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tv   CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello  CNN  August 11, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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you've been busy. >> let's turn it over to carol costello. >> you have a great rest of the day. "newsroom" starts now. happening now on the "newsroom" -- face-off in ferguson, again. more arrests as rocks and frozen water bottles are thrown at police. has anything changed? and did fox news cave to donald trump? first the phone call, then the tweets. but what about megyn kelly? cnn talks to trump this morning. plus, a state of emergency in colorado after this river turns a ghastly orange. is drinking water at risk? let's talk. live in the cnn "newsroom." and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining
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me. we begin this morning with donald trump. he's speaking on cnn's "new day," a day after he had a tough conversation with fox news. and it appears -- how would you say it? he convinced roger ails to be much more fair and balanced. >> let me ask you something about what's going on at fox. this situation seems curious from the outside. you talked to roger ails. he says he cleared the air. and megyn kelly goes on her show, doesn't come at you, says that you're successful. did you make a deal with fox? >> roger ails has been a friend of mine for a long time. >> he's a good man. >> he's a friend of mine. he's somebody i have great respect for. i was angry with the way i was treated, perhaps justifiably. roger ails, who's an amazing guy and an amazing executive, he called me yesterday and i'm fine
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with it. >> was part of the deal that megyn kelly wouldn't go on her show and attack you and keep it going? >> we didn't discuss that. it's not about megyn kelly. >> she didn't come up at all? >> it's not about that. there was a misinterpretation of what i said. unless you're a deviant you don't put words in. a couple of people tried to make a big issue out of it. that's not it. roger has done an amazing job at fox. he called me and i have no problem. >> roger ails himself released a statement, quote, i assured him that we will continue to cover this campaign with fairness and balance. we had a blunt but cordial conversation but the air has been cleared. not one question about megyn kelly and the blood from wherever comment. although kelly did address the matter briefly last night.
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>> mr. trump did interviewed over the weekend that attacked me personally. i've decide not to respond. mr. trump is an interesting man who has captured the attention of the electorate. that's why he's leading in the polls. trump who is the front runner will not apologize. and i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. so i'll continue doing my job without fear or favor. >> hillary rosen is a democratic strategy. welcome. >> thank you. >> so sabrina, did fox news cave to donald? >> i'm not really sure what happened behind closed doors. but the best thing to make this trump debacle go away is for another candidate to step up and start talking about real policies. carly fiorina started engaging on issues like paid leave
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mandates. we need to talk about all of these things that matter, especially to women voters. >> hillarhillary, what do you t? >> i think that carly fiorina is out of touch, actually, with what most working women are looking for in terms of wanting paid leave. clearly when it comes to the donald trump syndrome, just like just happened now with our guest, they really don't want this to be about donald trump. he's totally leading in the polls. he's captured a conservative republican's imagination and they don't know what to do with them. but roger ails wants him back on fox tv, he doesn't want him on cnn. that's clearly what that conversation was about and that interview this morning was about. >> well, i think hillary is right to some extent that this has turned into a circus.
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o >> here's the thing, sabrina. some of the republican candidates are talking about women's issues, but mostly they're talking about the abortion aississue. while that's very important, it's not at the top of most women's agenda. >> i'm thinking about today that i had work. i have to get my kids to gymnastics. i have to think about dentist appointments and back to school papers. they want a candidate who recognizes their successfes and has practical policy prescriptions. there's a real opportunity for the gop to come in and state some of that. but right now it has become a circus and i'm as disgusts about it as you are. >> no one could be happier about this than hillary clinton. here's what she had to say.
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>> what donald trump said about megyn kelly is outrageous, what the rest of the republicans are saying about all women is also outrageous. they brag about slashing women's health care funding. they say they would force women who've been raped to carry their rapist's child. and we don't hear any of them supporting the minimum wage, paid leave for parents, access to child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead. >> so you do get the sense that hillary clinton has been waiting for this moment and she jumped on it. >> you know, hillary clinton has been working on these issues her entire professional career. and the fact that these are the things now that have come to sort of the culmination of the fight between republicans and democrats will only help hillary
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clinton. i agree that abortion is not a primary issue for most women today as they go through their daily lives worrying about how to feed their kids or get a job out of college or the like. the reason why it continues to matter is it becomes a respected issue. and the way that men talk about it, when scott walker talked about, you know, threatening the life of a woman to protect a fetus, when marco rubio says that about a rapist and the impact on women, that's for many women just a, you guys don't get it. we just want to be in charge of our own bodies. that becomes like a base issue and all these other issues on top of it are things that end up tilting the vote in their favor. and so i think hillary clinton is exactly right. >> really quickly, sabrina. >> the good news is that neither
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party's economic favorability is better than one or the others. there's a lot of opportunity here for the gop to explain how micro managing wages and benefit packages and a lot of these things that are pushed out here as good for women are actually going to hurt women. we'll see what happens. >> yes, we will. thanks to both of you. on the democratic side, thousands were feeling the burn in los angeles monday night. >> we began this campaign about three and a half months ago. and the momentum as you can see tonight has been extraordinary. tonight with the overflow crowd we have more than 27,000 people. >> he's not kidding. bernie sanders continuing to
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draw in massive crowds. this is at the los angeles memorial sports arena. look at all these people. it becomes as sanders scored the nation's largest union of nurses, with 85,000 members endorsing him. in portland the night before, that was the largest political event of the 2016 campaign so far. are you listening, hillary clinton? one of president obama's obama's staffers is out on bond this morning after police say she tried to shoot her lover. police say she was feuding with her lover who was a capitol hill police officer. moments after a tryst they say she grabbed his gun, pointed it at him and fired off a round. he wasn't hurt. but authorities now hint another woman may have sparked the violence. michelle kosinski is on martha's
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vineyard this morning. >> reporter: this is a legislative affairs liaison at the white house who spent three nights on jail. this happened on friday and she was just let out yesterday on $75,000 bond. people say she invited her boyfriend, the capitol hill police officer to her house. when they were in his car, she was able the get hold of his cell phones and the gun that he used at work. the report says he refused to tell her what was on his phone. she accused him of cheating on her. and he refused to give her his password so she could check the phone herself. she threatened him, pointing the gun at him, saying you taught me how to use it, don't think i won't use it, firing a single shot in his direction.
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they have put her on unpaid leave and revoked her access to the white house while this is under investigation, carol. >> thank you. still to come in the "newsroom," more violence, more arrests. we take you to ferguson, next. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing.
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look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available.
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. right now, ferguson, missouri, remains on edge after yet another night of unrest. the state of emergency still in effect after dozens of arrests. this is what it looked like last night, angry protesters shutting down the streets. according to police, some protesters hurled frozen water bottles and rocks at them, forcing them to push crowds back with riot gear, all of this
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mirroring what we saw one year ago when unarmed the teenagers michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer. let's get to ryan young on the ground in ferguson. >> reporter: really a conversation going on within the community right now. you talked about these scenes just from overnight. 23 people getting arrested. but the crowds are a lot smaller than what we've seen in the last year or so. there were tense moments as protesters took to the highway and some drivers just drove right through them. overnight several arrests made as rocks and frozen water bottles were thrown at police. protesters taking to the streets, blocking traffic. authorities earlier declared a state of emergency in mergs. as protesters continue for a second night surrounding the anniversary of michael brown's death.
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police lining up in riot gear. >> we're the people that run towards danger instead of running from it. >> reporter: last night a small group of heavily armed men walked into the group of protesters, calling themselves the oath keepers. the men say they're protecting with infowars, a site run by conspiracy theoryists. >> they mix in with a lot of the peaceful protesters, so it is difficult. and particularly for law enforcement who has no idea oftentimes who is who. >> reporter: tensions growing after a reported four shootings sunday night. 18-year-old tyrone harris remains in critical condition after being shot by police late sunday. of course, carol, there's a rel
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conversati real conversation going on within the community. there are some people saying they want to take to streets again because they want to test that line between them and police. >> let's talk about all of this with former commissioner of the boston police department ed davis and tracy -- good morning. i'd like to take a look at the bigger picture. and according to the "washington post," unarmed black men are seven times more likely than whites to be killed by police. so far this year, they say, 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed. to put this into perspective, that's one every nine days. are we making any progress at
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all? what do the numbers tell us? >> the numbers are troubling. my form eer colleagues across t nation have been meeting and trying to work on plans to reduce these numbers. chuck ramsey is the police commissioner in philadelphia. he and all of my former colleagues are really trying to work on the training side of things and the cultural issues that are involved here to stop violence on both sides of this equation. >> and i want to put up some more statistics from this washington post article. the post also points out of the 60 unarmed deaths, 40% were black men. sobering number, right? according to the washington post, those 24 deaths are part of nearly 600 overall. in fact, the majority of those killed were white or hispanic and the majority of victims were indeed armed. you can read statistics so many ways. what do you make of this?
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>> what i make of this -- and also you mentioned the killings that have happened of black males, the shooting killings, but we also have a rash of black women who are being found dead in police custody. and i don't want to let that go under the radar as well. recently we have highlighted sandra bland. but there are many more, kimberly king being one. there are several others. what i make of the statistics is we have a crisis of humanity in this nation. it doesn't matter what the color of the skin is. what we have are law enforcement offices who are acting extremely aggressively against people that they are supposed to be protecting and serving. and whether they're doing that because of a cultural disconnect or whether they're going that out of aggression of some other
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kind, it has to be addressed and stopped. >> so, ed, you see there is an important conversation going on among very important people. so is there any consensus? 600 people, it seems like a lot. what do you think? >> carol, i think that it is a lot. and my colleagues have recognized that and are working with their police departments to try to reduce those numbers. you have to remember, we're a very unique society here in the united states. we have almost unlimited access to firearms. we're asking officers to walk into these very violent situations. just in ferguson the other night, within earshot of an interview that was going on, a group of men produced firearms and started to shoot back and forth at each other. that's em bblem emblematic of t problems we're seeing.
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we need to reduce the number of guns out there. we need to reduce the number of people that are willing to utilize guns. it's a violent, dangerous job we're asking the police officers to do. can the police officers do -- it's difficult to see unarmed men being shot, it certainly is. but there are thousands and thousands of calls every single night in this nation of active gunfire occurring. that's an issue that is underlying this whole problem that we have to address as well. >> is that an underlying the issue in ferguson? >> well, that's an underlying issue nationally. but there's also another underlying issue. as you know, as a result of the killing of michael brown and the unrest that emerged from that, there was a d.o.j. investigation in ferguson. and that investigation found
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blatant racism all through law enforcement. and there were some actions that ferguson was held accountable for. it is interesting that even in this era -- and toii wanted to this because to me this is indicative of the larger problem. one of the people who was fired because of racist e-mails from within, the police department -- she was a clerk. she was not an officer. but it speaks to the spirit of the police department. ch she was fired for racist e-mails and now she has been hired in a neighboring municipality. what we're dealing with is intrinsic racism which must be called out. it cannot be the only thing that we address. we must address the
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criminalization and the marginalization of people of color in this country. we must do that. and the idea that someone would be fired because of a d.o.j. report and their active racism in the execution of their job on job computer sending racist e-mails through the department and then be hired by a neighboring municipality is unconscionable to me. still to come in the "newsroom," toxic water, a river full of pollutants. and this isn't even the whole story. we'll talk about that, next. ♪ ♪ fifty! ♪ ok! ♪ ♪
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sludge that was accidentally dumped spa t eed into the anima. they haven't warned of health risks facing locals or whether or not the drinking water is in peril. but answers need to come soon, because those pollutants that have turned this river orange are spreading and new mexico is now at risk. >> reporter: well, the epa is usually in the business of responding to emergencies, not causing them. but that is exactly what happened in this case. you can see signs along the river saying it's closed. you can see along the shore here this toxic sludge. some people have described it as looking sort of like a mustardish color. i would agree with that. this material is very heavy and it has sunk to the bottom. let me show you some of the
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water we have collected. you can see it right here. this is some nasty looking stuff. this all happened when the epa was trying to clean up that abandoned gold mine. and it completely backfired. you have three million gallons of that toxic water spilling into the river. we talked to the owner of a local rafting company. take a look. >> they should have had some safeguards in place before they started poking around up there. >> reporter: how is this going to impact your bottom line? >> drastically. this is our life blood. we've been a rafting company established for over 32 years. this will negatively impact our bottom line. >> reporter: and we're still waiting for the epa to tell us what exactly is in this water. we know there's some lead and arsenic, which could be very harmful to both humans and wildlife. we should point out there is no evidence it has contaminated the
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drinking water supply. but a lot of wildlife come here and drink on the water. this water is used to irrigate crops. a lot of concern out there as this goes down river that it could potentially impact other communities. >> thank you. and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me a disturbing report kept secret by the federal government for three years says the nation's air traffic controllers are dangerously sleepy, possibly putting you at risk when you're flying. nearly two in ten controllers admitted to significant errors on the job, including allowing planes to fly too close to each other. the faa says changes have been made since that study was done. is that true?
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>> reporter: good morning, carol. this is an alarming study. we know researchers surveyed more than 33200 controllers. it monitored the sleep patterns of more than 200 controllers. it also gave them tests that measures their alertness during their shift. controllers got an average of 5.8 hours of sleep every night. an average of 3.2 hours of sleep before a midnight shift. 72% of controllers on the midnight shift caught themselves, quote, about to doze off at work. and 78% of those surveyed said the shift work was the cause of their fatigue. we also know that one in five controllers say they made some sort of operational error. the study same after several incidents involving controllers falling asleep on the job. incidents like this one where
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the pilot was forced to land without help from the tower. take a listen. >> so you're aware, the tower is apparently not manned. we've made a few phone calls. nobody's answering. two airplanes went in in the past ten or 15 minutes. >> reporter: that's not the situation you want to have. the faa says it has changed scheduling practices in 2012 to control these fatigue issues and that controllers are allowed to self-declare if they feel like they're too tired to work. but the faa does acknowledge that fatigue will always be an issue in a 24/7 operation. still to come in the "newsroom," could the very group trying to help fix the issue of racial inequality actually be hurting the cause? when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before!
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it is calm in ferguson this morning, but a state of emergency does remain in effect for what police called good reason. here's what it looked like overnight. angry protesters flooding the streets, clashing with authorities, some even hurling rocks and frozen water bottles at police. all of this happening around the anniversary of michael brown's death and the birth of black lives matter, a movement that has become controversial itself. in los angeles last night the new n.w.a. bio pic, straight out
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of compton debuted. some of the films stars weighed in on the movement. >> i don't think things have changed. the only thing that's changed is there's camera phones. and with all that footage with social media, many people aware of the problem, it usually leads to a solution. that's what we need to be focused on instead of complaining and protesting. i understand the protest, but we need to think of solutions. it's time for change. >> with me now to talk about this, cnn political commentator mark lamont hill. welcome, mark. >> good to be here. >> do you agree. >> absolutely. i thi the technology allows us to get more access to it, allows us to
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see it every day. i don't think they're either/or solutions. if people were out there right now in a policy meeting talking about how we could have more police oversight, citizen review boards, we wouldn't be here talking about this. >> we have skmicommissions like this. ferguson has several itself. >> protests are never considered the answer. protests are like the spotlight that forces people to do what they need to do. >> as you know black lives matter has become controversial in some people's mind. for example, black lives matter doesn't seem to like bernie sanders, the most liberal politician ever. look at what happened on stage just the other day.
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>> all right. so we are trying to be reasonable. we are trying to be reasonable. we are going to give you -- we are going to give you the mic. >> okay. so you get the drift, right? so this is just confusing to some people. why bernie sanders? >> it's not just bernie sanders. it's not that they dislike bernie sanders. >> they didn't seem to love anymore that mome him
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in that moment. >> it's also loving policies. bernie sanders has yet to issue a policy statement on paper on criminal justice. martin o'malley had done that. bernie sanders had not. it's not about whether or not he has an affection for civil rights. he does. how do we get these ideas on the ground and actionable. that's what they want from bernie sanders. that's what they want from martin o'malley. and if hillary clinton actually went around doing these rallies, she'd get it too. >> according to npr, the sanders campaign just appoints an activist who supports black lives matter as its national press secretary. >> see what i'm saying? it works. do you think they would have been done that a couple of weeks ago? of course not. that's how the left thinks oftentimes, particularly the
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white left. you people don't know what's in your best interest. i do. if we could just get economic justice, everything will be all right. black lives matter says, wait a minute. still to come in the "newsroom," they've been training around arming syrian rebels. now the pentagon wonders if the program is actually working.
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my name is mark amann. i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me.
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one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. the fight against isis took a step back this morning. the pentagon now urgently trying to figure out what to do with its program that trains and equips syrian rebels, this after
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an attack on a new group of trained fighters by al qaeda. %-p. >> reporter: that attack coming several days ago. but the pentagon still absorbing it all, trying to figure out where the train and equip program that's been running for moderate syrian rebels, where that program is going now. there are a second group of rebels in training. pentagon officials are saying they know the program, they admit, has been a disappointm t disappointment, especially after that attack. now they're trying to figure out what to do with the new rebels. do they wait until there's a larger group to put in? do they take more advantage of the kurdish fighters, the so-called y.p.g. fighters that have been having a lot of success but aren't part of the train and equip program. it's sort of this jigsaw puzzle
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going forward. where do you put your dollar if you're going to train these rebel groups? it comes as u.s. air strikes into northern syria, into northern iraq from these new bases in southern turkey could be coming really at any point. those aircraft now in southern turkey. they are essentially ready to go. the pentagon talking already about trying to establish a second base in turkey to focus on search and rescue for any pilots going into that very tough combat zone. checking on some other top stories for you at 49 minutes past, two wisconsin teenagers to be tried as adults for stabbing their friend 16 times.
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they face attempted first degree intentional homicide charges. if convicted, they donald sterling is suing tmz and former friend over leaked recordings of him making racially charged remarks. they left sterling being stripped of his ownership of the l.a. clippers. he's heard telling her that she shouldn't associate with black people. sterling's lawsuit claims his privacy was violated and that several statements on the reporting were altered by stif ya know or her associates. and this video will make you cringe -- oh, oh my gosh, flew into a nearby race, race support car. this happened on saturday's tour of utah. and the horror didn't stop there. as you can see when people ran to help cyclists crash. the cyclist, the one that flew over the car, now listed in stable condition. so hopefully he'll be okay. wow.
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still to come in the newsroom, it started as a search engine, but the company's gotten so big and so diverse, big changes are coming to google. i'll tell you what they are, next. i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in.
6:52 am
toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. yothat's lactaid®.k!
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[phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. a terrible accident right now on interstate 8 southwest of phoenix. take a look at that. that's a prison bus filled with inmates that a hit a semi and the semi rolled over. of course some of the inmates were terribly hurt, all have been accounted for however, a dozen or so have been taken to the hospital right now. we don't know the condition of the driver of the semi, but you can see, it was a terrible accident. closed down part of interstate 8, southwest of phoenix. we'll keep you posted. in other news this morning, google just made one of the biggest changes in the company's
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history. the internet is restructuring all of its businesses under the umbrella of alphabet company. yes, google reported $4.3 billion in profit last quarter, and yes, it has $61 billion in cash, but its leaders think google can do even better. cnn's kristene romans is here to explain. >> google is all grown up. like a general lek tort or restructuring itself to be this big grown-up company with the different business lines with a strong ceo that can innovate and keep their startup kind of flavor. their ability to take risks. let's look at what it looks like. alphabet is the overall company, the holding company, and carroll, here in the business lines, google, android, search, chrome, youtube, that's increasing your life, google ventures, they fund start-ups, the moon shot part of it, carol,
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that's, you know, wow, that's all the stuff that just sounds crazy and exciting and maybe make money, driverless cars, and hot air balloons that have internet connectivity, nest, it's its home technology. so a lot of these differnt things here, there's going to be a new ceo of the google part of the business and the two co founders will run alphabet overseeing all of it. a really big shakeup for the company. >> wow, that's amazing. dow down 175 points or more because of. >> google stock is up 6% because of the reorganization, but 175 decline on the dow jones industrial average. what is the china move? it's call the the wan, it's closely pegged to the u.s. dollar. many have complained, you've heard it recently on the campaign trail, complain how the chinese keep it artificials, we compare to the dollar. that gives u.s. goods a disadvantage. well the chinese had a surprise
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one-off devaluation of their wan today because the strength of the dollar has hurt their exports overseas. china moving its currency ban to help chinese exports and that has the markets rattled about currency wars going forward. it's a very shaky time for markets. you know, we had a seven-day losing streak, then today we're down again. the fed is raising interest rates. that's going to change the playing field around the world. that's why you're seeing nervousness in the fed rate increase and now this chinese move, just another reason for investors to take the money off the table, unless you're in google, that's up big time. >> stay close by, we may need you again. appreciate it. news hour of cnn newsroom starts now. happening now in the newsroom, faceoff in ferguson, again. more arrests as rocks and frozen water bottles are thrown at police. has anything changed?
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and, did fox news cave to donald trump? first the phone call, then the tweets, but what about megyn kelly? cnn talks to trump this morning. plus, a state of emergency in colorado after this river turns a ghastly orange. is drinking water at risk? let's talk. live in the cnn "newsroom." >> and good morning, i'm carol castello, donald trump heads to michigan today for his first public appearance since the republican debate that sparked controversy for his comments on and off the stage. as you well know, trump went on a tirade against debate moderator megyn kelly, but he tells cnn chris cuomo that after speaking with the fox ceo, all is forgiven. >> what i said was obvious, there was nothing wrong, unless you're a deviant, you don't put those words in.
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a couple people tried to make a big issue out of it -- >> you know what it was. >> roger's done an amazing job, he calls me, and i have no problem. >> trump went on to say that the women should have a problem with is jeb bush. cnn athena jones joins us with more on that, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol, that was so interesting, the comment that trump made about jeb bush. it's one he made before but he expanded today. you think he was running for a defleck or it in chief because the question from chris cuomo was about trump's own potential problems with women because of comments he's made about women in the past. let's go ahead and play that clip, see how trump responded, deflecting the attention to jeb bush. >> in terms of getting the female vote, it's going to be important to you. you said you will be the best ever for women, the comments that megyn was pointing to, you didn't say i have proof she's lying, i never said them, do you think that you owe women in general, if not an apology, at
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least some assurance that the comments are not who i am and they are not who i would be as president? >> i think jeb bush owes women an apology, he made a terrible statement about women's health issues. and it was a foolish statement, and perhaps a stupid statement. it's a statement that should never have come up or ever have been made, i was shocked, and i think that'll prove to be his 47%. i will say this. he has gone back, he said i misspoke, he said, meaning not me, he, he misspoke. that's a big issue to -- i will be so good women. i will be so good to women, i from work hard to protect women. >> and so trump there was talking about the former florida governor's remarks about whether women's health funding needing $500 million jeb bush said he was really talking about whether to defund planned parenthood which is a big issue on the
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right. what's interesting there, donald trump said look, i'm pro life, against abortion, i think planned parenthood is an abortion factory, but i would look closely at what good things they may be doing. he didn't paint with a broad brush as you've heard from other republican candidates which say hey, defund planned parenthood, interesting nuance we heard from that very long, wide ranging interview this morning with trump. carol. >> all right, athena jones reporting live, thanks so much. hillary clinton doubled down on mr. trump though and while she was at it, she slammed the rest of the republican field. >> i know it makes great tv. i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous, pick your adjective, but what marco rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. and it is deeply troubling. >> with me now to talk about this and more, tara graham, a trump supporter, and jamal
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simmons a co-founder of welcome to you both. >> good to be here. >> good morning. >> nice to have you both. so jamal, i want to start with you and hillary clinton's comments. she hasn't come out swinging lately, but now she has. a new strategy, effective? >> yes. it is effective. here's the reason why. for weeks we've been bombarded with all the stories about hillary clinton, that she didn't want to the have to talk about, and now she's getting back to the core issues which is how does she make america better for the next generation to succeed? donald trump talks about making america great then, then he attacks other people. hillary clinton is offering plans. $350 billion over ten-year plan to change and lower the cost of college tuition for americans. that's real money, for real people that are making the country a better place. >> tara, what do you think? donald trump came out and he says he supports women, she cherishes them, he'll take complete care of women. what do you make of those
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remarks? >> i think donald trump is a man of his word. i think he's a true, american patriot. i think he loves this country, i think he loves our troops. i think he loves women, i absolutely believe, wholehear d wholeheartedly that he has women's best interest at heart. yes, no one is debating whether he has come out hard hitting against some women who, maybe allowed their mocking bird mouths overload their humming bird behind, however, donald trump is keeping it real. and he is waking america up, folks. can you hear it? america is getting -- i'm sorry. >> i like the humming bird thing. are you saying that megyn kelly should not have asked donald trump that question? >> i'm sorry, jamal, i couldn't hear. sorry. >> do you think megyn kelly should have asked mr. trump that question during the debate? >> oh, i don't have a problem with megyn kelly's idea, ideology behind the question. i have a problem with how she
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asked it. i mean, come on, carol, you know as well as i do, there is a right way of asking a question and then there is a left-handed, smack you in your face, kind of way of asking a question. and donald trump took it offense to it. i think everyone who supports donald trump took offense to it, and kind of saw that megyn kelly, okay, megyn, there's a little more going on behind that question than just asking hard-hitting, good journalistic questions, come on. >> okay. so, so tara, your supporters seem to have a lot of clout because mr. trump talked to roger ailes and they came to this moment, fox is going to be more fair and balanced towards donald trump. jamal, in your mind, did fox news cave to donald trump? what happened there? >> you know what happened, donald trump rates. he does well in the ratings. he gets great attention from people in the television.
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fox knows he has conservative viewers out there who want to have, who want to see donald trump. yes, they absolutely caved. here's the problem, donald trump is, says that he wants to be problem. he says he's a tough fighter and negotiator, if he can't take tough questions from megyn kelly on her debate stage, how is he going to battle iran? how's he going to battle vladimir putin. they're much tougher questions that have to be answered about the future of america as a power of a planet than anything he's going to get from a fox news host. >> but jamal, come on, think about it. i mean, that wasn't a vladimir putin kind of question, that was a, hey, i'm going for your jugular. you know, come on, that was -- >> listen, donald trump admitted -- >> it was a disgusting, it was a disgusting question. and donald trump said hey, if you're going to be a big girl and you're going to ask big girl questions, then you know what, put your big girl panties on and come on and be able to go at it.
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>> i think that, i think that megyn kelly is a tough woman. she can handle herself well against donald trump. that's not really, that's not really the issue here. the issue here is whether or not donald trump has the skin that's tough enough to be able to manage and have a temperament to be president of the united states. >> okay, i'd like to ask tara this question because this was in the national journal just the other day. the national journal featured an article titled trump is a buffoon, his backers are not. he gets where trump supporters are coming from, but he says, here's the rub, is trump really something better? is he the best you can do? wouldn't you prefer a more credible vessel for change? can you address that. >> what makes him uncredible? that's what i don't understand. he's a very credible person. he has made -- >> hey tara -- >> she has dealt all kinds -- he has dealt multiple companies. guys, he is credible.
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the fact is he is not politically correct. hold on, let me finish my thought, jamal. at the end of the day, he is not going to play by every other politician's rules. mainly because he's not a politician. he is looking at it the, and he is speaking, he's speaking to all those americans who have gone for the last seven years that we did not have a voice. if we did actually voice our opinion on anything, we were too white, or we were too christian, or we were too this or we were too that, we were a bigot, we were not politically correct. and he is now giving veterans a voice. and that's a first in seven years. he is now giving veterans of the united states of america a voice. >> jamal, last word. >> so, my question is, what is donald trump's plan to fix veteran's health care? what is donald trump's plan to get kids into college? >> well, we are very early on -- >> hold on a second. >> let jamal talk. >> hold on one second, you had a lot of time to talk.
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>> what is donald trump's plan to make sure small business owners, not the big business boys and girls -- >> i am a small business owners. >> what's his plan to make sure you have more financing, more opportunity to get your products to market? what's his plan? >> you know what, donald trump, over the next year, will have a, i mean, he'll have access to develop those plans, or, he will have a platform to tell us everything we need to know about his plan. but right now -- >> good luck with that. >> everyone -- well, good luck -- see that right there. you guys can't make it past sound bytes, and that's the problem because he is not playing a politically correct game, and everybody's like oh my goodness, well, italian sorry, the -- i'm sorry, the gloves are off and donald trump is coming hard and fast, and he will make america great again. you watch. >> we have to leave it there, thanks so much, tara graham, jamal simmons, appreciate it. >> have a great day. >> thanks tara. as for the democrats, bernie
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sanders is drawing big crowds, recent events have been so jam-packed, he's now taking twitter posting apologies to those who couldn't fit indoors at the rally. we're going to have to get bigger venues. its been back to back record attendance on the west coast. 27,500 people came out to see sanders in los angeles. that number spikes to 28,000 in portland on sunday. as for saturday, he pulled in a cool 15,000 in seattle. and while he's not selling out madison square garden, he is beating his democrat opponents crowd numbers. hillary clinton's largest crowd, a mere 5500 in comparison. that's back in june. just as she kicked off her campaign. chris moody is in washington with more on this, so, bernie, bernie, bernie. >> hey carol, well there's a rich tradition in america for pure i'd logically pure candidates who tell people what they want to hear who don't necessarily win elections in the end. now, even though bernie sanders
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is bringing in taylor swift-level crowds, he may not translate to primary victories, but that doesn't mean that shint keeping a close eye on this. she's going to have to find a way, if she wins the nomination to mobilize those voters, try to get that energy, harness that energy for herself. and i think we're starting to see some of that in a couple of the policy initiatives she is rolling out. but certainly, at this point in the game, they're all for bernie sanders. >> so, chris, are you saying that bernie sanders is to the democrats what donald trump is to the republicans? >> oh no, i don't think that's a comparison or fair comparison to them. bernie sanders have been a senator for a long time, and he's rolled out a lot of specific policy plans he's been talking about on the road. i think it's very different. you know, i was in phoenix, arizona, with bernie sanders when he brought in thousands of people there, that's not necessarily a blue, or yeah, not necessarily a blue state, so i
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think where people would say he just brings people in places like portland. he's doing it all over the country. i think that's something that the hillary clinton camp needs to watch, but, crowds don't necessarily win elections at events. obviously votes do. and the closest thing we can look at right now is polls, especially in those early states, and i think those numbers showing bernie sanders really creeping in on hillary clinton subpoena going to worry the clinton camp far more. >> all right. chris moody reporting live for us this morning, thank you. still to come in the newsroom, protesters versus police. for the second straight night in ferguson, this time, some of the protesters were armed with frozen water bottles and rocks. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! so you think this chip is nothing to worry about? well at safelite we know sooner or later,
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right now ferguson, missouri, remains on edge after another night of unrest. state of emergency still in effect after dozens of arrests. this is what it looked like overnight. angry protesters flooding the streets. some shutting down traffic earlier in the day. [ crowd yelling ] >> according to police, some protesters hurled frozen water bottles and rocks at them, forcing authorities to push crowds back with riot gear. all of this mirroring what we saw one year ago when michael brown was shot and killed bay white police officer. so let's get right to cnn's ryan young, he's on the ground in ferguson, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, it looks different here because the crowds, the terms of the size is smaller in scale than what we saw a year ago. and of course being back here two other times since then, look at the crowd and see the
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difference and determine just how people are handling themselves. there are protesters that wanted to make a point, the violent on sunday night had little to do with protesters, they believe that was an outside group that had their own fight that happened to be near the protesters. we saw people show up with frozen water bottles and there was that con frockation between police officers and protesters. now there was also a part where they decided to take over the highway yesterday. and we saw driver's frustrations boil over as people cut their way through the crowd and some of the protesters were kicking at the car. just talking to some of the business owners here, they were hoping for a reset of some sort, and now this violence in the more protests very upset about how things have progressed over the last three or four days. >> we all to want go home at night. we all to want tuck our children in at night, and we all want to give our spouse or our partner a hug and a kiss at night. and so, every single person, whether they are a police
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officer or an activist on the street, we have to be cognizant that everyone wants to go home. and we're going to have to start building these bridges. i just wish that police officers and the people on the ground who feel that they are injured would come together. i mean, we realize that there are bad apples on both sides. >> reporter: now carol, of course now there's this big conversation because some of the police showed up with riot gear, some people saying that maybe because of that, there'll be more protesters this evening. nothing organized just yet, but just a conversation that's starting to happen. what will happen next, and that's something a lot of people are wondering what we'll see. >> all right. also, ryan, can you tell us about these charges that have been filed against two reporters who were arrested in ferguson last summer? >> reporter: obviously a lot of us having paying attention to this. two reporters were asked to leave mcdonald's at some point, according to to the reporters, they weren't given any chance to get out of the way before those
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police started to arrest them. and now, both of them are upset about the charges. they will have to appear august 24th, a surprise. this time since we've been back in ferguson, seems like police officers are treating reporters differently than what we saw a few months back. now the charges have moved forward and this will bring up conversation about that line where as reporters were there to cover a story and how far can police go in terms of the interaction between the two groups. >> all right, ryan young reporting live from ferguson, missouri. let's talk about this with bernard daughter, he's the former new york city police commissioner, he joins me now live, welcome, bernie. >> hi carol, how are you? >> hi, nice to see you. what do you make of what's happening in ferguson? why do these protests always seem to attract this element that butts heads with police? >> well, i think ryan, you know, his report the one thing that stands out is the a lot of these
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people are from the outside. you have to look at what's happening in the community in ferguson over the last year. there's been a better community relations between the police, and the community. the officer involved in the incident is gone. i think there's a new police chief there. there's new city council, new political leaders there, there's all this great stuff that's happened within the community, then outsiders instigate, insight, and riot. and that's a problem. it's a problem for the community, for the cops. for the innocent people that want to better the community, and i think these people have to be dealt with. >> how does -- how could police deal with it more effectively? they showed up in riot gear which only seemed to exacerbate the situation. >> you know what carol, when people start throwing bottles ksh you know, they're throwing frozen bottles of water, which
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is like throwing a rock. so you've got people throwing rocks and stones and people throwing these bottles with glass or frozen water, they can hurt the cops. they can hurt other people. they're going to have protective gear. you can't send them out there without that gear. and you know, there's people out there that use that, they use the very thing that these guys come out in this gear, they use that as an excuse that they now have a reason to riot and they have a reason to act out. it's inappropriate, it shouldn't be happening. >> bernard, thanks so much. i want to bring in patricia behin bynes, thanks for being with me. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> so, why do you think that violence erupted over the past several nights in ferguson? >> well, the other evening are you talking about the night there was a barrage of shooting? >> yes. >> most people within the protests.
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so we started noticing that when we first started having solidarity, protests with the freddie grey incident in baltimore. it seemed that there was a certain element that tried to start using the protests as a way to shoot at other people. i think one of the first nights that we had a solidarity protest with baltimore, there was somebody shot in the leg. the next night, there was somebody shot somewhere else. so as this seems to have progressed, our constant demonstrations, there are people that seem to think that this is an opportunity and maybe use the chaos that comes sometimes from the protesting environment as a way to try to hide from police enforcement. so the other night, that was just too much. >> so, what's the answer? some people are upset that police showed up in riot gear, from what you're saying, they should have. >> well, i think that the police response when there was a
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barrage of shooting the other night, i actually think that that was appropriate. up until this time during this celebration weekend as it started, i think the police response was appropriate, it was measured. many of us speaking within the movement said that wow, they seemed to have learned something since last year, but at the point when people start endangering other people's lives, including protesters, who aren't there protesting, they're there to shoot each other. the police have to do something. and they have to step up to restore law and order. i'm not protesting to defend lawlessness, i'm here to question police brutality and inappropriate police tactics. >> so i want to ask you last time, the full question, when you look at the pictures out of ferguson, you think nothing has been accomplished, is that true? >> that is not true. and i think that if you look at the pictures from last night, i think that we have take an step become, and this is infuriating many people here because we've been working so hard on the issues here.
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the pendulum has not swung as many as many would have liked it to, but we had to do a lot of pushing here, either through protesting, to legislation, through policy, to move it just as much as it has. we're trying to move a culture, and that's very hard. >> committee woman patricia bynes, thank you, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. still to come in the newsroom, dangerous chemicals contaminating this colorado river. the worst yet to come? when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. made a simple tripvere chto the grocery storeis anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of
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he's declared a state of emergency, and now the governor of colorado is expected to hold a briefing next hour with the latest on the millions of gallons of toxic sludge accidentally spilled into the amimas river. so far, officials have provided few details about the potential
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environmental disaster. they haven't warned health risks or whether or not the drinking water is in peril. answers need to come soon, because though pollutants are spreading, and cities in new mexico are now at-risk. cnn's dan simon is in colorado. >> reporter: well hi carroll, the epa is usually in the business to responding to emergencies, not causing them, but that is what happened in this case. the river is closed, and let me show you why, you can see the toxic sludge along the shore, this orange-yellowy color. we collected the water. you can see what it looks like, there's arsenic, lead, so this is pretty nasty stuff. this all happened when the epa, they were trying to clean this abandoned gold mine, and it completely backfired. three million gallons of this stuff come into the amimas river, it's shut down indefinitely. local residents and businesses they are concerned about this. we talked to the owner of a
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local rafting company. >> they should have had safeguards in place. >> reporter: how will this impact your bottom line? >> drastically. i mean, this is our lifeline. we've been a rafting company established for over 32 years. this will negatively impact our bottom line. >> reporter: we are waiting for the epa to tell us what is in the water and how dangerous it might be. there's huge concerns to impact wildlife and also used to irrigate crops, and as it goes downstream, there's the concern that it could impact other communities, but again, we're still waiting to get more clarity from the epa, carol. >> thanks to dan simon. good morning, i'm carol castello, thank you for joining me. new york senator chuck moou her is defending his decision -- schumer is defending his decision not to support the iran nuclear deal. at a news conference, he said it was one of the toughest decisions he's ever had to make,
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he called it a decision of conscious. >> this agreement sanctions a threshold iranian nuclear state after 10 to 15 years. that means the united states and all the governments of the world say it's okay for iran to be a threshold nuclear state. that's a lot different than doing it on its own. and that caused me real trouble. >> in the meantime, a delegation of house republicans is in jerusalem, israel wants to convince congress to reject it. the delegation met with the president who told them he's saying it'll separate a chaotic state. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol, and that is what we're hearing now from israeli leadership that this iran nuclear deal doesn't just threaten the security of israel, it destabilizing the region and
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threatens security of america. they've had 22 democrats here last week, and now 36 republicans here. the republicans would be the easier sell. many lining up to vote against the deal. the question, the real question is how many of the democrats was prime minister netanyahu able to convince. he's been lobbying against the deal from the beginning. framework deal into the the final deal and now he's pushing on congress. he knows he has the republicans, the question, how many of the 22 democrats, if any was he able to convince? we sat down with the leader of the delegation, congressman hoyer and asked will you vote for or against the deal, he wouldn't give us an answer there. he's going to go home, think about it, he has to meet with the administration, but he did break with the administration on one specific point, president obama has painted a stark picture and say it's vote for the deal or set the u.s. on a path to war with iran. the congressman disagreed with that.
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>> i do not believe that if the agreement were not approved that that is a path to war. we imposed the sanctions through congress with the cooperation of the administration, sanctions in my opinion, brought iran to the table. and the first steps, of course, would be to a, keep sanctions in place, and b, perhaps to make sanctions ieven tougher. so i don't agree with that we would set the country on a path to war. >> reporter: the republicans met with the president earlier today, carol, they will meet with prime minister netanyahu later on this week. >> reporting live from jerusalem, thanks so much. still to come, demonstrations and similar lax of disobedience in ferguson. one protesters wanted to make a statement by walking fwhae handcuffs. your credit is in pretty good shape.
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chaos and clashes on the streets of ferguson, missouri. this is what it looked like last night as demonstrators returned to the streets. many marking the anniversary of the shooting death of mooi can brown. unarmed teenager who was killed by police officer darren wilson last summer. and while demonstrations have remained largely peaceful, others went head to head with police, hurling frozen water bottles and rocks. earlier in the day, demonstrators shut down busy roadways, organized a sit-in in downtown, more than 50 people were arrested at that demonstration, including a protest organizer and activist. and he joins me now live. thank you so much for being with me. >> thank you, pleasure to be
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here. >> pleasure to have you here. so how did your arrest go down? >> so, i was with my partner, and she was filming the police, we were both tweeting about the protest. and the police arrested her for filming them. and i went over to the police and questioned the arrest, and i was arrested subsequently. >> what did they arrest you for, did they tell you? >> so it appears the charge sun lawful obstruction of a lawful entrance. we got a ticket for it. >> and now some people might accuse you of wanting to be arrested. what would you say to them? >> you know, there's a long history of law enforcement targeting people who are trying to tell the truth. there were many people arrested. and we were arrested for documenting what the police were doing. the police were using zip ties tight on people's arms, and a host of other things. even last night the people were macing people up there, and it wasn't because anything had done anything to provoke them. the police are provoking people.
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so that is the truth, and that is what i would say to those people. >> i just talked to a committee woman who said there's an element that comes into these protests from outside of ferguson. and causes trouble and uses these protests as an excuse to commit violence against police. do you agree? >> so what i know to be true is the police here in st. louis have remained violent since august, killed eight, paralyzed one, and one is in critical condition right now. i know that to be true. people are tired and we've not yet seen justice which is why people are still on the streets. policing has not changed enough yet. >> you yourself are not from ferguson, missouri, correct? >> correct. >> correct. yet, you come in and you protest in ferguson, why is it so important to you and why do you do it? >> so remember, there's a mike fwloun every ferguson, there's a representative city of so many across the country, and i stwand
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marginalized people. i was here last august and stayed for so many of the protests. and was here with so many other people. and remember that in justice is something that we fight wherever it erupts. or whatever it is. >> you have a lot of followers on twitter, yet, you've become a little trervel. a magazine interviewed and you described you the very loved and very hated man. and you also said that, but we'll get to you in a second. i wanted to ask you why the magazine described you that way. >> you know, i think that there's a truth-telling will always be a radical act in america. you know, the status quo did not just emerge overnight, people work to make the status quo the way that it is, and they will do whatever they can to protect it. and the movement is about challenging the status quo and say we can live in a world where the police don't kill people, we will fight for that world. no matter what the fight looks like. i think that is why people hate
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me. you know, it's easier to criticize me than to criticize racism, and i understand that. >> people might accuse of going into places like ferguson and riling things up. >> yeah, and you know what i would say, the police are killing people. and we are responding to the fact that the police are killing people. i'm not killing people. i have not committed the act, i'm responding to the act. and i'm trying to make sure that the terror of police violence ends. so if people consider telling the truth riling people up, then it can be that, again, i'm telling the truth like so many other people about what's happening in our communities. >> do you plan to join protesters again tonight? >> yeah, i join protesters wherever protesters are. and the truth is radicalizing people here and everywhere across the country. >> thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. still to come in the newsroom, to want make more money? i'll tell you where to move, next.
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happening right now, federal investigators are meeting to discuss the cause of the 2014 crash that injured tracy morgan and killed james mcnair. a walmart truck slammed in the back of the limo killing several others last june. the truck driver was speeding and had not slept in more than 24 hours. he's been charged with death by auto and four counts of assault by auto. a disturbing report kept secret by the federal government for three years says the nation's air traffic controllers are dangerously sleepy, possibly putting you at risk when you're
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flying. in the 2012 study, nearly two in ten controllers admitted to errors on the job including allowing planes to fly too close to one another. many blamed them on being too tired. the faa says fatigue is less of a problem now though than when they study was done. changes have been made since then, including more off-time between shifts. want a raise? i do. head to columbus, ohio, or san francisco. we have a list of the cities that are giving people more money. >> more money, depending on where you live. wage growth is so stubborn, 2.1% for the nation as a whole. you can see in the most recent months where wages are rising. columbus, ohio, something's going right in the buckeye state, 6.2% year over year wage growth. san francisco the bay area in general doing well. 6% wage growth there. virginia beach, louisville,
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kentucky, rochester, new york, in all of these cities you see an unemployment rate that is falling. that is below the national average. in some cases, unemployment rates that are below where there were, back to recession levels. more jobs than qualified people to fill them, and that means employers have to raise wages to attract them. so we'll see if that spreads out. we need to see it spread in more places than just a few, obviously. >> that would be nice. >> that would be nice. a lot of ceo's are saying a lot of bosses are saying they're having trouble finding the workers they need. they think they're going to have to start paying up the days and months ahead. wages could start to rise. we have to talk about the stock market because the dow's still down more than 150 times. >> yesterday at the rally, it still hasn't taken back all of what he gave yesterday. you have concerns about china, and this surprise, shocking move, china doing a one-time
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devaluation of its curb si. what does that mean? china keeps very tight reigns on where its currency trades, the dollar, the dollar has been strong in the months, the months, past months, so china allowing devaluation of the currency so his exports get better treatment in global markets, meaning its products are cheaper than american products and other products. that's why you're seeing concern in the stock markets about potential, let's say international discord over the manipulation of currencies. >> you'll keep an eye on it. >> thanks. still to come in the newsroom, he's leading the gop polls, why won't donald trump crack a smile? when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses.
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all right. checking top stories for you, 55 minutes past. john hickenlooper is feeding fish in dur ran go, we're
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expecting a news conference at any moment. there's a big problem with the river in southern colorado. toxic pollutants have turned the river orange and everybody's wondering if that'll affect drinking water. not only in southern colorado, but also in the state of new mexico. and there you see the governor john hickenlooper feeding the fish at fisheries this morning. as i said, the governr will soon be making a statement. in other news, seattle is taking a stronger stance on gun violence. the city council voting unanimously for both a gun and ammunition tax. the new bill will impose a $25 tax on each gun sold, and two to five cents per ammo round. the funds will go to anti-gun violence campaigns and research. investigators are blocking off a patch of forest in germany where a u.s. fighter jet has crashed. the f-16 pilot managed to safely eject before the accident, and is said to be okay. the flight was part of a training exercise. no word on what caused the crash. a french couple found dead
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off a hiking trail in new mexico may have helped their son survive by giving him extra water. the nine-year-old boy was found alive, but dehydrated right next to his father's body. sheriff says it appears the parents died from the heat. he says they did not have enough water for the hike, but gave their son two drinks for every one they took. and this video will make you cringe. irish cyclist launched over and flew into a nearby race support car on the tour of utah. people ran to help other cyclists also crashed. the cyclists is listed in stable condition. and finally it morning, could donald trump's face specifically, his seemingly permanent pout reveal more about the man leading the gop pack? an expert in facial coding, yes, there is such a thing, says it can. here's jeanne moos.
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>> reporter: he is trumpzilla. crushes as the media shine light on him. why is he looking like trump the grump in his first debate? listen to dan hill, a man who reads faces. what struck you, if anything, about mr. trump? >> well, first of all, the guy hardly smiles. he may be the unhappiest rich man in america. >> reporter: even when he talked about fun -- >> it's fun, it's kidding, we have a good time. >> reporter: he didn't look like he was having a good time. did he smile at all, dan? does he ever smile? >> he only smiles when he's making a sarcastic comment. >> only rosie o'donnell. >> reporter: this facial coding ekts pert expecting trump to show anger, squinting eyes and pressed lips. and in that sense, the unsmiling donald is totally on message. >> you can argue that not being content is his whole message. >> reporter: the defenders, like these sisters whose videos have become a hit on the internet say
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everyone's picking on him. >> leave donald trump alone! leave donald trump, leave him alone! period! bye! >> reporter: tell that to cartoonists who can't get enough of his air and his -- hair and his pursed lips. >> the guy pouts. he is someone who has that upper chin rising and the corners droop in sadness, he's like a cross between peter finch on network saying i'm mad at hell. >> i'm at mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore! >> and it's my party and i'll cry if you want to. ♪ >> reporter: it's the republican party that's crying. ♪ you would cry too if it happened to you ♪ >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn. >> because our leaders are stupid. >> i am not going to take this anymore! >> reporter: new york. thank you for joining me
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today, that the hour with berman and baldwin starts now. fact checking donald trump, impossible, you say? well, maybe. but that doesn't mean we won't try. hear what we discovered after his 30-minute interview on cnn today. and they're armed with rifles, camouflage, and bullet proof vests and they're roaming the streets of ferguson. why is this group on the streets there and who are they protecting? and a real sex scandal with a fake coverup. why a politician lied making up an affair with a male prostitute to hide a secret. hello everyone, i'm kate baldwin, john berman is off today. we begin with new declarations for donald trump. the front-runner spoke with cnn just a short time ago calling the iran


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