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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 11, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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breaking news here in the situation room. thank you so much for watching. i'm brianna keilar in the "situation room. i'll be back here tomorrow fill income for wolf blitzer. erin burnet "outfront" starts now. "outfront" tonight, breaking news, we're standing by as donald trump is about to speak before a sold out crowd since his performance at the republican debate. a ferguson teenager on the night he was shot by police. his family says he was unarmed. the video may tell a different story. just into cnn, police fire the officer who shot and killed a texas teenager. so will the officer now face criminal charges? let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm kate baldwin. "outfront" tonight, breaking news, we're standing by for donald trump about to make the first public appearance since the big debate and latest controversy to engulf his campaign. a live picture where he is about to speak. he's getting ready to take the stage before a big audience at a republican fundraiser in michigan and trump is riding high tonight. the first polls out since the debate, they were just released. he's now leading in two key early voting states in iowa. trump over taking wisconsin governor scott walker with 17% of gop caucus voter support. walker at 12%. perhaps the biggest surprise there, jeb bush dropping from the top five. and in new hampshire, trump again leading the pack with 18%, jeb bush in second there with 13%. we're going to have much more on these very important polls coming up but first, sarah is
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"outfront" in michigan this evening. sarah, what are we expecting from mr. trump tonight? >> reporter: well, it's hard to predict donald trump but if i have to guess, i'm confident we'll hear him talking about the latest poll numbers. his campaign is happy. the big question is, when he shows up here tonight, is he going to continue the this with megyn kelly or will we see donald trump move on to going after another rival or maybe even offer some policy specifics? that's the big question. it's also interesting to note he's doing this event in michigan. this is a state that doesn't vote until early march and drawing a big crowd. the campaign says they sold 2400 tickets for the event and starting to fill in as people drinking beer and munching on popcorn waiting for donald trump. >> you've been talking to folks at the event, sarah. what are they saying about trump? do they want to hear from him tonight?
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>> reporter: well, it's interesting, the first thing is they think donald trump's feud with megyn kelly and problem with women is totally over blown. a lot of women said megyn kelly was doing her job and asking tough questions and when the donald feels attacked, he responds. that's politics, we move on. the other thing is okay, you have our attention, you're at the top of the polls and now it's time to offer specifics. in particular, a lot of people say we like who what he's saying on immigration but time to the offer a plan how to secure the border. now that voters are asking for this, it will be interesting to see if donald trump fulfills their wishes. >> where are the specifics he says he's ready to talk about, not quite yet. sarah, thank you. sarah standing by. i spoke earlier with the organizers of tonight's event. michael moon, the chairman of the genessee county republican party and amy carl, the chairman of the saginaw county republican party. so michael, donald trump, we
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know he is unpredictable to say the least. what are you guy expecting from him? >> we're expecting him to be donald trump. that's why we got him. we sent out an invitation and he ac accepted. >> amy, following the debate, trump was disinvited to a gathering because of the comments he made about fox news host megyn kelly. there were some calls for you to resend his invitation, as well. why did you decide to go ahead with it? >> we felt committed from the very beginning give all candidate as voice, and we thought that was important to honor our commitment to our party and the surrounding areas, all folks that bought their tickets and we're still very excited about it. so, yeah, we never thought once the that we were going to cancel. >> michael, what is the response
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then to cohim coming to speak? did you have hesitations about having trump as the keynote tonight? >> no, i invited every presidential candidate. we sent it to everyone. he was the first one to accept. if someone else accepted, they could come to. if they call a month from now, we will take them, as well. our job is to raise money for our local parties and that's what we're doing. >> let me ask you, michael, trump is still not ruling out a third party run. the consensus is if he does, it will only help the democratic. being ahead of your party, should he make that pledge to not run as a third party? >> you know, i'm a believer in individual freedom. that's his choice to make. whatever he wants to do, that's fine. he knows what he's doing. i have no problem with the whole third party thing, if that's what he does but i doubt very
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much that's what he's going to do. i've heard other things from other people that's just not true or he's not going to do that. if he does, that's his choice. >> michael, amy, thanks so much. >> yeah, thank you. thanks for having us. >> thank you. "outfront" with me tonight glor gloria borger. they said they are excited to hear what they have to say and they never once considered cancelling. this is clearly a draw for them. it's a fund raiser. >> he's a celebrity. it's a fundraiser. he was the keynote speaker who could accept it awhile ago and they decided to honor their commitment. red state is a political blob, different organization. they had other speakers. it's sort of apple and orange and they want to sort of give the people the guess they were waiting for. >> yeah, as sarah murray was talking about, they want to hear specifics.
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they want to hear him talk policy and obviously, that's been a big question is when will he get specific. chris cuomo asked him in the half-hour interview and here is what trump said on equal pay and taxes. >> i was asked that same question yesterday and i'm looking into it very strongly and i'll have a position on it in the not too distant future. leave the system alone and take out deductions and lower taxes and do good things leaving the system -- i know exactly what i want to do. i just don't want to announce it yet. >> i know exactly what i want to do, just don't want to announce it yet. how long is the this going to fly? >> he's not talking policy because i think he doesn't have it ready. secondly, because i don't think he wants to become a political target for other candidates and the other candidates and you saw that today from rand paul and scott walker will come from the right and say you know what? he's not as conservative as you
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think he is. but here is the thing about what is going on in the republican party right now. this is about disrupting politics as usual. it's not about donald trump's positions. it's about people who feel d disafected from their republican party and saying okay, we got to stop this now and you have to start paying attention to us and listening to us and donald trump, for now, is the vehicle for that. and they are saying, you know what? the establishment hasn't worked so maybe it won't be donald trump. there is something else going on within the republican party other candidates have to pay attention to. >> they should listen. gloria is going to stick around because we are waiting. "out front" next, trump set to take the stage. the keynote speaker, the first time he'll speak out at a campaign event since the big headline-grabbing debate
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performance. we'll bring that as soon as he takes the stage and meanwhile, trump is flying high in the polls. the first polls since his latest controversy exploded. so what impact did the debate have on those poll numbers and which candidate just dropped out of the top five? plus, just into cnn, new surveillance video captures the man police say is the ferguson teen involved in a shootout. in the video he's armed and running into the gunfire. and will donald trump really run as an independent candidate? it might be tougher than he thinks. we have a special report on that ahead. feeling intense lower back pain?
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and all work-related e-mails from her days as secretary of state, handing this to the justice department. clinton is hoping, of course, to squash an ever expanding investigation into her use of a private e-mail account during her time as secretary of state. this follows an order from a federal judge for clinton and two former aids under penalty of perjury to state that they have turned overall the documents in their possession. we're following that and also following other breaking news. our top story tonight, donald trump expected to take the stage for his first post debate speech any minute now. you're looking live at a picture. we'll take you there as the republican candidate takes the stage and despite the uproar over his latest controversial comments during and after that debate. trump is still holding the lead in the latest gop polls. two new polls from two key early voting states out tonight.
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iowa, a nsuffolk poll shows trup ahead of walker and in new hampshire, trump lost some ground but still holding the lead with 18% of the vote. jeb bush in second place with 13% support. dana bash is out front now. dana, trump has taken as we discussed a lot of heat for his blood remarks but doesn't when you look at the numbers, doesn't seem to have turned people out. >> it doesn't when you talk about the women. he's leading with women and beyond that, even people who watched the debate and talking about a poll in the state of iowa, thought that he, you know, he was okay except for this, check this out. 55% say that they are less comfortable now with trump after the debate. however, this is kind of a key telltale sign, 41% say he was unfairly treated by the
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moderators and 45% say it is political correctness, that is why he is being criticized and of course, he talks a lot about how he's not politically correct. 32% say the that it does not show respect for woman pewomen. you would think the criticism coming that you heard really hurt him, that it would be a lot higher than 32% but that 55% i started with showing that he's, people are less comfortable with him as a candidate, that could be a sign that his support is chipping away but he's still leading and scott walker who had been leading for months is not in this poll. >> exactly right. top numbers tell the story but there could be more clues when you dig deeper. dana, another big winner in the polls out, carly fiorna. >> the debate at 5:00 in the
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afternoon last week, the people on that stage were there because they didn't rank high enough in national polls, and boy, has her number or have her numbers, rather, changed in the statewide polls we were talking about in iowa and new hampshire. favorable, 70%. unfavorable 8%. that is big. 7% have never heard of her. she was the most googled name on the stage. she has the potential to really seize on the way that she did in that debate and maybe put her on the stage with the big boys at cnn's debate next month. we'll see where her polls go on a national level and as they go from here in the next three weeks but she could certainly capitalize on it and she's certainly trying to capitalize it with fundraising. i get e-mails from her campaign several a day saying please give money and never mind, show your
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support for our campaign. >> that's a good candidate when you run a long campaign you hope. dana, great to see you. thank you so much. you can see on the left side of the screen, we're awaiting donald trump set to take the podium, keynote spoker at a local republican fundraiser in michigan. he's going to be speaking any moment and we'll bring you to it live when he takes the stage. continue the discussion "outfront" with me now, jeffrey lord the former political director in the region white house and gloria borger back here with me and josh holms, the former chief of staff and managed mcconnell's campaign. great to see all of you. a lot octo get through. josh, first to you, you see trump leading once again in these new polls. you think the other candidates, you think the other candidates should ignore them but can they at this point? >> well, it's awfully hard to ignore donald trump but, you know, my take is basically this,
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we're still in the entertainment portion of the program here and these polls that we're analyzing, there are two polls taken in august over the weekend in new hampshire and iowa. i don't know if you've spent much time in iowa or new hampshire but people don't like to sit on the phone and answer 60 questions about their favorite presidential candidate the year before the election. i'm not saying polls are wrong. i'm saying the issues people are considering now aren'ti issues they will consider close to the election. >> interesting point but the numbers are out there, my friend. donald trump no doubt happy. i definitely expect to hear them talking about them but when you dig into it, dana was talking about this. there are some interesting points that can't be lost here. he has lost ground in new hampshire and polling at 24% and now 18%. in iowa 55% of those who watch the debate are less comfortable with him as a candidate as dana
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was pointing out. are these troubling signs to you? >> i don't think so. i think there is along way, josh is right about one thing there is a long way to go here. the fact is he's still ahead. he is ahead in all of these different polls. he takes punch after punch after punch. he keeps popping back up. i really don't think this is a sign of anything other than, you know, there might have been a person here or there that was upset about this or that with a debate but i really don't think that this is, you know, something that he has to worry about. you know, the american people get this or a lot -- let's put it this way, the republican consit wtit weit web -- constit it and the last go round by fox news and look at this and say there they go again basically and rally to the guy, whoever that might be. >> gloria, what do you think? is it a big nothing burger that he's leading in these states or
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do you think these could be signs of something? >> i don't think it's a nothing burger and i don't think the candidates do. that's why he's beinging attack from the right. you see scott walker doing that. you have seen in the past rick perry, lindsey, you know lindsey graham doing that. hasn't gotten them anywhere. >> yeah. >> really hasn't gotten them anymore. i believe that now he's affecting their numbers. you'll see jeb bush, jeb has to pay attention to him now because jeb bush cannot afford to do poorly in new hampshire particularly since he's nowhere in iowa right now. >> just dropped out of the top five. >> exactly. yeah, he's in single digits and that's a problem for the bush campaign and particularly since i see john kasich moving up in the polls in new hampshire. >> i was going to ask about john kasich. we have to talk about him.
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that's a big jump for him. is that all thanks to the debate? >> absolutely. break out debate and people liked what they saw where he is suddenly in double digits, fundraising off of it and adds up in t -- ads up. jeb bush is looking over his shoulder at kasich, too. >> i want to bring up this interesting point. you know what? jeffrey this is to you, trump was asked this morning about a new york post report calling him a whiner. this is how he responded to this question to chris cuomo. >> i want to win and i'm not happy. >> are whiners winners? >> i am a whiner and i keep whining and whining until i win. >> i guess that's how you answer it. is that the way he should be answering that? >> you know, i think what he did is just took lowry's characterization of whining but what he's clearly talking about,
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at least i think having interviewed him and talking with him a number of times, he's very, very persistent guy. you can't possibly accomplish the things that he's accomplished in his life and, you know, start to under take them, get discouraged and walk away. he keeps going at it and at it and at it. a lot of americans identify with that. >> i mean, josh, to jeffrey's point, i mean, a lot of the time he does a masterful job of taking a negative and turning it into a positive. we've seen that over and over his supporters, they feel that way about him, what they might see as a negative in any other candidate like he's a rich guy, that was a negative for the previous nominee, they think of that as a positive for donald trump. should the other candidates be sitting down and take notes on how he's doing this? >> well, you know, i mean, look, trump is an incredible showman. if we learned anything about him
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in the last 30 years, he's incredible at selling himself and everything he's involved with and so if it takes whining he'll wine. if it takes dancing he'll dance and if you got to sing he'll sing. >> that i want to see. [ laughter ] >> trump is great at promoting himself and at this stage, that's really all that matters. now, i would argue that once we get into december and january and iowa voters are looking at who is ult pimately going to std for the republican party take on hillary clinton or bernie sand es, who knows, they will have other things to take advantage of and look at. >> they do have to. they have to figure out how to draw in the support from these supporters who clearly, they are angry with how the status quo treated them and that's what they need to draw from because donald trump is tapping in from that. >> can i say something about the whining? ronald reagan was optimistic. he wasn't a whiner.
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what people liked about john kasich in the last debate, he was of tptimistic and not a whi. whining can get you so far, my children will tell you that. >> i tell my 10 month old that. >> you're like enough with the whining, tell me what your solutions are. >> again, getting back to got to talk about the policy specifics and what you're going to do to fix the country. great to see you-all. a lot to get through tonight. "outfront" next, continue to watch the picture, see the crowd waiting for donald trump to take the stage. he's in michigan at a local gop fundraiser there. his first big event since that headline-grabbing debate. what will he say this time? plus, following breaking news just released surveillance video appears to show a ferguson teen in the moments before he was shot by police. does the video back their side of the story? more breaking news, the officer involved in the shooting death of a texas teenager has
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just been fired. ahead, new details what happened right before that shooting took place. i'm reworking the menu. mayo, corn dogs... you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. across america, people are their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar,
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yes, yes, sir? >> [ indiscernible question ] >> no, not at all. not at all. i've been proven right. i mean, i've been absolutely proven right. yes sm. >> in all candor, do you think during this campaign there have been sometimes where you feel you have gone over the top? >> i have what? >> gone over the top. >> i don't think so at all. i look at the polls. i can only go by the polls. a new poll came out, 32%. that's the highest for anybody yet. so i can only go by the polls. the people that we're dealing with and whatever is happened, it is what it is. you just look at the results. i guess iowa just came out a little while ago and leading in iowa, leading in new hampshire, leading in north carolina, leading in south carolina, leading in nevada. leading everywhere. so that's all i can go by. excuse me? >> [ indiscernible question ] >> that's the best question. china.
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china. i think you have to do something to reign in china. they devalued the kecurrency toy and making it absolutely impossible for the united states to compete and nobody does anything. china has no respect for president obama whatsoever, whatsoever. you have to take strong action. how can we compete? they continuously cut retucurre and devalue it. they have been doing it for years. this isn't just starting. this was the largest devaluation they had in two decades. they are making impossible for our businesses, our companies to compete. they think we are run by a bunch of idiots what and what is going on with china is unbelievable. the largest devaluation in two decades. it's honestly -- great question. it's a disgrace. >> [ indiscernible question ] >> major, fantastic. i watched you with president obama two weeks ago. he was not thrilled. i'm sure i'll be more thrilled.
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>> [ indiscernible question ] how would you grade his leadership when you have all the things he did with michigan people about -- >> very fair question. there are two ways of looking at it. you could have let it go and rebuilt itself through the free enterprise system. you could have let it go bankrupt and rebuilt itself or could have done it the way it went. either way would have been acceptable. you would have ended up ultimately in the same place. >> race relations are at an all
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time high or -- >> all time or all time low. >> what would you do to address that? >> spirit. >> [ indiscernible question ] >> well, certainly i would. but in terms of what would you do to address the -- and really, they are at, i don't know about all-time but certainly doing poorly. you look at what is going on in every place. every place. we have powder kegs all over the country waiting to explode. you need spirit, cheerleading and jobs. we have to take our jobs back from china and take them back from these other countries that have taken our job. that's why when the question was asked about china, it's just terrible. it's just terrible what's happening. more jobs are going to go. yes, ma'am? >> how have you positioned yourself to win the women's vote? >> i think we'll do very well with a lot of votes. we'll do well with the hispanic vote and do great with the women vote. if you look in nevada. they did the poll and i'm
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leading in the hispanic vote because i create jobs and i will be creating tremendous numbers of jobs. so i think we're going to do great and then the women's health issues, i'm for that. i watched jeb bush give the worst answer the other day. i think that is going to be his 47%. romney possibly lost the election for a lot of reasons, frankly, that he lost but one of the big reasons was his 47%. that was a disaster. i think that jeb's answer the other day on women's health issues is a disaster for him. and i don't -- now he then went and he said he misspoke. how do you misspeak about that? i will be great on women's health issues. i cherish women. and i will be great on women's health issues. believe me. >> hello, david. >> you said you'll be great on women, great on china, great on
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isis, great on jobs. >> hopefully everything. >> great. i talked to people outside today and they say when are you going to tell us what you'll replace obamacare with, how you will fix china, how you will bring jobs. >> first of all, isis, you didn't bring up isis, what happened? >> where is the plan? >> you'll see lots of plans and also, you have to understand, when you're coming one plan in business you have to be flexible. there has to be flexibility and i recently bought something not so recently but in miami, everybody wanted it. if i would have sat down and said here is a 12-point plan to get it, it went and punched and punched and punched and beat people and i got it. everybody wanted it. all of the smart money wanted it. the opo, the old post office on pennsylvania avenue, everybody wanted it. i got it. in the obama administration i got it, which is shocking
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considering that lots of other people. i got it. i got it because i know how to get things and get things done. you can't sit down and say well, i'll come up with a 19-point plan to get the old post office and create it into a great hotel on the pennsylvania avenue. the most sought after property in the administration, trump got it. i'm not an obama person. you probably heard that. you have to be able to have flexibility. you have to be able to do certain things. >> so you're asking people to trust you -- >> well, i think there has to be a trust. there actually does have to be a trust. if you don't trust, you're not going to do very well. major, go ahead. >> you said a moment ago you'll be great on jobs. jeb bush is quantifying -- >> jeb bush doesn't have it, jeb bush will not be able to negotiate against china. jeb bush will not be able to negotiate against mexico. jeb bush with mexico, they said
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people come in, it's an act of love. it is not an act of love. we need a wall. we need a wall. you see what is happening with illegal immigration and in all fairness, if it weren't for me they wouldn't be talking about illegal immigration. you see kate in san francisco and what happened yesterday in california, which was horrible. the whole situation with jeb bush with his active love is not working. i took a lot of heat that first week and people realized i was right and apologized to me. >> what do you mean by great on jobs? do you have a number? >> we'll be announceriing over next two weeks numbers and specifics. you have to be flexible on jobs and everything else and i'll speak about it. we'll be taking jobs outside and take them away from china, away from these countries that are stealing from us. they are stealing our base, our money, our manufacturing.
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we'll be bringing them back into the united states. i'm going to be talking about this, ford as an example is building a $2.5 billion automobile plant in mexico. how does that help us? i went to the wharton school of finance. they spent $2.5 billion to build a car plant in mexico. cars and trucks and parts will go all over the place but coming into the united states, no tax, how does it help us except they will be closing plants in michigan and other places. we'll talk about we'll be bringing back jobs to the united states. yes, sir? >> [ indiscernible question ] how tall is this wall going to be? >> let me tell you something, ten years ago everybody wanted the wall. the democrats, the republicans, they couldn't get it. you know one of the reasons? environmental impact statements. did you know that?
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there were toads, there were -- it's the most incredible thing. we'll get the wall built and it's going to be built right and mexico is going to pay for the wall. mexico is making a foreitune of the united states. excuse me, mexico is going to pay for the wall and be happy about it because the cost of the wall is peanuts compared to the kind of money they are making. mexico is becoming the new china. i have a great love for mexico. i have love for the mexican people. i have so many -- i have thousands of mexico people over the years, mexican haves worked for me and are now, thousands. they are fantastic people, great spirit. but their politicians and their leaders are much smarter and sharper and more cunning and i say the word cunning, more cunning than our leaders. they will pay for the wall. they will be happy about it. they will continue to do well but not as well as they are
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doing now. they are taking too many of our jobs. >> you said during the debate that you couldn't guarantee you would support the ultimate republican nominee. >> third party. >> now there are others in the republican party who say if you're the nominee they may not support you. >> that's what happens. that could happen. that's their choice. when you talk in the debate it came out on a network today, so there should have been 2 million people watching. you agree? about 2 million. that's been sort of standard, 2 million people. they had 24 million people and the the 24 will go to 28 or 29 and maybe 30 when the final numbers come in. who do you think they are watching? jeb bush? huh? i don't think so. okay. >> do you think these other candidates can knock you off your perch as front runner? >> i hope not. i want to run as a republican. i'm leading in every poll and by substantial margins.
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i hope that i will be the republican nominee because that's the best way to win. i'm going to keep the door open on the other if i'm not treated fairly and the word is fairly. doesn't mean well, it means fairly. if i'm not treated fairly we'll see what happens. fairly means fairly, i want to be treated fairly. i want the establishment -- look, i was part of the establishment. >> [ indiscernible question ] >> let me explain. i was the establishment two months ago. i was like the fair haired boy a giver, a big giver. once i decided to run, i'll semi anti establishment. now leading in all the polls, they are treating me very well. i'm being treated very well. preevis is terrific. we have a great relationship. i want to run as a republican. i don't want to run as a third party or independent. as long as i'm treated fairly,
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that's going to be the case and fairly is an instinct, it's an instinct. i know what fair is and you know what fair is. i know what it is, yeah. i know what fair is. i think that's happening. and by the way, win, lose or draw, i'm not just saying i have to win. i guarantee you this, if i win the republican nomination, i guarantee you-all sitting there, i will not run a third party candidate. do you agree? >> yeah. >> okay. >> one more question, yes, sir? >> give up your microphone to a protester -- >> i would never give up my microphone. i thought that was disgusting. that showed such weakness. the way he was taken away by two young women, the microphone, they took the whole place over and the audience, which like him, i mean, they were him. they are saying what is going on? how can this happen? that will never happen with me. i don't know if i'll do the fighting myself or if other people will. but that was a disgrace.
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the way they -- i felt badly for him. but it showed that he's weak. you know what? he's getting the biggest crowds and i'm getting the biggest crowds but believe me, that's not going to happen to trump. >> one more, sir. >> you could win it, you're way out in front. >> did you hear him? i'm way out in front. >> i've been trying to get in your car to talk about it, my resume -- >> you want to be what? vice president. his question is no longer as good. he had great credibility until he said that. now where did he come from. go ahead, one more, go ahead. >> mexico will pay for the wall? >> 100%, mark it down. 100%. okay? ladies and gentlemen, thank you. we'll go make a speech and then you go home. have a good time. okay. thank you. thank you-all very much. there you have it, donald trump being donald trump. back with me now, jeffrey,
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gloria and josh holms and donald trump now goes to make the speech. that was the media availability prespeech we can only guess what we're going to hear in a few minutes when that happens. until then, gloria, did you hear any specifics? >> i didn't. what i heard was sort of donald trump the zen version. i think he was toned down considerably. >> i only heard one excuse me that entire press event. >> he wasn't -- he said jeb bush can't negotiate but didn't call him names. he said about the republican party, they are treating me very nicely, all i want to do is be treated fairly. race relations, i'll create jobs and be a cheerleader. he wanted to be, i think, sort of a more positive sounding donald trump given what's gone on the last week or so. so a very different tone i, no
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information but different tone. >> different tone but no specifics. >> josh holms, you were smiling through the entire thing. do you find it funny? >> i find it endlessly entertaining. i love watching it. i thought one thing that was really instructive is, you know, he was asked about china and said yeah, we have to do something about china and followed up and said what is that something? he said well, we need to take strong action. well, oh my gosh, how did we not think about that before? strong action. holey smokes. endlessly entertaining but as wear on, people will look for answers and i'm not sure he's got them. >> jeffrey lord, over and over again in this press availability, you say you'll be good on jobs, health care, there are others i couldn't hear and he said where is the info? trump's answer is you'll see lots of plans over the next two weeks, numbers, specifics, is trump playing a game here?
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is going on? why can't he offer up a policy? >> yeah, i mean, i think it's candidly takes time to put this stuff together. remember, he's not a sitting united states senator or governor with a lot of staff people that generates positions over time. he's got to put this together now. >> had strong positions on how she would address issues. >> you know, you know, carly fiorina, it's interesting she ran for the united states senate and i would make a little bet with you that we're going to as she starts to surge in the polls, we'll see more conservatives looking at the record in the senate race and her positions on that vis-a-vis the establishment and things of that nature. >> in my experience, presidential campaigns are built on ideas because people have specific plans for the country that they think would make the country better.
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this is a campaign so far aside from make america great is built on personality and built on donald trump and that can be a problem because campaigns that are informative over a number of years and have well thought out ideas generally do pretty well because the candidates actually have something they thought about for quite a long time. >> maybe this is flipping the construction on the head, josh, and maybe that's okay instead of policy first, personality second, now you've got a lot of personality and they will come up with policy. >> yeah, well, you know, works for awhile and i think in the summer. >> how long -- >> in your experience, obviously, completely different from where we are now -- pause. everyone. take it in. donald trump taking the stage with his packed crowd waiting because he was quite delayed. why don't we dip in and listen to it?
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♪ ♪ thank you, wow. thank you-all so much. we're going to have a little fun tonight. we're going to talk about terrible things but have fun away. not a lot of good things happening if you want to know the truth. an interesting everything and tremendous crowd and a lot of people outside that couldn't get in so i congratulate you for being good at real estate. [ cheers ] >> so i came over today and i'm reading the newspapers and what have i been talking about for years? china devaluing their currency. so they did it again the to us today, folks. they are taking your jobs. they are taking your money. they are taking everything and
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we owe them $1.4 trillion. that's a magic act. we owe china $1.4 trillion. and i love china. nothing wrong with china. their leaders are so much smarter than ours. mexico's leaders are so much smarter than ours. they laugh at our people. they tell me, because i have, as an example, with china, they buy my apartments and spend $50 million, $30 million, $15 million are the cheap ones. when i sell a $15 million apartment, it's like china pays so much money to trump, i have the largest bank in the world from china. they are my tenant. i don't have to worry about the rent. believe me. many, many, many times you take our biggest bank, citibank, take jp morgan chase, many, many times the size and you know what? it's amazing.
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people tell me they come over, they give me a lot of money and we talk. they didn't know i would be running for president, otherwise they wouldn't talk so much. it's true. and they say we can't believe we get away with it. people from mexico, i love the mexican people. they have tremendous spirit. amazing spirit. they have amazing spirit. they are great. [ applause ] >> no, they are great. and i was just telling the press, it was a poll in nevada that was just done. i'm leading in the hispanic vote and i'm going to win the hispanic vote. it's true. [ cheers ] >> i'm also leading in the regular vote, like 32%. [ cheers ] >> but when you look at what's happening, whether it's mexico or china or japan or vietnam,
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which is doing unbelievable business right now, their leaders are so smart and so sharp and so much more cunning and i use the word cunning a lot because the word cunning is very important. they know what they are doing, and we have people, they are babies. we have caroline kennedy in japan. i saw it on " 60 minutes." how did you get the job? i went to the white house. this is how it is. i went to the white house and i was looking for a job and i said, do you think i could do something for administration? and they said, oh, how would you like to be ambassador to japan? [ laughter ] >> and she said really? wow. are you serious? so here is what i did. i called carl icahn last week. great guy.
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killer. we don't care, do we care he's a killer? does anybody mind? he's a tough docooky but he's a friend of mine. i said carl, if i make it and we're leading in every poll, which is really -- it's been a very exciting couple -- [ cheers ] >> i said carl, you know he's made a fortune. he's a great negotiator, talented guy, smart guy. went to princeton, one of the top students at stprinceton, a t of people don't know, there are a lot of people like carl that are great people and negotiators that don't sleep at night like me we toss and turn and toss and turn and thinking always thinking. it's not easy on the family. but we're tossing and turning and scheming. that's what they are. there is no 18 hours of sleep. does that make sense? so i said hey, carl, in fact,
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now the press will call carl i'm sure but carl icahn, great. i said carl, if i get this thing, i want to put you in charge of china and japan, can you handle both of them? okay. china and japan. he said yeah, i'll do it. i'll do it. i want to you know what? just relax. everything will work out fine. we'll make great deals. right now, with china, i have a friend. he is a great manufacturer. he can't get his product into china. can't get it in. they devalued today -- >> we're listening now to donald trump taking stage, beginning his remarks at this republican fund-raiser. getting a lot of applause, doing what donald trump does. to me, this is reminiscent of his announcement speech. he might have themes he wants to hit but he's riffing. china being one of his favorite topics. >> totally riffing.
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presenting himself as an anti-establishment candidate. he was the fair haired candidate talking about how caroline kennedy connected to the obama administration, got her job as the ambassador. and using that as a negative in a way and then saying, well, i called my friend carl, the billionaire investor and. how would you like to take over china and japan? okay. if i win. it is meandering but it isn't full of invective. it is more about, i am the anti-establishment candidate who can fix things. and it is all about trust me. trust me. i got this. >> to the folks in the crowd, they're applauding him. we've heard from sara murray who says the folks say they want to hear policy. but they don't really care about hearing it, it seems.
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>> i think at some point they will because other candidates will force the issue, as will journalists. but right now, you have a candidate out there who says, i'm a success and i can make you a success. zpith they're so hungry for something like that they believe him. >> you pointed this out earlier. not angry, not combative. almost making a turn toward trying to be optimistic which we saw. here we go again. outfront next, we're following other breaking news. texas officials fire white office here shot and killed this unarmed black teenager. coming up next, the starting new details about how the shooting went down. i'm ready to crack like nobody's watching. why? because it's red lobster's crabfest. and there's so much crab, so many ways.
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welcome back for our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news this evening in the shooting death of an unarmed black college student at the hands of a rookie police officer in texas. the department's police chief tonight saying that the officer involved, brad miller, has been fired. >> i have found several decisions made on scene to be troubling. >> to say the very least. 19-year-old christian taylor you with a caught on surveillance video out a wind shield and driving his suv through the showroom window. that is when police were called to the scene. taylor's family has been demanding answers as to why lethal force was ever used.
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ed is live in texas with more on this. what else is the police chief saying about those moments before taylor was shot? >> reporter: the police chief really laid out the time line and the details laid out yesterday afternoon with the officers that responded to the scene, including the 49-year-old rookie police officer brad miller who was the officer that has been fired and his training partner and partner with him that day, corporal dale wiggins. what they laid out here is a number of errors the police chief says, made by brad miller. and the key in all this is that the chief says brad miller entered into the showroom dealership area by himself. against department protocol. and as officers were trying to surround the building and keep christian taylor from getting away, that brad miller entered the building and then confronted christian taylor. the police chief says that taylor was screaming obscenities
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10 police officer but there was no physical altercation between officer miller and christian taylor. the police chief says when christian taylor was seven to ten feet away, that he had separated from his partner and entered the building away. christian taylor was seven to ten feet away when he fired the first shot. then his training partner caught up with him and deployed his taser. then officer miller fired another three shots that killed christian taylor right there. he was hit in the neck, chest and abdomen. the police chief described the actions of officer miller as troubling. >> as you pointed out, this officer was still in training at this time and his training office they are with him of course. prosecutors are obviously going to be looking into this case for possible criminal charges how many damning could his testimony be? >> it is clear from what the police chief said, they laid a lot of blame on officer miller.
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as you mentioned, the police chief says all the investigative material they gathered is being single to the prosecutors and co-face criminal charges. >> all of that happening this evening. ed, thank you so much. and thank you for joining us. "ac360" starts now. good evening. a lot of firsts including hillary clinton agreeing to give the justice department her private e-mail server, trying on quiet the controversy that has been hanging over her campaign for months now. by the way, something she said she would not do previously. we begin with another first. donald trump's first big speech since the news making gop debate. tonight in michigan on the road between flint and saginaw which we'll go to. and the polling since the debate. for the first time it shows donald trump leading in iowa. he says it proves he is right about how he's running the race. some of the numbers though, not such good news as you'll see