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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  August 16, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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they held the final hearing in a secret trial. they expected a verdict announcement possible low monday or tuesday and we hope to bring you idea news next week. he is one of 221 journalists imprisoned while doing their job in 2014. stay tuned. state of the union starts right now. >> arriving in style. donald trump drops boo the iowa state fair in his helicopter and leaves more insults in his wake. >> when a $55 million to jeb, he will do whatever they want. he's their puppet. >> can anyone slow trump down. i will ask mike huckabee. and john saysic. the come from behind candidate is surging. is he giving jeb bush heartburn.
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biden for president? we go into the democratic draft movement. why the left is hungry for a hillary alternative. we have insights from the campaign trail. >> i'm dana barb in washington woochlt ve a lot of politics to get to, but first breaking news. a missing indonesian plane with 54 passenger aboard has been found. a plane crashed into a mountain. the air service flight lost contact with air traffic control about 30 minutes into the flight. let's go straight to cnn's david who has the latest. what do we know about what caused the crash? >> dana, a lot of information coming in. it is the middle of the night. we assume dozens of family
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members awaiting the word of the fate of their loved ones. this is a remote and rugged region, the center of the province on the other side of indonesia. a vast country withed thousands of islands. mountains top out above 10,000 or even 13,000 feet. difficult communication-wise and rescuers. they are waiting until first light, a few hours from now to get the people there. what this is doing is raising questions once again about the state of the aviation industry in terms of oversight and in terms of training and maintenance. you remember that flight back in december when 162 people lost their lives. >> thank you so much for that report. appreciate it. we turn back to the state of the union here in the u.s. which this morning is deep fried. the presidential race decamped to des moines for the iowa state
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fair where the candidates competed for attention and affection with corn dogs. republican front-runner donald trump arrived in his helicopter and offered a free ride to the kids. not before jabbing his rival, jeb bush. >> i don't know if you saw his recent statement. he said the united states has to prove to iraq we have skin in the game. we spent $2 trillion and thousands of lives lost and wounded warriors who i love all over the place. he said we have to prove we have skin in the game. i think it may be one of the dumbest statements i have ever burden. >> trump is as he nevery tires of pointing out leading in the polls. he tops the field in iowa. when it comes to the question of who iowa republicans think best represents their values. near the top is mike huckabee who joins me live. thanks for coming in. i want to start with yesterday's
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appearance by trump. the spectacle on his helicopter and giving rides for kids. i spent time with you in 2008 when you won by doing it the old fashioned way. ground politicians and a has trump changed the game, sir? >> i don't think so. donald trump is a phenomena and he is doing very well. i don't have a helicopter and i don't know that any of the other candidates will. we are organizing the old fashioned way. we organized 71 of the counties. in south carolina there 46 counties and we organized in 32. we visited over half of the countries in each of the early primary states. we understand this is like a nascar race, this 200 laps. we are maybe in lap number 10. we have a long way to go before anyone will see a checkered flag. you win by organizing and building structure in the
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counties. it's not how many headlines you get, it's how many voters show up at the caucuses and the primaries. >> you do have an organizing team in iowa and south carolina, but do you think that is the way things are going to happen? donald trump, yes, i understand it's early and maybe some of this polling will be because he is different and is a celebrity and all that, but this could be the kardashianization of the caucuses. >> it could be, but i want to salute donald trump. he is a master at branding. there is no one like him. he's alone in his class at being able to get attention. the latest survey showed that he is getting ten times the press coverage than any other candidate. i will be clear with you. you give me ten times the coverage than any other gets, i will be leading in the polls. at this stage of the game, the
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polls don't reflect where things end up and otherwise we would have rudy juliana and michele bachmann four years ago. that's why we are not in a panic. we are doing what we have to do and it has been helpful to have done this before. we are organizing and building this one block at a time like a lego set. you have to put the pieces together one at a time. >> governor, you are from arkansas. that's where you served. you are familiar with the clintons. donald trump said monica lewinsky, paula jones and other women involved with bill clinton are fair game against hillary clinton. do you agree? >> i don't know that we have to go there because there is plenty about hillary's record that gives us all the ammunition we need. i understand the clintons and i fought against their political machine every time i was on the ballot. that's what a lot of republicans have not figured out when we say
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who can we put up against hillary. only one person who effectively and successfully and repeatedly challenged the machine and that's me. >> so stay away? >> that's not necessary. he is not on the ballot. hillary is. >> that's true. >> there will be things she will have to answer for. what happened the night of ben gazay and what about the e-mails and what about the private server and the fact that she did not follow protocol. there plenty of things including the reset button with russia. we have to ask why after four years of secretary of state we had not one country with whom we had a better relationship than we did when she first took office as secretary of state. there is plenty to talk about that is a much more important reason to not let hillary be the third term of barack obama. >> speaking of other
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relationships, we have a scoop. you are planning to leave the campaign trail and make a trip to israel this coming tuesday. we talked about iowa and organizing and why is it more important to be in israel than warks? >> there several activities, but i have been going to israel for 42 years. my first trip was in 1973. i have been dozens of times. i have a lot of friends there. a lot of americans live there. we have been doing fund-raising, but more importantly visiting with a number of officials and discussing the iranian deal. i think it's the most dangerous situation that we face not just for the mideast, but the rest of the world and a long time. this is essentially arming and equipping a terrorist state. the iranian government is not to be trusted. for 36 years, they kidnapped americans and they killed americans and they hold americans hostage right now.
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we are pushed to get into a deal that ends up with a nuclear weapon. that's insane. >> i will bring it back home to an issue percolating in the republican race. the issue of abortion. you oppose abortion except for rape and incest. it is getting a lot of attention. a 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in paraguay and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion. the girl who is 11 had the baby. if you are president and had your druthers, that would be the policy here. some republican opponents say it's too extreme. what do you say? >> i think what we have to do is remember that creating one problem that is horrible, let nobody be misled. a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve
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the problem by taking the life of an innocent child. that's the issue. i worked for a man for several years. james robinson was the result of a rape. his mother went to three doctors in houston, texas in 1943 and begged doctors to abort the baby. none would do it. they all refused. the day his organization feeds, cares for and brings living capacity for water to hundreds of thousands of people across the world, that would never have happened. when i think about one horror, i think about the possibilities that exist. i just don't want to think that somehow we discount a human life. >> that's understandable, but the flip side is looking in the eyes of a 10-year-old girl saying you had this horrible thing happen and you have to carry it out for the next nine months. that's also not easy. >> no, it isn't easy.
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i wouldn't pretend it's anything other than a terrible tragedy. but let's not compound it by taking another life. we sometimes miss the fact that when an abortion happens, there two victims. one is the child and the other is that birth mother who will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened with the baby, with her, and again there no easy answers here. i realize there people that will be very different in their view of this than me and i respect that. i don't want to get into a shouting match with people who think i'm wrong. i respect that. i just come down on the side that life is precious. every life has skborth value. i don't think we discount the intrinsic worth of any human being. i don't know where else to go with it than just to be consistent and say if life matters and that's a person,
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then every life matters. >> something you said in the last debate that the military is not a social experiment, talking about the idea of transgender or so forth going into the military. i want to read a tweet by kristin beck who is the only transgender navy s.e.a.l. she is challenging in a democratic primary in maryland and talked about you on twitter. i am twice the man you could ever be. you want to respond to that? >> no because she is entitled to her view and getting publicity for her campaign. before the united states and the taxpayers pay for someone to have a transgender surgery, we need to make sure we are caring for the veteran who is come back from afghanistan and iran without arms and legs and some are waiting weeks and months. we see 22 suicides a day among returning veterans and that
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ought to be the priority and not changing the gender of someone in the military. >> i will have to leave it there. appreciate it and have a safe trip. >> thank you, dana. great to talk to you. >> most of the 2016 crowd might be innovating iowa, but one sees greener pastures in the granite state. we will talk to him after the break. imagine - she won't have to remember passwords. or obsess about security.
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. >> welcome become to state of the union. i'm dana bash. we await the next republican debate here on cnn moderated by jack tapper. will it reshuffle the race again. the last one catapulted john casic to the top after a late start. he is surging in new hampshire with another swing state governor, jeb bush. >> it wasn't that long ago that you were barely registering in the polls and this week one said you are in third place. your super pac spent close to second. what do you attribute the rise to? >> the fact that there were
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commercials on. that let people know a little bit about me and we have done i don't know how many town halls and how many meetings. i was pretty confident if we could do that and people could hear my record, we would do pretty well. i am having so much fun. we go into this town hall and i almost lost my breath. >> why? >> there so many people in there, it was like wow. this is amazing. i wish my wife had been here to see this. just great people and it's kind of emotional that way. >> you talk a lot about the fact that your faith guides you and specifically guided you on your decision to accept medicaid dollars. when you die you are not going to be asked if you cut enough spending, but did you help people who need it most. beyond medicaid, where else does that principal guide you?
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>> it relates to early childhood education and poor kids and people who were in prison and giving them a chance to get their lives back if they want to earn their way. the medicaid decision, i didn't read a bible to decide that. i knew number one, we would save money by taking people out of prison and letting them get a job where they can be a taxpayer. we save money over the long run. secondly there is a morality of why would we want to lock a schizophrenic or bipolar person in a prison cell? i don't read a bible to figure out what i think, but i have a heart for people. i don't question anybody else, but i have a heart for people who have been disabled or disadvantaged and i care about them. >> you talk about the social safety net in a way that a lot of republicans don't. you sound like a democrat
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sometimes. >> if i care about people, some lady whispered to me when i walked out, thanks for caring about people. she was whispering. no. no, to me conservatism it's a chance for everybody to be successful. that's the way reagan was. that's common sense. >> with apportion, you are pro life. should there be exceptions? >> for rape and incest. >> as you know, you were standing on the stage and marco rubio and scott walker said they are for no exceptions. >> no matter what your position is on the issue, you have to have respect for people and i do. people have a right to have a different point of view. >> do you think either would be electable against a democrat of supporting abortion with no exceptions? >> i think it's an important issue, but many others are
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critical. early childhood and mortality and early education. we foulke us too much on just one issue. now that the issue of gay marriage is off the table, we are down to one social issue. >> it's that matters to a lot of people. why are exceptions part of your belief? >> because i think it's reasonable. >> about foreign policy, there was another beheading on the hands of isis. would you commit more american ground troops? >> i would be working to get the other countries to jump in and join us. i don't want to go alone. first of all, i would have supported the rebels in syria that were under the top. secondly, i would have a coalition of other countries including us on the ground beginning to degrade and destroy isis. they should begin to do it. that begins to fall apart. thirdly, i want to praise chuck
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sumer to the high heaven. he showed great courage on the deal to iran. >> jeb bush is blaming the rise of isis on president obama and hillary clinton. do you think that's true? >> i don't know what his thinking is on that. >> because he pulled the troops out of iraq and left. >> we should have had a lift in iraq for sure. >> do you think george w. bush bears responsibility? >> i would never have committed ourselves to iraq and as you can see, ultimately it will be divided into three parts. the kurds are great allies of ours and i think they need to balance that off because that's become an issue over there. all the religions of the world ought to stand up and say you blow up innocent men, women, and children and you think you are going to paradise, there is something wrong with you? you are nuts. >> last question. we were joking about the fact
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that you know that you have a reputation of someone who is prickley and has a temper. you say that's not true. >> as people get to know me, they understand i'm passionate about things. i'm having a ball out here. people are noting that he may be the happiest candidate in the field. i'm not a marshmallow. i need to get things done. i only get them done by building a bipartisan effort and another they think is cool is i have people who worked around me for 40 years. we march as a team. we are part of a movement to do something bigger than ourselves. that's really what it's all about for me and all my pals. >> governor, thank you. >> thank you. enjoyed it. >> and coming up, will joe biden run for president? the rumor mill is cranking into high gear and we will have a former staffer and family friend
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>> hillary clinton made her appearance facing opponents both real and imagined. not one, but two potential challengers popped up. rumor number one was al gore could jump in the race. that was quickly shot down by a spokesperson. gathering more steam, reports that vice president joe biden is seriously considering running for president and here to tell us how he will make the decision is a senior adviser to the draft biden campaign. thanks for coming in. >> thanks if are having me. >> let's start with the context. you were a close friend of beau
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biden who was the vice president's son who passed away in late may. he urged his father to run because he believed in his father, but knows him as someone who doesn't care about making money and should stay in public service. what do you know about that? >> i know beau biden believed his father would make an incredible president. there is no doubt in my mind beau thought his dad would make an incredible president. we had a lot of conversations and we sat together in the office and talked about who our fund-raisers would be. they were always talking about his race for governor. that was his focus. >> you almost had me there. >> yeah, yeah. >> the bidens haven't asked to you stop doing this. to begin this draft biden campaign. that gives you hope, i would
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imagine. >> i wouldn't be here if it wasn't the right thing to do. two weeks before i joined, i heard friends of mine and beau's in the biden network of supporters. i heard from people on the ground in iowa. iowans who i helped organize for his run in 2007. calling me insane, he would get in the race and we would love to see him on the stage in las vegas. this is the right place for me to be right now. >> and you are obviously getting out there as part of draft biden and getting grass roots support. >> our list has grown significantly. >> how much support is there for biden versus maybe just the idea that they are not so thrilled about hillary clinton? >> this is not about hillary clinton or martin o'malley or bernie sanders. this is about joe biden. the reason we have seen growth
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is draft biden started with a couple thousand names. over 200,000 people today. the reason is joe biden was the original authentic candidate and he can walk around and talk to people like you and me and people all over the country and connect with them on a visceral level. that's where the momentum is coming from. it's our job to remind people who joe biden is. his long career and his close relationship with the president. >> there is talk this weekend about whether the vice president if he runs should pledge to run as a one-term president to focus on policy and not worry about the politics of getting reelected. is that a good idea? >> everybody is a one-term president until they get reelected. politics and campaigning and saying the right thing. if you are a one-term president, that doesn't matter. >> most of the people are supporting draft biden would
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support him, but this is the level of debate he would bring to the debate. >> this might be a tough one, but i heard from sources who loved joe biden that part of his thinking is that his son had two small children who now don't have a father and he needs to be a father to them. it's hard to do that when you are running for president. how much do you think he should think about that and to you as a family friend. >> he has a deliberative process that he is going through in his inner circle. he understands the demands on a person running for president. there is a lot of factors he is weighing, but most importantly he needs to make this decision his own way. what draft biden is doing is giving him the space to make this decision. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. let us know when you get the goods. >> i will. >> when we come back, hillary clinton tries to launch off her e-mail investigation. but trump tells us it's no joke.
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you may have seen that i recently launched a snap chat account. i love it! i love it! those messages disappear all by themselves. >> that was hillary clinton making light of the investigation into her e-mails. smart move or dumb joke? we will hash it out with the best on television. former communications director for the democratic national committee and former montana governor and eric fern strom adviser to the romney campaign and former communications director for ted cruz. thank you for joining us. amanda, i will put it on the table. good joke or off color some. >> it was a good joke, but was it appropriate to tell it? she thinks this is a laughing matter when the fbi is
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investigating her? there was a mismatch about how she views the scandal and how everyone outside the clinton bubble does. >> you worked for hillary clinton in 2008. you are hearing from your friends what some of us are hearing. they were not so worried and maybe they are more worried now. >> at the end of the day, i don't think that e-mails are going to be the deciding factor for people who go into the voting booth. i think that the firestorm around this has taken a lot of oxygen out of the room. they would rather focus on the issues rather than be talking about this. i think that's why you are seeing them step up the effort to put the questions to us. that joke served as reassurance to her supporters that i am not down and there is nothing to see here. >> come on. all you have to do is say the
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word colin powell. they have done the same thing and used personal e-mail for state business. that's what colin powell did. this is not going to be the attack on hillary clinton that the republicans will be successful with. they will find something new. >> the fact that it plays into her vulnerability as a candidate. she set up a private server for convenience that compromised national security and add that up with her record as secretary of state. >> that was not a problem with colin powell. >> what she deleted toee what could have fallen into their handings. >> she has to stop minimizing
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this. the attorney general said thins this has become a matter of public concern should say publicly that no one is above the law and she is going to fight the evidence wherever it leads and hillary clinton is she is found to have mishandled information will be treated like any other government employee. finally i would say to the nation's newspaper editors, stop treating this like another campaign story. assign your best defense and national security reporters for it. when you have the republican versus democrat back and forth, it doesn't do justice to the story. >> let's take it up to the broader discussion about the state of the race. governor, you are a long time democrat, but you believe that republicans if they nominate marco rubio, you will have trouble with a candidate like hillary. >> democrats win on demographics
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and part of that is latinos. if a guy like marco rubio who is a younger guy, a guy who is a latino and speaks spanish fluently. he could create problems in some parts of the democratic party. does he get through the primary? i don't know. he is the new jenation as opposed to the old generation. >> i am less concerned because the guy's message has been superficial. he is trying to make that point that i am jung and fresh and new, but he backs it up with something that is not there. i don't know who to be worried about. there 17 candidates in the field. it is impossible to game out the republican primary. >> early vote. pick. >> let's talk about the democratic field. it was just supposed to be hillary clinton, right? bernie sanders is out there and
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a few others, but now there is a draft biden movement and i want to put up on the screen what the post and courier, a newspaper in south carolina said in their editorial. run, joe biden, run. i will give this to you because you know what it's like for somebody who can't get a food hold. you have people who were not thrilled about him and they are looking for the candidates all through 2012. is that what's going on? >> there is no ground swell of support to the extent that he may be looking at it or john kerry or even al gore or his name is mentioned. it's a function of the front-runner's weakness. hillary clinton is not able to close the deal. that's why you have other potential candidates circling. it all comes back to this e-mail
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story. the mishandling of classified information which potentially could be on a scale that makes edward snowden blurb. this could be the beginning of end for hillary clinton not because she had to withdraw because of allegations, but she will get surpassed by another candidate and someone who will not. >> i want to get you to respond to this. you not only work for hillary clinton, but bill bradley. you know what it's like to be an outsider nipping at the heels of the pruchlive front-runner. is that what's going on here? >> it could be. what went on in 2000 was al gore was the nominee and no one expected him to not be the nominee at the end of the day. bill bradley tapped into whatever level there was which wasn't much. they tapped into it and forced al gore to be better. if other candidate are are in the race and it could force a stronger party. we organized better on the
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ground. i think the debate gets better. >> everybody hold your thoughts. i want to take a quick break. when we come back, we will talk about jeb bush trapped in his own rhetorical quagmyre criticized for flubbing a lot. can he ever distance himself from his brothers? so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. technology empowers us it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes
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thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? >> sometimes there has been a backlash with candidates. any chance of that with you? >> he wasn't rich and i don't really think people like this -- >> that was donald trump on his helicopter talking to a reporter about the idea that it's okay that he is rich and mitt romney wasn't that rich. it is working for him. we have fresh evidence this morning and a new poll from fox news showing him well ahead in the national poll.
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25%. ben arson is far behind and ted cruz and jeb bush in fourth place. back with the panel, let's start with this. i will toss it to you. you work for mitt romney and you are close with him saying she not rich. you were worried about him not coming off as a regular guy. he should have done tours with his garage and elevators. >> both mitt and mr. trump would reject the comparison. mitt romney was the nominee of this party. he was able to unite tea party and fiscal conservatives. it's an open question as to whether donald trump can do the same. i understand why he is zooming in the polls. she fresh and new and some feel hopeless. an interesting thing happened after the first debate. millions tuned in and saw he was not the only outsider on the stage. the deck got reshuffled and people like carly fiorina.
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he began to move up in the polls. the challenge for donald trump moving forward is how do i keep supporters in the tent so they don't drift away? >> that's all true and certainly the outsider thing is huge, but let's stay on the money. as a republican, you have so many candidates, pretty much all candidates as i mentioned traditionally that want to seem like a regular person and don't want to seem like someone who is succeeding well. look how rich i am. i have this great helicopter s. he breaking a mold or is it because he is different? >> he's a different candidate, but there is an overcompensation where people were upset with romney because he didn't own his skbeal wealth and say he was a successful businessman. maybe we need to own it completely and that's someone
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they want to support at this point in time. >> let's be clear. that's 25% of the 35% of america that may vote in a republican primary. that's 9%. more people are concerned about college affordable and want to make the house payment and get the next job. that's what people are concerned about. 7 to 9% think this is a reality star, he's got a lot of money and says cool and weird things, i must be for him. you need 50% to win this election. >> 75% of republican primary voters are still against the guy. this is the problem with 17 candidates in the field. the field gets so sliced. i'm out of politics. i'm the academic on the set. i do think what donald trump is doing is incredibly dangerous for the debate. it's dangerous.
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as a partisan democrat i would love for him to be the nominee, but it scares me that he could be taken seriously as a potential president. in the debate and forcing people to think creatively interest a long season. people like donald trump which is not traditional. ted cruz. >> they have to find ways. we will have to leave it there. flying all the way in from montana. thank you all. great discussion. how about a hot beef sunday or maybe fried nacho balls? inside the artery clogging spectacle that is the iowa state fair. earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that's not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service,
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watch us deliver. the one on your right is made out of high strength steel and the other is made of aluminum. now i'm gonna release a 700 pound grizzly bear into the room so you better pick a cage and get in it. this is crazy. oh my goodness. why did you pick the steel cage? harder for the bear to get into steel. you want to see something else made with high strength steel? that's the chevy silverado. made with high strength steel for high strength dependability. beautiful. this is highly irregular. made a simple tripvere chto the grocery storeis anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability
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to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac.
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see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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>> welcome back. it's a time-honored tradition. heating meat off a stick or a fried switwinkie. the fairgrounds are a manned story stop for the white house. >> the iowa state fair. blue ribbon americana. brought to life in the famous musical. at the real fair, it's more like bush and clinton. it's become a manned story stop on the road to the white house.
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herbert hoover and snous stopped by. it's really a playground for presidential candidates. >> if that conditionedidate is willing to be with people and listen to comments, that's how they will interact with the public. >> we learned a lot about the politicians at the fair and whether they can be an every man like martin o'malley on the giant slide and how they hold up grilling a pork chop and how they handle getting bumped around. >> to prepare for the debate i rode in the bumper cars at the state fair. >> the state's unofficial historian. >> it's a great place for them to launch ideas and campaigns and try to start their way to becoming known by a lot of people. >> he said all the people may be watching for far more than policies or positions. >> check out how they look when they are wearing a pair of blue
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jeans. i always thought that mitt romney, god bless him, was the worst looking guy in a pair of blue jeans i have ever seen. >> the fair also comes with heated moments. >> corporations are people, my friend. >> it's not just politicians, but flowers, corn, and an 1100 pound bore named big mac. the famous butter cow. to mark the 80th anniversary of monopoly, he is on display. it was in the works long before donald trump jumped into the race. by night, the music turns up and politicians go on their way. they will go back. it's six months before the iowa caucuses. >> go get something to eat, guys.
10:00 am
>> thanks for spending your sunday with us. it starts right now. >> this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. >> today we will tackle the united states's four big foreign policy challenges. iran, iraq, china, and russia. we will start the show with iran. last week you heard president obama make his case for the deal. >> that's not just good for the united states. that is very good for israel. >> today israel's ambassador to the united states makes the case against. >> we believe this threatens the survival


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