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tv   Crossfire  CNN  July 10, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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states, "crossfire" with paul begala and s.e. cupp starts right now. wolf, president obama spent another day in texas, but instead of visiting any of the children who have come across the border, the man who decries political fever held political event in a theater. >> of course the republicans are practices theater of the absurd on their own. the debate starts right now. tonight on "crossfire", the crisis tess border means washington gridlock. >> he's been president for 5 1/2 years. when is he going to take responsibility for something. >> they're matt at me for trying to do things to make the system works better. it doesn't make sense. on the left, paul begala. >> on the right se cupp in the crossfire representative karen bass, a california democrat, and representative bill flores, a texas republican. help the children or score
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political points? plus the outrage of the day. tonight on "crossfire." welcome to "crossfire", i am paul begala on the left. >> i'm s.e. cupp on the right. tonight two members of congress. president obama was in austin today just an hour away from some of the immigration shelters, instead of visiting the displaced children, he was cutting into republicans. >> you hear some of them sue him, impeach him. really? sometimes i feel like saying to they guys, i'm the guy doing my job, you must be the other guy. you know, it is lonely, me just doing stuff. i'd love it if the republicans did stuff, too. >> well, clearly the president is very pleased with himself.
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instead of patting himself on the back as a humanitarian crisis spirals out of control just hours away, it's time he finally got his hands dirty. the fact is there is a gulf between democrats and republicans on immigration, and it's the president's job to bridge that gulf and find a way to get something done. but what fun is leading when you can just congratulate yourself on a job well done? >> but he was having fun. he was using humor to secure his political opponent. >> is this a funny time? >> first off, we have to have the argument, but i love when a president uses hooper. keep going, mr. president. in the crossfire doone congresswoman bass, and congressman flores. >> you're not biased. >> if i may, congressman flores, first, thank you. >> good to be here. >> it's always good to hear somebody who doesn't speak with an accident. >> that's good. >> our president has come to the
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congress and asked y'all to fund 3.7 billion to try to fund this crisis. thinks principally, from our own research what the bill would do. it would increase funding for the prosecution of these coyo s coyotes, they animals who are abusing the children. it would boost surveillance on the border, something that republicans have been asking for for on long time and spend money on the transportation and care of these poor children and spends money to advertise in central america, and also help the central americans repatri e repatriate. do you support that? ivities i support those principles. i don't support the amount. one of the things it doesn't do, it doesn't prevent the problem from recurring in the future. it does some things to clean up the mess he's made on the border with this humanitarian crisis. >> you don't think he's made that mess? >> i do. >> really? >> congress didn't do this, karen didn't do it, i didn't do it, no republican, no democrat
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did this. he decided two years ago that he wasn't going to enforce the law with the illegal aliens here today. he has obviously not secured the border, or we wouldn't have 50,000 across the border. >> will the speaker bring this to a vote in first off, you all control the house. >> not this bill. we're going to bring a bill forward. one is we'll clean up his met. the second thing is we'll make sure it doesn't happen again. >> yeah, well, it's actually 57,000 is the latest figure of unaccompanied minors. congresswoman, i want to get you in here. bringing the president back to this. yesterday he said i'm not doing a photo op. let's put aside for the fact this is one of the most canny and skilled photo op president in history. we can put up some of his greatest hits, but that's fine, he's not interested in a photo op now. do you agree to me it seems like he's exempting himself from the
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political process? do you agree with your democratic congressman that the president has been aloof and detached? would you like him to be more of a leader on the ground? >> i actually don't agree with my colleague and friend. i do think he's been completely engaged. you know, i absolutely believe if the president went to the border today that there will be a ton of criticism that look at him, it's a photo op. he has put a proposal together. now we have to see what goes -- to happen, but there is a concrete proposal on the table. ironically, you know, the president is also criticized for the rise in deportations, so if you look at the increase of money that has been put on the border, i mean it's increased in the last over ten years, 350%. and some of that increase has certainly been under the obama presidency. >> even paul agrees that the president probably should have gone to the border. this is beyond politics.
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>> i do, but i think congressman flores -- which president has presided over more deportation than any other. >> from what i understand, president obama. >> binge. >> okay. let's keep going. >> i'm touching your truth meter. which president leads the border patrol at the greatest strength, the most number of people we've had in the history of the border patrol. >> it would be president obama. >> binge, ten points. >> but the question is how effective. >> so now you're going to attack the border patrol. >> no, i'm not. >> really if we had border agents? every few feet on the border, it still would not solve this particular problem, because you have young people coming to the border looking for the border patrol saying here i am. there were interviews with young people that said i was so happy when i saw the border patrol, because they feel like they're going to be rescued. so we have to go to central america to address this problem. i'm not saying that it's our complete responsibility, but to
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get at the root causes, we know this is not just about people coming across. board. >> let me ask both of you, i think reps when it comes to this crisis, republicans have unreasonable expectations. i also think democrats have unreasonable expectations. are you willing, congresswoman, to lower your expectations a little, maybe meet republicans halfway to get something done on immigration, say legal status, instead of a pathway to citizenship? >> well, first of all, i always always willing to meet my republican colleagues. we have great relationships. we've served on the budget committee together, so i believe we can do that. what i don't agree with is having a permanent second-class citizen -- or second-class person in our country. so to say that it can't ultimately be a pathway to citizenship, i have a problem with that, but the legislation that's proposed, it would take a person 10, 15 years to get
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there. >> but for now, would you agree to just legal status, just to get some kind of deal on the table? >> i think it has to be a comprehensive absolute. i would not agree to a deal that stops at legal status. i think it has to go to citizenship, but not tomorrow. everybody go back of the line, pay whatever fines, learn english, all of those requirements that were there. that was a bipartisan bill. >> the senate bill does all those things. it borders the border patrol. twice the level it was ten years ago. the senate bill written by democrats, doubles it again, and does the things that -- will you at least support bringing it up for a vote? >> no. >> the white house believes if you put it up for a bi -- apparently you don't want him to. >> no, i don't. >> why not stake a stand? >> this is based on washington tip wall pastime -- throw money at it and it will solve the
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problem. there's no mesh rarmt objectives in that bill so you have to achieve certain tleshholds. that's not in there. we should move forward with that. there's also no assurances that the president will following his own law. we've seen what he's done with his signature -- >> i have a solution for that. if we had a situation where he would follow the law, that's one of the ways to fix the current crisis. >> he is following the law that president bush signed in that says he can't turned the kids back. >> that's part of it. 43% of the kids coming back are coming across with adults. he's not turning them back. >> congresswoman? >> i have a absolute. one proposal was to pass the bill out of senate and make it go into effect after the president leaves office. i believe i can trust the president, but if that's the notion, how about putting it on without -- >> that may be one solution, but
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we're going to have to -- first of all, the american people don't like comprehensive solutions. when i bring it up, they don't like the fact it was all baked together in one mega bill. when i bra it down like visa tracking and enforcement, a better legalized visa system, deal with better enforcement what to do with the dreamers and do it in six discrete pieces, we find a solution that works. >> all we need -- >> all we need is a house speaker to put it up for a vote. first, if an idea were to cross texas governor rick peres amind, it would have to bring a can teen, yet that texas gompor claims he's got one. next i will ask congressman flores about rick perry's big idea. >> ask him about his hair? >> today's quills is this -- just how long is the texas
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border with mexico? we'll have the answer in miles, not that communist kilometers, when "crossfire" returns. [ laughter ] . moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. ♪ i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. ♪ he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief.
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welcome back to "crossfire." here's the answer to our "crossfire" quiz. the texas border with mexico, 1241 miles long, as congressman flores pointed out, two thirds of the entire u.s./mexico border is in our beloved texas. let's talk about your governor -- >> oh. >> he's been spread ago conspiracy theory, so if you -- use small words, please if you meet him. perry's theory is somehow that our president -- >> sounds personal. >> that america's president is behind this humanitarian crisis at the border. today, kate bolduan calls him on it. >> do you seriously believe that
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the administration might be in on this somehow? you're suggesting there's some kind of conspiracy here. >> no, what i'm suggesting is that this administration and their words and their actions or the lack thereof are part of the problem. i think you're putting the words of "conspiracy" in my mouth, which you did not say. >> you did say the word "i hate to be conspiratorial -- >> and i hate to be conspiratorial. >> to quote the governor, oops. >> it is painful to see a belly flop on national television. congressman flores is with us, and congresswoman bass are with us. they are in the crossfire tonight. i've been very rough on the president for not going there. i think he should go there and see for himself. can you be equally candid about the governor? please tell me that you don't subscribe to that kind of gotcha.
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>> i don't, and i didn't hear the language. i do know that some of the things that governor perry said were exactly on point. number one is, send the national guard. governor perry can call up the national guard, but the federal government provides the money. so we need to have -- >> why didn't he deploy the guard? who's the commander in chief for the national guard? >> governor perry. >> why didn't he call him out? >> we're already spending 1.3 million to do the federal government's job. >> there's never been an occasion when the governor called out the national guard and washington didn't pay. she didn't whine about president bush she called outed guard and the feds reimbursed her. >> the second thing that governor perry said is the reason we have this is because the president does not enforce the laws on the book. he basically sent a signal to latin america, come north and we'll leave you alone and hi
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magnificent hair, a little slack, he sent to the president in 2012, talking about, as your administration is fully aware there's a surge of unaccompanied illegal minors entering the united states asking for help. he was ignored. doesn't he have a legitimate gripe, a legitimate frustration here with the administration? >> you know actually what i believe the president suggested is that he talked to his colleagues from texas -- no offense, representative flores -- >> i'm not offended. >> to do something, because maybe seriously, if you money for the national guard, under put it in the proposal that he's put, and in fact it certainly calls for a major increase to border enforcement, but i go back to my original point a few minutes ago. i just don't thinking that
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goods'ing going to be the solution, you have the young people coming, looking for the border patrol, looking for the national guard. how does that prevent anything? we have to work with the central american government. >> let me say this, the president did ask the texas delegation for a solution, and he will get a solution from the texas delegation, as well as hopefully all the house republicans and homely -- >> has governor perry called you the way the president asked you to? >> no, but i'm sure he's called some. >> isn't that a lack of leadership? he's called every with a camera why hasn't he done his job and called you? >> the challenge is 38 of us to call. >> that's not a lot of numbers. >> that hurts. >> he's cleaning up his image. enough. enough beating up on governor perry. >> we're going to give him the money so that we can start to process these uacs and reunite
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them with their families, then we're going to make sure the mess doesn't recur. we'll insist on diplomatic efforts, change the 2008 trafficking law. >> will you help the central american countries deal with the narco terrorists taking over their country. >> we'll give them help with that. >> that doesn't stop -- we can stop using the drugs. you know, where are the drugs coming? the drugs are coming to us. we are part of the problem. it is our responsibility to work with those central american governments to solve the problem. >> god bless you. stop the demand side, you're exactly right. >> let me make a shift for just a second. my boss, glenn beck, who also lives in texas now, surprised a lot of people by coming out this week and saying that conservatives need to be more compassionate on this issue. take a listen. >> the best way to secured or borders and make america a safe place is to make it accessible to all those fleeing poverty and
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oppression, violence, anyone in search for a better life. >> glenn is doing some fund-raising in texas to get supplies to these kids. do you think the president should reach out to people like glenn beck instead of grandstanding and scolding republicans? >> glenn beck, is he selling gold? >> no, he's raising money to get supplies to the -- >> and you know what? i think that's absolutely legitimate. i have to tell you, i do a lot of work in the child welfare system. i'm worried about some of these children winding up in our foster care system. i do think that we really need to look at this from a compassionate point of view. although i don't agree with glenn beck about most things, i certainly do with that. we need to come from a compassionate point of view. the idea of a five, six, seven-year-old child making their way across the border is really a tragedy. >> he's getting slack from conservatives for this. >> glenn beck? yes, i don't know that we need to be the world's orphanage by
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any stretch of the imagination. what we need to do is have an immigration system where legal immigration is easier. >> right. >> and so that we don't have -- >> incentivize legal. >> if we build the legal immigration system better, then they come here and we'll have a whole lot less illegal immigration. >> the one thing we don't forget is 40% of the people who were here illegally didn't cross the border. they came over here and overstayed their visas. so comprehensive? >> that's the second part. >> we want you at home to weigh in on today's fireback question, did the president deploy more troops to the border. we'll have your answer after the break. we have the outrage of the day and i'm outraged and disappointed by j. crew, one of my favorite clothing stores. [announcer] who could resist the call... ...of america's number-one puppy food brand...
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switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. welcome back to "crossfire." time for the outrage of the day. famed j. crew creative director is known as a marketing and branding genius who dresses america's most fashion forward women including michelle obama. she even made an appearance on the ultrahip hbo series "girls" last season but she should have talked to her real woman friend lena dunham before she allowed j. crew to unveil a new size triple zero. offering a triple zero sends a terrible message especially for impressionable young girls who think that thin is in.
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i doubt that's a message michelle or lena support and neither should j. crew. >> as the father of four teenaged boys. i can tell you this, girls, guys want a real woman. they don't want a triple zero. >> they're responding to demand among asian customers but those sizes are offered online as well. what do you guys think? >> i think it's very frightening, especially to a teenaged girl. those are things that contribute to eating disorders and makes teenagers who already feel insecure feel extra insecure. >> yeah, just doesn't it have annan annic -- an ick factor? >> i have girls and they're not going to j. crew. >> should the president deploy additional national guard troops to the border? right now, 68% of you say yes. 32% say mman flores, sounds li
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they like your idea. the president could do it today? >> we're going to come up with some -- >> maybe you call him. >> i think you both should call him. >> i want to say something. i know there are members of your caucus, there's republicans that would like to see an immigration bill come forward. and i would really like to see that before the year is out. i believe that representative diaz-balart had wanted to put a bill forward. maybe that's something that could be put back on the table as we go back in and decide what we're going to do. >> you can't do it during a crisis like this, i'm not sure what would be the impetus. >> i'm sorry, first, i want to thank you, congressman flores, congresswoman karen bass. the debate continues online and the facebook and the twitters. from the left, paul begala. >> from the right i'm s.e. cupp.
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erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> next breaking news, house republicans just announcing plans to sue the president of the united states. the white house tonight fighting back. plus a high-end call girl allegedly involved in the death of a google executive. now police say she may have been involved in yet another man's death. and an american who literally wrote the book on running with the bulls is gored by a bull twice. that's an "outfront" report. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" we begin with the breaking news in washington. house republicans annou