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tv   The Hunt With John Walsh  CNN  August 2, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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he may be right here in oregon. vance always said, if you want to hide from the police, hide in plain sight. plain sight. they never find you. -- captions by vitac -- back in 1981, i had the american dream. the beautiful wife, the house in the suburbs, and a beautiful 6-year-old son. and one day i went to work, kissed my son good-bye, never saw him again. in two weeks i became the parent of a murdered child. and i'll always be the parent of a murdered child. i still have the heart ache. i still have the rage. i waited years for justice. i know what it's like to be there waiting for some answers. and over those years, i learned how to do one thing really well, and that's how to catch these
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bastards and bring them back to justice. i've become a manhunter. i'm out there looking for bad guys. >> dear c. i feel like this is the first time i wrote you a letter, when we first met. i love you. and lily loves you. if i let them take her and vaccinate her, and brainwash her, i wouldn't be doing what's right. i cannot let a judge tell me how my daughter should be raised. we will miss you. but i had to leave. ♪
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>> megan and i always had a lot in common. she was my kid sister. everything seemed normal, until we started growing up, when we were a little bit older, in high school, we started growing apart. she changed all the time. she had different friends.
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and she was into different things. she just was always changing her personality. she never really had a personality of her own. it was whatever her friends decided to do. they were lesbians, they were goth. she even came to church and sang in the choir. she went from one extreme to the other. >> i don't think she really knew what she wanted to be, or what she wanted to do. she was trying to find herself maybe. >> when you look back at this erratic behavior, jumping from crowd to crowd, friend to friend, trend to trend, you've got to know that this is going to affect your ability to make a good judgment, which would certainly negatively affect the people in her life.
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>> megan was very bubbly. she was what i considered a little weird at the time, because she just was very into different cultures, different languages. when i first met megan, i was a swing shift manager at the local mcdonald's, and she was just a regular employee, cashier. i would work the night shift. she would close with me. so she would be getting off at the same time. things became a little more personal. and then, you know, we started hanging out outside of work. and it just kind of progressively became more than just a friendship. >> robert, he knew what he wanted with life. like he knew he wanted to finish school. he knew he wanted to buy a house. i mean, he knew all these things
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ahead of time, so i said, well, maybe this will be good for her, you know? >> when megan found out she was pregnant, that was the game changer. that was a big change. >> here megan was, she didn't really have a home. she didn't have a bed of her own. she would sleep on my mom's couch. sometimes she would spend the night at robert's house. i don't think she really knew where she belonged. and now she was going to have a baby. >> when i got the text message that she was breaking up with me, all i could think about was,
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you know, i couldn't understand why, and i couldn't understand why. i've done everything i can to financially be ready, you know, do anything that any other father-to-be would do. i'm sitting there thinking, what did i do wrong? what happened? >> after they broke up, it seemed like she definitely was trying to cut him out of her life completely. >> the only communication i ever got was actually through her mother, pam. pam called me and said, enough is enough. you need to come and be here for the birth of your child, regardless of what megan wants or doesn't want. when i saw lily for the first time, all the hurdles, all the arguments, all the aggravation, the sadness, it was worth it. i would go through any hurdle
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possible to sit there that same day and see my child for the first time. lily was always outgoing. she was always a bundle of joy. always ready to learn, touching new things, picking things up, asking what this is, learning to talk. as a father, when you're unmarried and have a child in the state of florida, you actually have no rights until you seek those parental rights. i might see lily two or three hours if i'm lucky, once a week, maybe twice a week for half an hour. carlos came into the picture and they moved in together. there was no chance at all that i was going to be in this child's life. megan was fixated on, well, she has this new boyfriend, and this is lily's new family.
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a lot of information i found out about carlos was through the social media. a lot of it was through youtube itself, because he has a youtube page. and some of the people didn't like what he had to say, so they would call him and threaten him. he would go on his youtube page and made a video. >> i live on [ bleep ] sunrise, florida. if you want to come get me, come get me. you want to beat somebody? show what a bad -- you are, this is where i'm at. i ain't scared of any of y'all. >> as a parent of four children and being involved with children's issues since 1981, i
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can't look at carlos lester's videos and not be concerned and disturbed. this is not the guy that lily bauman should be hanging around with. this is not the guy that megan should ever say, this is my new boyfriend, thereby, he is the stepdaddy for lily. >> i fear for my daughter's life every single minute she stayed in the house. >> he was looking for somebody he could mold, he could train, he could indoctrinate into his belief system. >> it was just like nonstop. nonstop learning the confederacy.
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. i knew that regardless of what megan was doing, as long as she was living in a house with carlos, it wasn't a safe environment for lily. he belongs to a group called the virginia flaggers, based out of richmond, virginia. >> they go to protests, civil war battlegrounds, and have get-togethers, reenacting the confederacy and wars. and trying to bring back the confederate flag in places that, you know, took them down.
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>> now, virginia flaggers is a small group. they have the right to protest. they have a right to say what they want to say about the confederate flag. you cannot forget that the confederate flag was the symbol of one of the worst periods in american history. it's not something this country is proud of, and it's not a great choice by megan everett to associate with a guy who associates with the virginia flaggers. >> he was looking for somebody who he could mold, he could train, he could indoctrinate into his belief system. >> who are the three people on stone mountain? >> jefferson davis, stonewall jackson, am i right? >> so far. >> it was just like nonstop learning the confederacy.
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>> pretty much lily was the virginia flaggers' poster child. they loved to take pictures of her with confederate hats and shirts and bibs. i don't see her playing with toys in any picture. i see ammunition. he's allowing my daughter to play with live ammunition. i spoke to megan about it, and it was, oh, well, you know. take me to court. >> robert baumann came in to me very concerned about his daughter, lily. i told him he needs to establish formal paternity, and also request custody.
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>> i got to know robert very well as a parent. he asked me to write him a character reference to take with him to court. it was about lily's best interest. siding with robert was the right thing to do. >> the mother's own mother was prepared to testify for robert. and the mother's own sister was prepared to testify. that is a total oddity. usually blood is thicker than water. >> it was going to be her way or no way, that lily was going to go to no school, was not going to socialize. she was not going to get her vaccinations. and was not going to learn about anything but the confederacy. something had to be done about that. >> when i was walking into
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court, i was sure i was going to get full custody. >> we felt we had a strong case, going to trial, because we had the evidence. you know? and the evidence was through this carlos lester guy, and through megan herself posting those things. >> the judge gave them 50/50 shared custody. robert would have lily for an entire week from tuesday to tuesday. and then megan would have lily for an entire week from tuesday to tuesday. >> and that was it. my child was still in that environment. my child was still allowed to be around this confederate organization. he put no limitations whatsoever. >> the information that we have of the virginia flaggers is from our perspective, they're a completely legitimate organization.
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>> i know how tough it is for family court judges. i know their days are 12 to 14 hours. i know they're overwhelmed. but somewhere that judge has to sit there and say, as tired as i am, as sick as i am of these continuing cases, i've got to think about one thing, the welfare of this child. i have to say in this instance, i think the judge made a very bad decision, because it gave megan everett plenty of time with joint custody to plan a run. >> i got my daughter that first week, and then i brought her back. i went to pick her up on the 13th, carlos opened the door and says, megan doesn't live here, she moved, and he slammed the door in my face. so i called the sunrise police department. and went there. and there's no sign of a child.
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or megan. or any clothes or baby stuff or anything. and then reality kind of hit me. and then the panic hit me. like, what am i supposed to do now? how am i supposed to find her? where do i go from here? >> there's a very high likelihood she had assistance both financially and logistically to get out of this area. >> one flagger responded to me. one. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready.
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we traveled right to carlos lester's home. he told us right from the beginning, they're gone. and you're not going to find them. initially we got the impression that he may have known more than he led us to believe.
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this is a letter that was authored by megan everett. and it was directed at carlos lesters. it says, dear c, if i let them take her and vaccinate her and brainwash her, i wouldn't be doing what's right. i cannot let a judge tell me how my daughter should be raised. we will miss you, but i had to leave. we know she'll be safer and happier with my family and i. love lily and megan. >> we've exhausted every family member and she's not with any of them. >> there's a very high likelihood she had assistance both financially and logistically to get out of this area.
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carlos lesters, in our opinion, hasn't had any criminal involvement at this point. he's assisted us with this case. and as far as we know, he has no information about their whereabouts. >> i sent them all an e-mail when she went missing. one flagger responded to me. one. and do you know what he said? is this a joke? i know this little girl. and i said, no, this is no joke, this is her grandmother, she's missing. and he got offline for a little while, and then came back and got on and said, i don't know anything. and that was the end of it. >> parental kidnapping, particularly when a mother takes a child, i don't believe law enforcement is so quick to immerse themselves fully into the investigation, because the opinion basically is the baby is
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with their mother, really, is there any harm coming to her. >> there are so many pluses and advantages to the noncustodial parent, the fleeing parent, and there are so little resources for the parent that was left behind. the parent who has been violated, who desperately needs their children. usually it starts with the fact that law enforcement doesn't take it that serious. they go, you know, the little girl's with their mother, or she's with her father, it can't be that bad. it's not a serial pedophile or a kidnapper. and that's mistake number one. >> if i had to narrow it down, i would say that they're somewhere in the southeast region of the united states. just based on the information that we have so far. >> the longer she stays away, the worse this gets. if she ever expects to have any kind of a relationship with her daughter in the future once
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she's caught, it's better if she just turns herself in. and she will be caught. it's just a matter of time. >> i don't believe that lily is safe at all. i think if something was to happen to my daughter, i don't think megan's going to go seek medical attention. i don't think she'll do anything to help the child. i want my daughter to be found. i want my daughter to be safe. >> the most important thing is, and always has been, lily's safety. i want her to be with people who care about her, first and foremost. and that's with robert. and that's here with her family. >> megan everett has distinctive chick on pox scars on her chest, arms and face. she's known to change her hairstyle and hair color frequently. she's also believed to be with their 3-year-old daughter lily
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baumann who has curly brown hair. if you know megan or lily or have any information about their whereabouts, please call 1-866-the-hunt, or go online at we'll pass your tip on to the authorities and if requested will not reveal your name. i don't know. the more i looked at him, and i thought -- what i thought i knew about him is like, there's just no way he could ever do this. he's not that type of person. so -- i don't know. i just know how horrible this sounds.
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♪ >> seemed a real nice, everyday person on the street. he did painting and restoration work on vehicles. and handiwork kind of stuff. >> i was the assistant manager at taylor's. it was a gas station. johnny napier would come in and buy cigarettes every morning. he started talking to me more, like, oh, you know, where you from? do you have family here? you know, stuff like that.
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do you need some help at the house? with your kids? that's pretty much how he was. >> at some point during the relationship, john made an offer to jennifer to start picking her daughter up from school, to help alleviate any costs associated with babysitting. >> many, many pedophiles that i've run across over the years are the most charming, helpful members of the community. we all know about the pedophile priests. we all know about jerry sandusky. everybody knows about those type of pedophiles, but they never think it can happen to them. >> he lived directly behind where i worked.
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and he would take her to the house for a little while. my daughter at that time was around 7 years old. and he would just spend time with her. help her with her homework, give her a snack. just, you know, basic after-school stuff. everything seemed pretty normal. >> it was a normal day. me and jennifer's daughter were at her house, and we were just talking. when it came to bringing up johnny, talking about johnny, saying anything about him, she was kind of acting a little strange. i said, is there anything going on that shouldn't be going on? is there someone hurting you? and her response was just, she just looked at me, and then
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looked at the ground and said, no. but it was like one of those kind of "nos" that you knew something happened, but she was just scared to say something happened. at that point i just decided to go to her mom and tell her that i think you need to go have a talk with your daughter and see what's going on. >> we had taken my daughter and just asked her, has anybody ever maybe made you uncomfortable? or touched you in any way you didn't like? or maybe that you thought was wrong or uncomfortable? and she just sat there. and she had this distant look on her face. and i could tell -- sorry.
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>> that moment for parents is a nightmare. and i think two emotions flood through them. i can't believe it happened to my most precious possession, the person, the thing that i love the most in the world, and number two, guilt. >> i called the police, and told them, i was like, we just found out something horrible about my daughter. we found out she's been sexually abused. >> on july the 8th, i went to the napier residence and arrested him.
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>> i was, like, saying thank god he's in jail. he's at least -- can't be near anyone, or any more kids. and hopefully, you know, this will be the end of it. >> a few days after being arrested, john napier was able to make bond. >> i went ahead and agreed to bail johnny out, because he was a low risk. and then johnny had absolutely no criminal record. i don't even think he had a speeding ticket. monday morning when we go to court, he's not in the courtroom. i thought, oh, my god, he's gone. he's on the run. >> didn't hear anything about him, nothing at all. just finished.
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i was terrified. you know, who's his next vek tim going to be. >> he would have pretty much total access to her while they were in the basement. >> i guess in our minds at the time, we were doing the right thing. for the best first impression. love loud. live loud. polident. number 1 dentist recommended. ♪ fresher dentures with polident. for those breathless moments. hug loud. live loud. polident. number 1 dentist recommended.
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shawn came into town in approximately may of 2011. took a job at a nursing home facility as a maintenance type worker. >> we're always looking for help. i got a phone call from a guy
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named shawn dunning. and i hired him over the phone. >> he seemed like a very likable person. he had a southern drawl. and it looked like he had some business experience. and so he seemed like a good suit. >> and who was shawn denning? of course, he's johnny napier. arrested in texas, makes bond, jumps the bond, gets a new identity, drives north to montana. pedophiles are better than any car salesman you've ever encountered in your life. they know how to pick the game. they know how to pick the target. they know how to get inside defenses, and they know how to manipulate. and they're the best at it.
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>> over time, he became, yeah, very valuable to the business, and to our personal lives. >> classic setup. where does johnny napier live? in the basement. who's upstairs? grandma. who lives next door? dana, with a beautiful 4-year-old daughter. his dreams have come true. he's inside. >> he came in and he treated her like she was his own child. and they played together. it didn't seem anything other than a father type figure.
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he bought her a mouse for christmas, and she, of course, was excited about it and everything. and it was going to live in his bedroom. my mom got very, very sick in 2011. she flew out to see some doctors in seattle. so during that time while she was out there, whenever i got called in to work, or after my daughter got out of day care,
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she would go spend time with shawn. and sometimes that meant her spending the night there. in april of 2012, my daughter and i were laying in bed watching a movie, and she tried to put my hand on her private areas. and i told her no, we don't do that. and she said, well, shawn does it. she was actually still potty training. and we were still wiping her when she went to the bathroom. we were showering her, and that included shawn. he did all that with her, too. so there was also the question
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of, is that what she meant by him touching her there? so what my mom and i decided was that we weren't going to let her be alone with him again, just in case. >> and he said, i would never -- i mean, he looked me in the eyes, i would never touch your granddaughter. and i'd never do anything like that. i love her. and on and on and on. >> he seemed very genuine. he almost looked like he was going to cry. i don't know, the more i looked at him, i thought -- what i thought i knew about him was, like, there's just no way he could do this. he's not that type of person.
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so, i guess in our minds at the time, we were doing the right thing. because we were protecting her by not letting her be alone with him, but it should have been protecting her by not letting her ever be around him either, instead of just not being -- yeah. >> he would have pretty much total access to her while they were in the basement. robin was ill at that time, slept a lot. dana worked. the family business. and was at work quite often. so she wasn't even there to watch her child. we would have grandma watch her child, which was really shawn watching the child. >> i don't know.
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i just know how horrible this sounds. how stupid i was to believe him and -- in the summer of 2013 a relative of robin and dana's gets wind that johnny napier, alias john denning is molesting this 4-year-old girl. this relative does the right thing, takes matters into her own hands, calls child services in montana. >> we spoke with dana on the phone and told her to go to child protection office in mile
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city and that we would meet with her there. we knew at the time that she had shawn denning with them. >> on our way over to the office he said drop me off at the bank here. i want to get some money out. >> he told her that he would meet up with her later. that later never came. >> never saw him again. >> dna produced negative results. facial analysis produced negative results. >> shawn denning did not exist.
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we had nothing on shawn. not one of the references panned out on his employment application. he made up numbers, made up
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names. it was pretty obvious the social security card was falsified. the shawn denning did not exist. >> we did multiple search warrants of the home. the first search warrant we went in with the sole intention of trying to identify who mr. denning was in real life. >> unfortunately the prints that were obtained produced negative results. the dna produced negative results. facial analysis produced negative results. preventional searches produced negative results. publish we decided it would be in our best interest to get out of a -- get out a seeking information flyer. >> january of 2014, i got a call
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from an acquaintance of johnny's. he said, ruth, johnny's picture is on facebook but he is not using his real name. >> when i saw the poster, i said, oh, my god, that's johnny. he's been in baker, montana, all this time and i've been looking for him in texas. took a deep breath. i gathered up my notes, and i contacted the fbi. >> when she provided the name, i obtained a driver's license picture for the state of texas for johnny napier, and i could see it was clearly the guy we knew as shawn denning. there was no doubt about it. >> i hope that he is found because he's not going to stop.
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this is -- this is not the end of montana was not the end. >> just when we were about wrapping up this story on johnny napier and getting ready to put it on air an amazing thing happened. a man who was living in a trailer park in springfield, missouri, recognized johnny napier's picture from a flyer on social media. he did the right thing. he made that call. >> new information right now about one of the fbi's most wanted. captured in springfield. police say someone who lived near johnny napier recognized the man from facebook photos and turned him in. he was arrested but not without an hours' long standoff. >> police had their guns drawn behind that tree over there at this mobile home park right over here. as you can tell, there's toys in front of the mobile home park. she says he was a handyman
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around town. she is shocked. >> he has been charged in texas with indecency with a child, a second degree felony that carries a possible prison sentence of two to 20 years. in montana he's been charged with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent. he'll be tried in texas first. this case is what i've been talking about for years. classic child predator, moving from state to state, one step ahead of the law, multiple victims. and the only reason his career was ended, because of you. you made the difference. you had the courage to make that call. that's how we catch these guys. >> i think he's a horrible person who deserves to go to prison and tell all the prisoners he is a child molester
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and let him get some of his own medicine. and then he can die. on this episode of death row stories, a triple murder execution style. >> they shot them like they were nothing. >> and the crime is caught on tape. >> most significant piece of evidence i've ever seen in a case. >> but clear images of guilt. >> it establishes that he committed the crime. >> there is your guy, slam dunk for the prosecution. >> only deepen the mystery. >> you're going to kill somebody. it's not even a sure conviction. >> what they didn't have is they didn't have physical evidence. >> there is no doubt in my mind that he's innocent. >> there's a body on the water. >> he was butchered and


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