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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 21, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> you call that ovulating? you're a loser. >> reporter: this baby is a winner after being egged on to give donald trump lip. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> sincerest form of flattery. thank you for joining us. and "ac 360" starts now. good evening. john berman here sitting in for anderson. a lot happening now from markets plunging on wall street to a pair of u.s. service members stepping into the line of fire and stopping a terrorist gunman from committing mass murder aboard a speeding train in france. the latest on that, and more, just ahead right now though. there is this. we are waiting for donald trump to speak in his biggest venue yet. a football stayed yul in mobile, alabama. his arrival honestly, an event in itself. complete with a flyover from his private boeing 757. you can see it right there. one local papers ran a front
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page story today about the rally. headlined it trump stumping in mobile, but why? well, pictures like this is why. on the other hand though, look at this. a less than full house at the venue. that could be problem attic for this giant salesman. the trump campaign says they got upwards of 40,000 rsvps for the event. does that look like 40,000 people. looks like a lot fewer at this moment. still it is a big crowd. larger it seems than any trump event so far. but not the 40,000-plus. this rally was originally slate ford a much smaller venue then a larger one. finally ended up here at the big football stadium. ryan nobles is there. ryan just a few minutes away from the rally. what's the mood there right now? >> well, john you can hear right now the national anthem is booing subeing sung. crowd have stopped trickling in.
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they will fall short about the 40,000. the people here are energized and enthused to see donald trump. spoke to a lot of people waiting in line. some as early as 6:00 this morning. they said they're here because they believe donald trump can win the presidency and should be the next president of the united states. john, you know, this originally was scheduled in a venue that seats 1,200. then one that seats 10,000. before moving it here to the football stadium. certainly more than would have fit in the 10,000 seat arena. they will fall short of the goal of 40,000, it looks this is the biggest event donald trump has held or any republican up to this point. >> ryan nobles for us right there. not 40,000. maybe more than 10,000. but certainly something. the optics of a lot of empty seats maybe not what the campaign wants. ryan noebbles, thank you.
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it could begin any moment. we'll go to it the minute it starts. jind jeffrey lord, white house political director in the reagan administration, and amanda carpenter, and anna navaro, a jeb bush supporter and close friend of marco rubio. not as much of a supporter there. pretty close. amanda, i want to start with you. look this is a beg crowd. that is a good picture right there of all of the people who will be standing behind donald trump when he speaks any minute from now. what we have also seen this picture with a lot of empty space there. is this perhaps the sign of a candidate who doesn't have a traditional political organization, does not have a traditional advance team? >> here is the thing. i think most of the candidates would be pleased wit a crowd of 20,000. this is probably a smaller thing. i think it's important to look at why donald trump is in a place like alabama on a friday night. this shows he is considering a
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strong post early state strategy for the sec primary that will take place ten days after the south carolina polls close. on that date, eight southern states will vote. those votes will be worth 356 delegates. this shows he think there is going to be a long primary race. other candidates in the southern states, ted cruz on a 22 city tour last week. it shows candidates are bracing for something that is going to go beyond, iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. >> anna navaro, what's going on here also, little campaigning. seeing it from jeb bush supporters, his super pac. they flew a plane that was dragging a banner a few minutes ago. it said trump for higher taxes. jeb for president. is this part of the, you know, the shift from jeb being the joyful tortoise to the snapping turtle? jeb bush campaign now getting active and interactive with donald trump? >> you know i am so through with
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the turtle metaphor. i am going for the florida panther. i think when you have an issue you, you embrace it. i think you know, what he is doing right now is embracing this dual narrative the press has created with donald trump. it's a good thing for jeb bush. because all we have been talking about for the last couple of days and all over the media is this duel between jeb bush and donald trump. there is 15 other people running. nobody is mentioning them. i think jeb, getting testy. getting feisty. fighting back. talking about donald trump's record. which is not conservative. contrasting it with his. which is a very conservative record as a governor. is a very good tactic. it's a smart tactic for jeb bush. >> if i may, quickly. jeffrey will have something sig and a half can't to say. jeb bush has a lot of ground to make up. he should be spending the dollars, defining himself to
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voters before spending time on trump. >> jeffrey, i should tell you right now. we just got -- >> ana, hang on, we got word donald trump has arrived in the parking lot. elvis is near the building if you will. jeffrey lord. i want to go to you, jeffrey. earlier today i spoke to mitt romney's former deputy campaign manager. the people are going to this event is like going to the circus, the circus is in town. does that really matter. if he is putting 20 t may not be 30 t. 40,000. if he is putting 30,000 in the stadium does it matter why why they're there? >> no, i think they are there. listening to the show, earlier, earlier, cnn show, people were being interviewed they said they want to see him elected president. i think that's why they're there. he is drawing the crowd. this is a good thing for him. i must say i am somewhat amused at the jeb bush banner there, donald trump wants to raise taxes. jeb bush as i distinctly recall,
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endorsed his father breaking the tax pledge in the 1990s. and raising taxes. jeb bush said he did the right thing. i am a little amused at that. >> amanda. i will ask you to referee. >> wait a minute. you should also be amused at the fact when he was governor for eight years. he lowered taxes in florida every single year. never once lower than in florida. start judging jeb bush by his record. he has his own record to stand with. if he didn't have a record. yeah, go ahead judge him for his brother. for his father. let's judge jeb for jeb. he's got a record. he's earned it. judge him for good, bad, ugly, pretty, for what he has done not what anybody else has done. >> amanda. i want-up to referee now. anna made the claim that it looks good for jeb to be in this battle right now. she likes the good aggressive jeb bush. mixing it up with donald trump. we are not talking the 14 other people. in the race right now. but you know -- is jeb bush
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being raised up into a battle with donald trump or being lowered down? into a battle with donald trump? >> i think he is being lowered down as a governor. a governor should talk his executive record, his status, you know what he has been able to do for florida voters. instead he is getting in the mud with donald trump. get in the mud with donald trump. make it a reality show. guess what. donald trump is going to win. what i do think is good for everyone in the republican party. is the fact that republicans are expanding the map. the south is going to have more of a voice in this election. we never faced a more vulnerable democratic nominee potentially than hillary clinton. we have the chance to elect a strong conservative. the fact that everyone is going new states. recruiting more activists, more fund raising is a net good for the republican party that wants to win in 2016. >> jeffrey lord, waiting again. just moments away. probably less from donald trump take the podium and addressing this crowd there. you know, the crowd, there are people. we don't have an exact crowd
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count there. this is a stadium that seats 40,000 people. it's not full. i do want to pose this question as we are looking at this picture right now. does this show that donald trump doesn't have the advance staff that maybe he will get. it's not there right now. to make sure the optics are optimal? >> yeah, i think that all of, all of the outsider candidates who hold office, donald trump, carly fiorina, ben carson. they're new at this. even donald trump who is doing gang busters here in the polls and the crowd. certainly supply the physical substance yags of the numbers in the cnn polls. it's a tough deal to put together these campaigns. particularly if you have never run one yourself. i think they'll get the hang of this. they'll get on with it and get the job done. i think they have done a remarkable job. this has become a phenomenon here. and i'm sure that they faced some challenges in getting this
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together i think they are getting their act together here. it will show. and again, frankly, john, i don't think, i don't think that the people, you know, the john mccain thing, the megyn kelly thing. viewers and voters out there are looking at these things saying not relevant to me. what's relevant is my job, the economy, that sort of thing. that's why they, they like donald trump. >> anna, we are looking at this crowd. we don't have an exact crowd count, more than 10,000, 15,000. jeb bush would die to have a crud li crowd like that. >> so would hillary clinton. >> barack obama. president obama couldn't fill a stadium look thike that right n. >> there is absolutely no question that the crowd is very impressive on its own. now, you know if they were seasoned in politics what they would have done is be in a smaller vn to where they would have an overflow crowd. we would be talking not about
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empty seat but the overflow crowd and people making, snaking a line around the building. that being said, you can't deny. it is a very strong showing for donald trump. i think people find him appealing. i think people find him entertaining. i think people find him engaging. and, you know, and i think, they think that it is a great spectacle. it's look, the circus. greatest show on earth. >> all the. amman dashgs jeffrey, anna. stick around. enough on the optics. enough on the pregame. what's important is what donald trump says when he takes the stage. that will ham pen just minutes from now. we bring tight you right ahead. in study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. donald trump holding a stadium-sized rally in mobile, alabama. this is the venue. he just arrived in the parking lot moments ago. we'll bring you his remarks the minute they get started. they'll begin very, very shortly. back with us now, our panel, anna navaro, jeffrey lord, amanda carpenter. jeffrey, you are the one most supportive of donald trump. you are the one most supportive of donald trump in the group. what's a donald trump speech to a stadium-sized crowd? what does he need to say?
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>> well he will be his usual informal self. i expect he will talk immigration. talk about the country. he'll talk about, i know he thinks this is a serious moment. becoming a serious moment in american history. where basically the country is an open rebellion against the political establishment. in both parties. bernie sanders included. sure that he will probably talk about that. he is very good at this. he is getting polished. i heard some one say he is beginning to look presidential. i think he is beginning to shed the image of the reality talk star and looking more like the guy between two flags we always seen official settings. >> amanda, you are smiling at that. do you think it is actually true? do you think donald trump has changed? as a followup, do you think he should? >> i'm smiling as a former speech writer, i love predicting
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what people are going to say and what they should say. i think we expect him to talk about illegal immigration. but also he has been pairing talk about mexico with china. and how the policies undermine the american worker. which i think is very interesting and appealing to union democrats. if i was advising him now. i would ask him to mention and praise the two u.s. marines who stopped the potential shooter in paris today. i would also ask him. >> good point. >> discussing the tumbling dow market. i love it when candidates seize on current events to show why they would be a good commander-in-chief. >> anna, looking at pictures again of the rally. at the stadium. south florida their team plays, the godaddy bowl. as we have been watching more and mr. have trickled in. maybe not the 40,000 the trump campaign suggested they might get. still a really big crowd by
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primary campaign standards. anna navaro, not even at labor day yet. it does feel like the campaign has been going on for a long time. do you have a sense of what republican primary voters want to hear about is it the things discussed at length. is it immigration that dominated the debate? >> i think, i think different voters want to listen to different things. there is a tremendous diversity of thought right now within the republican party. a whole spectrum of voters. what people are going to hear from donald trump today what you always hear from donald trump. you are going to hear him tell us. he is rich. you are going to hear him say he wrote "are the of the deal." you will hear him say he was smart. he want to wharton school of finance. attack george bush. say marco rubio has bad hair. say that rand paul is short. but the beautiful thing about donald trump is that he is consistently entertaining. i think one of the things that
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might happen to him, he might suffer from overexposure because, you know, i could give a donald trump speech right now. nabisco, nabisco just moved, its factory to mexico. let's boycott oreos, carl icahn. i can call carl, he will look at the deal with china. he is going to get it done. listen, we all know what he is going to say. he says it every time he is in front of a podium. >> anna, i would say to go see anna deliver a donald trump speech. jeffrey hang on. >> i'm not sure i could do the hair. >> hang on. >> i could try real hard. >> the hair would be a problem. >> i want to go back to ryan nobles right now at the stadium. where we are awaiting donald trump to take the stage any moment. ryan, it has filled in some. we can hear the music. we have seen the enthusiasm in the crowd. what's the latest from the scene there? >> well, yeah, john. pretty interesting moment. not too long ago. that's when a state
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representative in alabama who represents his district, state capital of mont gum year he endorsed donald trump to a raucous response here from the crowd. his name is ed henry. so there has been a few people that have come up to speak that have put their support behind donald trump. which the crowd has been receptive to. but for the most part people are getting antsy. they have been waiting some time for donald trump to come out. he hasn't yet. we know he is here. his motorcade arrived 30 minutes ago, some where in that range. since then playing loud music with a few speakers sprinkled in between. said the pledge of allegiance. sang the national anthem. other than that no word on exactly when trump is going to come out. but i have to say there is still a lot of energy here. people are excited to be here. you know, the stadium has stopped filling up at this point. so this is, as big as the crowd is going to get. it will fall short of the 40,000 people that the trump campaign said was going to be here. still a pretty impressive and
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energized crowd at this point. john. >> listening to aerosmith's "dream on" as we speak. ryan nobles in the crowd there at mobile alabama. amanda carpen tar, i want to address something ryan brought up there. donald trump got the endorsement of a state representative in alabama. as donald trump continues to leaden the polls across the nation, and in key primary states, is this something that you think we will see more of? because up until this point you haven't seen the traditional endorsement rollouts that you see with leading candidates. >> there has been nothing traditional about donald trump. certainly, to go there and see, mobile, alabama is a small town. i think roughly population of 200,000. to see a crowd like this on a friday night would certainly be impressive. keep in mind these are voters that aren't used to being courted. a lot of excitement there that hasn't been there before. because there is always so much focus on iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. they want the race to be over by
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now. for the first people in alabama feel look they have a voice. i can see there is an eagerness to endorse a candidate coming there and giving them some love. >> i remembered four years ago prit marry didened up mattering in the race between rick santorum and mitt romney as they went state to state as the the primary campaign moved on. jeffrey lord, what about you? does donald trump want endorsements from politicians at this point? on the one hand you want as much support as you can get. on the other hand i'm not connected to the machine here, there or anywhere. >> i think what's interesting about this the endorsements when they come they will come from the bottom up. people like the state legislator are going to be feeling the pressure from their constituents. i can tell you a quick story. we had a special election for the legislature here in my area, central pennsylvania. and the candidate, republican candidate who eventually within, said to me that when he went door to door to talk state issues, the governor's budget,
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that sort of thing. everybody wanted to know where he stood on donald trump. he was truly amazed. this was a month ago. he was truly amazed at this. so i am suggesting here that this is sort of inverting the traditional model here. where instead of candidates endorsing at the top and thinking you are going to get that will filter down. if the's coming the other way. and candidates and office holders will respond when they hear from their constituents. >> anna navaro, if you are still with us. i want to go back to the banner being flown over the stadium a while ago. that said donald trump for higher taxes. jeb for president. there was a tweet. picture tweeted out. my mike murphy you and i beth know is running the super pac with $100 million that, that is in support of jeb bush right now. so to me what this says, anna is that jeb bush supporters like yourself, like mike murphy have been thinking seriously over the last few days about how to deal
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with donald trump. that it is an issue of great concern at this moment. am i wrong? >> i'm not sure it is an issue of big concern. >> anna, hang on one second. i think we are looking at the man in the red hat right there. small in my picture. moving his arms. i think it is donald trump. there on stage. let's watch and let's listen. ♪ sweet home alabama where our skies are smooth ♪ ♪ sweet home alabama
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>> "sweet home alabama" right now. donald trump at the podium right now. >> unbelievable. unbelievable. thank you. it's so beautiful. you know now i know how the great billy graham felt. because this is the same feeling. we love billy graham. we love billy graham. you know this all started -- we had a hotel. we were going to have 250, 300 people. the hotel was great. they said something is happening here. we can't hold this. this is crazy what is going on. and then, we want to the convention center and they can have 10,000 people. and we are all set. we are excited. the next day they said too many people we can't put them in. so we came here. we came here.
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you know, today if you notice we have a stock market not doing so well. we have a country not doing so well. we have been saying it for a long time. we have politicians other than the few politicians that are with us tonight. we'll exclude them. but we have politicians that don't have a clue. they're all talk, they're no action. what's happening to this country is disgraceful. and you know when i announce that i was running for president, i brought up, i brought up the subject of illegal immigration. and i took a lot of heat that i can tell you. rush limbaugh actually said incoming. he got more incoming than anybody i have ever seen. and two weeks later everybody
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was apologizing to me they saw that i was right. between what happened in san francisco, to, to incredible kate and her family, such an incredible family. and jameel and so many people people have been so badly hurt. the other day in california, last week, a woman, 66 years old, a veteran, was killed, raped, sod mitzed, tortured and killed. by an illegal immigrant. we have to diet. we have to do something. we have to do something. so we are going to talk. we are going to have a lot of fun. the weather is a little dicey. that is okay. who cares, if it rains, right? right? you know if it rains i will take off my hat and i will prove -- i'll prove -- i'll prove once and for all that it's mine. okay.
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so we are going to talk about a lot of different subjects. it's nice, friday night. what the heck, right? what's better? what's better? what people. the people that built this country. that's what we have here. i mean the people that built the country. great people. so we'll start with a little talk on the illegal immigration, what's going on, we've got to stop it. we are going to build a wall. and it is going to be -- you know it is amazing. the politicians ten years ago, 15 years ago. they all wanted a wall. but it never went. it never happened. because somebody didn't want it. probably a lobbyist. all these guys like bush and like hillary clinton they're all taking -- i don't know if you
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know -- [ audience booing ] when hillary has $60 million, when jeb bush -- when jeb bush who is totally in favor of common core, weak on immigration right? very weak on immigration. wants to let people come in. although now he is using anchor baby. you know he put out a memo, you can not use anchor baby. now because i used it. he is using it. politicians. but when they have in his case $114 million. in hillary's case she has $60. i don't know she will make it to the gate, what do you think? i don't know. i'm not sure that she is making it to the gate. some bad things came out today, you know those classified, you know the word, classified. you know, they have destroyed general petraeus over less.
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and nothing seems to be happening here. so it will be very interesting to see what happens ultimately. but we have right now, and i just got these numbers to dee. i said what are they? 7.5% of all of the births in this country are illegal immigrants. okay. we can't afford it. and they're supposed to stay. i turned out to be right. the 14th amendment. i had these guys, you can't change the 14th amendment. it will take so long. that i agree. but you know what? an act of congress. the 14th amendment, i was right on it. you can do something with it. and you can do something fast. you can do something fast. so we have 300,000 babies a year. 300,000 that you have to take care of. we all have to take care of. and you know, in the case of other countries, including
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mexico, they don't do that. it doesn't work that way. you don't walk over the border for one day and all of a sudden we have another american citizen. it doesn't work that way. mexico doesn't do it. other places don't do it. very few places do it. we're the only place just about that's stupid enough to do it. so i decide to run, i have gotten an amazing reception. we have to say, has this been crazy? man. i mean -- it's been wild. i'm a nonpolitician. the other day i served jury duty, right? i told you, they had occupation. i refused to put down politician. but i will say this -- we have a great politician here. we have a man here who really
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helped me. he was the one person i sought his counsel because he has been so spot-on. he is so highly respected. has anybody ever heard of senator jeff sessions? huh? jeff, come up. where is jeff. get over here, jeff. look at him. he is like 20 years old. unbelievable guy. just say hello. come here, jeff. just say hello. >> donald, welcome to my home town, mobile, alabama. the american people, these people, want somebody in the
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presidency who stands up for them. the things they're interested in and the laws and traditions of this country. we welcome you here. thank you for the work that you put into the immigration issue. i am really impressed with your plan. i know it will make a difference. and this crowd shows a lot of people agree with that. congratulations! welcome, and god bless. >> thank you, jim. he was so great. such a help. so i go around and i see so many people. and i have been treat sewed well by the people. and you know, we're leading in every poll. we are leading in just about every state. including alabama. we're leading in florida. can you believe it?
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and were's leading big in florida. and you know it is really amazing. i said well, florida, i love florida. a great place. great. but florida we have a governor and we have a sitting senator and i'm killing them. explain that? obviously they're not doing a very good job. because that shouldn't be happening. but we are winning in florida, pennsylvania, iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, north carolina, texas. and then -- nationally we're, we're just absolutely way ahead of everybody else. in fact, you know if this were another country, we could maybe call for an expedited election right. i would love that. i would look to have tike to ha election tomorrow. i don't want to wait.
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the reason i think we see this receptive tee. -- receptivity. i know the game better an thaen body else. >> we just loss the segal of donald trump speaking in mobile, alabama. to a raucous crowd of, of big supporters there. in that southern state. we just saw a lot. let me run through some of the things we just saw. number one, donald trump took the stage to "sweet home alabama." you are watching him now. having a hard time getting the awedy back. got right into the immigration discussion. he took shots at jeb bush. shots at hillary clinton. had the sitting alabama senator, republican jeff sessions come up and say nice things about him at the podium. he called for an expedited election. let's listen to what he is saying right now. we have the audio back. >> can i do that?
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you know, because i built a great business the i feel sort of stupid. i say i dent want yoon't want y. can i take it, please. i promise i went do anything for him. i said i dent waon't want your . when you come to me in two years, i'm not doing it, unless it is good and will make america great again. i think i will rethink that. i think we should take a lot of money. are we allowed to give it to charity. just take it. just take it. so what happens is -- these guys come up. and i'm lucky, you know, everybody says he is never going to run. okay. you know that, right? and my wife actually said, you know if you -- she knows me pretty well. and she also sees the reaction. for a long time whether it is trump "the art of the deal" which obama and kerry obviously did not read when they did this
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crazy deal with iran. oh, look. the "art of the deal." give me that book. i love that book. you know i said the other day. it sort of played pretty well. that is my second. help her over here. help her over here. that is my -- give me that book. give me that. there is all way the "art of the deal." >> donald trump getting a copy of his book "the art of the deal" right there. maybe he is going to sign it. maybe keep it. who knows. anything could happen at this point. based on what we have seen. he has been focussing on his business successes, focusing on immigration right away. next, we'll focus more on that, how the other candidates and the republican field are using his hot button use of the term anchor babies in this campaign. we'll be right back.
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visit to learn more. donald trump holding a rally in a stadium in mobile, alabama. let's listen in. >> we defend japan. we have an agreement with japan if somebody attacks japan we have to come to their rescue. but if we get attacked japan
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doesn't have to help us. do you think that's a good deal? that is sort of like sergeant bergdahl, no, no, the traitor. i call president obama the five for one president, we get sergeant bergdahl, the traitor, six people at laeast we know of six people were killed trying to got this guy back. six people went after him. they wanted to get him back. so we get sergeant bergdahl and they get five people they desperately wanted for years that are right now back on the battlefield trying to kill everybody including us. how stupid are we? how stupid are we? and, you know the reason we have crowds. and no matter where i go. the other night we were in new hampshire. we had some, new hampshire was so incredible. the crud y the crowd you saw it. every time i go on television.
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it has the to be live. it's live. i said can i have a rest, please. tonight it's live on fox. who likes fox? i like fox. it's live on cnn. who likes cnn? this is going to be -- it's live on msnbc, right? well they're still working. they're still working. but i said how come it always has to be live. why don't they just kecover be like everybody else. every time i speak it has to be live. it's ridiculous. it is okay. we have to suffer with it. look, the reason i have this incredibly, really incredible enthusiasm. i appreciate you with the weather and heat and everything else. the reason i have it is because i do know what i'm doing. and i don't say that in
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bragadocious way, you guys are looking for somebody who knows what he is doing. thank you, darling. i am going to sign her book. i have to get her the hell out of here. she is so beautiful. i said it the other night. my second favorite book of all time. what my first favorite book? the bible. the bible. and as much as i love "the art of the deal." it's not even close. we take the bible all the way, right? okay. thanks. so i was saying, so they said i wasn't going to run. he's never going to run. never going to run. he is just having fun. just a good time. his brand. lick i care my brand. at this point. you know my brand.
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i mean i lose gutless macy's because i said about illegal immigration. they dropped my brand. i'm supposed to be. they're gutless. they're all gutless. i have to sue univision. my poor miss universe people. these beautiful women, some are girls. these beautiful women. i've get dropped by think of it. you have these magnificent that work all their life to be in the miss usa contest and two weeks before the contest nbc and univision drop. because they thought my tone was a little bit strong. and it turned out i was right. so here's the good news. i sued them both. and i mean in the case of univision, i sued them for $500 million. i want that money. i want that money. so i actually put it on the other day. miss usa, i put it on. it was only fair to the people.
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we had it on a small network. it was fine. who would do that. all because they want to be so politically correct. they've called, said we'll get it back on soon. we'll get it back on soon. in the case of a couple they said trump loses nascar. it was all over the world. a friend of mine called. because i opened with a strong statement. meaning, illegal immigration, got to solve the problem. so all over one day. it was nascar. trump loses nascar. i said i don't have a deal with nascar. it turned out, it turned out, that i lost nascar, you know what they did. they rented a ballroom at trump doral. they had a ballroom. by the way i kept their deposit and rented it to somebody else. the next day, i didn't even know i had a deal with them. turned out they had a ballroom in one of my places, doral. the next espn sefers ties with
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trump. espn. i had friend called me from paris. a great businessman. too bad what happened to espn. a golf outing at one of my courses in los angeles. can you believe it this is my big deal. this was all over the world. i mean the press, i don't know maybe they didn't get it. maybe they don't get it. i was very disappointed with macy's shirts and ties. not a big deal. but they heard there are going to be three pickets in front of the store. we're going to have pickets. i said look in two hours they will be gone. >> listening to donald trump talking various business ventures, his book, his hotel thousands, he talked about knowing what he is doing. although he says he is not bragging. he did begin this speech though, talking about illegal immigration within the first minute. that he took the stage. he kept on coming back to it. yes he has used the word that have caused controversy, used the words anchor babies to describe the children of illegal immigrants born in the united states. those words have been causing, i
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would say indi jegestion with t republican party, focusing on things many, in the party establishment do not want to talk about this. the issue, embrace the word. risk offending latinos or denounce them and lose a chunk of the republican base for caving as donald trump is accusing them of. caving to political correctness. donald trump weighing in with jeb bush and recently ted cruz. >> a very big question as to the anchor babies. you mean it is not politically correct. yet everybody uses it. give me a different term. i will to the word an car baby. excuse me, i use the word an car baby. >> do you regret using the term anchor babies yesterday on radio? >> no, i didn't. i don't regret it. do you have a better term? >> i'm asking you. >> you give me a better term. i well use it. i'm serious. >> there its nothing that the press likes more than a side show on some politically correct
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debate. who cares. what people care about is solve the problem. i'll tell you if i am elected president, the federal government will secure the borders. >> senator ted cruz there. governor bush is in the middle of a war of word with donald trump about whether or not he was against using the term before he embraced it. he did not seem comfortable being asked about it. marco rubio distanced himself from the phrase altogether. back now with us, anna navaro, jeffrey lord and raul reyes who wrote an opinion piece for, sorry, jeb, anchor babies is a slur. we'll explain that. explain to me why you think anchor babies in your word is a disgusting slur? >> for a few reasons. it's inaccurate. based on two myths if undocumented people come to the country, cross over the border illegally they have a child that this child can anchor the family here and grant them citizenship
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or sponsorship. it doesn't work that way. we know that bah department of homeland security deported something like 73,000 parents of u.s. citizen children in 2013. second of all based on a myth not substantiated by any data. women are rushing over the border to have a child. again not substantiated by data. the cdc looked at the phenomenon of foreign residents having children here. they come up to 7,000 a year. that's not how we got to a population of 11 million undocumented people. there is a myth. that's the myth that are underpinning this term. the reason it offend, offensive to so many latinos it is tagging people, children, american citizens with a label based on a huge assumption about what we think their parents immigration status is. it's not necessarily just something that, a partisan thing. this is something that one of the, alfonzo agullar, leading voice denounced. marco rubio said children should be called human beings.
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it's not a partisan issue. just an issue of respecting our constitution. respecting the 14th amendment. moving away from this hate speech. that has consequences. >> you defended jeb bush his use in a way saying he was referencing the phrase or use of the phrase rather than necessarily introducing it himself. nevertheless he did use it. i want to know in a vacuum. do you find the phrase anchor baby to be offensive, anna? >> you know, john i will tell you the truth. i really am not very familiar with the term. i live in miami which is a little bit different than maybe other parts of the united states when it comes to how hispanics are treated. the bottom line is we are the majority, we are the establishment here. i don't hear that word anchor baby here. i have heard it now within the political spectrum. and i, you know, i understand it is offensive. i don't like the term. it's not a term i use. i will tell you i have known jeb bush over 20 years.
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if i thought jeb was using that term on the radio as a slur, if i thought jeb was using it as his own word, i would have an issue with it. he wasn't. he was using it as a term of reference. how many times have we heard african-americans use the n word. not as their own words, but as a term of reference. so i think, you know, let's put it in context. he wasn't embracing the word. he was, he said, the word as anchor babies as they are referred to. not a word i want to use. i wish we weren't having this conversation. >> he did say if you have a better term. give it to me. i will use it. >> jeffrey lord, donald trump, you are supportive of. used the phrase again tonight. used it repeatedly. i do not suspect he will stop using it any time in the near future. it may well be that people in the crud tonight. some of the people in the crud tonight believe that it's --
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flying in the face of political correctness and that is a good thing. however, if donald trump does become the nominee of the republican party -- if that does happen. don't you think the use of this phrase will alienate some voters that he will need in the general election? >> voters that are alienated by that are predisposed to be alienated. donald trump is not alone. ben carson has gone down the road with political correctness. senator cruz has. i think senator cruz had it exactly right. this is a side show. this is really about political correctness. if we are going to be running through all of american society. you can't say this. can't say that. over here. this is exactly one of the things that has final lel just reached a boiling point here. i think with a large part of the public. that they're just tired of it all. they see this, i mean this goes well beyond anchor babies. you can pick all of, any number of things.
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black lives matter. you are not supposed to say something else. governor o'malley said that white lives matter and he was accused of being insensitive. this is political correctness that is the problem. i think governor bush was well within his rights to say it. i think anybody is well within their rights to say. it i think we ought to get over it and move on. it is a side show. >> raul, address two issues for me. is it everly politically correct to be concerned? and two, do you buy the argument that jeb bush wasn't using the term except in reference to its use? >> well, first of it is not being overly politically correct. as a point of reference yesterday we saw an alleged hate crime in boston where two guys attacked a homeless man who was hispanic. in their statement to the police officer they referenced donald trump said he is right about illegals being in the country part of their statement. we see the consequences of this team of hate speech. derogatory terms. they ripple throughout the population. what has happened to jeb bush, unfortunately. this is an extreme term. this is traditionally always
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been a derogatory term. he is bringing it into the mainstream. jeb bush may have used it in a particular context. but to the question that he posed to the reporter and said, what else should i call these children? he can call them american citizen. he can call them children. he can call them babies. a serious misstep on his part. given his family ties to the latino community. this would well haunt him in a general election the way we saw mitt rm knomney's comment. >> let me ask you about the incident that raul brought up. the people in boston who were arrest ford beating an immigrant who said they were inspired by donald trump, or at least said donald trump was right. donald trump has come out and tweeted he is outraged by the fact that it happened. initially, initially when asked, the tweet right there. boston incident is terrible we need energy and passion but must treat each other with respect. i would never condone such acts.
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>> he said it was a shame but my supporters are very passionate. they want america to be great again. what does it say to you that even in passing that donald trump's first response is that the idea of wanting america to be great again could ever involve beating up anybody. >> oh, john, i don't think that's even close to the truth. but i, i would -- i would say this. let me give you a similar incident. we all know a few months ago we had a shooting in charleston south carolina. a young man went into a black church. killed nine people. he was a supporter of segregation. the underpinning of the democratic party for decades and decade. i didn't hear an apology from the chairman of the democratic national committee. i deidn't hear people saying it is all the fault of the democratic party. the people who do these things are responsible for their actions. >> no doubt.
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>> not donald trump, et cetera. so i just think this is -- >> this type of discussion. we know that when we look at fbi data for last year. hate crimes against latinos and hispanics were tripled from years before. so this type of, these type of words. they have an effect in our society. they're already derailing to a certain extent, jeb bush's message. and believe ultimately it will boomerang back on donald trump as well. >> jeffrey? >> well, i just -- >> let me just -- >> i don't agree with that. whatever governor bush's strengths or weaknesses are this is not one of them. >> you know what, ana navarro, we will stop for a second. we'll come right back.
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>> donald trump on stage in mobile, alabama. let's listen for a bit more. >> and i say, let's assume that somebody else becomes president. wouldn't that be horrible? wouldn't that be horrible. let's assume somebody else becomes president. let's assume a very low energy
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person, very, very low energy, so low energy that every time you watch him you fall asleep. but let's say -- >> donald trump not low energy. that does it for us. we'll be back at 11:00. and "cnn tonight" starts right now. it is 9:00 p.m. east coast, 8:00 p.m. in mobile, alabama. where donald trump is speaking to a crowd of thousands. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. let's listen. >> call the head of ford. mr. president. we want to build it. well we don't want it built the next day or hour we will get a call from the lobbyists and the special interests and the donors they're going to say, hey, jeb. we gave you $8 million of your $120 million that you raised. we gave you $8 million. we want that thing done. you can't do that to our people. oh, well, okay. i'll approve it. it's going to get done