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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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able to determine some very important information. tom, peter, miles, thank you so much to all of you. great insight. you can follow us on twitter. join us tomorrow in "the situation room." thanks for watching. i'm brianna keilar. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. breaking news. a gunman opens fire in a dark movie theater, also armed with a hatchet, pepper spray and wearing a surgical mask. the latest on this breaking story. the search for mh370, confirmation that the debris found in the indian ocean is, in fact, from the missing plane. was bill clinton actually the one who pushed donald trump to run for president? we have new reporting tonight about a very important phone call between the two men. let's go "outfront."
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good evening. i'm kate baldwin in for erin burnett. a gunman opens fire in a nashville movie theater. the shooter's face was covered by a surgical mask. listen to the tape we're just getting in of the gunshots. you hear multiple rounds there. police shot and killed the gunman but not before three people were injured. one man was cut, apparently, by the gunman's hatchet. police described how the shooting went down. >> the gunman, the suspect raised his weapon toward that officer, pulled the trigger. that officer then fired on the suspect and then backed away from the theater. >> the shooter also had a backpack and a satchel. a bomb squad was called in to investigate those. boris sanchez is "outfront" with more.
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boris, you have to say it. this is the second attack of a movie theater in less than two weeks. what more are you learning about what happened here? >> reporter: kate, we're getting a clearer picture. at 1:15 today, a 51-year-old while man set off pepper spray inside a showing of "mad max" in a small community in nashville. as he set off the canisters, three people ran out of the theater and got the attention of two police officers who were actually attending to a nearby car crash. the police officers responded to the scene within two minutes. one of the officers went inside the theater and was shot at by the gunman. he returned fire and slowly got out of the theater. that's when the s.w.a.t. team showed up and shot and killed the gunman as he was trying to escape. as you said, he was discovered wearing a surgical mask. he had obvious live a gun, a hatchet as well as pepper spray and two backpacks. the bomb squad investigated the
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backpacks. they took a closer look at them saying they found things that madedetonated. only three people sustained minor injuries. no one had to be taken to the hospital. as you said, we're dealing with another attack on a movie theater in the united states. >> absolutely. what more can you tell us about the victims here? >> reporter: there were three. they were a family. there was a 58-year-old man named stephen, a 53-year-old woman and their 17-year-old daughter. all of them sustained injuries from the pepper spray. their eyes were burning. also, the man was hit with that hatchet as you mentioned. he sustained a bruise on his shoulder. all of them expected to be okay. he spoke to cameras saying he was thankful for the swift response from law enforcement. >> my family does not want any 15 minutes of fame. we were not looking for any of this. we did nothing to bring this upon ourselves. i am very, very grateful that no
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one else got injured here today other than the person who perpetrated this. >> reporter: you can hear the emotion in his voice there. he went on to say that his faith in humanity was restored after he saw the way people attended to his 17-year-old daughter who was hit in the face with the pepper spray. >> boris, thank you so much. that man clearly shaken and understandably so. tonight, you heard the shots from outside the movie theater. if you can, walk me through what you heard, what you saw, what happened. >> caller: i was headed to the library. when i got out of my car, police were everywhere. they told me to get back in my car, in my vehicle. i did. then i realized how bad the situation was. there were police and s.w.a.t. were everywhere. i tried to leave, because i was nervous. i didn't know what was going on. they turned me back around. i did see the victim on my video, you can see them on the
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grassy area. they are hunched over because their faces were sprayed. i could see their faces were red, but i did not know they were the victims. >> did you hear -- you heard the gunshots? >> caller: it was after i turned back around, yes. you could hear the gunshots. at that time, i didn't know what it was. i thought it was gunshots, but everything was so crazy at that moment. i heard so many pow, pow, pow, pow. then people started screaming and running. even before that, people were running out of the theater screaming and crying. >> you mentioned the victims you saw them right after the attack. can you describe more of what the scene looked like? >> caller: at that time, because i was there well before the police got there, they were sitting on the -- they hadn't been attended to yet. they were just really red in the face and they were crying. the young lady, she just was crying and bent over.
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i don't know if it was her father or a man helping her. i did not know at that time that they were the victims. >> thank you so much for jumping on the phone. i'm sure you are shaken as well. this is not how you thought your afternoon would turn out. thank you so much. now, harry houck and fran townsend and former police officer phillip holloway. we are talking about a second attack on a movie theater in less than two weeks. why theaters? >> theaters are targets of opportunity because they have a large amount of people in a small area. you go into a small theater where there's about several hundred people in there, there's only several ways out. not too many. once you go in there, if you are a shooter, if you fire into the crowd, you are going to hit somebody. it's a very easy place to
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attack. >> harry, fran, phillip, hold on. the police chief is talking. let's see if he has an update for us. >> we're working on the outside. at some point we will know more and know exact details. >> we know the officer fired. >> we do know that. >> when the suspect left the theater outside and turned and threatened the s.w.a.t. team, did he fire at the s.w.a.t. team? >> i do not know that at this time. again, they engaged him with fire. we do not know if the officer that fired in the theater actually hit him or not. we do not know that at this time. that's something we will determine at a later date. >> we heard he was 51. >> we had wrong information. we identified someone. that is not the person. we have -- we're working hard to exactly confirm the identity before we release, before we notify family members. we believe the suspect is 29 years old.
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he is a male white. he is from this area. >> do you know what type of firearm he was usinusing? >> they're still processing the crime scene. we have not located the firearm. as we go into the theater, look around and completely process it, we will know more. >> do we know if he had a firearm? >> the first officer saw a firearm, yes, sir. >> before the shooting, there were -- there were spottings around the area. do you know anything about that? >> we had information that someone saw him. again, i think that we may attribute that to the first information about the 51-year-old individual. in fact, we do not have any information at this time. detectives across are looking at every business. we have people downloading video that might be available from some of the businesses. again, this will be pieced together piece by piece, slowly as we go along. this is preliminary information at this point. >> can you describe the firearm,
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high powered, handgun? >> i do not know at this time. the officer was engaged in what he considered to be a fire fight starting to fire -- starting to occur. so he immediately backed up to get assistance. we have his account at this point. he is not -- he cannot exactly describe the weapon at this time. >> what is the challenge in identifying the suspect? did he have i.d. on him? >> he has an i.d. on him. we want to make sure through fingerprints and other identification that we can exactly confirm his identity before we release it and before we notify family. >> can you describe what he was doing to the patrons in there at this time, best as you know? when the officer walked in, what had he done? how was he threatening them in. >> we are interviewing the patrons and we will find out more. we know at least that he used the ax in some threatening
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manner, striking one individual and was pepper spraying people. at this point, i do not know exactly what he was doing that alerted people to call for help, to run to our officers for help. >> did he say anything to indicate -- >> i do not have that information at this time. >> do you believe he had two backpacks on him? one was detonated. >> he had two backpacks. the one that remained on his person had what you might term as hoax device. it was a device configured to look like an explosive. it was not. the backpack inside had nothing in it that was harmful in any manner. >> right there the police chief in nashville giving an update. it's clear, they have -- they are working to piece together exactly what happened in the movie theater regardless, we know there was this attack in this nashville movie theater. the man is a 29-year-old white male. let's continue this discussion.
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this gets back to the main question, movie theaters are soft targets. they go into this category. it makes people wonder when they see something like this, can you be safe in a movie theater? the fact of the matter is, can you ever make them 100% safe? >> it's not just movie theaters. it's any -- all entertainment venues. we worry about football games and baseball games. they're all soft targets. look, what you have to understand here is we don't know what the motive is. we don't know what else was in the backpack. we don't know what he said, if anything, and that people heard. we don't know what's on his computer at home, which they are likely to want to look at. we will learn more over the coming days. we can't -- this may be someone who was an emotionally disturbed person who went off. on the other hand, we're sensitive right now in the last 24 hours, al qaeda issued a call for lone wolves. we know isis has reached out on social media to inspire people. we know from the fbi director that he is worried about terrorism here.
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i think that combination of things makes us very worried. but what we know is, there's a lot we don't know yet. even the police chief is saying he needs time to piece this together. >> they have had some discrepancies in information that they had. one thing that has been catching my eye is the fact of what this guy had on him. a gun, a hatchet and he had pepper spray and a surgical mask. what do you make of it? and these bags of -- they don't believe it was anything threatening. something that could have been fashioned to look maybe like it was a bomb. what do you make of that? >> kate, what this was -- this was a suicide by cop in the style of james holmes as a copycat situation. this individual went in this movie theater probably not knowing that he was going to make it out alive. probably assuming that he would not make it out alive. he had those -- he had the mask. he had other items in his hand, the hatchet because he wanted to terrorize the individuals inside there. he wanted to imitate someone
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like james holmes so that when he went out, he was going to go out in style. that is what this was. i got to tell you, the police department did an excellent job in this active shooter situation by engaging the shooter. they actually went to the gun, so to speak, because by doing that, they were able to immediately contain him so that he was not able to do any more damage than he did. fortunately, no one lost their lives due to the outstanding response of these police officers. >> still a lot to be learned this evening about what happened in that movie theater. we will follow that. thank you so much. next, officials confirm the airplane debris found off the african coast is from mh370. will it lead investigators to the rest of the plane now? new details of a phone call between bill clinton and donald trump just before trump announced his run. did clinton push him into the rate? how a debate can turn on a few well-placed words.
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breaking news in the search for flight mh370. malaysia confirming tonight the piece of debris recovered is from the plane that vanished with 239 people on board. that part of the wing is the first piece of debris to wash up some 2,600 miles from where the jet is believed to have crashed. investigators now examining the flaper flaperon. >> reporter: malaysia's prime minister made the long awaited announcement. >> an international team of experts have conclusively confirmed that the aircraft debris found on reunion island is, indeed, from mh370. >> reporter: the debris, a piece of the wing found eight days ago
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on reunion island. it's now being tested at a specialized laboratory in france. joe reynolds, who has worked on high profile crash investigations like air france 447, showed us how investigators will use a high powered microscope to match a small part, even the paint, to a specific plane. >> if we know that malaysia air painted their aircraft with a certain color, a certain material paint, we would look at the outer paint on the aircraft and match that to what malaysia air applied to the airplane. >> reporter: australia officials say the search area off the coast of australia won't change despite finding the piece of debris more than 2,000 miles away. and today, an australia science agency released an updated drift model showing how floating
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debris could have crossed across the ocean to the south african coast. shortly after the prime minister spoke, a french prosecutor took a less definitive stance saying instead that the confirmation is not 100% and more tests need to be done. that disparity between the confident conclusion from the malaysians and the reluctance to confirm from the french has only led to more questions, less clarity and certainly no closure for the loved ones of the passengers and crew members on board flight mh370. today, at this lab, investigators spent more than four hours looking at that flaperon. they had to be together to open the sealed container. there are more tests to be done thursday, likely to be son gr sonograms, x-ray not to just tell us it's a part from mh370
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but to tell us how the plane went down in the ocean. the why in that question though has to come from the flight data recorders. kate? >> that's still very far off right now. thank you very much. now, david soucie, a former faa safety inspector and david gallo, the director of special projects at woods hold oce oceanographic. the prime minuister said it was is from mh370. the french prosecutor said it's a strong presumption. why the discrepancy? >> they should have been from the beginning, honestly. you know that this has been going on forever, since the aircraft disappeared, the malaysians made announcements and retracted. wait a minute, we said that too soon. it's not uncommon in this
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multi-national group to have this miscommunication going on at all. >> david gallo, the new animation i want to ask you about. it was released today by the australian investigators. it's fascinating to see. it shows where the floating debris could have drifted, taking everything into account. it covers, understandably so, a vast area of the indian ocean. with that in mind with your expertise going forward now, where do investigators look? >> well, for more floating debris, they could be looking any place. with time, the ocean disburses all of those items that began their journey in one spot, more or less. so by now, 515 or 16 days, they could be any place in the southern indian ocean. certainly, they should focus around the area of reunion. that doesn't exclude any other place in the entire indian
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ocean. >> leaves a wide ocean to keep looking. david soucie, the french prosecutor said they are examining the suitcase recovered on reunion island. there's skepticism around that debris. it's very different from being part of a plane. how will they determine if a suitcase was, in fact, on that flight? >> well, they will be determining that it wasn't rather than it was. because it's just -- it could be a suitcase from anywhere. the chances are, as david said, when things get disbursed, the reason they are is because they have wind, if it's sitting above the ocean at all, any part of it, the wind will drift it one way. then the ocean currents taking it in another. the charge that large object would end up close to the small debris is highly improbable, i would say. >> we know that the flaperon, back to this part of the wing, david gallo, it's made to be lightweight. at this point now 500-plus days
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out, what other parts of the plane from your experience and vast experience in this area, what other parts do you think would still be floating? >> well, in the case of air france 447, where there was a lot of debris on the surface, many of those floating things were, in fact, control surfaces like bits of the flap and from the main wings and the tail section of the plane. similar items would be floating. on the other hand, many items like the galley from inside the aircraft were floating as well. it all depends how light it is and how well it's able to keep water out. >> all the focus now still in the water. the focus in that lab in france to figure out what they can learn from that flaperon. thank you. it's great to see you. for us next, cnn is learning that bill clinton called donald trump. they spoke on the phone just before donald trump announced his run for president.
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did bill clinton push donald trump to get into the race? plus, running trump's campaign from an apprentice contestant to a former sarah palin staffer, meet his small but powerful inner circle. well, well. if it isn't the belle of the ball. gentlemen. you look well. what's new, flo? well, a name your price tool went missing last week. name your what, now? it gives you coverage options based on your budget. i just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at so, you can't use it to just buy stuff? no. i'm sorry, gustav. we have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] he's gonna meet us there. the name your price tool. still only at
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tonight, the most highly anticipated event of the presidential race so far, just about 24 hours away. the republican presidential candidates first debate. right now, they are behind closed doors locked in last minute preparations for their first face to face encounter. much of the focus tonight on the man topping the polls, donald trump. the only candidate who has never participated in a political debate like this before. is he prepared? the candidate in second place, jeb bush, plagued by stumbled. how will he perform before his largest audience to date? dana bash is "outfront" from cleveland, ohio, the site of tomorrow's debate.
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>> reporter: the biggest event these days is when lebron james is playing. but all these trucks are lined up for political support. the first republican 2016 presidential debate. sources close to the nine contenders sharing the stage with the unlikely frontrunner donald trump insist he will not be their focus. >> all of us were running, we plan to do when we are elected. >> reporter: trump wants to focus on issues. >> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i will bring up deficiencies. i would rather go straight down the middle. you don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: tries to lower expectations, politician-style. >> i have never debated. my life has been a debate, but i have never debated before. these politicians, all they do is debate. >> reporter: the question is whether the man who retaliated against an opponent by reading his cell phone number on live tv can help himself. >> i don't know if it's the
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right number. >> reporter: his lawyer warns, maybe not. >> look what happened to lindsey graham. not in the debate. rick perry, not in the debate. you attack donald trump, he will come back at you twice as hard. >> reporter: while trump may be the most entertaining, jeb bush may have the most to lose. he is still the favorite among many establishment republicans. this is a critical chance for him to prove he is worth the record 1$100 million-plus he raised. >> my dad is the greatest man alive. if you don't like it, i will take you outside. >> reporter: that shaky performance at a new hampshire forum has some worried. not to mention, this stumble yesterday when talking about funding for planned parenthood. >> you could take dollar for dollar -- i'm not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues. >> reporter: his campaign is trying to stay on message in a new way. the general bush swag store selling things like this vintage tank top. >> this was a serious decade.
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>> reporter: bush sources say they are well aware that he has a lot to lose in tomorrow night's debate. they say that what he is prepping is to introduce himself to the republican electorate and the country in a way that maybe they don't -- they haven't seen him before. they know his name. they know his family. and they know the way his opponents have been painting him. but not necessarily from their perspective, the conservative record that did he build in florida. that's the thing you can expect from jeb bush. he is expecting perhaps the moderators to mix it up between him and donald trump. we will see if he is ready for that. >> you can be sure of that at least. great to see you, dana. thanks so much. tonight, 2014 presidential candidate and former minnesota governor tim poe len tee. it's great to see both of you.
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governor, four years ago, memories i'm sure you are saying tonight. you were on that stage with almost as many people. no donald trump that time. how does the trump factor change the game do you think? >> i think it's an opportunity and a challenge. the opportunity if somebody dares to engage with donald trump as their strategy. that could make them stand out and break through, particularly if you are a second or third tier candidate. he is very gifted at counter punching and attacking. it might backfire. it could go either way. >> sure can. that's why i'm sure they are preparing. that's why you come in, brett. what are the candidates -- except for donald trump who says he is not preparing. what are the candidates doing right now 24 hours out? >> i think they're doing last minute rehearsarehearsal. they're making sure they know the answers to issues that they want to drive their message on. they are finding ways to pivot to their message. most importantly, they are probably going through some live
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practice and rehearsing how they will handle trump, how they will handle other candidates on the stage. i tend to agree with the governor. it's how you handle trump that might make the difference for how you get out of this debate tomorrow night at 9:00. the great thing is the happy hour debate at 5:00 promises without trump to be i think more substantive. >> offers the man you are advising the opportunity to break away. senator lindsey graham in the happy hour debate. you have said this before, you can't win an election in a debate, but you can lose one. governor, you faced a tough moment like that in the 2012 cycle on stage, not taking the chance to repeat your attack line against mitt romney. what is the debate lesson learned for you? >> in that case, i must haffed answer. if you are established and you like your position, you have to reinforce your brand and reinforce your message and hopefully not have a boomerang
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moment with the donald. you have to break through. it's all the people that will watch the clips. they will only play the clip if it's interesting. if you are lindsey graham or chris christie, you have been tru trumped. somebody is bigger, louder. the previously entertaining subgroup has to show substance or re-engage at a level that will get the press' attention. that could work but it can get preposterous. >> what is your headline the next day? that's one big question. trump is saying that he is wants to play nice on stage. he is only going to attack if attacked. do you believe that? second, how do the candidates prepare? >> first of all, i don't believe that. i don't know how trump can keep himself from attacking. that's what he has made a living out of doing since he got into this race. he has attacked everyone. he said he wasn't going to
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attack and in that same interview, he talked about how the people that have attacked him have fallen off in the polls deservedly so. he attacked them. i think that that's probably going to happen tomorrow night. he will attack without saying he is attacking. the question is, if you are another candidate, how do you handle that? do awe feki effectively counter a way that lets you know you have got the command of the stage? if that happens for you, then you will come out on top. it's going to be tough. the governor is correct that trump is well experienced at this. he has made a living out of attacking celebrities on his show. i don't think he will find it hard to go on offense in a political debate. i don't think he separates those things. >> one thing we know that he's not good at is staying to time. when you have seen the interviewed he has done, that's the thing they are working against. there's little time to get the point across when there are ten folks on stage and questions and also times for rebuttal. thanks so much.
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>> good to be with you. next, new details about a phone call between one president bill clinton and donald trump just before trump jumped into the race. growing outrage over this video of a sheriff's deputy handcuffing an 8-year-old little boy. tonight, an investigation reveals this is common. i'm reworking the menu.
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of the call. hillary clinton, she was in the race. trump was in the final throws of trying to make his decision about this. an aide is telling us that the presidential race was not discussed during this conversation here. but they did talk about trump's influence. the clintons had attended trump's third wedding in 2005. they had been social in the past. trump has contributed to the clinton foundation. this is a big, big talker. but tonight what we're doing is going behind the scenes, taking a close look at team trump and the inner circle. >> you are a good leader. >> reporter: tenna was almost hired once by donald trump. on the apprentice. >> very much the opposite. for that reason, i'm saying, kendra, you are hired. >> reporter: now ten years later, the iowa mom and reality tv coach has landed a top gig inside trump's campaign.
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as trump's iowa co-chair, she describes herself as the candidate's hype girl. >> now that's a winner. >> reporter: seen here in an infomercial she made for dedazzler. then there's trump's legal guy. >> they say i'm his right hand man. >> reporter: no stranger to cameras, a key insider on the business side at the trump organization since 2006. on tv defending trump a week after making controversial remarks denying marital rape, which he since apologized for. >> who hasn't said something or done something that they regret simply trying to protect somebody they care about? >> reporter: trump said cohen doesn't speak for the campaign. despite the bashlash stood by his aide. >> you are not going to fire him? >> no. >> reporter: he helped kick off
4:43 pm >> the polls indicate that his message is resonating with the american public. >> reporter: his campaign manager is a former new hampshire state director for americans for prosperity, a group backed by the koch broe brothers. >> get me the articles. >> reporter: the poised 26-year-old to work pr for the donald. the communication director for the trump organization. described as the consummate professional, opposite of her boss. the national political director is a seasoned political operative with more than 30 years of national campaign experience. the former adviser to sarah palin. recently, fired by trump sam nunberg, he was fired after
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racist posts. he denies writing them. he had been fired by trump previously from his 2012 presidential campaign before he was hired back again this year, before being let go. he does a lot of hiring and firing. >> we know he does a lot of firing, that's for sure. i think that was the name of a show, part of a show maybe. i don't know. >> yeah. >> it's great to see you. joining me now is gloria borger. have i i have to ask you about this phone call. what do you make of it? >> reporter: it's clear bill clinton was returning phone calls from donald trump. there was a pre-existing relationship there. trump has been a donor to the clinton foundation. the clintons went to donald trump's third wedding. it seems very clear to me that
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trump wanted to talk to clinton about politics. you know, wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in that conversation? if you want to get conspiratorial about it, if t m trump is considering a bid, why wouldn't bill clinton say, that's interest sing? maybe you could speak to the party base. the more the merrier as far as bill and hillary clinton are concerned. the more discord the better. >> probably we will continue to feed some of what we heard in the conspiracy theories. many conservatives saying, could he be a democratic mole? it has been out there. >> i don't think so. >> i'm with you. i'm just tossing it out there. great to see you. thank you. >> good to see you. next, this disturbing video. you have seen it a.. a third grader handcuffed for acting out in class. why this is a widespread
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practice. why it's not the long answers, it's those memorable moments that make debate winners and losers. >> okay. commerce, education and the -- i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. ♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romis man kind?eitlin ♪ are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are.
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sheriff's deputy had to latch the cuffs around the boy's biceps, the boy had adhd. he had been acting out. the sheriff's department is defending the deputy's actions saying he was doing what he was sworn to do. as shocking as individuthis vid. incidents like this happen more than you might think. >> reporter: he is a child just 8 years old cuffed at the upper arms buy a deputy, the school resource officer. [ crying ] >> you can behave the way you know you are supposeded to or suffer the consequences. >> shocking and heartbreaking but not the only time a child has been put in handcuffs. in oklahoma this police officer's body camera cap churdz his exchange with the 9-year-old boy handcuffed after they say he
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threatened school staff. investigations by the police department and the fbi found the officer acted appropriately. in stone mountain, georgia, a 6-year-old handcuffed by the school officer after the school says he was violent and a danger to himself and others. across the country, u.s. department of education data shows in the 2011 to 2012 school year, more than 70,000 students were physically restrained during school. 75% of those restrained were students with disabilities. >> calm down. >> law enforcement often called as a last resort. in this video, a frustrated parent calling the police trying to control his disabled 11-year-old child. and the shocking video from kentucky law enforcement experts say you can't just blame the officer. >> i'm putting the whole blame on the school here. not putting it on the officer at all. the school has people that are trained to deem with these type of children. police officers aren't. >> reporter: the school says it
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is cooperating in the investigation and that the district calls on law enforce tument ma ment to maintain safety of students and staff. psychologist stephanie marci works with disabled children and school districts and says school system are too often reactive, not proactive. underfunded, the teachers often overwhelmed. >> until the entire system is looked at, i think we are going to continue to see incidents like this happen, we are going to continue to be upset and distressed by how the children are being treated, and the police are going to continue to be villified and put into situations that make them look bad. >> reporter: unfortunately there is no easy solution for all of this other than time and money. the u.s. department of education did issue some official guidelines in 2012 recommending that seclusion, restraint never be used unless there is imminent danger. >> thank you so much.
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>> out front for us next, we have jeanne moos with the special debate moments that special debate moments that define a candidate.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman special debate moments that define a candidate. for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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so donald trump says if he is attacked in the debate tomorrow he will be forced to retaliate. well to prepare us all, a history lesson from jeanne moos. >> reporter: we tend to watch debates -- hoping to see a train wreck. instead we are left with memorable moments. sarah palin winking. >> how long have i been at this five weeks? >> ronald reagan demanding the sound system not be turned off.
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>> i am paying for this microphone. >> reporter: a line he picked up. >> don't you shut me off when i am paying for this broadcast. >> he picked up in the movie state of the union from spencer tracy. tv magnifies everything. the sweat glistening on nixon's chin. >> to al gore's exasperated sighs. >> there's differences. >> resuscitated by snl. >> rome came to life in gladiator. >> reporter: what was i going to say again? oh, yeah, unforgettable, forgettable moments. >> commerce, education, and the -- what's the third one there? let's see. >> reporter: rick perry's oops moment. >> oops. >> arizona governor jan brewer's brain freeze. a that we could possibly do. >> this was just her opening statement. >> you know what a televised debate isn't the time for?
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checking the time as president george bush did. >> how has the national debt -- >> debates are a time for memorable zingers. >> senator, you are no jack kennedy. >> reporter: and one-liners. for instance from a relatively unknown canned candidate for vice president. >> who am i? why am i here? >> whatever you do candidates. don't invaid personal space. as hillary's senate rival did. >> we'll shack on this. >> no, i want your signature. >> or when al gore crept up on george bush. >> but can you get things done. i believe i can. >> reporter: there is nothing about debatable behavior to liven up a debate. >> your's lookable enough, hillary. >> are we not doing the talent portion. >> reporter: jeanne moos.
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cnn, new york. >> there is a talent portion in the cnn debate. just saying. just saying. when in doubt, donald trump just wink at the camera. thank you for joining us. ac 360 starts right now. good evening. thank you for joining us tonight. late developments in yet another theater attack. new information abut the man who went into a showing of "mad max" bringing pepper spray, swinging an ax and carrying a gun. what we know about what happened inside that theater and the shootout that followeden, and wt two people there saw. we begin with hope and doubt. almost a year and a half since malaysia airlines flight 370 vanished, what could if true be a turning point. what would if true be the first chance for so many people who have waited so long for real answers about their loved ones to end month after month of limbo false lead and contradictory statements. all that if true. today malaysia's prime minister announcing this piece