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tv   Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown  CNN  August 21, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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so low energy that every time you watch him you fall asleep. but let's say -- >> donald trump not low energy. that does it for us. we'll be back at 11:00. and "cnn tonight" starts right now. it is 9:00 p.m. east coast, 8:00 p.m. in mobile, alabama. where donald trump is speaking to a crowd of thousands. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. let's listen. >> call the head of ford. mr. president. we want to build it. well we don't want it built the next day or hour we will get a call from the lobbyists and the special interests and the donors they're going to say, hey, jeb. we gave you $8 million of your $120 million that you raised. we gave you $8 million. we want that thing done. you can't do that to our people. oh, well, okay. i'll approve it. it's going to get done, okay. the plant will get built.
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that will be it. let's take trump as president. okay, is that better? is that better? here is a simple question -- who would you rather have negotiating with china, japan, mexico, any other trump? or bush? actually -- >> trump! trump! trump! >> what a group. what a group. well you know it is sort of interesting. thank you. cnn does this big report that came out last week. said i was leading in the polls. it was a approximatelpoll. people say i need a pollster.
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every day i wake up there is a poll. they pay these guys $100,000 a month. they can't function unless they have it vetted with their pollster they can't talk. i say, why dopollster there is a new poll. they give 30 pages. i don't need a pollster. what the hell. save your money. cnn did an expensive, well done poll. well done i was leading by a lot. if it wasn't i would say it wasn't. they had leadership. i was way ahead of everybody. they had actually, very good in -- you know the thing i will be great. people don't think it. i do very well at it. military. i am the toughest guy. i -- i will rebuild our military. it will be so strong. and so powerful. and so great.
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it will be so powerful and so great that we'll never have to use it. nobody is going to mess with us, folks. nobody. nobody. nobody is going to mess with us. >> usa! usa! usa! usa! >> beautiful. so, i look at the various things to do with our country. by, way, one of them. boy are we going to take care of our vets, right? they did a poll, another poll. they did a poll on look who is, one of the most popular with the vets. i was the most popular person. they like me. and i love them. because you know why? for 35 years these senators and these other than jeff, of course. i take jeff.
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but, these senators, these congressmen, these people in washington, including presidents they have done nothing for the vets. they have done nothing. wear's goi we're going to take care of our vets. so they do the poll. in the poll i score really high marks on almost anything. other than they thought i wasn't a nice person. they said who is the nicest. i've was look pretty low on that part. and i'm a nice person. but who cares. a woman came up. i'm not sure that your's nice enough to be president. i said you know what this is not going to be an election based on a nice person. it's going to be based on a competent person. we're tired of the nice people. i won on the economy. i within on jobs. i won on leadership. i had massive numbers. like magsive. you have seen it. i won on all these categories. i said why do we need an election. we don't need an election. these are such important categories.
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but i have had an amazing experience. because from the time i announced almost, other than the first week that was a rough week. but the press which is by the way largely very dishonest. i have to say this the political media. i actually think, i actually think that the political media is less popular than congress. can you believe it? and congress is almost, congress has almost no rating. in all fairness. look at all the cameras. and they're all live. they're trying to shut off the camera yooright now. they're all live. so many live cameras. but look at -- thank you. but i will say this. the media is very dishonest. there is a certain group that are fantastic people. every once in a while i will get an honest story. i love it. i cherish the stories. not often. but i cherish the stories. but we have, you have to
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understand, and they have, they really started treating me much better. don't forget, when i first ran, i said, you know it is amazing. went to a great school. excellent student. smart guy. my uncle was a professor at mit. smart guy. good smart guy. good family. do we believe in the gene thing, i do? right? i do. like they used to say secretariat doesn't produce slow horses. secretariat wasn't one the best in theory that's. i built a fortune, great company. did art of the deal. best sellers. biggest selling of all time. i did the apprentice. we love the apprentice, tremendous. nbc hates me. you know, nbc hates me because they renewed the apprentice and i said, excuse me, i'm not doing it. i am running for president. i am going to make the country again. they actually -- they actually came up to my office and the top
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people, great people from nbc. and they said, please, please, run. i said i am not running. we already renewed the show. renewed the show. i am going to run and make our country great. we are going to do something. we are going to do something. i'm hired. yo yo yo we look at the landscape of the country. i look at where we are going. i look at where we have been. we have had a horrible number of years. a horrible number of years. we can't beat isis. i watched the general the other day on television. who is just retiring. which is fortunate. how do you think we will do against isis? oh, i dent know. it i don't know it is going to be very tough. general patton and general
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macarthur are spinning in their graves as you listen to this. they're spinning in their graves. he talks about a hard time. and i look at what's going on with the landscape. then i get to meet all of the people that i have met over the last period of time. and i want to till yoell you it been amazing. it's been really amazing. i want to finish with a couple of little points. one is the ford deal, right? israel. i love israel. oh, by the way. the bottom line, some of you, i love the story, so when i get the call. i say, no, no, no. and you are going to build in the united states. they're going to say, no, we dent want to do that. i say, let me tell you, sir you are going to build in the united states. and i will be called by people.
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but i will not have any of their money. so i didn't care. they're going to say, i will call them in. i will say, listen here is the story. you are building $2.5 billion in mexico we are going to charge you a tremendous 35% tax. okay. 35%. and that tax is going to be for every car and every part and every truck that comes into the united states. and here's what's going to happen. here's what's going to happen. as sure as you are standing or sitting. they're going to come back to me the following day. i would say the following afternoon. let's say it's 12:00. i say by the time, i don't need carl icahn. this one is too easy. they're going to come back. mr. president, they're not going to get called by the lobbyists, called by the special, i am going to say no interest. within 24 hours, they will call say, mr. president, what you are doing to us is terrible. we will build in the united states. we will build the plant in the
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united states. 100%. i will say the same thing to nabisco. it doesn't help us. it doesn't help us when you look at what's going on, when you look at what's going on, where nabisco is closing. and so many places are closing. when you look at the kind of money the countries are making. i am naming a few. i mean so many countries. we don't have anything left. we're running on fumes. we're running on fumes. there is nothing here. when you look at what happens. the they're so much sharper, so much smarter. we are not going to have a country left. we need to have our borders. we need to make great deals. you know -- the man in the back just shouted israel. how would you look to be israel right now? how would you like to be israel right now? they relied on us. they're a voice of sanity.
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they're great people. and we have a deal that is so incompetent, so bad. think of the deal. we make a deal, our chief negotiator goes into a bicycle race at 73 years old, he falls he breaks his leg. that was the good part of our deal. that was the only thing that happened. no think of it. i told people last week. i told this last week. i swear to you i will never ever ride a bicycle, at least in a race, but i won't ride one anyway. but, we have a new thing that just came up yesterday. the deal. we know all about the 24-day period. right. but the 24-day period that doesn't start, that clock doesn't start ticking for a long time. for a long time. so, that could be forever. so if they're doing something, believe me, by the time we get there. but here's the all time great. first of all, why aren't they giving us back our prisoners? and second, can you believe this? can you believe it. and second of all, the other day
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it was determined that iran in a very important section, maybe the most important, right, is going to do their own policing. they are going to police. they are going to police and they are going to tell us we swear we are not building anything. it's so -- it's so sad. it's so sad. obamacare -- we are going to repeal and replace obamacare. we are going to come up with a plan and there are so many different ways. you know, you don't know this because you don't think of obama this way.
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do you know who the biggest beneficiaries of obamacare are? the insurance companies. the insurance companies. remember i told you, special interests and lobbyists. the insurance companies love it. we can have such great plans if we would get rid of the artificial lines around everything. i have a huge -- i have a huge company. and when i negotiate it's like, i get one group. they don't, you can't negotiate. some of the people that own businesses know what i am talking about. the insurance scum pacompanies protected they're making a fortune. we are going to end that. make it competitive. we are going to get rid of the artificial barrier. you are going to get such great plans. and obamacare, i mean, you look at what is happening with your premiums. i mean look at this. look at what is happening. take a look what is happening to
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the deductibles. they're so high it's impossible. it's impossible. trade. we're going to fix it. health care. we're going to fix it. women's health issues. we're going to fix it. you know, my wife came up to me the other day, and she said, it's really sad because people don't understand how you cherish women. i will protect women, so important to me. so important. and i heard some of the other candidates, jeb and some of the others the other day, saying we are not going to fund various women's healther t eissues. i said that's the end of his election. women don't like that too much. do we agree? he said we are not going to fund women's health issues. a few hours later he came back and he said he misspoke. oh, okay. he misspoke. but women's health issues some
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important. we are going to end up taking our country, we are going to make it so strong, so powerful, so loved by people again, so loved. you know -- one of the problems that we have and you don't see it tonight, but you see it. is the tremendous lack of spirit. and i actually thought that president obama, the one thing he was inexperienced, never produced a job. lots of other things. but i actually thought that he would be a great, a really great cheerleader for the country. when he was elected. i thought that he would. he has really turned out to bea great divider as owe ppposed to great unifier. really has the. and -- you look at baltimore.
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you look at ferguson. you look at saint louis last night. over the last week. you look at all of the thing that are happening. we are sitting on powder kegs. there is no spirit. there is jobs. there is no anything. we are going to take this country, i am going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i will tell you that. i will tell you. you are going to be so proud. you know i often times say, the american dream is dead. but i am going to make it bigger and stronger and more powerful than ever before. and that's what's going to happen. i am going to make this country bigger and stronger and better
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and you are going to love out and-up are going to love your president and we are going to turn this place around. and you are going to be so proud. and you know our whole theme is make america great again. we are going to make america better than it has ever been. and we are going to love doing it. we are going to have fun doing it. and i just want to thank everybody. because this has been really, really special. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. ♪ we're not going to take it ♪ no we ain't going to take it >> there you go. that's a pep rally. i'm don lemon. this is "cnn tonight." and donald trump rallies the cheering crowd in mobile, alabama. let's discuss this as he is shaking hand. pressing the flesh in the crowd,
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at the stadium, bring in cnn national reporter, spokesperson for the tea party leadership fund, and our presidential campaign correspondent for "the new york times," with us anaa navarro, supporter of jeb bush and adviser to gop candidates. as we keep this up we will let this play out. but i want to got to rob nobles, ryan nobles out in the crud now. we'll get to ryan. let's get to mave, what do you make of this? >> you are going to start with me with that question? that was amazing. as always, special as he said. pure stream of consciousness. pure trump. and i think that the question for voters out there as they watch events like this live as he pointed out. i believe on many, if not all of the networks is, is this the person that they want as their president. do they want him as their negotiator? and, you know, are they, the
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points that he is making and the way in which he makes them, is that what they want to see in a president. that was a great show. i mean the crowd was on their feet. as he said he wants to be a cheerleader for america. for a lot of people, the final day it comes done to do you want this person to be your president do you trust this person to make the decision for you in the oval office. i think it is going to be really interesting. >> ana navarro, a real showman. flew over in his jet, a fliover. a big crowd. at a stadium. he did mention. want to got your take on this. jobs, economy, immigration, talked about the iran deal. talked about obamacare. going to repeal and replace it. he talked about trade. women's health issues. he even brought up ferguson and st. louis, anaa. >> yeah, don he brought with
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about, you know a mill meimeter depth. this was really a great spectacle. it was political theater at its best. and it was a very me-centric speech, by donald trump. i wrote the "art of the deal." i own hotels in florida. i'm suing univision. i have a friend called carl icahn, that will solve china, i love nabisco. i love oreos but i will not eat them. very little policy. very little meat. of anything to hang on to. at the same time it was incredibly entertaining. look it is 80-plus degrees hot in mobile, alabama right now. 80% humidity. and those people stuck there for hours. that's an impressive show. >> maggie, you know what you stick to the telltelevision. it was stream of consciousness
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and interesting. >> interesting. while absolutely stream of consciousness. that's part of the theatrical aspect. we heard him give a similar speech. it is often very similar. you can see it moving. he had the line about his wife, melania telling him people don't understand that he cherishes women. the other day it was his daughter. this time his wife. he threw in alabama specific references. about steel. local references. remember alabama one of the sec primary states march 1. more important than it used to be. he is behaving more and mr. like a politician. i do wonder, two questions -- if he starts acting more lake a politician will that impact how people view him. as maeve said, when people start asking themselves the question is this who you want in their president? at the end of the day that may not be where they are. right now a lot of people want to see the show they're going to keep coming back. >> katrina, a favorable crowd. they came there to see his. yelling usa!
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trump, trump, trump! >> the largest crowd of the political season. i love how everyone is saying this is just political theater. guess what in 2008, barack obama was king of the political theater. today this translation is winning. if-up are in business you know that 60% of your sale is your visual aid. and trump is dominating nationwide. >> everyone stay with me. when we come right back. more highlights of donald trump's big bama pep rally. plus our apprentice face-off. two people fired by trump one supports him the other doesn't. tonight they fight it out.
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back with breaking news, donald trump wrapping up a pep rally in mobile, alabama. waiting for him to take questions from reporters. we'll carry that live. our breaking news tonight. cheering crowds there in mobile, alabama. at the stadium. they were excited thaf. they got to listen to donald trump and his favorite statement.
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let's talk about the term anchor baby. >> illegal immigration what is going on, we have got to stop it. we are going to build a wall. an it is going to be -- you know it is amazing -- the politicians ten years ago, 15 years ago they all wanted a wall. but it never went. it never happened. because some body didn't want it. probably a lobbyist. you know all these guys like bush and like hillary clinton, they're all taking care of, i don't know if you know -- no when hillary has $60 million and when jeb bush, uh, when jeb bush who is totally in favor of common core, weak on immigration, right? very weak on immigration. wants to let people come in. although now he is using an car baby. he put out a memo you cannot use an car baby.
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now because i used it he is using it. >> a lot of people are offended by the term an cchor baby, or anchor babies. political correct ngs. what do you think? >> so what, this is america. freedom of speech. they are an car babies we, have babyboomers, we have generation x. we have a country economy is on fumes. we have christians being beheaded. nobody cares what somebody is going to cry about if they're being called a name. it's anchor baby, so what, don. >> ana navarro, you want to weigh in on that? >> look, i think this is -- this is an unfortunate discussion that well are having. i think there are better ways of describing it that are less offensive. but the truth of the matter is the term exists. it's out there. i think whether it is offensive or not is irrelevant to donald trump. we have heard him say other
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offensive things over and over again since he started this campaign. and it's not done a thing to him. he is teflon don when it comes to whether he is offending mexicans, pows. >> jeb bush used it. he said, hey listen i will to the term. not upset i used it. if you find a better term i will use it, if it is not going to hurt donald trump is it going to hurt jeb bush? >> i deon't think so. i will tell you why. put it in context. he used it as a term of reference. i remember don when you were on the air one time with the were, the n word, and people got very offended. some people, you got a lot of strong reaction from that. that's not your language. i know you you are my friend. jeb bush is my friend. you were using it as a term of reference that is used by others. that's the way jeb bush used it. he has a lifelong record. look where he is on the policy.
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he is repeatedly come out against amending the 14th amendment and ending birth right citizenship. how can you attack the guy who is actually on the right side of the issue? >> let's talk about continue this discussion it has to do with immigration, an car babich, the term he used. let's talk about the 14th amendment now. here's donald trump. >> i just got these numbers today. i said what are they? 7 1/2% of all of the births in this country are illegal immigrants. okay. we can't afford it. and they're suppose to stay. i turned out to be right. the 14th amendment. i had these guys, you can't change the 14th amendment. it will take so long. for that i agree. and you know what an act of congress -- the 14th amendment i was right on it. you can do something with it. and you can do something fast.
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you can do something fast. so we have 300,000 babies a year. 300,000 that you have to take care of. we all have to take care of. and you know, in the case of other countries, including mexico, thae they'ey don't do t doesn't work that way. you don't walk over the border for one day and all of a sudden we have another american citizen. it doesn't work that way. mexico doesn't do it. other places don't do it. very few places do it. we are the only place, just about that is stupid enough to do it. >> so maeve, donald trump says he is not sure the 14th amendment guarantees citizenship for any one born here. will that talk drive latinos over off to the democratic side?
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>> well i think, you know, obviously the polls right now show that latinos generally are leaning towards democrats any way. and this is, let's go back to south deportation in the 2012 race. other terms, tom tinkrito, the immigration debate has been unhelpful to republicans who need to win over latinos in a lot of the states. out here out west for example. colorado and nevada. and you know i think what this its doing though, him talking about debates like this and there is a huge debate around what he said tonight. is that he is forcing a conversation that actually does show you that there is a broad range of opinion even within the republican party these issues. i don't know whether that will be helpful or not to the republican party. but the rhetoric right now has not been helpful to them. it created an image around the party they have been trying to get rid of for sometime.
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>> stand by. up next, two former contestants from trump's show "the apprentice" go head-to-head. one supports him. one does not. we'll be right back. because this better place turned out to have a less reliable cell phone network, and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. birds hate that. so they came back home. come home to verizon and now get 12 gigs for $80 a month plus $20 per line. verizon. come home to a better network.
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know better sleep with sleep number. donald trump fires up supporters at a pep rally in mobile, alabama. joining me two people both fired by him, they competed against each other as contestants in
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season one of "at prthe apprent" kwame, you weren't planning on running out voting for donald trump. he is a mainstream candidate. has your opinion changed now? >> my opinion hasn't changed. i talked about the show, the toxic ego system that donald trump was creating with rhetoric. lo and behold, we had the boston incident, hispanic homeless gentleman assaulted by two gentlemen based on donald trump's rhetoric. creating the toxic eco system. we need an inclusive leader in america, someone who understands the changing demographics, hispanics becoming majority population in california, need some one who understands two women became the first women to finish the ranger program. women are on the rise and leading in. we need a leader who realizes hispanic americans will be the next great voting block. i think donald trump is not that person. not the person creating
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inclusion. not celebrating diversity. not just a matter of being politically correct, or, or, or divisive, it is a matter of frankly being rude and not understanding. >> kwame, you say that. yet he is gaining on hillary clinton in the polls. he brought thousand and thousand of people showing up to his rallies. his poll numbers are getting higher. hillary clinton's poll numbers are getting lower. so are you sure that you know the words that you are saying just because you deon't like donald trump? >> i don't have anything against him. i am speaking as a citizen. a broke clock can be right twice a day. great that he is doing well. great there is a cap on his support whether among the working class, blue-collar voters, folks with high school education. i always say one leonard skynard concert does not win you an election. god bless the people in mobile. that represents a limited slice
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o demographic of america. >> donald trump its now a serious candidate. i want you to take a listen to what some of the people were saying. >> the next president of the united states! >> thumbs up to donald trump. >> we need a true leader like mr. trump. >> he is literally talking about the things we here in america are all saying at the kitchen table, in our living rooms, at work. everybody is talking about this. because he is actually going to do something for the common americans. >> so, katrina, there you go. they said he is a straight talker. where does his campaign go from here? >> i have said this before. i will say it again. i think he is striking a chord with american people. the numbers reflect that. he is the one candidate that is completely independent from lobbyists and small interest groups and has the best and greatest chance of fixing the political corruption in this, in this country.
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and that's why americans are showing up for him. he addressed it tonight at the rally. he talked about health care. let's face it, our health care system in this country is a disaster. part of the reason it is a disaster is because insurance groups are some of the biggest contributors to campaign fund to politicians. and they're the ones that are winning. the american people are losing. as somebody that has worked with him. >> go ahead. finish your thought. >> go ahead. >> here's what i want to know. >> he is now. >> go ahead. >> sorry about the delay. >> it's okay. >> what he said, he said he doesn't represent women. he doesn't represent minorities. he doesn't represent all of the people. he is not looking out. he doesn't represent the diversity of america. yet still doing well in the polls. people like him. what do you make of that? >> i am an hispanic woman. i like what he is saying.
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i tell you why. he is speaking truth. there is no filter. whereas all these politicians they have an agenda. they're being swayed by special interest groups and lobbyists. we as americans are suffering. if graduation, let's talk about that for instance to. become a legal immigrant in this country it is extremely expensive. i know because my husband is going through it right now. if you are wealthy, sure you can afford to pay for that. but most americans don't have those funds. there is more incentive to come to the country illegally. who suffers, the americans. because we end up paying for those illegal immigrants that come into the country and cannot afford to be here. i come from, from parents that are legal immigrants that came here years and years ago. they did it the right way. i'm speaking as an american. i work with donald trump and believe in what he is saying. as an american. i believe he has the best chance to fix the political corruption. i as an american, am fed up with all these politicians feeding us what we want to hear. then getting into office and not doing anything about it. we as americans are the ones
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that are suffering. that's why i believe he has such a great chance. that's why people are showing up. >> katrina, kwame. stand by. donald trump changing the way politicians run for office. should rivals take a page out of the donald trump playbook? that's next. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things
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let's assume that somebody else becomes president. wouldn't that be horrible? wouldn't that be horrible? let's assume somebody else becomes president. let's assume a very low energy person, very, very low energy, so low energy that every time you watch him you fall asleep. let's say, he said, hillary. yeah, hillary too. so let's say jeb becomes president. not good. not good. breaking news tonight here on cnn. thousand turn out in mobile, alabama at a pep rally for donald trump. joining me is a senior strategist for rick santorum, rick wilson, republican strategist, and a presidential historian. good evening to you, gentlemen. i said earlier, i never thought i would be glued to my television on a friday night watching donald trump and here
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we are. so, john, you know what, you are a campaign guy. you are advising rick santorum who was on cnn earlier today. you know how challenging is it, for santorum, and anyone, if, if they're running against a donald trump? >> it's challenging for all of them. because if nothing else donald trump is, is entertaining. we like watching him. he makes us laugh. the question is should he be president? if you, i'm a republican consultant. if i was running the democrats and you gave me ellen degeres, i could get her the democrat nomination over hillary because she idea logically fits who they are, funny to watch and so forth. not the same as saying he should be president. the other problem he is difficult to attack. we saw that when rand paul, rick perry, lindsey graham tried it. it backfired. this is very challenging for candidates. >> he didn't talk more about
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hillary clinton. he talked more about president obama. >> tonight was a lot of, the usual stuff he does. but i think he believes as a lot of people do that we're in a phase now where hillary clinton may be a declining stock in the market and looking at something else. he is trying to frame up against an opponent, particularly if he knew the audience tonight would be very responsive too because barack obama's numbers throughout the south are, are about as low as they can get mathematically at this point. >> rick, real quickly. i want to ask you this. he talked about doing interviews regularly. he mentioned cnn. he men he mentioned fox. he mentioned msnbc with jeers from the crowd. should other candidates do the same thing if they want to be relevant? >> absolutely. i encouraged two other campaigns to get more engaged in terms of if you are going to be in a spectacle, contest where people
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are playing this by ear and running calling audibles on every play. you have got to be in the game too. be more accessible. start to fill up some of the vacuum trump tends to fill with being on the phone with folks all the time. you have got to also play by the same rules. you have got to let, let marco rubio or rand paul or ted cruz call in not have them only be in the studio or package piece. >> well if they want to call in. they're welcome to call into this show. i want to ask you, douglas. put this in historical context for me. let's listen to the sound bite. he is talking about jeb bush, jeb bush talking about anchor babies. the first time he really took on trump. >> do you regret using the term anchor babies yesterday on radio? >> no, i didn't. i don't. i don't regrit. >> you don't regret it? >> do you have a better term? >> i'm asking you. >> you give me a better term. i will use it. i'm serious. don't yell at me behind my ear
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though. jeez. >> sorry about that. >> language anchor baby is -- >> i think the last time any term that really set people off, i think it was welfare queens. probably more. what do you make of this whole incident in the historical context? >> you think about george wallace with segregation now and segregation forever. plays well with a certain audience. is that the brand the gop wants to have represented. trump did well tonight. >> you think it's on that level though? on the same level as segregation now? >> i do. i think it is basically mexicans go home. the code language what is going
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on with the wall. that's what anchor babies is all about. it is deeply offensive to mexican americans and going to kill the >> there's too much china bashing. basically, it's nativism. it's going to be awful hard for jeb bush to go after him effectively. >> donald trump talking more about immigration. now listen. >> now, you know, when i announced i was running for president, i brought up the subject of illegal immigration. and i took a lot of heat, that i can tell you. rush limbaugh said that was more
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heat than he'd ever seen. they saw that i was right between what happened to san francisco and her family, is such an incredible family. jamile and so many people have been hurt the other day in california last week. a woman, 66 years old, a veteran, was killed. raped, sodomized, tortured and killed by an illegal immigrant. we have to do it. we have to do something. >> so when he brings up immigration, he auoften will brg up crime, as he does there. do you think it's a scare tactic for voters? >> well, you know, first of all, i found it more entertaining that trump took that much credit. at some point, we're going to have to do random drug testing.
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they all think that was the first of topics we've been discussing for a long time. it is not about donald trump. it's about the large number of people who are enthused because they've been greatly disenfranchised. the other thing you eve got to watch out for is his 15 minutes of frame, people like bush and others have decided they're going to wrab it up and go right after trump. as far as i'm concerned, the real race is now beginning. >> douglas, history will show, but isn't it the people who are upset and who are more angry and who feel that they have something more to fight for? doeb don't those people often go out and vote more so than the people in power? >> well, it's true.
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donald trump is bottling up lightning. remember when ross perot got 19% of the vote in 1992 gebs e against bush and clinton. i think don trump is atracting a lot of independence. he gives her a great speech, but it's a proob e problem for the republican party because he alienates so many people that right-hand turn part of the hard right. imdoi >> i go any after mccain and romney, the republican party demanding that they have a player in the game. it's been trump or cruise e yruz. >> i think he's still on the clock. i think this is going to be a
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test between republican party that believes in conservative or nativism. >> thank you, jentle men, have a good weekend. coming up next, the stump for trump girls are as fired up as ever. there tler e they are. they're on next. they're on next. when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage. the plan people stick with.
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the mogul who wants to be your next president taking the campaign by storm. and my next guests are trump fans taking youtube by storm. >> everybody is so upset with donald. he said we may have to depart the children, too. when people get locked up here in this country,er in separated from their children. why rbt people out rage about that? listen. you will have to bust this truth open. clean house. kwlooen house.
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. >> did you watch tonight? what did you think of the rally. >> we did watch the rally tonight. but, like, his stance on immigration. we can no longer have illegal imgrabts and leaving mesh people hold on to the bread. we can no longer have people free loadsing. we gov everything he spoke about immigration. also, making this country rich and again. and gerguson, dun therings u thulgd have jobs today: >> oh, most definitely. yes, yes:


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