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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  August 9, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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her team all those people cheering her on there. >> absolutely. >> we're always so grateful for you. made some great memories today. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. welcome to "inside politics" i'm john king. thanks for sharing your sunday morning. we'll keep our eyes out for any new twitter tirades. as we begin today donald trump is still running for president. still saying his critics are all stupid. and that he's going to win. proof i guess on this sunday the lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. now if you're having your breakfast, please take a break for a moment. here's mr. trump friday night here on cnn lashing out at debate moderator megyn kelly of fox news. >> you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever. >> yes. that man wants to be our next president. now mr. trump often accuses the media of taking him out of context. so let's make sure we are fair. the debate question he didn't
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like or didn't like most anyway was about his own words, his own pattern of demeaning women. >> you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. you once told a contestant on "celebrity apprentice" it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? >> tough, yes. but remember his own words, more than fair. his answer? >> i think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. i've been challenged by so many people, and i don't, frankly, have time for total political correctness. and to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time, either. >> now the reviews were unkind.
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and in trade mark trump style he blames anyone but himself. >> i'm very disappointed in fox news. i think they probably had an agenda. but certainly i don't have a lot of respect for megyn kelly. she's a lightweight. and you know, she came out there, reading her little script, and trying to, you know, be tough and be sharp, and when you meet her you realize she's not very tough and she's not very sharp. she's zippo. she gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions and you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever, but she was, in my opinion, she was off base. >> that was donald trump friday night here on cnn. carly fiorina's reaction was short and perfect. mr. trump, she said, there is no excuse. jeb bush, another trump rival spoke to the growing fear within the republican party that this is now much more than about trump, and that his ego and his
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over-the-line rhetoric is doing serious damage to the republican party. >> do we want to win? do we want to insult 53% of all voters? what donald trump said is wrong. mr. trump ought to apologize. >> with us to share reporting and insights. nia-malika henderson of cnn. laura mechanicler of "the wall street journal" and cnn's jeff zeleny. let's start here. the republican establishment this morning is saying this is it. this is it. his comments about mexican immigrants didn't do it. his comments about john mccain didn't do it. ron is there any reason to believe this assault on megyn kelly and his whining about the debate will hurt? some think it might actually help? >> i don't know. one thing i know is republican establishment has nothing to do with this. this is up to the voters. his voters have a real and justified reason to be upset with the political establishment. they have a real and justified reason to be anxious about where we are in these times. and they're going to outlast --
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that anger is going to outlast donald trump and go somewhere outside of the system and hopefully change politics, either for the better or for the worse. this anger is not going to go away. now let's talk about donald trump. this is a man who is a -- an intolerant bully. a shallow man who has built his business on bankruptcies, and paying off politicians. this is not a man who should be president of the united states. >> well, you say that. we come into this and i get your point but we came into this-he came into the debate where somewhere in the ballpark of 24%, 25% of republicans nationally. that means 75% say no. but in a 17-candidate field, and it doesn't look like anybody's getting out soon, i assume we'll lose one or two before iowa, maybe three but even then he's got a lot of strength when iowa gets around to voting. if you look at his comments yesterday for "the washington post" and other news organizations and by the way mr. trump is going to call in to a lot of the sunday shows including state right here jake tapper is going to talk to him on "state of the union." >> call in? he should be on the show.
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>> in this field he has strong sway. >> in that clip we just played here when he said i don't believe in being politically correct the audience cheered. i don't think we really know what's going to happen from this. i think there are a lot of people who thought that when he said at the start of the debate that he wouldn't pledge to support the republican candidate, well that must surely be the end of him. we'll see. i think that the truth is that none of us really know, because the establishment, clearly, is though starting to seriously push back even at the red state gathering very conservative group this weekend in atlanta. they disinvited him after those remarks. >> and sort of erick erickson who said pretty disparaging things about women disinvited him but i do think it might be different because he's going after fox and megyn kelly who is a beloved figure among conservative audiences and we'll have to see. i guess the question is if these people, 20%, 25%, they tolerated the john mccain thing. i mean, well period jokes that's
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essentially what it was if you believe that's what he was referring to, will this kind of joke turn people off. >> he said he wasn't referring to that. that only a deviant could think he was referring to that. >> right, right. >> but he did say chris wallace also had coming out of his eyes. he did not add for chris wallace the whatever part. just give mr. trump some credit of what he said he meant. >> if this was not out of character for him but there's a long string of his comments over the years. the reality is regardless of what he meant there are serious republicans, serious conservatives who are beginning to believe he's not a serious candidate. i think he missed an opportunity going into the debate, and it's one of the reasons that roger stone says is why he resigned. because trump was not serious on that stage. there are people as ron said who want to see someone take on this establishment. but now he has missed an opportunity by becoming less than serious. so i think if the leaders want him in or out or not that's the
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question. at some point he'll be looking for an off ramp. i'm beginning to think he may not ever be on a poll lot at all. that is something his brand will not be able to tolerate, losing on the ballot. i think we're seeing the beginning of the end. the question is when that happens. >> the choice for republican voters is i don't suspect that donald trump he's number one right now, if he fell out of the top ten and was not invited to the prime-time debate i don't think he would show up for a second tier debate. i don't think he views himself as a second tier guy. to his credit, he said his debate strategy was trump was going to be trump. i think he -- >> yeah. >> i think he met the execution -- he executed. but the question is, i guess, what do those angry voters and you're dead right, we should be very careful and pay respect to the people who think we elected getting much from it.e're not - we've had a republican house for a number of years, we're not getting much from it. the space mad at their establishment and their own leaders. but the question is, do they understand that i mean if you just forgive me, whatever your partisan views or what your
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views go mr. trump think about the democratic ad the longer he stays in the republican race. he is a turnout machine for the obama coalition. he still questions the presidentpresident a president's birth certificate. now he's insulting women. >> just spit on some young voters and we'd be done. that's essentially the problem for the establishment which said we need to do as a party to win presidential elections and the prescriptions were just as you said, make things right with these groups. it's amazing how can you have 16 other candidates trying to make progress in that area but when you've got one with a huge bull horn, who is saying the other thing, it just pulls everybody back. >> but if you look at these poll numbers, a lot of these voters who are backing donald trump, they don't really care about electability. something like 13% say they care about electability, what they care about is strong leadership. in trump sort of running as the alpha male in the race is able to embody that for a lot of
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these voters. i think in some ways this provides an opening for people like jeb bush and kasich to embody -- >> i'd like to pull the lens back a little further. if the republican establishment thinks this is just about donald trump and the problems are solved when they get rid of donald trump? if democrats think this is only about trump, they're wrong. there is a real, deep anger out there and a real frustration and fear and anxiety about where this country is going. many of these voters if trump does take an off ramp, they're going to stay home. they're going to keep looking for somebody outside of these two parties. outside of the system that can blow -- >> an opportunity to take those concerns seriously. >> he did miss an opportunity. but the voters out there aren't going to be satisfied with hillary clinton. they aren't going to be satisfied with jeb bush. they're going to be looking for a real change engine and they're not going to get it in these two parties. >> number one we're going to watch and see thursday or friday, it will take a few days, somebody will do a poll and see whether this helps or hurts mr. trump. look at his horse race numbers. here's another way to look at it nbc/"wall street journal" poll mr. trump was making remarkable progress.
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back in march 74% of republicans said no way i'll never vote for donald trump in 2016. in the latest poll, 49%. mr. trump was making remarkable progress with the broader republican electorate. the question going forward is what's the damage. let's quickly before we take a break. we should be taking this morning and mr. trump i think knows this, and he continues to keep at the center of 9 conversation about you know, marco rubio had a strong debate, john bakasich d a strong debate. how does carly fiorina get from the earlier debate into the prime-time debate and if she cracks the top ten who falls out. if you look at the logic governor kasich just made the debate. he had a pretty strong performance. chris christie just made the debate. he was the one candidate who every time he got time and he got less time than most people talked about policy. whether you agree or disagree with him that's what we want in debates we want candidates talking about what they would do or push or advocate as president. yet one of those guys you assume if carly fiorina comes up, they're one who falls out. >> trump aside we're able to see what a strong republican field this actually is.
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there were several contenders who had much stronger debate performances than anyone did in 2012. i thought a lot of people, you know, and this was such a huge audience, that means 24 million viewers saw what donald trump did as well. all these people are not liking -- i thought marco rubio probably benefited himself the most in this firt debate by so many people still don't know him pep was able to introduce himself. i think yes we're talking about trump now but it was a pretty strong field up there. and, you know, the next time around who knows who's not going to be in this top tier. maybe rand paul. maybe ted cruz. who knows. >> the other folks sharing the very top tier with trump, jeb bush and scott walker i don't think did themselves any favors. you talked to jeb bush's folks they think it was a weak, halting performance. scott walker kind of got lost in it. here's a guy who we really got to see if he can grow in to the job like we saw bill clinton do back in 1992 like george bush eventually did. can walker go into it? i barely saw him on the stage. >> john kasich i thought was fantastic.
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he had the hometown crowd advantage. really articulating the compassionate conservative approach to politics. >> remember as we go to a quick break, jake tapper will have mr. trump at the top of the hour. jake tapper will be moderating 38 days is our countdown to the next debate. up next bernie sanders gets forced off his own stage. first this week's politicians do the darnedest things. check out this elevator ride, which candidates are chatting and which prefer to ride up alone or down. i'm not sure which way that elevator is going. john kasich spends the debate chatti chatting. and rick santorum and george pataki enjoying a poet debate. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift?
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with hunger in america. support the feeding america nationwide network of food banks to help provide meals to those in need. join us at welcome back. believe it or not donald trump isn't the only big thing stirring in our politics. let's start with the president of the united states. watch later today an exclusive interview with fareed zakaria here on "gps" today the president defending republicans are mad about this the president says his republican critics on the iran nuclear deal sound to him just like the mullahs and hard-liners inside iran saying they won't budge because they just don't give them this deal. listen to him defend that. >> what i said is absolutely true factually. the truth of the matter is inside of iran the people most opposed to the deal are the revolutionary guard, the quds force, hard-liners who are implacably opposed to any cooperation with the
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international community. the reason that mitch mcconnell, and the rest of the folks in his caucus who oppose this, jumped out and opposed it before they even read it, before it was even posted, is reflective of a ideological commitment not to get a deal done. >> you don't think -- >> and in that sense they do have a lot in common with hard-liners who are much more satisfied with the status quo. >> the president's clearly frustrated with the republicans. he may not get a republican vote or he may just get a couple of republican votes. isn't the bigger question can he get enough democratic votes to sustain a veto? congress is going to vote to disapprove this and he lost chuck schumer a very influential voice in the senate this week. should he be directing his work at the democrats or his anger at the republicans? >> well, that's what mitch mcconnell and the republicans said. are you going to say these things about chuck schumer that you said about us? clearly i doubt he will. >> the staff seems to be. they're going after chuck schumer pretty hard. >> question whether he should be
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the next leader of the democratic party in the senate. i think it's a good question. i mean, there are at least some quiet discussions about a dick durbin, should he now challenge chuck schumer as the next democratic leader in the senate. i think they have enough democrats to sustain the veto -- >> i would not -- >> barack obama for all his strengths does not know how to find common ground with his critics, and he does not understand, even his own caucus -- >> -- schumer supporting, that's the question. >> you don't say that chuck schumer is in line with what the president has done. essentially that's what he has done. >> but hillary clinton and bernie sanders both support this deal. the big question to see whether they go public to try to help the president or stay on the sidelines because it is going to cause a divide in the party. bernie sanders last night we know he's getting momentum. he was out in seattle last night. but his own event he was there to speak about social security. you see right here, black lives matter protesters forcing bernie sanders to leave the stage. what does it say about sanders or more importantly what does it say about how this prochlt is
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determined to get its say, even if they have to knock people -- more on their side than others off the stage. >> this movement is you're going to be able to co-opt, right? a year ago today the death of michael brown, and sort of sparked this black lives matter protest. we saw this happen to martin o'malley. it happened to bernie sanders. he has been hired an african-american woman to be his press person so she'll be out there. he was at a rally later on that day where she talked about black lives matter. a lot of activity on twitter. people criticizing bernie sanders. he's got some work to do in terms of this. and frankly, hillary clinton does, too. >> it comes at a time if you look at the new wmur granite state poll bernie sanders up to 36% in new hampshire. we got a race on our hands. >> we absolutely do. the problem for bernie sanders on this issue more so than i think hillary clinton has a problem with this group is that he really has a fairly important but narrow agenda on economic anxiety. and that's what he is focused
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on. he hits that theme just over and over again. this is not their issue. they want to talk about racial justice. he doesn't talk about killings by police or in police custody. so this is -- he's really having a wake-up call because the democratic primary voters is, you know, maybe not new hampshire, maybe not in iowa, once you get past those states heavily african-american hispanic population and those are groups that he's going to need to find a way to appeal to. hillary clinton has been outgoing out of her way to be very, very -- >> it's true, i think you're right. >> one test of a candidate, they get out there on the road these things happen to them, maybe the surprise is how they deal with it. do they study up and get to it? tomorrow's news today is next. our reporters share from their notebooks including warning size of a donald trump size headache for the head of the republican party.
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let's head around the "inside politics" table, ask our great reporters to get you out ahead of the big political news. nia-malika henderson? >> one of the things candidates need to do when it comes to new hampshire is study up on the heroin epidemic that's plaguing that state. it's now the leading cause of death along with other drugs, more than traffic deaths, heroin is taking people's lives. it's come up quite frequently in this last forum for instance, it came up, rubio had to address it. kelly ayotte has taken to the senate floor talking about the scourge of heroin and next week
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hillary clinton will be in new hampshire, at an open yet forum where it will also come up. it's important for these candidates, true it's a national campaign but when it comes to these state by state issues, it's very much a local issue. >> one of the great values of town halls, people bring up what's on their minds where they live. >> there was a time not so long ago when big presidential fields were winnowed by small events. early endorsements in key states, crowd sizes and earned media and the famous iowa straw poll. those days are dying. that imperfect system is they're focused on grassroots organizing, the ability to build momentum in states where voters pay attention. where your mettle is really tested being replaced by a more nationalized system where folks are jockeying to get into national polls where they're doing outrageous things like eating bacon off of machine guns. where they're saying outrageous things like the president is the equivalent of hitler and marching jews to the ovens. they're desperate for attention. less noticed are things like john kasich putting $2 million into new hampshire just to get
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his national poll numbers up to get into the debate. that $2 million he's not going to have when jeb bush decides to go after him on obamacare in new hampshire. the next time you hear a really outrageous claim, see a candidate do something really outrageous, know that there's a method to their madness. >> and they're probably trying to get into the next debate. >> exactly. >> one of the biggest issues in the democratic primary is college affordability. a source of incredible anxiety for the middle class and a huge issue for young voters who the democrats really need to turn out big for them again. tomorrow in new hampshire hillary clinton will be laying out her college affordability plan. there's a lot of anticipation ahead of this. her competitors governor o'malley and senator sanders have already laid out plans for this. and the question from the left really is whether her plan will be sort of a big, bold idea that really gets at it. she's under a lot of pressure from her left flank in order to come up with some big risk government solutions to big problems like this. so we'll see what she has to say. >> nice. any time candidates talk about policy, agree or disagree,
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policy debates are good debates. >> for her this is sort of her sweet spot, not talking about e-mail, talking about policy. >> jeff zeleny? >> we've heard a lot of talk about hillary clinton and donald trump. this week we actually could see them at least in the same environment, the iowa state fair. it starts on thursday in des moines. and they're both perhaps going to be there at the end of the weekend. but the iowa state fair is one of those many venues where politicians go to test their mettle. the des moines register soap box is still a venue where every candidate or most candidates stop by to give policy speeches. martin o'malley will be there later this week and some others. keep your eye on des moines, iowa, the iowa state fair, to see what happens. several candidates along the way have -- we've gotten glimpses of what's wrong with their campaigns. fred thompson is one example. so i think we should keep our eye on des moines this week at the iowa state fair. >> don't forget fried -- >> jaken wrapped, listen to the candidates and bring your
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doctor. worries about the damage trump is causing the gop brand is spiring criticism of the republican national committee chairman reince priebus. he said he's confident the party will have a nominee by march or early april. a got number of strategists think that's wishful thinking anyway, even more so now that trump has upended things. priebus also downplayed trump's debate night refusal to rule out a third party run and many in the party think he should have been tougher. now much of this can be chocked up to jittery republicans looking for someone to blame. how he handles trump is now a big part of the chairman's job evaluation. that's it for "inside politics." thanks for sharing your sunday. "state of the union" with jake tapper starts right now. trump on the attack. his shocking complaint about debate moderator megyn kelly. >> she gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. and you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming


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