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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  July 2, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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waste. hour two, i'm brooke baldwin, you're watching cnn. the first named storm of the season is inching closer to the coast of north carolina. it on track to make land fall on friday for the fourth of july. it will have an impact. severe rain, potential flooding, hazardous conditions on the roads and beaches. our team is watching this thing for us. we have joe johns, chad meyers here in the studio. chad, first to you. when will the worst of this hit? >> the worst of it is hitting florida now, and moving away. the worst of it will hit south carolina tomorrow morning. and then north carolina tomorrow night. and it's ironic, i'm looking at joe's live shot, and it's clear
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as can be. it's the best possible day on the beach ever. and this is the reason why those spanish gallons all crashed in the florida keys because the pilots had no idea a hurricane was coming. he is way up there, and there is not a cloud in the sky from this soon to be hurricane, and it is going to be smashing the shore of north carolina by this time on thursday evening into tomorrow night. there is the storm on a three dimensional radar. you start to see the eye forming, it has not had an eye much today, but now it's forming and that means the storm is breathing with life to it. the air is sucked into the bottom. it goes into the eye and up the top. it enhances it and makes it bigger. this is the coast of north carolina, what we're most concerned about. it either goes here or here.
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somewhere in between those lines we now know because the models are really clustered here. probably not much of a chance being over here. as it is here, it will be pounding the coast with waves six to ten feet tall, and significant coastal erosion and rip currents that you absolutely don't want to get into. major rip currents here. as we move you up the coast for friday night, boston right there, you're going to have a storm off of your coast. rain for you for the fireworks, keep that in mind. that storm will not be that far east of the cape in the cape cod area. we have a pretty good idea where this is going to go. here are the rip sides, water washes over the sand bars, the water rushes out, we don't want you in the middle of that where that rip current is going. one more thing, big time severe
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weather in the northeast today not associated with arthur at all, but wind, hail, maybe a tornado from maine to washington dc. >> we'll stay in close contact with you. speaking of that picture perfect beautiful blue sky over my colleague joe jones there, gorgeous. people are out and about today, but how aware are they of what's coming? >> they're aware all right. i think people out here know to watch the news, watch the weather reports, and keep an eye on the skies. i can tell you while there is a bright sun, there is also a pretty good breeze. if you look south of here there is a flag in the distance, even beyond that flag well down the coast is cape hatteris. they are planning on closing the beaches around 9:00 this
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evening. the lifeguards are off duty as of noon eastern. this is a reality check. you see all of the people out there enjoying the great weather here in north carolina. there are some concerns especial ri about the fourth of july. officials in some of the towns talking about moving their fi fireworks displays from friday to saturday, sunday, or monday. there is concern about the beaches, the erosion, and when that wind starts whipping up and pushing sand. the situation here in north carolina as it stands right now, the weather is pretty good. people are watching the skies for sure, thinking about changing their plans if they have to, but for a lot of people because it's the end of the week they will end their trips early or start their trips late. it's not that big of a deal for people staying seven days. for people staying only a few days it could be a problem.
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>> enjoy the blue skies for now. you can always go to for the latest. in the meantime, the army's beau bergdahl who wandered away from his base, is now wandering san antonio. he is supervised. it is part of a reintegration. you remember this exchange. the army says during his jaunt through san antonio bergdahl sometimes wears his uniform. sometimes not. he has been recognized. had his handshakeen by members of the public. remember members of his unit described to him clearly as a deserter. the army says for now his recovery is the number one priority. terri is with us now. he is a psychologist, welcome
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back. ter terry, can you hear me? i'm going to try this one more time, terry, it's brooke on cnn, do you have me? >> okay, we're going to move along, mix that b with and come back. the floor of a plane looked like a river when it started flooding mid flight on the way to australia. look at the aisle. the floor of the flight washed out. flight attendants scrambled and they tried to use blankets to soak up some of the water but the plane had to turn around. they say there was no safety concerns here and they apologize. do we know where this happened? >> you think you have technical problems imagine being on this flight 35,000 feet in the air. for the passengers it was really
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scarey and for the crew. they were wondering where it was coming from. they said yes, we sprung a leak and they're not sure what or where it was, but they're contacting airbus to try to figure all of those details out. you had people talking about this and you saw in one of the picture social security an actress from the show "community." her name is yvette nicole brown. >> it seemed like a problem to me is it's water and electricity. we're over the pacific, and it's full of electricity and water. it flowed by us, but i'm thinking there are people below us. there is a staircase behind us, and it became like a downpour for them. >> you might be wondering where all of this water comes from on
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a flight. it's likely for things like the toilets, washing your hands. no one complained of smells or anything like that, so it was likely clean water. we heard and they said look, it wasn't a danger to those in flight, but we talked with experts, aviation experts, and they say if some of that water had seeped into the electrical systems it could have been a real problem. this was a 14 hour flight from here in los angeles all of the way to melbourne, australia. everyone was safe and got off and some folks will be heading back there. >> thank you i had no idea this was so much water potentially on a plane. let's go back. i think we have him now. terry lyles talking about beaube beaubebeau
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bergdahl. terry, can you hear me? >> i can hear you and it's raining and flooding in miami. >> let me begin by asking you when it comes to beau bergdahl, is this inner procedure, what they're doing with him, taking him out in public? >> it is and it's a slow process. we don't really know what he has been through. we're not privy to his exact debriefing examples, but they're trying to help him to acclimate. it is slow, he has been in captivity for five years, i'm sure they're trying to take it slowly to make sure he acclimates without having any reoccurrences of what happened. >> according to our reporting, he has been out in civilian clothing, sometimes in his uniform. in those cases, some people
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recognized him. they walked up to him, they offered him their hand, psychologically, i'm curious, terry what happens if someone comes up and says you deserted? >> and you know, like we talked before, i'm trying to report on the human side of it. he is in. uniform one day, civilian clothes one day. they want him to acclimate that he is a returning soldier. all he can do is just try to receive that and i'm sure they will be briefing him on how to absorb that and process it. it is part of the thick skin training he will have to go through. >> the whole process we're told will be over in a couple weeks, does that seem short for you? he was with the taliban for five
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years? >> i mean he has been in the states for about ten days and he was in germany for a period of time. when it's all over it will probably be four to six weeks nap is probably good enough to get him started. we don't really know the depth of what he is going through and every case is different. they will take it very carefully to see how he is adapting and acclimating to his environment. they won't let him go until he is ready, i'm sure. >> okay, terry, thank you for rolling with the punches today, appreciate it. >> you're welcome, thank you. coming up next, double-check your phone bill. do you know what all of those charges are? one major company accused of hitting their customers with hundreds of millions in false fees. also, the case that has shocked the country. two 12-year-old girls accused of trying to fill their friend to
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impress a fictional character called slenderman. so one of the suspects, one of these young girls, is mentally incompetent to stand trial. you're driving along,
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liberty mutual insurance.
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got a cell phone? you have to pay attention to this. flirting tips, horoscopes, did you know that t mobile is accused of charging fees for totally bogus text messages. t mobile raked in hundreds of millions of dollars through these charges. they said that t-mobile allegedly concealed them on your monthly bills. the ceo says the lawsuit is unfounded and without merit. two 12-year-old girls allegedly stabbed their friend 19 times, they're alleged inspiration is this quest to please this fictional and quite honestly creepy slenderman.
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a character in horror stories they read online. one of the girls has just been found mentally incompetent by a doctor. the knife in those 19 attempts, 19 stabbing attempts, just missed that 12-year-old victim's heart. let's talk about this court hearing with nancy grace. nancy, it is not often that you hear about teenagers being ruled incompetent. >> yeah, good question. in all of the years i prosecuted i never had a single juvenile deemed incompetent or insane. not that i won the incompetency hearing, it was never even brought up. i would like to point out that according to police, the attack on their 12-year-old friend was planned for months by these two
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girls. and the hearings today were held separately, but if i was trying the case, i would try them together and let them stew in the same pot. the incompetency has been raised on morgan geiser. remember elizabeth smart? the wife of her kidnapper claimed she was incompetent. guess what they did, they treated her behind bars until she got competent and then they tried her. >> so might that happen with this teenager? >> absolutely. absolutely. she can be treated until she is competent and can stand trial. i'll tell you where all of this is headed. they're raising incompetency, mental defect, because they want this case, more than anything, taken out of adult court and put back in juvenile court. you know why? the minimum, you can serve in
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juvenile court, on stabbing the little girl and leaving her for dead is one year. maximum for them will be 13 years. calculate, they have been in jail a month. when it goes to trial they will have a year under their belt. they could walk free if this is sent back to juvenile. >> which is what you're saying they're going for -- >> we mentioned the premeditation, one girl brought a picture of her family because they truly believed they would kill her and walk off into the forrest to find this fictional character. how does this affect the other teenager girls case? >> it simply means you're unable to fruitfully assist your attorney in your defense at trial. it's not insanity that you're insane at the time of the act. it's a very subtle and important
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difference between incompetency and insanity. as of yet, no one said the word insanity. >> it's interesting that you said you would try them together. we'll watch it. nancy grace, thank you so much. we much you every night at 8:00 eastern on hln. >> i'm going to spin the camera around very briefly here. the latest outbreak of violence coming after the body now of a palestinian teenager was discovered. was this a revenge killing after the deaths and bodies of these three i'd rally teenagers were found this week. how far could the situation escalate? plus, a massive explosion, look at this, of a food truck. despite what you're looking at, no one died thank goodness. police are now explaining what happened.
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the new airport security measures that could take effect. while officials are telling cnn there is no eminent threat or plot, they said the focus will be on a new generation of terror bombs, created by terrorists to elude airport security screenings. so we'll go straight to you in dc, what have you learned? >> we know that the homeland security secretary, jay johnson, issued a public statement in which he directed tsa to implement enhanced security. we will work to ensure these necessary steps pose as few disruptions to travelers as possible. we're sharing recent and relevant information with allies and are con suggested the aviation industry. the concern is undetectable bombs being developed by aqap, the al qaeda affiliate in yemen. the u.s. has been looking at
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intelligence for some time, and they are concerned they could bypass security procedures. we're told these are airports in the middle east. and what passengers might expect is being asked to take off their views. they could go through an additional check before they get to their plane. they will not be told to remove certain things, that they can't bring certain things on the plane, for instance. this is out of an abundance of caution to try to counter act these issues by aqap. >> evan perez in washington for me, thank you. the u.s. has condemned the killing of a palestinian
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teenager. the body was found today in a forest in jerusalem. police are investigating whether his death could be possible r l retaliation for the death of these isreali teens. take a look. things are very tense here at the moment. i'm going to sping the camera around very briefly here. oh, excuse me. there is a lot of police trying to disburse us here. it seems they just let off a stun grenade near us. >> we know her and her crew are okay. the white house is encouraging both sides to act responsibly. let's go to jerusalem. ben, let's begin with the 17-year-old palestinian, what do you know about him, what do you know about the investigation into his death?
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>> we spoke to his father this afternoon, and he told us that this young man went to the mosque at 4:00 in the morning to go to prayers and they say he was bundled by three men into a car and driven away. they have no doubt in their minds, at least, that it was an abduction. a murder they say by israelis. authorities, of course, worry about the quilling from the mayor of jerusalem, and benjamin netanyahu. there have been discussisuggestt perhaps it was a revenge killing that many people believe, but it could have been a family dispute, however the family itself flatly denies it. his body was found in a west
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jerusalem forest. they didn't want the parents to see the body because it was so badly mutilated, but they took dna and he was positively identified. >> it is tragic all off of the around, we now have chilling audio from a 911 call. it was made by one of the israeli teens before his murder. reporting this emergency call was made when he realized what was happening to him in the midst of this kidnapping. they say they did not leak the audio. but the affiliate in israel was one of the first to release this, take a listen.
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we know that israel, from the get go, is putting all of the blame on hamas. they're not taking responsibility, who is? >> nobody is taking responsibility, at least nobody that anybody -- no credible claim has been made. we heard a variety of groups claims responsibility, but most of them are unknown. they continue to insist that hamas was behind it. the two main suspects are residents of the city near where the kidnapping took place. they do have ties with hamas, but it's not all together clear if they're military leadership was at all involved in this. it may have simply been a matter of speaking, a target of opportunity that just appeared
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certainly so we don't know. >> okay, thank you so much. coming up next, a restaurant in colorado getting a lot of attention for the reason you're looking at on your screen here. all of the waitresss are packing heat. they have a specific mess age t spread. >> also, a tragic story out of pennsylvania. a middle school bans this girl struggling with depression from attending her own graduation. days later, this 14-year-old commits suicide and now the family is blaming the school, the family wants answers, here how the school is responding, next. you do a lot of things great.
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but parallel parking isn't one of them. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off.
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so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. you're watching cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. a family is embroiled in a legal battle with a boarding school where their daughter spent the last nine years of her life.
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she struggled with sdpregs. they saw their actions pushed her to take her own live. >> this girl loves where she went to school, a secondary school in a small down. a $12 billion endowment and a huge picture-esque campus. jew julie bartels is her mother. >> he was doing everything she want supposed to do, and doing it well. >> in addition to her mom, the 14 erld ya had a father, temperature mother, brothers, and a step grandfather. but her father had trouble with alcohol and the law, medical records show that and other issues contributed to her
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getting depressed. she frequently thought of killing herself, and the hershey school that prides itself on taking in disadvantaged but talented students say they will be free from seriously emotional and behavioral problem students. >> they said if she didn't go into the institution she would lose her enrollment. >> she has been going here since she was 4 years old. she spent most of her life at this boarding school. she was approaching a proud milestone. she was about to finish eighth grade and graduate from middle school. a psychiatrist discharged abbey declaring she made good progress, but should receive
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structured support. he went back to school, had a relapse, and then was sent to a different institution. her family was told she would have to take a leave of absence for a year while think continued strae treatment. he looked forward to at least being in the audience and going to a graduation party to see her friends. she missed them all, so she made these cars for each of the girls that lived in her residence haul. she was not invited to either event. they told her that security would keep them out if they tried to come. they said we must balance the school of keeping a child at the school with the mandate of the safety of all children entrusted to our care. the school believed she could be a danger to other students. >> i said the school does not want you to attend graduation.
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because you have been in the hospital. >> abbey was devastated. her mother called the school. >> abbey has been through so much, so much, this would be devastating to her. i cannot believe you're doing this. i said are you a child care professional at all? what are you a bunch of morons? >> the school did not budge. eight days after the graduation she wasn't allowed today go to, her step dwrandfather was in the house and called her name. he did not get a response. he walked into her room and saw her in the closet. >> i said oh my god, abbie, what did you do. i was waiting for an answer, be i knew it wouldn't come. abbey was dead, she hanged herself in her closet. >> i miss her and i wish she was still here. >> abbie's family believes the school made an inhumane decision
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by barring her from campus on a day she looked forward to. >> they crushed her. >> they did. >> why could she not at least say goodbye to her friends. we looked through over 400 medical papers. they indicate that she received quality care by the school and particularly from a school psychologist named dr. benjamin herr. last april, abbie acknowledged putting her arm around a housemate's neck. it sounds like it could have been a serious incident, but the school's own psychologist down played it saying she is not a malicious girl and did not intend to harm her housemate. two days before graduation, they
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said that she is an excellent and well behaved student. i'm gary tuckman with cnn. >> in our visit, the school administration did not want to talk on camera. they sent us written statements that declare in part that abbie made clear she wanted to keep her struggles private. even if this was not the case, school policy and law require that we keep her medical records and details around this situation confidential. rick is one of abbie's family attorneys and a graduate of the milton hershey school. >> it's like they were as mean as possible. >> i love her, and if she would have just given it more time, she would have got over what the school beened her.
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>> after abbie died, a funeral was held on the school grounds. >> she cared for others in a way that i have not seen in many people in my life. and this school, that did not permit abbie to go to the graegs, allowed her to be buried in the hershey school section of the local cemetery. thank you so much. coming up next, a food truck explosion. look at this, flames and smoke shooting up, no one was injured or killed. now police know what happened. plus, his record setting performance has people calling him the u.s. secretary of defense. tim howard talks to cnn today. he is "the man." we asked what his plans are once he comes home. part of his response, getting
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more ink.
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a man is in serious trouble after driving drunk and hitting a police officer. the officer out there directing traffic following an accident on
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the beltway, when a car barrels into him. the officer slammed his fis into the car. the 58-year-old driver got out and was handcuffed. at the height of the dinner hour in philadelphia, a food truck parked on a street exploded into a massive fire ball. witnesses say the ground under them shook. it happened yesterday. several passersby, and the entire thing caught on surveillance cameras. we have an explanation for what may have caused it. >> caught on camera, this food truck blowing up and sending massive flames and smoke into the sky. it looks like something out of a war zone, it's not. a food truck serving mexican food took place here in the
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felltonville neighborhood. they were parked in front of an auto repair shop. >> 24-year-old latoya page is one of the victims taken to the hospital. >> i just saw the truck, the fire hit me and i started running. i had burns on my left side. >> when this food truck exploded, parts of the truck and propane tank were sent flying. >> it appears the cause of the explosion was a propane tank. >> the whole house shook like an earthquake. >> i was walking and i missed a step. it rocked me. according to a cnn affiliate, a mother and daughter were working in the truck when it happened and they have been seriously burned. the cause of the explosion is
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under investigation. >> they have two similar propane tanks in the rear of the truck. two are still in tact, the other exploded. the philadelphia inquirer is reporting that the mother and daughter suffered third degree burns over 50% of their bodies. one of them was blown from the truck. coming up next, who is the worst president since world war ii? that is the focus of a new national survey. any guesses? also, u.s. goal keeper tim howard sits down with cnn after his record setting performance against belgium. coming up next, we'll share his immediate plans now that the u.s. is out and does he have another world cup in him? ♪ so nice, so nice
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by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. let me talk about this new poll that is not welcome news at the white house. tell me about it, jake. >> who is the worst president since world war ii and president obama tops the list this year. 33% says he is the worst, 28%
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for george bush, and 13% for richard nixon. when they asked in 2006, george w bush was at the top of the list. so being president doesn't seem to help your standing when it comes to whether or not the public feels you're the worst. >> okay, and they asked about mitt romney, would the country have been better off, and the answer was? 45% say that the country would have been better off if mitt romney were president. 38% say worse off. that is better than john mccain did a few years ago. but mitt romney got 47% of the
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vote. 10% of democrats feel that way which is more surprising, but president obama is not very popular right now and these jake tapper, thank you. we'll see you in ten minutes on "the lead." now to this. roll that animation, tim howard, you know him as the bald, bearded and lovely eyes -- can i go there? goalkeeper for the u.s. men's soccer team, but last night against belgium he looked like a brick wall, save after save after save, seemingly keeping the u.s. team in the game by himself, but after more than 90 minutes of play belgium broke through howard's defense eventually beating team usa 2-1 and ousting them from the world cup tournament. despite the loss, howard's heroics are what everyone is talking about today. have you seen this? it's all over social media and on twitter anointing him as presidential candidate and he is now secretary of defense and
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carving his face into mount rushmore. they get so creative, don't they? tim howard talked to cnn about the loss and about what comes next for him. the margins are so fine and belgium is a scary team. they're so talented. you know, a little bit of quality at the end. when you play against top players sometimes you can play your utmost and you still get beat. at the end of the game we created two incredible opportunities and we were right there, we were right in it and we could be talking about a whole different scenario this morning, but it wasn't to be. >> i'm going to go home and i'm going to relax and hide away, you know? hang out with the kids and get some more tattoos, you know? just be me. >> his voice barely hanging in after quite the match. the 35-year-old went on to say that while the u.s. team is young, talented and ready for
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another world cup run in four years howard isn't ready to commit to come back just yet. >> as target becomes the latest chain to ban guns in store, the waitresses are packing heat for everyone to see. we'll talk live with the grill's owner about whether their motto was a jab at the president. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do
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>> target is telling its customers today if you're shopping in our store, respectfully leave your guns at home. the shopping chain changing its policy even in places where it is legal and in specific states to do this they prefer the customers leave their firearms at home. this all started when a gun rights group began posting pictures like these on social media web sites of people walking up and down the aisles of a dallas-area target. a mother took offense and started organizing boycottses urging target to change their policy and now they have, but let's flip the script because in the town of rifle, colorado. that's right, rifle. in a restaurant called shooter's grill you can openly carry a gun and so can the waitresses. take a look at the sign on the door. all guns are welcome here and as you can see in the picture, the waitresses free to jot down your burger order with a loaded gun in the holster. their 27-year-old owner was the first to carry a pistol and so
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the waitresses liked the idea and so they, too, started packing heat, but there are strict rules in place, one of them being to keep all weaponses holstered unless the need arises. so let me bring in the owner of shooter's grill. lauren, thanks for coming on. >> you this for having me. i appreciate it. >> i mentioned the name of the town. it's called rifle. it's shooter's grill. this is hunting country in colorado. what has the response been to your armed waitresses? >> well, up until recently it wasn't a big deal. it's kind of a way of life here. there's hundreds and thousands of people who open carry, conceal carry and hardly think anything of it. in fact, we've been open for one year, a little more than that and us open carrying was not a big deal until just recently until it started hitting all over america. >> until just recently when a newspaper reporter decided to walk into your restaurant and
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here we go, you're on cnn. >> yes. >> we mentioned, lauren, that the guns are loaded. they're holstered. i'm assuming the safeties are on. >> yes, of course. we have safeties. >> guns nowadays or firearms are manufactured great. the the hol willsters, they cover your trigger. you know, there are no accidents that are going to happen. i mean -- there's no such thing these days. we do keep them holsters and no reason a waitress is ever allowed to unholster. if something did happen, we are not anticipating an attack. we do not expect it. we have fire extinguishers and not expecting a hire and i would doubt that any of our waitresses would ever need to unholster if the need did arise as the sign is quoted as saying. we have patrons that would carry and would stand up for my girls that we wouldn't even need to do anything. >> let me back up to one of your points. sadly, i've done this job way
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too many times to say accidents do happen, lauren, i have to push you on that point and i realize that this is legal. you have the best of intentions and you have these gun, safeties, in these hol steshgs but what if. you have to play out the scenario of a criminal walking in, going for the gun. it's just attached to the holster by a snap, what about kids grabbing a gun. >> there's a locking mechanism where you can only pull them out at certain angles and even then that would be in an intense situation where there are many people around and not just a single waitress who has her hands tied and can't do anything to defend herself. >> okay. so and kids do not reach for them. they don't come near them. i have four boys myself and the ones who are old enough to hold a firearm, they're actually being trained how to properly do that so there is no ignorance when they start shooting and get older and start going out on their own.
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>> i understand your kids are and maybe not all kids are, but let me move on to my final point. i know on your wall there you have copies of the declaration of the independence, you have copies of the bill of rights is the sign to those sitting inside that they are proudly clinging to buy guns and bible and let me pause and play our viewers something. >> and it's not surprising then they get bitter. they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentimentas a way to explain their frustrations. >> that was then-senator obama in 2008 campaigning, comment caught off-mike talking about people in rural areas clinging to their guns and religion. i have to ask is the sign in your restaurant a direct jab at obama? >> no. i would never do anything to
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disrespect my president. i believe it is an office that is in place by god and i would never say anything to disrespect him. i didn't know that that comment was even made. i actually just picked up the sign at a local store. no, i stand corrected, a friend of mine bought that for me, and i thought it was fitting. >> lauren, we're running against the clock and thank you so much for coming on. your perspective, thank you, thank you, thank you. i'm brooke baldwin. got to go to washington "the lead" with jake tapper starts now. the original 13 colonies are being threatened by a hurricane this july 4th weekend. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." breaking news in the national lead, new airport security is coming all to protect a new threat, the next generation of bombs from al qaeda and affiliated groups. the world lead, kidnapped, tortured and burned. the white house makes a notable condemnation of the murder of a palestinian teenager. one that comes right after the bodies of three