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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 16, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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days. and so that is the time. we areithin that at the moment. and it is possible -- i think it is very unlikely that either nina pham or vinson has infected someone else. >> that's it for me. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett "outfront" continues our special coverage. >> "outfront" tonight, breaking news, the second nurse diagnosed with ebola sick four days before being hospitalized and now another plane-load of passengers possibly exposed to the virus. and the head of cdc under fire in capitol hill ducking mistakes on how the agency has called for the crisis and calling for tom frieden to go. and amber vinson wearing full protective gear so how is it possible that one man was not in a hazmat suit? let's go "outfront."
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good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight we have breaking news. cdc officials have just confirmed that amber vinson, the second dallas nurse of ebola may have had symptoms of the virus as early as last friday. that is three days earlier than previously reported. if this is true, she could have exposed many more passengers on the flight she took from dallas to cleveland on friday. a trip home where she and her bridesmaids spent hours at a crowded bridal shop. workers at the bridal shop are being monitored for symptoms. she did call cdc to report a low-grade fever on her way home. the cdc did not stop her from taking that trip. also at this hour. nina pham, the other dallas nurse with ebola is on her way to the hospital at the nationalin tute of health in bethesda, maryland.
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the hospital in dallas is now said not to be able to care for patients with ebola. and breaking news. dr. sanjay gupta is on the ground, and that is where vinson is. and you just talked to the doctor and what are you hearing? >> we are calling into question the time line of when she in fact got sick. there is question about whether she was sick even before she -- or had symptoms i should say before she flew from dallas to cleveland. and even in cleveland there was a lot made of this 99.5 temperature before she got on the plane from cleveland to dallas. the report was that she called the cdc and they said to go ahead with that. what happens in these situations, they go back and look at the contact tracing. as part of that contract tracing, they ask them how sick do you think amber was? and that is calling into
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question. we don't have details of who the contacts are, raising the possibility she may have had more symptoms than just this 99.5 temperature. keep in mind then, the way this works typically is self reporting. so amber did the right thing in calling the cdc and reporting this 99.5 temperature, but if there were more symptoms she did not report, that is something that people are going to want to know and they are going to need to know. because it becomes a question of how potentially infectious or contagious was she at any given time. i don't think there is any suggestion that the people on the plane rides were necessarily more at risk. but who was she having close contact with and how sick was she at that time, erin. >> and sanjay, this does -- look, again, it throws into question everything we've heard about the timeline from the cdc. they are coming out now and being honest. we have gotten new information and it is changing. but still, this is a frightening thing that she could have had symptoms because as you've
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reported, the longer you are sick, the more infectious, the more dangerous you can be and the more ebola can be and now we are talking about another few days. >> no question. and this really needs to be nailed down. if she was sick on friday and even potentially getting worse over those three days, that changes the entire investigation a bit in terms of just exactly how -- how concerned her contacts should be about this. and what we heard from the cdc was this notion of controlled movement. it is a term people will get to know. but what it means is if you've had contact with someone with ebola, according to dr. frieden, you should not get on a passenger airline flight. a commercial airline flight should have been off the table. the first flight should not have happened regardless, it sounds like, erin. even if she had no symptoms at all because of the concern of possible symptoms.
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that didn't happen in this case. she took two flights and now she may have, in fact, been more symptomatic than we previously heard. >> pretty frightening and a major development in the story. sanjay will be with us in just a moment. but county health officials in ohio are now in a race against time asking anyone who may have shopped at the bridal shop that amber vinson spent several hours at on saturday, october 11th. anyone who was there to contact health officials immediately. our susan candiotti was there and you were there today and talking to people in the store and talking to the owners. what did you find out? >> reporter: well, in speaking with the bridal shop owner, erin, she said when amber vinson was in there with her bridal party, they were having a wonderful time as the braids maids were there for a fitting. she didn't in the anything unusual, no signs of sickness but this seems to contradict what the cdc is raising. they are raising the possibility
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she might have exhibited some signs and symptoms in connection with the bridal shop. here is what we found. >> she bought it off the rack and took it home. >> a typical busy saturday for bridal shop owner ana yonker. her shop crowded with customers, including amber vinson. watching her bridesmaids being fitted, the youngest only 10. >> she was probably here about three hours maybe. and we measured her party, showed her color charts. again, everything went well and i had no idea that anything was wrong with her. >> to yonker, vinson didn't look sick at all. at the bridal shop it was just another day. until news broke on wednesday that her customer tested positive for ebola after helping care for a victim who died in dallas. >> reporter: what did you think when you heard about that? >> actually, i was just a little surprised that it came this close to home. but yet, i feel like my staff
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was a little more concerned. >> reporter: vinson talked about being a nurse but no mention of her work with an ebola patient. >> do you think she should have? >> i could see why she didn't, very intelligent lady. we had great conversation. nice bridal party, all of her friends were nice. you wonder, how did you not think this through. >> yonker called the summit health department right away and she said she were understanding but didn't sound ready to give her the advice she needed. she was the one who suggested closing her store as a precaution. >> i said what kind of sign do i put on my door because i don't want to cause panic either but how do i let my customers know i'm closing just until we get a little more information. >> reporter: and what did they say? >> they said, oh, okay. sure. that would be a good idea. >> reporter: officials asked her and a co-worker to quarantine
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themselves and stay home but it was okay to come in this day to see a few customers and let in two health department workers. >> i feel like they should have instantly given us, your staff needs to go home, everybody under quarantine, just come up with something right away. instead, they made us feel like, we'll take your names down and go along with business as usual. a few hours later the health department called again, now promising to bring her a thermometer to take her temperature twice a day for 21 days. >> i'm confused if this is as serious as it is, why is this being handled in a non-serious way to me? >> reporter: now the owner of the bridal shop told me just a short time ago that she has heard anything from the cdc or the health department about the possibility that, in fact, there might have been some additional signs of sickness in connection with the bridal shop.
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in fact, the bridal shop owner tells me she is still waiting to hear and get a visit from the health department to bring over the thermometer so she can start taking her temperature with it and they said, quote, to discuss some things. erin, maybe there is more to that. we'll see. >> susan candiotti. thank you. and now joining me, the summit county health director and dr. sanjay gupta is with us. and let me start by giving youa chance to respond. but the woman who runs the bridal shop saying she thought this was being handled in a non-serious way and told they would bring a thermometer and they didn't bring it. what is your reaction to that? >> first of all, we were in contact with the bridal shop owner as soon as we found out the bridal shop was involved. and again, one of the things is when we first got the
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information, the information and the guide abc we've gott-- the guidance we've gotten from the cdc did not indicate that the people at the bridal shop were at significant risk. however, the information that has been reported all day is fluid and changing, so some of the people that were before considered not significant contacts have now been moved into a contact. so we have been in contact with the bridal shop owner several times. and it is one of those that when information does change, we have to change with it. >> okay. >> so we have been working with -- identifying the people who are customers there as well. >> okay. i understand. so you are saying now that this information has come that she was symptomatic earlier that they have been upgraded and more significant. i understand what you are saying. can you tell us what -- what
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this new information is? what happened at the bridal shop that has changed things so much? >> well, one of the things is that the ohio department of health and the centers for disease control have actually adjusted what constitutes a contact. and because of those adjustments, people that did not fit in that category before have moved into that category. >> right. i know. maybe i wasn't clear. what symptoms was she showing. what happened at the bridal shop to amber vinson that changed this, that all of a sudden the people who came in contact with her there are now significant contacts. >> no. it is not at the bridal shop. what the cdc discovered through interviews, she may not have been feeling well earlier than when we initially thought so on the 13th. and the symptoms are very nonspecific.
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when we had gotten information, it was nothing that you could point your finger at and say, oh, this is a particular disease. so it seems to be nonspecific symptoms. and part of their -- their recommendations come on the evaluation they made of her in dallas when she was at the hospital that kind of signified that maybe she had had illness longer than what she had when she presented. so it is a cokocompilation of additional interviews. >> okay. >> and the lab work. so they are having a very big abundance of caution to be able not to overlook people that might have been overlooked previously because they were in a different -- >> different status. let me bring in sanjay. he has a question for you.
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>> doctor, this is sanjay gupta. and we are hearing even at the time she got on the plane from cleveland to dallas, she may have had more symptoms than a 99.5 temperature. i want to know if you can confirm that and what the other symptoms are. and also given that you are a public health medical director for your area, what do you think about the fact that this nurse, amber vin son, who had just been taking care of a patient with ebola, had flown to cleveland, and if you had been asked, would you allow a patient to get on a commercial airline flight. >> i think one of the things, you looking at the guidance we had before, and the cut-off for the temperature and initially it was 101.5. they put it down to 100.4 and her temperature was even below that. and we know that people can run a low -- a 99.5 and some people may actually not be far from
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normal. so i think that just looking at the compilation of a number of rei interviews with her that had a higher suspicion that maybe we ought to move backwards. as we all know with people that everybody doesn't show the same set of symptoms or even the same intensity of symptoms. so while we may not have considered the nonspecific subtle symptoms in the past, i think in this case they are actually looking at that as a factor for increasing the pool of potential contacts. >> all right. dr. hermie thank you very much. and just to clarify for our viewers. our understanding is that all of those who had been treating tome had been told not to go to work and avoid public transit whether they had symptoms or not. "outfront" next, a hospital admitted to multiple mistakes
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and handling the situation, a nurse saying the hospital did not protect the staff. and grills by congress, does frieden had a handle on this situation now. and they call this man clip boardman. he was feet away from amber vinson. and he was the only one not wearing anything but his regular street clothes. go ahead and put your bag right here. have a nice flight! traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta
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breaking news, a second nurse diagnosed with ebola may have been sick for days before it was reported. the cdc said amber vinson may have had symptoms of ebola last friday, four days before she went to the hospital. the change in timeline means hundreds more could have been exposed to ebola. on friday she flew from dallas to cleft. on monday she flew from cleveland to dallas. both planes full of passengers. now officials trying to contact everyone on the planes.
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and they still don't know how the two infected nurses got ebola in the first place. frightening when 74 other people helped thomas eric duncan. and more are expected to be infected. >> texas health presbyterian is a fixture in the community, but inside of the hospital, it is a dire seen. the hospital has 900 beds and only 300 are filled. a cdc doctor inside of the hospital this week, people are scared to go there. they are having a rough time. i hope they make it through this. this comes as one of the hospital own nurses is criticizing the wear health care workers were prepared to treat ebola patient thomas eric duncan. >> there was no special pro -- precautions other than what we know in the medical industry to be basic contact precautions and
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contact. there was no special gear. we were unprepared in the sense that we did not know what to do with his lab specimens. they were mishandled and that is what the lab technician told me. and it was just a little chaotic scene. >> reporter: texas health presbyterian are pushing back on allegations they didn't properly protect the health care workers. the officials say cdc health guidelines were issued and when they were updated, they made the changes. but they also offered an apology on how the first patient was cared for. >> we made a mistake. and we are sorry. >> there is a yearly ranking of hospitals across the country. pr efr sby here in dallas ranked in the top 15 out of the 600 in texas and in a patient satisfaction survey, 79% of the patients here said they would
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recommend this hospital to family and friends. that is 8 points higher than the national average. there is still great concern for the other workers who treated tome. the head of the cdc said 50 hospital workers may have been exposed to the deadly virus and nurses nina pham and amber vinson are now being treated at other hospitals. >> since two individuals did become infected, others may. that makes it quite challenging to operate a hospital and we felt it would be more prudent to focus on caring for any patients who come in. >> reporter: and, erin, tonight city officials here in dallas are preparing for the possibility of more health care workers being brought here to be treated for the ebola infection. and also the associated press reporting tonight that one of the top county health officials is being monitored for a possible infection as well. this official was in the room with thomas eric duncan before he died at one point.
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so a top county health official being monitored tonight as well here in dallas. erin. >> ed laugh end era, thank you. and now mary skavo joins me. the inspector general and katie from nurses united. and the flight that the nurse boarded was cleaned at the end of the day and two more flights before it was cleaned and then the flight on monday that she took home. are you concerned? >> well, i am concerned. they have taken steps to take the pilots and the flight attendants off duty and it is important they be monitored. but the people cleaning the planes and the passengers on the planes, they had no way of knowing what was going on, particularly the plane cleaners who would encounter anything. last week the cdc said that the dries virus, if there were any bod illy fluids and it was dry, that can live for several hours.
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so people might not even know. and because we don't have a travel ban and the cdc doesn't have control of where people are going, we are stymying an entire nation because we don't have control of the travel of potentially infected persons. >> and katie, how concerning is this. part of the issue is people are afraid. people on the flights don't want to come and talk on television because they don't want to be significant mattized. maybe that nurse was in denial and didn't want to address the situation. this is what humans do in these situations and this is what can happen. are you concerned about the fact that she had been told not to get on public transportation and told to stay home and she went home? >> look, the instructions for the nurses in this whole thing have not been handled correctly. these nurses were not given clear instructions when they tried to reach out and get the kind of communication that they were asking for as to what they should do in this situation.
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so we can't say blaming the nurses again. in both of the cases of the nurses, the initial response was to blame the nurses and in reality, the nurses had done exactly what they were supposed to do in asking for direction and trying to get the proper equipment. it is a bigger issue. >> and we should be clear, on the second flight she did call the cdc and they said to go ahead and get on this plane. and mary, you are saying there is not even a federal regulation to even wipe a tray table when cleaning. >> there is a gap. the federal aviation, they govern the safety of the flight and the security along with the tsa and some service, but not cleaning. cleaning, food cleanlcleanlines
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waste from the bathroom, are governed by the locality of where they are and the kitchens, et cetera, and there are no federal aviation regulations about that so they look to cdc. >> and coming up tonight, anderson will speak to brianna agery putting her job on the line saying the texas hospital wasn't able to handle ebola. and why did tom frieden dodge key questions today. and amber vinson on the way to a hospital today and how could this man be allowed so close to her without a hazmat suit? n gro. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic.
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breaking news. the newest ebola patient in the united states amber vinson may have had symptoms she was ill as early as friday, meaning many more people may have been exposed to the virus than prefecture dwrusly thought. but despite three hours in the hot seat on capitol hill, the head of the cdc made no question. tom foreman is out front. >> questions oefrl travel, school closing and the ebola
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outbreak. members of congress expected answers from the cdc. what they got is this. >> i don't know the details. >> reporter: time and again tom frieden dodged questions like how did two hospital workers get the disease. >> i still don't feel like we have a good answer of why nurse one and nurse two contracted ebola. is it because there was a problem with not following the protocol or is there something wrong with the protocols? >> and i think what the american people are wanting is some assurance that somebody does know the details. >> the investigation is ongoing. we've identified some possible causes. >> so we don't know. >> reporter: another question, why did the cdc tell the second nurse she could board a commercial plane even with her temperature rising. >> i have not reviewed exactly what was said. but they r she did -- but she did contact our agency and she did board the plane. >> and she said she was told to
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board the plane. >> that would be correct. >> now your august 22nd protocols say people who are being monitored should not travel by commercial conveyances. >> people who are in what is called controlled -- controlled movement should not board commercial airlines. >> frieden insisted months ago that virtually all hospitals were ready to take such cases but asked now about equipment -- >> are you going to be able to quickly deliver a stockpile of personal protective equipment like this? >> our goal has been to get hospitals ready. the specific type of personal protective equipment to be used is not simple and there is no single right answer. >> on the idea of banning travel from west africa? >> somewhere between 2,000 and 3000 people a year are coming into this country from the affected areas. >> we should not allow these folks in, period. >> friedmann said that would be
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harder to track people trying to come into the united states another way. expressed on whether that was his medical opinion or political talking point, he clammed up again. >> have you had conversations with the white house about a travel ban? that is a yes or no question. >> we would certainly consider anything that will reduce risk to americans. >> reporter: democrats and republicans alike admit the ebola problem is complicated and don't want the public to panic, you about on both sides of the aisle, many are saying they are lack accountability from the cdc. and in a few seconds we are going to hear from the president of the united states. i'm monitoring that. we'll go there live the minute he begins speaking. but i want to bring in republican congressman cory gardner. you just saw him questioning frieden at the congressional
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hearing today. and what is your view happened? we are hearing nurse number two may have been sick as early as friday. three days before she called the cdc with the fever. that wasn't mentioned in the questioning today and do you know why? >> i don't know why. and there were a lot of unanswered questions today and i think the clamming up of dr. frieden certainly didn't help. >> and very quickly, what do you think about tom frieden? should he stay in that job? >> i think there is a lot of questions to be answered. we need him to do his mart to protect -- his part to protect the american people but he has to start giving answers. >> and we he does have to do his job and all come together to resolve this president. here is the president of the united states. i want to give the american people an update on what has happened today.
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obviously everybody remained deeply concerned about the ebola situation. i've been working with my team to address a number of issues that have been raised both publicly as well as at the state and local levels. so number one, obviously our heart felt concern goes out to the two nurses who have been infected. they courageously treated mr. duncan when he was in dallas. it is typical of what nurses do. each and every day, caring for us. and one has now been transferred to n.i.h., national institute of health facilities and the other one has been transferred to emory university. they are getting the best possible care. our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families and we're continuing to monitor their condition. number two, the second nurse to
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be diagnosed as all of you are aware travelled from dallas to cleveland and back. as a consequence, it is very important for us to make sure that we are monitoring and tracking anyone who has in close proximity to this second nurse to make sure that their temperatures are being taken and we know that they are receiving the kind of attention that they need to ensure that there is not additional spread of the disease. i spoke to governor kasich in ohio today who is on top of it. we haven employed cdc personnel there to make sure they are getting all of the support they need. and we will continue to work both with them as well as the airlines, getting the manifests and assuring that we are keeping
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track of anybody who was in close proximity to the second nurse. number three, we remain focused on the situation at texas presbyterian in dallas. as i've said before, when we have tight protocols with respect to the treatment of patients, then our health care workers are safe. but because of these two incidents we know now that there may have been problems in terms of how protective gear was worn or removed or some of the additional treatment procedures may have impacted potential exposure. we don't know yet exactly what happened. but in the meantime, we have a number of health care workers at texas presbyterian who did provide care to mr. duncan. and we are instituting a constant monitoring process with
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them, giving them the information that they need in order to keep themselves and their families as safe as possible. as the period in which they potentially could get the disease remains in place, and i also spoke to governor perry today about making sure that dallas and the state of texas had the resources that it needed in order to respond effectively if additional workers at texas presbyterian are determined, in fact, to have been exposed and have contracted ebola. and governor perry and mayor rawlings in dallas has been extraordinarily appropriateive working with cdc and health and human services. they have legitimate concerns in terms of making sure that the federal government is getting the kind of resources they need to handle any eventuality there,
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to make sure the folks not just at texas presbyterian but at other health facilities have the training and equipment they need and so we are working very closely with them over the course of the next several days and weeks in order to assure that they have exactly what they need to get the job done. throughout this process, i've been focused on making sure that we are dealing with this problem at the source. the most important thing in addition to treating sand monitoring anybody who even has a hint of potential exposure here in this country, the most important thing that i can do for keeping the american people safe is for us to be able to deal with ebola at the source, where you have a huge outbreak in west africa. and the united states is obviously leading the way in terms of providing resources, equipment and mobilizing the
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world's community, so over the last several days i continue to call other world leaders to get them to up their pledges of equipment, of personnel, of logistics -- logistical capabilities to make sure we are getting all workers on the ground there. we've seen some progress in liberia, sierra leone and guinea but we haven't seen enough. we have work to do. and the good news is increasingly when i talk to these world leaders, what you are seeing is a recognition that the sooner we control this outbreak at the source in west africa, the less our people are going to be at risk. and i think more and more of them are stepping up. although, it is, i think, taking a little longer than it should and that is something that all of us should recognize. one issue that i want to address because i know this is a topic consistently in the news is the issue of a travel ban.
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and i know that you've heard from some public health experts about this but i want to make sure that everybody is clear about the issue. i don't have a philosophical objection necessarily to a travel ban if that is the thing that is going to keep the american people safe. but the problem is that in all of the discussions i've had thus far with experts in the field, experts in infectious disease is that say travel ban is less effective than the measures that we are currently instituting that involve screening passengers coming from west africa. first of all, screening them before they get on the plane there, to see whether they are showing signs of the disease. and then screening them again when they get here, taking their temperature. and now what the cdc is doing is gathering all of their information, assuming they are not showing any signs of illness, because if they are showing signs of illness,
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obviously we want to make sure that they are directed to a well-equipped and well-prepared facility. but if they are not showing any signs, we still want to have their information, where they live, where they are staying, multiple contact information, that not only the federal government keeps but that will also be forwarded to the state where they reside. if we institute a travel ban instead of the protocols that we put in place now, history shows that there is a likelihood of increased avoidance. people do not readily disclose their information. they may engage in something called broken travel, breaking up their trip so that they can hide the fact that they have been to one of these countries where there is a disease in place. and as a result, we may end up getting less information about who has the disease, they are less likely to get treated
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properly, screened properly, quarantined properly and as a consequence we could end up having more cases rather than less. now, i continue to push and ask our experts whether, in fact, we are doing what is adequate in order to protect the american people. if they come back to me and they say that there is some additional things we need to do, i assure you, we will do it. but it is important in these circumstances for us to look at the history of how these infectious diseases are best dealt with and it is currently the judgment of all of those who have been involved that a flat-out travel ban is not the best way to go. but we will continue to monitor this. i'm asking these questions. and if, in fact, it turns out i'm getting different answers then i will share that with the american people and we will not hesitate to do what is necessary to maximize the chances that we avoid an outbreak here in the
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united states. which brings me to my last point. i understand that people are worried. this is a disease that is new to our shores, although it is something that has cropped up periodically in other countries. because of thever illence of the
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up until this point the individuals here have been running point and do an outstanding job on what is a
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very complicated and fluid situation. those of you who don't know, lisa monaco who does a lot of my counterterrorism work, has been working with our health and human services and tom frieden at the cdc. it may be appropriate for me to appoint an additional person, not because these three folks are not doing an outstanding job, susan rice, my national security adviser. it is not that they have not been doing an outstanding job but they also are responsible for a whole bunch of other stuff. lisa is also dealing with, as susan is, isol, and we're going into flu season, which by the way means that people will be looking to get their flu shots. we know that tens of thousands of people die every year from the flu and hundreds more may be going to the emergency room and
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hospitalized because of the flu. so that is something that tom is also responsible for. so it may make sense for us to have one person in part just so that after this initial surge of activity, we can have a more regular process just to make sure that we're crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's going forward. >> will you appoint -- >> if i appoint somebody i will let you know. thank you so much, everybody. thank you, guys. >> all right, an impromptu speech and conversation by the president on ebola. it was ten or 15 minutes. it was indepth as you saw, a lot of breaking news in there. the president saying that he was going to go ahead and probably that it made sense to name one person to be in charge of the ebola situation in this country. talking about a travel ban, saying he doesn't have a
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philosophical objection to something like that. but so far the case has not been made for a travel ban so he is not going to do it. and the health care workers there, they had a constant monitoring process. still significant, the president intense made it clear he knew all the details and the fights, all the details in great specificity. we'll take a break and be back to talk with dr. sanjay gupta. just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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breaking news, the president of the united states speaking in an impromptu but extended way about ebola, the crisis. and dr. sanjay gupta is with us, sanjay he says he doesn't have an objection to the travel ban but doesn't have a case for that yet. he says they will monitor the cases in texas, and the flight amber vinson took was all in-depth. and he will go into a discussion about the czar. >> reporter: adding another layer of bureaucracy, that adds more complexity to the situation. but keep in mind, the situation with amber vinson being in dallas, cared for in dallas originally, a local health issue but then getting on the plane to cleveland, coming back to dallas, now in the hospital behind me you do get the sense there is much more than local health issues at play here. there are many other issues that need to be coordinated.
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and whether that is an ebola czar, if that is the term they're using, whether they can ov oversee the moving parts. whatever that is, and perhaps that is what he is willing to do. >> and in terms of the travel ban, he said it doesn't make sense, people do broken travel ban, it raises the risk in the united states. it doesn't lower them. does that make sense to you? >> well, i think there is some sense to it. and you and i talked about it before. dr. frieden is definitely against this. dr. fauci, definitely against a travel ban. they say it will make it more difficult to trace people and that could worsen the problem even in west africa. >> all right, sanjay, thank you very much. and we'll be right back. ching w♪ ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
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we now know who the man is, i'm going to show you this man called clip board man, standing feet away from amber vinson, without a hazmat suit. they say the reason he is not in a hazmat suit is because he is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the team. it was on purpose. "ac360" starts now. and good evening everyone, thank you for joining us there is one lifesaving bottom line, more than anything else, knowledge stops this virus, the lack of it kills, the lack of knowledge and lack of transparency and lack of accountability. more than high-tech equipment and experimental drugs, simply knowing what to do and doing it right saves lives.