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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  August 10, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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but this went in and it's a problem, now they're not sure what they're going to do and not sure how bad the water levels really are. it's starting to get better in durango and silverton, and starting to get better in new mexico, but it's unsure. >> they've got to get in there and contain it. that is not a good situation. tom, thank you. i'm brooke baldwin, thanks for being with me. "the lead" with jake tapper starts now. \s. the phrase that which does not kill the trump campaign, only makes it stronger. where will the latest controversy send his poll numbers? i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." just moments ago, hillary clinton weighing in on trump's remark from last week. we'll tell what you she had to say. the national lead, happening right now. new arrests, new clashes and a state of emergency declared in
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missouri, one day after a man is shot after first firing upon police, police say. it marred some peaceful protests marking one year since michael brown was killed. also breaking in national news, an aide to president obama arrested after she allegedly shot at her capitol police officer boyfriend with his own gun. good afternoon, everyone. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper, what an odd news day we are having. here are some of the issues that republicans would like the media and political world and voters to be discussing. today democrats in congress coming out against president obama's nuclear deal with iran, the head of the iranian qods forces traveling to russia. the cyberis attacks perhaps by
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russia, the black lives matter protesters who interrupted socialist senator bernie sanders' well-attended rally? seattle over the weekend. now what the media and political worlds and voters are discussing instead? whether or not donald trump was insinuating that af, that she is was aggressive because she was menstruating. comments that will like lie have trump and his campaign trying to blunt headlines such as these. here's "new york times" front page -- a word too far. "the washington post" -- "growing paints for a sudden front-runner." "wall street journal" -- "trump won't retreat from the latest dustup. here are the front pages "the weekly standard." recognize that guy?
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how about "the national review"? trump told me yesterday on "state of the union quugs that those who interpreted -- >> only a deviant would say that was what i was referring to. you almost have to be suck to put that together. >> let's get right to cnn political reporter sarah murray, absolute in his insistence that his remarks were not appropriate. >> jake, not only is is trump standing by the earlier comments, today he is going after megyn kelly once again. donald trump remains defiant. >> i've been nice to you, though i could probably maybe not be. >> reporter: refusing to back down from his criticism of fox news anchor megyn kelly. >> the fact is she asked me an inappropriate question. she should be apologizing to me. >> reporter: an apology for a
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question he thought was unfair, so unfair that he described kelly this way -- >> you can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. >> reporter: today trump took his attacks a step further. treating out -- sharing intimate details with howard stern. . clearly the blunt government front-runner is showing no signs of moderating his tone. >> i think mr. trump's a approach, with all due respect, is not helping our party with women. >> for a lot of us it's like a car accident instead of focusing on the direction we should be headed. >> do we want to win? do we want to insult 93% of our voters? >> releasing this video on instagram, saying -- enough is enough.
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>> mysh but in yet another twist of the trump saga, report that trump may finally rule out a third-party run, a pledge he refused to make at thursday's debate. >> you can't say tonight that you can make that pledge? >> i cannot say -- >> a campaign spokeswoman dismissed the idea to cnn, saying there is no truth to this report that trump is ruling out running as an independent. for now, the republican party isn't pushing candidates to pledge their allegiance to the gop. in a recent interview counter cnn's dana bash, rnc chair reince priebus says he's not concerned. >> if there's one guy who should be worried, it should be me, and i'm telling you i'm not. >> as for trump, a pre-debate says he was fully prepped for that question. his answer -- all options are on the table. trump will be back on the campaign trail tomorrow at a
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sold-out event in michigan where we should get a better idea of whether these comments are hurting him. >> even as he talks about trump, governor scott walker of wisconsin is trying to pivot back to the other front-runner. take a listen. >> talk about another candidate running for president. i'm not going to talk about the one the media wants me to talk about. instead i'm talking about the guy in the middle of the stage the other day. we need to talk about the real threat in this race, and that is the possible that hillary clinton could be elected president of the united states. >> let's go to cnn's senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny, he is 234 exeter new hampshire, she's pitching a plan to major college affordable, she says, but she also took an opportunity to talk about mr. trump. >> she did take it. a few moment ago she was asked
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by reporters. she not only addressed 4is comments, she seized on them saying the comments were offensive, outrageous, pick your adjectives. she painted a broad brush on all republicans, warning that women voters should be on the lookout for all of the candidates. let's take a listen. >> what donald trump said about megyn kelly is outrageous. >> reporter: now spilling over into the democratic primary. >> megyn kelly is a strong woman, and more than capable of defending herself against don't trump. i'm worried about what republican policies would do to the rest of america's women, and i will continue to speak out and speak out about that. >> reporter: today in new hampshire hillary clinton weighed in for the first time on trump's most recent controversial remarks. >> if you just focus on maybe the biggest showman on the stage, you lose the thread here. the thread is that the republicans are putting forth some very radical and offensive
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positions when it comes to women's lives. >> reporter: the clinton campaign may be smiling about trump and hits dominance over the campaign, but they aren't laughing about bernie sanders, whog drawing considerable attention in the democratic race. >> this campaign is sending a message to the billionaire class. yes, we have the guts to take you on. >> reporter: bernie sanders has the guts and the crowds. with the populist cry, he's filling arenas. weekend rallies in seattle and portland the signs that he's on the campaign trail -- >> the issue of wealth and income equality is the great moral issue of our time. >> reporter: he seldom mentions hillary clinton by name, but he doesn't have to. his progressive policies are a direct shot at her front-running campaign. >> we need an economy that works for working people, not just
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billionaires. >> reporter: in new hampshire, the democratic fight is on. as clinton opened the two-day campaign swing today, she's only six points ahead of sanders. she unveiled a plan to rein in student lodges and make college affordable, something sanders has been tacking about for months. >> no student or family should have to borrow for tuition. >> reporter: the sanders surge is real, at least for now. now while sanders may be a democratic distraction, all of her aides tell me they believe it's temporary. she believes the way to win over all these democrats who may be open to an alternative is to be tough against republicans. jake, that's exactly what he heard today in exeter. >> jeff zeleny, thanks so much. let's continue this conversation with mike huckabee. good to see you as always.
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governor, when you heard donald trump makes those comments, did you think he was referring to her nose and her ears? or did you think this was, as many of your fellow contingent serve tiffs entered it, a sexist attack. >> i simply didn't know. i knew i would be asked to comment on trump all day. sure enough i was. and sure any of i mostly said he doesn't need my to help him good et on television and publicity. i'll fog fuss on my issues. that's what i have continued to do. >> how do you respond to people who said, boy, it seems like republicans are afraid of criticizing donald trump, maybe they're afraid of him attacking them, maybe it's back they want his voters. you do see reluctant to criticize. >> it's not that.
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i don't criticize any of the other candidates. i have a job to do. if i was still a pundit over at fox news as i was for 6 1/2 years, i would weigh in on this all day long, but you know, what i have to focus on is why i'm running for. i've got lots to talk about, and frankly if i had a dollar every time somebody mentioned donald trump to me, i'd have the best funded campaign in the entire republican field right now. >> you would be the next donald trump. >> yeah. >> let me ask you about follow-up. you said the next president should invoke the fifth amendment guaranteeing due process and the 14th amendment guarantees equal protection when it comes to protecting the unborn. at what point would president huckab huckabee, given his brothers, establish personhood? would it be at the moment of conception in or fetal viability? and once established, how far do you think the government should go to ensure these proposed
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constitutional protections? >> conception is the logical place to imprint life. viability is an ever-moving target. what's viable now wasn't viable a few years ago. so i really want to focus on the fact that we've let this issue be about abortion, which is the wrong issue. the issue about is do we believe the unborn child is a human being? because if we do, and if personhood is really the issue, the 5th and 14th amendment would automatically apply to that individual. i really think we have missed it for a long time. we talked about defunding planned parenthood, but this is a big are issue, and i think it's put it in perspective.
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this is savagery, when people are selling baby parts? i just can't deep in me believe that any american can look at that, think about that very intently, and come away with the nothing that that's really the mark of a civilized people. >> president obama is out there today aggressively pushing the iran deal. one of his basic arguments is that the chinese and russians were already ready to forgo sanctions against iran all together. so this deal is the best deal they could get. what's your response? it doesn't seem as though he's wrong when he's analyzing the russians and chinese and their desire to lift the sanctions. >> yeah, the real shame is that it used to be the united states was the leader. when we decided we would do something, the other nations followed us, what we are seeing is the consequences of his philosophy of leading from behind, which in the case of the world events means we're getting left behind. that's why the president's
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entire foreign policy has been a dismal failure. this is a very dangerous deal. i'm delighted to see that prominent democrats like chuck schumer have come to the conclusion that it's a dangerous deal. he's made this decision, schumer has, in the face of extraordinary pressure. i've got to hand it to him, this is a real act of statesmanship, not partisanship off schumer's behalf, but he's taking this stand because the president doesn't seem to be able to find that kind of courage. >> governor huckabee, thanks so much. see you on the campaign trail. >> thanks so much. great to be with you. the candidates continue to brush aside donald trump's comments. a task likelier said than done, no matter the tax plan or strategy. we will discuss it next.
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will his blood comment finally kill his credibility? or will it only make him stronger? to talk about all of this s.e. cupp and dan pfeiffer. i will apologize to our audience ahead of time. i have not been this trip dashs about double entend rayres since anthony weiner story. so -- he was not referring to megyn kelly's time of the month. do you buy it? >> i don't. i think he said that intentionally, because he talks off the cuff like that. i think he talks to get a rise out of people.
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walking it back now, i think nobody is buying it. if everyone hears it that way, tess very least, he has very poor judgment about how he talks and gives very little consideration. he has to recognize the presidency is as much about -- >> i want you to see how dan is just laughing at what we're talking about, and the problems of the republican party. >> it's very uncomfortable. i thought, wow, the republican party is energized, a bunch of candidates they're really excited. other than your basic joy, in fact, that we're talking about this do you this is this is
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going to hurt him? everything seems to make it that much stronger, so i don't think we're going to know for a few days, but it wouldn't shock me. nothing surprises me with donald trump anymore. he went after mexican illegal immigrants, that's popular with the base. he went after john mccain, not extremely popular with the base. i thought going after megyn kelly would be death, but he's turned this into fox news versus the republican establishment and they were being unfair. >> yeah, donald trump is the victim, right? and he's very comfortable being the victim of the media. it doesn't matter what side of the media, he's a victim. i actually thought if he had just gone quietly about his business, people would have enormous positive attention.
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but he had to live tweet all night. and say what he says. , and i think he was about to attempt to launch a fairly serious xam. do you think he has been a point about the fox news consideration -- let me just say i don't, but in terms of the first question being raise your hand if you can't pledge to stand by -- that was clearly aimed at him. >> i think it was a conspiracy to have really good television. they succeeded in that. this is not unusual when you have people in 2011 you were popping up like herman cain or michele bachmann p. but at the end of the day what fox wants is good tv and good ratings, and
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they goth both. >> the cnn debate with the newt gingrich question, the first question in that cnn debate a supple cycles ago was a similar kind of moment, right? there's a figure on the stage who's got a big story line, let's make the most of it. i, you know, i think that that debate was, as dan says, more about theater than it was about substance. >> i want to change the topic to one thing about bernie sanders, who is attracted huge crowds, but black lives matters protesters, interrupting one of them, recently, basically sitting down a rally in seattle. i don't know if you have any idea about the answer, why are they only going after bernie sanders and to a lesser demark o'malley? how come they're not targeting republicans or hillary clinton? >> i think in the sfle -- they talked a lot about the issues. martin o'malley got shouted down, he went about meeting with
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them and putting out very serious policy. i think sanders will do the right thing ultimately, but he need to do a better job of outreach, otherwise this will dog him for the rest of his campaign. >> thank you so much for being here. breaking news internationally. the state of emergency declared in ferguson, missouri, just hours after a new shooting. we are live in ferguson as police try to keep peace in a tense situation, and? the world lead, you've had heard people who say will not support the plan. ke nobody's watching. why? because it's red lobster's crabfest. and there's so much crab, so many ways. and with dishes like this luscious crab lover's dream or savory snow crab bake. i'm just getting started so hurry in and get crackin'
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breaking news in our national lead, a state of emergency in st. louis county after violence erupted overnight in ferguson, missouri, one year after the shooting death of michael brown. while there were peaceful protests, people say that rival groups fired upon one another last night. police also saying that one young man fired upon four plain clothed police officers after which they returned fire. police have also arrested up to 56 protesters in st. louis, about 20 miles away from ferguson. there were three separate shootings, not directly related to the protests. this video shows a shooting which send people running for cover. all of this has ratcheted up tensions for a city already on surge. sara sidner is in ferguson. >> it's very calm right now, but the tensions are underlying, and
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this shooting didn't help matters. of course the protesters say it really detracts from the message they are trying to clef of justice. what some are saying is the rebirth of the killing, the peaceful sp marches planned by day were shattered that same night. a barrage of bullets sent dozens scrambling to safety, including the new police chief forced to take cover. >> we want to be as patient as possible. >> for those who are -- [ gunfire ] >> reporter: the standoff between police and protesters suddenly dissipated after police say a shooting happen. this individual video may
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disturb you. it appears to show tyrone harris after allegedly exchanging fire with police. >> the suspect engaging them with gunfire, striking the -- you've seen pictures of it yet. three, four time. the plain clothed detectives returned fire from the inside of the van. they don't know if they hit him or not. so the suspect ran to the east on the north side of that building he turned back around, as the detectives got out of the car, shots were fired again. he ran around behind the building. >> reporter: the chaos is a jarring reminder of what happened on the same street exactly one year ago after the police shooting of michael brown, the police officer later cleared of wrongdoing by a grand jury and the department of justice. this time protesters acted
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difficultly, and so did police, saying it was criminals, not protesters creating the mayhem. police say the suspect shot a plain clothed officers with a stolen 9-millimeter, as words circulated that the person shot was another black man, many left the scene, but some reacted in anger. on the other end of the street, please say boltses and bricks were being hurled at officers on the anniversary of brown's death. >> it's truly a tragedy. there's a small group of people out there that are intent on making sure that we don't have peace that prevails. i don't know how else to say that. that's just -- that's just about -- and that's unfortunate, because even with the folks that were in the street last night, listen, there were a lot of emotions, i get it, but this is something different. we can't sustain this as a community. we need the public's help.
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>> reporter: there are a lot of emotions today. today was supposed to be a day of civil disobedience. dozens of people arrested, most of them in st. louis. jake? >> sara sidner, thank you so much. the world lead now. instead of spending these summer days right now hearing from their own city its back in their congressional districts, more than 10% of congress is in israel right now. they're touring that region and listening to the concerns of that country. it's the timing that's interesting. how will it influence many members of congress who say they're undecided on how they're going to vote. that story is next. please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. have you touched the stuff?.
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a looming showdown. moments ago new york senator chuck schumer spoke for the first time publicly about his
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controversial decision to break with the white house and vote to reject the agreement. >> i thought the agreement fell short. what is the solution? some say the only answer to this is war. i don't believe so. i believe we should go back and try to get a better deal. the nations of the world should join us in that. >> this comes as 58 members of a bipartisan congressional delegation, 22 of them undecide the democrats are in israel meeting with staunch opponents of the deal, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, let's go to warren lieberman. you spoke with steny hoyer, who is leading the delegation there in israel. what did this top house democrat have to say about president obama's insistence that a no vote is bakley a vote to go to war? >> jake, he came out and
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disagreed with that assertion, saying there are other options. it's not just vote for the deal or essentially vole for war. he sounded a bit like prime minister netanyahu saying sanctions were once an option, and they can be used again if need be to bring iran back to the table to get a better deal. he does say, and here he says the president agrees a military option is still on the table, but part of the deal is making sure that military option is not the next option, to push it essentially down the list moving forward here, jake. >> there are nine house democrats who have come out to say they will vote against the deal. did steny hoyer give you any sense of which way he mine leaning? >> i came out and asked him, and he very much hedged. he said he would listen to what prime minister netanyahu and others had to say, about you he says he has to think about it and meet with the administration again, and so do the other
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democrats he was with. he wouldn't give us any indication on which kay they're leaning, but at interesting point, he says he's been to israel 14 times, if he can't convince hoyer to, it will be a very tough sell to other democrats. republicans will then need 44 democrats in the house, and 13 democrats in the senate to join their cause to ensure a vetoproof majority. as you mentioned they have nine of the 44 hughes democrats. right now they only have one in the senate. let's talk about the mounting democratic skepticism with democratic congressman brad sherman from california. over the weekend he announced hi opposition to the package. thank you so much for being here. you met personally with president obama and secretary of
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state john kerry in the last couple weeks. they failed to get your support, was it a close call at all? >> it was a close call in that i respect the effort they put into this. i mean, compared to the prior administration which talked about iran, but not only didn't do anything, but disobeyed the law and fought us successfully in congress to prevent us from imposing sanctions. they've taken the problem seriously. they wrestled with it. i just think this is a deal which we cannot lock our condition into over the next 15 years. had has good and bad aspects in the first year, but the next decade -- president obama gave an interview on radio, and pushed for the plan andside disgreat doesn't make sense. he said the follow. >> if in fact breakout times are
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not in a few months and we're able to push it out to a year so we have more time and space to see whether or not iran is cheating on an agreement, checking out inspectors, going for a nuclear weapon, the breakdown time is extended for 15 years. and then it goes back to where it is right now, why is that a bad deal? simplgts short term that is the advantage. short term iran gets its hand on at least $56 billion, some say closer to 100, and they would support assad, who has killed so many tens of thousands of people. the bigger problem is long term. not so much breakout time, but sneakout time. they would have unlimited number of centrifuges, to have heavy water reactors, to have
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reprocessing plants. a company that has any one of those three things will be able to sneak out in a way that iran could not do. >> as you know president obama is saying that the choice is basically between this nuclear deal or war. he told national public radio the following -- >> if we don't want to see a nuclear arms race, if we're seeing iran getting closer and closer to breakout capacity, and we have, before the entire world rejected what every serious nuclear experts who looks at this says is a serious deal to constrain their nuclear program, then in fact that leaves one option, and that is some form of military strike. >> so president obama is basically saying you are going to be voting to go to war. what's your response? >> i think that's just wrong, and we're looking at 60% of each
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house of a congress thinking that congress should not vote to approve this deal. >> congressman brad sherman, thank you so much. >> good to be with us. hadr. next on the national lead, she is a without staffer, an aide to president obama. he works on capitol hill. now the criminal charges over what happened between this washington power couple that has one of them facing possible jail time. when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter.
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come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ welcome back to "the lead." another developing story in national news today, an unusual one. a white house aide has been charged with first and second degree assault after she allegedly fired a gun at her boyfriend, a u.s. capitol police officer. his gun. let's get to michelle kosinski, she's with president obama in martha's vineyard. what do we know about this white house staffer? and what happened? >> this is such an unusual story, one we didn't expect to be telling here. this is a special assistant to a president, a legislative affairs liaison, who works at the white
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house, who has been in jail since friday. she was just let out today on $75,000 bond. 37 years old, her name is barbetta singletary. this is a highly paid staffer, $125,000 a year, which is on the high end, clearly a very well-respected member of the white house staff. according to this police record from friday in prince georges county, maryland, she called of her boyfriend, invited him to her home, he's a capitol police officer, so he protects capitol hill. they spent time together. she got him to go to his car, where she got ahold of two cell phones and service gun, which he uses for work, according to the word she was demanding what he what was on her phone, accusing him of cheating her. the report is she went inside with his gun, and then she threatened him with his gun. he allegedly told him you shod
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me how to use it, don't think i won't use it, and then shot the gun in the direction. according to the report, he ran out of the house and called 911. this is what was to the told to the police. the white house is say very little about her job and what exactly it entailed, but they did put her on unpaid leave and have denied her access for now to the white house, jake. >> michelle kosinski in martha's vineyard with p.resident obama. a police chief blami a broken immigration system for this death, saying there's a blood trail from washington, d.c. to her bed. we'll take a closer look at his claims and the horrific story, next. why? because it's red lobster's crabfest. and there's so much crab, so many ways. and with dishes like this luscious crab lover's dream
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welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. in the national news today there's growing anger and outrage over the sexual assault and murder of a 64-year-old air force employee, allegedly they hands of an undocumented immigrant. marilyn farris was bludgeoned to death while asleep at her home. according to police, one of the two men charged in her death has been living in the united states illegally for years and has a long history of run-ins with the law. let's getting right to stephanie elam live in los angeles. the local police chief says the blame for this incident lies squarely at the feet of federal immigration officials. explain. >> yeah, he did not -- any bones about that. the issue is you have an undocumented person within the country. whose job is it to highlight who that is? and whose job is it to get that person out? that's the crux of this sad
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story. the attack was brutal just before 10:00 a.m. on july 24th, when two men broke into the home of marilyn farris. they beat her with a hammer and sexually assaulted her. despite injuries, she was able to call for help. they found victor martinez ramirez hiding in a nearby home, and the other spect was arrested five days later. charges including attempted murder, sexual assault and residential burglar. for martinez ramires, the charges carry a special circumstance of tortures, but she died on august 1st, upping the charges to first degree murder. >> these charges carry of possibility of death penalty for life without possibility of parole. >> a native of mexico, martinez ramirez is undocumented, but tangled with law enforcement before. two weeks before, police officers 'rested him for possession of meth, and we had to cite him out.
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that's the problem with the system. this is not just in santa maria. this is all over the state of california and all over the united states. >> in fact mary tinz ramires was booked fortimes since 20. in may 2014, he faced felon drug and assault charges that were reduced to misdemeanor battery. i.c.e. says it lodged an immigration detainer, and asked that i.c.e. be notified before he was released to, quote, enable the agency to take custody to pursue possible administrative immigration enforcement action, but the sheriff's office decided the request did not meet requirements. so martinez ramirez posted bail and was released. according to i.c.e., nearly 178,000 undocumented immigrants were deported in 2014. that's 56% of the total number of people who were returned to their home countries in the same period. >> this is a national issue.
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i think it starts in washington, d.c. with this administration that we see in their policies. i think you can draw a direct line over to sacramento with the policies of, i'm going to say this, governor and the legislature, and i am not remiss to say from washington, d.c. to sacramento, there's a blood trail into the bedroom of marilyn farris. farce this most recent transgression, this july incident that led to the death of misfarris, i.c.e. did put out a statement saying they did not actually request an immigration notification, because they said this individual did not have any prior deportation or felony criminal convictions, but when you look at what's happened from here, a lot of people are saying this is a problem and we need to figure out how to highlight the people who just do not belong here in the united states. >> we saw this play out with kate steinly in san francisco. where exactly is this disconnect
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between local police and i.c.e.? which is supposed to be deporting individuals like this? >> and you look at a city like santa maria and santa barbara, it is not a sanctuary city, but you're asking for the federal government to ask the local government to help and point out these people in time. they don't necessarily have to do that in the same amount of time you would like the response to come, jake. >> stephanie, thank you so much. the federal agency in charge of protecting the environment is admitting to doing this, and they're now saying it's much worse than expected. this is a river in colorado glowing bright orange, and that's not mud. that's toxic sludge. a team of workers with the u.s. environmental protection agency accidentally released 3 million gallons of heavy metal wastewater from an abandoned mine in western colorado last week. that is three times the amount that the epa first disclosed.
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preliminary testing shows potentially hazardous amounts of arsenic and lead in the water. people are obviously being told to stay away along with their pets and livestock. the epa still has no idea how long it will take to clean up this met. that's it for "the lead." i turn it over to brianna keilar. she's in for wolf blitzer in "the situation room." thanks for watching. \s happening now, breaking news, state of emergency, st. louis county in crisis after a night of violence and new protests today marking one year since the shooting death of michael brown. can law enforcement keep the demonstrations from spiraling out of control? we're live on the ground in ferguson. blood feud, republican presidential candidates pile on donald trump after his latest kroilg atremark, this time targeting a prominent newswoman. he won't back down, but has he gone too far this time? wave of terror. terrorists make