balance. >> good luck with that. breaking news this morning, secretary of state john kerry meeting with the prime minister of israel right now, the subject, the violence in that region right now. can it come to an end? that's next. re watching this, i'm hacking your company. grabbing your data. stealing your customers' secrets. there's an army of us. relentlessly unpicking your patchwork of security. think you'll spot us? ♪ you haven't so far. the next wave of the internet requires the next wave of security.
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or more on car insurance. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth™! secretary of state john kerry is in germany right now holding talks with the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu. the secretary is hoping to find some way to bring an end to the violence, the wave of violence that has claimed dozens of lives, israeli and also palestinian. benjamin netanyahu, though, raised a lot of eyebrows, really a lot of eyebrows, even among
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supporters by publicly claiming it was a palestinian who gave adolf hitler the idea for the holocaust. i want to go live to berlin, bring in cnn's atika shubert for the latest on the talks and the reaction. >> reporter: germany's reaction from germany's chancellor, angela merkel was to simply say germany has taken and continues to take responsibility for what happened in the holocaust and there's no need to revive history. this has been ek code by his kroit critics in israel saying benjamin netanyahu is trying to score political points with his own take on history that has been debunked by hiss torians. prime minister netanyahu said he felt the most reept wave of attacks was incitement by the palestinian side. he said mahmoud abbas needs to,
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quote, stop spreading lies, which is enciting attacks. now, what they're going to be doing in the meeting is focusing on the status quo agreement. this is what governs of rules of use for the disputed area of the old city in jerusalem known as the temple mount or haram al shareef. what secretary kerry is hoping to do is perhaps get it down in writing and make sure all sides abide by it, john. >> hopefully the secretary will have some luck there. security in afghanistan will be at the top of the agenda as president obama meets with pakistani prime minister at the white house today. president obama announced 5,500 u.s. troops will remain in
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afghanistan until the year 2017 to help stabilize that region. the u.s. wants pakistan's government to convince the taliban to participate in peace talks. also on the table, sensitive nuclear negotiations. shareef plans to tell president obama pakistan will not accept limits on its use of small tactical nuclear weapons. he claims they are vital to deter neighboring india from attacking. the u.s. and its allies preing the united nations to test iran. the groups urging the u.n. security council's iran sanction appropriations. iran disputes the assessment that the missile is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. wikileaks is vowing to publish more personal information hacked from john brennan's personal e-mail. on wednesday, social security and passport numbers belonging
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to the director and his family were revealed online, causing a great deal of concern at the agency. we are told no classified data was stolen. wikileaks promising another data dump today, posting this tweet wednesday. tomorrow we continue our cia chief john brennan e-mail series including on u.s. strategy in afghanistan and pakistan. time for "early start" and your money. it's earnings season. reports from mcdonald's, southwest, caterpillar. dow fell yesterday, dropping 50 points. the company profits are expected to fall in the third quarter. donald trump's billionaire friend will spend $150 million to fight congress. hedge fund manager carl icahn announced he will use his substantial fortune to form a political action committee and it will have one goal in mind, force congress to get its act together. he wants major corporate tax reform so that companies will stop moving overseas and will bring back profits abroad.
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trump said he would consider him for treasury secretary if he were elected. >> the new york mets, they are going to the world series. the world series of baseball. what does this mean? it means chicago, the cubs, well, 1908 just got one year further away. andy scholes has it all in the "bleacher report," next. f you turned on something in one room and it turned on everywhere else. but that's exactly how traditional cooling and heating systems work. so you pay more than you should. but mitsubishi electric systems give you a better way... with no waste and lower energy bills. control temperatures precisely in one or every room ... ...with no new ductwork. so everyone can enjoy ultimate personal comfort. mitsubishi electric cooling and heating. make comfort personal. big day? ah, the usual.
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so the new york mets have some plans for the next several weeks. they will be going to the world series. the cubs plans, to watch it on tv. daniel murphy's plans might be to hit 1,000 home runs. the dude looks like he might be capable of it? now, the "bleacher report." >> this is a guy who never hit more than 14 home runs this season. he's homered in six consecutive games, a postseason record. he has seven overall in the playoffs. cubs fans were hoping they could make a come back. the air was let out of wrigley pretty quickly. first inning, lucca dude a give the mets a three h-run lead. daniel murphy then hit one as
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well. he was named series mvp. >> it's such a blessing to be able to contribute to what we've been able to do. i really can't explain it. it's just a complete blessing. that's the only way i can describe it. i can't explain why the balls keep going out of ballpark but they do and we keep winning ball games, which is the most important part and the coolest part. >> the mets are awaiting the winner between the bluejays and the royals. toronto staying alive with a win in game five yesterday. mark estrada, troy tulowitzki, the big three-run double in the sixth to put this one away. game six of the alcs will be back in kansas city tomorrow night. royals lead the series 3-2. the clemson tigers band and cheerleaders held a parade and pep rally for a special young
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fan. 10-month-old addison grace was born with a rare fatal genetic disorder. addison's parents, huge tiger fans. they wanted to take addison to a game but they couldn't because her condition woorsened. that's when they showed up at their home. >> to walk out here and see so much support and love is just amazing. >> really awesome to see the community rally around addison, guys. our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. quickly back to the cubs. i want to tell you something, guys, they don't want to be anywhere near the name murphy ever again. their hated owner when they won the world series in 1908, the his last name was murphy. the goat was named murphy. can't get away from it. >> i can't believe how much baseball has changed in like the last five years. these teams that are left,
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they're good with good pitching and one or two good players but it's so different. it's not these big bruising teams that we saw for so long. good baseball, though. >> young arms, a couple bats. >> next year, cubbies, next year. >> or next 113 years. >> stop, stop, you're such a downer. hillary clinton, what a day ahead for her. she faces the house select committee on benghazi. how will that committee treat her? how will she treat the committee? we'll talk about it, next. there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your
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hillary clinton on capitol hill just hours from facing new questions from lawmakers on the benghazi terror attack. breaking overnight, paul ryan gets the support but maybe not the endorsement of a key conservative group in congress. but that support may be all he needs. >> inside joe biden's decision to not run for president. why insiders say he stayed out of the race. a fascinating 24 hours, ladies and gentlemen. >> if you skip yesterday, man, oh, man you have no idea what's going on. >> welcome back to "early start," i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman, 31 minutes past the hour. hillary clinton goes before the house benghazi committee today. this question and answer session could last eight hours or more. the committee says the focus will be the 2012 attacks on the u.s. diplomatic compound in benghazi, in libya, that killed ambassador chris stevens and three other americans.
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that republican-led committee is expected to ask then secretary of state clinton about what she knew about reported securitied problems at the compound and why the u.s. even had a diplomatic outpost there. there are huge political stakes here as well. hillary clinton, of course, running for president, all the questions about her e-mails. democrats say this is just a campaign show. cnn's elise labbot has the latest. >> reporter: after months of anticipation, the day is finally here. it's going to be a long day. we understand there will be four two-hour rounds of questioning of secretary clinton with breaks. aides to clinton say she is ready. she spent the week preparing with policy and legal teams going over potential questions and studying up on the events leading up to and following the benghazi attacks. it was a long time, after all. there have been more than a half dozen congressional investigations following the
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benghazi attacks but there has been a greater political tone to this one. democrats, of course, mann taken it was designed as a takedown of clinton and you had the string of comments recently by republicans, almost backing up those accusations. the committee chairman, trey gowdy says he will prove the committee is not about politics with a hearing that is respectful of clinton and focuses on the facts surrounding the benghazi attacks. democrats, republicans, the state department, all will be watching this hearing, putting out their own spin, their own talking points. but for secretary clinton, this is really a chance to defend her record as secretary of state and argue that this committee is retreading old ground here. and you know, in some ways it's really a chance to lay out her approach to foreign policy as she campaigns to be commander in chief. so clearly this hearing, a key moment for both clinton's presidential campaign and the future of this committee. john, christine?
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>> thanks for that. breaking overnight, congressman paul ryan clearing a major hurdle in his reluctant bid to become speaker of the house. a super majority of hard right republicans voted to back ryan but not fight enough for a formal endorsement. >> the freedom caucus supports him but didn't fully endorse him. what does that mean in practical terms? >> practical terms it means we couldn't get 80% as our rules require but we got more than two-thirds of the group that said they wanted to support paul for speaker. if paul really has the veries that we all think that he has in other portions of our conference, he has enough votes to be the speaker of the house. >> ryan earlier said a formal endorsement as a condition for his bid. by last night, two-thirds parentally was enough for him. ryan tweeted i'm grateful for the support of a super majority of house freedom caucus. i look forward to hearing from the other two caucuses by the end of the week but i believe this is a positive step toward a unified republican team. >> new details about the
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decision joe biden made not to run for president. he also is vice president. he ended months of untense speculation, much of it wrong about a presidential run. he said the window for a successful campaign has closed. let's get the latest. new details from senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. in the end joe biden followed his head, not his heart as he decided to back away from what surely is his last chance to win the presidency. in closing the door to weeks of self-induced speculation about joining the 2016 presidential race, he opens the door to the rest of the democratic campaign. so was he ever serious at all? several advisers and friends insist that he was. i'm told the more he knew about the race, the more exploring he did in calls to iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, the more daunting his path to victory actually seemed. so over the past several days when he was out calling out hillary clinton for saying, republicans are the biggest enemies, he wasn't firing a
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warning shot as much as offering a lesson in bipartisanship for how he thinks washington should actually work. now, hillary clinton is surely relieved. bernie sanders is now the leading alternative. if democrats are still looking for one. biden made clear he would not remain silent in the race going forward. urging democrats to embrace president obama and his legacy tightly. but his endorsement mae may depend on which candidate actually listens. john and christine? >> jeff zeleny, thank you. let's talk about all this political action. welcoming eric bradner. good morning, nice to see you, 5:36 in the east. you'll get a doughnut in the mail today for coming up so early for us. let's talk about what could happen today. hillary clinton, this benghazi committee hearing, this could be eight hours of q & a. what does hillary clinton need to do to end these questions about benghazi and what happened there? or is there nothing she can do
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to stop the questioning until the election is over? >> that's her campaign sense. there's nothing she can do to ever get these questions to go away. republicans have been billing this as the mother of all benghazi hearings. clinton has testified on this before. but the benghazi committee feels they have several questions that she hasn't answered. they want to press her on what she knew about the security situation there, leading up to the attacks, why more wasn't done. and so this is really going to be a political by charged hearing. this is clinton in the midst of a presidential campaign, trying to put this issue to rest and also trying to show that this is something that republicans are really pushing as a political issue. it's an attack on her as the democratic front-runner in the 2016 race. while republicans will be trying to demonstrate despite what house majority leader kevin mccarthy and a couple other republican leaders said, this is about finding the facts, and figuring out what went wrong and
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led to the deaths of four americans. >> one of the big questions are the e-mails, the e-mail server.r how much do you think they will ask about the e-mails? what is the political peril for them in pressing that issue and where's the peril for hillary clinton there? >> right. republicans don't want to come off as overly political. they're sensitive to that. but the e-mails will come up. they'll probably come up in the context of what she knew and when she knew it. and whether there were security risks that she created through her use of a private e-mail server. they will come up. for clinton, this is an opportunity to put distance between herself. this issue that has dogged her presidential campaign since she announced her entrance into the race in april. she had to get through the first democratic debate. she had to get through joe biden making a decision about whether he will run. this is the third of three big
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issues, the month of october has sort of laid in front of her. she will try to demonstrate that she didn't put american security at risk. but it will definitely come up and she's definitely been practicing, preparing to answer these questions. >> let's talk about joe biden, now we have resolution. joe biden will not run for president. that is a big unknown for the clinton campaign that has now been settled. >> yes, absolutely. hillary clinton had been trying to give joe biden a lot of distance to make his decision but at the same time, her campaign had been sending signals that, you know, if the vice president did get in the race, it would be really hard for him to find a path. one great example is earlier this week she put out a list of endorsements from dozens of mayors in south carolina, which is a key early voting state and one that joe biden would have had to win or perform really strongly in in order to have a shot at the nomination.
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clinton did that sort of as a show of strength to demonstrate that she's been organizing for months. she has a lot of democratic officials in her camp. she has a lot of important endorsements and important organization. the vice president would have a hard time replicating that in such a short window. she gave him a lot of space and is certainly breathing a sigh of relief now. clinton's campaign had been preparing, had been sort of laying the ground work to make it very difficult for biden to run. >> eric bradner, great to have you with us this morning. great cnn political reader, read his stuff online at cnn politics. see you again soon. thanks. breaking news, an urgent meeting to stop the violence in israel. john kerry meeting with israel's prime minister. we are live. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles,
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(patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. the more gaps you may find.ur insurance, like how you think you have coverage for this... when you only have coverage for this... that's not homework!! talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum. bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ secretary of state john kerry at this hour holding talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's hoping to bring an end to a wave of violence that has already claimed dozen of palestinian and israeli lives this month. want to go live to berlin and bring in cnn's atika shubert. good morning, atika. >> reporter: that's right. that meeting under way and secretary kerry and prime minister netanyahu made brief remarks before going into that meeting. prime minister netanyahu saying
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it was palestinian incitements from mahmoud abbas that sparked the recent round of attacks but secretary kerry saying that all emotional rhetoric on both sides needs to be dialed down to keep the violence from escalating out of control. now, what they're going to be discussing is the status quo agreement. this is the agreement that governs the rules for the disputed site in the old city known as the temple mount or the haram al sharif. it's been disputed for many years now. in 1967 there was an agreement in which jordan would hold custody of the site and very strict rules allowing palestinians to pray at the al aqsa mosque there. in recent weeks there has been increasing concern on the palestinian side that that may be changing. what secretary kerry may hope to do is get the status quo agreement down in writing, get it codified so that each of the sides can see it on paper and
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stick to it. that may be one way, he hopes, of diffusing and deescalating the tension. >> atika shubert, thank you for that, live from berlin. let's take a look at what's coming up on "new day." the all of a sudden brand new mets fan chris cuomo joins us now. >> not only is that inaccurate but hurtful. i'm going to ignore it, punk. good for the mets. we'll see what they actually do. today we have our eyes on a much bigger situation, john and christine, you've been reporting on it excellently all morning. we hope to pick up the ball from you soon. here's what it is. the benghazi select committee will have a big moment today with hillary clinton. this is not hype. yes, that's fair criticism of some political coverage. we want the campaigns to be interesting but this cannot be overhyped, this situation. it matters. why? because you had a loss of life in benghazi. you had a failure in policy in benghazi. there are significant questions about safety and the protocols and the accountability to them. all valid. now, you could say that they've already been vetted in this
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situation and that this is motivated by something else, what's happening today. that's why you have to watch. that's why we have to cover it with a lot of heavy scrutiny on both sides. that's what we're going to do this morning. we'll have one of the main members of the select committee on and we'll go through it step by step, what got us to this point, where they hope to go today and what it might mean. and you'll be able to watch also. also, we have new video of a really terrible incident but it's important to show you, because it shows the moment in crisis for a law enforcement officer in the course of the job, what he dealt with, what he was forced to survive and he is certainly a hero and he is on the show with us today. and it is a real window into the life of police officers but really, you can't overhype the significance of former secretary clinton going before the committee today. it matters for the election and beyond. >> critical day to be sure. chris, thanks so much. 47 minutes past the hour. breaking news overnight, an arrest in a road rage shooting
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breaking news this morning, a suspect is in custody following a manhunt in the overnight shooting of an albuquerque police officer. officials say the eight-year veteran officer was shot multiple times in a struggle that started with a traffic
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stop. the officer who has not been named is in critical condition. officials just now identifying the suspect as 34-year-old devon lyman. they say he has an extensive violent criminal history. breaking overnight from albuquerque, a confession in a fatal road rage shooting. 32-year-old tony torres was arrested after police receive an anonymous tip. they say he confessed to the shooting on enter state 40 tuesday that killed 4-year-old lilly garcia as she rode in the back seat of her family's car. the governor of new mexico says the loss of the little girl is being felt in every corner of that state. >> such a senseless act. driving down the freeway and she dies over being shot. it is so sense leless and i jus can't express how sad it is to know that something as simple as going down the freeway and your child dies. because of road rage. >> the suspect now being held on
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$650,000 bail. it is hot and getting hotter on planet earth. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says global temperatures are running well above last year's record. all but guaranteeing 2015 will be the hottest year ever. officials at the agency say last month was the warmest september on record and the temperature increase from september 2014 was the largest since global tracking began in 1880. speaking of tracking, we know that the government can track our phones. now the long-awaited answer for exactly how they do it, next.
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i'm christine romans. let's get an "early start" on your money this morning. u.s. stock futures pointing higher. it is earnings season. reports from mcdonald's, soest, united continental. stocks fell yesterday, the dow down about 50. investors are caution as company profits come in, they're expected to fall in the third quarter. new details about just how the government can secretly track our phones. in testimony on capitol hill, law enforcement officials gave some long-awaited answers about the use of stingray machines,
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have you heard of these? they're devices that mimic an actual cell phone tower and trick your phone into connecting. police nationwide have been using them for years. officials said the devices are programmed to track cell phone locations, not gather calls or messages. t and how often they are ingrays used. that testimony pulliack the curtain a le bit on one of those lnforcement tactics. >> all right, today, a huge day, hillary clinton set to appear before the house select committee on benghazi, eight hours of testimony. you will want to see every second of it. "new day" picks up the story right now. this morning, hillary clinton goes before the house benghazi committee. >> four two-hour rous of questioning. i really don't know what to expect. >> she will have more experience with congressional hearings than most of the people there. it looks like some sort of medical emergency. it's not an accident. >> concession in a fatal road rage shooting.
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>> this is a complete disrespect of human life. >> she's going to be missed by a lot of people. >> and strike three called! we haven't been to the world series since 2000, and the mets are on their way back. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisy carota and michaela pereira. >> the theme is there. you've got hillary clinton, benghazi, it's obvious in front of us. good morning to you. welcome to your "new day." it's thursday, october 22nd. 6:00 in the east. there's just no way else to say it. today is say big day. hillary clinton's campaign for president, the state of political play, both may well change in status, after the former secretary of state testifies before the conversational house benghazi committee this morning. what do we know to this point? what is clinton responsible for in the security lapse that led to the deaths of four americans? and is this committee able to
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conduct a fair search for answers? we're going to tackle all of these questions in a moment. but, we begin with breaking news four. the manhunt is over. authorities in new mexico arresting a who has confessed to gunning down a 4-year-old girl during a road ra opened fire on a pickup truck killing lilly gar see dwcia in the back her father's pickup truck. what have you learned ana? >> authorities say it was an anonymous tip that ultimately led them to the suspect. he was taken into custody without incident and arrested 24 hours after that fatal road rage encounter that's now left a family shatter >> reporter: breaking overnight, the lengthy manhunt in new mexico ends in that heartbreaking road rage that left lillyci


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