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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  August 9, 2015 3:00am-5:01am PDT

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. a campaign shakeup for the republican presidential fro frontrunner, donald trump and his campaign advisor parting ways. a rookie police officer kills an unarmed teenager. it is always so good to spend the morning with you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. in just a couple of hours we're
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going to hear from donald trump. two controversies we're waiting for him to address. first the comments about megyn kelly. the first that he fired his top advisor. >> trump's former advisor says current controversy have distracted attention from platforms. trump says stone was fired because he was using the campaign to seek publicity for himself. mark, i'm wondering what's really going on here. >> this is one of those really interesting, amazing times right now. the last 72 hours is going to go down in history for presidential politics. we have one of his top advisors, roger stone, saying he resigned.
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trump campaign saying he was fired. last night roger stone was on cnn and he addressed the issue. >> i have nothing but admiration and respect for trump. >> do you still consider him a friend? >> i do. this is just politics. >> this is a transcript published today in politico of what they said happened here. >> you, stop with the megyn kelly [ bleep ]. it's killing us. you the drudge report poll isn't a scientific poll. you won't give me the money to pay for a scientific poll. they're off message. we need to run a professional campaign and talk about what people care about. trump, we're winning. is this accurate?
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>> obviously i do not tape record my phone calls. somebody might. >> is that true? >> i think that's a pretty accurate reflection of my views. my conversations with him are between he and i. we should wait a few days and see some scientifically based nononline polls and see how the republican race has been affected. >> what ea's interesting right when you look at the situation donald trump is in right now, not only is he battling the external turmoil. >> there are some people who are wondering was this staged. this whole roger stone thing, was it staged as a diversion to get away from the comments about
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megyn kelly and women in general. >> roger stone has a very bizarre history of somebody who plays dirty politics. during the interview with poppy harlow he kept on saying donald trump should be president. he still supports him. i don't know if we will ever know, but it's certainly something to think about. >> when you look at donald trump and still his popularity, you were out there yesterday at red state. i'm wondering what was the buzz? what was the conversation? what were republicans there saying about donald trump either in or out of the campaign? >> the folks at the red state gathering, they tend to be conservative antiestablishment folks. by and large they were supportive of the idea that
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donald trump should have been disinvited given his comments over megyn kelly. republican establishment types are very happy right now. what they're afraid of, though, they do not want him to run as a third party candidate. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. remember also to make sure that donald trump will be jake tapper's guest on state of the union at 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. that's where i want to start this conversation with jason johnson, a political analysnaly. what does trump need to do today? >> trump needs to clean up his act. i was at red state yesterday as well. it's real 50-50 whether -- then he goes on to attack someone at fox news, which is an important
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outlet for your campaign. he needs to project calm, seriousness and discipline to continue his campaign. >> she likes that he's not politically correct, that he doesn't sound like a politician. now going through damage control, seems a lot like a politician. he's got to walk a fine line. >> i've said this before. this isn't really about sexism. this is about going after a powerful woman who's part of a media organization that you need to be friends with. this is about media, not so much about sexism. that's what he's walking back from. he's not concerned about how he's affecting women. >> he says he was talking about
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bleeding from the nose. trump is not one who minces words. if he wanted to say that megyn kelly is hormonal, he would have just said it. >> he realize that side he went after a powerful woman and this is somebody who can actually impact him one way or another. if you listen to the tone, it's very clear he was making some sort of reference. >> you said you were at red state. we had our reporters there as well speaking with some of the young voters as well. >> they're indicative of his character. he's not here to be the republican candidate.
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he's here to make statements. i think that was crossing a line. >> i wasn't excited to see donald trump. we had already planned on missing his part of the presentation. i think that's the general consensus of the people today that are here. he's not the favorite candidate from what i can tell. he's not my favorite candidate. i'm happy about it. >> he crossed the line. before i admired him for his out spokenness. but he took it to an unprecedented level which was inappropriate. i'm starting to lose respect for him. >> donald trump has said if i'm treated nicely and fairly, i'll stay within the republican party. >> if he goes all the way through to iowa. there are still republicans in the field in new hampshire, in
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south carolina, in iowa who still want too wo work with don trump. if he's going to drop out, he can't do it now. i think he would lose. i don't think he's going to do it until some time later. several does members of congress are on their way to israeli. representatives on both side of the aisle discussing the iran deal. also question this is morning as to why a rookie officer fatally shot an unarmed teenager. we have for you new surveillance video from the scene. a lot of people wondering if it can shed any new light on that shooting. plus isis one year later. is the u.s. military making any progress here?
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to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing]
3:11 am
when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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. new this morning, nearly 60 members of congress are in israeli today, 22 democrats, 36 republicans arrived earlier today and they're expected to meet with benjamin netanyahu. it's the timing that has so many people talking coming on the cusp of president obama lobbying to accept the iran deal. how long ago was this planned? >> reporter: this trip was planned months ago, long before we knew the iran deal deadline would come down to right now effectively. this doesn't change this
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opportunity for benjamin netanyahu. he has been the most out spoken critic of this deal. pushing against it, lobbying against it. now he knows the emphasis on the deal -- how many democrats can he sway? 22 in israeli meeting with benjamin netanyahu today. if he can swing even a few of those votes to agree with him, to vote against the deal, this has to be viewed as a successful for netanyahu. >> you've got relatively a large group. is the expectation that many of these democrats can be per persuaded, are likely to vote no on this deal? >> some of these are critical swing votes for benjamin netanyahu and for president obama. i don't know that there's necessarily an expectation that these 22 are any more or less
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likely to vote against the deal than other swing votes. this group is a group of freshmen congressman brought over every two years by apec. >> thank you so much. as congress meets with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about the deal, president obama is defending his remarking earlier this week at american university when he made his case for the iran deal. his remarks outraged both democrats and republicans. fareed zacaria sat down with president obama. >> in your speech at american university, you said iran's hard liners were making common cause with republicans. it's come under criticism. mitch mcconnell says even democrats who opposed the deal should be insulted. >> what i said is absolutely true factually. the people inside of iran, the
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people most opposed to the deal are the revolutionary guard, the quds force. the republican that mitch mcconnell and the rest of the folks in his caucus who opposed this jumped out and opposed it before they even red ad it, befe it was even posted, is reflective of an idealogical commitment not to get a deal done. in that sense, they do have a lot in common with hardliners who are concerned with the status quo. imagine this, an emergency landing, scattershattered windo damaged plane, a nasty storm that forced this commercial jet
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to end its cross country flight early. and one year since the death of michael brown. how some view the community's relationship with the local police department. is that community healing? we're going back to find out. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked.
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made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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time now, 21 minutes after the hour. vermont state police are investigating if the woman who shot and killed a social worker friday night is involved in a triple homicide. jodi herring shot a woman who was involved in the custody of her daughter. take a look at that plane. can you imagine being on that
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delta flight? it was traveling from boston to salt lake city. had to be diverted as it flew through a thunderstorm. things quickly deteriorated. it experienced severe turbulence. and hail is what battered the plane you see there. >> it was the scariest ten minutes of my life. >> from the window we could see the shattered windshield. you could see where lightning had struck. the nose of the plane was missing. it was really intense. >> the pilot had to make an emergency landing at denver international airport. tropical storm soudelor is bringing heavy rain to china that could last for days. by the time it moved inland saturday, soudelor had weakened considerably. before it was downgraded from a typhoon it killed five people in taiwan. and five others are still missing. well, this morning we are
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getting a new look at the moments before police shot and killed an unarmed teenager. why was the victim standing on the hood of a car at a texas dealership? lots of questions here this morning. also, a changing ferguson. it's a new look for the city one year after michael brown's death. what more does this community want and need? first, this week's journey takes us to hong kong to meet chef vicki lao. listen. >> hong kong's pallette is open and winning, providing vicki lao a chance to present culinary delights at her small restaurant. >> i wanted to tell some stories of things around me and inspirations that i have from
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poems i have read to places that i've been. and highlighting different ingredients, kind of edible stories inspired by nature or places and scenes. >> it's lao's ability to expect meaning from ingredients that has earned her this year's title of asia's best female chef, chosen by a group of 300 industry experts. today she's debuting a spring menu. >> my question seen is french and asian based. i was born in hong kong. i studied in the states. i feel it's necessary to combine the two things. if you asked me to just cook chinese food, i would think of it in a western way as well. and i'm not from the western world, so i cannot do something
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fully western. >> the encounters and experiences which have shaped her character are transferred to the plate with meticulous care. each dish, a tale or story she has collected. a scallop dish to reminisce hong kong's harbor. a desert dedicated to urban dyu beekeepers. lao believes feeling a connection to the food enhancinenhances the eating experience. >> what the full show at >> culinary journeys is brought to you by turkish airlines. widen your world. go to for more exclusive content on the chefs and their culinary destinations. ♪
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bottom of the hour now. let's get you up to date on a developing story this morning, an investigation into another officer-involved shooting. this one involved overnight in north carolina. two officers have been wounded. two others are dead. this happened when officers responded to a call. the call said there was someone inside this home, armed, who had some type of weapon. when officers arrived on scene they exchanged gunfire with that suspect. that suspect was killed. the police chief is paradesing how the officers handled that situation.
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>> i know that for the last 18 months police have been under the microscope and officer-involved shootings are a difficult thing to follow right at the moment for us. but, you know, our officers are professional. they acted professional in this incident here. we'll get to the bottom of it and we'll be able to share that as soon as we get that information. >> the altercation inside that house, officers located two other shooting victims in the neighborhood there. one was taken to the local hospital. the other dies as a result of a gunshot wound. the two officers are on paid leave until the investigation is complete. we have new video for you this morning the moments before the rookie football player was shot and killed in texas. the teen had broken into a car dealership. this happened early friday morning arlington. i want to show you the surveillance video, this video
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is edited, i should point out. it shows 19-year-old christian tayl taylor kicking in the windshield. >> the investigation is still in the initial stages. brad miller, that 49-year-old police officer who was involved in this shooting still hasn't been interviewed by police. it's a matter of policy at this police department. they wait a few days before they interview any officer in a shooting. we have this freshly released footage, it is edited it, but it shows the minutes before christian taylor was shot and killed. it shows him at one point behavibehave ing erratically. the police chief of arlington
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understands this is pretty bad timing. it comes about a year since mike brown, that teenager in ferguson, missouri, was shot and killed. he talked about all of this last night during a press conference. >> the facts available today do not answer all questions, nor will they alleviate all concerns. however, we will provide answers as they become available and address every concern throughout the investigative process. >> the police chief went onto say they have invited the fbi to be part of this investigation. he says in the coming week that there will be more video released, 911 calls as well. there is no dash cam footage of this shooting and the officer was not wearing a body camera. the chief went onto say if they find this shooting was not justified, there will be consequences for that rookie police officer. it was part of his 16-week field
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training. and he was just finishing that up. >> as i understand it, he used his gun. the other officer used a taser. >> yeah, it was the rookie police officer that fired four shots that killed christian taylor. this police officer has still not been interviewed by police. >> we understand that is protocol. they usually go a couple of days before they interview in a deadly situation like that. >> that's right. as nick just mentioned, this comes nearly a year to the day after the shooting death of michael brown by a police officer in ferguson, missouri. yesterday, hundreds of people marched in that community, chanting "hand up, don't shoot."
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sara sidner has a look at ferguson in the year since michael brown's death. >> reporter: this is ferguson one year after a white police officer shot and killed unarmed black teenager michael brown, unleashing months of protest. though wilson was not indicted by a grand jury and he was cleared of civil rights violations by the federal government, brown's life became a symbol for something more, that black lives are too often treated as dispensable in american society. >> regardless of if you saw what happened or not, it was the blatant disrespect that people feel because they left his body here for four and a half hours. that is really what charges people up. >> film maker and resident chris lives in the apartment. he began recording it,
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culminating in a documentary. >> reporter: has anything changed in the relationship between police and people here in this particular area? >> i don't think anything has changed. they are still not engaging their citizens. >> after a department of justice investigation that found ferguson was disproportionately ticketing and fining its black citizens to bankroll its budget. the police chief and judge all criticized in that report have been replaced. the new interim police chief is black, so is the new city manager and the new judge and two city council members. >> it's like you can use the analogy of weeds in a garden. you can pull all these weed out. but if you still have one there, then the weeds can grow back then. >> to some, the mayor is that weed that must be removed. they see the temporary titles as a smokescreen.
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>> we are moving forward. our city is getting better. that will not happen overnight. you know, destruction is immediate and for the people destroying, very gratifying. change is hard and changes time. >> reporter: though ashby says he is not blind to racial disparities in america. he isn't the only one who worries that a small sliver of the new movement could tear the racial divide open even further. >> they're dismissing everybody who doesn't do things exactly the way they do. if we're not out shouting at the cops and threatening to rape their families, somehow we are not committed to the cause. >> trying to make a point this wasn't just about brown's death, but the rebirth of a civil rights movement. >> with this legacy, i think it has affected the world in a good sense. it did make people motivated to
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speak up, to march, to rally, to fight for change. >> reporter: sara sidner, cnn, ferguson, missouri. the pontiff is calling for a more open dhurchurch, one that embraces people who are divorced. also, taking down isis, the u.s. military now in its second year of air strikes. we're talking 6,000 attacks so far. you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing]
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40 minutes past the hour
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right now. new this morning, pope francis is calling for the catholic church to open its arms to people who have been divorced and remarried. listen to this. >> translator: lately we have seen a growth in the awareness of the fact that we need to welcome lovingly and tend early and in truth those baptized people who have established a new relationship after their sacramental marriage. they are not excommunicated. and they should not be treated as such. they are always part of the trust. >> father beck, what do you make of this change? >> again, i see pope francis being the pastor that he is. he's saying there are so many people in this situation. so to make them feel excluded and outside of the community, i mean, what does that do to their
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children? we have these baptized children of these couples and now their parents can't go to church, can't receive communion. >> does that mean that roman catholics wouldn't have to get an annulment to mare lry a seco time if they chose? >> in october they are going to discuss this issue. pope francis has not changed any of the rules by his statements. he's saying to pastors, though, make sure you treat such people in a brotherly way as people who are included in our community, maybe by a case to case situation. can you make a blanket statement about people? maybe somebody is in the process of getting an annulment and you're excluding them even in that process. i think he's saying you have to look at it individually as a pastor. and we wants the senate to discuss this issue in october as something we may have more
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leniency on after that discussion. >> one of the things i read that i think is so interesting about this pope is he's known as a cold calling pope. we know last year he called a woman who had married a man who had been divorced and said you are welcome at the church, you are welcome to receive communion at the church, which is against what was practiced previously. why do you think the pope feels so strongly about this, enough so to just call people on the phone? i don't know what i'd do if somebody said the pope is on the phone. that is unique, is it not? >> it certainly is. so many people have been surprised by this. again, it's wonderful. it creates confusion in the hearts of some people who say, well, i'm in the same situation as that woman, but i'm not allowed to receive. is the pope saying two things here? is he sending a mixed message? what he's doing is i think he's saying people must be dealt with
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as individuals. whatever this woman said to the pope, he said to her, you know, in your situation -- maybe she couldn't get the annulment. maybe she was the one left. he said, you go to communion. he was dealing with her as a pastor. not everybody fits into these neat categories. i think as a church, the pope is saying, be attentive to people where they are. >> thank you, sir. this morning there's a new call for action after another woman in california is killed. one of the suspects is an undocumented immigrant with a long arrest history. we'll have that story new next hour. but when we come back, thousands of air strikes, billions of dollars. is the united states and the rest of the world any closer to defeating isis one year later?
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new this morning, house
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speaker john boehner is slamming president obama for, in his view, failing to combat isis effectively. here's part of a statement from the house speaker. one year after authorizing the first air strikes against isil in iraq, president obama still doesn't have the overarching strategy that's needed to actually defeat these savage terrorists. after nearly 6,000 air strikes and billions of dollars, has it diminished the terror group in any major way? i wonder, do you think is boehner right? >> i don't believe he's right. although there are many people who are dissatisfied with the pace of the attacks against isis, let's analyze the facts. first of all, isis has gone from the strategic offensive into the strategic defensive. that's critical. they may still conduct small amounts of limited attacks.
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but they are, no doubt about it, on the defensive. they have lost a significant number of leaders. some estimate between 25 and % 40%. they have lost a significant number of fighters. you heard the estimates, anything from 5,000 to 12,000. they are still capable of generating funds. but that has been reduced significantly because of the bombing of some of the oil fields and the closure of some of the gates between syria and turkey. there is not the pace we expected for the iraqi government to stake take on thi fight. we are prodding them in that regard. but it has changed significantly from what they were doing to what they are doing now. while we are not defeating them yet -- and i think we were
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wanting too quick of a pace in this campaign -- we are still making progress in that regard. isis isis is still recruiting. there are a lot of jihadis joining from all over the world, specifically from africa and europe. they are conducting attacks which gain the attention of the media. all of those things don't indicate to me that we need a change of strategy. what mr. boehner suggests is that we need a change of strategy. i haven't seen anything that he has offered other than u.s. boots on the ground. and there are a lot of people who are adamantly opposed to that . there's an obama administrative official who tells cnn, isis is, quote, as strong as it was a year ago based on assessment made in june. it's not growing, but in this
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official's estimation it's still as strong as it was before the air strikes began. i want to talk specifically about a town that was taken. tell us what's the strategic value of this new area, this growth on behalf of isis. >> let's go first to the administration's suggestion that they are as strong as ever. i would suggest we've got to parse that a little bit and find out why he is saying that. if he's saying because they are regenerating the fighters, yes, certainly that's true. they have asked for more jihadis to come there and they have come. but they're not at the capacity the original group was. they're replacing their fighters, to be sure. but my opinion is they are not as skilled but they are being used in a lot more suicide attacks. when you talk about individual towns depending on where they are -- are they in border regions that will continue too
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allow the funds to flow out of iraq or syria. that's what isis is looking to do, to not only generate more capability for the fight, but also generate more funds. there's also aspects of continued intimidation of population. that's a key strategy of isis. that's why it's so important to get the security forces on the ground to counter these fights. >> we know it had been a struggle to get the ground forces to follow up and match with these air strikes. thank you. the campaign shuffle as we're just a couple of hours away now from hearing from donald trump. his top political advisor is out. apparently roger stone doesn't like the direction of tramp's campaign. also junior's daughter. remembering her father at the pro football hall of fame.
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. japanese prime minister shinzoabe is calling for a world without nuclear weapons. this weekend the world is remembering the 200,000 lives lost when the u.s. dropped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki. the nfl would not let sidney give the speech during the induction ceremony, citing a five-year rule only allowing the enshrined to speak.
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>> i know that his athleticism and talent led him into the hall. but it is his passion that made him truly deserve this honor. >> seau took his own life with a gunshot wound to the chest. they hid the effects of repeated hits to the head that can cause brain damage. >> the nafl was hoping this new promotion would bring more women to the game of football. >> a few days ago the tampa bay buccaneers unveil what had they're calling a ground breaking women's movement. they wanted to reinvent the female experience. the bucks said they just wanted to introduce females to the game. that made some women mad because
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they know just as much about the game as the men do. it really got bad when people saw that the initiative on how people can have practical advice to fashion forward team apparel and creative culinary experiences, quote, end quote. critics are calling this program sexist and condescending to women. we want to know what you think. get that twitter out, the facebook page "new day." tweet us. use the hashtag new day cnn. >> it's a good idea. they probably just didn't execute it real well. that's all. >> put those pictures up again that we just rolled. what was the search terms used for these pictures of women? angry football fans? no one is happy in these photographs. >> they had a rough season last
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year, victor. >> there are lots of angry fan pictures to go around, i guess. >> yes. this will be interesting. we can't wait to hear your comments. you guys always bring it. >> there you go. >> it's christmas. >> thank you. i resigned largely because i thought i was having no impact and the campaign has been diverted from those picture issues that have catapulted trump to the number one position in the polls. >> the donald and a top political advisor part ways, the latest fallout from trump's inflammatory comments about a fox debate moderator. is his campaign crumb bling lin rolling on? plus a shooting in texas, the shooting happened just
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moments after the teen is caught on tape vandalizing cars and driving his vehicle through a locked gate and into a car dealership. it is always so good to have your company. i'm christi paul. we are a couple of hours away at this point from finally hearing from donald trump. he's going to appear on cnn state of the union. first, the comments about megyn kelly and the most recent claim that trump fired his top advisor, roger stone. stone disputes it and he spoke with cnn's poppy harlow about what he says happened. >> the campaign has been diverted from those big picture issues that have catapulted trump to the number one issue in the polls, which i thought was counter productive. >> you say i was not fired. i resigned.
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when exactly did it happen? take us into that room. >> it's very simple. i made a decision this morning that i was having no impact and i e-mailed a letter to donald saying that i wished him the very best, that i would have nothing negative to say about him or his campaign. >> let's talk about this with mark preston right now. you've been out there. you've been talking to people. what is going on? >> i've got to tell you, this has been an incredible 72 hours of a presidential campaign. it's going to go down in history as an amazing moment. the big question is does donald trump survive? does he continue on? he says he is going to continue on. but you have to look back at the debate, specifically what happened afterwards on his attacks with megyn kelly. roger stone, i have to tell you somebody who's been in politics for so long, to come out and
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talk about being fired from the campaign just hours after it was announced is amazing. let's hear from roger stone about why he decided to step aside or as the trump campaign says he was fired. >> do you think that his comments to megyn kelly on stage at the debate on thursday night and his comments by him last night to don lemon were warranted, fair or presidential? >> i'm not going to characterize them. i'm just going to say they erer elected, which is the business i'm in. presidential elections are decided on big picture issues. we have an iranian deal that could c-- you know, that's not the trump i know. trump is much bigger than that. >> yet that's what we saw trump
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tweeting about after the debate. >> yes. and i would have to call myself disappointed. >> again, an amazing interview. i can't tell you in politics to see something like this unfold -- but donald trump says he's going to continue on. >> a lot of people look at this because stone still says i support him and i want him to be president. so coming off the heels of the whole megyn kelly comment debacle, i think a lot of people are wondering was this staged, was this suddenly thrown out there out of nowhere as a distraction from what was happening yesterday morning? >> let me answer it this way. had it been any other political advisor, had it been any other candidate, i would say absolutely not. roger stone, donald trump, two of the most colorful folks not only in the business world but in politics. roger stone very well known and embraces the fact that he does dirty politics. who knows?
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>> for more now on trump let's bring in ben ferguson and former reagan white house political director jeffrey lord. trump's rivals including carly fiorina, jeb bush, mike huckabee, spoke out about truchtruc trump's comments about megyn kelly. >> as a party we are better to risk losing without donald trump than trying to win with him. enough already with mr. trump. is this going to benefit any of the candidates? i mean, i imagine them actually and truly genuinely believe what they're saying in these statements. ben, i'll come to you first. is there some benefit here to coming out strongly against trump? >> for some of the candidates, yes, especially if you're low in the polls. coming out against donald trump in this point i really don't think hurts you especially if
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you're outside that top ten or on the fringe here. if you're trying to court women voters, this is a great opportunity for you to say, this is not the gop, i am not donald trump. i think that's why you saw some of the top tier candidates come out in that way to make it very clear that their campaign and what they believe in is not the same or should even be associated with donald trump. then you have ted cruz's strategy. it's i'm not going to get into some twitter war or war of words with donald trump when i know what his response is going to be. it's going to be that i'm incompetent or stupid or ignorant. >> let's listen to that comment from ted cruz. >> i think that's a decision for red state to make. i think every candidate should treat everyone else with civility and respect. that's a standard i hope all of us aspire to.
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i also think we're not going to solve the problems in this country. we're not going to defeat the washington cartel by obsessing over the politics of personalities. >> jeffrey, does ted cruz risk seeming to be a little too soft on those comments or agreeing with them or being overly tolerant of those? >> first of all, as i said yesterday, i think that the critics here -- you know, it's very interesting. all of this fuss about megyn kelly, donald trump also said some things about frank luntz. nobody is complaining about that. he also said some things about chris wallace. nobody is complaining about that. they're coming to the defense of megyn kelly. i like her.
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she's a supremely confident great reporter. clearly, she's being treated by a different standard by a lot of these republicans. i think that will not go unnoticed here. >> jeffrey, to me, it's still a little bit shocking that you don't understand the difference here. it's one thing to criticize somebody. it's another thing to say that the reason why someone asked you a tough question is because they were on their period. it is abundantly clear -- >> let him finish, jeffrey. >> you said a moment ago that chris wallace -- >> let him finish. >> he said that after he talked about megyn kelly and trying to cover up -- because i think donald trump even knew i'm about to get in trouble for saying that she was on her cycle and so i need to bring another name in here to cover my rear end. donald trump's not an idiot. he knew he overstepped.
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>> we had this conversation yesterday. and we understand where each of you stands on this. what does donald trump need to do this morning when he's on state of the union, jeffrey? >> just be himself. let me talk about the roger stone incident here, situation. i've known roger stone for a long time. i have a lot of respect for him. in 1980 on the day of the new hampshire primary ronald reagan fired his campaign manager. and several of his senior campaign staff. my point is these things happen all the time in campaigns. there were all these stories in 2008 about all the inside baseball with the hillary clinton campaign. these things happen. campaigns for president are about two things, the candidate and the candidate's idea. and every campaign will either sink or swim based on that. that's it. >> there are so many questions about the timing and all of this coming together at one time. of course we will hear from
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donald trump himself this morning. ben ferguson, jeffrey lord, thank you both for being back. and again, donald trump will be jake tapper's guest on state of the union. airs at 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. an unarmed teenager shot and killed by police is sparking outrage in texas. it's what's not on video that has a lot of people concerned this morning. plus, we're following a developing story. seven people shot, two officers wounded during a shootout in a north carolina neighborhood. we have the latest information that we've gathered for you. i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge
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with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. uthis isn't the mostne efficient way for people -or air to travel. awww! ducts produce uneven temperatures and energy loss. mitsubishi electric systems offer a better way with no new ductwork.... and lower energy bills. so everyone gets exactly what they want! mitsubishi electric cooling and heating. make comfort personal. ♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romis man kind?eitlin ♪
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are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. imagine - she won't have to or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do. every auto insurance policy has a number.
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but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. . we're following a developing story this morning in houston. five children, three adults found dead in a house. police say they were doing a welfare check at the home when they discovered a man wanted on
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aggravated assault charges. officers surrounded the home. when the 49-year-old man began shooting at them, they pulled back. after negotiating with them, the suspect was pulled out and taken into custody. that's when the police found the bodies. the police have not released causes of death. . also some new video we want to share with you of the moments before the death of christian taylor, he was shot and killed by a rookie cop early friday morning after he broke into a car dealership. this video is edited, we want to point out. but it's released by a surveillance company. it appears to show the teenager hopping on a car, stomping on its windshield. what do we know about the investigation this morning? >> still in its initial stages. we don't know exactly what that teenager christian taylor was doing at that dealership or what happened in the moments before he arrived there.
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what we do know is we got this newly released surveillance video thate iing er behaving erratically. police say when they showed up on the scene they converged on him and he did not obey commands to surrender. one officer opened fire. the other used his taser. the police chief of arlington addressed what happened. >> equally important to the investigative process is an acknowledgment and in this instance has no occurred in isolation. rather, it has occurred as our nation has been wrestling with the topics of social injustice, inequities, racism and police misconduct. we recognize the importance of
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these topics, the impact these issues have on communities throughout our nation. and we pledge to act in a transparent manner in an effort to alleviate these concerns. >> the chief went onto say he has invited the fbi to join the investigation to participate in the investigation. he also says in the next seven to ten days more audio and video will be released of the incident. there is no dash cam footage of the shooting. the police officer was not wearing a body camera. 49-year-old brad miller was a rookie police officer. he had just finished his police training march. he was still on this 16-week sup sup supervi superviseed period. >> he has not been interviewed yet. >> that's protocol.
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christian taylor was a good kid by all accounts. he was a football player. he had just recently found god. he was a kid that we were looking at a lot of videos of him on social media interacting with his friends. very -- >> the father even said obviously he had some poor behavior going on at the moment. but did it constitute him dying for it? that's the big question. still ahead, we're going live to jerusalem where dozens of members of congress are meeting with benjamin netanyahu. plus, it's been a year since the u.s. led air strikes against isis. but after thousands of air strikes and billions of dollars, has this air strike campaign had any major effect on the terror group? [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up!
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you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger.
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captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. no sixth grader's ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. another day shackled by wires. how long do we have to keep untangling for just a little taste of power? who knew charging could be so... draining? you can keep plugging away... or, you can change the way you charge. the samsung galaxy s6 and s6 edge, with built-in wireless charging capabilities.
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new this morning, nearly 60 members of congress arrived earlier in israel. the group of 22 democrats, 36 republicans are expected to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but of course the timing of the visit, some say, is coincidental. some say it's more than coincidental. it comes as president obama is lobbying hard for congress to accept the iran deal. what do we know about this group? who's there? >> reporter: well, two big names are house minority whip and
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house thmajority leader. it's part of a trip that comes every two years from freshmen congressmen from apec. they have lobbied strongly against the deal. benjamin netanyahu will meet with them today. he has been one of the most o outspoken critics. benjamin netanyahu will have his chance to push against the most critical part of that deal which is congress, president obama trying to make sure he has the votes to get this through. some congressional delegation goes every other year to israel. but there is this news conference. do you know what they're going to discuss? >> that conference is scheduled for early tomorrow morning. we don't have a sense of what
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they're going to talk about. they could very well avoid the iran deal and not get into the controversy and the politics of that. if they say something about the deal, it could give an indication whether benjamin netanyahu has swayed them against the deal. and president obama is now defending controversial remarks he made about the iran deal. his comments outraged both democrats and republicans when he spoke earlier this week at american university, linking republicans to hardliners in iran. fareed zacaria sat down with president obama. >> in your speech at american university, you made a comparison. you said hardliners were making common cause with republicans. >> what i said is absolutely true factually. the truth of the matter is
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inside of iran the people most opposed to the deal are the revolutionary guard, the quds force, hardliners who are opposed to any cooperation with the international community. the reason that mitch mcconnell and the rest of the folks in his caucus who opposed this jumped out and opposed it before they even read it, before it was even posted is reflective of an idealogical commitment not to get a deal done. in that sense, they do have a lot in common with hardliners who are much more satisfied with the status quo. >> you can see all of fareed's exclusive interview today at 10:00 a.m. right here on cnn. it has been one year since the shooting death of michael brown. the protests and marchs go on. but what real changes have been
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made in ferguson? the u.s. military now enters its second year of air strikes. but is any progress being made after 6,000 air strikes? but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability
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some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at . 28 minutes past the hour. we're just an hour and a half away from hearing from donald trump. his campaign has fired top political advisor roger stone who denied being let go and insists he quit. a source tells cnn tensions between the two men spiked after trump's debate performance.
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there is bernie sanders getting a rousing welcome in seattle. that's the biggest crowd so far for the democrat presidential candidate. black lives matter protesters interrupted an earlier rally preventing sanders for speaking. sanders says he's fought for civil rights his entire life. the black lives matter movement gained momentum after the death of michael brown, who was shot by a white police officer in ferguson, missouri. sara sidner is following the story there live in ferguson. i know you've been there for much of the past year. much has changed, but there are a lot of accomplishments, a lot of goals that protesters still say that the city is far from achie achieving. >> reporter: that's right. that's a really good way to put
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it. we saw some of the protests in the morning. they were peaceful protests. it was more parade like with families there. and at night right outside this police department it looked very much like it did a year ago with about 200 people chanting at police, angry still with police and police tactics. but a year later there have been changes in this city. the protesters saying that perhaps those changes are just superficial. others saying, no, real change is happening. the scars of protesters fury wiped clean. this is one year after white police officer shot and killed unarmed black teenager michael brown, unleashing months of protests. wilson was cleared. brown's life became a symbol for something more, that black lives are too often treated as
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dispensable in american society. >> it was the blatant disrespect that people feel because they left his body here for four and a half hours. that is really what charges people up. >> reporter: film maker chris phillips lives in the apartment complex where brown was killed. so moved by what was happening he began recording it, culminating in a documentary. >> i don't think anything has changed with the relationship. because they are still not engaging their citizens. >> reporter: after a department of justice investigation that found ferguson disproportionately ticketing and fining its black citizens to bankroll its judgment. the city manager and judge all criticized in that report have been replaced. what's left to protest?
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>> really it's kind of like you can use the analogy of weeds in a garden. for some people you can pull all these weeds out. but if you still have one there, the weeds can grow back again. >> reporter: to some protesters the mayor is that weed that must be removed. they see no real change in how citizens are treated. >> we are moving forward. our city is getting better. that will not happen overnight. destruction is immediate and for the people destroying very gratifying. change is hard and takes time. >> reporter: though ashby says he is not blind to racial disparities in america. >> statistically it's hard to say that our society values african american lives as much as white lives. >> reporter: he worries the new movement could tear the racial divide open even further. >> they're dismissing everybody
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else who doesn't do things exactly the way we do. >> reporter: a plaque serves as a reminder of what happened here, trying to make a point this wasn't just about brown's death, but the rebirth of a civil rights movement. >> this legacy has affected the world in a good sense. it did make people motivated to speak up, to fight, to rally. >> reporter: it has also polarized this city. there are people who look at this case and say that it should not be worth a movement. other people saying you're not getting the point. that is still happening in this town, though residents are trying to work through that to make the city better. new this morning, house speaker john boehner slamming president obama for, in his view, failing to combat isis
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effectively. he said, quote, one year after authorizing the first air strikes against isil in iraq, president obama still doesn't have the overarching strategy that's needed to defeat these savage terrorists after nearly 6,000 air strikes, billions of dollars spent, has it diminished the terror group in any way. general, thanks for being with us. any credence to what boehner is saying in your opinion? >> to a degree. first of all, i'd like to say that as americans we want to get in and fix things fast. as we've said from the very beginning, this is not something that can be if i canned fas fix. we have seen advances in the fight against isis. we have regained territory. we have put them on the defensive. taking away their strategic offenseness.
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yes, you will see some tactical advances and they will still take over some towns. but overall they are on the defensive. they have lost a significant amount of fighters and a significant amount of leaders. we also helped generate a coalition campaign. most recently turkey is contributing. and we're seeing advances. but this is going to take a very long time. and one year isn't long enough to prove or disprove a strategy. >> u.s. government officials saying they're seen a shift in isis tactics. they believe isis may be trying to facilitate a mass casualty attack. do you think isis has the capability to pull something like that off more than once? . >> i do. but this is an indicator. i'd say this tells me something is happening within their ranks.
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they have been called from some of their jihadis righting there. the original group has been lowered. they are now getting new recruits that are not as capable. what do you ask these new recruits to do? you ask them to conduct suicide attacks. you don't have to train for that. you just drive a car laden with explosives. the jihadis are willing to do those things. if they can set a strategy where these mass attacks to kill a lot of people occur, you're going to continue to see isis garner world wide media attention. are they capable of doing this? yes, in some ways they are, especially in areas of syria and iraq. we've seen in the last few days they have attacked christian towns in syria. that's a further intimidation of the population. it's exactly part of their tactic to try and get people on
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their side. >> we so appreciate your insight as always. thank you, sir. the gop field is crowded in the race for the white house. you know that. and whether it's good headlines or bad, one person continues to dominate them, donald trump. and this morning trump will be talking to jake tapper on state of the union. the answers jake wants to get from donald trump, that's next. plus the nfl's tampa bay buccaneers. it looks like their latest evident to w effort to win over fans is backfiring. a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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soon we will finally hear from donald trump. he's going to appear on cnn's state of the union. two controversies we're waiting for him to address publicly. first the comments about megyn kelly. and trump fired his advisor and long-time friend roger stone. stone saying he quit the campaign. joining us so talk about this is the host of state of the union. what are your expecting to hear from trump? >> i'm expecting to hear him defend himself, say that he was not discussing in crude terms what so many people believe he was when he talked about blood coming out of megyn kelly's eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. he's going to say he was talking about her nose and ears and anyone who thinks differently is a deviant. and he will talk about the republican establishment and the rival candidates who are
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trailing him in the polls are out to get him. but he is focused on making america great again. do i not think that mr. trump will be deterred at all from his mission and from his campaign. >> now, this is not a man who's known for his heart felt apologies. i'd imagine there's no reason to expect one today. >> well, look, he's gotten as far as he's gotten by being who he is, saying what he thinks, even if some people are offended. when megyn kelly asked him about comments about women, he said look i'm not politically correct, i say what i say, i'm sorry if you're offended. i think that's how he's gotten as far as he's gotten in the business and celebrity world and in politics, he's really shaken up the race. every time he says something the
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republican establishment think, oh, he's gone too far, whether it's about his illegal immigrants in mexico, or john mccain's war heroism, every time he says something not only does it not hurt him, it helps him. you could argue that ill legal immigrants and john mccain are not favorites of the republican base, whereas megyn kelly and fox news anchors are favorites of the republican base. maybe there's an issue here in his target, in his choice of target. but at the same time, you know, the bottom line is this, again, demonstrates donald trump saying what he thinks, that the establishment is out to get him, that the media is out to get him, that the republicans running against him are out to get him. it feeds into that narrative. >> you also have two other candidate who is analysts say who did really well on thursday night. >> that's right. carly fiorina, who has taken personal issue with what donald
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trump said about megyn kelly on friday night. and john kasich, the governor of ohio who barely made it into the debate of top ten republicans according to polls, but got a lot of very, very strong reviews especially from washington insiders. so we'll talk to both of them and see where their campaigns go from here. >> all right. looking forward to the show. >> thank you. >> check out state of the union with jake tapper. and donald trump, 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. a california woman brutally attacked and murdered. one of the suspects is an undocumented worker with a long arrest record. that has prompted a new call to action.
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when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. imagine - she won't have to or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do.
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4:47 am
♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. no sixth grader's ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
4:48 am
i've got two reasons to take that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. new this morning, the brutal attack on a california woman is renewing the debate about undocument undocumented -- charged with murder, rape and torture in the death. police say ramirez is an undocumented immigrant. he was arrested 15 times in 16 months. before the attack, the suspects allegedly broke into her home last month, beat her with a hammer. she died days later at a
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hospital. joey jackson has been looking into this. according to police, ramirez was in the country illegally. he has this long arrest record, was on probation at the time of the attack. want to listen real quickly to the santa maria police chief. >> two weeks before this murder we arrested him for possession of meth. we had to cite him out. that's the problem with the system. this is not just in santa maria. this is all over the state of california and all over the united states. >> the dhechief says they had t let ramirez go. the judge said he could go to substance abuse charges rather than jail. what the heck is happening? >> it's a great question. i think to grapple on this issue and get our arms around it, it really requires coordination between the federal government and the state government.
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judge versus a wide degree of discretion with regard to what they do when people are before them. is it a violent crime? is it a offender, even if it's an accusation, within 15 months, six or five different arrest, that's crazy. as a result of that you need something like an i.c.e. designer, immigration customs enforcement they send a detainer and that allows for the federal government to look into it. in fairness it goes both ways. the locality can always contact the federal government just as the federal government can issue a detainer to have that person stay so that they can further investigate. that's the coordination it really needs. >> well, customs officials say they did issue an immigration detainer which would have led to his deportation back in 2014 when he was arrested for felony
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assault and that meth possession. but they say they weren't notified when he was released by police. so, what can be done to prevent this thing from happening? >> christi, how many times do we hear the same thing? there's no notification. there's no coordination. things are not being done as they're supposed to be done. so what you need is a firm policy that suggests, either the i.c.e. designer and all the detainer does is say look, hold onto this person for 48 hours so that we can investigate. it doesn't even start deportation proceedings. it just gives the indication that we have to do something, and then again as i mentioned, if the federal government does not issue such a detainer and it's always at issue, they issued one, they didn't issue one. we didn't get it. we did get it. the locality can always reach out to customs enforcement and say, hey, we have someone potentially you can look into this. and so i think it's going to take, again, that type of coordination to prevent this from continuing to happen, and for us to be talking about stories like this where there's a brutal, you know, beating, a
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murder, a rape, a torture like in this instance, unacceptable. >> you know, this is what three weeks after the kathryn steinle death. now there is this proposed kate's law that would toughen penalties for undocumented immigrants who are deported and return to the u.s. illegally. are there challenges to that proposed legislation it's going to face? >> there's always challenges, but i think those challenges are more political. i think there's a recognition that something needs to be done in order to get a hand and a hold on what's happening. and so as a result of that, it's going to take congress deciding that there needs to be a law implemented so that when a person is here who's undocumented, and when, of course, they've committed offenses, that person can be dealt with by the system. and we have to pay more attention not to who gets credit, the republicans, the democrats, we know about politics. but does it credit and does it benefit people in the country? and if that's the standard, then i think it should pass with flying colors and we can prevent
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instances like this moving forward. >> it is -- it is just frightening. joey jackson, we appreciate it so much. thank you, sir. >> thank you, christi. >> all right. the problem for the buccaneers. a backfire here. tampa bay's latest effort to drum up support with its fans met with some controversy. why the team's plan to gain female fans is falling flat here. and at the top of the hour, donald trump splits with a top political adviser. the disagreement that caused the breakup and what this could mean for his presidential campaign. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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coming up on the top of the hour now. let's go to gaston county where police are investigating a shoot-out with police in north carolina that left two officers injured. >> police say they shot and killed an armed suspect who opened fire at officers responding to that domestic call. later investigators found a man dead who they say was killed before the officers arrived. another woman was found shot and taken to the hospital, though police did not say whether that's related. in new york city, 10 people have now died and more than 100 people are infected by legionnaires' disease.
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though mayor bill de blasio says the outbreak is contained he is requiring all owners of cooling towers to test for legionella. this follows the state's deployment of 150 people to test for the bacteria in areas where the outbreak has been concentrated. >> how would you feel if you were on this flight? take a look at it. a delta flight traveling from boston to salt lake city had to be diverted after a thunderstorm caused some pretty terrifying conditions. >> this was the scariest ten minutes of my life. >> hail battered the passenger plane, cracking its windshield. you see that there. dented the nose cone. had to that severe turbulence. the pilot had to make an emergency landing in denver international airport, and we know at least one person was taken to the hospital. look at this. smoke shooting up 2,000 feet out of mount aso in japan. it's the second time in three months that the volcano has erupted. no one was hurt. but officials are warning that
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an eruption may happen again. speaking of eruptions -- some women are not so happy with an nfl team. thank you very much. i try. they were hoping its new promotion would bring women closer to the game of football. not so much. >> it's backfiring a bit. coy wire is here. >> by some women -- >> they tried. i give them credit. no they tried. >> yes, they really did. >> the execution was a bit questionable. >> the tampa bay buccaneers unveiled the red movement a few days ago. they describe it as a groundbreaking women's movement to reinvent the female fan experience. the team says it wanted to help female fans better understand the game. but the team got hammered on social media when people saw that the initiative also included fashion tips, design projects, and recipes. now critics are calling the program sexist and condescending to women so we wanted to know what you thought using #newdaycnn. here's what you had to say. i train my sons, not their dad,
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#footballmom. women know football. she also followed up by saying their dad is also a great supporter and in their lives. thank you. laura said i'm sure we can dumb ourselves down to gain entry into the next game, nfl neanderthals. karen elizabeth said i kind of love this. i already have tailgating pinterest board. now leah said we want sports not fashion and recipes, so a lot of heated talk with this. and we'll keep it coming. keep using #newdaycnn and we'll use your comments. >> all right, coy, thank you so much. and thank you so much for starting your morning with us. >> your "new day" continues right now. a campaign shake-up from the republican presidential front-runner who we should hear from in about an hour. donald trump and his top political adviser splitting up. >> a new surveillance video showing the moments before a rookie police officer kills an unarmed teenager. one of


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