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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  October 20, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm PDT

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clearly awkward and disturbing. that's it for me. thank you for watching. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern. for our international viewers, "amanpour" is next. for our american viewers, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. >> thank you so much, wonderful to be with you on this tuesday. i'm brooke baldwin. this is cnn. let's get to it. the speculations that joe biden will be running for president of the united states is reaching a fever pitch. biden seems to be feed iing it officially. speaking at a washington forum today the vice president may have indicated a future run by taking jabs at the current front runner hillary clinton. let me jog your memory. remember what e she said about republicans during the cnn debate? biden swiped back without mentioning her by name.
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>> in addition to the nra, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians, probably the republicans. >> i really respect the members up there and i still have a lot of republican friends. i don't think my chief enemy is the republican party. this is a matter of making things work. >> let's go to brianna keilar. i see those eyebrows raising. you have been in washington a long time. you know the deal. so there was that and then also talk to me about how the vice president clarified his position on the decision to take down osama bin laden. >> there were several points here in what he's said last night and today that he seems to be taking swipes at hillary clinton. on the issue of osama bin laden and the raid that ended in his death, it's been widely reported since that happened years ago
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that hillary clinton was on the side of, yes, let's get osama bin laden. joe biden was the one who said, not so fast and was reticent about it. listen to what he said kind of changing what both of them had to say about whether to go or not go. >> only two people who were definitive and were absolutely certain. leon panetta said go and bob gates has publicly said don't go. others were at 59-41. but it was such a close call. i joked and said you all sound like 17 larry summers, on the one hand and the other hand. and he said, joe, what would you do. there was a third option that i really didn't think we should do. i said i think we should make one more pass with another uav to see if it is him. and the reason i did that is i
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didn't want to take a position to go if that was not where he was going to go. so as we walked out of the room and walked upstairs, i told them my opinion that i thought he should go, but follow his own instinct. >> joe biden down playing that hillary clinton was a definitive yes ongoing after osama bin laden. also throwing cold water on the idea that he was a definitive no, but it's interesting because when you fact check that, it contradicts something president obama said at a debate with mitt romney in 2012 where he basically says that biden was reticent to go after bin laden. and another thing that's kind of interesting. this is what you know he's swiping at hillary clinton. he says that he's flown 1 million miles. guess who that is more miles than? >> could be hrc herself?
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>> she was only about a million. >> counting miles, we cue the elevator music. we're still waiting on the biden beat. let me ask you about the other candidate jim webb. he made an announcement a little while ago. >> he's out as a democratic candidate, but he said he's keeping his options open. he's going to take the next few weeks, see what the response is. if people across the political spectrum want him to launch an indepartment party bid, he says he thinks there's a case for an independent candidate to win, although a lot of people are doubtful. he really struggled to get his campaign off the ground. it's unclear if he would be successful in a venture like this. >> brianna keilar, thank you very much. >> thank you. history shows four sitting vice presidents have become president of the united states. george h.w. bush was the last. then you have to go back to the 19th century. that's the past. what about now? the new poll shows registered
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democratic voters are growing less enthusiastic about a joe biden run. 47% think he should run. that's down from 53% in august. so let's go straight to commentator carl bernstein. we were just sitting here last week post gaming the las vegas debate. i asked you exactly about that. enemy sound byte from hillary clinton. we thought down the road republicans are going to use it against her. did we think that joe biden would be doing this? what is his strategy? >> as you know, i thought so, i thought joe biden was going to get into this. but he would have done better to get in before that debate. she was masterful in the debate. he's up against the hillary clinton of that debate. >> what about we're look iing ahead to hillary clinton publicly testifying ahead of the benghazi committee this week. i'm wondering, what would be best for him? to declare prior to her testimony? or after wards?
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>> i would say probably before. get it out of the way. get in there. but i'm not sure it makes too much difference. >> because i've heard other people saying if he does it after the fact it could be reactionary and less on him. >> we have to stop micromanaging every aspect. the important thing is if had he gets in. then we have a new ball game and at the same tomb, he is coming in late. >> with regard to benghazi, on "meet the press" sunday, a member of the committee investigating benghazi in libya said this about hillary clinton, who as we all know, was u.s. secretary of state at the time. >> you mentioned watergate. this committee was compared to watergate. this is worse in some ways. hillary clinton tried to hide every one of her e-mails? she destroyed 30,000 of them and we have an fbi investigation of those very e-mails. what's taking us so long is the democrats on the committee and this administration have played hide the ball and have denied us
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records that the american people deserve and that our committee needs to complete our investigation. we would have been happy to move more quickly, but we have been met with obstruction all along the way. >> you have been chomping to get in on this. you broke that wide open. your take on that. >> there's no resemblance between watergate and what we're watching now with benghazi and hillary clinton. watergate was about a criminal president of the united states who presided over a criminal presidency from his first days in office to the last. whatever hillary clinton has done it is nothing resembling that and it's time to get the decks cleared on that once and for all. >> carl bernstein, thank you very much. >> good to be here. just ahead, as donald trump dominates in a new cnn poll, he's telling us about a possible running mate. is the republican establishment starting to believe he could win? plus a new round of guidelines involving breast cancer screenings.
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hear what experts are telling women to do and the backlash against that. also six black churches near ferguson in missouri sets on fire in recent days. we'll speak with one of the pastors about the noticeable pattern if in all of them. this is cnn, we'll be right back. where our next arrival is... red carpet whoa! toenail fungus!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size.
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you're watching cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. a major shift in cancer r screening guidelines affecting millions of women. it's causing a lot of confusion today. for years and years we have heard the advice women should have routine mammograms around age 40 and have doctors do breast exams as often as possible. but today one of the most influential cancer groups in the country is changing its tune. now saying that women should begin screenings later in life and have them far less often.
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so let me bring in our medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. and also the chair of the panel that enacted the guidelines joins us also. also is ceo of susan g. komen. welcome to all of you. >> thank you. >> elizabeth cohen, talk to me about what the american cancer society is recommending or reporting on this. >> this is a big change. so let's just put it right out there. the american cancer society up until today said start getting your annual mammograms at age 40. now they are saying start getting them at age 45 and then starting at age 55 you can get them every other year if you want to. they are also saying that those annual breast exams that women get at the doctors office when the doctor feels for lumps and bumps, nobody needs to do those. two things, one, this is for women of average risk of breast cancer. if you have a family history or one of the breast cancer jeans, you'd need to do more screening.
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the reason why the kans society says to do this is we looked through many, many, many studies and we did not find any evidence that mammograms in your early 40s or doctors exams will get kans r earlier and help save lives. >> i can hear the women out there thinking, huh? so doctor, you were the chairman on this it panel. so you were with these recommendations the whole way. yet memorial sloane isn't going with the guidelines. tell me why. >> let me first clarify. the american cancer society stro strongly supports the opportunity for women to have annual mammogram. and women 55 and older we strongly support the opportunity to have annual mammograms. the key is that needs to be done by an informed decision. when you look at the evidence, age 45 there's no question it's black and white to us that there's clear benefits in annual mammograms. 40 and 45, there's tradeoffs and
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needs to be a discussion with their health care provider. we strongly support mammograms for women age 40 to 44, but that should be a shared decision between a that woman and her health care provider. we support the opportunity for annual mammograms from 55 and beyond. but that again is an informed decision of a woman between her and her health care provider. as to the difference between our institution, this is a brand new guideline that's just released today. we as an institution will go back and look at the evidence and talk among our different members and make a decision on which direction we choose to go. >> so i just want to hear your voice in all of this as you all have been integral in the fight against breast cancer. also what about the issue with false positives in mammograms? that's an issue as well. >> well, i think if we had better means of distinguishing which cancers would go on to be invasive cancers and really
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significantly affect life expectancy, then we could make an informed decision, but the decision has to rest with a woman. whether the right screening age is 40, 45 or 50 really obscures the issue and that is that women don't get the information they need to make informed choices, to sit down and discuss with their health care provider and to really make a decision about what's right nor them, what the right screening age, whether or not they need further diagnostics if they have an abnormal result is also an informed decision. >> so let me just put you on the spot. i'm 36. i do have cancer in my family. i'm four years away from potentially going in to having my first mammogram. i'm thinking of all the women trying to parse through what you're recommending versus what they should do. what would you tell someone like me? >> i would say you need a discussion. you need to sit down and look through all your risks, not just
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your family history of cancer. breast cancer, you e need to look at whether or not there's any genetic mutations that are known in your family, whether you have a history such as being jewish heritage that would affect your risk. it's not a simple discussion. it's something that's much more nuanced than saying 40 or 45 or 50. >> you look like you want to jump in. >> i would love to. that's exactly what we said in the report. that's exactly what the american cancer society embraces. we want the decisions to be informed decisions. assess on a variety of different factors. when it becomes very clear for women that are at average risk that don't have a family history for screening mammograms, but there are tradeoffs. we want women to understand those trade yufs. both the women in our country are savvy about this and health care providers have the opportunity to share this
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information. we're very committed through the american cancer society of getting high quality credible information out to the clinicians and our patients. elizabeth cohen, has there been some backlash against the recommendations? what more have you heard since this is just out today? >> you know what's interesting is that in 2009 when the u.s. preventive services task force said start at 50, you may remember this. you and i discussed this on air. people went nuts. breast cancer survivors were furious. i'm not hearing that this time and a that same volume. what i'm hearing is you know the evidence may really be that you should start at 45. so i'm hearing some groups saying we're concerned about how the american cancer society did this. they looked at film study but studies is applicable to today. i'm hearing people sort of
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picking at some of the technicalities here, but not as much of a backlash as i would have expected. >> i'm listening to you and i'm watching her nod her head. one shaking his head. why are you shaking your head? >> let e me be. clear. when we looked at the evidence, we looked at the breadth of evidence. we looked at clinical trials done two or three decades ago. and we also look ed at the larg obs valgs studies on hundreds of thousands of women, if now perhaps millions. understanding the benefits and some of the down sides of ma'am grams. we looked at the information and evidence as e we made these recommendations. >> i want to give you the final word. >> can i pipe in here? >> guidelines are just that. they are meant to be guidelines. the acs guidelines state that it's much more important that a woman make a decision in conjunction with her health care
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provider and that's what we're stressing today. there is no magic age. 40, 45 or 50, but we're talking about population screening, but one size does not fit all. >> you just hit it. thank you all so much. such an important discussion. coming up, donald trump showing big gains in brand new polls as jeb bush is faltering. so the question we're asking today is the republican establishment starting to embrace donald trump? a surprising new report. plus a string of fires at six african-american churches in the ferguson, missouri, area just in the past couple days and authorities are saying arson is the cause. a pastor from one of these churches joins me live. ♪
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i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose.. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. st. louis area authorities are searching for whomever
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targeted six predominantly black churches and set them on fire. investigators say the arsons happened over nine days. the first happened the evening of october 8th. the latest just this past sunday. all the churches are in the areas right around ferguson. damage has been sustained to the front doors and noticeable patterns. today the local pastors made a plea for the community to unite and stay vigilant. >> this is not over. it's just the beginning. we want the city to know that the churches and pastors and christians are coming together to stand as one. if you burn one, you're burn. ing all of us. >> authorities say they have not determined a motive, but investigators are saying the churches were targeted. joining me from st. louis, the pastor of the missionary baptist church. his church was the second to be set on fire. i'm so sorry about the church.
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thank you for sharing your time with us today. >> thank you. >> so take me back ten days ago. you get a phone call from the minister of music who lives two doors down from the church at 3:00 in the morning and they say what? >> they said that, pastor, there was a fire at the front door of the church. the fire department put it out. a neighbor alerted the fire department. they left it there. that just is jarring enough to wake up at 3:00 in the morning, even more r jarring to hear there's been a fire. >> so when you went finally to see the damage, what was your first thought? >> well, i was very thankful in that the potential for more damage was there. we still could use the door functionally, but i also was very concerned about the heart and the mind of the individual that would do something like that. >> let me read a statement to everyone. this is released by the missouri
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aclu. quote, those who commit had this violence seem to instill fear. this is why arson against black churches has been a frequent tool of white supremacy. we call on others, especially government officials, to join us in proclaiming that any effort to intimidate will not be tolerated in our state. do you believe this was racially motivated? >> i have no evidence of that, no messages were left. i don't have evidence to that and i believe it's too early to make that determination. just by the nature that a house of faith was attacked, that should be troubling to every american whether you're of faith or not. >> and what about the other pastors and these other churches? what are they all saying? >> well, i went to every single location and i was only able to interact with the pastor whose church was burned most destructively.
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naturally, he's concerned. our biggest concern is for whomever is doing this. we want them to get help. we want them to stop absolutely. and i think people would like to know what is the motivation behind it. >> what would you say to that person or ask of that person if you had that person in front of you? >> on the sunday morning afterwards, we forgave that person and would ask to pray for them. i would like to hear their story. what happened to them that they would feel that acting out in a dangerous manner against churches, i would like to know why. but again, we definitely will forgive them and we would pray for them, but we really want to know because i have a number of my members who are veterans of the civil right era and they want to know why. because they are feeling that is this racially motivated. >> that is incredibly generous of you. let's stay in touch.
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i want to see what happened and why as well. thank you. >> thank you. next, as the republican establishment starts to repair for donald trump as their u possible nominee, carly fiorina plunging in the polls even after her strong debate performance. where's she been? let's talk about that. plus a fight on a plane over a reclined seat leads to an emergency landing. mark curry, you know who he is. he was on that flight. we'll talk to mark curry, life. ? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth™!
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truths of the presidential campaign thus far. a new cnn poll finds trump leading the republican field with 27%. followed by fellow outsider ben carson with 22%. no one else is even close. single digits. jeb bush, marco rubio tied at 8%. and carly fiorina has fallen 11 points in the last month down to just 4%. let me bring in s.e.cupp. ladies, you wrote this column essentially quoting republican strategist coming to grips with donald trump winning the nomination. >> you know, it's astonishing. when donald trump jumped into this race four months ago, the narrative among republicans and the concern was that he would tarnish the republican brand through his incendiary
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statements on the way to dropping out. now the predominant. concern among republicans is that trump will forever transform the republican brand when he becomes the nominee. so in four months, we have seen a dramatic change in the thinking of establishment republicans. >> transform the brand, s. s.e. cupp. i want to hear your reaction. >> i hope that doesn't happen. ever since the 2012 autopsy came out, many of us in the party have been excited to sort of restart the republican outreach to include more women, more young people, more minorities. we have done a really good job in the past few years of doing that. it seems that trump's campaign is more of subtraction than additi addition. it's really just not where a lot of republicans want to be going into the future. trump and carson can talk glowingly about their great poll numbers, and they should, their
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numbers are good. but if trump or carson thinks they can go into the general with only 25% of republican voters behind them and actually compete in a general election, i think that's really short sided. the only way that trump and carson are going to be able to compete in a general is if they get in new voters and they are not really saying anything to attract new kinds of voters. they are really targeting a very narrow group of people on the right and in a field of more than ten people, you can win a primary with 25% of the vote. >> you are still putting yr money on jeb bush, correct? >> i have not picked a favorite or anything. >> you wrote a cnn opinion piece. you're still saying jeb bush. >> yeah, because for better or worse, safe money is still on the establishment pick. much to the chagrin of a lot of
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conservatives, but this is what the party generally does. they pick a guy four years in advance and put all their money and resources behind them. they never take the temperature of the electorate again. whether they like that candidate or not. we saw that in 2008. we saw that in 2012. so the safe money is still on jeb bush getting there. that's not an endorsement, but h historically that's what the party has done. donald trump may completely up end that tradition and prove that even safe money, even establishment, even all that infrastructure is not enough to keep him out of the nomination. >> do you think because you write about not oonl the worry of hurting the brand, but the fear he will become the standard barrier or the face of the party. i was listening to the radio this morning.
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and they were saying in a couple months the establishment republicans may wage this unofficial campaign to take down donald trump. do you think that's possible? and what would that look like? >> it's absolutely possible, but up to this point, we haven't seen the republican establishment unite behind any single idea or any single candidate. that's a real challenge. in past elections, the republican establishment has united behind a candidate and it's the anti-establishment that's been splintered. in 2012 we saw the establishment unite behind mitt romney and splinter between rick santorum, michele bachmann, for a time rick perry. this time the anti-establishment is united behind trump. and so if the establishment decides to unite to take down trump, there would be a lot of nasty attack ads. the question would be who would they unite behind? that, at this point, is still completely undetermined.
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>> you mentioned a second ago talking about trump and carson. they were polling in the double digits. what about the idea of them mergeing on one ticket? this is donald trump talking about that this morning. >> i like him. he likes me. stranger things have happened, that i can tell you. it's too early to think about that. it certainly is interesting. so many people have suggested it because we seem to be doing awfully well. >> can you marinate on that for me? the trump and carson ticket? >> the politically smart thing for trump or carson to do would not to put another political neophyte on the ticket. it would be to put someone experienced. but nothing -- >> do you think an experienced person would do that? >> i'm sure you could find someone. neither of these candidates have done politically smart things. and it's worked for them. so if you're look at the polling
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and you see between ben carson and donald trump, 50% of the republican support, you could make an argument that putting those two things together would be a smart thing to do. but i think between the two of them, their constant insensitive or ignorant comments about any host of issues would be pretty perilous for either one of them going into the general election. >> i want to end with this quote from strategist mike murphy who runs a super pac supporting jeb bush. he said this in an interview. he calls trump a false zombie front runner. he also says while trump cut off oxygen to guys who can't survive, the bush campaign has an oxygen tank. they were talking about money earlier. do you think that the bush super pac, all the pennies, nickels and dimes can ensure he can hang around indefinitely? >> the bush strategy all along has been slow and steady will win the race and they will have
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the financial wherewithal to be slow and steady. you want to be slow and steady going in the right direction. right now the bush campaign has either been not exactly -- they have either been stagnant or slow and steady in the wrong direction. and so bush can have the most amount of money in the race, which he does right now, but if he's not actually moving in the right direction, it's not going to take him anywhere. so if donors don't see movement eventually, they will abandon bush for someone else. money is not everything. we have seen underfunded candidates or candidates who lack underdogs come from behind before. this is not a traditional election. >> money is not everything in politics, what? thank you both so much. >> thank you. thousands of syrians fleeing
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one nightmare in their homeland now living another one at the european border after hungary closed its crossings over the weekend. the massive flow of people have shifted to slo venn ya. they decided to send soldiers to the border to control the situation. let me show you this. this is what it now looks like. this is what they make it through a column of people escorted by police. yesterday alone 8,000 people crossed the board r. the situation syrians are fleeing is violent. russia stepped up airstrikes. today senior officials from the pentagon and the russian ministry of defense signed a memorandum of understanding. it doesn't mean any intelligence sharing or areas of cooperation shs but the hope is that the protocols will reduce the risk of incidents between russians and coalition forces. i know a lot of you want to reach out and help a lot of the refugees. you can do so. go to our impact your world website at
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you will find a vetted list of charities and aid organizations. that's next, to recline or not to e recline. this leads to a choke hold and an emergency landing. mark curry was on that plane. hear what he did when he joins me after the break. plus "star wars", the brand new trailer is officially out. ticket sites have crashed with overwhelming demand for preorders last night and the trailer definitely had some surprises. stay here. americans. we're living longer than ever.
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movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. picture this. you get on a flight, it takes off, you're waiting for the announcement that you can open your laptop. but a flight from l.a. to san francisco didn't even mauk it that far before it had to turn around. a rapidly escalating situation broke out after a woman reclined her seat and the man sitting behind her didn't like it one bit. the person who jumped in to help is my next guest here. if you're thinking you know this guy, it's because you do, it's mark curry. e we love you from "hanging with mr. cooper." who would have thought you would
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have landed on cnn talking about this it crazy story in the skies somewhere in california. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing excellent. cnn is my favorite station. who thought i would be on here talking about a plane? >> you're a comedian. i should have anticipated that joke, nice. let's move on. you're on this plane. you're asleep. you're front row asleep when the commotion starts happening. what was it that woke you up? >> what woke me up was people screaming. it somebody on a plane is screaming, the first thing i saw was the flight attendants, the look on their face. i'm sitting in the front row so i saw something was going on. they put the garbage cans in front blocking the pilot. i looked back and could see a commotion in the back. it looked like somebody was laying on the l floor or something. i didn't know what was going on. i had no idea. i knew something was happening or some passengers, that's all i could hear. >> so this something as we have
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now connected the dots and are hearing more from the airline, you tell me what you know, there was the woman who reclined her seat and some people don't like that. and so the guy behind did what? >> apparently he must have hit her. she was saying he grabbed my neck and hit me in the head. he must have hit her. >> for reclining her seat? >> i don't know what the reason was, i guess so. when you're on a small airline, i guess that means a lot. i don't know why he did it. maybe snapped. i don't know what happened. i know it was a commotion on the plane. some people were fighting. i didn't know what it was. you don't know what's going on. is it a terrorist or some sort of situation? >> so your mind went there, that was what you thought? >> my mind went into tactical mode. i got to get. home to my kids. what can i do to stop this. 30,000 feet in their.
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they wanted me to restrain him. they said are you available to restrain this guy. >> whoa, the flight attendant stepped in and said you, sir, you restrain him? >> yes, they were looking to pull the restraints out. would you help to restrain this guy. i was like, yeah, 30,000, let's do what we need to do so we can land. but i looked at the guy and said who is the guy? show me this guy. i kind of looked back at him and he was very calm and very relaxed. i was saying i don't think e we need to put the restraints on him unless he goes ballistic. let's just calm down and let's try to land this thing. >> i guess i got a big guy and needed your muscle to help out. >> as you can see, i'm very buff. you can see how big i am. no, i would do anything i can on the plane just to get back. 30,000 feet, i'm rambo, let's
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go. >> mark curry, thank you so much. i'm glad everyone is okay. >> thank you very much. coming up next, politics. if joe biden does not run for president, his comments today definitely will raise some eyebrows. the vice president taking new swipes at hillary clinton without her clarifying what happened a couple years ago before the bin laden raid in pakistan. but next, "star wars", brand new trailer is out. because of this, ticket sites have crashed overwhelming demand for preorders last night. the trailer has some pretty huge surprises. if i want to go up... hello. or if i want to go down... no. but then if i want to come back again... yes. it's perfect. my favorite part is to be able to lift your legs up a little bit and it feels like i'm just cradled. (vo) change your sleep, change your life, change to tempur-pedic. the most advanced iphone yet.
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get the new iphone 6s at t-mobile. the network that's doubled its lte coverage in the past year. our new extended range lte signal now reaches twice as far as before. and is four times better in buildings. get our lowest price on iphone 6s with trade-in. zero upfront and just 5 bucks a month with jump on demand. get it now at t-mobile. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth™!
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"star wars" fans around the
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globe rejoice. the trailer for the new film is out. it premiered during halftime of "monday night football." the game last night, tickets went on sale crashes sites with ticket orders nearly two months before the film's release date. take a look for yourself. . >> they are real. >> the force, it's calling to you. >> david gonzales, he's a contributor for he is, i'm told, a huge "star
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wars" geek. i loved the movies in the '80s. i'm excited, i don't know if i'm freeze framing every single shot of the trailer like some people are and reading into the backgrounds. are you doing that? >> i mean, it's definitely very exciting both for people like you where this is the continuation that you're waiting for as opposed to the last time we got a new batch of movies with the prequel series, which was a darth vader story, but you didn't see what happened like we will in this trailer and in the force awakens. also for the new fans, we got cool looks at the new characters. and storm trooper and the new masked evil force who seems to have a darth vader obsession. it was a great introduction to where the story is going as well
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as seeing solo, it's a tear jerking moment for old fans. >> i saw chewy, but where is luke? >> that is the question. the closest we get to seeing luke is a shot of him putting his mechanical hand on r2d2. and then a few notes of luke's theme at the end of the teaser, what really the question is where is luke is the question that we should be asking leading up into the movie because we all want to see what happens and what happened since the battle and blowing up of the second death star to make the dark side and the jedi something mythical. >> a lot of people didn't really love the movies from the '90s. do you think he can pull it off?
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>> i think he is correctly balancing a sense of awe with a sense of call back to what made the trilogy great. you can see a lot of echoes here, be it a planeplanet-sized weapon, which is now called the first order or just the millennium falcon showing up. i feel like it's a new twist on familiar themes, which i think the prequels came in a little soft for. a lot more. excited about the force. >> thank you, dave gonzales, i appreciate it. >> thank you, brooke. top of the hour, you're watching cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. joe biden may announce soon, he may not, he may run, he may not,
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he may have a salad for dinner, he may not. today joe biden took several new swipes against hillary clinton without even mentioning her by name. are the remarks a tell? oddly biden still has not announced if he's running for president, but speaking at a washington forum today, listen closely to what he did say. >> how would you not be a third term of president obama? >> well, there's a lot that i would like to do to build on the successes of president obama, but also as i'm laying out to go beyond. >> president obama and i had ideologically have had no disagreement. none. i mean, zero. . >> in addition to the nra, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians, probably the republicans. >> i don't think my chief enemy
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is the republican party. this is a matter of make iing things work. >> as the talk of iran heats up, the polls show registered democrats cooling on the idea of a joe biden campaign. also these numbers for you, this "wall street journal" poll found 38% of democratic primary voters don't think biden should run compared to the 30% who do. our correspondent jeff zeleny, who has had much of our inside scoop here on a possible biden run is with us now. as far as strategy, jeff, especially with the whole veiled swipe on the enemies and republicans bit, what do you think his strategy is here? >> it's clear that the vice president was sitting home that night watching that debate on cnn. it's clear he's been really reciting lines back and that enemies line is so interesting. he's trying to draw a distinction in how he would run
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as a president and how hillary clinton says things. he's the guy next door, the wise guy, the goi everyone likes. he's trying to make that clear that he would be a different type of candidate if he decides to run. he's also talking so much more about how he's the vice president. how he outranked the secretary of state. how he traveled around the world actually more miles than she did. he actually said he traveled more miles than she did today. he's really trying to remind democrats that it was president obama who picked him to be his running mate. he also explored the osama bin laden raid. something that was inside the situation room at the time, this discussion back at the time about how some of the different players had different points of view. e he went into that in some interesting length. e we haven't heard him talk about quite this much before. let's take a listen to this and talk about it on the other side. >> only two people who were definitive. and were absolutely certain.
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leon panetta said go and bob gates, who has already publically said this don't go. and others were 59 or 41, but it was such a close call. i joked and saud you sound like 17 larry sommers. and they said, joe, what would you do. there's a third option i didn't really think we should do. i said i think we should make one more pass with to see if it is hum. and the reason i did that is i didn't want to take a position to go if that was not where he was going to go. as we walked out of the room and walked upstairs, i told him my opinion. i thought e he should go. but follow his own instinct. >> if you listen to the end of that, that's the most
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interesting thin he's talking about a private conversation with the president. he was the last man the president was talking to. not hillary clinton and some of the others. he was making clear he was right at his side. and he did not mention hillary clinton's name at all in that. he said there were two people who made up their minds, leon panetta and robert gates. she was in the room. e we are remember that famous photograph that it was so interesting he did not mention at all that she was there. >> while i have you, i want to to toss to this. one of the dems who would like to be president was on "the view" this morning and he had some tough talk for the vice president and all the while showing off his guitar strumming skills. roll it. >> if he were to get sbo the
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race, he'd bring a lot of experience and that perspective. i think his generation is already overly represented in our party. i thought i would offer this up for taylor swift. >> taylor is my girl. ♪ so take a look at what you've done ♪ ♪ that maybe now we got. bad blood ♪ >> maybe he'd be. a better president than a singer. maybe he's going for the young demo. care to react? >> he's a musician. he has an irish band. i've seen them play. he's pretty good. i don't think -- he talked about different generation. this is photo his generation of music. i think martin o'malley is trying to do anything he can do distinguish himself by saying he would be a new generation of leader. on "the view," you're supposed
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to roll with the punches. i think he did. i'm not sure he should give up his day job. >> taylor swift has been bringing peemg on the road with her. you never know. jeff, thank you. to the republican side, political outsiders are king as we have been reporting for awhile now. even our new poll finds donald trump leading the republican field with 27%. ben carson, the only other in double digits at 22%. jeb bush and marco rubio tied with 8%. and carly fiorina has tumbled 11 points just in. the last month down to 4%. we'll get to her fall in just a minute. but first on trump, we're hearing from republican strategists more and more it seems like folks are coming to grips with the idea that donald trump could win the nomination. republican strategist and in new hampshire, his co-chairman.
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great to have both of you on. on that notion that it seems like a lot of republican strategists who are quoted are saying, hey, trump really may be the guy. >> and i think you have seen a lot of republican strategists and republican pundits kind of change their tune. the longer that donald trump continues to remain on top, the more of a viable candidate he seems to be. what we're seeing in the republican field right now is just a lot of fluidity. not as much in the top two spots where we continue to see donald trump and ben carson top 20%. among the top 5, there's been a lot of fluidity. what scott walker said is really anything can happen between now and the iowa caucuses and now and new hampshire. as we start to see some the candidates like gilmore or rand paul start to drop out, that race will become even more fluid. >> lou, donald trump, this is what i find interesting.
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i was talking to a producer about this. the strategy with donald trump. he will pounce on someone like jeb bush and then you have this donald trump sort of back. ing off. we know jeb bush last night said, yes, he would back a republican nominee so not whole hog attacking him. so once the candidate is down, donald trump is nice. why? >> i think mr. trump in the core is a very nice man. i think that he clearly attacks when people are attacking him. it's been an interesting three or four months. jeb bush has clearly attacked him time and again. and i think clearly what mr. trump said, again, many of those words are somewhat being taken out of context. he said in his early statement that president george w. bush. was president when 9/11 took
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place. that is a fact. and i don't think he was there blaming him in any way, shape or form. he just said historically, that's what happened. >> you don't think there was any. blame toward president bush? >> i think he was stating a matter of fact. i think governor bush has vacillated on the whole 9/11 iraq war, et cetera, and i think that mr. trump was clearly pointing out that president bush was president when it happened. and clearly, jeb came right back at him and defended what happened. i don't think there was any need. i think unfortunately, he created jeb bush a controversy where there was none. and i think a statement of fact
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was that it happened. it happened on president bush's watch. with that said, i don't think that playing into that helped governor bush whatsoever. >> let me jump in. i think the point really is donald trump launches these political grenades, whether it's about 9/11 or women or john mccain and he also just this week said president obama wants to take away america's guns. then when my colleague followed up and called into "new day" this morning, he did back off. here he was. >> you said you know the president is thinking about signing an executive order where e he wants to take away your guns. . you hear about this? now mr. trump, the president has not signed an executive order? >> no, i heard he wants to. i heard it on your network. somebody said that that's what he's thinking about. i didn't say he's signing it. i said i think that will be a tough one to sign.
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>> it's impossible. >> he was thinking about it. i have heard it from numerous networks and read it in the papers. >> so my point being, i feel like donald trump really does score political points when he lobs a degree maid and makes an accusation. but when he softens up or backs away, he doesn't lose any points. why do you think that is? >> i think that donald trump has been smart about when he's engaging with these candidates. unfortunately, a lot of these candidates are taking the bait. they need to be a little bit smarter with their engagement with donald trump. donald trump came into this race as a celebrity. if you look at "the apprentice", there was 6 million viewers. he has 5 million followers on twitter, which is more than any cable network show. he has a huge reach and he's been smart about capitalizing on that reach and targeting some of these candidates. for someone like jeb bush, he
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really needs to be prepared to answer these questions about iraq and answer these questions about his brother's presidency. so far he's had some problems doing so. >> thank you both so much. just ahead, trump and jeb bush may be in this back and forth over 9/11, but george w. bush has been ripping ted cruz. hear why and how senator cruz is responding. plus a new round of guidelines involving breast cancer screenings. hear what experts are saying. also more breaking news out of the middle east today. this new attack, a driver ramming into a crowded bus stop. one of the apparent targets, an israeli soldier. we'll take you there live. this is cnn. ♪ while you're watching this, i'm hacking your company. grabbing your data. stealing your customers' secrets.
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he can not see through doors. his speed, anything but superhuman. but when it comes to health care options, george found helpful information and resources at this makes him feel unstoppable. well, almost unstoppable. discover real possibilities at today and tomorrow take on the world. i'm brooke baldwin, this is
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cnn. new guide lines for breast cancer screenings muddy iing th waters. today the most influential cancer groups in the country changing its tune when it comes to it mammograms. they used to suggest to begin at age 40. now they are instead saying women can start five years later at age 45. this is coming from the american cancer society. another big change, breast exams for years and years women have been told to get their doctor to check their breasts for lumps. the american cancer society went back on that saying breast. exams with your doctor were no. longer necessary. so joining me now is a doctor with a breast clinic. thank you for joining me. for a lot of women listening to this, it's a bit confusing. why would you not want to start a mammogram at 40? what's your response to that? >> well, we agree that women
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should be get. ing ing a mammogram at age 40. we have promoted breast cancer screening in our patients for years. we agree with the prior american cancer society guidelines that came out several years ago to start at 40. our society of breast imaging and college of radiology continue to advise women to have a screening mammogram at age 40. we understand the american cancer society reviewed all the data from multiple studies for the last three or four decades and came up with a thoughtful analysis of this data. however, we don't agree picking a age 45 to start screening. we think that women should have the best chance and the best prognosis and a life safe from breast cancer. if it we start at age 40, we're giving women the best opportunity to find a small tumor detected only on a mammogram that has the best
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survival for them. >> tell me this. why is it that every couple of years there seem to be different guidelines or recommendations for mammograms? >> so the american cancer society came out with these guidelines several years ago. and then the u.s. task force in 2009 came up with new guidelines about starting a at 50 and biannual. there's a lot of controversy about the breast cancer screening and there's several reasons for it. i think for women, this is a very important issue. . you're absolutely right, it's very confusing. i think as analysis of data comes out, there's different interpretations of different studies following patients for several years and decades later. and i think it all depends on the interpretation and what you pick as an end point and what you choose to look at.
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then new guidelines come out or suggestions come out, which is confusing. the bottom line is i have been a breast imageer in new york for 20 some years and i have been seeing women in 40s and diagnosing them with breast cancer. i think starting at 40 makes a lot of sense because almost a third of the patients that we see and we diagnosis with breast cancer are younger women. women in their 40s. that will be a huge population of patients we would miss if we didn't start screening at that ang. >> ladies, you heard the doctor. thank you so much. >> thank you. next, the head of the united nations is calling for calm in israel just today a a soldier was stabbed and later a driver slammed into a crowded bus stop. we will take you there it live to see what can be done to stop all this violence. plus i just don't like the guy. that's what we're hearing former
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president bush said with regard to presidential candidate ted cruz. . details on why he's turning against the guy who used to work for him.
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tensions ratcheting up today, more attacks left one man dead, others injured. israeli forces killed two palestinians in separate incidents. these clashes have increased over the last couple weeks and today the u.n. secretary general called on both sides to step back from what he called a quote, dangerous abyss. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu not backing down. >> he has not con dentaled a single one of the 30 terrorist attacks on israelis over the last month. and he continues to glorify terrorists as heroes. in the face of this terrorism,
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israel is acting as any democracy would to defend its citizens. we are not, i repeat we are not using excessive force. >> let's go straight to our correspondent there live in jerusalem. they urged both sides to reduce tensions, but you're there with new reports of violence. >> we have just gotten reports of another attack in a west bank city. two attackers went up to a soldier and attempted to stab him and wounded hum. forces at the scene opened fire and hit both attackers. this has now become another violent day here. a lot of that violence not here in jerusalem but in. the city itself which is a split city, a divided city. a larger population of palestinians. it's very contentious there. in another attack earlier today,
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a palestinian man drove his car into a bus station -- or a bus stop near the city injuring a civilian and a soldier. forces killed the driver and then another israeli killed in a hit-and-run, but they are unsure if that was an intentional attack. that's still under investigation. regardless, still very tense here. the lone wolf attacks and the violence that escalates here are racking up. >> so the u.n. secretary u general we know he's meeting with the major players this week. what do we know about those plans? >> the immediate plan is to get both of theeds sides talking. they have more statements planned, but the only people they are not talking to are each other. you heard what the prime minister said blaming them. palestinians are blaming
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israelis and leadership using too much force in and around jerusalem. the idea is to create dialogue, get them talking a little bit to see if that can ease a little bit of the tensions and scale down this violence we're seeing. >> thank you so much. next here on cnn, donald trump doubles down on comments that president bush was responsible for 9/11. we'll speak with a woman who lost her son that day, who says trump has a point but she's still not backing him for president. >> a man put on the sex offender registry after hooking up with a teen and gets a second chance. why a a new judge said he never deserved to be on that list in the first place.
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no secret who president bush is rooting for. a private fundraiser said that president bush was heard say in he does not like that guy. who is that guy? senator ted cruz. the president would not deny the account. his spokesperson says president bush does not consider senator cruz a threat to his brother. the fundraiser was for jeb bush. now let me back up. cruz worked for bush xliii's administration and his cam pawn. the senator from texas responded and this is what he says. quote, i have great respect for president bush. it's no surprise he's supporting had his brother and attacking the candidates he believes pose a threat to had his campaign. i met my wife working on his campaign and so i will always be
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grateful to him. ted gillman, ted cruz not hitting back. what do you make of this? i wouldn't say back and forth, just back. >> first of all, i'm not sure it's an attack to say i don't like the guy. it's not like w. impugned the character or the fact is i was with the senator chasing him around iowa last week. there were lots of people who adore him. if you went to any state or city in america you'd find a lot of people who say of ted cruz i just don't like the guy. >> do these two have any sort of history of any sort of bad blood? >> not that i'm aware of. it's not like there's some feud here. as you say, cruz and his wife who is a professional in her right, both worked for the campaign. they met on governor bush. 's campaign and both worked in the administration. heidi went a little further in the administration than ted cruz
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there. now there are some issues. cruz is very much against what he calls amnesty and comprehensive immigration reform, something that president bush championed. cruz was the solicitor general for the state of texas, who led the legal attack on some of the stuff that bush was trying to do in terms of siding with the world court and enforcing rules allowing retrial for mexican nationals that cruz talks about quite a bit. there are some substantiative issue, but w. supports his brother and cruz tends to rub people from the republican establishment the wrong way. nothing says establishment more than bush. >> so it is interesting, though, as jeb bush and donald trump over the course of the last few days, this is correct work, they
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have been attacking over what happened on 9/11. are you at all surprised that president bush is being political in saying i don't like that guy at this event behind closed doors. >> any politician or retired president who doesn't think that words are going to leak out of a close closed door session should know better. so he either was just being careless or casual or he wanted to send a signal. it is possible. cruz certainly is taking advantage of this and saying he wouldn't be saying nasty things about me if he didn't see me as a threat to his brother. i'm not sure that's it as much as he was in a a friendly setting with his brother's donors that he was giving his assessment. a lot of people find ted cruz abrasive. he's a guy that has come to washington, he doesn't play nice in the sand box. he shakes things up. he's more eager to confront
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republican party leadership than to cooperate. and that is something that just naturally is going to rub george bush the wrong way. >> ted gillman, thank you so much. appreciate it. speaking of jeb bush, just into us here at cnn. jeb bush with a new attack on donald trump over this back and forth regarding 9/11. hear why jeb bush says donald trump is dangerous to our national security and why he even brings up the name michael moore. plus a teenage boy put on a sex offender registry after a girl he met online lied to him about her age. now a legal about face that's giving him his life back. you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered
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to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. while you're watching this, i'm hacking your company. grabbing your data. stealing your customers' secrets. there's an army of us. relentlessly unpicking your patchwork of security. think you'll spot us? ♪ you haven't so far. the next wave of the internet requires the next wave of security. we're ready. are you?
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just in to cnn, jeb bush firing back yet again at donald trump over trump's recent references to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. trump pointing out in the last week that the world trade center twin towers came down under the watch of george w. bush to go after republican rival jeb bush. in the last hour, jeb bush has now posted a column on the national review's website comparing trump's criticisms to those of left wing film maker michael moore. let's be clear. let me read you part of the piece. donald trump simply doesn't know what he's talking about. and his bluster overcompensates for shocking lack of knowledge on the complex national security challenges that will confront the next president of the united
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states. i have someone joining me who lost her first born around the towers that day. thank you so much for coming down and seeing you again. you have been on the show before. looking at your son here, can we begin with him. he was coming in on the train into the city. he saw the towers burning. >> the burning towers, yes. >> he went where? he. >> he went downtown toward the tower. he would respond to people in trouble. he was a cad et of the nypd so he changed his route. he went toward the towers and gave. the ultimate sacrifice. >> because this day affects you and your family so profoundly, i imagine it resinates when you also hear this back and forth
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with regard to these politicians of donald trump and jeb bush. you believe there is a seed of truth in what trump is saying. >> why? >> because you're talking about national security. there were six memos if not more that represented to then president bush about an al qaeda attack come iing on american so. they come through land, air or water. what was security? there was no such security. if i am informed that some gang is going to bust my home, i will have cameras installed and maybe get the police to watch outside, which i have done before. why didn't we do that as a country? he was the president of this country. we depended upon their decisions to protect us. he failed to protect us. >> the 9/11 commission saying, yes, one of their lines is
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president bush should not have been surprised by those attacks. let me pose it to you this way. jeb bush said that bill clinton made a mistake. he takes it back to the clinton presidency in not pursuing osama bin laden. listen. >> i think there's two ways to look at islamic terrorism. one is a threat that has to be taken out as it relates to creating a strategy that calls it a war, or we view it as a law enforcement operation where people have rights. i think the clinton administration made a mistake of thinking bin laden had to be view viewed as a perspective. president obama's policies seem to be focused on that as well. this is a a war against western civilization. >> so let me ask it this way. with this back and forth and finger pointing as a mother. who lost her son on that day, how does it make you feel that this day has become this partisan issue in this campaign?
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>> 14 years later, every two years, they exploit, the politicians exploit the tragedy. none of them lost a son or brother or a parent. they never lost. they exploit it like vultures. it's not fair to us. the people who have lost a loved one, we do not want to see this issue being exploited for their political reasons. i find it -- >> not fair. >> unethical. unethical. and here is donald trump also addressing and bash. ing muslims and ben carson that he would not a muslim-american to be president. why not? all the candidates, any party or no party, they are taking an oath to be the president of the
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united states of america. so when you take an oath, you're taking an oath to defend the constitution. what religion i pursue is protected under the first amendment. they are negating themselves. they are not defending the constitution. they are trying to take away my rights. >> who do you like? >> between? >> all of the candidates, all of this. do you have a favorite yet? >> all the candidates, both sides, i'm going for hillary clinton. >> thank you so much for joining me. . i'm so sorry for the loss of your son, whose name is down at the memorial. >> 14 years later, i'm still fighting with the city of new york toyear.
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>> let us know. >> i will peep keep you posted. >> i appreciate it. a lifeline, he's been taken off that list. a michigan judge recent sentenced him o to two years probation. he was convicted of having sex with a 14-year-old girl when he was 19. e he met her on an online dating app. the girl lied about her age. anderson's parents applauded the judge's action. >> if >> if you make a mistake, you shouldn't have to pay for it the rest of your life in a case like this. that's all we ever wanteder to zack, a chance, you know, for
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him to -- to pay for his mistakes and then move on with life. >> cnn's investigative correspondent, kyra first lips interviewed zack and his parents before the ruling. it was your investigation that led to him getting off this list. >> i'll tell you what, the story was so outrageous, why it drew our attention, is because you know, dak is senator a sexual predator, pedestrian toe fi ped hormones could have cost him decades of his life, making it difficult, restrictions. here's part of our investigation. >> reporter: when you heard those words that your son was a sex offender, what was your reaction? >> it's a blatant lie. it's not true. it doesn't even fit our lifestyle. it doesn't fit how we raised our
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kids. >> reporter: even the girl's mother appeared in court, testifying that she didn't want zack labeled as a sex offender because, quote, he's really not. we also obtained this letter that the girl in question gave zack's family. i'm sorry i didn't tell you my age, she writes. it kills me every day, knowing you are going through hell and i'm not. i want to be in trouble and not you. did it ever enter your mind at any time that she could be underage? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: was the sex consensual. >> yeah, yeah. >> how many, kyra, i'm wondering, how many zack andersons are out on this registry? who aren't given a lifeline the judge gave this man a lifeline, she realized he's not a sexual
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predator, right? she didn't let him go without a mom lecturlecture. she looked him in the eye, zack, a good rule to live by, do not say anything, do not text anything, do not skype anything, do not behave in any manner that you would not be proud to have revealed to your mother, your father, your brothers, grandparents or publicized to strangers. we're talking about 850,000 people on the sex offender registry and about a quarter of those, brooke, were convicted under the age of 18. so, this story has created a lot of debate and discussion, and i think we will see laws change around the country because it's not fair that he should be on the sex offender registry for making a mistake. >> i'm glad you shared the story. congrats with the investigation. kyra phillips, thank you, thank you. coming up at the top of the hour, a live interview with republican presidential candidate rick santorum. he will take on trump's controversial minutes about 9/11
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one nightmare in their own homeland, living another one in europe. take a look at the crush of people in these new photos taken at serbian border. one u.n. refugee official described conditions at the camp as hellish, 2,000 people, small children, disabled and elderly are stuck in a desperate situation with rain and cold temperatures moving in. cases of hypothermia. aid agencies need blankets, raincoats and food. so many want to help. you can, go to impact your world websiting in washington, d.c., this mom and dad, their 10-year-old son and housekeeper found
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murdered. the house, set on fire. and tonight, a cnn special report, calling the d.c. mansion murders. what exactly happened to make the home in one of washington's most prominent neighborhoods turn into a crime scene? here's cnn's justice correspondent pamela brown. >> reporter: from the outside, things would seem quiet here on woodland drive overnight. until the next morning, when housekeeper vera figueroa's husband comes looking for her. >> ringing the bell, a feeling somebody was inside. >> reporter: a short time after he gets a call from sava. >> sorry i didn't call you last night. vera told me to call you. she has to say with my wife, she was feeling bad, she has to go to the hospital and asking vera to go with her. >> reporter: vera's husband goes home. a few hours later, a mysterious delivery is made to the mansion,
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a pack. >> containing $40,000. court records reveal, he texted his assistant, jordan wallace, instructing him to bring money to the house. wallace lifts stacks of hundred dollar bills in one of the family's cars, and leaves. at 1:30 p.m., the d.c. fire department gets a call, reporting a fire on woodland drive. flames are pouring from the second floor, coming from phillip's bedroom. >> we dou know at this point th fire appears to be intentionally set. >> reporter: once flames around, firefighters discover the grisly murder scene. bodies bloodied and burned. vera is rushed to the hospital, but doctors can't save her. a gruesome end to a nearly 20-hour nightmare. >> pamela brown, watch the cnn
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special report, the d.c. mansion murders airs tonight at 9:00 right here on cnn. i will be back in for my friend don lemon, see you at 10:00 on cnn tonight. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. as we speak, intense scramble to save men, women and children as air strikes begin to ramp up in syria. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." the world lead, families rushing to find any shelter they can as bullets and bombs fly overhead. the chaos in syria, as fear of a new uprising loomz nearby between israelis and palestinians. head of the united nations warning of a dangerous escalation amplified by new terrorist attacks. the politics lead, a longtime jeb bush ally calling donald trump, a quote, false zombie front-runner who is, quote, dead politically, and will, quote, never be president of the united states ever. well, tell tha