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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 5, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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about 100 meters and then data is transmitted to the ship and via satellite to the shore. >> how fast it goes depends essentially on the sort of terrain you're covering. that varies from quite flat plains to rivers and crevasses that require much closer work. >> reporter: ships have found dramatic challenges like underwater volcanos. some families have lost confidence in this search. some independent experts have even cast doubt on whether this is the right spot. the teams at sea are acutely aware that previous false starts raised false hopes. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. martin savidge retraces the key moments of flight 370 and asked experts the questions we all want to know. be sure to watch "vanished, the mystery of malaysia airlines flight 370" this today at 9:00 p.m. we have much more and it all begins right now.
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-- captions by vitac -- hello, i'm fredricka whitfield. texas health officials on high alert, brand new information about the missing man the cdc said might be at risk. we're live ins that with the latest. plus, how did the known ebola patient make it from africa through europe and into the u.s. by plane? i'm talking to our aviation analyst about whether enhanced screenings would make the borders any safer. and he's serving a life sentence for killing a police officer and in an hour he will deliver a college commencement speech. i'm talking to the interim college president about this controversy. we begin with the fight to
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keep the deadly ebola virus contained in the u.s. a short time ago, dr. tom frieden spoke to reporters saying he's confident there won't be an outbreak. >> we have no doubt we will stop it in its tracks in texas. it's worth stepping back and saying how ebola spreads. ebola only spreads by direct contact with someone who's sick or with their body fluids. >> meanwhile, thomas eric duncan on the person diagnosed with ebola in the u.s. is fighting for his life. he is in critical condition. let's go to cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen in dallas. so police have been searching for a homeless man who may have had contact with duncan. where are they in that search? >> reporter: you know, fredricka, we heard from a federal official they found this homeless man in the past two hours or two. this man is now with the authorities. he is being put up somewhere.
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that's what we're told and that he -- his health is being monitored. and his needs are being taken care of. so that's certainly good news. however, this federal official also said there are two other individuals, two other contacts of duncan who they can't get in touch with. they have called these people, these people are not homeless. they have residents. they have gone to the residences, they haven't been home or answered the phone when they have been called. and while they're concerned they want to say they're low risk. i'll explain what i mean by that. these two individuals were in the ambulance after duncan was and the ambulance workers used a glucometer. we had it all used on us, a little thing that pricks your finger and tests for blood sugar levels. well, they changed the needle out of course between people, but there could be some residual blood on that device. they want to make sure that
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these two other people that their health gets monitored. that they get their temperature taken twice a day, et cetera. so they're still looking for the two people. the official i talked to say they're confident they'll find the two people by the end of the day. fredricka? >> all right, elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. all right. now overseas to the latest on the battle against isis. the fighting continues along the border of kobani and the isis fighters have reached the outskirts of the city. phil black earlier spoke with jim clancy and he said some locals are making a dash for turkey and are being met with tear gas by turkish authorities. >> largely kurdish people from turkey because the ethnicity -- the ethnic group -- sorry, they fired more tear gas into the crowded area here, jim, and the crowd is responding. they're picking up the canisters and trying to throw them at a distance. it is in the air. it is certainly biting us bewe're able to continue at this
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tame. i think. okay. so keep this gas mask close in close. the tear gas is beginning to bite a little. what i'm trying to say here, jim, the kurdish people for them it's their homeland on this side of the border of turkey, but of course on the syrian side as well. what it represents for isis is very much -- very important strategic foothold. it would give isis access to a vast section of the turkish border which is largely considered to be a key resupply route for isis. >> thanks so much to phil black there. and a 21-year-old marine is believed to be the first american casualty in the fight against isis. corporal jordan spears bailed out of an osprey military plane when it appeared it might crash into the persian gulf. he went missing wednesday and the pentagon said he was lost at sea. he has been declared dead.
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but his death hasn't been classified so it's still unknown if it will be considered a combat fatality. lawmakers continue to debate if the u.s. can defeat isis without ground forces. senator jack reed of rhode island and lindsey graham both weighed in on "state of the union" earlier today. >> i think the president's plan makes sense. we're using our superior air power, our intelligence, our ability at the highest levels of command in iraq to provide advice and assistance. >> but no troops on the ground and you heard senator graham -- >> well, there will be troops -- >> no u.s. troops on the ground. >> there will be troops on the ground. >> the job of the commander in chief is to protect the country. and the job of the house members and senators is to protect the country. i think most americans understand if we don't destroy isil, if they survive our best shot, that we're all less safe and at the end of the day you cannot destroy isil in syria
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without a ground component. what we're doing with the free syrian army is military unsound. >> and remember congress went on recess before voting to authorize some military action against isis. all right. typhoon hits southern japan and washes three u.s. airmen out to sea. one of the men has died. search efforts are underway for the two other airmen. all three were stationed at a u.s. military base in okinawa. all right. how did a person with ebola make it from africa through europe and into the u.s. by plane? we'll ask our aviation analyst if enhanced screenings would make the border safer. fifteen percent or more fifon car insurance.d save you everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection.
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the united airlines said it's thoroughly cleaned two
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planes that ebola patient duncan flew in, one from brussels to washington dulles airport and then to dallas. they remain in circulation and notes the cdc statement that there's zero risk of transmission, end quote, to passengers who flew on the aircraft. but what about the risks posed to the flying public if a passenger is experiencing ebola symptoms? a top legal expert discussed the threat with dan simon. >> reporter: dr. suzanne donovan recently complete a month long stint in sierra leone, treating ebola victim. what made you volunteer? >> well, this is what i do. you know? i'm an infectious disease physician. >> reporter: she's come with us aboard a 767 jetliner. now out of service. to discuss the risk ebola could have to the american flying public. so let's say somebody has ebola and they're showing symptoms. you're sitting next to that person. any chance you could get it? >> i can understand passengers'
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concern about being exposed but this is something that's transmitted with direct contact, of body fluids. >> if the saliva yets on the -- gets on the armrest or the tray and you touch your mouth and nose -- >> you're at greater risk of driving to the airport and getting in a car accident than being infected with ebola by being on an airplane. >> reporter: fears have escalated since the revelation a liberian national was infektsed after flying to the u.s., but americans have little to worry about. from temperature and symptom screenings in many african airports to the low risk of coming in direct contact with body fluids of the infected patient. let's assume a worst case scenario, there's an infected person on board and this person is showing symptoms and you're the unlucky passenger sitting
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right next to him. even with those circumstances, dr. donovan said the risk of you getting the disease is still very low. what about just the fabric on the airplane? say for instance, body fluids get on the fabric, get on the seats. what's the probability of you getting it that way? >> it's very susceptible to cleaning agents. so even soap and water in africa we use bleach solutions frequently. but even washing your hands with soap and water would kill the virus. >> reporter: ebola is not an airborne virus. so unlike the flu, there's little concern about getting it from someone who coughs or sneezes on a plane. but the u.n. ebola chief raises the possibility, however remote, that the virus could mutate and become airborne. >> that would be a game changer. >> reporter: then ebola could be transmitted just like the flu. >> i have seen some of those concerns raised and clearly any virus that became airborne with this type of lethality rate
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would be overwhelming. >> reporter: until then there seems to be no concern with flying. and the man who became the first diagnosed ebola case in the u.s. flew here without any problems traveling to the u.s. through brussels, he showed no symptoms until after his arrival in the u.s. but he may have lied about whether he was in contact with ebola patients. now the director of the cdc said the agency is reviewing the possibility of increased entry screenings for the u.s. this as the director prepares to brief the president tomorrow. joining me right now is cnn aviation analyst and former inspector general for the department of transportation mary schiavo. we heard from the cdc director thomas frieden that increased increased screening is being looked at. what does that mean? >> well, let's talk about what
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actually is happening. what's happening here is people are connecting through flights to the u.s. most u.s. carriers don't go there to the nations that have -- nations with active ebola outbreaks. there are some others that did have and we did have flights there. so people are connecting on to u.s. flights on to the united states. right now the only screening is someone in africa, and these are african connection flights. they're hit or miss. they're taking temperatures supposedly of people and that's the screening. the federal aviation administration issued its first statement on friday. basically punting and saying, well, it's up to the cdc so right now we don't have a robust screening system in place. so until we do, we should stop, we should take a step back and ban the flights until we've put the screening in place. why it's taken so long is a m mystery. >> who would conduct the screening if it comes to that?
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>> that's the best question of all. because the federal aviation administration has punted and the statement leaves it up to the airlines. well, airlines they're great at flying us from point "a" to point "b" but they're not medical personnel. the united states government said it's up to the airlines and the cdc so it has to be -- by the way, they leave health issues to local authorities. they do not advocate cleaning the planes including food safety. so what they're going to have to do is designate who is responsible. most likely the cdc and they're going to have to put people in place to do it. the tsa can't do it. they have jobs to do. border patrol, et cetera. so we are to have people who are trained and designate to do it and screen people coming into the united states. it only makes common sense. you know, we should protect the united states, we rely upon people in africa to protect us. they're busy. >> and then what about cleaning of the planes? we know that it happens after
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every flight as it is right now. but now you're talking about a new and different kind of threat. what kind of modifications do you see in the pipe line where that's concerned? >> well, this is the biggest disconnect at all. the cdc said you have nothing to worry about. but in fact they have issued cleaning guide lines. if there's a suspected ebola patient on board literally the cleaning crew is supposed to be in moon suits, protective breathing apparatus and face shields. so the cleaning doesn't involve throwing some bleach on the seats because they eesh -- they're cloth by the way. and they're pressured to do things quickly so i think this puts a whole new -- a whole new twist on cleaning aircraft. some brag about a 20 minute turn, so it's a huge different way to clean the plane. it's very labor intensive. for all intents and purposes if you have a suspect ebola case on
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the plane, that plane has to be taken out of the service for the cleaning. by the way, the faa doesn't specify cleaning how you should clean the plane. >> all right. mary schiavo, thank you. he killed a police officer and why is a speaker at a college? a look at the controversy next.
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about an hour from now, one of the most well known and controversial convicted cop killers will give the commencement address at a vermont school. mumia abu-jamal taped his speech for goddard college from behind bars in pennsylvania where he's serving a life sentence. he was selected by the students of goddard, a decision that has been met with a whole lot of criticism. jennifer costa from our affiliate wcax takes a look. >> reporter: it's a small school making big headlines in plain
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field. after selecting a cop killer to speak at graduation. >> it has hit a nerve. >> reporter: goddard college is known for bucking cultural norms but this time the school crossed the line. >> this is ridiculous to have someone like this individual have a voice, to talk to college students at their graduation day is -- it's embarrassing and it's disgusting all wrapped up in one. >> reporter: mumia abu-jamal is serving life without parole for gunning down a philadelphia police officer during a traffic stop in 1981. the 60-year-old former black panther claims he was wrongfully convicted by a racist justice system. celebrities defended his cause. mumia wrote books and became one of the most famous death row inmates. before that sentence was overturned in 2011. he will live out his days in a pennsylvania prison. goddard grads want to hear from the controversial alum.
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his commencement speech will be prerecorded. the interim dean said, choosing mumia as a commencement speaker shows how the newest group of graduates expresses their freedom to engage and think radially and in a world that often sets up barriers to do that. >> free mumia now! >> reporter: it's not the first time mumia has made waves in the green mountains. in 1995, a protester climbed atop the uvm water tow tore hang a banner opposing his execution. that same year, a half dozen protesters were arrested. outside the national governors conference at a burlington hotel. they were trying to convince pennsylvania's governor to set mumia free. >> this individual was sentenced to life in prison, his voice should be silenced at this point. >> reporter: detective sergeant mike o'neal agrees. he heads the troopers association. and sent a letter on behalf of its 280 members to the school to
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rescind mumia's invitation. he has not heard back, but he and the colonel have heard from officer danny faulkner's widow who is struggling to understand how her husband's killer is back in the spotlight. >> she relives this crime over and over. and the college is responsible for that this time. they made a decision to revictimize the widow of a police officer killed in the line of duty. >> about three minutes interim president of goddard president will join me to address the controversy of the selection of this commencement speaker. the sister of a survivalist suspected of killing a police officer thinks her brother is long gone and she has a message for her older brother. e financial noise
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all right. bottom of the hour now. welcome back. i'm fredricka whitfield.
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here are other big stories we are following. police are still searching for a survivalist accused of killing one pennsylvania trooper and wounding another. but his sister said they're wasting their time. tiffany frein begged her older brother to turn himself in. the police came across his camp site last week, but there's been no other sign of him. a complete loss. that's how investigators are describing a fire at the flight 93 national memorial headquarters in shanksville, pennsylvania. the building is two miles from where the united airlines crashed on september 11th. the artifacts destroyed was a flag that had flown at the capitol. they saved a photo archive and oral histories and the cause of the fire is under investigation. history was made in the major league baseball playoffs last night. the san francisco giants and washington nationals played the
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longest playoff game in history. six hours, 23 minutes and it was actually two full games. 18 innings. the giants won 2-1 on a home run by brandon belt in the 18th inning. nick, you're probably the most hated man in america right now. did you kill your wife, nick? >> a big opening weekend for "gone girl." the film version of gillian flynn's novel was number one, taking in $38 million. it stars ben affleck. and "annabell" took in $27 million. all right, earlier we told you about the controversial commencement speaker at goddard college. in less than half an hour from now, convicted cop killer mumia abu-jamal's recorded
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commencement speech will be played at the small vermont school. abu-jamal was convicted in the shooting death of a philadelphia police officer. he is serving a commuted sentence of life in prison without parole. he was chosen by the students to be their speaker and it's a decision the school is standing by. i'm joined on the phone now by goddard college's interim president, robert kenny. all right, so mr. kenny, why did the students select abu-jamal? >> good afternoon. yes, it's a good question. goddard college requires the students to engage in a deep intellectual inquiry into issues of meaning and importance of this kind. and this is the essence of every student's path to a program completion and graduation and we're committed to helping them in that process. what they determined was that abu-jamal had a message that would help them in that exploration. and based on that, they made the case to -- to invite him and
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ended up inviting him to be their commencement speaker. >> and this is a recorded message, so you had a chance to see, listen to that recorded message and you're endorsing the message he's conveying? >> we endorsed his commencement speech before we listened to the speech. there wasn't any screening of that type, but we did subsequently look at the speech and all that did was confirm that the issues that he brings forward and brings them forward thoughtfully are worthy of off students' exploration. >> what are some of the issues that he's talking about? >> well, abu-jamal, not that it's the commencement alone, he has much writing on topics that he feels are critical for us to consider as a society including the black experience and race relations, social and criminal
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justice, social change, the prison system and he speaks highly about the importance of critical evaluation of those issues and bringing in many, many sides of the issue in order to understand it and come to a conclusion as to what -- how to move forward. so. >> he's been described as a world renowned activist, he's a goddard alum, and a convicted killer of a police officer in 1981. although the likes of nelson mandela, toni morrison and even desmond tutu questioned his conviction, have you heard from the parents of these graduates or even some students who don't feel that his message will be appropriate or that he as an invited speaker is appropriate? >> the commencement attendance is expected to be a full house. it would be wrong of me to say that this is a universally accepted principle but i would say that it is widely accepted.
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his speech -- giving this speech, widely accepted, maybe even -- well, i won't say universally. i believe one student has come to my attention that may feel uneasy about it. but that's part of the process of exploration. you have to be able to look at issues that sometimes are difficult for people to look at. and so we're not dismissing that and we certainly embrace the fact that somebody can feel that way just as we do embrace the fact that the public can feel that way, that we are doing something that is incorrect. and we have to just -- go ahead. >> mr. president, you know, among the opponent, the wife of the slain police officer in philadelphia and i even cnn who had this to say. >> sadly the idea that he would be a college commencement speaker is not unprecedented. it happened in the state of washington and again in the year 2000 at a school in ohio.
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i attended the second of those events with maureen faulkner in protest of what was taking place. and what i recall most from that experience 14 years ago was concluding that the students desperately wanted attention. they loved the media spectacle their invitation generated. which is why now i will not identify the vermont college that on sunday will disrespect the police officer murdered in the line of duty. it's bad enough that for 32 years abu-jamal has succeeded in making it all about him. >> so mr. president, i wonder if you can respond to that and perhaps when the student body said this is who we want as our speaker, did you have any initial worries or concerns? >> the response to that is of course that the -- a lot of the concern that has been brought forward is by the way that the media in essence has looked at this as a unilateral -- a
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unipurpose kind of action. you know, i would think and i hope as we move forward that the media does its job and that is to look more deeply at what exactly abu-jamal says, his message, what he does and so on. there's a lot to be had there. and for the students being somehow in -- desiring some kind of a public stage that goes beyond their private explorations, eventually the answer to that is yes, but did it have anything to do with this selection t answer to that as far as i'm aware no. they -- we have students that are older students. they're not the traditional 18 to 20-year-old students that you see on a typical college campus. the average age of the undergraduates are 30 years old. they do make decisions as adults. so i think that responds to t t
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that. there was a second part to your question. i'm sorry. >> no, you have answered both of them, actually. interim president of goddard college, robert kenny, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> okay, you're welcome. coming up next, are airport ebola screenings good enough? we have new developments on possible changes. there's a reason no one says "easy like monday morning." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long.
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all right. new developments now. brand new information about how america's airports are protecting travelers from ebola. let's go to cnn senior medical correspond end elizabeth cohen with more on this. >> reporter: fredricka, an interesting development today. so a week ago when i came home from liberia to atlanta, when i left liberia, they were so scrupulous about checking us. we got our temperature checked three times, we had nurses looking at us to make sure we weren't sick. when i arrived in atlanta i was shocked and to tell you the truth pretty horrified there was basically no screening. and so today we're learning from federal officials that they are strongly considering having screening in u.s. airports. including taking people's temperatures when they have come from an ebola infected country as i did a week ago. fred? >> and so elizabeth, perhaps even on your own, maybe there wasn't a directive coming from, you know, airport authorities or medical authorities even in
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liberia, but have you, you know, given yourself any kind of regular health screenings, checking your temperature since you have been back in a week? just because we're learning so much more about ebola and, you know, how you have to be vigilant in monitoring yourself? >> reporter: that's right. fred, cnn follows the cdc guidelines which is that if you have returned from one of these ebola infected countries for 21 days you need to take your temperature twice a day, which is what i have been doing. also just, you know, checking yourself for symptoms. diarrhea, vomiting, all of those things. we have been doing that, myself and my two colleagues who worked with me in liberia. we're careful about that. >> thanks so much for the update on the airport screenings and where they could go. elizabeth cohen, appreciate it. >> thanks. it's like a -- you feel like super woman. i don't know.
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hostage peter kassig is begging for his safe return. kassig's family made a video, asking isis to spare his life, after isis threatened to kill him in the video. alexandra field has more about why he went to syria in the first place. >> reporter: a 26-year-old man from indiana held captive by isis. chillingly they have warned the world peter kassig could be their next victim following the brutal killing of alan henning, a british aid worker. in agony, kassig's parents are appealing to those holding him. >> we know that the syrians are suffering. we also believe violence is not the solution to the problems that trouble us all. >> most of all, know that we love you. and our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom so we can hug you again. and then set you free to continue the life you have chosen. the life of service to those in greatest need. >> reporter: captive for a year
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now, kassig's parents say their son had been helping syrian refugees. >> i just remember him saying he had a bigger calling. he felt like he wanted to do more for humanity as a whole. which was so inspiring for me. as a syrian, or as an american with syrian roots to see someone that cared so much about a people he technically didn't have any relation to. >> reporter: kassig is from indianapolis. he decided to deploy with the army rangers in 2007. he went on to study political science at butler university. >> he talked a lot about his plans. he always wanted to do something that was bigger than his life as he said it. just being part of a bigger picture. >> reporter: kassig trained to become an emt and then setting out on another mission to serve. this time taking up humanitarian aid work.
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in 2012 he was treating syrians. >> this is what i'm put here to do. i'm a hopeless romantic, i'm an idealist. i believe in hopeless causes. >> reporter: one year later he was running a nongovernmental organization in turn i can working on both sides of the syrian border to deliver food and medical supplies and too give refugees much needed medical care. >> he wanted to be on the ground, helping people and he had some, you know, medic schools from his time in the military. so i think he saw this -- you know, saw a dire need. he thought he could help fill that need. >> alexandra joining us live now. what is the family reaction to the murder of the british aid worker, alan henning? >> reporter: fred, they were devastated. his parents put out a statement,
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really graciously honoring the life and the work of alan henning. and again, calling for the safe return of their son peter kassig. >> all right, thank you so much.
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this is life airs here at 10:00. it's called unholy addiction. it uncovers a secret side of salt lake city. >> for the first time the mormon church is allowing cameras into
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a very private place. the lds acknowledges that addiction is a problem. the meetings don't just happen in salt lake city. there are 2,800 meetings a week all around the world and we have been invited to the one here in salt lake. >> this program uses the same 12 steps that were first introduced by alcoholics anonymous but here there is no question who their higher power is. >> admit to yourself and your heavenly father in the name of jesus christ. >> step six. >> the attendees are all members of the church going through the same struggle of faith and addiction. >> i will never forget that first oxycotin i took.
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it was on a golf course. it was like a miracle cure. >> i wanted to be the good church going soccer mom. a few years later i found myself with a needle in my arm living outd of my car and abandoned the kids for years. got a divorce and had absolutely nothing. >> i recently talked to lisa about salt lake city's drug problem and the resident surprising willingness to be so open about their lives. >> utah, which is a state where the population is mostly mormon has been successful in maintaining some of the lowest rates of crime and addiction to illicit drugs. however, they have had a huge huge problem with prescription pills and if you watch this episode you will find out why people have really become so vulnerable to the grit of prescription pill addiction.
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but, i think there's a perception that the mormon chur church. but i was really surprised that so many people in this community and church officials open up their hearts -- wore their hearts on their sleeves in telling me really deeply personal stories and acknowledging that prescription pill addiction is a big problem in the church and in the community. and that they are really really trying to address it head on. >> you had candid moments, eye-opening candid moments with a mother and daughter. and that helped open an avenue to the daughter's friend, sarah, and that was quite extraordinary that she was willing to tell you her experiences and why and it was clear she is still strung out because there was a lot of twitching and she admitted it.
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>> oh yeah. >> were you surprised how honest she was? >> one of the things i have noticed when i interacted with people with severe addictions is they are crying out for help. the reason i think sarah was so forth coming with her story is because she is desperate. she's in a place where she needs help from other people. and i really hope, sarah shared so much with us. i hope that i have an opportunity to interact with her again because as we all know, when it comes to severe addictions, people often either end up in prison or dead. one of the most chilling things that sarah shared with me is how many of her friends had died as a result and i truly hope that sarah is able to find the support that she needs. >> lisa ling, thanks so much and welcome. >> thanks so much.
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>> all right. watch this is life with lisa ling right here on cnn. >> welcome to the cnn newsroom. major dwobmentes in the fight to contain the deadly ebola virus in the united states. there is no outbreak and the cdc vowed to keep it that way. >> we worked 34-7 to do that. we're doing that with r by many different ways. one of them is working to stop the outbreak at its source. because as long as cases continue this, there's a possibility that someone will travel, infect someone else, come into this country or another and possibly have another case of