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tv   Early Start With Christine Romans and Victor Blackwell  CNN  July 3, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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the uses of dna, combined with blood stain pattern analysis, where working together, the two show who the blood came from and provide a scenario about which it possibly got there. breaking news this morning. arthur becomes a hurricane gaining strength as it spins up the east coast. communities evacuated. dangerous waves from the storm rolling in now. indra petersons is live with the track and what it means for your holiday weekend. >> terror in the skies. homeland security adding extra airports. terrorists may be developing explosives. protesters pushing away buses full of undocumented
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immigrants chanting, go home. the answer may not be so simple for the thousands of children who cross into the u.s. undocumented. >> it is almost the fourth of july. 5:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is official, arthur is now a hurricane. still hovering near georgia and florida, make no mistake, it is picking up speed and strength and the east coast is in it sights. is governor declaring states of emergency for 25 counties along the coast. residents there making preparations for the first big hit of hurricane season. >> we're just prepping, tieing down stuff, things that will fly. there will be floodings. we are going move down the street to our other house. other than that, we're going to ride it out. >> they are dealing with dangerous rip currents from the storms. it could put boaters and swimmers at risk throughout the weekend.
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indra petersons is following arthur's path for us in kill devil hills, north carolina. how's it looking down there? >> reporter: this is where we are supposed to see the biggest impact. the storm is still well south to us. you can still see the stars this morning. not the case further down the south where arthur strengthened to a category one hurricane. let's take a look now. 75-mile-per-hour winds. those are the steady winds out there, moving to the north at 9 miles per hour. so much now that we can see the outer bands starting to affect places like charleston, south carolina. where i'm standing, we are expecting to see the biggest impact tonight through tomorrow morning. mandatory, mandatory evacuations are already in place for the peak. what we are looking at are hatteras island.
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highway 12 is going to be broke up like in irene. they wanted to evacuate those people. what are we looking at? the timing to pass tonight to tomorrow morning right here in this area. then it will quickly catch up with the jet stream south of new york city. places like boston, then quickly exit to the east. the latest tracks push it further to the west, so places like the cape could be impacted and go into halifax as it makes its way through saturday. the impact here, a lot of rainfall. we are talking potential from two to four inches of rain. three to five is possible. that's one side of the equation. you have the storm surge so add the water in. it's high tide during the time of potential land fall. that's a concern here. many remember what happened in 2011 with irene, it broke up the highway, highway 12 in two
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places. they hope the bridge will hold this time. it's fresh on everyone's mind this morning. in the northeast yesterday, you had a rough ride, a lot of lightning out there. there's still a severe weather threat from d.c., new york city, philly, you have the threat for severe weather today. then the same cold front, very slow moving. you will feel the impacts once you see arthur come in. more rain in the northeast even though the actual system will be sliding south of the area. still a lot to get through. we are bracing ourselves with the storm headed here tonight. guys? >> it's so important people stay out of the water, really even after it passes because of the rip currents. that's a big threat in this storm. it doesn't look as bad as it is until people get in. we appreciate the update. >> before arthur gets close, parts of northeast saw severe weather last night. look at those pictures. the lightning lighting up the
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skies in new york city, hitting the spire at one world trade center. albany, it stopped cars. emergency vehicles no match for the water. a tree toppled straight on a house 20 miles away. thousands of power outages reported. >> in maine, roads literally crumbling, trees snapped in half, water rushing through the streets there. >> the water came in pretty high. i mean the rain was going in every direction. lightning was hitting one right after the other. it was just steady. >> flash flood watches are in effect until tonight. similar damage in new hampshire and massachusetts. >> more of the same in eastern pennsylvania. cars left trying to navigate through water, feet of water, after quick bursts of rain led to flash flooding.
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this was 30 miles from philadelphia. more rain is in the forecast today. stay with us for the latest on the hurricane. chad myers will have the latest on the rip currents, why they are dangerous and how to escape one if you are in danger. that's coming up in ten minutes. expect to see amped up security for u.s. bound flights coming from europe and the middle east. this is after reports terrorist groups are working to develop explosives that can't be detected through security screening. however, passengers leaving from airports here in the united states will not see changes. a woman arrested in a denver airport in april was trying to join isis. court documents show her charged with conspiracy. she first aroused suspicion at a colorado church last year. >> she was carrying a backpack.
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she had a notebook pad out, taking notes at different places. that alerts us right away. she became more hostile. then eventually, we said listen, it's probably better that you not come back. >> she is 19 years old, told the fbi agents she was going to marry a member of isis she met on the internet and be a nurse near the turkish border. khatallah pled not guilty. prosecutors say he conspired and participated in the attack that killed four americans. defense lawyers argue the defense department did not provide enough evidence. army soldiers who served with bergdahl haven't been contacted in the probe. two former sergeants say they have been waiting to speak with
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investigators. he was captured by the taliban and held for five years until a controversial prison swap last month. >> they have been accused of -- u.s. investigation services secured a $190 million contract to operate the security system. it's required they accept the lowest bid unless the company had been suspended or barred. the congressional committee and homeland security talking about the illegal immigration crisis. governor rick perry will testify a day after inviting president obama to visit the border to see the crisis himself. they are plagued by a skyrocketing number of children crossing the u.s. without their parents. emotions coming to a head in california where protesters turned away buses of immigrant families. they were taken to a facility 80
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miles away. >> do you feel your city has become a dumping ground? >> of course. i think anyone who's been pinpointed for the buses to come to is going to feel like it's a dumping ground. why us? why this small little town? >> the u.s. government detains and processes central americans who cross the border. they are typically released. they are given a month to report to immigration offices. never show up and they join the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants. john pierce retired. his office down played complaints about problems at v.a. hospitals and other facilities. the acting director is disappointed by the findings. he served as a medical inspector since 2004. general motors back in the spotlight. they will hold a second hearing
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july 17. they will focus on the decades long delay. the witness list has not been released. 13 deaths linked to the defect. time for "early start" on your money. futures are pointing higher. maybe the dow will finally reach the 17,000 psychological milestone. the dow closed at a record high for the second day in a row. today could be the day, depending on the jobs report. cnn money predicts the job market added jobs in june. the unemployment rate is steady at 6.3%. adp reported it's a precursor or clue to what the government might show. it was very strong. 281,000 private sector jobs added. a lot of optimism around today's report. a terrible, terrible gdp number
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in the first quarter. the economy stalled. contracted in the first quarter. >> so many people see the market and the records and half of americans aren't in it at all. >> right. breaking news this morning. it is now a hurricane. hurricane arthur gaining strength as it turns up the east coast. we are tracking the latest conditions and showing why the storm's rip currents are so dangerous. war. war being waged on the gaza strip. israel with a string of strikes as the mystery of another murdered teenager unravels. we are live after the break. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort.
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there you go, this is a live look back at north carolina where coastal towns are bracing for arthur. arthur is now a hurricane. minutes ago, officially gaining hurricane status. this is forcing residents along the coast to change their fourth of july plans. many celebrations are being moved up or postponed. look for riptides. just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. chad myers has more on what to look for and how to stay safe. >> reporter: what looks like a lovely beach day has unseen dangers when on shore wind is coming from a tropical storm or hurricane. that wind blows the water over the tops of sandbars that are
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unseen just offshore. the water piles up here along the shore and it has to find a way out. that way out is a rip current. that rip current can happen anywhere along an east coast or west coast beach for that matter, even across the gulf of mexico. here are the sandbars. the water comes across the sandbars and feeds into the area where you are swimming, right through here. as the sandbar breaks, you are getting erosion here. the water wants to go out all of a sudden. that water goes out all at the same time called a rip current. because the water is piled up here, it has to go out. you don't want to be in this area when the rip current happens. you don't want to be anywhere here for that matter. if you do get caught in this, they say swim parallel to the coast. that's easy to say when they are not caught in a rip current. i have been caught in one and it
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feels like you are going to die. it feels like you are going to be hauled across the ocean. that is how quickly you are torn across the beach. swim this way and get caught by the feeder currents coming in. that will bring you on shore. all your body wants to do is swim this way against this. you literally have to tell yourself, stop swimming. don't do it. you are going to wear yourself out. swim away from the current and gent over the sandbar and back to the beach. it's a dangerous situation setting up from north carolina down to florida today. it will be setting up north of that later tonight from new jersey to massachusetts friday as the storm moves further to the north. back to you. >> good warnings from chad myers. meanwhile, the violence in the middle east shows no signs of stopping.
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rocket launchers. israeli officials say a response to 20 rockets fired into israel wednesday. all of this comes as the divide between israelis and palestinians deepens over a revenge killing of an israeli teen. we are live in jerusalem this morning. good morning to you. tell us about the situation on the ground there right now. >> reporter: well, at the moment, it seems that some of the clashes have petered out. they were going well into the early morning hours. they expanded beyond the neighborhood where the palestinian teenager was abducted. that's where it started yesterday morning and spread to a few other neighborhoods here in jerusalem. fortunately, this morning seems quieter. but, as you pointed out, there was also air strikes in gaza overnight, at least 15 and also rockets coming from gaza hitting
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southern israel, one hitting a child care facility. they were in a safe room and nobody was injured. scary, nonetheless. we still have today to see whether or not it settles, whether things calm down. there's a lot of anger tension on the streets. >> the father of that palestinian teenager who was killed, recently spoke out on local television. what did he say? >> reporter: he spoke mostly about the fact he wants to bury his son. the son has been identified. he's 17 years old. but the circumstances of what happened, the police are still investigating. they have not identified susp t suspects even though there's video of him being forced into a car. what his father said is he's waiting for his son's body. an autopsy is currently under way. as soon as that's finished, the
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body will be delivered to the family and they hope to have a funeral this afternoon or tomorrow morning. >> israeli officials including benjamin netanyahu condemning that killing there. appreciate the report. thank you. gun control advocates are vowing to fight on after new jersey governor chris christie vetoed it. he called it reform in name only. a petition of 55,000 signatures urging him to sign a bill an hour before the veto. >> target is taking a stance on guns in their stores requesting customers not bring firearms into any target stores. the ceo saying the guns are at odds with their family friending shopping and work experience. this move is not a first. it follows a similar request from starbucks and chipotle.
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defense attorneys wanted him in treatment two years, then released. a judge gave him maximum sentence for a juvenile. he shot a boy and girl because he was bullied. a teacher convinced him to drop his gun. in california, parents are facing charges for keeping their 11-year-old autistic son in a big cage inside their home. police in anaheim arrested them. authorities believe the parents were afraid the boy would hurt them or the other children since his outbursts were more violent. >> he seemed healthy with no sign of abuse. the georgia man whose sun died in a hot suv is due in court. prosecutors will say he committed a crime. he maintains the death was an accident. he pleaded not guilty to murder and child cruelty charges. he faced scrutiny over internet
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searches about deaths in hot cars. was alex rodriguez juicing up with the consent of major league baseball? it's a question in "blood spo sport." it claims he was granted an exception to use testosterone before the season. he was one of two players granted what is called a therapeutic exemption to treat a testosterone deficiency. president obama extending his thanks to the men's soccer team. what did he tell the two top players? andy scholes knows. that's in the bleacher report, next. so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month.
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look,
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i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. about 21.6 million people to be precise watched the usa lose to belgium including the commander in chief. the president is proud of the team. he called them to congratulate them on their efforts. >> andy scholes has more in the bleacher repart. hi, andy. >> they may not have made it as far as they would like, but they got out of the group of death. he called tim howard and clint dempsey on their showing in brazil. he told them they did a great job and captured the hearts and
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imaginations of the whole country. he joked with them about the attention they will receive when they get home. >> you were fantastic and, tim, i think, you know, i don't know how you are going to survive the mobs when you come back home, man. you are like -- you are going to have to shave your beard so they don't know who you are. >> houston rockets pulling out the stops as they make their pitch to carmelo anthony this houston. they put up a picture of melo in a rockets uniform. the problem is he wears number seven, which is ok pied by jeremy lin. if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn it -- >> the rockets plan to trade lin. as/tigers yesterday in
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detroit. a foul ball in the stand. one of the vendors makes a great grab with his tub. check it out again. he reaches over and the ball lands in his icy cold water. he took a bow and gave the ball to a young fan. in 1,000 games, the ball has never come near him. >> appreciate the update, thanks, andy. hurricane arthur packing a punch as it rolls up the east coast. winds and waves are rolling in. we are live with what you need to know, next. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. the numbers are impressive.y to new york state. over 400,000 new private sector jobs...
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breaking news this morning. hurricane aur thr barrelling up the east coast bringing dangerous wind and waves. right now, communities evacuating as the storm threatens the holiday weekend for millions. indra petersons is live in the elements tracking the latest where the storm is expected to
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hit today. >> terror warning. homeland security stepping up patrols big time to stop terrorists building a new kind of bomb. we are live with the details. >> terror arrest here at home. potentially a colorado teen trying to help isis terrorists. welcome back to "early start." i'm poppy harlow. >> glad you are here with us. arthur is tropical storm no more. about 30 minutes ago achieved the status of hurricane. it's set to make the turn north. it will slam parts of the east coast. >> preparations are underway in states expecting the brunt of the storm. hurricane warnings for parts of north carolina where the governor declared states of emergencies in 25 counties. they are ready to deal with whatever the storm throws their way. >> we are prepping.
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we are going to move down the street to our other house. other than that, we are going to stay here and ride it out. >> dangerous rip currents could ruin trips to the beach. swimmers and boaters could be at risk over the holiday weekend. once the storm is moving north, there's a lot happening above and below the surface of the ocean. indra petersons is in kill devil hills, north carolina. what can you tell us about the storm? >> reporter: hatteras island is under a mandatory evacuation starting at 5:00 this morning, so a half hour or so ago. everyone is preparing for what could be a direct impact. the closest arthur could be here at the outer bank. this morning, you can see a few clouds are out here. it's a beautiful day. wa warm and the seas are calm. arthur is currently a category one hurricane, about 113 miles
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off the coast of charleston. we are seeing the steady winds moving to the north at 9 miles per hour. but, if you take a look at the radar, you can see the outer bands affecting the charleston area. what is expected to happen? artu arthur is expected to intensify making its way up to the carolinas bringing three to five inches of rain. through tomorrow morning, the most western track, it is likely we could see arthur make an impact here in the outer banks overnight this evening. likely 85-mile-per-hour steady wind. then it quickly catches up with the jet stream and makes its way out to sea. again, just south of the northeast. again, if you follow the latest track, it could make land fall right off the cape. still, right around a strong tropical storm or category one hurricane. we'll monitor that. that will be friday evening by saturday evening expected to be
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near halifax as a remnant low. rainfall totals three to five inches around the carolinas. two to five inches in the outer banks. very strong winds are likely. add in the storm surge. two to four feet of storm surge can impact this region. irene, 2011, is on the minds of people. it broke apart highway 12 in two places. this is the first test, the first time everyone will see whether or not the new engineering will hold and whether or not the highway will hold. it's a big concern here. everyone here headed for the fourth of july. a lot of questions. everyone is preparing for the storm expected later this morning. >> irene, that terrible, terrible premonition. it's been a tough few years for people along the koechlts thanks, indra. >> arthur is hundreds of miles away, but mother nature put on quite a show. the skies of new york city lighting up the sky.
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lightning hitting the spire of one world trade center. emergency vehicles could not get through the streats of albany. the storms left a mess behind in maine. roads crumbled from rushing water, trees snapped in half, power lines down and heavy rains turning roads into rivers. >> the winds came in pretty high and, i mean, the rain was going in every direction. lightning was hitting one right after the other. it was just steady. >> flash flood watches in effect until tonight. in eastern pennsylvania hit hard by the storm. cars were left struggling to get through feet of water after flash flooding. this was 30 miles from philadelphia. more rain expected today in the forecast. be sure to stay with us for the latest on arthur. throughout the day, we are going to have live reports for you. chad myers will have more or the
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rip currents at the beach. he'll explain why they are so dangerous and how to escape if you are caught in one. security stepped up at airports in europe and the middle east to protect flights headed to the u.s. al qaeda was working on explosives that can get through the screening process at the airport. what changes are in store for travelers? matthew chance is in london with more on that. matthew? >> reporter: hi, christine. what the transport officials in britain are saying they don't think the security measures are going to cause the restrictions like in the past. nevertheless a lot of work is going on behind the scenes. it's up to u.s. security sources. british officials, transport officials are stepping up security because they are
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concerned militant groups, al qaeda affiliates, specifically in yemen and syria are actively developing technologies, explosive devices that would evade current airport screening technologies. that's obviously something of a major concern. the big concern according to security officials is militant groups, once they have perfected these devices would hide them on foreign fighters, people who have been in syria with the rebel groups there and may carry western passports potentially causing enormous damage. that's what they say the main threat is. again, they are not specifying, neither the administrations or the united states in britain are specifying what measures are going to be taken. but, again, they are saying they are hoping to keep disruption to normal passengers to a minimum. >> was this prompted by a threat or are these changes just to
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ensure broader security based on the intelligence they have been gathering? >> reporter: apparently, it is a credible threat coming to us from u.s. officials. homeland security officials and the united states saying there's a threat, not going into detail of what the threat is. it goes into increased security restrictions in place in airports since 9/11. we have had a whole host of plots of attempted attacks attempting to be carried out. none of them have been successful, but it's a long going process of evaluating security needs. >> thank you matthew. developing this morning, conspiracy charges against a woman who wanted to join isis. shannon conley was arrested in april in a denver airport. she struck suspicion at a colorado church last year.
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>> she was carrying a backpack with a notebook taking notes at different places. that alerts us right away. she became more hostile. eventually, we said listen, it's just probably better that you not come back. >> court documents show conley told fbi agents she was going to marry a man in isis. the 19-year-old planned to be a nurse near the turkish border. the accused ring leader of the attack on benghazi will have to await trial in jail. khatallah pled not guilty to the attack that killed for americans. soldiers who served with bergdahl say they haven't been contacted. several comrades say he abandoned his base and have questions about bringing him
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home after five years after captivi captivity. despite rampant problems, a contract has been awarded to u.s. investigation services. usis secured a $190 million deal to help operate the nation's immigration system. despite accusations it defrauded the government. the government accepts the lowest bid unless they have been suspended or barred. usis has not. happening today, a field hearing in texas for the congressional committee on homeland security. texas governor rick perry is among those testifying after urging president obama to come see it for himself. the state has seen a huge jump in the number of children crossing into the u.s. without their parents. now it's playing out in california. protesters force buses of
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immigrant families to turn around. they were taken to a facility about 80 miles away. >> reporter: do you feel your city has become like a dumping ground? >> of course. i think anyone who's been pinpointed for buses to come to is going to feel like it's a dumping ground. why us? why this small little town? >> more families are scheduled to be flown to california in the coming weeks. the u.s. government detains those coming across illegally. they are released and never show back up. stocks in record territory. futures pointing higher this morning. the dow so, so close to 17,000. it closed yesterday 24 points away. a record high for the second day in a row. the dow closed above 16,000. it's quite a run. you can't win if you don't play. the dow records are meaningless to the 45% of americans who say
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they don't own stocks. if you are in, according to analysis by usa today, they have run 1,000 days without a correction. it's the longest pain-free run from 1984 to 1987. there's not been a 10% correction for 1,000 days. >> maybe today. terrorists gaining ground on the march toward baghdad as the leader is hit with another challenge. we'll go live there next, to discuss. ♪
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with information from experts on your condition. new troubles this morning for iraq's prime minister nuri al maliki as he tries to keep his grip on power with security forces trying to seize the office of shiites. they are breathing new life in resist tense. the kurds get ready to vote. arwa damon has the latest. tell us what is going on on the ground and the concern about the push of isis and how farther actually getting. >> reporter: well, this preliminary assessment by the u.s. indicate they believe iraqi security forces will stand and fight for baghdad, unlike what we saw them doing when isis
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first emerged during this massive operation where the vast majority of security forces abandoned their position in the north. that said, the u.s. is concerned about advances isis is making toward the baghdad airport from the northwest. we traveled out to that front line that was about 15 miles away from the airport itself. interestingly, poppy, it is not being secured. the front line is not under control of the iraqi security forces but rather a shia militia. why? because they have battle experience when it comes to warfare. the vast majority of members were fighting u.s. troops during america's occupation of iraq. the vast majority of them were fighting isis and syria. they are the troops that the iraqi government is deploying
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providing artillery support. relying on this force to protect and defend the perimeter of the capitol. >> al maliki is trying to calm the sectarian and promising amnesty for those who fought the government unless they killed iraqi forces. is that making a difference on the ground or rhetoric that won't be followed through on? >> reporter: it's not making a difference that we have seen just yet. one also needs to remember that this is a prime minister who historically made the sunni population a lot of promises and failed to uphold a single one. but, at the same time, we are seeing some of the sunni tribes ever so slightly beginning to turn against isis because of the way the terrorist organization is carrying out these mass
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executions, trying to implement the strict interpretation of the law. some of the tribal leaders we have been speaking to believe at this stage the al maliki government is a bigger threat to the country than isis is. they are willing to turn on isis and suspect they will have to at some point, but they want to see the government of unity formed. that is a process that is currently under way. the prime minister is under a lot of pressure not to nominate himself for a third term. we have to wait and see how politics play out. they are historically messy. >> appreciate the update. live from baghdad. >> let's look at what's coming up on "new day." kate bolduan is joining us. >> we are watching hurricane arthur as you are. the first hurricane of the season and it is early. the east coast is bracing for heavy rains and could be a dangerous fourth of july.
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we are live on the ground in north carolina where mandatory evacuations are under way in parts of the barrier islands. we have everything you need to know on that front. plus, officials are beefing up security on flights headed into the united states, screening changes should be going into effect in coming days at select airports in europe and the mideast. terrorists are building bombs that can get past airport security measures. should we be worried? what do you need to know? >> thanks for that. hurricane arthur, it's now a hurricane, spinning up the coast, packing dangerous winds and waves. what should you do if you are caught in the storm? we'll tell you after the break. narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix
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male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready?
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look back at north carolina where coastal towns are bracing for hurricane arthur. residents all along the coast being told to reconsider their plans for fourth of july. many celebrations moved up or postponed. before and after the storm, be sure to look out for riptides. just because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there or dangerous. here is chad myers with more on what to look out for. >> reporter: what looks like a lovely beach day to most people has unseen dangers when you have
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on shore wind coming from a tropical storm or hurricane. the wind blows the water over the tops of sandbars that are unseen just offshore. the water piles up here along the shore and it has to find a way out. that way out is a rip current. that rip current can happen anywhere along an east coast or west coast beach for that matter, even across the gulf of mexico. here are the sandbars. the water comes across the sandbars and feeds into the area where you are swimming, right through here. as a sandbar breaks, you get erosion here. the water wants to go out, all of a sudden. it goes out all at the same time, called a rip current. the water piled up here. it has to go out. you don't want to be in this area when the rip current happens. you don't want to be anywhere in here, for that matter. with this storm, you shouldn't be in the water anyway. if you get caught in this, swim
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parallel to the coast. easy to say when you are not caught in a rip current. it feels like you are going to die. it feels like you are going to go across the ocean. get away from the currents going out and get caught by the feeder currents coming in that will bring you on shore. all your body wants to do is turn around and swim against this. you have to tell yourself, stop swimming, don't do it. you will wear yourself out. start to swim away from the current and get around to the current this way over the sandbar and back to the beach. it's a dangerous situation. it's setting up all the way from north carolina to florida today. it would be setting up north of that later tonight through the jersey beaches in maine and massachusetts for friday as the storm moves further to the north. back to you. >> chad, thanks for that. honestly, you cannot swim, even
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strong swimmers think they can do it. you get tired out so quickly. be very, very careful. watch the flags on the beach. pay attention. >> absolutely. coming up, as if the hurricanes aren't enough of a problem, gas prices are spiking. how much will you expect to pay at the pump? an early check of your money. that's next. any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. from safety... to fuel economy... to quality... today's chevrolet has it all. and it's a great time to buy. during the chevy 72 hour sale, you'll get 0% apr for 72 months. plus no monthly payments for the rest of the summer. 0% apr for 72 months plus no monthly payments for the rest of the summer.
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let's get an "early start" on your money this morning. we are looking at futures this morning. futures are slightly higher. futures up 16 points right now. that could be enough to put us into a new record. stocks are in record territory. futures heading higher, maybe 17,000 milestone could happen today. the dow was 24 points shy of that yesterday. today could be a good day for stocks depending on the jobs report. it's an early birthday present. cnn predicts 200,000 jobs added in june. unemployment steady at 6.3%.
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there's a lot of optimism around today's news as well. if you are driving anywhere for the holiday weekend, the most important economic indicator for you is what you are going to pay at the pump. almost 20 cents higher than last year's price. it's the highest since 2008. some states like california have prices above four bucks a gallon. driving the rise, a hike in oil prices. the oil supply around the world could be disrupted. the fears are shown at the pump. sadly, the world cup is over for the usa. more than 20 million viewers watched the usa/belgium game tuesday. that's the second most watched ever behind usa/portugal june 22nd. it's a sign of soccer's growing popularity. >> it is about time. >> it is about time.
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>> go usa. >> 2018. four more years. >> that's it for us. "new day" starts right now. if it's mandatory evacuation move, get out. >> breaking news, arthur now a hurricane. the first of the season moving quickly toward the carolinas. thousands evacuating as another storm hits the northeast with more on the way. we are tracking it all. holiday nightmare. that double whammy of storms set to silence fireworks shows and ground flights as new rules are announced for aviation security. what you need to know. boiling over. angry residents and immigration. the california town that forced buses of undocumented immigrants to reroute. now a flashing point in the debate. we'll take you there.
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your "ne good morning and welcome to "new day." it's thursday, july 3rd, 6:00 in the east. chris is off today. we're going to begin with, you saw right there, we have to begin with breaking news. arthur, look at the track right now. it is now the first hurricane of the season heading for north carolina's outer banks bringing 75-mile-an-hour winds with it. people on hatteras island are being told they must evacuate, and since it's such a popular vacation spot, especially heading into the fourth of july holiday, local officials there are not taking any chances. they are ordering people to leave during daylight hours before conditions deteriorate. we're tracking this hurricane's every move with you and let's start with meteorologist indra petersons at kill devil hills on the outer banks. indra? >> reporter: good morning, yes. right now weo


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