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tv   New Day  CNN  August 26, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> good morning, well col to "new day," it is wednesday, august 26, now 6:00 in the east. we are at a unique moment in political history. are the rules changing for politicians before our eyes? the nation's most influential journalist kicked out and trump told him to go back to univision. will trump pay a price or will it make him more popular? >> here is what happened. he was thrown out of the press conference, then let back into the event where he and trump clashed over immigration for several minutes. trump continued his war of words against megyn kelly. what is trump doing? sara, you were there last night for all the fireworks? >> reporter: yeah, good morning, alisyn. last night, donald trump seemed to be on the warpath, going
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against jeb bush, rubio and kerry. let's take a look. in true, trump campaign fashion, the fireworks explodeed from the get go. >> whose next? yeah. excuse me, sit down. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. go ahead. no you don't. you haven't been called. >> i have the right -- >> go back to univision. go ahead. >> you cannot deport 11 million people. you cannot build a 1900 mile wall. you cannot deny citizenship -- >> sit down, you were not called. >> don't touch me sir. don't touch me. i have the right to ask a question. >> he was forcibly removed from trump's news conference in debuick, iowa. >> you don't just take over a
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press conference. >> yes, i can. i have the right to ask a question. >> after ten minutes, trump allowed him to rejoin. >> yes. good. good to have you back. >> thank you very much. so, here is the problem with your immigration. it's full of empty promises. how are you going to deport 11 milli million. are you going to bring the army? >> we are going to do it in a very humane fashion, believe me. i have a bigger heart than you do. >> reporter: he described it to abc news. >> i have to ask questions. that's my job, as a reporter, a citizen. i have the right to ask questions to anyone. this is the first time i have been escorted out of any interview. >> he wasn't the only one in his cross hairs this week. he reignited his battle against megyn kelly upon her return
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monday. tuesday, retweeting a post calling her a bimbo and another that said megyn needs to go back on vacation. what a waste of an hour on fox. they called the tirade unacceptable and disturbing. trump made it clear, he has no plans to apologize. >> i don't care about megyn kelly, but no, i will not apologize. she should apologize to me, but i just don't care. >> reporter: we'll see if donald trump has more fireworks in store today. he hasn't fired up his twitter yet. meanwhile, he continues on the campaign trail. he hits south carolina tomorrow. >> stay with us, if you would. we want to bring in our cnn commentator errol lewis and ben ferguson. guys, great to have you here. ben, i want to start with you because i know you watched all the fireworks between jorge and donald trump.
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you said something controversial. you said you didn't think -- let me read it. if you have watching, the chance you even understand the words coming out of donald trump's mouth tonight are slim. i doubt you are going to know what he was saying. now, ben, of course, you know that his uponic viewers of univision, they consume their news in english, they are bilingual. what do you mean by that? >> the war he was trying to start was a fake war. it was a stunt by him and his news group to attack donald trump and act like i'm going to take him on on behalf of illegal immigrants. he believes they are all good people and they deserve to be american citizens. they deserve a right to stay here. they are getting a fair deal from donald trump. the fact was, donald trump, last night, handled this incredibly well. he said, sit down, i didn't talk to you yet. i haven't called on you.
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he knew how the press conferences work. this was a stunt. donald trump played it well. go ahead, come back in, but you are not going to bully me. this is why people love donald trump. they love that he is in control. they ended up having a great conversation about immigration reform, but he also didn't take any of this, you know, stunt. one of the best parts was when he said, how are you going to build this wall. donald trump owned him and said i build skyscrapers. i think it backfired. i don't think it is going to work. >> do you think it was a stunt? >> it was stagey. i don't know if it was a stunt. in a press conference, you do -- >> donald trump didn't call on him. he went around the room and went you, to someone else. i think he felt trump was never going to call on him. >> look, whether or not it's the right cadence with the right
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etiquette doesn't matter. the exchange, when they got to it was telling. the most important point was, well i thought the numbers were higher. most people here undocumented are visa overstays. they walk in the front door. they are greeted at the airport. they don't go back after 30 or 90 days. most people are -- it has nothing to do it with. he was trying to inject a different level of logic into the conversation. >> here is what's important about this. ben, hold on a second. i think i know the point you are going to make. the reason alisyn call eed you t is how you do things the right way. when you say people who watch aren't going to understand trump, you are playing to a stereotype. what we saw on display last night was he did something that
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he had a right to do, but wasn't right to do within that setting. we got to see how trump responds to that and how the media responds to it. i have been in press conferences where i have talked out of turn. people say shut up and wait your turn. they didn't do that because they wanted to see how trump deals when he's confronted. many people feel he comes off as a bully. you say no, why? >> i don't think he was a bully. he knew what he was doing. it was early in the press conference. trump is accused of not talking to the media. let's be clear, he's talked to everyone that's asked a question. he loves to spar with people. he loves the controversy. he loves the center of attention. he was trying to become a victim. you don't like univision. you don't like hispanics. you don't like me. you don't let me talk. trump talks to every person in the media and will talk to you for a long period of time. he is not a dumb guy.
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he went in there, knowing he was going to try to become a victim. >> that's fine. let's say what you are saying is true. i don't know that, but say it's true. everything applies to donald trump. i would argue, the way he is last night is the way he wanted to be. listen to what he said about the media. >> you know why those cameras are all red lighted? because of ratings. if i didn't get ratings, i wouldn't be here. they are not nice people. they don't care about me. they don't care about you. they don't care about anything. the only thing that care about is ratings. >> that is grossly inaccurate. what i'm saying is i think we haven't spent enough time examining why donald trump does what he does. i don't believe it's a randomness. i think that statement goes with his narrative. the media is against him and against you, america. that's why i take them on like i
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do. >> you are right. his style is operating from the gut. if you want to cast him as a political player, which he is, clearly, he's feeding off the energy around him. there are a lot of people around him that say yes, because you have legal dispute with univision involving entertainment. this guy, who talks to 2 million people every night came in as a hatchet man. in an uninformed logic can that be true. trump says i will take that and run with it. >> what he says is not completecomplete ly false. the media is trapped. he's like their verbally abusive boyfriend they can't break up with. hold on, i want to hear from sara. it is because of ratings that the media goes back to him day after day. >> and polls. >> right. i would say that when you look at his exchange last night, both sides got what they wanted out of it. trump got the opportunity to say look at how the media is going
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after me and be brash and thrown out. he had his moment. i think ramos has his chance. donald trump is getting hammers on spanish language media. a lot of people watch univision and feel they haven't heard from trump. they feel he hasn't answered their questions. ramos doesn't need to win 40% of the vote and trump is going to need numbers higher than republicans have been getting. ultimately, it's a longer term problem for trump than ramos. >> last night, this interaction did not hurt donald trump that much. it's not like someone watching univision and is in love with ramos and the narrative he pushes is somehow going to be switched and like trump because of a conversation. that's why i say it was a stunt by ramos.
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trump didn't lose voters that were watching ramos and univision. this was a win situation. he didn't get bullied. he says i'm not going play by your rule. >> he's certainly not going to get bullied, we know that. there's more coming at him. that's part of the style. he calls it frankness. the mistake, the potential, is the one we were calling ben out on is you disrespect hispanics. you don't play to the anger in the gop, but casting a light on an entire group of people. there's danger in that. >> exactly right. lots and lots of people are watching that. part of the trump effect is going to be whoever the nominee is. say it's not trump. everybody is going to say, what were you doing when he was insulting people and making derogatory remarks? did you buy into it like jeb bush did by saying anchor baby
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even though everything goes in a different direction. did you go down that road with trump or call him out? did you stick up for us when we needed somebody to open their mouth talking about a 2,000 mile fence that will never be built or overstays. it's not the way to go. we'll see the damage he's doing later down the road, whether or not he is the nominee. >> thanks so much for the conversation. >> so, man of the hour is jorge ramos. we are going to talk to him in our 8:00 hour. what mote vased him? what did hi the was going to happen? please watch that interview. tomorrow, mr. trump will be live on "new day" giving his assessment of the play and we'll ask him why he believes we are just craving ratings hounds. all right, now to the high stakes showdown within the republican party. continuing to threaten do shut
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down rather than vote for a spending plan. that's the last thing republican leaders want. could it lead to a second government shutdown in three years? cnn white house correspondent michelle kaczynski. >> we have seen congress avoid the shutdowns often at the last minute. this one over planned parenthood could prove to be tricky, especially the ones that use money for what's come under scrutiny and don't mind seeing it get to that point. the republican leadership in the house and the senate couldn't disagree more. they are looking for other means, a temporary spending bill, a congressional investigation. ultimately, they see a shutdown as backfiring on republicans themselves. on that, the white house agrees and slamming republicans over the possibility. listen. >> we know what's going to happen. we have seen this movie before. the ending is not very good.
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they are going to come back in early september and say, oh, my goodness, look at this. we have three weeks before government shutdown. they are going to claim they don't have time. >> the federal government funds planned parenthood. it's not even half of the yearly budget. even if congress voted to defund it at the federal level, states could still choose to fund it. chris? >> the opposite. states could opt out, which we have seen them doing and continue the political situation that way. thank you very much. we have more evidence that a massacre on the high speed train in france was no robbery. he called for jihad moments before. this, as the wife of the french-american hero speaks exclusively to cnn. martin savidge is live in paris with the latest. how is it going, martin? >> reporter: good morning, chris. we have good news to report to
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you. according to his wife, mark will be removed from intensive care. his health is improving. also, she tells us about the terror on that train last friday. it was awful. back on u.s. soil this morning, 23-year-old anthony sadler, one of the american heroes on a passenger train in france as another man remains confined to a hospital bed. >> all of a sudden, my husband says get out, this is serious. >> in a cnn exclusive, the wife of mark recounted to me the moment her husband was shot, just a few feet away from her, by a 25-year-old gunman. >> i thought to myself, we are going to die. everybody on this train is going to die. >> reporter: he says her husband was one of the first to engage the gunman when he saw them enter their car on the paris
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bound train, strapped with an ak-47. >> i heard him say i got the gun. >> reporter: her husband grabbed the gun, but he fought back. she hid behind her seat and shots rang out. she saw her husband fall to the floor. i see two guys running down the aisle. >> reporter: that's when spencer stone and alek ran. the gunman laid hog tied in the aisle, her husband was losing blood fast. isabel panics. >> the blood was coming like this, from his neck. then i was like, oh, my god, my god, he's going to die. spencer put his finger like this on the bound. >> reporter: in this video, you can see the heroic airman hovering over mark as he slows down the bleeding.
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isabel knows that saved her husband's life. >> i wanted to give him a fighting chance. >> reporter: french officials are crediting the brave passengers on the plane that rose up with preventing a massacre. they also say the french prosecutor, there is no doubt in their minds, they believe the suspect was intent on killing as many people as possible. while on the train, preparing in the bathroom, he was using his phone to access youtube sites with some islamic rant as an inspiration. meanwhile, the attorney that represents this gunman says that her client is no longer talking to the authorities and maintains he was not there to carry out a terror attack but to rob the train. that is something that isabel says is ridiculous. she saw that man shoot her husband in cold blood in the back. that was not robbery. >> yes. it will be a challenge for the
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defense attorney to use that line of logic. martin, thanks so much. turning now to the stock market jitters felt around the world. asian markets lower overnight. chinese stocks falling. how are dow futures looking. alison is here with the answer. good morning. >> good morning. it's a morning ritual, you get up, brush your teeth and check the futures market. they are looking good in the u.s. lots of green arrows. it could open 205 points higher. here is the problem with that. yesterday, stock futures looked like they were going to open up 600 points higher. we saw them open higher, but not that much. throughout the day, we saw movement, a lot of volatility. we saw a 441 point pop. here is the problem. stocks didn't see that number again. they went down, down, down. by the end of close, they were in the negative. when they turned negative, i was at the new york stock change.
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you could hear an audible ahhh when we saw the green turn to red. it could start in the green and end up in the red. how did world markets do? right now, european markets are lower. u.s. markets have been following asian markets. the shanghai fell overnight. it's not a good sign. european shares are lower as well. but, we are seeing a green arrow here in the u.s. we'll see if the futures can hold. more importantly, hold throughout the day to the close. >> three hours and ten minutes, we'll be waiting. thanks so much. breaking news overnight. two nato soldiers killed in an afghanistan insider attack. it happened at a military base. men wearing afghan military uniforms opened fire on the soldiers. the attackers were killed in exchange of fire with nato service members. no group claimed responsibility. 27 students and their teacher at a west virginia high
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school safe this morning, released by an armed 14-year-old who held everyone hostage inside a classroom for two hours. the teen surrendered after negotiations with police. authorities say they were able to talk the would be shooter down because the teacher and students remained calm. espn pulling baseball analyst kurt shilling after a tweet comparing muslims and nazi arab -- only 10% of muslims are extremists. in 1940, only 7% of german's were nazis. it was deleted and he tweeted an apology for the bad decision. espn called the tweet unacceptable. >> tweets get people in trouble. >> i was thinking that. it's more dangerous than you
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would think. >> it's really concerning. >> it can be. also, this could be a case where he believes what he says and a lot of people agree with him. >> then he apologized. >> because he wants to keep his job. the rules of the place he works demand he do that. >> i think twitter is truth serum, but it gettings you in trouble. >> why does donald trump say what he says? no one is saying. politician, anchors, tv networks, random acts of rhetoric or well planned strategy? ahead. all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't sound cool to me. guess not. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant?
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how'd you do that? magic. acutally, it's the samsung galaxy s6 edge, with discreet edge notifications. excuse me, sit down, you weren't called. sit down. sit down. sit down! go ahead. no, you don't. you haven't been called. go back to univision. >> it's like a memory of what sister bridgette marie said to me in fourth grade wacced with a ruler. the rules are off. trump can say and do what others cannot. why? because you are okay with it and maybe the media is okay with it,
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too. jorge ramos ejected, then invited back in. trump continuing a war with fox news, yet his numbers go up, up, up. let's go through it with john, editor-in-chief of the daily best and margaret hoover. jorge ramos stands up, does he what has a right to do, but was not right in that context. he gets what some suggest he was looking for. he gets ushered back in, gets to have a fight with trump. who was right? >> to say he was aggressive, sure. if you want to make america right again, respect speech for someone other than yourself. >> he wasn't called on. >> he wasn't because donald trump is in a lawsuit using legal violence. >> legal violence.
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>> it's what happens with bullies and thugs. >> calling him a bully and a thug. >> you are right. there is a double standard going on where he's getting millions of dollars of free air time. everyone is watching for a car crash. it goes into his overall snuffing out of the conversation in the field. when he hustles a respected reporter out of the room, they should do more than chew their cud. >> let me play how trump feels about the media. he talked about that last night. listen to this. >> you knee whou the cameras are all red lighted? because of the ratings. if i didn't get ratings, i wouldn't be here. they are not nice people. they don't care about me. they don't care about you. they don't care about anything. the only thing they care about is ratings. isn't that true? everybody covers him because he gets good ratings. >> yes. he's going to give $10 million of cnns profits from that debate
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or not show up and give it to charity. the best idea i have heard out of donald trump. frankly, the most doable thing. >> you know what happened? why don't i like him? one, because i don't see myself that way. everyone likes ratings, but how you do your job is integrity. why does he say what he says? i think because it's working for him. people like the discon continued and blame the media. he is going after fox news and jorge ramos because the people who like him embrace him. >> this is a massive egotrip. he's basically an entertainer right now. he is gets crowds because of his celebrity. >> he says he's a pop list. >> building the populist. talk about what's happening here. there's a degree of collision.
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there's a ratings factor. when you give somebody hours of air time. we are afraid you might say something outrageous. it feeds upon itself. it snuffs out all the conversation from a wide field. the only way they can make news is to say something crazier. >> that raises the next question. why is he in this feud with fox and reignite that battle with megyn kelly. what's in it for him? >> this is not a strategy. he has thin skin. if anybody insults him, he can't take it or let it go. it's like a bee in his bonnet. i see no upside to him. i am pleased to see every journalist and personality stand-up for megyn kelly. i said it last night and will say it again. it needs buckley telling society you are crazy and cannot be part
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of the conservative movement. there needs to be a line drawn in the sand the way he is behaving and the republican party in 2016. >> there are a lot of people that agree with donald trump. it is august. it is early. 17 people are in the field. he is a celebrity. i get that and appreciate it. >> i think it's only early in terms of time, not tempo and tone. we know what matters to a big group of your party. >> not just my party. bernie sanders on the left. >> he is a very different animal. >> anger on both sides. populous anger -- >> bernie is how we disagree. >> donald trump is doing something different. my pushback is one, your party has a problem. they have angry people who you
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have made angry through disposition. >> fox news helped. >> now, they want to know who is going to deliver and trump is doing better. the point to you is, no, it is not that he is on cycle of repeat because the media is afraid they are going to miss something. i said he can't get traction. people are going to see the emperor has no clothes. i was wrong. people are grabbing on to him. you have to take him seriously. >> you have to take him seriously. that's a degree of responsibility that involves calling bs and not giving somebody two and a half hours of free air time in prime time. that is not typical behavior for covering front-runners or covering the president of the united states. let's be real about that, too. >> it's interesting you say fox created him because in part they did. enwhen he runt running for president, they had him on all the time. he had a weekly slot on "fox and
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friends." now the fact he is feuding with them is irony. >> it is irony. there is an angry, resentful populous streak in the republican party that tuned into fox news and been a loyal constituency. this is what has been stoked many, many years. from rush limbaugh to glenn beck. chickens do come home to roost. who ramos did, he tried to challenge him on policy. how are you going to build a wall. what are you going to do about the 40% of people that come and overstay their visas? >> what trump did so masterfully is he changed the conversation. he said some of them are criminals. we need to change that, right? he turned it on him and debated him. >> jorge's questions, with all due respect are not new ones. people have been asking him how he's going to do what he's saying for a long time. i got a lot of criticism.
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people are saying it's too early to ask how. >> a lot of these candidates have been talking about this for years. marco rubio, jeb bush, lindsey graham. >> people are saying things they will never do. >> it's not that easy. that is the massive fault and problem with donald trump, his oversimplification of the policies. i'll get in and do it. >> you created an opportunity by doing nothing. he's saying you people do nothing. >> you are right, this is a very difficult conversation. >> what do you think? hoover loves america, do you? post your comment on it's an important conversation. >> i love that's your take away. she loves america. done. >> we have been watching an economic meltdown. it's taking a toll on your 401(k). what happens next and what do we need to know to protect our future? that's ahead on "new day."
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donald trump in a tense exchange from a reporter in univision. jorge ramos thrown out of a news conference after interrupting. ramos was let back into the conference. they went back and forth about immigration. the man suspected of attacking a french passenger plane allegedly watched a jihadist video on his cell phone metrodomes before the attack. he belonged to a radical mosque and was heavily armed. indicted on terrorism offenses on what they call a targeted and premeditated attack. a pennsylvania man who jumped a white house fence, shot
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and killed. 34-year-old curtis smith pulled a knife in a lobby before another deputy opened fire. it's not clear what he was doing in the courthouse. the full donald on display in iowa kicki ining out enemies attacking the media. is it a winning strategy? we'll put that question to the panel, ahead. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together
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donald trump. wait! h is a new angle. he has made history. he has changed the rules of what candidates say to the media and the field. he battles with univisions jorge ramos and watch what happens. >> sit down. sit down! go ahead. no you don't. you haven't been called. go back to univision. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. sit down, please.
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you weren't called. >> i have a right to ask a question. >> yes, go ahead. >> a combination of things you do not see. somebody signaling security to get rid of a journalist. this is all new. let's discuss why it's happening and if it's working. host of "reliable sources" brian and bill carter. the question is simple. bill, when you look at the situation, what was right and what was wrong. what worked? >> it worked well for trump. jorge looked like he was trying to interrupt the guy. he said get out, which plays like he was deporting him in some way. the optics were his message. get out unless you are polite. now you can come back.
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i command the microphone. you can only hear trump. sounded like he was being reasonable. he controlled the situation. >> wasn't that a win/win for both? can you see it as a win/win for both? trump was throwing him out. >> ramos was being confrontat n confrontation confrontational, he was doing it on behalf of his audience. hispanic viewers thinks trump's plan is outrageous. i think what he'll say, he's going to call in later, he was standing up, he wasn't going to sit down. it was important to him to keep standing and it was important to have a chance to confront trump, even if he wasn't going to get answers. >> bill, that's a strong point. it still has my head fuzzy. i hadn't thought of it that way before. >> go back to univision.
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>> go back to mexico. i think that there are two ways to look at donald trump. these are random acts of rhetoric, he's angry or he knows what he's saying and it's part of a purpose. play what he said about the media. please. right now. >> you know why those cameras are all red lighted? because of ratings. if i didn't get ratings, i woudn't be here. they are not nice people. they don't care about me. they don't care about you. they don't care about anything. all they care about is ratings. >> we hear politicians get upset about the media. you never hear that. it echoes. it resinates. he is capturing a moment in time. he is using us as the bad guy and i think it's working, what do you think? >> it is. it's never wrong for the republican party to attack the media. now he's attacking fox news
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because he is effective in making the other, i'm standing up for you guys, they are against you. even fox news is against us. they are all against us. >> that's the one part i don't understand. help explain why he's reignited a feud with megyn kelly. what's so fascinating, i haven't heard this explained. that wasn't megyn kelly's question that she asked during the debate. that was the political team's question. chris wallace and brett bayer decided. he's criticizing megyn kelly as though that came straight from her brain, not the political team's brain. why is he making it personal? >> the only thing i can take away is maybe to your point, bill, showing he's tough and never -- >> against women? >> against anybody that won't
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apologize to him. maybe it's part of the attempt to appear to be strong. >> you are asking too sophisticated a question. trump isn't going to think it's the whole team. that came from her. it's all personal with him. >> we don't know if it's true. megyn kelly has her own head. she is very smart. >> the question i'm saying that we know -- they all wrote the questions. why is he making it personal? >> because she said it. she's the one that said it. he's going to target -- >> he looks at fans on twitter encouraging him to keep going. this may be a case where he only hears the supporters. think about how self-aware he is about the ratings. >> that sets up the other side of it. >> it's a realtime feed loop like we have never seen before. he was attacking megyn kelly while the show was on the air. >> no question. that sets up the other side,
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which is crazy like a fox. he's going after megyn kelly. it's fox's big star. she's a big anchor. >> he's now annoying his own people. >> he's saying they are my people, not yours, fox. i am the focus. >> your audience is my people. you are going against your own audience when you attack me. they are supporting me, not you. they are not supporting megyn kelly. he's sort of right. >> this is where the guy helped me with the names of the characters. they bring in normal and say, you have offended the first rule of capitalism. remember that big talk? that's the moment of where fox news is with donald trump. >> we told you to do this to everybody else. >> he's tweeting things. that's really easy. >> ales said, a woman journalist compared to a dead raccoon to
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me, unfavorable. he had his publicist say that person was compared to an outhouse. he's gone after female journalists himself. i don't think he can say this is improper. >> this is good. let's keep this conversation going. >> this is emblemmatic about the republicans and what to do with trump. >> thank you. that's why you have to come back. in the 8:00 hour, we are going to talk live with jorge ramos about why he did what he did. >> i'm looking at the stuff going on with the economic markets. what's going on in china is rattling the markets here in america. billions of dollars wiped out in a week. is the worst over or time to re-evaluate our investments? moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked.
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made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. small job? no, doing the whole living room. hey you guys should come over later. the exclusive one-coat color collection from behr® marquee interior. every color covers in one coat, guaranteed. turning a two-coat job into an easy marquee® afternoon. sfx: phone chime they're still at it. ♪ behr® marquee. behr's most advanced interior paint and primer. exclusively at the home depot.
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u.s. markets pointing toward
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a higher open after that day yesterday. the market took a swing and tanked before closing tuesday. it marks six days. the lady i asked, cnn global analyst and managing editor, rhonda. i look to you for wisdom during this time. do i need to panic yornt? let's talk about yesterday. >> okay. >> it looked like it was going end in positive territory. then before the bell you could hear an audible groan. >> this is the new normal. i'm not saying what you saw yesterday is what to expect the next few weeks or months. we are entering a new era. we have been in a steady upward climb the last couple years. that is very abnormal for the market. >> that's an important thing to understand. >> it really is. what you saw the last two or three years is not what normal looks like. >> but we could get used to
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that. >> we could get used to that slow, upward climb. it is probably going to raise rates, at some point. the markets are going to get there. the easy money, low interest that the markets love is going away. that's going to be with us for some time now. >> today, how are things looking? you have been watching things shaping up. what should we expect today? >> i think we are going to have an up and down market again. china is still going down. this whole thing started out of china. they made adjustments, policy adjustments. markets are down in asia. you are seeing the echoes of the 2008 finances we went through. >> i'm having 2008 flashbacks. what happened, we stopped spending. someone had to pick up the slack. china did. now they are having a bubble. itis what we went through. >> the big question is, all us nervous investors sitting at
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home, do i look or not look at my 401(k). >> don't look. >> if this is a long game, is it best to buckle up, put on your helmet and ride this out? is it time to reassess? >> it's only in the sense that it could be a buying opportunity. i mean the truth is -- >> depends on your, you know, your risk tolerance. >> where you are in your cycle. the u.s. story hasn't really changed. we are in a slow and steady recovery. the economy is improving. the u.s. is the prettiest house on the ugliest block in the global economy. u.s. blue chips are a great place to be. they are safe. u.s. treasury bills are a great place to be as well. don't panic in the middle of a market upheaval. it's not the time to do that. >> ron and i were having a discussion, it's very much like life. you own what you can control and manage. get rid of everything else that
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doesn't pertain to you, right? >> absolutely. don't mistake what is happening in the markets for at's happening on main street. >> can we talk about your reality check? that's fantastic. thank you for that. we'll be talking to you. this is the new normal. we'll talk to you over the next while. appreciate it. we have a lot of news to get to this morning. let's get to it. >> no you don't. you haven't been called. >> i'm a reporter. don't touch me, sir. >> the battle for the republican nomination, coming down to a war of words. >> i'm not a talker, i'm a doer. >> come to south carolina. >> a high stakes show down. >> we know what's going to happen, we have seen the movie before. the ending is not good. >> we have been down this bath poofr. >> planned parenthood could be tricky. >> looks like the roller coaster isn't over yet. investors in panic mode.
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>> they say he was radicalized. >> he was intent on killing as many as possible. >> i thought to myself, we are going to die. no announcer: this is "new day." >> let's do that. it's a big show. good morning, welcome back to "new day." donald trump's flair ups with the media keep coming. the latest, giving the boot to a top hispanic journalist who interrupted trump and tried to ask questions without being called on first. trump telling jorge ramos to go back to univision. >> he was let back in and he and trump sparred in the immigration proposals. the big question was, how? how are you going to do this? you can't do this. trump gave as good as he got. this came hours after trump, for some reason, reignited his view of fox news and their anchor, megyn kelly. sara is live for us. not the kind of thing we usually
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cover because it's not the kind of thing that usually happens as part of campaign strategy, but it is now. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, chris. we are used to seeing some things we saw, going after jeb bush and marco rubio and john kerry. we are not as used to a presidential candidate throwing a journalist out of a press conference, but that's what happened. take a look. in true, trump campaign fashion, the fireworks exploded. who is next. yes, please. excuse me, you weren't asked. sit down. you haven't been called. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> go back to univision. >> you cannot deport 11 million people. you cannot build a 1900 mile wall. >> sit down.
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>> i am a reporter -- don't touch me, sir. don't touch me. i have the right to ask a question. >> univision anchor, jorge ramos removed from trump's news conference in iowa. >> you don't just take over a press conference. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> okay. >> reporter: after ten minutes, trump allowed ramos to rejoin. yes. good to have you back. >> thank you very much. so, here is the immigration plan. it's full of empty promises. how are you going to deport 11 million? are you going to bring the army? are you going to put them in stadiums? >> we are going to do it in a humane fashion, believe me. i have a bigger heart than you do. >> i have to go back and ask questions. that's my job as a reporter, as an immigrant, a u.s. citizen. i have the right to ask
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questions to anyone. this is the first time i have been escorted out of any press conference or interview. >> reporter: ramos wasn't the only one in his cross hairs this week. he reignited his battle on megyn kelly. on tuesday, retweeting a post, calling her a bimbo and another that said megaen needs to go back on vacation. what a waste of an hour on fox. fox news head calling the tirade unacceptable and disturbing. trump made it clear, he has no plans to apologize. >> i don't care about megyn kel kelly, i will not apologize. she should apoll size to me, but i just don't care. >> reporter: there's a lot of discussion about whether there will be fallout for trump or ramos. we'll see if trump has more fireworks for us or tomorrow in south carolina.
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>> if i were a betting woman, which i'm not, i see more soundbytes coming from trump. thank you so much. conservatives are planning to shut down the government for funding for planned parenthood. that is setting up quite a confrontation within the republican party. that is the last thing republican leaders need right now. we have the latest from michelle kaczynski. >> look at what this is, a fight over federal funding for an organization that's come under fire lately. an organization that provides abortions mainly to poor women and the opposition is so strong, this could be the thing that ends up in a government shutdown. leadership, republicans in both the house and the senate do not want to see that happen. they are looking for alternatives, maybe a temporary spending bill or a congressional investigation that would take some time, maybe get more democrats on board because they don't want to see a shutdown ultimately backfire on
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republicans. here is the white house weighing in. >> we know what's going to happen. we have seen the movie before. the ending is not very good. they are going to come back in early september and say, oh, my goodness, look at this. three weeks before a government shutdown. they are going to claim they don't have time. >> the white house doesn't agree with attaching these iders to larger spending bills. they have already threatened to veto. this week, the president called those who would do something like this crazies. alisyn. >> thank you for setting that up. we will speak about it in a moment. we are joined by congressman jim jordan, a republican from ohio. he chairs the house freedom caucus that ends government funding to planned parenthood. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> i understand there's a delay, we will do our best with it. >> okay. >> we want to start with the
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news of the day. that is all the attention that donald trump is getting in this race, that he's getting this week, the feuds he's having with the media. what do you think about the tone that donald trump is setting and the topics that he's bringing to the floor and how the republicans are handling him? >> well, i don't know if i always agree with the tone, but i think he understands there's a frustration out there, a real frustration with voters and nothing is getting done in washington. specifically on immigration issue. when i talked with folks in the fourth district of ohio that i get the privilege of representing. they want the law enforced. we want an administration that follows the law, not makes it up as they go, which this president has done. when trump taps into that, people understand this administration -- >> think about the president's amnesty. 22 times he said he couldn't do what he did.
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it bothers americans. it's not adhering to the contusion or the law. they want a president that will follow the law. that's why you see some of the poll numbers you do. >> sure. it's not just the president trump is going after. he's going after fellow republicans. he's going after jeb bush saying snarkey things about lindsey graham and things about fellow contenders is that okay? >> i mean, look, it's a primary. you are going to have to go after your opponents in some way. that's the normal give and take of politics. you have to have a tough semifinal before you get to the finals. you are going to see that with the 17 candidates running for office. it's a good field. we are going to have a good chance to beat secretary clinton if that's their nominee. >> this week, he reignited a feud we had with megyn kelly of
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fox news. he tweeted out some tweets that people say were nasty about her. it got a sharp response. trump's surprised and unprovoked attack on megyn kelly during her show is as unacceptable as disturbing. donald trump rarely apologizes. in this case, he should. who do you think wins that battle? fox news or donald trump? >> i don't know. what i do know, i have been on megyn kelly's show. i think she does a good job. she's a good journalist. it's not a smart move to attack her. i have other issues to worry about than getting into a debate about a presidential candidate and a news cane kor. i know i have been on her show and she does a great job. >> is it uncomfortable for you, as a republican, to watch donald trump to make everything so
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topsy turvy? >> look, you know, as i said before, this is politics. this is sometimes it gets rough. we have a primary. we have good candidates in this field. they are going to fight it out whoever emerges will be a good candidate and give us a great chance to win. i think we will win against secretary clinton or joe biden or whomever the democrats decide is going to be their nominee. >> let's talk about funding for planned parenthood. as you know, next month, this issue could shut down the government, if the two sides, you know, become at logger heads. you have gone down this road before of defunding or attempting to defund planned parenthood and shutting down the government. it hasn't worked well for republicans, why go down it again? >> understand this. planned parenthood has been engaged. the videos point out the most
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disgusting and immoral criminal activity. there is no way they should get a penny of taxpayer money. if the president of the united states and harry reid think it's more important that planned parenthood get your tax dollars than to pay our troops, then they are shutting down the government. no one wants a government shutdown. we don't want a government organization involved in what they are engaged in. if i travel around our district, constituents say don't give them a dime of my taxpayer money. i have seen the videos. that is disgusting. if the president thinks it's more important that an organization engaged in criminal activity get our tax dollars than to fund our troops and our veterans and send the money to the -- not the planned parenthood centers around the country. >> three investigations are going on into the videos and if they represent what they appear
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to. >> yes. >> why not let them continue. you don't know there's criminal activity. >> i said what appears to be criminal activity. why get taxpayer money while the investigations are going on? i'm on the judiciary committee. of course we should continue the investigation. of course we should get all the information out there. we know enough out there, already, to say this organization shouldn't get your tax money. oh, by the way, a few years ago, they advocated disgusting things then. >> you are suggesting defunding next month. this battle is coming up next month. if the investigation is not complete by next month, isn't it called due process? reasoned they due an investigation before you defund them and shut down the government? >> alisyn, it is as clear as clear can be. video take changing the procedures to harvest organs. profiting from the sale of it.
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things that are just wrong. we know enough to say they shouldn't be getting taxpayer money. if harry reid thinks it's more important to fund them than women's health. if we give money to, transfer the money to the 9,000 community health centers, they are in the business of helping women. if he thinks it's more important to fund planned parenthood than it is our troops, than our veterans, then that's his problem. he has to answer to that. >> congressman, thanks so much for coming on and talking about these topics on "new day." >> thank you. a battle for the soul of america. is that what the trump bump remember sents? a mad as hell moment? an uprising against the establishment. the media in one person. let's discuss. sara murray and host of the ben
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ferguson show, ben ferguson himself. he ramos got up, what do you think the reaction was to the media core and the reporting on the incident in the aftermath? >> well, look, i think there are a lot of questions on whether there will be fallout. i was a good moment for both of them. if you are a supporter of trump, you like that he stood up to the journalist. trump behaved in the brash fashion you are used to. if you are a hispanic viewer that watch univision, if you are a fan of ramos, you are glad he didn't sit down. when he was let back in, they had an interesting exchange about immigration issues. overall, they will pass it as a win. >> ben, you said something in
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light of this. viewers understand what trump is saying because they don't understand english. do you want to stick by that this morning? >> i think some of them don't. people are acting as if trump did a lot of damage with people that are going to watch univision. my point is, there is a lot of people that watch univision that are never going to like trump. many of them that watch don't know what trump is saying. they are going to listen to ramos' perspective on this. he's a crusader and stood up to an evil man that doesn't like illegal immigrants. trump didn't do damage. that's not his audience. he's not trying to connect with them. >> they were never going to vote for him to begin with. >> exactly. >> 82% of hispanics in this country consume news in english. that part of your statement, you disavow? >> my point is this, there are a lot of people that watch
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univision and watch ramos. many of them that do watch are not looking at the presidential election the same way i would and are not paying attention to it the same way. one person said, trump did a ton of damage. i'm going, did he do any damage? i don't think so. if you are watching ramos, you are probably cheering for him, if you watch him on a nightly basis. you think he's standing up to this guy that was trying to be tough. that's my point. he didn't do damage. >> it was not arguably inartful. it was mean spirited. it's like saying he doesn't speak english. you are doing the same thing you criticize trump with. >> i was being politically blunt. there are a lot of people -- >> that's the new word for rude and offensive, i'm not politically correct. >> let's deal with reality. if you are watching tele-mundo or univision, you are watching
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because you don't want to see it in english. >> doesn't mean they don't speesh english. >> a lot of them don't speak english. >> that's a conversation for a different time. sara, donald trump is not making mistakes. by that, i mean, he's saying something he didn't know he was saying or can't control himself. that is my theory. here is why i am sticking with that theory, even though you are beating me over the head with it. listen to what he said about the media in general. >> you know why those cameras are all red lighted? because of ratings. if i didn't get ratings, they wouldn't be here. they are not nice people. they don't care about me. they don't care about you. they don't care about anything. the only thing they care about are ratings. >> i am not. donald trump told me i am awesome. you are part of the problem. what he is doing is saying i am the voice against those who are
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holding back your dream. the politicians in d.c. the media establishment that doesn't like me. and he's talking about that through this lens of why he wants to do this. one more piece of sound to feed your thoughts on it. here he is on the "today" show telling why he did what he did with ramos. >> he was totally out of line last night. i was asking and being asked a question from another reporter. i would have gotten to him. he stood up and started ranting and raving like a madman. frankly, he was out of line. most people, most newspaper reports said i handled it well. he was totally, absolutely out of line. >> sara, is donald trump effectively using the media as proof of the need for him? >> look, i think there's no doubt donald trump is in ratings. we saw that alone. he's made it a pillar of his campaign to be against the
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establishment, whether it means the media or fox news or whether it means the republican establishment in washington. this is part of him. that works for you in a republican primary. the question is, if you are donald trump and serious about being a candidate, where does this take you? ben was talking about how the people who watch univision are never going to vote for trump. if you can't appeal to anyone who watches univision, you can't win. >> ben, before you respond, let's put up the numbers. they are striking. this is the favoribility of presidential candidates among hispanics. hillary clinton gets 58% favorable with hispanics. trump 14%. he's unfavorable among hispanics, 65%. can he win with those numbers? ben? >> i think he thinks he can. i don't think he cares about those numbers. the narrative of what made him
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become so popular is it's donald trump against the world. look at what he's been able to do with fox news. fox news, in many ways created donald trump. he wasn't a political person until they were allowing him to come and talk politics. they created this monster in many ways. now, he's convinced people and supporters it's fox news against him. whether it be tele-mundo or univision, it's donald trump. everybody is against me. i'm going to punch back and fight back. we are winning. no one else is going to control this whether financial or the evil media coming after me. last night was a terrible night for every gop candidate. guess what? all the oxygen for the next week and a half, everything in the room is about donald trump. none of them are getting press. none of them are being heard from. none of the campaign objectives
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are being talked about. trump is continuing to win. >> we invite all the other candidates on "new day" all the time. our invitation has been extended to cruz, rubio, bush. we look forward to them coming on the show when they are ready. ben, sara, thanks for the great conversation. another programming note for you, coming up in less than an hour, we are speaking live to jorge ramos and the exchange with trump. what he took away from it. >> we cover trump more, there's good and bad reasons for that. the front-runner has changed the dynamic in the election. it's a shame not just on the media, it's a shame on the other candidates. they have to do something to catch up to his popularity. go ahead and look for yourself. see who has more candidates on the show than "new day." we have them on, the question is, who you want to see. >> our door is open. >> always, always, 24/7/365.
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we are going to get trump's vision on this. today, we have ramos on to explain why he did what he did and why it matters? >> as you mentioned, republican rivals and trump's credentials. they may be good enough for the tea party gop. could trump be their man? we'll see next.
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politicians all talk, no action. it's all bull. we need to stop. we need people that are going to take us to the promise land. we need people that are going to be great. >> donald trump loves america, is an outsider, hates washington and it seems that message is resinating, especially with conservatives. is he the man for the tea party? another movement that tried to make the same case. mark, the president of citizens for self-governance, a group that wants to return to states rights. the co-founder and coordinator of the tea party. thanks for joining us this morning. we are experiencing another moment in the determination of the soul of what america is. do you believe donald trump is the face of mesh's discontent? is he your man?
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>> well he's not my man. i don't have a horse in the race right now. i'm enjoying the race and watching the candidates fight it out. if you look at how he's polling, he's the pan for a good portion of america. he's speaking of issue that is appeal to america. he's speaking in terms that americans can understand. he's doing things with his blunt talk and attack on the media. >> mark, if he's not your man, where does he go from there? he has to be in line with the tea party. you have to get behind him for him to be successful. why are you hesitating? >> i'm hesitating because you are in the middle of what i think is an incredibly healthy primary with qualified candidates. if you look at what's going on on the republican stage, it is the most healthy thing i have seen in a long time. you have a diverse set of candidates. you have youth, you have hispanic, african-american, a
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great female business executive on the stage. i think it's an incredible primary. i'm watching it play out. even people who are donald trump fans enjoying the process are learning a lot. they think it's healthy for the country. >> here is the concern. it is harsh, some say mean, harsh strength versus sweet strength. exclusion versus inclusion. your movement, the tea party, had been criticized for being too harsh and exclusive. why do you believe that tone is the right way to go for america? >> i think, first of all, that's your premise. i don't buy into that premise. it has not been too harsh or exclusionary. free markets, the vast majority of americans support these things. 72% of americans say the government is too large and does
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too much. not enough politicians are talking about the issue that is matter. >> people have always said those things. >> the highest female unemployment rate in deck kates. we need candidates that are going to deal with the issues head on. we want politicians dealing with reality. >> that's your premise. i would argue that the whole purpose of this show -- >> that is my premise. >> is to detest what happens in washington, d.c. and ask people about accountability. we can't forward agendas. that's what groups like yours want out of the media. >> you support what goes on in washington, d.c. you don't challenge it. >> that's a generalization. >> we have the highest real unemployment rate since the depression. we have people who feel disaffected. >> that's why the media is going after politicians for solutions. >> i have been in 21 states since the beginning of the year. i can tell you what real grass
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roots people think. washington, d.c., and the media talk about economic recovery. people that i talk to across the country are struggling to get real jobs. people in washington, d.c. and the media aren't dealing with the real problems in america. >> i don't disagree with you. the resonance is, i think you are overapplying the criticism but that's the nature of political dynamic. you sound like donald trump. he echoes your sentiment. he takes the principals, we need better solutions, get back to the constitution, we have to get back to doing what we do best, no more of this discord in washington. the way he articulates it is through what people would argue is exclusion and harshness, get rid of the immigrants, they are our biggest problem in the world, kick everybody out, tell them to bow, otherwise, we take it to them. if that's his message, why not
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accept it and make him the face of your movement? >> look, nobody is the face of our movement of the tea party movement and the grass roots movement because they have their own face. it is its own movement. >> you have to back somebody at some point. >> i'm speeb speaking straight with you. i was in my 21st state yesterday. i listen to the people. i come back and tell you what people are thinking. there's a chunk that like trump. there's a robust and diverse debate going on on the right that the left should envi. we have youth, ideas, diversity in the republican party. that aspect, the fact you got that is not being reported on by the media. >> that's an interesting take. thank you very much. appreciate you traveling around and reporting back to us. thanks for being on "new day." >> thank you.
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chris, we know donald trump has been taking heat for his comments on immigration. lately, so has his rival, jeb bush. a new op-ed is calling out bush this morning and had advice to get him on message. john king will explain all that ahead on inside politics. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! no sixth grader's ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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time for inside politics with john king. i was thinking your producers have kind of an easy job. press conference from donald trump, your show is made, right? >> easy job. so much to choose from. we had to make very, very tough choices abtd what to talk about. an interesting job, i don't know that it's easy. let's go inside politics. jackie from the daily beast, margaret of bloomberg. you probably want to go back to bed, but you are here with me this morning. folks at home -- trump was in iowa making a speech. mr. trump started the q & a. jorge ramos jumped up, he was not called on, but he wanted to
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go first. who is next? excuse me, you weren't called on. sit down. dit sit down. sit down. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> go back to univision. >> so, it plays out, ramos says you cannot deport 11 million people. trump says sit down, you were not called on. mr. ramos gets escorted out by security. let's be clear, he was standing up. he hadn't been called on. he was promoting his agenda. mr. trump seemed to like that moment. >> well, right. this helped trump and ramos. he's the most popular his uponic anchor in the united states. he's been playing an activist role in the immigration issue. he was thrown out of the room. that's going to help him. it looks like he's being shut down and silenced.
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trump says go back to univision. he polls probably spike with a sector of the republican party that he is popular with. >> trump seems rude. he can seem like a bully. he seems himself. oh, a presidential candidate shouldn't be acting like that. he can look at the poll numbers and say why not? it's working. >> he's just, you know, going for a certain demographic. it's not fans of jorge ramos. >> mr. ramos is escorted out. trump says ask security, as if he didn't know how it happened. mr. ramos is allowed back in and gets his question. take a listen. >> remember, you used the word illegal immigrant. >> no, i didn't. >> you should use it. that's the definition. when you cross the border
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without their papers, they are illegal. >> jorge ramos saying no human being is illegal. trump has a point. when they come across the border or overstay their visa, they are breaking the law. they say the political elites ignore that. give them status. we done want to deal with it. mr. trump there, some of us say the answer was rough. he's playing to that constituency. to a conservative base who thinks a lot of people want to ignore that fact, laws were broken. >> that's straight out of the republicans. some of the things we hear donald trump say, my gosh, that came out of a politicians mouth. that is something you hear from a lot of conservative republicans. they were quutalking about the d illegal rather than undocumented. >> i think there's two dynamics to watch.
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one is, sort of a side issue, the way the rest of the press held the situation. the press corps wants to stick to. it could be an interesting campaign. two, this creates a pocket of air space for a republican candidate in this very crowded field to step up, again, and be the antidonald trump. there are opportunities after opportunities. many candidates are hesitant to take it. >> especially in a state like iowa where you have a more conservative electorate that agrees with trump and likes the fact that trump is at least a hand grenade. they like the fact he that has establishment squeamish and us. that man, you think would be jeb bush. at times it is jeb bush. i don't think it helps jeb bush, unless he wants to say "the new york times" is after me.
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we think you could have been wonderful, jeb. you could have been the thoughtful republican. talking about a rational way to deal with the immigration. for all his paper qualifications, bush has been boring to many, inspiring to none. then he gets lectured about ethnic sensitivity by trump. jeb bush talking again yesterday, trump is setting the agenda. jeb bush is talking about anchor babies, in the quick sand of the anchor debate. bush said, look at my family history. >> my record is pretty clear. i'm married to a mexican-american, united states citizen. i'm immersed in the culture. i'm bilingual. i feel like i'm bicultural. i'm proud of the diversity of my own family. my record, not just yesterday, but over my lifetime is one that people can look at. >> i'm 62 years old. when i was 17 years old, i fell
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in love with my wife. it's going to be hard to get lectured to about the politics of immigration. >> he is being lectured to at the moment. the question is, in the end, nobody is voting for six more months. in the end, who wins is the conversation. >> you keep hearing from the bush camp, they are going to take it to trump. so far, it's been a miss. you wonder, when everybody is watching, whether he's going to come out swinging. so far, he's tried to go after trump talking about bush's record and trump not having a record. it's fallen flat. as you said, he is getting lectured. >> those who covered bush 20 years ago know what he's capable of when he's testy and pushing back. one of the criticisms is he's too nice and not going for it. whether he gets goated into what he's capable of will come in the
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coming weeks. >> they made the decision to wait until the next debate and see what happens after that. middle of september, we will see that happen. thank you for coming in. september 16th is the next turning point in this campaign. we'll have debating up to that pounlt. >> i feel like we will. several opportunities. the predebate debate. thank you very much. can isis supporters be deradicalized? is rehabilitation a better alternative to incarceration? we are going to discuss that next.
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interesting thought here. can a person who wants to become a terrorist be deradicalize? in january, a judge ordered a teen to leave jail and under go rehabilitati rehabilitation. he was sent to a half way house. is it a good alternative. i want to talk with a counterterrorism expert. you are just the man to talk about it. let's look at stats off the bat.
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i think we have this full still of isis case in the united states, 59 total. 81% are u.s. citizens. the average age, interestingly, 24. 14% of prior felons and three, we learned, three of them have been killed. what do you think there is to say about this notion of rehabilitation? can someone be deradicalized? >> yes they can. there have been cases that have been verified. one example is jason walters. he's dutch american. he was part of a dutch group that was involved in the murder of van gogh back in 2004. he was a dutch artist and film maker. he was not involved in that killing. he went to prison for his role in the hostage network. from prison, he wrote a letter recanting his views and giving a very long explanation based on continuing his university
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studies and studying western philosophy. now he's out and remains very interested in helping people to deradicalize. when i was living in the netherlands, i got to know him and consider him a friend. that's one personal example. >> we have had some on "new day." i want to talk about the process in a second. specifically, you know, we look at this kid. we should note the teen is no longer in the half way house. he's back in jail. is the question of deradicalization, a different proposition when talking a younger person than say an older adult? >> absolutely. when you are young, you are often experimenting with lots of ideas and ways to view the world. face it, we live in a world that is flawed with a lot of social problems and people want answers. sometimes, the totalitarian movement like isis can benefit from people who are really sincere and looking for ways to approach this flawed world and
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sucked into the utopian world that offers answers. young people have malleable ideas. >> let's talk about the how. the half way house this minnesota teen was sent to, there's been some criticism level from the daily beast revealing they have no experience in deradicalization. the question becomes -- who are the right groups or former jihadist that was deradicalized. how do you do it? >> these are excellent questions. i don't think there's actually any set answer. on the one hand, if you look at the massive deradicalization programs, they don't have an unblemished record of success. there's a debate about programs like saudi arabias with a lot of analysts saying the numbers don't actually reflect the true rate.
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but, at any rate, the united states is not like a lot of country that is have engaged in deradicalization. it's not saudi arabia or european states. in terms of how strong our separation between church and state is. we don't consider it to be a proper function of the state to tell muslims how to interpret islam. it puts limitations on the dimensions of any program. >> i would argue, more needs to be done. clearly, we need to have these conversations, if we haven't already. glad you could bring yur perspective to us. hopefully we can continue the conversation on "new day." >> great joining you. >> chris? the media politicians, politics are a buzz. why in jorge ramos got kicked out of trump's. was ramos right to put his agenda ahead of other reporters? we going to put the question to
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mr. ramos himself coming up on "new day." the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t has the tools and the network you need, to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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. politics has been the source of some good punch lines lately.
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last night k >> a spokesman for the white house said yesterday vice president joe biden has received president obama's blessing to run. biden hasn't made a decision yet. but he plans to as soon as amazon delivers the magic 8 ball he ordered. >> crazy news about donald trump came out. yeah, it's come out that donald trump's grandfather owned a brothel. when reached for comment, trump said screwing people for money is a long family tradition. [ applause ]. who wins? >> conan. with the extra added visual punch line. >> you know what's really big news? >> what. >> that isn't getting the
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attention it should? there is a huge 50th birthday in our midst. someone whose face defies the age. >> 50 years old. >> it is michaela's birthday. >> you are beautiful. >> they even made me a canadian cake. i love it. >> you are beautiful and the outside has nothing on the inside. nothing. it's a big compliment. you are as sweet as they come. >> i will celebrate that loud and proud. >> 50. >> your presents are waiting. they are. yeah. >> jorge ramos in the news, instead of covering it, he is becoming it. got kicked out of donald trump's news conference. why did he do what he did? mr. ramos explains to you himself ahead. 50.
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ur jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. imagine - she won't have to or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do. the problem with the iran nuclear deal is that
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. donald trump on the attack. >> go ahead. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> no, you don't. you haven't been called. >> i'm a reporter. don't touch me, sir. >> that's the first time i've
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ever been escorted out of my news conference. >> no, i would not apologize. >> this is where donald trump needs to stop being a bully. >> is there any relief in sight for investors? >> there is a great deal of anxiety out there. it is having global ramifications. >> investors have to get ready for more volatility. >> it could have been a blood bath. >> i saw the tip of a gun and i thought to myself everybody on this train is going to die. good morning. welcome to your "new day." it's wednesday, august 26th. go back to univision, donald trump shooing a hispanic journalist with those words out of a news conference. why? because he repeatedly asked him questions without being called
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on. >> jorge ramos was eventually allowed back inside. and more fireworks as donald trump and ramos dualed. sarah murray has the latest for us from iowa this morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was an unusual moment even for donald trump before his event even got starts, when he was going back and forth with reporters, actually kicking one out of his news conference last get go. >> excuse me. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> no, you don't. you haven't been called. go back to univision. >> you cannot deport 11 million people. you cannot build a 1900 mile
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wall. you cannot deny citizenship to children in this country. >> sit down. >> i'm a reporter and i have -- don't touch me, sir. don't touch me, sir. you cannot touch me. i have the right to ask a question. >> reporter: wjorge ramos forcibly removed from donald trump's news conference in iowa. after ten minutes, trump allowed ramos to rejoin. >> yes. >> thank you, mr. trump. >> absolutely. good to have you back. >> thank you very much. here's the problem with your immigration plan. it's full of empty promises. how are you going to deport 11 million? are you going to bring the army? >> no. we're going to do it in a very humane fashion. believe me, i have a bigger heart than you do. >> i had to go back and ask
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questions. that's my job as a reporter, as an immigrant, as a u.s. citizen. i have the right to ask questions to anyone. this is the first time i've ever been escorted out of any conference or interview. >> trump reigniting his battle against megyn kelly. on tuesday retweeting a post calling her a bimbo. and another that said, megyn kelly need to go back on vacation. what a waste of an hour on fox. roger ailes calling the tirade unacceptable and disturbing. trump says he has no plans to apologize. >> no, i would not apologize. she should probably apologize to me, but i just don't care. >> reporter: now, donald trump not backing down from anyone this morning. he was also on the today show
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saying jorge ramos was totally out of line. >> joining us now to discuss is jeffrey lord. great to see you, jeffrey. and cnn political commentator and host of the ben ferguson show, ben ferguson. great to see you. let's start with the feud that donald trump for some reason on monday reignited with megyn kelly. all of this started from the first republican debate, then it died down. and then on monday he fired it up again with some tweets. just this morning matt lauer asked donald trump, what is it about megyn kelly that has you so hot and bothered? >> it starts to sound a little bit -- and take this in the right way -- like you're a guy with a schoolyard crush. when we were in elementary school and high school, guys
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often saying the meanest things about the girls they like the most. >> trust me, matt. there is no crush. during the debate she asked my questions that were totally inappropriate. other people were asked nice questions about jobs, about god, about other things. and she hits me with questions that were totally inappropriate. >> jeffrey, what is donald trump doing? >> well, you know, donald trump is donald trump, number one. but there's an interesting dynamic going on here with fox and the conservative base, if you will. i happen to be -- and i think i mentioned this whether i was wiyou guys. i happened to be on a talk show in alabama the day after that debate. and i asked the host in birmingham, what's up with your audience on this? and his answer was, they were really mad at fox and mad at
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megyn kelly. one of the other things i noticed, when hillary clinton was on fox a year earlier to hype her book, she sat down and the conservative audience out there took fox to task for not being tough with hillary clinton. they let hillary clinton escape and go after donald trump. that's an interesting dynamic. donald trump is no dummy when it comes to this kind of a thing. >> does gender have a role here? when people say, oh, it's w because it's a woman, the trump people would say no it's because she attacked me in an unfair way. >> she didn't attack him. he attacked her.
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>> he said she was not treating him with respect on her show again. >> that's what prompted his tweets? >> yeah. >> i don't know what gender has to do with it, but i think it was an interesting question. is matt lauer's question sexist that he referred to a schoolyard crush? i don't know. but there is something about megyn kelly that particularly gets under the skin of donald trump. and i think it's fair to ask why. ben, what do you think about this feud with fox and megyn kelly? >> i don't think it's necessarily megyn kelly a as much as it is anyone that challenges donald trump is ignorant, stupid, incompetent, dumb. we hear this all the time. look at the things he said about jeb bush. look at what he said about ted cruz. look at what he said about lindsey graham. anyone that gets in his way he is going to try to destroy and say that you're dumb or stupid.
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he retweets she's a bimbo. that feeds into his narrative that everyone is against me. all of these people are members of the media, which is evil, or they're politicians that are running against me and also evil. i don't take money. no one is going to control me. i don't suck up to anybody. i'm not going to play the politically correct game. >> my question for you is why does he have to do it this way? this is a sophisticated man. he's educated. he knows people well. he moves the new york circles very well. why does he choose to be harsh with his critics when he could go at it a lot of different ways? >> you know, he writes about this in his books. i think it was called "think big." he has a chapter that when somebody does something to you,
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you go after them. there was long before megyn kelly. this is something he believes in. >> how you go after them is as important as whether you go after them. >> go ahead. jeffrey, you got cut off. >> he doesn't believe in political correctness. whether it's megyn kelly or lindsey graham or anybody else, he's going to treat them quite equally here in this and go after them. >> let me cut you off there, though. we talk about this on the show a lot. i often feel that what you say matters more than what you do. saying he's not politically correct is not the same thing as saying you can be rude. that's just decorum. >> he thinks america need somebody now that is not going to always be in perfect line and
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order with what society thinks. he's not going to be the normal calculated individual that's at the white house trying to play both side or trying to talk kind. we need to be blunt, we need to be real, we need to be in each other's face. he keeps saying it, america's in serious trouble. i'm the guy that's going to get us out of it and it's not going to happen by being the nice guy. i'm going to come after you. he goes marco rubio was mentored by jeb bush. and then he comes out and goes against jeb bush in this election. if i'm jeb bush, i would destroy marco rubio because i helped create you and you weren't loyal to me. >> extrapolate this, chris. >> out to running the american government and you know use the -- what he's really saying is he would be like this not just with illegals. he'd be like this with vladimir putin. he'd be like this with, you
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know, european trading partners. he'd be the tough guy with isis. exactly. which is why when you read these internals of these cnn polls that people think he's the best qualified to deal with isis. you had that discussion with him. >> yes. he's a tough strong voice and that's what they believe he's been lacking. let me play for you what donald trump said this morning about that exchange with jorge ramos. listen to this. >> he was totally out of line last night. i was asking and being asked a question from another reporter. i would have gotten to him very quickly. and he stood up and started ranting and raving like a madman. and frankly he was out of line. most newspaper reports said i handled it very well. he was totally absolutely out of line. >> very quickly jorge ramos has a huge following. he is very popular among the
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hispanic community. is this a winning strategy? the numbers may not add up if he doesn't get the hispanic vote. >> it showed him strong and decisive and the people that take offense, frankly, are probably not donald trump fans anyway. >> you think you can win the general election if you have 65% negatives with the latino community. >> i've looked into this. hispanics in this country with disproportionately situated in two states, texas and california. clearly one will go republican, one will go democratic. i don't think in 2016 that you over got to get 40% of the hispanic vote is correct. winning ohio, winning virginia which don't have large hispanic populations.
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florida, that might be questionable. but i don't think this is quite the problem it's made out to be. >> let's end it with a sweet note. you're both beautiful men. thank you for being on "new day." change the tone. >> you like alisyn. when we come back, we have jorge ramos. he's going to talk to us about why he did what he did, what he thinks matters about donald trump. you decide. m. now i'm gonna release a 700 pound grizzly bear. so pick a cage and get in it. well i'm glad i picked this cage. why did you pick the steel cage? that's a big animal right there. you want to see something else made with high strength steel? that's the chevy silverado. made with high strength steel for high strength dependability. that's beautiful. look at the size of his head.
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. univision anchor jorge ramos ejected from a donald trump news conference. >> excuse me. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. sit down. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> no, you don't. you haven't been called. >> i have the right to ask the question. >> go back to univision. >> go ahead. >> you cannot deport 11 million people. pyou cannot build a 1900 mile wall.
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you cannot deny citizenship to children in this country. >> sit down. you weren't called. >> i'm a reporter and i have -- don't touch me, sir. i have the right to ask a question. >> he would then be brought back in. they would go at it about immigration. jorge ramos making these points about how is he goingo do this and is it the right thing to do. we have jorge ramos on the phone now. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to hear your side on this. the claim this was a stunt, that you knew you were out of turn and you were asking for this kind of provocation. is that a fair assessments? >> it is not. there were two reporters before me who asked their question and then it was my turn. i said, i have a question on immigration. i today up. he didn't say anything. so i kept on asking my
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questions. and i confronted him on the fact that he wants to deport 11 million and build the wall and deny citizenship. obviously he didn't like my question. when he realized that he didn't like my question and when he realized what was going on, he tried to stop me reporter to ask a question. i told him as a u.s. citizen, as an immigrant and a reporter, i had the right to ask the question. he said no. he told me to go back to univision. then he signalled to his security people. at that point -- let's remember this is donald trump's press conference. he was in control. he signalled his security people, who threw me out of the press conference. this is the first time in my life this has happened. >> as you said, it's his press conference. he runs the rules. you jumped the queue. >> i didn't jump the queue.
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>> he didn't call on you for a question. >> it was my turn. no. he didn't have to call on everyone, chris. and you know how it is. >> i totally do. but usually when you're not called onto ask a question, usually the other reporters yell at you. >> you know why those cameras are all red lighted? i was not out of line last night. i was asking and being asked a question from another reporter. i would have gotten to him very quickly. he stood up and started ranting and raving like a madman. he was out of line. most newspaper reports said i handled it very well. he was totally absolutely out of line. >> his point is it wasn't a question, it was a comment. you wanted to get into a fight with him and you got your fight. >> no. i wanted to have an interview with donald trump. and i wanted to have an interview with donald trump. up to a point a few weeks ago, i
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sent him a handwritten note with my cell phone on it. and instead of responding, he published on the internet my cell phone number. he hasn't been giving us answers. this is important for the hispanic community and this is personal. we're talking about destroying the lives of millions of people if his plan goes through. instead of waiting, i decided to come to iowa and ask him the questions that he didn't want to answer. as reporters our responsibility is to ask questions and he hasn't answered those questions. so we just have to go with whatever the news is. and in this case i felt that it was not only my duty but i had to ask those questions. he didn't like the question. that's why he threw me out. >> he doesn't like to be tested. many politicians don't. you said in the past he's the
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face of hatred in america. when he said, i only want to deport illegals, not immigrants. you said no human is illegal. you understand when someone comes in here and they don't have proper paperwork, they're illegal in any country. are you making this too personal? >> first of all, it cannot be too personal, because no human being is illegal. >> but i don't understand what that means. of course human beings can be illegal if they break the law. your point is about human dignity. why are you making it that way? >> the fact, that as i reporter i believe that you have to take a stand here when it comes to racism, discrimination, the best of journeyism that yalism is wha
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stand. the most important social responsibility as a report is when you denounce those in power. we've seen it plenty of times. as reporters, i don't think that you have to sit down because donald trump tells you to sit down. you have to ask the question. and it is not that i'm advocating a specific ideas. of course i'm an immigrant. of course i believe that if he wants to deport 11 million people, can you imagine what that would mean? he would have to bring the army. imagine the human rights violations that would provoke. is that the kind of country that we want? i believe honestly as reporters we have to take a stand. >> there's line, right? that's what's going to drive the
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controversy here, is when you're making comments versus asking questions. people are going to see what you said about him in the past, which is not typical journalist description saying he's the face of hate. you have a daughter, i believe, that works for hillary clinton. people are going to say you have a potisition on this issue and u don't like donald trump and you're attacking him. >> again, as journalists i am absolutely convinced that many times tough take s you have to . when he says he wants to deport 11 million men, women and children, when he says he wants to deny citizenship to children born in the united states, he is creating division. he is creating hatred.
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and we have to call him out on that. >> i understand. but he's not the only one. he's not the only one, though. look, i hear what you're saying. i often walk the line between advocacy journalism and traditional journalism. it does go to a side of an issue here. you have a lot of his party who agree with him. and that's why he's come out of nowhere to be on top of the polls in part. you've got other major candidates are saying the same things, that all illegals must go. we have to figure out how. you have other candidates saying that the 14th amendment should change, that birth right citizenship either isn't properly construed or it should be changed. why target him? >> first of all, he's leading the polls. his language i am absolutely convinced it is dangerous.
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and his ideas are extreme. none of the candidates are espousing the ideas that he has expressed in the last few days. it is extreme what he's saying about immigrants in this country. it is extreme what he's saying about children being born in this country and denied citizenship. i'm completely convinced of that. somebody says he wants to build a wall. is that true, he wants to build a 1900 mile wall between mexico and the united states. and with those extreme ideas that would have an immediate and terrible impact on millions of people, that would project a terrible negative image of the united states in the world. and then as journalists, are we supposed to sit down because he says so? this is not his country. this is our country too. and i think, again, as journalists, it is our
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responsibility to do that. and taalso the problem, chris, that if we don't do that, it seems other candidates aren't doing it, for many different reasons. but if our job is not to ask questions, then what is it? >> i understand that. the criticism is going to be that you created a situation that you knew would bring about this controversy and give you a platform to make your points. but you know what? i welcome you on the show to make your points. and i respect you as a journalist and i respect you in general. make a final point and we'll leave it there. >> the fact that i was brought back to the press conference signalled that he made a mistake. otherwise why would he -- >> i don't think that he would say it's a mistake. i think it would be him saying he was inclusive and as long as you follow the rules. you can look at that two ways.
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>> it's very simple to finalize this. i've asked for an interview. he has given interviewed to a lot of people, including you. so he can give me an interview and we can have a conversation. >> i used to say the same thing. he didn't come on "new day." and it seems to be that there's a treatment he gets in places that has him on more. in truth he had you back on. i don't know that you're going to get a sitdown out of this. i wish you good luck going forward. it's good to hear your voice. >> thank you, chris. see you. let's bring in brian stelter and bill carter. great to have both of you back. bill, you heard jorge ramos's explanation. who win this is one? >> i think in a way you could say they both win.
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i think jorge has enhanced his reputation and profile by doing this. >> in the right way? >> he's not apologizing. and i think it's going to enhance his reputation in that community. i think it will. and i think trump's dealing with it wound up being for his audience very strong again. also, i think he controlled that situation. he wants to contrast to what happened with bernie sanders in the black lives matter thing where he couldn't control that. he made fun of bernie sanders. trump controlled the situations. >> those were protesters. this was a journalist. >> i know. but i bet he would make the comparison. i have the microphone, i don't give it up. >> you have on ramos's side a journalist being taken from the room during a conversation with a potential presidential candidate. and on trump's side, as you made the point earlier, bill, a
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journalist being deported and invited back in. that's a strong optic for both side. >> on ramos's side you wonder what might happen during a trump presidency and whether during a press conference a journalist might be escorted out. it has helped his brand through this. this entire case might be an example of our polarized media and country. if you think ramos was grandstanding, was being a bully to trump, being rude to trump, you've got your side. a lot of other people are on ramos's side. >> can people say to ramos, i disagree with your positions, i think they're wrong. he spent a lot of his time saying you can't, you can't you can't, this is wrong, as opposed to asking questions.
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is that journalism? >> there are opinion people in journalism all the time. what's difference is usually at a press conference you ask questions. you don't stand up and make points. i think jorge wanted to make points. he was basically saying his own point of view. >> almost like it was ramos's show. >> the problem is he didn't have a microphone. we couldn't even hear what he was saying. only trump's responses came through, so he totally controlled the narrative. >> spanish speaking viewers will hear that point. this is a -- sometimes in journalism what we learn most and learn best is when journalists challenge power and even express a point of view. you all have done it on this program. he is both the advocate and the anchor man. that is unusual in english
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television, but it's not unusual in spanish television. >> if he thinks there's something wrong, he should ask a very pointed question. >> furthermore, he was trying to get to the bottom of how. so it's fine for donald trump to make these grand proclamations. he was saying how exactly are you going to deport 11 million? are you going to use the army? i hadn't heard that before. that's a good question. >> if he gets an interview with donald trump, it will be very interesting. >> who thinks he gets an interview with donald trump? >> i think he will eventually. >> i think donald trump has high ground to say, you see the way he treated me? you know how i feel about the way people treat me. >> maybe he'll go on the other spanish language network. trump has a lot of leverage.
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but journalists have a lot of questions for trump. and the more we ask, the better. >> this wound up being very deep. >> we're deep guys. >> so we've heard from jorge ramos. we've heard from the big brains about this. how about donald trump? he may end up driving this conversation. does he really think that we don't like people? he's going to come on "new day" tomorrow and explain why he's the right man to lead the country for you. >> today we're going to get reaction to what jorge ramos just said. i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized! i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength to keep you active. come on pear, it's only a half gallon. i'll take that.
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. let's bring in ed gillespie. he has been at the head of the gop before. he understands the party very well. and it is not just because he's the former chairman of the republican national committee and a former senior advisor to the 2012 romney campaign and now a senior advisor to the brunswick group. you understand where people are
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in your party, what they want who recollects they are and what's going to happen in this general election if you don't have all your ducks in a row. that's why we want your perspective starting the donald trump. do you believe the gop can win the general if trump is your candidate? >> well, i believe the republican nominee is going to be a favorite to win the white house next year because of historical patterns. and when you look at the right direction, wrong track, president obama's approval rates and disapproval ratings, i think it boedes well for the nominee. obviously we're in the middle of a spirited contest on the republican side. >> what do you think about the 2012 lessons, though, and the money the party put into understanding how to connect better with the latino vote, donald trump having a 65% negative with that group, it bleeding onto the rest of the field who seem to be resonating with his message more than
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separating themselves? >> i think again it's concei conceivable and possible that donald trump could be the nominee. and he would have to have a strategy to address that. i've seem data that seems to suggest he does better with hispanic voters. obviously the percentage of the hispanic vote is more important in florida, colorado, texas or california when it comes to the electoral college. you have to separate those out in that regard. i do believe in those states in particular we need to be north of 35% of the hispanic vote in those states if we're going to find a path to 270 electoral college votes. i do think that will be a focus for our nominee. again, it's early in the process. the party will be defined by the nominee largely after the nomination is secured, not so much by give and take in august
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the year before. >> how true is it that insiders, higher-ups, big shots within the gop don't want him and they're trying to figure out how to get rid of him? >> i don't think that's the case. and i am neutral, to be clear. i have faith in republican party voters. i have faith in the process. i believe that whomever emerges from this very wide and deep field will be a very strong nominee for us next year. and i would counsel patience to people, let the process play out. we're better as a party when we're a bottom up party and have faith in our voters to make the right decision here. as we get closer to votes being cast, i think we're going to see that. >> what happens if you come out of the convention and donald
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trump decides he's fizzled out and he decides to make a third party run. does the ghost of ross perot hang over your head? >> that's one of the issues that donald trump is going to have to address in a pretty concrete fashion before votes start being cast in caucuses and primaries. because that is a concern to the party, the notion that he would run as an independent if he didn't get the nomination. that's a problem for him. he's going to have to address one way or the other -- he's going to have to make clear either he's going to run as an independent if he doesn't get the nomination or he's going to support the nominee. that's a question that's going to have to be resolved, i suspect, in the near future. >> you say you're open to who it is within the field. how do you feel right now with how it's being done in the field? you say it's a wide and deep
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field. but the tone is harsh, even mean. you've got donald trump saying the media doesn't like you, they're not here for you. that's resonating with people. he's inciting other candidates to say they're going to kick his butt in south carolina, lindsey graham. there's a harshness to the tone. are you concerned that's the party's complexion going into the general? >> no. going into the general we're going to have a nominee talking about the need to create jobs, raise the take home pay and address the concerns of working americans, in my estimation the noncollege educated working poor who are being crushed in the current economy. and we're going to have answers and solutions and policies that will make life better for those americans as well as others as well. i think that's what's going to resonate in the general election next year. i don't believe that the majority of americans are going to want four more years of the
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last eight years, that they're going to want to continue with a third term for president obama. again, when you look at his approval numbers, i think people with going to be ready for change next year. we'll have a nominee that puts forward a positive vision for change. >> change, but they want better, right? ed gillespie, thank you very much. appreciate your insight. thank you for coming. >> thanks for having me on. so it is trump versus fox news channel and megyn kelly all over again this week. who is likely to win that war? let's debate it. that's next. mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the
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five things on this wednesday. number one, donald trump defending the ejection of jorge ramos from a news conference in iowa. he was saying ramos was out of line. conservatives in congress threatening to shut down the government at the end of september rather than vote for a spending bill that includes funding for planned parenthood. . a driver arrested after slamming into several pedestrians. five people were hit at four different locations. the driver suspected in a stabbing earlier this morning. the man charged with opening fire on a paris bound train accused of watching a video calling for jihad shortly before that foiled attack. we are about 45 minutes from the opening bell. right now dow futures pointing
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up about 300 points. for more on the five things you can visit "new day" for the latest. peanut allergies on the rise. pediatricians are offering new advice that may help combat that trend. infants at a high risk of peanut allergies should be given foods containing peanuts before their first birthday. it found that exposing kids to peanuts in infancy helps. the question is is the strategy going to help or hurt him in the long run. we'll explore that after a break. you totalled your brand new car.
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they are squabbling over the immigration topic. why is donald trump going after megyn kelly again and fox news? >> you know, i interviewed norma forter who was his top aide for 26 years, news him better than anybody on both the business and social side. she said there are two donald trumps. one outrageous one that you see on tv who makes provocative comments to get attention for his brand and of course now for his campaign. the other one is the real donald that we see behind the scenes, who is totally different. he's a savvy businessman. he's built this business of 2200 employees. if you were the ceo of a company, you would look at what has that person accomplished, what's the track record and what's the character. i got to know donald almost two decade ago when i did a book on palm beach of all things. flew down on his plane with my
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wife pam. spent the weekend at mar a lago, his club. he's not this brash guy you see on tv. he's very meticulous. he treats his employees with respect. >> you're saying this is all mindful, this is all intentional, this isn't a shoot from the hip donald trump. he's doing this on purpose. and why? >> he's a media sensation. he's doing exactly what he wants to do. and i think if he were in the white house, he would operate quite differently. he would operate the way he does in his business. barack obama in one of his books admitted that he accomplished almost nothing as a community organizer. ted cruz as accomplished almost nothing as a senator. you want to look at accomplishments.
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you want to look at confidence. >> you worked at fox. i worked for roger ailes and fox for 16 years. when i see this fight, i can't help but read between the lines of what's going at fox. let me read to you what roger ailes put out as a statement about donald trump when he revised his feud with megyn kelly by sending out a series of nasty tweets. roger ailes said, donald trump's unprovoked attack on megyn kelly is as unacceptable as it is disturbing. donald trump rarely apologizes, though in this case he should. is it a winning strategy to go against roger ailes for donald trump? >> i don't know what he is like behind the scenes. but what we're hearing is we're not seeing his authentic self right now. he's coming off as unhinged.
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it is disturbing. when roger stone quits the trump campaign because he can't handle it, roger stone is known as somebody that can handle a lot of mud. and he quit a few weeks ago. this is disturbing. and the fact that the media is covering him and not really saying a word about it. this behavior by donald trump is unacceptable, it's crude, it's crass. the guy comes into the race because he has a high name id. that's a given. he's been perpetuated by the media. and i think it's irresponsible. >> are we supposed to stop covering him? >> you're supposed to be a little bit more fair. you guys carried this rally last night where it was just rambling. no policy initiatives. this is equivalent of a monkey throwing his you know what at passe passersby.
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the only questions the other candidates are getting are about donald trump. at this point they need to back off. yes, he's great for rates. but there needs to be some serious conversations in the newsroom for the media. we're going to get you over to "newsroom" because there is a serious situation right now. two employees at an affiliate station in virginia wbdj they were shot and killed this morning. we have new information for it. please stay with us. tical for b? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. ensure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. why pause a spontaneous moment to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph,
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