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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  October 13, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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in china. you have a problem. when people try to open the app, an error message pops up. story unavailable. news is not supported in your region. that means censorship. no word if it the government is blocking it. it highlights a broader challenge, especially technology and information media. google and facebook are blocked online. 5:00 in the morning in the east. "early start" continues right now. in just hours, hillary clinton and bernie sanders head-to-head for the very first time in the cnn democratic debate. who will come out on top? who will come out swinging or will they? will there be a breakthrough from a lesser known candidate? we are live. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans at the
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anchor desk in new york. >> and i'm john berman on the las vegas strip. it is tuesday, october 13th. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. it means it is 2:00 a.m. here. that means we are just getting started. it has arrived. the first democratic presidential debate of the entire election cycle. tonight, here behind me at the wynn las vegas only on cnn. the frontrunner hillary clinton on top of the polls. she is center stage. bernie sanders, who is leading in new hampshire, right next to her. the big question can he make a wider audience feel the bern? martin o'malley and lincoln chaffee and jim webb. they have to breakthrough tonight? one surprise in las vegas. hillary clinton at a cameo rally at the trump hotel.
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she could bash donald trump and appeal to organized labor. we have correspondent brianna keilar with the story. >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. hillary clinton arrived here in las vegas and immediately went to where? the trump hotel. that's where she joined union workers picketing outside the hotel where the culinary association is trying to unionize. she really made a splash as she came into town. >> i don't think it is entertaining when somebody insults immigrants, insults women. that is just unacceptable behavior. and so when we are here together in solidarity to organize, we also want to send a message to mr. trump. if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the
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united states and that includes hard working people and you should not stand in the way of the right to organize because that's what built the middle class of america. >> reporter: she has been preparing for this debate in earnest. she has been working with a team of litigators with a lot of experience with debate prep. some helped president obama in 2012 as well as a number of others. her goal one of her aides tells me to cut through the politics. she has been dealing with the e-mail controversy and her aides hope this gives her a chance to change the subject and get the attention of so many people who will be watching the debate. bernie sanders, her closest competitor taking a different approach. his campaign says there is expectation management going on. you often have teams downplaying how prepared candidates are.
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they say he has been reading up on the issues. he has been doing some debates, but not full on like hillary clinton. his goal one of his top aides says he is a serious candidate and mainstream ideas. he is a self described democratic socialist and certainly he wants to make certain that hillary clinton cannot portray him as politically extreme. john and christine. >> thank you, brianna keilar, for that. i want to show you a live picture inside the debate hall because a debate hall never sleeps. look at that. it's 2:00 a.m. here in las vegas. that room is lit beautifully waiting for the five candidates to take the stage. what does each one need to do to leave las vegas successfully? joining us now is democratic strategist maria cardone. you won the jackpot.
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>> i did. >> 2:00 a.m. in las vegas. i want to ask you before we talk about the debate, what happened late here last night, overnight, hillary clinton did this rally. she appeared at the donald trump hotel right over there for a culinary union rally. it's a strong picture here in nevada. that union, that controls democratic politics in the state. >> i thought it was a brilliant move on her part. it was a surprise. it took people by surprise. i think it focuses on two blocks of voters that are important in nevada. labor as we mentioned, but a big component of that labor union is latino workers. it was a way for her to demonstrate to the union worker and to the immigrants. it is a contrast with how the republicans have been dealing with it, especially donald trump. it was a contrast for her before
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the debate. >> what does she do before she gets on the stage? how does she deal with sanders on her left? >> i think what she does, she is the frontrunner. the strategy for the frontrunner is never to do on the attack. at the same time, as the frontrunner, she goes in with a big target on her back. the way she deals with bernie sanders and i think the other gentlemen on the stage, looking to have breakout moments. she needs to go back after them, but focused on policy and ideas and focus on substance. >> bernie sanders is a self described democratic socialist. that is interesting who may not know that much about him. do you think she will ever use the "s" word? is that something she will ever discuss?
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>> i doubt it. her campaign talked about this. this is an opportunity for her to have a more direct conversation with the american people with the broader audience she has been able to in the summer, perhaps without some of the noise that has been part of the recent she hasn't been able to breakthrough. >> she will do more looking to the camera rather than right or left. what about bernie sanders? his people overnight were telling cnn they will not go after hillary clinton at all unless she goes after him first. he may not even mention her name. >> what he will do, and he pre-viewed some of this, compare where he has been on the issues for many years, versus where she has come to be on the issues more recently. that will be a contrast he will make. it is a fair contrast for him to make. it is a fair issue to explain. the keystone pipeline and the
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tpp on trade. i think for her it is an opportunity to explain more broadly and more deeply to voters where she is and where the division is in terms of what she will do if she is given the task of president. >> and bernie sanders has to find a way to extend the momentum beyond new hampshire. what about the three other guys? martin o'malley and lincoln chaffee and jim webb. >> martin o'malley, for example, needs a breakout moment. he has a tremendous resume that is understated. he hasn't been able to breakout from the bottom of the polls. in terms of the issues that are important to labor and latinos. as governor of maryland, he passed the dream act. he was focused on progressive
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policies. those are issues he will go after hillary clinton on. he pre-viewed the line. he has been here for a long time. that will be the big contrast with what has been the clown car debacle of the republican party debate. >> maria cardona, thank you for waking up with us. you all need to stay with cnn for big coverage of the first democratic presidential debate. tune in tonight. coverage begins at 8:30 p.m. eastern time here on cnn. there's a lot before that. 15 more hours of exciting analysis. christine romans. >> we won't miss a single second. pre game and post game. it is fodder most of the week. you can expect to hear from hillary clinton and bernie
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sanders on income inequality and making college more affordable. here is where they stand. the minimum wage. clinton wants to raise it to $12 an hour. sanders wants to raise it to $15 an hour. on taxes, clinton will close a loophole for the wealthy. she wants to crackdown on the loophole to let hedge fund managers to carry interest instead of income. those have a tax rate of 20% instead of 40%. sanders wants all income above $250,000 to be subject to the payroll tax. he wants to slap a 10% sur tax on billionaires. and affordable college. a cornerstone of the agendas. a play for the millennial vote. clinton wants two free years of community college. sanders wants to give state grants to make all public schools free.
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public four-year college education free paid for in part by a tax on high frequency traders. our coverage of the democratic debate continues all morning long. first, the u.s. with new help for syrian rebels fighting the assad regime and russia. we are live with new developments this morning next. some cash back cards love to overcomplicate things. like limiting where you earn bonus cash back. why put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. real simple. i'm talking easy like-a- walk-in-the-park, nothing-to-worry-about, man-that-feels-good simple. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's a simple question. what's in your wallet?
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u.s. military cargo planes dropped 50 tons of ammunition to rebels in syria. the first step in the new white house plan to support rebel forces in the region. moscow's intervention in the syrian civil war is prompting rival groups to team up against assad's troops. let's go to moscow and bring in journalist jill dougherty. she is a long time expert in the region. jill, bring us up to speed. the u.s. trying to arm these rebels and dropping ammunition behind the lines for the rebels. you have russia actively supporting the assad regime. >> reporter: right. on the american side, what they are doing is they have identified leaders that they believe they can trust and they will supply those weapons and
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equipment to them. they in turn would equipped their own people. this already from the beginning has been very questionable whether you can supply that type of equipment and not have it end up in the hands of isil. there was grave concern and remember the training missions that the united states carried out to the tune of $500 million. that really failed. they had to stop those. that's the quandary for the united states right now. how do you support these people? how do you hopefully meld them into some fighting force? on the other side, you have the russians carrying out air attacks that are in terms -- excuse me. let me change this sound here. the russians carrying out air attacks in order to make it possible for assad's forces to come in on the ground. i would say, christine, we have been saying it all along, it is dangerous because both sides are carrying out air attacks. they are both in the skies and
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in fact at one point, a u.s. plane had to carry out an avoidance maneuver. that's why they are talking. that's why the defense department and the pentagon are speaking. they are trying to find at least, very technical, how they communicate in the skies so there would not been any type of collisions. >> a tricky situation. a couple of technical phone calls to make sure they know thousand to talk to each other to avoid disaster. sometimes at odds with each other. thank you for that. 19 minutes past the hour. how to mets fans spell revenge? w-i-n. the mets moving on to the brink of the league championship series. coy wire has the details in the bleacher report next. by the year 2100, there could be more than 10 billion people on planet earth.
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it's the hottest ticket in new york. mets and dodgers at citifield. mets fans have one thing on their minds. sweet revenge. coy wire has the bleacher report. >> good morning, christine. those mets fans are upset about dodgers chase utley's slide. they let utley know about it from the start. take a listen. >> chase utley. >> major boos for utley. tejada gets a helro's welcome. in the fourth, it was cespedes. when you do it, do it like you
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are doing it for tv and the playoffs. mets win, 13-7. setting up a post season record in the process for runs. if you liked all the hitting in the mets, you will love what the cubs did. that is in st. louis where they had a six-home run game. a six-home run game against the cardinals. six homers by six different players. that is an mlb playoff record. cubs win, 8-6. one win away from advancing for the first time in 12 years. first pitch for game four at 4:37 eastern. the mets get the chance to finish off the dodgers at 8:00. you can watch both games on tbs. steelers at chargers on monday night football. mike vick pitching in. nowhere to throw. let me test the wheels out.
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still got it. the field goal range for the steelers. down three. forget about the field goal. direct snap to the workhorse bell. he barrels his way into the end zone. touchdown, game over. steelers win, 24-20. now, according to multiple reports, south carolina head coach steve spurrier told the team he is retiring effective immediately. the 70-year-old former heisman winner, he won a national title with florida in '96. now the all time winningest coach. he is expected to make an announcement today at the weekly press conference at noon. tough news coming for south carolina fans for sure. >> we wish him the best. wish my cubbies the best at 4:37. try not to get too excited. cubs fans are understated.
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coy wire, thank you. we are hours away from the cnn presidential debate. how are the candidates prepare? will hillary clinton target bernie sanders? we are in vegas right after the break. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. ♪ (vo) wit runs on optimism.un on? it's what sparks ideas. moves the world forward. invest with those who see the world as unstoppable. who have the curiosity to look beyond the expected
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democrats running for president facing off for the very first time. cnn's presidential debate hours away. hillary clinton taking the stage with bernie sanders. that is a live picture of that debate stage. who will come out on top? we are live. good morning.
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welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. i love how the stage is lit, john berman. i love it. vegas is ready, baby. >> it's just like the strip. you never sleep in vegas. a debate stage never sleeps. i'm john berman. it is 30 minutes past the hour. it has arrived. you can see the countdown clock now under 15 hours. if it is under 15 hours, you know it's serious. the first presidential debate behind me tonight for the democrats at wynn las vegas only on cnn. hillary clinton will be center stage on that stage you just saw. bernie sanders, leading in new hampshire, will be right next to her. the big question is can he convince a wider audience beyond new hampshire to ride his progressive wave? martin o'malley, lincoln chaffee, jim webb, they are trying to make an impression. they need a breakthrough
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tonight. we had one surprise in las vegas. hillary clinton made an cameo outside a trump hotel on the strip. she could bash the gop frontrunner and appeal to organized labor. that is a group she needs in nevada, but across the country. senior political correspondent brianna keilar has the story. >> reporter: good morning. hillary clinton arrived in vegas and went where? the trump hotel. that's where she joined union workers picketing outside the hotel co- owned by donald trump. the culinary union has been trying to unionize employees. hillary clinton joining them and making a splash as she came in to town. >> some think trump is entertaining. i don't think it is entertaining when somebody insults immigrants or women. that is unacceptable behavior. when we are here together in
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solidarity to organize, we want to send a message to mr. trump. if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states and that includes hard working people and you should not stand in the way of the right to organize because that's what built the middle class of america. >> reporter: she has been preparing for this debate in earnest. she has been working with a team of litigators with experience of debate prep. some helped president obama in 2012 and a number of other candidates in other cycles. other goal, one of her aides tells me, to cut through the politics. she has been dealing with the e-mail controversy and her aides and her campaign is hoping this gives her a chance to change the subject and talk substance and get the attention of so many people who will be watching the debate. bernie sanders, her closest competitor here is taking a
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different approach. you often have teams downplaying just how prepared their cann candidates are. he has been do some q&a, but not mock debates like hillary clinton. one goal is to show he is a serious candidate and mainstream ideas. he is a self described democratic socialist and certainly he wants to make certain that hillary clinton cannot portray him as extreme politically. john. >> thank you, brianna keilar, for that. what does each candidate need to do when they take the debate stage? there is a live picture of the debate stage at 2:30 a.m. las vegas time. it looks stunning. joining me to talk about the man is strategist hilary.
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bernie sanders did some exchanges yesterday. back and forth. east candidate has policy positions they want to convey to the american people. there is a performance element to this. they have to be prepared for. >> you know, people underestimate the theater nature of the debate. there's hillary clinton, a policy wonk. sanders is a grumpy old grandpa. really, these candidates have been saying the same thing every day for months. what they need to do tonight is step up the energy around that and give people a higher purpose reason to believe in them. that really becomes more about theater and performance than it does about policy. >> you have to do it in a
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minute. the answers here are a minute. the rebuttals, if you get called out by name, 30 seconds. you have to know what you want to get through before the moment columbus. >> you do. bernie sanders hasn't had a lot of give and take of this. he has had huge crowds, but not the kind of town hall rapid fire forums. for instance, hillary clinton or martin o'malley. his test is to keep his answers short enough to people to get excited and understand it and not be too rhetorical. >> bernie sanders has been saying the same things about the same issues for 30 or 40 years in politics. is there a risk for hillary clinton in being too polished? she has done this before. dozens of times eight years ago. does she need to seem more
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authentic? >> bernie sanders and hillary clinton have almost opposite jobs. bernie sanders has to come across tonight as more reserved and more presidential. so he won't seem so extreme to the moderate democrats who are looking for a candidate. >> i can win the white house. >> i'm not just throwing fire bombs. hillary clinton on the other hand, everybody knows she could be president. what she needs to do is talk about why she wants to be president. she needs to engage people more in her task and enthusiasm. >> in terms of the issues, it is interesting, if not bernie sanders, one of the other candidates will bring up that hillary clinton has shifted on some of the issues. some issues democrats care about. keystone oil pipeline and pacific-trade deal. things of that neighborhoature. >> that's going to be her task tonight to talk about when she gets accused of flip flopping.
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>> she will. >> she will have to talk about policy positions as evolution. she will have to talk about trade as meaning something to today's workers that it did not mean 20 years ago. >> or four years ago. following the golden standard. >> when it comes to keystone, what is it about the development of that pipeline today that makes her believe what she believes. she has to convince people this is coming from a thoughtful policy place. >> i'm sure she is ready for that. one of the things i'm curious about is if she is ready for martin o'malley and lincoln chaffee and jim webb. they are nowhere in the polls. they have to throw the hail mary on the stage. it seems to me hard to prepare for a candidate who has nothing to lose. >> what the candidates have to lose is missing an opportunity to talk about themselves.
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>> true. >> we saw a few times in the republican debate where you remember scott walker was fire bombing other candidates. he wasn't talking about himself. rand paul doing the same thing. if martin o'malley is going to convince people he is a viable candidate, he has to put forward something positive about himself. same with jim webb and lincoln chaffee. you know, if i'm their staff and i'm telling them, don't let the only thing people say you have good insult going. >> and o'malley has been practicing under the bright lights. >> o'malley is a good debater. >> jim webb was a serious guy who ran a very tough campaign. >> against a tough opponent. all experienced debaters. bernie sanders, i have been watching old campaign tapes.
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he will be effective. he will be strong. this will be an interesting debate among professionals. >> with five candidates, you will get to hear from all. hilary rosen, thank you. we will be here all day leads up to the debate which begins at 8:30 p.m. eastern time. only here on cnn. christine romans, back to you. >> john, one thing, one platform all of the candidates agree on and how they differentiate themselves. they all know the middle class family income is back to 1995 levels when the top 1% is richer than ever. the key is for the lesser candidates are to say why their plan would work to level the playing field. >> they all want to take that message to the general election. what they have to do tonight the stage is a i'm the one to take that message after tonight. >> john berman, after tonight.
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less than 15 hours to go. our coverage of the cnn presidential democratic debate continues all morning long. first, the u.s. with new help for syrian rebels. new help fighting the assad regime and russia. we are live with the dramatic details next.
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welcome back. u.s. cargo planes dropped 50
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tons of ammunition to the rebels if syria. it is the first step in the white house plan to support the region. this is prompting many rival rebel groups to team up. they are presenting a unified front against moscow. let's bring in jill dougherty with more on this issue. good morning, jill. you have the rebel groups teaming up in a way we have not seen before. >> reporter: you do. the jury is out as to whether they can actually form a real team. that is what the united states wants. that is why they have identified leaders of the groups that they feel they can trust. they can give them weapons and equipment and it will not fall into the hands, they hope, of terrorists. that's on the ground and the fighting on russia side continues with air strikes, et
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cetera. christine, in nmoscow, there is an emphasis on two issues. the u.n. special envoy on syria is discussing with a number of people in moscow some type of efforts toward a political solution. just a few minutes ago, the russian media reporting quotes from the foreign ministry saying they were welcoming news that the syrian government is naming people to what they are calling working groups. working groups they set about some type of political solution in motion. not a lot of details on this. obviously that's what russia does want to focus on. president putin said that the whole idea of his military action is to get to a polite soluti political solution. something is happening, but very slow. >> jill dougherty in moscow.
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thank you. 45 minutes past the hour. let's see what is coming up on "new day." chris cuomo joins us fresh off the tables. hi, chris. >> vegas, romans. i just saw your man berman begging for money trying to play the slots. embarrassing. the energy of the city is nothing compared to the ex-hill ration anticipation. hillary clinton's campaign. bernie sanders's campaign. martin o'malley. they are all talking about who they will be and what they will not be. all we are not hearing about is what they will wear. we are going to look at it tactic
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tactically. what do we expect? this is a very different dynamic than what we saw with the republicans. where you have a dozen plus on stage fighting for a bit of oxygen. they will get time tonight. the question is what do they do with that time? we have good insights throughout the morning on "new day." you better get your boy berman some help, romans. he has his tie side ways. >> he already won $170 playing craps. i said quit while you're ahead. >> is that what he told you? >> that's what he told me. all right. guys, leave it in vegas. talk to you soon. we are hours away from the presidential debate. what rules will the candidates face? we are breaking it down after the break. woman: my mom and i have the same hands. same eyes. same laugh. and since she's had moderate alzheimer's disease, i've discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too.
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less than 15 hours to go until the cnn democratic presidential debate here in las vegas. what is the first rule of the democratic debate? how about all the rules. cnn's tom foreman has details. >> reporter: john and christine, five candidates on stage when the debate begins. they will be rated according to
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the strengths in poles. hillary clinton in the middle. the poll standings will determine the opening and closing statements. no candidate can bring a phone or tablet or notes or any props on stage. they will each be given a pad and paper and water if they need it. what will they face? the moderator will be anderson cooper. he will be joined by dana bash and juan carlos lopez and don lemon is watching facebook and instagram and present questions. each candidate will have one minute to answer a direct question. if one gets brought up in somebody's answer, they have 30 seconds to respond to that and lights tell them if they are running overtime. anderson has the discretion to let any part of the conversation to go on longer if he feels it is needed for whatever reason. you can bet some of the candidates on the edges will want every moment they can get to make an impression and rise
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in the polls and maybe closer to center next time around. christine, john. >> tom foreman. thank you. the longest winning streak for the dow jones industrial average all year. an early start on your money next.
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welcome back. let's get an early start on your money. i'm christine romans. a setback for stocks. asian markets are lower. blame is weak trade data in china. let's relish the best winning streak since last year. happening overnight. the biggest beer merger in history. inbev anheuser-busch buying sab miller. sab miller rejected four earlier bids. regulators still have to approve this. if it goes through, bud miller would be a super brewery with half of the world's top 40
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beers. mergers are track for a record yesterday. yesterday, the biggest merger in the tech. dell bought emc for $67 billion. we are just hours away from the cnn democratic presidential debate. "new day" picks it up now. >> it has arrived. the very first democratic presidential debate tonight. >> if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states. >> let's not try to demonize people. >> we have to define. >> i am unbought. >> they feel strongly where we are going as a country. >> it is not about the words. >> i will fight. >> join in the political revolution. let's transform america. >> this is "new day" with chris
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cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to "new day." it's tuesday, october 13th. 6:00 in the east. that's lunchtime in vegas. live from the wynn hotel. it is time as they say before the big fights out here. tonight is the high stakes democratic debate. michaela is in new york. in case the slots get the better of her and alisyn abandons the post. we are seeing the candidates next to each other other on stage. the best way to evaluate them. that is what you have in hillary clinton and bernie sanders and the rest of the field here on cnn in the hotel behind us. the campaigns are hyping and spinning. we have lots of great information for you on what to expect tonight. meanwhile, there are some developments in the game changing wild card known as joe
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biden's decision. one top senator says she believes he will run. jim gulla costa is inside the debate hall. give us the latest, jim. >> good morning. vice president joe biden is certainly the wild card in the mix of this democratic debate. we heard yesterday that the vice president will be staying at the white house all day long. he won't be here in vegas. no question about it, we don't know if it's time to go to bed or get up. we do know it's almost debate time, roughly 12 to 15 hours from now. the debate stage is set. the center podium will be where hillary clinton is standing. when she landed in las vegas she was not focusing her attention on her democratic rivals. she was trolling a potential republican opponent in donald trump. >> democratic debate day is


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