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tv   Forensic Files  CNN  July 28, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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this. >> this is dr. kent brantley, a 33-year-old father of two. he recognized the symptoms and placed himself in isolation. his co-worker also tested positive for the disease. she's married and a mother of two. >> they care about people, they care about liberians, from the time that ebola broke out, nobody's talking about leaving. dedication in the face of the deadliest ebola outbreaker. since march, more than 1,000 cases have been reported in guinea, sierra leone and 660 of them have died. there's no sign the epidemic is slowing down. >> it's probably going to be several months before we're able to get a grip on this epidemic and redo you understand the number of cases. >> growing fears that the virus could spread beyond the three countries. one patient has died in nigeria,
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africa's most populous nation. containment is key. dr. sanjay gupta saw firsthand how cautious aide workers are before handling the sick. >> multiple pairs of gloves and masks, the head is completely covered. a multilevel gone, puts and then an apron. it's positively suffocating in the 100 degree weather. preparing to treat a patient with ebola is like preparing to land on the moon. >> some people in these communities believe the epidemic is a punishment for past sins. other local leaders spreading rumors that white people are conducting experiments on them and are breaking quarantines.
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>> they are scared, they think outsiders are bringing ebola to them instead of trying to stop the spread of ebola. a simple message on his church sign, pray for kent. elizabeth cohen, cnn reporting. >> such a serious situation in west africa right now. coming up we'll return to the crisis in ukraine where international experts are still being blocked. what we're learning about the crash of flight 17 from the plane's black boxes. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons.
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here are the top stories on cnn right now. >> residents are gaza city are reeling after an open barrage of israeli air strikes. this was a strike on hamas run al axa radio. >> international investigators say they'll try again today to
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reach the crash site of malaysia flight 17. investigators are sick and tired of the delays. >> liberia has shot down most of its borders in an effort to stop a deadly outbreak of ebola from spreading. more than 200 people have been infected including two u.s. aide workers. >> the escalation in gaza comes after a week of failed cease-fire talks and a warning from the israeli before that this will be a long conflict. wolf blitzer has all the details from gaza. >> reporter: families in anguish. israel and hamas trading blame for strikes in a hospital and a
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refugee camp in gaza. >> how many palestinians need to lose their lives for this government to understand that killing more palestinians is not going to contribute to a resolution. >> we did not target the hospital. >> new deaths on the israeli side as well. soldiers killed in a mortar attack near the gaza border. with the death toll climbing, the united nations held an emergency meeting forea cease-fire. >> in the name of humanity, the violence must stop. >> the soundses of battle echoing again on both sides of the gaza border after a brief cease-fire. hamas launching new roks et attacks and israel resuming air and ground strikes. this is priority number one for the israel defense forces. finding and destroying dozens of hamas tunnels, underground escape hatches from gaza used to
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infiltrate israel and launch attacks. i went to the front line near the gaza border to see one of those tunnels. israeli forces have uncovered more than 30 tunnels in this area. all right, let's go in. this tunnel is just under two miles long and about 45 feet below ground. >> let's go a little further in. in this tunnel, i guess the tunnel was built for relatively short people, because if you stand up you're going to hit your head. i'm not that tall. it's pretty secure this concrete. they spent a lot of effort building this tunnel. hamas boasts about its network of tunnels posting this video. before being targeted by an israeli air strike, this video
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was released by the idf. hamas never got to use the tunnel i visited. >> the israelis found it, they destroyed a big chunk of it back there. the idf says the underground passages to israel have only one purpose. >> from what you know, what was the purpose of this tunnel? >> attack soldiers. theyen want to attack regular people, children, women, men. >> they wanted to go in, attack israelis? >> yes. >> also kidnap. that was one of the rationales that israelis have suggested was one of the purposes of these tunnels? >> yes. >> wolf blitzer, cnn, in southern israel along the border of gaza. during monday's heavy fighting a moment of mourning for one of israel's fallen. a soldier was laid to rest in a somber ceremony.
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their son's death has only made them more resolute in israel's battle against hamas. >> hundreds attended the funeral. a chorus of wales and sobbing. >> when i meet liz parents they don't cry, they show me bar mitzvah pictures, tell me he was determined to joining israel's hardened elite infantry unit. they show me this photo weeks before he was killed in an ambush in gaza. his father is adamant but his mother fights back tears. he told us, don't be afraid he knew what he was going there for and he made that choice. there is no reason for people to
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run when they hear sirens. this has to end now. theirs is a proud military family, their sons commanding officer watches over them as they talk, it's also a devout family. with religious portraits on the walls. the jewish people are a moral people. the people on the other side, they are the ones without morals. they receive mourners at their home, in a small beach town, a short drive from gaza. hamas rockets are fired over the town on a daily base bis. members of their son's unit come to offer their condolences. as do the local rabbis. i ask the family if they imagine a day where there is peace.
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peace? who are you going so make peace with, hamas? we gave gaza back to them ten years ago. who sits there now, not good people, not good palestinians he says. both insist that the gaza offensive must continue. the family is prepared for a long battle ahead. i have a girl and two more boys and the boys will follow their brother. they will go into battle and fight just like their brother. strong words but still a mother's grief, her son's final steps she hopes her other children will not have to follow 37. on to another story we are following here on cnn. western leaders are calling for an immediate end to violence in libya. barack obama held a teleconference with the leaders
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of britain, france, germany and italy on monday. they are collectively calling for a cease-fire and appealing to the united nations to help bring about peace. libyan militia groups are battling for territory in the bloodiest fighting since the uprising of 2011. just ahead, turning up the pressure on vladimir putin. >> we'll look at how the european union is looking to force russia to end its support for the rebels in eastern ukraine. >> a tornado causes major destruction to homes and businesses as a big storm system sweeps through the eastern half of the united states.
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leader rz are scheduled to meet in brussels next hour to discuss tougher sanctions on rush in a. they're expected to close ire pea an financial markets to russian state banks. russia's foreign minister says the sanctions will backfire. >> vladimir putin has said many
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times they will not abide by the sanctions. i assure you we will overcome any difficulties that may arise. >> fighting postpones the crash site. information is coming out about the last moments of mh 17. pamela brown has new details for you now on the planes black box data record irs and the controversy surrounding their release. >> the black boxes from malaysia flight 17 show the passenger jet suffered a massive explosive decompression. the spokesman for ukraine security council saying in a press conference, experts on commission informed us that the data for flight recorder shows
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the plane was coming from a rocket. >> the ukrainians should not use the investigation as a further hammer to enhance their political agenda. the ukrainian foreign minister was wrong to do this. the dutch were quite right to be concerned. >> the dutch safety board is planning to release its initial findings from the black boxes friday. >> it will not be able to identify who fired the missile, it may not be able to identify where the missile came from. it can only say this plane tragically was destroyed at altitude suddenly. >> today dutch and australian investigators got turned around again. unable to make it to the crash scene as the fighting between pro russian rebels and the ukrainian military rages on in and around the wreckage. >> when we reached a checkpoint
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there were loud explosions, we stayed there for about 45 minutes and the decision with dutch and australian colleagueses with made to come back, and again, it's such a tragedy, because every day that passes is another day lost. that's so vulnerable to man made and other factors. >> reporter: the ukrainian military has broken through to the crash site. a senior u.n. official says the attack on the passenger jet may amount to a war crime. the high commissioner for human rights is calling for an immediate investigation. pamela brown, cnn, washington. we're going to take a short break now, still to come this hour, assessing the aftermath. >> officials in massachusetts count the cost of a rare tornado that caused this extensive damage. we'll have more details after the break.
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widespread damage after ripping through the city of revere in massachusetts, with winds of 190 kilometers per hour. the twister formed part of a big storm system hitting much of the eastern half of the u.s. >> you're seeing the aftermath here, houses had their roofs torn off. thankf thankfully, there were no reports of serious injuries. >> that is a blessing in itself. >> autumn like weather is moving into the eastern u.s. at this hour. >> what can folks in the u.s. expect this week? >> some of the nicest weather we've seen, across a large chunk of the eastern half of the united states. a dip in the jet stream here, the upper level winds in the atmosphere. the direct storm systems, at this case they open a door from canada and drop your temperatures below average for this time of year, while the
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west coast expect the temperatures to shoot through the roof again as we head for another extensive heat wave across the region. ien watt to show you temperatures across the eastern half of the u.s. down to the low and mid-80s the latter portion of the week for the high. about 60 degrees in the overnight hours, very cool setup here, even in chicago, temperatures get up to 57 fahrenheit by weeks end. i'm going to share with you some images here coming out of southern california. we had severe storms take place. isolated thunderstorms, lightning strike coming down near venice beach south of santa monica. we know one fatality, a 20-year-old man lost his life there. 13 injuries, all of whom were in the water in the vicinity of the water that lightning struck.
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it's pretty unusual when you see lightning fatalities in the state of california. only 38 had lost their lives in the last 40 plus years in california. in the western pacific ocean, we have a couple tropical disturbances we're watching carefully, an image in the last few minutes taken by a storm chaser, showing us the beaches in guam. this is an area we're watching for another typhoon to begin to form in the next few hours. this would be the fourth in that region. a gas station worker has been hailed a hero after thwarting an attempted robbery by two attackers. >> his attack was caught on camera. jeanne moos shows us. >> reporter: you're looking at a texas gas station cashier who inspires fear.
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>> the first guy i saw i kicked him in the face, i punched the other guy. >> he saw his co-worker being attacked at a houston gas station, as the co-worker stepped out of his car carrying money from the bank. watch him fly out the door with a flying kick and then flying fists. the two would be robbers immediately retreat toward their suv. by myra manages to nail one of them. and the suv leaves without him. what the bad guys didn't know is that myra in the helmet is a five-time champion in a type of chinese martial arts back in his homeland of sri lanka. he's working at a gas station because his flexible hours allow him to continue training. he wants to be in the ultimate fighting championship. he's being compared to chuck
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norris and bruce lee. one admirer pictured the robbers having their butt handed to them. >> did you get a reward from your boss? >> not really. just a lot of people appreciating what i did. i would say i'm the happiest person in the world right now. >> reporter: happy about all the praise, tinged with just a bit of criticism over how long he continued to kick the one suspect who was later arrested. >> if he had a gun he would shoot me, if he had a nice he would stab me, why would i take that chance. >> his hands and feet are not the only body parts fans are admiring. he used to model a bit back in sri lanka. >> which would you rather do, model or fight? >> i do fighting, if i can do modelling at the same time, i'll do it. >> one called the beatdown. >> a feel good story.
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>> i guess it didn't feel good to everyone. mayura is what you would get if you crossed sampson with fabio. jeanne moos, cnn new york. >> he's like a superhero. >> good for him. folks who work at convenience stores late at night, they're defenseless. >> his boss needs to reward him. >> can you imagine the boss not saying a word? very nice story there. >> that does it for us. i'm rosemary church. >> thanks for watching. cnn's special coverage continues after this short break. i'm living the life of dreams. i'm living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. i'm living the life of dreams.
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