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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  August 30, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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they were out in the field and it was a story like so many others. please join us now in a moment of silence. >> feeling the burn. a brand-new poll shows hillary clinton slipping in iowa as voters defect to bernie sanders. >> the same ole same ole will not work. >> he will be here in a moment. and -- donald trump. >> i don't want your money. >> or does he? the billionaire hosts a fund-raiser and refuses to call it one while taking big bucks from undisclosed donors. can he claim he is the only one who cannot be bossed? the father of the reporter murdered live on television vows to fight for gun control.
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>> there has to be a way to force politicians that are cowards and in the pockets of the nra to make sensible laws. >> he will join us live. and the best political team in television will be here from the campaign trail. >> hello. i'm jake tapper in washington with the state of our union is burning up. a brand-new poll showing the insurgent in the race for president. bernie sanders from vermont making serious gains on hillary clinton in iowa. the "des moines register" poll shows clinton dropping below 50% for the first time this year, coming in at 37% to sanders's 30%. he swayed a 30 of clinton supporters to come over to his side. the poll looked at republicans and found donald trump on top again with 23% of iowa favoring
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him. another candidate, ben carson number two with a bullet at 18%. ted cruz and scott walker at 8% each and jeb bush and marco rubio with 6% each. it adds up to an interesting unpredictable race with non-traditional candidates gaping steam and drawing crowds. let's get to the man of the hour. senator bernie sander who eers with us. this new poll shows you winning over clinton supporters. you said earlier the same old same old cannot win. is hillary clinton the same old same old? >> this is what i can tell you. not only in iowa and new hampshire, but all over this country, generating enthusiasm and people do not understand why the middle class is collapsing at the same time as almost all
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of the new income and wealth is going to the top 1%. people do not like the idea as a result of citizens united the campaign finance system is corrupt and politicians are dependent upon super pacs and billionaires for money. people want to deal with climate change and make college affordable. those are the issues generating enormous enthusiasm. >> you are talking about taking on the billionaire class. you are not sure whether or not hillary clinton will. give us specifics. you would and she may not? >> i think that the business model of wall street is fraud. i think these guys drove us into the worst economic downturn in history and they're at it again. i believe when you have so few banks with so much power, you have to not only reestablish,
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but break them up. that is not hillary clinton's position. i believe they have been a disaster. i am helping to lead the effort against the transpacific partnership. i believe along with pope francis and almost all scientists that climate change is threatening this planet in horrendous ways and we have to be aggressive in transforming our energy system away from possible fuel and defeat the key scone pipeline. that is not hillary clinton's position. i believe we should expand social security and lift the cap on taxable income. i believe we have to raise the minimum raise to $15 an hour. not hillary clinton's position. i voted against the war in iraq. hillary voted if afor it.
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>> you said the biggest mistake president obama made is thinking he could negotiate with speaker boehner and mitch mcconnell. how can you get this very ambitious agenda through. and you didn't mention state tax and a trillion dollars spent on infrastructure. how are you going to do that without dealing with congress? >> that infrastructure program would create 13 million jobs. i will tell you how. i have a lot of respect for barack obama. he is a friend of mine. the biggest mistake he made and i disagree on a number of policy issues, but after his brilliant 2008 campaign when he rallied millions of people to stand up and fight back, what he said after he was elected, i will take it from here. i will negotiate with boehner and mitch mcconnell and republicans. two points.
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these guys never had any intention of seriously negotiating. the president has caught on to that. second of all, the powers that be in washington, wall street, the huge campaign donors and the koch brothers are so powerful that the only way we bring about real change in this country which represents the needs of the middle class and working families is when millions of people stand up and say enough is enough. they are organized and that is what i'm talking about when i speak about a political revolution. no president. not bernie standers or anyone else can do it. they say this country belongs to all of us and our government must represent all of us and not just a handful of billionaires. it can't be done within the beltway. we're succeeding in creating right now.
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>> i want to ask you about the deputy sheriff being gunned down in a gas station in texas. police have charged an african-american man with his murder and they say he was targeted because he was wearing a law enforcement uniform. listen to the sheriff. >> this rhetoric got out of control. we heard black lives matter. all lives matter. cops lives matter. just say lives matter. take that to the bank. >> what do you think of that, senator? is the sheriff right? >> this is what i think. obviously it is an outrage that this police officer was assassinated. other police officers have been killed. i worked with police officers when i was the mayor. they have a very, very difficult job and we need to make sure that we have the best trained, best paid police departments in the world and as president i would bring that about community
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policing and so forth. what we also have to understand, it is not acceptable in this country when unarmed black people get dragged out or shot. that is happening too often. in thigh view, we need major reforms of the criminal justice system which by the way means police officers are better paid, are better trained, and we end this absurdity in america of having more people in jail than any other major country on earth including china. criminal justice reform is a big issue for me and making sure we have the best police departments throughout this country is something we have got to make happen. >> another horrific news story to place in roanoke, virginia. with the shooting of those two individuals with the local news. when it comes to guns, you are
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liberal and progressive on the issue of gun control. a surrogate for hillary clinton went to new hampshire and said your gun votes have been driven by political expediency and what is your response? >> let me tell you. i have a lifetime voting record on the nra of d minus. i voted very strongly for instant background checks. i want to see them made stronger. probably the most important thing we can do. number two, i voted in a state, by the way, that has almost no gun control. i voted against the nra and voted to ban certain semi automatic weapons. i voted to eliminate this group hold that allows people to purchase guns without a background check and nogz that, what i believe is we need to do a lot better job in terms of
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mental health in this country. people call my office and offices all over this country and say my brother, my husband, i'm worried about what he might do to himself or other people. we don't have the capability of treating those folks. when people have mental health issues, they should be able to get counseling immediately and that is not the case right now. i do not accept the fact that i have been weak on this issue. i have been strong on the issue and in fact am coming from a rural state that has almost no gun control, i can get beyond the noise and all of these arguments of people shouting at each other and come up with constructively gun control legislation that most significantly gets guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. >> governor martin o'malley tore into the committee accusing them of rigging the debate frosz favor hillary clinton.
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do you agree? >> i think rigging is a strong word. at a time when so many of our people have given up on the political process and 80% of young people did not vote in the last election and 63% of all americans did not vote. debates are a good thing. i love debates. done it all my life. i would like to see more debates and groups representing working people to talk about why the rich get richer and everybody else gets poorer. the environmentalists deserve a debate so we can talk about transforming the energy system away from fossil fuel. young people deserve the debate in terms of my idea and other ideas about how we make college education in this country and in public colleges and universities tuition-free. how we deal with student debt. >> senator standards, the dnc as you know is saying that if you or governor o'malley participate
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in a non-sinkzed debate, you don't get to participate in the official ones. they are restricting it. >> i think that is dead wrong and i have let the leadership of the democrats know that. i think this country benefits and all people benefits and democracy benefits when we have debates. >> you have not been a fan of donald trump or his rhetoric. he called for raising taxes on those who run hedge funds. is that an issue where you two agree? >> absolutely, but even more importantly, let's be clear. we have a situation where major corporations in this country make billions of dollars in profit. they stash their money in the cayman islands and don't pay a nickel in taxes. i am funding the plan to make colleges tuition-free by a tax.
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when you have hedge fund managers as warren buffett said, paying lower than police officers, they has to change. the rich are getting richer and they will have to start paying their fair share of taxes as do major corporations. >> senator bernie sanders, congratulations on the success you are having on the campaign trail. hope to talk to you soon. >> the shooting that horrified the nations. her father said it didn't have to happen. we will talk to you in a moment. healthy diet, t those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. how can something so little... help you do something so big. the possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc.
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to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that.
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>> welcome back to state of the union. investigators continuing to discover new details in the horrifying murder of a virginia news crew. police say the gunman, a former colleague of the victims allison parker and adam ward expressed admiration for other horrific attacks such as 9/11. they created a scholarship in allison's memory, but her real
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memorial will be a living one. her father is fighting to create legislation to curb gun violence. mr. parker, first of all, my deepest condolences. i know i speak for everyone when we say we can't imagine what you are going through. so many people have been moved by what happened to your daughter and adam ward. what would you like them to do in her name and memory? >> jake, thanks for having me on. before we get to the answer to that question, i want to tell you that everyone, i have done a lot of media interviews as you probably know and a lot with cnn and with the exception of one news organization that you can probably figure out that will go unnamed, everybody has been so kind and considerate of our family and the line of
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questioning. i want to give a particular shout out to jennifer henderson who is one of your producers. she has been like a member of the family to us. we so appreciate that. what i would like for everyone to know and to keep in mind is, just don't be desensitized to this issue and say gee, this is another horrific incident, what's for dinner tonight, honey? my fear is that this is going to be a big news story for a weekend and it's on to the next one. we cannot let this drop. i think this is different. this time this is different. allison was one of you guys. she was part of the media. it could have been anyone out there doing this. i just want people to know that i'm going to be working on this
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for a long time. i know this is not a sprint. it's a marathon. i'm going to effect a change and chris, her boyfriend and i because of our backgrounds are uniquely qualified to galvanize the groups that are trying to put this thing and make a difference. to speak as one voice and hold the politicians's feet to the fire. i was listening to bernie sanders in the lead up to this. i liked what he said. he said regarding another matter, same old same old is not going to work. it applies to this issue. i think the reason he is doing so well and the reason that donald trump is doing so well in the polls is there is an anger in this country that same old same old is not going to work. it's got to apply to sensible gun control legislation.
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controlling the loopholes. controlling the loopholes in gun shows. doing those kinds of things. >> let me ask you, it was only wednesday morning when this horrific tragedy happened. have you been able to go through what happened with this deranged killer and figure out what law or restriction might have helped prevent the tragedy some. >> i'm sorry. i have not turned the television on since tuesday night. i don't want to see it. i don't want to watch it. i'm not going to recount it. this person to me is -- he doesn't even register. what registers is the fact that he was mentally disturbed. he was allowed to pass a background check. i know that -- say what you want
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about california. sometimes people they're overregulated, but they passed a gun violence restraining order out there that probably would have prevented this from happening. here in virginia similar legislation was introduced and nothing was happening. our own senator here that represented us voted with the nra and voted against it. >> what's the next step for you? >> i'm sorry, i don't mean to go, but i hate to keep invoking the name of donald trump. i think trump was -- i have been asked by several media outlets. trump said this is not a gun issue, it's a mental health issue. he is half right. it is a mental health issue, but there is a linkage between guns and mental health.
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there has got to be a protocol established that we keep people from getting guns. that bill in california, it wouldn't have saved allison. you put a seatbelt on and you drive and there is no guarantee that it will gave your life if you are in a horrific accident, but it's something. that's the next step. that's what i'm trying to accomplish. >> will you be coming to washington? >> absolutely. i have been in contact. as you can imagine the out pouring not just for allison, but the outrage that has just swept not just the nation, but the world. it's overwhelming and i have been in contact with mark kelly, gabby giffords's husband who was very gracious to reach out to me. we will get together in washington.
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senator warner also told me whatever we can do to facilitate that, let me know. mayor bloomberg's people reached out. if i can and if they will allow me, chris and i want to take the point. we want to take the lead on this and get something done. this time you always think there is a tipping point. we thought when gabby was shot something would happen. or sandy hook or aurora something would happen. it never did. i think people recognizing who the victim was and who she represent and how kind and sweet and innocent she was. i think this time it's going to be different. i have done as many interviews as i can this week and i don't want to be like howard biel from network and in essence say we are mad at hell and not going to take it anymore. that's what happened.
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he got overexposed and i don't want that to happen. i want to come back when we have updates to report. i'm counting on you guys in the media to be there and support this and keep it on the front burner. it has to be. it can't go away and can't be next week. i'm not going to let that happen. >> we will stay in touch with you when you have more to tell us. condolences on the loss. she sounds like a wonderful, wonderful girl. it must be difficult. >> thank you so much. i'm telling you, they messed with the wrong family. >> you can go to to go to the scholarship fund. >> i say hillary clinton, you say liar? the results of a word association game with voters. plaque psoriasis...
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extreme views about women. we chekt that from some of the terrorist groups. we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world. but it's a little hard to take coming from republicans who want to be the president of the united states. >> that was hillary clinton comparing republicans to terrorists that. did not sit well with republicans. the clinton foundation has taken millions in donations from countries in the mideast with dismal women's rights record says. commentators donna brazil and
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dan pfiefer. congressman, i will start with you to get a fair response about that hillary clinton comparing the candidates to terrorists. >> inappropriate and over the top and uncalled-for. all of those fit. hillary is someone who said i don't drive myself. how long has it been when you talk about the modern world can she multitask and does she buy her groceries and cook her meals and get from point a to point b like moms and modern women do. the answer is no. >> does she change her granddaughter's diaper and do ought will other things? yes. she was making a contrast, not a comparison. >> no, donna. she made a comparison. >> she understands different between the taliban and the policies towards women. she was saying that republicans
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have take then extreme position on giving women the full change of reproductive health services. that's the point she was making. i'm sorry if you are upset she said the word taliban, but 21st century tell us and leaders don't have access to birth control. >> most are in line with republicans. >> victims of rape. >> more of the american people. yes, they are. >> that is not true. >> she is wrong on the issues, donna and you know it. >> she. [ talking at the same time ] >> we are going to win that conversation. >> all across this country, republicans are trying to defund planned parenthood. >> planned parenthood doesn't need the money.
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94% of their business -- >> no, 97%. >> 94% is abortion services. >> congressman -- >> go to their website and their main business. they are america's biggest abortion provider. biggest. >> i visited. >> 1800 adoption services. >> we will agree to disagree and come back. >> we are southern women. >> that's right. >> we are going get on the front porch and have that fight. >> let's bring up the poll numbers and 30% and biden 14% and o'malley.
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hillary clinton lost a third of her percent. you were with obama. is this the same thing going on? >> i don't think so. we ought to see whether this poll, the "des moines register" and this is an outliar. every poll she has been in is about 50. sanders is about 25. no question she will have to work hard to win iowa. she has taken water on because of it. she needs to take bernie sanders seriously as an opponent and if she is our nominee and i suspect in the current field she will be, she has to understand that bernie sanders is speaking to -- he struck a cord in the party. she has to channel the energy to get people to vote like obama did in 08. >> they asked voters what is the first word that comes to mind when you think of blank candidate. there a lot of words and you can
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look for it in the woman experience and strong. the number one was liar and number two was dishonest and number three was untrustworthy. if donald trump is the nominee, will that matter? >> they both bring a certain amount of baggage to a general election. i can't wrap my mind around donald trump getting that far. this is hillary's main problem. it's not just the granular e-mail story or this story or that scandal or calling republicans terrorists. that's a problem. this is a problem. people don't like her and don't think she is trustworthy. that matters. that's why bernie sanders is coming up and joe bide whon is pulling as well as he is. they are looking for an alternative and despite the tact that the dnc put all their
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efforts into hillary clinton, first time caucus goers are saying we want someone else. until she recognizes. >> you all are salivating too early. i need a cup of coffee. let me be blunt with you. when you have a word like that and i don't quibble with polls because they are irrelevant. those are the words republicans choose. she is popular in the democratic party and within the electorate. young women are leaving her. >> who are the voters. she is struggling. >> this is a long tradition of this. howard dean and bradley and gary
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hart. the only one who pulled it off is barack obama. he can build a broader tradition in the traditional left wing candidate. she has work to do. we should not undersell. she is by far the most likely person to be the nominee and the next president of the united states. >> then why are we talking about joe biden. you can't tell me she is doing laz within the party. >> joe biden is a very beloved figure. she deserved time to make up his mind. i hope many talk to him. he is the leader of our country. >> we are going to take a quick break. >> what are does hillary have? 47 paid staff or something? she doesn't have a lot of endorsements. >> she has a lot of
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endorsements. that's not right. the establishment backing her is not the issue. >> what she also does not have is younger people coming in to support her. that is not there. you look 59 the interest and that is going to bernie sanders. that's a problem for hillary clinton. passionate voters vote. those that are not, did not show up. that is going to be a problem. >> there is a 12-point enthusiasm gap between sanders at the top and clinton below. let's take a break. none other than donald trump. highlights from the dynamic duo, next. ♪ ♪ if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track.
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get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b,
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>> you are seeing somity notes in the press and misrepresenting
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the exchange like the father of the staffer, jorge ramos and you schooled that rat cal activist. it was the right thing to do. i don't think he is going to pull that again. where did you get your guts for that necessary confrontation? >> you know, the press was good to me because he was out of line. he was screaming and ranting and raving and i said who is this guy. then i figured it out. >> palin and trump together again. a lovely moment. let's talk about the republican field. the poll shows donald trump on top of the field still. the bullet at 18. cruz and walker at 8 and rubio bush tied at 6. you were saying earlier like the crowd was very young.
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>> that are surprised me. we had walker and cruz and carson and trump. we had them all in. we welcome them. we like the primary. young people just as they go to bernie sanders, they are moving to donald trump. people are sick of washington, d.c. they are sick of both parties. they are sick of the house and the senate not putting things on the president's disk. the big word right now is what will you do? people want action and donald trump said this is what i'm going to do. you see people move to trump. anti-establishment. carson, anti-establishment and the same with bernie sanders. >> i want to make a point of distinction. we need a new word to describe trump and carson. anti-establishment is ted cruz. you don't have to be inexperienced. bernie sanders, lifelong politician is
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anti-establishment. ronald reagan was not an establishment candidate. they are simply inexperienced. you can have good ideas and come from a lack of experience, but ronald reagan went on the campaign trail and didn't call people names and make uninformed statements like ben carson did, prison turns you gay. just one. it's important to draw distinction between not wanting the same old same old, but wanting someone that comes in with ideas. >> your voters are saying that. >> i'm speaking to my voters. >> at this stage, voters as well as little aged voters, we are window shopping and looking at the candidates. we want to date them and see what they are like after midnight and after 8. this is an interesting stage of the campaign. on that cold winter night, march
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1st, a month later. i think voters will sober up and wake up. whatever it might be. >> that's right, but right now, here's the thing. right now they are doing looking and showing up and listening. they are engaged. i have never seen people so engaged so early. that is going to be a game changer, i think. whether it's the democrats or the republicans. >> a quick note on the jorge ramos thing. what did you think of trump doing that? >> when i see trump and sarah palin together, you think the primary is a clot to make hillary clinton president. you couldn't ask for anything more. the trump and ramos exchange is a perfect metaphor for the impact trump is having on the republicans. alienating them. i was in mexico speaking at a panel discussion and 70% of the questions were about donald
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trump. this was right across the board from people who live in el paso. they had a morbid fear that donald trump would be the next president. >> in the nevada poll he has 28% of the vote and 38% of the hispanics support donald trump. look at peggy in the "wall street journal." she talked with people that are hispanic. >> you not concerned at all the effect that he might have on latino voters? >> donald trump is pulling out all voters and driving the discussion is an important thing. i think the fact that illegal immigration being there on the front burner is an important thing. it is an issue that has to be addressed. and people want individuals coming into the country and they are all for legal immigration. they are very concerned about illegal immigration, drug
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trafficking, sex trafficking, labor trafficking. you go into every community and it comes up. you as a republican leader not concerned by the rhetoric that you hear from donald trump? i heard many other republicans say they are concerned about it. what he is doing, i identify with that because he is concerned about the same issues i'm concerned about. that's a good thing. i think the fact that you are talking about the three top issues that they talk about. the national security and job and economic and job security. thank you. >> thank you so much. a night out at a baseball game goes terribly wrong. the shocking scene when we come back. ♪
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thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. just in case you were wondering what cheerios are made of
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>> welcome back. we want to get you up to speed on news happening around the country. 60-year-old greg murray died after falling from the upper deck during the braves baseball game. he leaned over the seat to boo the yankees and tumbled forward. famed neurologist oliver sacks brought the explorations to millions with the best selling books including awakenings that was turned into an oscar nominated film. he revealed the cancer diagnosis and wrote about that too. after the break, join me at my giant cartoon wall for a state
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of the cartoonian.
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>> the iconic album born to run turned 40 years old. it stretched all the way to the campaign deal. >> awe yes, the great first notes from thunder road. from the great born to run album 40 years old this week.
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harmonica strings that cent number one fan boy chris christie into a pavlovian swoon. it is know unrequited love. the liberal singer is not a fan of his governor. he is cranking the tunes from that great album this weekend as he hits the back streets of iowa, new hampshire. experiencing nice receptions or possibly in these days of low poll numbers. tenth avenue. christie seems certain whoever the republican nominee is, she's the one the nominee will be facing. and look, the title song of born to run has resonance the governor is sweating it out on the streets of a run away american dream. his dream being commander in chief and driving through the mansions of flory performing at
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fund-raisers. he is merely born to run or is he born to win? >> thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. gps starts right now. >> this is gps, the global public square. welcome from the united states and around the world. with the president and the world. how has barack obama handled the many foreign policy challenges he has been presented with? libya, the horn of africa, iraq, iran, afghanistan, russia, north korea and less than 100 miles away in cuba. we have an all-star pan toll give the president a report card. also stan mcchrystal led soldiers into battle in


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