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tv   New Day  CNN  August 3, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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lollapalooza music fest. >> a tent came down outside a festival in chicagoland. chad myers is following the latest for us from the weather >> more hail tornadoes, wind damage. 110 hail repords, six tornado reports. we finally got pictures from overnight and some are dramatic. >> wow, look at that. that is something else. >> a white tornado against a black sky. evidence of what has been slamming the midwest. illinois bearing the major front. one man killed three seriously injured and a dozen hospitalized after large hail ripped through a festival. chicago's grant park forced a temporary evacuation of the lollapalooza muse sick festival. >> they evacuated the situation.
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it's wild. >> tens of thousands of concert goers spill sboog the streets of chicago. >> the festival resuming an hour later. in michigan a tornado touching down north of detroit. large hail wind gusts at 60 miles per hour. widespread power outages leaving thousands of residents in the dark. dramatic video of this tornado, a reminder of nature's destructive power. the residents here got lucky, no one hurt. you don't expect tornadoes in the middle of summer you expect them in the spring. there's a chance from up state new york to columbus. damaging wind and hail. this is what it looks like up state new york the rain continues. anywhere you see red from pittsburgh to columbus that's where the potential for severe weather is today.
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it will be hot still hot. 91 in new york city 93 in philadelphia and 95 in washington d.c. enjoy that hot weather. when the cold front comes, it will feel better. it could bring the severe weather. chris? >> keep an eye out. if anything develops we'll get to you. a massive manhunt in memphis. the wanted man, a suspect accused of murdering a police officer over the weekend. the officer is sean bolton. he's a marine corps vet, served in iraq. he got killed interrupting a drug deal. they are offering an award leading to the arrest of him. what do we know right now and where are they? >> good morning. the suspect, 29-year-old termain is at large. he shot and killed officer sean
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bolton. they believe he was approaching a car that was illegally parked. he opened fire and killed him. they believe officer bolton interrupted a drug deal. they found a small thing of marijuana and a scale. he acted recklessly and ruined lives. >> when you look at this individual you are looking at a coward. he's a coward. literally destroyed a family. the impact it's had on this department this community this city for less than two grams of marijuana. >> as you mentioned, there is a massive manhunt under way and a reward offered for information that leads to his capture. >> one important thing to note is he was out on supervised release, serving ten years for robbery. >> over the weekend, they got
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somebody. it was the driver of the car. they are still looking for him. we are going to keep putting the picture up. keep us up to date. several political showdowns are brewing in washington. republicans threatening to go to court to fight the climate change plan that cracks down on power plants. the senate is set to vote on a bill to defund planned parenthood. we have every angle covered for you. >> they are calling this the kleen power plant. this is a big change the president wants to make now during the fourth quarter of his presidency. this is what they are going to do. cut carbon emissions by the year 2030. they say that same year premature deaths due to emissions will be cut by nearly 90% over 2005 levels.
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asthma attacks by 90,000 cases. it will cut energy costs and create jobs. that is exactly the opposite of what critics say it will do. here is the president in a message released on social media. >> power plants are the biggest source of pollution that contributes to climate change. until now, no limits on the pollution they can dump into the air. if you believe, like i do we cannot condemn our kids and grand kids to a planet that is unfixable, share this message with friends and family. >> yes, there is pushback. some states are threatening to go to court over this. jeb bush over the weekend, called this plan irresponsible, a disaster and a job killer. michaela? >> i'll take it michelle.
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it sets up one thing with heavy political implications. here is another one. the proposition, planned parenthood is selling baby parts for profit. the funding should be pulled. that is the argument to defund the organization that serves a large percentage of needy women. some republicans are threatening to shut down the government if the nonprofit keeps getting money. it's going to be a political battle. do they have the votes? joe johnson has the latest on this. joe, obviously the 60 makes it veto proof. >> it's going to be hard to reach that chris. this is fallout from the controversy over videos released by a group. the sub text is abortion amount
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to it. supporters of this are fighting an up hill battle. the white house said the president will veto a bill. conservative republican senators using the moment to argue hundreds of millions of dollars planned parenthood gets ought to be handed over to community health centers. the issue so important. the government spending bill all to be held up. ran paul is not so sure about that. listen. >> i support any legislation that will defund planned parenthood. if president obama wants to shut down government because he doesn't get funds, that is his determination to shut down government. >> reporter: they say it is counter productive if it's to
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decrease abortion because they do so much contraception. michaela? >> thank you for that. how are the showdowns going to affect the race for the white house. hillary clinton launching the first tv ads, keeping the focus on her family not her credentials. now, an old friend could be a new concern for the campaign. is vice president joe biden getting ready to mount a challenge? what about joe? >> good morning, michaela. vice president joe biden is not ruling out jumping into the 2016 presidential campaign. some close friends and advisers are urging him to do it. that is touching a wave of speculation and intrigue. they say he would be a stronger democratic nominee than hillary clinton. they worry her favoribility has
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took a hit. now, she is launching her first campaign ads of the campaign this week. they are largely bigraphical. they are intended to soften her image and remind voters of her soft story, including how she went to work for him after he defeated her in 2008. stk senator who made sure the shee rows and families got the care they needed. the secretary of state that joined the man that defeated her. when your president calls, you serve. now a new title, grandma. >> i believe when families are strong, america is strong. >> reporter: now these ads were filmed two months ago so they are not in direct response to the flurry of joe biden. one reason he is giving it is careful look is because of his son bo who died of brain cancer in may.
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a political adviser joined the movement to see if there's enough response out there. >> one of the things they are playing with is how much money. is it enough? let's turn to the political implications. thank you to both of you. we have to talk about biden. we have poll numbers to get to. let's go to the state of play. this clean power plan era sets up about the environment, but it's about so much more. this is what the plan would do. there's other things. it sets red states against blue states. they are the ones producing the energy. the blue states don't have as much. it's dividing blue left and right. what is the play?
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>> you can't imagine that the republican senate led by the majority leader is going to simply lay down and say what a great idea. they are going to fight for their local interest. it will become a partisan party issue. it's for, for o pombama a legacy. this is a replay of ronald reagan taking the solar panels off the white house. maybe they want to become the environmental party thachlt bodes well tr the point of view for politics. young people like the environment and the issues and some of the swing states. red state, blue state, look at ohio. >> michigan and ohio will loom in this. lynn sweet, this winds up becoming not so much about the policy, but the implications of it. as was pointed out, young
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people, the millenials white college people who might favor this might play to a national election but implications. explain. >> we have seen votes dealing with environmental protection agency chris. this is really a fight that has been played out already in various precincts on capitol hill. even though you have the different demographic groups you talk about that favor it it could work in some -- in some way in the democratic primary if somebody was opposed to the policies. no one will be whether or not biden gets in. within the republican presidential came pain my guess is there's going to be a tendency to say whatever president obama is for on the
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climate, they are against. >> lynn sweet, set up like the politics behind it. the idea that planned parenthood sells baby parts for profit is there anything new in that that deserves investigation? >> there is. it's new to a lot of people that weren't aware. planned parenthood is in a pick el a big push to explain what is going on. doesn't help their case for people who have been trying to defund them. >> you are planned parenthood selling baby parts for profit that's enough. is it love to get to the four corners? >> i have read through the whole transcript. if you take the group's version of what happened it's a much more nuance discussion.
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>> people don't like the word nuance and baby parts for sale. >> it's a squeamish issue. i think everybody who is pro-choice should look at this with open eyes say thg is what we are arguing for. having made this very important private decision the mothers involved or the women involved have to make a decision about what happens now. again, it's very tough to read and look at. this is what goes on. if you want the research into a host of diseases. >> one of the women in congress fighting to defund planned parenthood. what it means for women, needy women and where they would get their health care. we will discuss that later today. joe biden, is he going to get in the race yes or no? put up the numbers between biden
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and hillary and show how they size up? can he win if he gets in? >> i think he can. it's less about clinton versus biden because it's so early. it's about what clinton didn't doing. she is losing against republicans, the top three in iowa. in virginia in colorado. these are swing states the obama administration took as important places where the map was redrawn. if hillary clinton can't do that rk she invites a challenge. >> they don't have the strongest team in the world right now. she's struggling. joe biden, does he get in? if he does does he do it? >> you have to give him for
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time. such a lack of democratic leaders. there's not a big difference between him and hillary clinton. they have to talk about their time in the obama administration for and against. it is a hard -- he's in a hard position because he has to explain what he would do different to rationalize why he would get in. but, you see this all the time people have to do what's right for them without what's write for their looifl. her stumbles don't help. i don't think hillary clinton has done anything that is irreversible but there are problems with the benghazi e-mails. you have to see how it unfolds. >> one thing you haven't mentioned is money. millry sucked up a lot of money that was out there in lefty pockets to fuel this race. the big thing on the table, lynne touched on it mbenga sa
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e-mails goes low. a place he's been a spike is trust. >> that's right. also look money is a limitedless resource. i mean you have all you need the one billionaire to come in and say joe biden is my guy and spend whatever it takes. >> last word lynn? >> the last word here is that she's well ahead in the money chase but biden doesn't have to get name recognition. neither does hm. this isn't about whether or not he could raise the money and whether or not he needs to make a third try for himself for president. >> thank you for setting up the issues on the table. we are all in favor of the big field. we invite them all on. >> want to talk to them all, thank you.
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another big story. a search is under way for debris around reunion island where a piece of plane broke free. officials determining it does belong to a boeing 777. it's not been linked to flight 370. this is another piece of debris found over the weekend. we have the latest on reunion island. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. the search is on not just here but other islands as well. the there is an island 1200 miles away the coast guard combing for clues. malaysia's transportation minister said this is consistent with drift pattern analysis. they are appealing to authorities for help. over the weekend, some
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volunteers combing the beaches, looking for a potential plane component. po sensual degree. san andre, where the flab ron was found. ten to 12 objects brought forward. those on his hand have been discounted. it's a vast ocean, plenty of room for also alarms. >> this thought they wouldn't be. breaking over night, this story. more than a dozen people including a police officer in uniform injured after a car hit the road and hit the pets in mer see city. authorities believe one car was speeding when it slammed into a second car. police detained the driver at the scene. >> baltimore experiencing the
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deadliest month in four decades. 45 homicides in july alone. 191 reported for the entire year so far. now the baltimore police department announcing ten federal agents will be embedded the next two month. >> agencies from the fbi and u.s. marshalls may create. we have to get doup to the story. sometimes you point these out. these are new numb mers higher theories. one is when all the lootling and on there was a supply of drugs. the other one is there's been a confluence of unrest that is matching no jobs and no trust in government and it's bleeding over. >> if you pair that with other statistics we see in chicago, for example, it is a concern.
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we'll discuss it ahead. >> it is confirmed. the wreckage found on reunion island is from a boeing 777. the question is it from flight 370. why that question suspect as easy as we would hope it would be.
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malaysian officials confirm a wing part found on a remote island is from a boeing 777. there is only one 777 missing in the world. malaysian airlines flight 370. why aren't investigators confirming that debris is from the doomed jet? we want to turn to the australian transport agency bureau. they have been leading the search for mh 370. nice to see you and meet face-to-face. let's talk about this piece of evidence the malaysians are saying is indeed from a 777. we know there's only one missing, unaccounted for in the world. why not come out and say it is indeed mh 370. is that just a formality?
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>> i wouldn't call it a formality. the preference would be to get a direct, physical link between this flaperon and mh 370. at the moment all we have are serial numbers, or part numbers rather than serial numbers. we can only confirm, beyond any doubt, a flaperon associated with the 777. there is no other aircraft having lost the flaperon. the preference to give certainty to the families is to find a direct physical link. if we can't do that obviously, we have to find a way of eliminating all other possibilities. that's where we stand. >> you make a good point. the families deserve that right? they deserve 100% certainty. that's a good point to be made. we saw how quickly that piece of
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debris there was a piece of metal found sunday and it was so quickly ruled out to be not from mh 370. >> it was easy to determine, after some visual inspection it doesn't anything to do with an aircraft. >> i'm curious how the flaperon on the reunion islands affected or changed the area that is being searched. is it now redoubling efforts? is it expanding efforts? has it moved efforts west? >> we haven't seen anything as a result of the find even if it was confirmed to be from mh 370 that would lead us to change the search area. as you know that's being developed through very careful
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analysis the satellite, aircraft performance information and so on. we have been working with specialists on modelling how items drift in the indian ocean. it's quite possible that aircraft component could have drifted to arrive. >> it wasn't a surprise to you, that debris could have been found there? >> not a surprise. although modelling shows that it is toward the margins of the area that the debris would have gone. it was consistent with the modelling. >> because it was toward the margin does it make you want to recalibrate it all? >> no. we place it because we think it has greater precision on the analysis of satellite.
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it's a new presize analysis. what the wind may do and what the swells and waves will do. what the modelling shows is from any area it will dispurse over a wide area. >> are you just as confident today as you were some i don't know 500 days ago, there dolan are you confident we will get answers for the families of mh 370. >> i'm more confident than i was all that time ago because we have squeezed every last piece of information out of the satellite. we have seen through what they are doing out there. the crews and equipment we have out there are doing an excellent job. very likely the aircraft is in the search area. if it's there, we will find it.
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>> thank you for joining us on "new day." >> the search continues to be sure. a second american is wanted for illegally hunting lions in zimbabwe. they turn it up to -- proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out ...with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis serious,sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to
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welcome back to "new day." you have to look at the video on your screen. a tornado out of the wizard of oz. you are torn between waiting to stand there and stare and needing to run for your life. this scene overnight in chicago,
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illinois. a tent collapsed at the lollapalooza festival. nour the problem is it's not just hitting there. this system is headed to the northeast. let's bring in chad myers. he's been watching it all morning. what happened? what happens next? >> a cold front comes by makes the weather better for the week. the cold front will be the significant driving force for more severe weather. cold front coming by interacting with strong, humid air. the thunderstorms move to the east into pennsylvania. the hot weather gets replaced by slightly cooler weather. i say slightly because we go to 87. what you will notice is the humidity is going down. 87 will feel like 84 where this 91 today feels like 97. yes, although slightly cooler
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drier. christopher charles used all his vacation days and had to come back to work. >> i was on assignment chad. i was visiting your family. they all say hola. >> this afternoon, the white house unveils a climate change initiative. president obama says it's the biggest and most important step ever taken to combat global warming. it calls for a 32% reduction in it. >> u.s. air power will protect the syrian rebels trained and equipped by the united states. president obama making the decision to provide air cover after the two groups were launched last week.
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the lead in al qaeda group was official. they say they consider these rebels remember there are all these rebel groups at play. >> a second american is now accused of illegally hunting a lion in africa. meanwhile, officials in sim bob kay who tried to indict her husband. david mack kenzie is live with the latest for us today. david? >> reporter: that's right. they are expanding the investigation. an american illegally killed a lion back in april. they want to continue the extradition process of dr. palmer who got the worldwideninger for killing cecil the lion. they say they are going to
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tighten the regulations to avoid instants like this. experts say it is unlikely the u.s. will hand over power to them because of the rights record of zimbabwe. >> some have been telling me the moves are politics. many gave us the ahh when we were talking joe biden for president. the vice president is seriously considering a run for the white house. how serious? we will tell you. and we have one of the biden's closest family friends on. we'll put the question to her. stay with us.
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captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] imagine - she won't have to remember passwords. or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web.
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there is a superpac. there are meetings and a formidable man in the middle of
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it all. joe biden. third time a charm for joe. running for president again, is he? we have a friend of the bidens since the '80s when he was a presidential candidate then. i see the tide rushing in behind you in the picture this morning. possible metaphore for momentum gathering for joe biden. do you think he will run, ma'am? >> chris, if he -- if he follows his heart and he does do what bo wanted him to do i believe he will. but, at this point, i really don't know. as close as i am to him, if he will run or not. >> i see you have your american flag on. you are in political mode. i have to suspect you are lobbying him to run. why? >> i'm not really lobbying him
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to run because i don't want to you know push him in any way. you know any way. but, i am here -- i am here for bo. i'm happy to be here for bo. i believe -- i'm a real good judge of character. i'm an excellent judge of character, chris. from the first moment i met the vice president back in '85-'86, i believe that he is a man of character. his honesty, his love for this country. his love for his family which i have admired so much since all this time. >> mary obviously my tone is belying the pain of those who know the bidens and bo. as a man, a woman and parent is judged by his children.
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no better testament than bo biden. people think when you die, people only say the good things. he was special. who knows how far he would have gone. he was deep in his father's hearts. his wants will be reverberating around joe biden's head and heart. how true is it that bo biden wanted his father to think seriously about making another run and why? >> i sincerely believe bo biden had that discussion with his father. maybe bo worried that his father after leaving the white house would not find something challenging for him. he worried about his father maybe mourning him and i know that bo and i and hunter and the entire family.
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my bucket list which is supposed to be for me. on my bucket list is joe biden being president of the united states. my passion for that is so strong. i can't write him a big check, if he decides to run, but i'll match my passion for that money any day. >> why joe biden. put up the numbers with hillary clinton. she's got the money, the police cal leaders. many feel like it's a correlation. favorable, unfavorable for clinton, 40 favorable and 49 for biden. she's struggling with trust. he's got trust coming out his ears. what is the key to why he could be successful? >> his trut. i mean i would -- hillary does
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have a problem with trut in this country right now. i do believe, when and if he decides to run, joe will add a new dimension to this race that lacks certainly the trust and the honesty and the character to be president of the united states. i know him that well. i hope he runs if that's what he wants to do. i am ready to certainly elect him as pot of the united states. >> what does your gut tell you, mary? does he have the fire in your belly? too much game? has he been in the game too long? >> there's fire in that belly. he's connected. his head is connected to this. it's going to take a while to connect the heart and the head. his heart and his head. you know i spoke to him briefly a few months ago.
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certainly well before you know bo passed away. he had the twinkle in his eye. i thought then he was going to throw his hat in. >> mary i appreciate you coming on to explain it at this point. we know you don't want to pressure him. you went on "new day" so the pressure is there. we'll see what happens. thanks for beam with us. >> thanks very much. gun violence spiraling out of control in baltimore leaving it in the deadliest month in decades. we'll take a look. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it.
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a startling spike in
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homicides in baltimore this year. july the deadliest month in four decades. 45 murders in that month alone. now they will embed themselves with the unit for the next two months. let's bring in harry, cnn law enforcement analyst. and cnn political anchor. this is startling. it's concerning. it's frustrating for local law enforcement. hold that graphic up again. 45 people killed 45 families dealing with the loss of their loved ones in july. 116 killings from april to july. it's an all-time high. what is going on? high? when then we'll talk about the why. stk feds are going to come in. >> why is it happening? let's get to that.
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>> okay. you have narcotics and gangs. >> we have it in l. am and detroit. >> after the gray case in baltimore, police officers are saying maybe i don't want to be too aggressive anymore. the reason he stopped, it's the same police work. >> earl your assessment? >> the problem with the freddie gray case is six officers were charged with murder and manslaughter. >> they add miss to that. problems of that sort lead to problems and the oversight we don't see. >> do you think grays death led to it? >> it could be a work slowdown. probably illegal. hen you hear people say i don't want any trouble, it's a work slowdown. you are supposed to go down
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there. the reality is they are the same side of the coin unprofessional behavior. they have a crisis. i don't know if the feds are going to help them get out of it. they have to turn that place around. >> when you see what happened to the officers talk about the two who took gray down in the first place. i basically don't see they did anything wrong. maybe gray was injured in the van, we don't know. when police officers see that and the mayor says go out there. stop the crime. if you are not 100% right, we are putting you in jail. >> you are concerned that is going to cause a shoplift. some are saying the mayor's political as prass may be clouding it up. >> there's always a line of people waiting to challenge the governor. they are responding to what the
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people want. there were cheers when the indictments were announced. the people of baltimore don't believe they have been properly served in some neighborhoods. >> we have to figure it out. >> we are all talking about it. the interim police commissioner there was a change there. was that a smart one? >> we hope so. we have to see what he's going to do here. the police officers have to be feeling empowered knowing the mayor and the administration are going o to back them up. you need aggressive police work to stop it. >> aggressive but smart. >> i'm not saying police officers should go out there -- >> people hear that. look at all the people that live in the inner city that have to deal with the shootings, every
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day. >> baltimore is troubling, concerning and frustrating. look nationwide. new york is up. washington up 18%. chicago, which we have not been spending enough time, and the most troubling is up%%. >> chicago is at historic highs. they have a double digit increase. it's coming from lows. it's a different scenario. >> it's not a trend you should take at first plush. >> very much city by city. i don't think there's a national cried wave goupg on. >> if you look at the numbers from ten years ago, yeah. but still, numbers from the year
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will ever that, follow the nice ones. we are following a lot of news. let's get to it on this monday morning. >> large hail and 60-mile-per-hour winds slamming the midwest. >> look at that. >> pretty wild. >> the biggest, most important step we have taken to combat climate change. >> i think it's a disaster. >> vice president joe biden getting ready for a challenge. >> that's why i'm doing this. >> anybody can do well for a month. >> the american people want a serious debate about a serious issue. >> the biggest tax returns. >> there is no margin for error here. >> this flaperon is indeed from a 777 aircraft. >> this is about the plains, the passengers and the truth. >> this is "new day." >> good morning, welcome back to
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your "new day." alisyn is off today. we begin with breaking news. several states in the midwest hit hard by severe weather overnight. look at this. a series of strong tornadoes touching down including that twister in iowa. the wirs hitting from illinois. they were forced to evacuate the lollapalooza. hail deadly. wind and rain coming your way as well. it got brought down out of chicago, now millions are under a severe threat. we have what happened and what is about to happen. chad myers can see it all. what do you see? >> 110 hail reports. 97 wind damage reports. >> wow, look at that. that's something else.
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>> reporter: a stark white tornado against the black sky, evidence of what's been slamming the midwest. illinois bearing the major brunt after these. large hail and winds ripped through illinois. it toppled a tent on to the froud. a temporary evacuation of the lollapalooza fest cal. >> there's so many people here that evacuated the situation. it's wild. >> tens of thousands of concert goers rushing out of the festival. in michigan a tornado touching down north of detroit. large hail torrential downpours an wind kuss of 60 miles per hour, houpding several communities there.
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tens of thousands in the dark. the video of this tornado in iowa. a reminder of nature's destructive power. residents here got lucky. no one was hurt. >> we have big storms going this morning. typically, we don't have them going this hour. this is very close to covington kentucky just south of cincinnati. 40,000 feet. still tall still severe. we will have severe weather from up state new york down south to cincinnati columbus. damaging winds, large hail. because there's a cold front coming. that cold front is going to push the human air that is already in place up into the sky. it's humid. it's hot. new york city is going to feel like 97. cooler by wednesday. it will feel like 84. the dry air is coming in.
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you can get severe weather popping up. we'll have that later on this afternoon. back to you. >> that's the concern as we watch it across the country. thank you, we'll check back with you in a bit. there's a manhunt on right now for this guy. an asuzed cop killer. the officer involved shoun bolton. morris sanchez is here with the latest. this is a cop with a family and history of service. >> he was a marine. investigators are on the hunt for willborn. he's at large, armed and dang routs. sean bolton approached the car that was illegally parked saturday night. he's shown a light on it. investigators believe they interrupted a drug deal. they found a bag of marijuana.
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the driver took off after the shooting but later turned him. they say he acted recklessly and ruined lives. >> when you look at this individual you are looking at a coward. he's a coward. literally destroyed a family. look at the impact the death had on this department this smount this city for thean than two grams of marijuana. >> there is a $10,000 repord for information leading to the capture. one important thing to note he was actually on supervised release. he was serving a ten-year robly that puch worse. he's got a family. doupg his job, now he's gone. >> they will spread that picture
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as much as you can. the gloves are off on capitol hill. president obama unveils a new climate change plan that republicans are threatening to fight in court. the senate votes on a bill. cnn white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> you might as well be reading in big letters, legacy. here is what the administration says they are going to do cut carbon emissions from power plants by 32% over 2005 levels by the year 2030. the administration says this is going to have sweeping effects medically. it's going to reduce the number of premature deaths by some 90% over 2005. childhood asthma attacks by
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90,000 cases. that is the opposite of what critics say it's going to do. here is president obama and this video that was released on social media. >> power plants are the single biggest source in harmful pollution that contributes to climate change. until now, no federal limits to the amount of that pollution dumped into the air. if you believe, like i do we cannot condemn our kids and grand kids to a planet beyond fixable, share this message with your friends and family. >> yes, the pushback has started from republicans, from candidates from climate change doubters/deniers. certain states are planning on taking the administration to court over this. over the weekend, jeb bush called the plan irresponsible. >> the plan the policy what it means politically. that's going to play out. there's another issue like it on the table. controversial planned parenthood
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videos. arguably doctored. they have put the practice of selling fetal tissue front and center. a fight to get rid of planned parenthood. senate republicans have a bill and a threat to shut down. joe johns has more details. they need 60 to be veto proof. probably don't get it. the dialogue very shifted because of the videos. joe? >> it's going to go on and on chris. the vote expected to occur around 5:30 eastern time. it is fallout from the controversy yawl video that is put a spotlight on the practice of providing fetal tissue for researchers. it is certainly all about abortion. planned parenthood says 3% of its services involve abortion and you can only use federal funds in cases of rape incest or where the life of the mother is at stake.
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that's something planned parenthood has been pointing up in recent videos. listen. >> i was diagnosed with stage two of breast cancer. without planned parenthood i wouldn't have gotten my breasts checked. i am here today, healthy and alive because of planned parenthood. >> now, supporters of the bill are facing an up hill fight because the white house said the president will veto any such measure if it reaches his desk. there is an upcoming spending bill in the fall. the question is whether republicans will try, at least, to shut down the government over this issue. michaela? >> we'll be watching for that. all of this is sure to impact the 2016 presidential race. hillary clinton looking to soften up her image with her first tv ad of the season. there's word joe biden could be
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weighing a challenge against her. we have more on all of this. i saw on the new ad what are your thoughts? >> the new ads are interesting. joe biden is carefully watching the presidential campaign and deciding if he should jump in to challenge hillary clinton. over the weekend, several close friends and advisers said they are urging him to do it. they believe he would be a stronger democratic nominee than hillary clinton. they worry her favoribility ratings have taken a hit and could continue to fall. all of this is happening as she is launching her first campaign ads this week. as you said intended to soften her image and remind voters of her life story, including how she went to work for the man who defeated her in 2008. >> the senator who made sure victims of 9/11 got the care they needed. when your prosecute calls, you serve.
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now, a new title, grandma. >> i believe that when families are strong america is strong. >> now, these ads were filmed two months ago, so they are not in direct response to the flurry of response to joe biden. a reason he's giving it is careful look is the conversation they had with bo. he urged his father to run for president. now, we are learning a top political adviser has joined the movement to round up support if he joins the race. no pressure to make the decision quickly and could wait until september or later and make the decision known. >> as ewe know joe biden, most is a man who is going to do what they want. there are three big headlines this morning. let's bring in margaret hoover
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and cnn political analyst and editor of the daily beast, john avalon. good morning to you both. we must discuss the biden factor and we will. however, there are two headline that is we should talk about before the intrigue. one, the plan. put up the punch points for what the power plan is about. this is what it's supposed to do. you see this. it cuts the emissions, rewards, punishments. it's about something else isn't it? this is about who you want to play to politically. you could argue as ron does in an article put out, this is annishan ishsue that will divide red and blue. west virginia, kentucky ohio. it's another example of this president in the fourth quarter of his term saying you know
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what? we are going all out. specifics on a previously announced plan. it will become a hot potato and make its way to the supreme court. very controversial metals. it's bold to make that promise. >> the speculation is that this is something that may make it easier to capture congressional seats by fighting it but less likely to goat the white house because of who these terms play to. do you buy that? >> that may be true chris. unless they are on the local politics. you will see a divide in the republican party in terms of talking about planet change and the best way to regulate it. what president obama is doing is issuing broad regulations because he can't get bills through congress. the republicans will have a strategy that is more legislative rather than rule making. the rule making is a legacy.
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that's what this is about, so president obama can say he has done something about global warming to interact with the global communities. that's to get into a conference. >> some say it is a political move. he's boxing republicans into being anticlimate change. >> you are going to see the republican side because there are 17 candidates running. >> just the vast majority are. >> true. true. >> she's calling you a liar to your face. >> the senate took votes. senators running for president have said -- >> the vast majority. >> they believe the climate is changing and humans have something to do with it. how you go about -- how you go about doing it -- >> i's on a machine. >> how you go about doing it is different. >> it's another way of saying i'm not going to commit. the dynamic you describe that's
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the story of the two parties right now. people who are going to hate it are west virginia democrats. jock running for governor that makes his life more difficult. >> you gave me the eye roll when talking about ted cruz. >> we cook bacon differently than most folks. coming down. that's bacon. >> on the muzzle of a machine gun. >> i don't know what that has to do with global warming. >> i thought the metaphore was clever. >> i appreciate it. i didn't know they did that in vancouver. >> planned parenthood -- >> denier. >> planned parenthood.
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another metaphore issue. is the truth that they are selling baby parts for profit? i know you can use the right terminology, fetal tissue. i know you can say it's about medical research it's been going on for a long time. is it what they are doing? it is enough to change anything? >> there is an open question we will know later today if they have enough votes. some democrats were reluctant to sign on to the bill. >> does it shut down government? >> cruz wants to do that. they don't learn from history. when the republicans force a shutdown. it benefits the democrats. >> you are not going to get your 60 votes because you have key republicans not likely to go along with it. rand paul said he's not going to shut down the government over that. rand paul said even though he's
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for defunding planned parenthood he's not going to do it to shut down the government. that's not what he's for. in terms of the moral argument, selling fetal tissue or organs struck a chord and certainly on the republican side of the field. it's interesting. >> saying you are selling baby parts for profit. >> it's the videos that struck a chord. it's elevated it. >> were they altered in a way that makes it seem like something it isn't? >> regardless of whether they were altered, it's brought attention to the fact fetal tissue is being sold. the pro-choice proroev. wade are for defunding planned parenthood. >> put up the hillary and biden numbers. we are going to talk to representative black, she's pushing to defund planned parenthood. do you think joe biden gets into
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the race and if so what are the chances? >> i think right now, no he doesn't win. >> why? >> part of the dynamic, he's a good vote. be real and pull back. he's 72 years old. one of the reasons is there's an enormous amount of affect. it's a double block. we want to see a strong competition. we want this not to be a one-party, a dominated race. he's getting brought in but, you know that leech he has, not insurmountable. >> trustworthiness is what you are hitting as a pinata. >> not only does he play to trustworthiness, but other vulnerabilities of hillary clinton. part of the problem is she's too polished thinks too much. this is a guy that is a gas machine on the campaign trail. he's so authentic as a person. you have polar opposites in many
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of the things that are vol neribilities for her. >> from scranton. >> the constitution does not forbid them from serving more than two terms. >> really? you have to teach me what that means. margaret john thank you very much. news here for you this morning. officials are scouring the shores of reunion island in hoeps of finding clues. experts in france are said to begin testing on a wing part found on a wing in the remote island. malaysian officials say the debris belongs to a boeing 777. they are working to confirm if it belongs to mh 370. a state of emergency in california where two dozen wildfires are raging right now. the largest is called the rocky
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fire northwest of sacramento. it's consumed 54,000 acres. only 5% contained. it is threatening thousands of homes. statewide, more than 9,000 firefighters are battling the wildfires of over 12,000 people evacuated. the fbi is investigating explosions outside two new mexico churches. the first explosion to a mailbox outside the calvary church. the second was in a trash bin outside the holy cross catholic church. atf involved in the investigation. thankfully no injury is reported. investigators said to examine a bill. why can't they say it's from 370? it's from a boeing 777. well it's more complicated than that. we'll tell you why, after the break. after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet.
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david are both here. mary i start with you. what am i missing? how can it not be from mh 370? >> well i think everyone knows it most likely is from 370, but to conclusively tell besides boeing saying yes, it's the part number and it looks like a flaperon there's identifying information including the part number serial number inside. before they do that they are going to do a lot of analysis on the part. everything from x-rays to sonograms. then when they finally cut it open it has to be filmed. there are seven nations in this investigation. before they say yes it is they have intuitively it is everybody has to be present and do it in a scientific way. >> intelligent. i don't get it. what is the sonogram opening the wing. what is all this going on?
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if that's what it is a flaperon 777 and there's only one missing, why the intrigue, david? >> that's the way the b.e.a. rolls, the french version of the ntb. there won't be leaks coming from that group. it's going to be scientific. it's a piece of evidence in a criminal investigation. they are going to take it apart bit by bit. >> it doesn't breed confidence in this process. you find a wing from this plane and there's confusion. i get what road you are taking us down mary. they want to know as much as they can to figure out what happened not just see it from the flame. how much can they tell? what is this distinction between a deliberate act they are looking to pinpoint from looking at the wing and what would be a
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bad act? >> the only way they are going to be able to determine if it was that theirious is if they find evidence of a crime or pitting in the wing structure or medal that indicates there was an explosive device or residue. it's possible to find positive evidence of a criminal act. they can tell whether the plane was, if the plane came off as it was spiraling. there was an area where it is possible it came off in the crash sequence and never did go down with the plane. they can tell those kinds of things but not why the plane went down only that it did in the manner it did. >> maybe not from the wing itself. then we get the u.s. intelligence report on friday that says someone in the cockpit deliberately caused the aircraft's movements. what does that mean?
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>> yeah chris, you know i'm dumbfounded by that. why say anything and why say it now? what does that tell us? how do they know and what more do they know? i don't know what to make of that. i thought we got past that point that this was at the hand of a human. >> i don't like that you are asking all the questions i am supposed to be asking. this is what happens when you put italian guys on tv, you can't trust them. it makes people go down this road again. this is what we want to avoid with the mh 370. it's an over abundance of caution before identifying this part. where do you go from here? if it is from the plane, how is this beneficial in the overall understanding of what happened? >> well it's beneficial to first of all, confirm that the
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searchers are looking at least in the right part of the world. they are looking in the ocean. they confirmed that. the plane isn't on the northern arc, for example. remember the ping. it confirms that. the problem is now, for example, the other junk they picked up on the beach and people are scouring. it's wonderful everyone wants to help. whatever is deposited on the beach, if the search area is right, it has to float in the giant guyer. the whirlpool of garbage. it wouldn't be from the floats. at this point, they are going to have to sort out things very carefully. a lot will be turned in. the public wants to help. >> they want to help. there's conspiracy theories. maybe it will quiet the plane is in the hangar tweets. but, let's not forget why we care the most. there are families waiting for answers. this is tantalizing out there
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and yet, they are not getting closure that's why we keep up the purr sate. mary thank you. david a pleasure to have you on the show. hillary clinton has released the first ads of the race. what does it say about the kind of race they want to run? john king looks inside politics.
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good to have you back with us on "new day." time for inside politics with our friend, john king. happy monday my friend you have a busy week ahead of you. >> it is a busy week. >> i'm sensing it. >> sensing a big debate. back to you in a couple minutes. let's go inside politics with olivia olivia knox. why is hillary advertising this year? she's getting a stiff challenge from bernie sanders and two, the vice president is considering get sboog the race. three, if you look at the
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polling numbers, this is what it's about. we have seen her honesty and trust worthy numbers are out of control. here is one of her ads playing up on the childhood struggles of her mother. >> when she needed a champion someone was there. i think of all the dorothys all over america that never give up. that's why i'm doing this. that's why i have always done this, for all the dorothys. >> this is the emp think factor. i'm on your side. you think she's been in politics too long the republicans are going to hit her saying her e-mails, she's a clinton, can't trust her. she wants to say, i'll fight for you. >> it's interesting. if you look at the start of her campaign a couple months ago, the theme is what they said the campaign would be about. the e-mails and bernie sanders
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pushing her shifted the focus. i think this is them trying to get back to the core of the campaign get on the airways at a time they will not be flooded even with republicans at this point and try to almost reset in a way, get back to what they want to talk about. >> she that has money. is this a sign of weakness or smart? i'm guessing a whole lot of the time of those ten candidates is going to be spent saying hillary clinton is terrible. >> they are going to do that. this is part of a process of reintroducing her to voters. they are going to try to recapture the moments from the 2007-2008 campaign. it's trust. it's bringing in the gender part a little bit. yeah it's making her say, yeah i understand your struggles. all these things address her underlying strengths and weaknesses. >> let's talk about the conversation in washington the vice president. a lot of talk over the weekend. we were told by people close to
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him, look for a decision in early august. we are told it may go until september or so. he's looking at it. he's not sure yet. you know in his heart, he would love to run and be part of the campaign. he's still grieving. he just lost his son. hillary clinton has a boatload of money. most of the people working on the campaigns are on her side. doable? does it matter? >> it is going to be difficult. i did a dive into how hard he worked for democrats in 2014. how many speeches rallies and fund-raisers. he actually campaigned for, told me the problem is he's got an a for effort campaign in a ready for hillary world. he loves the fight. you know he would love to get into it. it's hard to build up the infrastructure she already has. >> is he waiting to see if she
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collapses in the polls? it may not happen anytime, but seems unlikely it is going to happen in the next month or so when he has to make a decision. >> a couple things are going on. biden has never taken running for president off the table. what did happen is his son got sick and passed away. it's set off speculation that he's taking it more seriously. he's getting lot of people who support him and supported him for a long time say you are the right person for the job and look at the weaknesses we are seeing from hillary clinton. to olivia's points we know the positives of joe biden and the weaknesses of joe biden. i think it will lead to him not doing this. >> you have to assume going in you are going to lose the voter count. he's done it in the past. we'll have to see how that works out. a lot of attention will be focused on the first republican debate. ten candidates on stage in the
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prime time debate. donald trump will be center stage. he leads the national polls. he's second in the iowa polls. he will be the center of attention. he says he won't be throwing punches. >> i don't think i'm going to be throwing punches. i'm not looking to attack. >> you have been attacking. >> every attack i made was a counter punch. they attacked first. i have been attacked viciously by some of these guys. >> i found that interesting. as this happened over the weekend, several republican candidates went to the koch brothers some are out in california. trump tweeted, i wish good luck to the republican candidates to go to california to beg for money from the koch brothers. do you want a poke in the eye the one faction of the
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conservative movement that might be able to spend money on tv ads against you? >> i think what donald trump is getting at with the tweet is voters who support him like that he comes into the race with money. he doesn't need to go out and get the koch brothers or woo anyone. he's trying to play into some of what has gotten him this 20% of support. >> did they throw a punch at him first? he said he only throws counter punches. >> i'm skeptical that he's scripted every play between now and 2016. >> you think some of this is ad hoc? >> might be impulsive. might be a little off the cuff. >> what do you expect from the debate? well mannered and presidential or expect him to be free wheeling? he's a force in the race. i don't know what to expect. >> is he going to go to the
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issue that is catapulted him into this odd limelight? is he going back to immigration? is he going back to washington is broken? is he going to barack obama and hillary clinton? he may not throw punches at fellow republicans, but throwing punches for sure. >> a difficulty is trump may not know his strategy. how do you prepare for a candidate when you can't predict what is going to happen 60 minutes into the debate. >> if you have a clear strategy once it starts things change. we are going to see who is good on their feet who reacts. he might be expecting i'm going to get the first chance at trump and someone else does first. to me that is one of the things we are going to learn more. as we close and get back to mr. cuomo in new york i got to have fun last night. a sunday night special saying good-bye to jon stewart. they were making fun of cnn and the graphics we use.
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i got a quick cameo to say, stop it. >> not as easy as it looks is it pretty boy? >> no john king. learn easy lesson keep your hands off our [ bleep ]. >> you see that punk? when you stepped at him, he backed up. that's the difference. >> he's a good actor and b, i'll keep my day job. >> you are not joking around. if i can't get into the debate coverage if you, here is a point about the difference between strategy and practicality. mike tyson. everybody's got a strategy until they get punched in the face. >> maybe i should bring you and mike in. >> here is our tease to
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commercial. a second american is wanted in connection with the killing of a lion in zimbabwe. who is to blame for the incidents? what is going on? what is legal and what isn't? [ horn honks melody ] well, well. if it isn't the belle of the ball. gentlemen. you look well. what's new, flo? well, a name your price tool went missing last week. name your what, now? it gives you coverage options based on your budget. i just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at so, you can't use it to just buy stuff?
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no. i'm sorry, gustav. we have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] he's gonna meet us there. the name your price tool. still only at woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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imagine - she won't have to remember passwords. or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do.
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officials in zimbabwe are looking for an american accused of hunting and killing a lion. they hunted it in april, an area where it is not permitted. this is following the fire storm of cecil, the lion lured off the same reserve by a minnesota dentist. jeff corwin is here. good morning to you. here we are, again, talking about an illegal hunt. surprising to you? probably not. >> it is very surprising. it's incredible these people are making fumbles and not following the law of the region. it is black and white. you do not hunt in the national park or lure an animal from the
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national park. >> conservation of nature estimates the number of animals killed in these sort of tourist hunts at 105,000 a year. that's got to impact conservation efforts. >> the total take from africa there's aapproximate natalie 11 countries out of 54 in africa that permit hunting. it seems to be decreasing year by year. 105,000 trophies are taken across 200 million acres set aside for hunting in africa. if you look at the whole statistics overall hunting, you get about 50 million to 60 million tourists that go to africa a year. of that number maybe 18,000 or 19,000 people are hunting. >> interesting because you talk to some of the hunters who say,
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look, we are doing more for conservation efforts, which doesn't make a lick of sense to me. the money they spend for the hunts goes back into conservation efforts. still, i can't see the rational. >> it can be hard to wrap your head around itd. you have to separate the emotion to the actual science. i'm going to put my wildlife biology hat on. let me give you how it works in the united states. in the united states we have just at white tail deer hunting. we have between 6 million and 10 million white tail deer hunters. they will take between 4 million and 6 million white tail deer in any given year. each of the people have to pay for a hunting license. half of the budget to manage just about every state in the united states when it comes to
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environment and state parks. it comes from the hunting and fishing license and public land use. in states like new hampshire, 90% of their budget comes from the fishing and hunting license. that is essentially, the logic of where the money goes. >> does it translate to africa? is it the same functioning of how things are done in those african nations? >> it depends on the part of africa you are in. in some cases, there is an argument that it does. an area that used to have hunting made it illegal. why? the controversy. why is it we are letting people from somewhere else, from america and europe come to africa and hunt when local people can't hunt? that's why they made the changes. this one has 140,000 elephants. once in a while when they have hunting, they put up a permit. that brings in over $100,000.
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that money goes to the village. that's the mathematics of it. it is very different from the ethics of it. how one feels ethically or emotionally. >> there's a lot of emotion in this. a lot of people feel a connection to our wildlife into the beautiful creatures. jeff corwin thanks for joining us on this "new day" on monday. >> thank you. >> chris? >> the stock market in greece is plunging. trading for the first time in five weeks amid the country's economic turmoil. what does it mean especially for you here in the u.s.? got it for you ahead. sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it.
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the good news is the greek stock market is open for the first time. bad news it ugly. that's why christine roman is in the money center for cnn money now. what does it mean? >> this is what happens when you close down a stock market for five weeks. it tanks. investigators have a chance.
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greek bank stocks are falling even more for obvious reasons. the stock markets and the banks shut down at the end of june to prevent collapse. they are open and it is difficult going there. puerto rico missed a$58 million debt payment. it's a small piece of $70 billion in outstanding debt. that's the market. part rico where a lot of investors have exposure because the bonds are a big income generator that's where you could see exposure for american investors. >> interesting. thank you for that. we know the weather created a deadly weekend for the midwest. we're going to take a look at the damage left behind and take a look at what is in store for the week.
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major storms slamming the midwest. >> wow. look at that. >> wild fires are burning across
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california. president obama is outlining his plan for clean power. >> it's time for america and the world to act. >> not everyone is happy about it. >> it's unconstitutional. >> data and facts don't support it. a possible shake up in the 2016 race. vice president joe biden is considering a run. >> hillary clinton readying a new pitch to voters. >> i believe when families are strong america is strong. the later today the senate votes on a bill that would cut all federal funding to planned parenthood. >> i support any legislation that will defund planned parenthood. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, allison cam rat draft. it's 8:00 in the east. we begin with breaking news. that's a real tornado. it's touching down in iowa. it's one of several monsters that is attacking the midwest.
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the worst of it in illinois. tens of thousands forced to evacuate from the music festival in chicago. the wind and hail proving deadly when a tent came crashing down at the festival outside of chicago. these storms are not letting up. chad meyers is tracking all the developments. today will be an important day to watch out for. >> they will move to the east. 110 reports of hail yesterday, 90 reports of wind damage and six tornados. we have the pictures from overnight. >> wow. look at that. that's something else. a stark white tornado against a black sky. evidence of what has been slamming the midwest. illinois bearing the major brunt of the storms. one man killed, three seriously injured, and more than app dozen hospitalized. after large hail and 60 miles per hour winds whipped through a festival in wood dale illinois
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uprooting a commercialized tent and topple it on the ground. severe weather forced evacuation of will will pool loula poo lu lalapolooza. the festival resuming performances an hour later. in michigan a tornado touching down north of detroit. large hail downpours, and wind gusts exceeding 60 miles per hour pounding several communities there. wide spread power outages across the state leaving tens of thousands in the dark. the video of this tornado near nevinville iowa. the residents here got lucky. no one was hurt. the potential today goes all the way from montreal to louisville and northern kentucky. we'll watch it for you here. >> thank you, chad. 21 wild fires are burning out of control in california right now.
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the worst is called the rocky fire. it's 100 miles north of psychiatricsan francisco. it's only at 5% containment. it destroyed two dozen homes and threatens thousands more. let's get live to california. it's a state of emergency there. one thing they need most obviously, is water and they're not going to get that. >> reporter: if only we could get water for so many reasons, chris. good morning. we're standing here in colusa county where they have evacuated people. they have drove down the road yesterday to get a better look at the fire and see the active fire line. while we were out there, our satellite truck operator -- we can't talk to each other, he was able to hear people in a home as a fire changed directions and started coming toward them trying to pack up. that's what the people here are dealing with. flames crackling, spreading into
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the night. overnight lightning, winds, and low humidity further fuelling the flames at a time when firefighters normally gain some ground. at least 21 wild fires are burning across california. exacerbated by the state's drought. more than 9,000 firefighters battling those flames. the state's largest wild fire the rocky fire, ravageing counties north of san francisco. this inferno already incinerating more than 50,000 acres. >> there are firefighters that have 20 25 years on the job that have never seen fire behavior like we've seen here the last couple of days. >> reporter: firefighters using many resources to try to tame the fire. some crews actually using tools to set fires. this to prevent the progress of a fire by taking away the fuel. we're standing along highway 16 california 16 and what they want
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to do is contain this fire so it doesn't jump across this road. a lot of fires backfires being built on the opposite side. as you take a look at the active fire here you can see the wind is pushing it. thousands of people and structures under evacuation. we got out of the meeting and it looked like a bomb had went off over here. >> reporter: dozens of residence residences are left smoldering. >> everyone's ashes right now. >> reporter: what makes the fire so different from other fires on the fact on saturday it was about 20,000 acres and it ballooned up overnight. that's weird when humidity comes up and it helps the firefighters. it didn't happen in this case. that makes this fire so scary. >> you wish mother nature gives you a break in that instance and it did not. steph, we'll be watching it with you. take care.
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several political show downs brewing on capitol hill this morning. republicans are threatening legal action to block president obama's new plan to combat climate change before it's unveiled while the senate prepares for a vote to halt federal funding for planned parenthood. we >> reporter: this is another one of those whoa kind of moves that president obama keeps wanting to do in the fourth quarter of his presidency. the administration said if this plan is going to reduce carbon emissions specifically from powerplants by 32% over 2005 levels by the year 2030. but they say it's going to have the sweeping effects even medically. it's going to reduce the number of premature death due to emissions by some 90% by 2030. it's going to cut energy costs and create jobs because there's a greater emphasis on clean energy. that's exactly the opposite of
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what critics say it's going to do. here is jeb bush. >> i think it's a disaster. it's taking -- it's typical of the obama administration -- taking executive power he doesn't have for the first time they have extended this to require states in a very cohere'sive way to deal with the issue. i believes it unconstitutional. >> reporter: so you have republicans, the mining industry, climate change doubters and deniers jumping all over this. some states are threatening to sue the administration over it. the white house said they're giving states more than a year to come up with a plan. years and years to phase it in. they say that is plenty of time to make this happen. >> all right, michelle. thank you. also this morning hillary clinton playing nice for her first campaign ad this morning. as clinton tries to distance herself from the pac, the field could be getting more crowded with a potential run from vice president joe biden.
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let's bring in cnn senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny with more. >> reporter: vice president joe biden is carefully watching this presidential campaign and he's still seriously considering whether he should jump in to challenge hillary clinton and the rest of the democratic field. now several of his close friends and advisors told me over the weekend they're urging him to do it. they say he would be a stronger and more authentic democratic nominee. they worry that hillary clinton's favorability and trust ratings have taken a hit and could continue to fall. as all of this intrigue grows, clinton is launching her first campaign ad tomorrow intended to soften her image and remind voters of her life story. including how she went to a man that defeated her in 2008. let's take a listen. >> the senator who made sure the heros and families of 9/11 got the care they needed. the secretary of state who joined the cabinet of the man who defeated her. when your president calls, you serve. now a new title grandmother.
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>> i believe when families are strong america is strong. >> reporter: these ads were filmed two months ago aids tell me. they're not in direct response to the flurry of speculation about joe biden. one of the reasons he's giving this a careful look is a conversation he had with his son beau before he died of brain cancer in may. he urged his father to run for president then. now the clinton campaign is watching all this biden decision with much interest. a top aid tells me this morning, they do not expect him to actually jump in. even if he did, she has a big start in terms of raising money and building an organization. chris? >> all right, jeff thank you very much for the reporting. let's get a take on the three big items today what is going on with the clean power, what is going on with planned parenthood and what is going on with joe biden. we have white house press secretary josh earnest. let's see if you can make news for us on all three headlines. if you do i'll by you one bottle of whatevers it that
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makes your hair look so good! the clean power proposal that you put out, why do it as executive action? why not do @it the right way, in quotes and let the congress pass the law? >> we've seen congress resist these kinds of steps for decades. the president is using authority that congress has given the administration through the clean air act to implement the most significant historically important rules to limit carbon pollution. it means taking on special interests. so look the fact is we expect that the special interests and the politicians in their pockets are going to squeal. but the fact of the matter is we're putting forward a rule that is in the best interest of our economy. it will lower costs for consumers, and do something for important for the public heath of our country, particularly those suffering from asthma. this is a president rolewhen the president
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campaigned on change we can believe in and confronting the tough issues that for so long washington had been putting off. that's what we're doing today. >> the other side will say except you're doing it the way you do it which is excludeing them from the process, creating animosity, only carrying about the states the same color of your tie. you'll crush the red states that produce the fuel that your friends on the west coast benefit from. >> these are the kinds of arguments we've heard for decades. this is the special interest squealing. we put out an initial proposal a year ago, in that time the epa heard 4 million comments from people across the country, and they took the feedback. what the rule has done is given states a year to submit their plan to comply two additional years before they have to start implementing that plan, and essentially this is a proposal that sets targets and allows
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states to make their own decisions about how they want to achieve them. that's the flexibility we want if we want the proposal to succeed. ultimately at some point, our policy makers are going to have to start making the tough decisions to confront carbon pollution, to confront climate change and do it in a way that is good for the middle class families and economy. >> would be better if you can do it through the legislative process? >> we would love more cooperation from congress. it's not just since president obama took off we've seen congress resist. these are tough issues. there's no immediate short term payoff for confronting the issues. over the long-term we're talking about reducing carbon pollution by 32% by 2030. this is a longer term goal. we can turbo charge our investment in clean energy. it will be good for our economy. it will save consumers money at the pump. we can reduce the number of children who contract asthma and we can make it -- make the air
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cleaner for our children breathing the air. that means children suffering from asthma will have fewer asthma attacks. there are a variety of benefits associated with this. this is not a short term easy deal. it's a longer term thing clearly in the best interest of our country and planet. you can't get the 60 votes in all likelihood in the senate because you won't get enough lefties to join on to turn over the funding for planned parenthood. let's say it's not a government shut down. but is this a moment in time to take a look at what planned parenthood does and say selling fetal baby parts for science is not good. that's what the other side is saying. >> chris, i don't have a whole lot of insight into the specific policies and procedures that planned parenthood follows. they say they follow the highest ethical standards in the industry. >> you saw the videos.
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no high ethical standards in play there. >> there's no denying the fact that the organization that is clearly anti-planned parenthood that put out the videos put them out not because of news value but shock value. i haven't seen the videos. even based on the news coverage the videos are shocking. those who have taken a look at the videos have raised concerns about whether or not those videos are authentic. whether or not they have been selectively edited in a way to distort or mislead about whats it that planned parenthood does. i haven't seen the videos. i can't render my own judgment on that. people who have looked a the video have raised significant concerns about that. i think anybody would question the source. i think that's legitimate. what the president has said is that planned parenthood provides valuable services health care services for men and women all across the country. he would veto any legislation that tried to advance wholesale defunding for planned parenthood
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parenthood. federal rules require that they cannot use federal money for abortions. they use federal funding to provide health care services for men and women across the country. that's a valuable service. it would be a shame if we saw republicans once again trying to take a step that would limit women's access to health care. >> all right. last issue, josh ernst. is it true you're thinking about leaving early from the administration to work on joe biden's campaign. is it true? >> listen joe biden has served this administration admirably and the president has described choosing joe biden to be his running mate is the smartest decision. joe biden has exceeded that hype. he has a strong track record of fielgtding for the lowfor lower class. he built relationships around the globe and have advanced the interest of the united states. he's used the relationship as vice president of the united states to continue it to advance
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our interest. so there is no denying that vice president biden has been a terrific vice president, but ultimately he has his own personal decision about whether or not he wants to run for the presidency in the united states. i think there's a lot of people in washington, d.c., certainly a lot of democrat if he made the decision they would be honored to work with him. but the fact is we've got great candidates on the democratic side already, and but ultimately each of the candidates will have to make up their own mind about whether or not they want to be a candidate. >> josh earnest refusing to say he's not leaving early. that get yuss you a bottle of whatevers it to make your hair look good. thank you for joining us on "new day." there is a manhunt underway in memphis this morning. this is the suspect who allegedly gunned down officer shawn bolton saturday night. boris sanchez joins us now. >> reporter: good morning.
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that suspect 29-year-old tremaine will tremaine will ford. he shot and killed 33-year-old officer shawn bolton on saturday night. bolton was apparently approaching a car that was parked illegally. l ford confronted him and killed him. will ford was the passenger in the car. the driver later turned himself into police. officers found a digital scale and a bag of marijuana inside the car leading them to believe that bolton interrupted a drug sale. they say willbourn destroyed lives. >> you're looking at a coward. he literally destroyed a family. the impact it's had on this department this community, this city for less than two grams of
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marijuana. >> a very emotional time for the city of memphis. there's a $10,000 reward for any information that will lead to the capture of wilbourn. he was on supervised release. he was serving a ten-year sentence for robbery. >> so much lost for so little. thank you very much. appreciate the reporting. we'll keep the picture out there. >> john kerry said u.s. ties with jiptegypt are getting stronger. kerry was in cairo for bilateral talks trying to get egyptian officials on board with the iran nuclear deal. kerry said it will make that country and the region safer. last week the u.s. delivered eight fighter jets to egypt to use against the insuregentinsurgents. this is the saddest story. such tragedy out of kansas this morning. a 9 year-old bat boy has died after he was hit by a warm upswing. it happened saturday during a national baseball congress world
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series game. essential lay summer league for college players. kaiser carlisle was picking up a bat when a batter accidentally swung and hit him in the head. kaiser was wearing a helmet but it wasn't enough. the team decided to play and continue the game. they thought that's what kaiser would have wanted. >> look there's no way to makeother than it is. i have a 9-year-old. he took a few steps and they thought he was going to make it. they thought he was going to make it and then -- our thoughts and prayers. you can't mean it more than in a situation like this for the situation of the family. >> and for the teens, too. they're going to feel a tremendous amount of grief. >> these are young guys playing the game. horrible all around. we'll let you know what happens in terms of remembering this little boy and what the team does about it. a big week in the search for
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m mh 370. officials continue to scour the shores of reunion island for more clues. is any going to reveal what happened to the plane and the 239 people on board? s is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention
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why aren't investigators confirming that debris is from the doomed jet? our cnn analyst is joining us a former faa investigators and science correspondent for pbs news mr. myles o'bryant. good to have you. so many things to wade through. david, i know you have been to the very lab that the flapper -- flap ron is in. >> i think it will be wednesday before we get any information. the whole information release we've had from the beginning is going to stop right now. these -- the french investigators are the professionals. these are the best in the world. there's no way they're going to say anything until they know conclusively forensically what they have. >> you're saying it's not just
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confirming thats it from inging that it is from mh 370. >> one of the things you look at is the front leading edge has very little damage but the back, the trailing edge is broken up into pieces. that's indicative of what we call transsonic flooder which would indicate above mach 1 speedings speeding. it removes itself and ejected from the aircraft. that's one thing. the other possibility it came off when it hit the water. that's less likely because the fact there's not type of damage. >> those are two possibilities that you talked to us about, can that change the search area? >> it certainly can. one of the assumptions that was made by the investigators into
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the search frame is after the seventh ping when it supposedly ran out of fuel it glided -- it could have glided. that's what they thought. it could have glided. if it glided the width of the search path can be wide. if it ran out of fuel and shortly thereafter went into a spiraling dive they can narrow the search path smaller and narrow and focus the search a little bit better. >> mooilyles we know the u.s. intelligence assessment pointed it was a deliberate action that veered the plane off course but didn't say it was deliberately crashed. is there a scenario that makes you still believe there's a possibility it could have been deliberately crashed? >> yes, i think that's where we are right now. when you look at this flight route and you look at the scenario and you look at the loss of communication when it occur occurred. all of that stacks up to a deliberate action. now who did that whether it was
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the flight crew itself or someone else in that airplane remains to be seen. it will only be known with certainty once the wreckage is found and ultimately the black box is. >> and there's -- i remember this is a theory we talked about months ago. we talked about the possibility that the electronics bay may not have been secure and that somebody could have access that and commandeered the plane. thoughts? >> it's the great achilles heel of the boeing 777. the door to the electronics and equipment bay is outside the cockpit besides the first class. the airline has to ask for a locked kit. some airlines have done it. some have not. it's not mandated. this particular door was open. there's tremendous possibility to take control literally of the airplane. everything goes through there. navigation flight control all
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the navigations go through the room. >> i want to ask you this i think it's something that many of us it's how i started the premise of the conversation. if the malaysians are correct and they say this is a 777. we know by process of elimination that what we know of there's only one missing 777. one accounted 777 in the world, why the reluctance to flat out say it's mh hrksmh 370 >>well they want to be systemic. we can agree it's part of mh 370. investigators will go through a whole process of analyzing the wreckage which involves things like x-raying it and selectively damaging it to find out what happened. that will take longer. >> you agree, david? >> i do. most accident investigations we wait a year to two years to get
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any information whatsoever. it's not uncommon to wait for a forensic analysis. that's the difference between a casual observation, which is what we're doing now. forensic observation takes time. >> thank you to you both. social media is on fire about the planned parenthood videos. so is a big part of the gop. some in congress threatening to shut down the government if funding isn't pulled for the health care provider. we have a woman in congress pushing for just that. we'll test the case. please watch and weigh in ahead.
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a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. we want to make sure that women still have access to health care and that can be done through many other means. we have not planning on lowering the number of dollars. those dollars are still going to be there just not available for planned parenthood. >> can that be done? studies out there and other lawmakers saying you need planned parenthood. you don't have the infrastructure to take up the rest of the need and saying it's
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all about abortion is mislead misleading. but the videos have people fired up showing planned parenthood employees talking about in ugly ways about what is done with fetal issue. someone who wants outrage is congressman diane black, one of the republicans fighting for the bill on the other side of the hill. she represents tennessee and she joins us now. good to have you on the show. thank you for being here. >> it's good to be here. thank you for having me. >> josh earnest, white house press secretary he said we're going to veto anything that gets in the way of what planned parenthood does. very necessary. he said he had not seen the videos himself. do you find that unacceptable? >> i do find it unacceptable. those videos have been out there. if he's going to be talking about it he ought to know what is on the video before he makes the comments. >> i didn't challenge him about whether or not he muchwatched the video. he's the press spokesperson. he puts out the white house
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position. i'll talk to you about the videos because you're advocating for a change. the videos have been maligned by both sides as being selectively edited and showing something something that is legal and a ongoing practice. do you believe the videos are taken out of context? >> no. let me tell you why, i had the opportunity to be able to view the videos with full video footage before they actually showed them to the public. if you go back and you can go see that video coverage if you go on the internet. you can see it's not a cut and paste. this is what is happening full conversation. anybody who has any conscience at all should be appalled by the activity that is on that video. the callus cavalier attitude about what life and what they're doing to life. i can tell yous it not s itit is not a cut and paste. >> how they do their job at planned parenthood. let's say it's worthy of
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criticism. they talk about fetal babies in ways that is undignified that made it seem like it money. let's say that is all true. it doesn't change what is done in terms of using tissue for research is something you've been aware of. has long been legal and certainly not cause for outrage or hasn't been until now. >> okay chris. let's break it down a little bit. first of all, i'm a nurse and i've been a nurse for more than 40 years. i've been in the industry for a long time. there are a couple of things that are problem. one, the nih revitallization act says you cannot alter or any any way alter the timing or procedure that is done in order -- for the sole purpose of harvesting tissue. we see in the video they talk about doing that. the doctors actually talk about, well, if you need a heart or a lung or a liver, we can do a less crunchy procedure.
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one of the doctors says we'll crunch above and below. that is against that act. so the second thing is the selling of organs. we know very clearly that yes, organs are harvested for an administrative fee but they cannot be sold. 0 you see the doctors negotiating and saying they need a lamborghini. if there were no profit why would they not say here is our administrative fee. here is how much it costs to harvest, store, and transport it. you wouldn't be having a negotiation for that particular part. >> understood. >> the third piece is on the partial birth abortion. when the doctor says that it's up to interpretation. it doesn't matter in the end. that is very suspicious. should we not be investigating what is going on in planned parenthood
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parenthood? >> you ask an interesting question. should you be investigating? the answer easily could be yes, it's within your per view. that's not what you're doing. you're saying you want to defund de fund. why not investigate first and see whether or not they're talking about practices that happen and happen in an existing way of the legislation and decide the appropriate action. as you know, to say that planned parenthood as joni ernst did, the slack can get picked up. you know that's misleading at best. >> that's not misleading. here in the state of tennessee, where i live we were able to get that money. there are over 1200 federally qualified health departments across this country. we were able to get the same services the same amount of money coming to the state of tennessee and, by the way, providing those preventive health services that women need with things that planned
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parenthood doesn't have that they once said they had like mammograms. we knows it possible s its it s its it -- it is possible. >> i'm looking at a study now from 2012 that saying that for instance in texas too many women, thousands would lose especially low-income women, would lose access that many of the clinics are an hour and a half away. that only 3% of what planned parenthood does is abortions and they don't use tax dollars for that. i mean you're smiling while i say it but you know these are serious issue and you shouldn't rush to de fund should you? >> these are serious issues and it's serious when planned parenthood who performs over 327,000 abortions a year they get half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. that money could be given to the other clinics. i can tell you there's a lot of competition out there to get the money. part of the reason why these health clinics that are
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federally qualified don't even want to try this because they've been cut out of the funding previously. we saw it happen here in the state of tennessee. there's so much misinformation throughout. i want to set the record straight. i want to see the study that you're rempbtsferencing. i know from my personal experience as a nurse and someone who served in the state legislature we did it here in the state of tennessee and it can be done across the nation. >> but that's one of the parts of the mission of planned parenthood right. senator bob casey who shares your opinions about abortion does not share his opinion about the bill. he says many of the preventive measures they use keep the number of unwanted pregnancies town. the study is called deteriorating access to women's services in texas. i'll pass it down to the office. we're comfortable following this story up. we want to make sure we track the process. there are big questions here,
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representative representative, we appreciate you being on "new day." >> you're welcome. my bill says let's stop the funding until we have investigated what is on the films. if there's nothing there they get the money back. >> because the need is so great. should you switch that? investigate first then de fund. what is your take? you heard the congresswoman laying out that side. we know the debate is going to be happening in washington. use #newdaycnn. post your comment on a conversation we're continuing here is baltimore. the city is taking drastic measures for a deadly problem. there's a huge and historic spike in homicides in that city. why is it happening? what can be done? [laughs] irresistible moments deserve irresistibles treats. [meows] new from meow mix with real salmon chicken or tuna. the only treat cats ask for by name.
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my name is rene guerrero. i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california. here we go with the five things to now for "new day." the severe weather threat moving northeast after pounding the midwest. did you see this? tornados touching down in several states. the worst damage was illinois. one person was killed after a
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tent came crashing down. a massive manhunt underway this hour in memphis. that's the wanted man on your screen. the suspect accused of murdering a police officer, a former marine, over the weekend. president obama set to unveil a sweeping plan to combat climate change. it calls on coal burning powerplants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030. the faa confirmed a close call with the unmanned drone. the third sighting of at one of the nation's busiest airports. a search effort continues for more debris after part of a plane wing from a boeing 777 was found last week. experts will begin examining the wing to see if it belongs to mh 370. visit newdaycnn for the latest. baltimore is facing a an alarming number of homicides. how is the city dealing with the
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why the big spike in homicides in baltimore this year? the deadliest month in four decades. ten federal agents from various agencies have to embed themselves with the city's homicide unit. about the cops not wanting to do their job, drusgs on the vote? >> what is to blame? carlos watson is here. good to have you here. i'm curious, you're watching it too. i know you watched the
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situation in chicago. likely there's similarities. maybe there's problems that are unique to baltimore. what is your sense of what is at the root of this problem? >> let's talk about the problems with the people at home realize it's three to four times the number of deaths that baltimore typically sees. 40 deaths in a much as much as they've seen in 40 years. a lot of gang violence. over the weekend you had ten people who were shot. fortunately, not that many lives lost but seven of them were part of gang violence. so the shortage on the part of the police department. people have been stretched. also there's some fears. chris was saying earlier on the part of locals who are gathering more guns and on the part of the police in some cases, may beholding back. at least that's a concern. >> the question is where is the proof of it? look people talk stats all day long. is it because there is a flood of drugs that came through the riots and that somehow triggered a new drug war that is going on
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among the gangs, or is there proof they're not policing it the same way because cops feel chilled or they're mad or whatevers it. do you see any proof to suggest one thing? >> i think it's too early to know whether or not there's proof. what the interim police chief did inviting in folks from the dea -- >> it's interesting. >> from multiple agencies -- >> atf. >> a dozen police agents to ride along with the local police. usually it's the reverse. usually the local police are grabbed up and used as part of a federal investigation. i thought that was interesting. baltimore has another 20 atf agents on the streets. i don't think they know for sure whys s it why it is. it's been two horrific months. >> we were cautioned to not think it's an overall trend. we have other areas that we've
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seen the rate of homicides increase. up 11% in new york city. what does that mean? washington, d.c. up 18%. chicago, which we know has been a problem and we can't highlight that enough. new orleans up 36%. different cities different issues likely. are some of the same things at play here? >> one of the biggest concerns you hear experts talk about is whether or not a lot of police departments are under resourced and whether or not that lack of resources is part of the reason making it harder for police to police the areas. you don't know. chris, you pointed out it's up-and-down. last year people were celebrating in baltimore there was a decline from 2013 to 2014. there's no doubt about it when you look at a dozen major cities around the country, l.a. being a noble exception. >> why do we care? we care because you are losing lives. that's why they're calling ch chiraq. the lives matter.
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why it happens then becomes a point of curiosity. >> i think one of the other things, chris, you saw president obama first sitting president to visit a prison. part of what you see the president recognizing, to your point and question is there is a set of factors going on including in some cases not only poor resources but also educational issues. police community relations. there are a number of things i think one of the interesting things is will the president, in cooperation with the gop, people like rand paul make a big announcement about how to breakthrough some of this. quickly about politics. you're here -- look at the smile on his face. you were looking forward to the debates. i feel like you have a whole routine your going to have every time there's a debate carlos is going to be in the happy place. >> it's going to be the great. the best of political debates, i think we've had, since ronald reagan in 19 80. maybe those who enjoyed ' eded eded
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1992. trump is going to be great but i think ben carson has a chance to steal the show. i think he can say trump is a phoney outsider. he's been playing politics all along giving money to liberals. >> that would be uncarsonian. he's not known for going after his opponents. >> isn't it a reason to do a surprise attack. rick perry wants to get in there. right now he's number 11 looking on the outside. >> on the bubble. who else chris, could make a comeback from the nether regions to relevancy governor chris christie. remember how feared he was as a gaither and spokesperson? he's a guy on the bubble. if he makes it in he may go for the gusto. >> we can't wait to hear your day after assessment. >> i'll be back to talk about it. so a 10-year-old goes above and beyond using social media to help a friend in need.
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