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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  July 1, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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your daughter her soccer shirt back. >> reporter: i got stuff for you, too, you want men's medium, right. >> i'm a smedium. >> reporter: you're a smedium? i'll hook you up. >> thanks for watching. the crew loved that. the crew loved that. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- breaking news, late word on tropical storm arthur and tonight, what the folks here did to make it harder for you to find out about their first class junkets. when you thought approval ratings couldn't drop lower and one of america's least reliable friends going into the iraq war resurfaces. is he doing this to administration what he did to the last? we begin with the breaking news. tropical storm arthur, the first of the season predicted to
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become the first hurricane of the season, too, and the path it is on could send it straight into sandy territory right up the eastern seaboard. seconds ago, the national weather service released an update on the storm and where it's headed. let's go to atlanta and chad myers crushing the numbers for us. how big is this arthur and where is it going? >> earlier today, it was nothing. it was 35 miles per hour. now the hurricane center's latest forecast says by the 4th of july around 2:00, a 90-mile per hour still category one but on the boarder of that. there is the storm. much more menacinmenacing. the radar is not that impressive, that's because the radar doesn't go that far. satellite looks down, radar looks out, by the time the radar gets there, the rainfall is on the other side, can't see it. some of these showers are to tampa and sarasota, one of the outer bands will get many, many
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more bands. the biggest threat with this storm will be the rip currents. all the way up the east coast as the wind pushes waves on shore, the water is going to pile up at the beach and it's going to run away from the beach and you don't want to be in that water when it runs away. day by day, thursday, tomorrow afternoon 2:00 and thursday afternoon we start to move this thing up. so wednesday, thursday, and then finally into friday, right through and that right there is a 90 per hour mile storm. if you can wait, wait a day and wait for it to get here saturday and sunday it's long gone. it's in canada but people are going to get i'm patient and want to get to their beach vacation. don't do it. you can't get in the water anyway. the title current, the rip tides here will take you away at 30 to 45 miles per hour. i know they say swim away from it. i was caught in one rip current. it's tough. you don't think about that.
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all you want to do is get back to shore. the water comes over the sand bars, comes to where you are and the rip current breaks through the sand bar and the water runs away and if you're in it, you're in trouble. nobody in the water if you have to. if you have to get out, wear a life jacket. it will be that dangerous. >> good advice. this is up and down the east coast for the next several days. chad myers, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. keeping them honest, how lawmakers in washington quietly, very quietly acted to make keeping them honest harder. ordinarily elected representatives turn everything they do into a press release or photo op, not this time. nobody wants their fingerprints on this one. a move that sheds darkness, not light. the kind that take them to exotic places with big money interest groups picking up the tab. let's get from from pamela
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brown. >> reporter: members of congress had the travel bug for years visiting places like the old city in jerusalem to get a sense of the age-old problem there is. in fact, israel, france, turkey and ireland rank among the most popular destinations for lawmakers traveling there for free because private sponsors pick up the tab totaling millions of dollars each year. it used to be each member of congress must reveal who paid their tab on their personal financial disclosure forms. one of the most high-profile forms lawmakers must file. now that requirement has changed. >> it's clearly been done to allow members to escape accountability for lavish trips. whenever a member of congress takes a trip, watchdog groups and constituents ask questions why and if they don't have to reveal this trip on their financial disclosure forms, people won't know about it. >> reporter: buried on page 35 in the house ethics committee
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i's guidelines states the change, the gift of travel regardless of the dollar value and paid for by a private source does not need to be reported. the change went unnoticed until a reporter with the national journal spotted it. they say that's part of the problem. >> i only know what i read in the newspapers, i did not know this had taken place. >> reporter: now congress members must disclose travel records to the clerk's office instead. the house ethics committee says the information is easily accessible and the change stream lines the process. congressman quig gly disagreed. >> subshine is the best disinfectant tablet. it doesn't hurt us to be duplicitive, we need to be as open and accountable as we can. >> reporter: the trips in question are financed by private non-profit groups, usually billed as fact-finding missions.
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nancy pelosi is speaking out about the change, asking the house ethics committee to reverse course while the aim was to simplify the process, congress must also move in the direction of more disclosure, not less, she says. and in a statement the ethics committee tells cnn it continues to enforce the requirement that all house members and staff who wish to accept privately sponsored travel must continue to receive prior approval and file detailed paperwork about any such trip within 15 days, neither of those requirements have been changed or diluted in any way. john, the committee is committed to effective and efficient public disclosure, according to the ethics committee in this statement that it provided to cnn. >> pamela, we complain about the lack of bipartisanship in washington, and i suppose the good news, it's a bipartisan
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shrouting. explain who they are. this is a rare committee because it works differently than others in congress. >> no, that's right, john. there are ten members of the house ethics committee and it is the only standing committee that is split evenly among republicans and democrats. now we don't know how each member voted in this case because the votes are kept secret but we know there has to be a majority for a vote to pass and that means that members of both parties would have to sign off on the requirement change. >> a bipartisan srouting going on. you're an expert in this, how concerning is this move, this change in the dead of night to you? >> well, it's just another example of how congress is operating. you talked about it. you've got this bipartisan plan,
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the access people have to information on who is trying to influence them, who is giving them favors. the second problem is this notion that the emphasis is entirely on their convenience. the rational they are giving for changing this requirement is it's more convenient for them. we don't want them to do unnecessary paperwork, john, when was the last time they tried to make government forms more convenient for us? it's the concern people have about ethics in washington. >> to be clear as you were saying, they still have to disclose this type of information. they have to disclose it in fewer place, one rather than two and for reporters, it's not the place we look for this information so it is harder to get. isn't that the information here? >> that's right. you have to know where to look for it. in other words, you have to go to the house ethics website. you can search for it. what it does, john, is
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depersonalizes it. the reason people are sponsoring trips for powerful members of congress is they want to influence them. they want access, time with them. they want to give a nice trip. if that's not on their personal financial disclosure form but instead on this sort of data base on this website that you've got to know about to find, it depersonalizes it and for voters who are interested in understanding what perks or favors are being done for members of congress, it makes it difficult to find and if we are going to have self-governance, we need to have voters that can access that information easily. >> knowing is what voters want. there are legitimate reasons to go on trips like this. congress people can work together which is good. they can learn more about issues they are covering, which is a good thing. the flip side is when you get these jack situations, everybody remembers the lobbyist indicted, served time in prison for among
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other things bribing public officials. is that the concern here? >> i think it's the combination of things. i mean, certainly you have special interest whether they are corporations, labor unions that will funnel money to say a non-profit organization, which is the legitimate entity that can sponsor a trip like this that they can interest them. i think it's not just sort of the extreme cases like that case. i think this is sort of the currency of how washington works. members of congress, i think it's human nature will find somebody who has given their family or themselves a nice trip to say europe or asia. it's the nature of the way human beings operate. especially if they get more face time. it's part of the influence industry. it's got to be disclosed and got to be accessible in an easy way where voters and reporters can find it.
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>> maybe they will change this decision. they have that chance. appreciate you being with us. >> set your dvr and watch "360" whatever you want. one of the most widely disgraced, discredited figures in the iraq war bamboozled washington once, now he's trying to become iraq's prime minister and as you'll see, some in washington think that wouldn't be so bad. later, more breaking news, the fight over immigration spilling into the streets of one town, block buses carrying und undocumented immigrants, where it happened and what happens next. your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver.
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fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, welcome to washington, welcome to the bipartisan trouble distinguishing friend from faux whether it's pakistan dictators, vladimir putin's soul, wherever that is, they have embraced them all only to regret it later. the bush administration launched the iraq war in part on bogus intelligence from one. many believe he can coning washington again. here is brian todd. >> reporter: he had president bush's ear, was a guest at the state of the union address and relentlessly campaigned for america to throw saddam hussein out. >> i believe they will find weapons of mass destruction. they found software. we've been talking to many
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scientists who were involved in these programs. they confirm the manufacturer of those weapons. >> reporter: he influenced the bush administration's decision to invade. and the information was bogus. now chalabi is being talked about to replace mall lace mall. >> i can't believe this is a good leader for iraq. he was either dison nest, self-promoting or vengeful towards previous enemies and i just saw nothing good in the man. >> reporter: chalabi had leaders thinking the iraq war would be a cake walk and he effectively was banned from the u.s. embassy in
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baghdad. he denied the claims. he was sentence in a bank fraud case in london and escaped to jordan. his credibility is serious enough but in this contorted climate in iraq, there are serious concerns how effective he would be as prime minister. during the war chalabi pushed top sunni leaders out of jobs but despite that a popular speaker told us, followers believe chalabi is a viable candidate that can unite the government. james jeffrey, former u.s. ambassador to iraq likes chalabi and calls him courageous. he says there aren't great alternatives. >> iraq is going before our eyes. the only way out of this thing and only limited chances of that is for iraq to find a replacement to prime minister
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malaki. >> reporter: how does the obama administration feel about becoming iraq's next leader. the white house and state department says it's not the role of the u.s. to support any candidate. our efforts to get chalabi to comment for this story were not successful. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> as brian mentioned, keeping track of chalabi is no easy job. aaron has done it better than most and writes for "buzz feed" and authored the book on the man that pushed america to war, their extraordinary life, adventures and obsessions. i got to say, you know, i was there for the invasion when u.s. troops were looking for weapons of mass destruction. i was there after the invasion when there were no weapons of mass destruction and a year later when u.s. forces were part of a raid on chalabi's home because they didn't trust the guy and now ten years later, he's in the mix to be prime minister? it's dumb founding. >> it is dumb founding.
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he's got. it seems like he's not well liked and he's not well liked or trusted in iraq. how is it that he's got one seed. his party has one seed. so h . >> the u.s. is almost irrelevant right now in this process they are using to choose a prime minister. everybody accept maliki to change prime ministers but he won the most votes. chalabi is brilliant. he can form alliances with
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people it astonishing to me. i wasn't prepared to believe it. he's convinced some sunni leaders he's a consensus candidate and he has overcome to them and he's convinced the kurds to support him, some. so his trick will be can he built up enough to support him as prime minister and the issue you dealt with in the priesiece could he be a leader? is anything believable and all that? >> a lot of times with chalabi you worry the spin or stories about him are coming from him. is he spinning the notion he's a viable candidate? you said you actually believe it could happen. >> i'm not saying he's a great candidate but i believe he is doing a good job at gathering support. even from sunni leaders, i mean, as we wrote in buzz feed, he has
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got some sunni support, limited support but some people believe he's just some sort of consensus candidate. he has no constituents in the streets of iraq. when there have been votes and elections where there is a popular vote, he's won less than 1% of the popular vote. so he -- somehow but he's got the support of the saude rr esa. he has shiite collar rilerics. some believe he's one of the very few credible candidates because there are so few. it's almost as if who else could it be? >> perhaps the least bad option in politics often wins. great to have you with us, appreciate it.
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>> as always, you can find more at i encourage you to take a look. another part of the region erupting, israel launching deadly air strikes saying they will make hamas pay. how far will each side go? we're learning about the mother of the toddler left to die in a hot car, that and what we expect to learn from the father's court hearing. that's coming up. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve..
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tensions extremely high between israel and hamas tonight with increasing calls for
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revenge after three israeli teen eagers were found dead. hamas denied they are behind the abductio abductions, the military saying it's responding to rockets being fired from gaza. funerals for three teens were held today. benjamin nett anyahunetanyahu, kidnapping and murderers will bear the consequences. they were abducted while hitchhiking home from school. ben joins me tonight and ben, what's the latest on the troop movements? >> well, it seems to be a fairly quiet night so far. there are operations in various parts of the west bank but in fact, nothing out of the ordinary. there have been no air strikes so far this evening according to the israeli military, however, there is a security cabinet
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meeting on going by my account it's now going more than five hours and 15 minutes. before that meeting, we heard the israeli prime minister saying israel is following three lines of action at the moment they are pursuing the kidnapp s kidnappers, killers of three teenagers. they are cracking down on ha ma and will operate. until that security cabinet meeting concludes, we probably won't have a clear idea of what israel's next step is. >> is it to avenge the deaths of three teenagers to split hamas from the west bank or destabilize the hamas regime in gaza? >> well, prime minister netanyahu made it clear from the
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beginning of the drama on the 12th of junes operation on the west bank was aimed at two things, finding teenagers, punishing captors and cracking down on hamas, which he's made clear held completely responsible. as far as gaza is concerned, the question is what will israel do next? in late 200 8, early 2009 they conducted a three-week offense against gaza and in november 2012 a shorter offensive against hamas and gaza but gaza remains in control and some israeli officials are beginning to say perhaps hamas cannot be budged and if you remove hamas, who takes its place. >> stay safe. appreciate it. breaking news, a stand off in southern california over immigration.
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protesters blocking three buses carrying undocumented families heading for an immigration processing facility forcing the bus to back off. stephan stephanie is there. what happened there today and the buses filled with these people, where are they now? >> reporter: right, john. an interesting scene to watch play out here. early in the morning there were protesters lined up on the street outside of this facility, which is usually held here to house people who are smugglers or caught on the nearby interstate but they changed it over to process these 140 undocumented people flown here to san diego. these protesters lined the streets with signs saying no illegals, send them back, i'm peach obama, all these signs. when the three buses with these my grants were approaching the facili facility, they crowded in the street and it became a heated
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yelling match as some people supporting the people on the buses saying this is a humanitarian issue as they are fleeing what is going on in their country and violence and others saying we don't need people here taking our jobs. this is something i actually heard. the buses went back, backed down the street when they say they weren't going to get through and took them to another facility in chula vista. we understand they are being fed there. but more than likely, they believe they will likely make their way back here. the question is and what we don't know is when they will come back, john. >> this is the backdrop for immigration reform in washington. thanks so much for that. appreciate it. there is more happening tonight. susan hendrix has the bulletin. >> a judge ruled kentucky's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. first an appeals court will rule on the matter since the state plans to fight that decision. and the deadly ebola virus
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is surging in west africa. the world health organization reporting 759 cases including 469 deaths. in guinea, sierra leone and liber liberia. the director of operations for doctors would boarders is warning the epidemic is out of control. >> serina williams appeared disoriented had trouble play income double. she with drew view to a viral illness. the world cup out after losing to belgium but if you looked at the highlights of howard, you would think the u.s. ran away with it. it was truly amazing, you'll talk with chris cuomo and i want to see what he saw there. >> belgium. >> how dare they? >> susan hendrix, appreciate it. coming up, another story that's captivated the nation. will a father stay in jail for allegedly murdering his
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believing him in a hot car? a judge will decide. we're learning more about both parents and an entire family vanishes to be found in shallow graves in the desert. the lingering questions years after they disappear. what really happened to the mcstays? a report coming up. min narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured... surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there's a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready?" live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally.
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a hearing this week will decide if there is enough evidence to keep a man in jail, charged with murder in the death of his 22 month old son. justin harris left his soon cooper in a hot car for seven hours while he went to work.
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he's pleaded not guilty. martin savidge joins me live with the latest. i know you continue to look into both parents. what more have you learned about cooper's mother? >> reporter: yeah, leanna harris, this came up that she, too, like her husband had been researching on the internet about the possibility of a child dying in a very hot car and of course, remember, it was when the father admitted that to authorities that jaws dropped given the fact that's exactly what happened. now that the mother admitted the same thing, we want back to authorities to find out well, does that mean she is under investigation? and authorities pushed back and said no, it means that she is part of the investigation but not under investigation. by the way, she's a registered dietitian and she is working currently for a kidney care company, a company that provides die alysis care to patients. >> the big day is thursday, a
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hearing on thursday and that, martin, is when we will probably learn new details of what the police investigators think happened. >> yeah, this is a day that everyone is looking at and believing it's going to be a real ah-ha moment. that's the way authorities are painting it behind the scenes. it seems quite clear that just the evidence that's come forward saying a father has researched on the internet doesn't seem strong enough to hold him on charges saying he killed his son dill rememb di on purpose. it will look like a trial. you'll have a judge, a lead investigators and the chance for a defense to cross-examine. we expect the bones to be laid out including motive and at some point they will discuss the issue of bond. we don't know whether it will be granted but i'm sure the defense will ask for it. many people said if the prosecution feels this case is
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so strong, why are they doing a probable cause hearing? why not go to a grand jury? one is saying this is a public case and a lot of people thought the father is being improperly prosecuted this way, early on, the county can put forward why they believe this was not an accident, a grand jury of course acts in secret when they indict. >> thank you so much. apreepreciate it. a solum an verse i haniversd friends of a young girl. her obituary ran a year ago after abby 14 years old committed suicide. she struggled with depression but it was the actions of the administrators at her boarding school that pushed her over the edge, gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: she loved where she went to school, the school in
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hershey, pennsylvania a good school in a small town with a $12 billion endowment and huge campus. but it wasn't just a school to her. it was a second home. julie is her mother. >> i was proud of her. she was honor role, anti bullying committee, swim team, made student of the month, doing everything she was supposed to do and doing it well. >> reporter: in audition to her mom, she had a father, stepmother, brothers and step grandfather but her father had trouble with alcohol and the law and that and other issues contributed to her getting depressed. abby frequently thought about killing herself and that became relevant because the hershey school has a policy that students need to be free of serious emotional and behavioral problems. in the spring of 2013, the school said abby needed to be
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professionally treated at a mental health institution that does work in congestion with the school and students. >> they told me if i did not put her in the institution she would lose enrollment. this was her goal. she wanted to be in this school. >> reporter: abby had been going to school here since she was four years old so she spent most of her life at this boarding school. she was approaching important and proud milestones. she was about to finish eighth grade. she was about to graduate from middle school. on june 5th, 16 days before her graduation day a psychiatrist discharged him saying she made good progress but should receive after care of the structured support of returning to milton hershey school. she went back to school and had a relapse and sent to a different pennsylvania institution. abby's family was told at the very least she would have to take a leave of absence for a year but she was released from
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the second institution two days before the graduation ceremony. she looked forward to at least being in the audience and going to a graduation party to see friends. she missed them all so she made these cards for each of the girls that lived in the residence hall but abby's mother was stunned when the school told her abby was not inviteed to either event and julie said security would keep them out if they tried to come. the milton hershey said we must balance the goal of keeping a child at school to ensure the safety of all children entrusted to the care. in other words, the school believed abby could be a danger. abby's stepmother told her the bad news. >> i said the school does not want you to attend graduation because you've been in the hospital. >> abby was devastated. her mother called the school. >> abby has been through so much, been through so much. this will be devastating to her. i cannot believe you are doing
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this. i said, are you a child care professional at all? i said what are you, a bunch of morons? >> the school did not budge. eight days after the graduation she wasn't allowed to go to, abby's step grandfather was in the house and called her name. he did not get a response. he walked up to her room and saw her in the closet. >> i said oh my god, abby, what did you do? and i was kind of waiting for an answer but i knew it wasn't going to come. >> abby was dead. she had hanged herself on the clothing rod in the closet. >> i miss her. i wish she was still here. >> abby's family believes the hershey school made an inhumane decision by barring her from campus on a day she looked forward to for most of her life. >> they crushed her. >> we wanted to find out why this school couldn't allow this child to say good-bye to her friends she went to school with for nine years.
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we looked through 400 pages of abby's medical records given to us by family lawyers. they did indicate she received quality care but showed no concern that abby could be dangerous to any other children. last april, abby acre knowledged putting an arm after a house mate's neck. abby told faculty she was playing around. it sounds like it could have been a serious incident but the school's psychologist downplayed it writing we agree that abby is not a malicious girl and did not intend to harm her house mate and there is more. two days before the graduation the doctor declared abby is an excellent student. abby is a well-behaved student. so does this school stand by its decision not to allow abby on campus on graduation day? my name is gary tuchman with cnn. during the visit we were told
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administration did not want to talk on camera but they sent written statements abby made clear she wanted to keep her struggles private, even if this were not the case, school policy and law require that we keep her medical records and details surrounding this tragic situation confidential. rick is one of abby's family attorneys and a grade wait of the school. >> it's almost as if they went out of the way to be as mean spirited as possible. >> i love her and if she would have just given it some more time that she would have got over what the school denied her. >> in the name of the father, the son -- >> after abby died, a funeral was held and one of her house parents gave the eulogy. >> she cared for others in a way that i -- i have not seen in many people in my life.
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>> and this school, which did not permit abby to go to the graduation did permit her to be buried in the hershey school section of the local cemetery. gary tuchman, cnn, hershey, pennsylvania. >> a tragic loss for that family. >> four years after an entire family disappeared, investigators trying to find out why, is this a missing person's mystery that turned into a murder mystery? and later, we'll go to brazil where the usa was knocked out of the world cup just a short time ago. belgium. bellman: captain: thanks, captain obvious.
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captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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special report that will air after this program, a fascinating and heart breaking look at a missing family that turned into a murder mystery. the mcstay family was last seen alive more than four years ago. their remains were found about eight months ago in shallow graves. investigators have not named suspects in this case and for the man that lost a son, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, the questions are overwhelming. here is randi kaye with a preview of tonight's special. >> from day one, i just had this gut feeling that i was never going to see them again. i just -- i just knew. something told me i wasn't going to see them again. >> four years ago, patrick mcstay lost everything he loved. tour years ago, his son joseph, daughter-in-law summer, and their two little boys
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four-year-old giana and joseph jr. vanished. >> i don't think they knew what was coming. i really don't. >> how did you find out that they had gone missing? >> friday i tried calling him. couldn't get him. sunday i tried calling and couldn't reach him. now i'm getting worried. >> worried since patrick says he rarely went a day without a phone call from his son. >> every time i talk to him, the last words out of my mouth before we hang up the phone is i love you, son. >> if he was in trouble and had the ability to reach out to you, do you think he would have called you? don't you think he would have? >> absolutely. >> this case is unique. i've never seen anything like it. >> steph watts. >> they literally disappeared
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for days and nobody noticed. >> it began as an ordinary day in the mcstay home. >> that morning i spoke to him on the phone. >> but he didn't let off anything was wrong. >> no, everything is fine. >> he was planning on having a lunch meeting with a business associate around noon so he had to quickly wrap up and get out of the house. >> summer spent the daycaring for the kids, overseeing their home renovation. >> did they have any plans for that weekend? >> yeah, they had little joey's birthday party scheduled for that saturday, the 6th. >> go, go. >> little joey junior never made it to his third birthday party. >> that is so sad to see the pictures of that family, family of four killed. you know, why do investigators think they left the house so suddenly? >> they are not really clear just yet to be honest. they know they left in a hurry. there is no question about that.
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they left eggs and bowls of popcorn in front of the tv set sitting on the fcouch and dogs tied up outside in the backyard. they never would have done that unless they left so suddenly and here is the problem, the sheriff's department from the san diego sheriff's department didn't enter the home until 15 days after this family disappeared. they didn't get a warrant go inside that home all that time. in that time other people and family members entered the home. joseph mcstay's mother went in there and cleaned the counters and put away the eggs rotting and threw some out and threw away dirty diapers and wiped down the counters. who knows how much evidence was lost. >> so many leads may have been there. where do they think they may have gone at first? >> the sheriff's department the first to investigate thought for sure they went to mexico. they looked at the computer and found searches for paperwork you need to get your children into mexico. they also found the family's
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trooper parked near the mexico boarder but this was the key, they got the security camera video from the boarder and found a family of four that looked similar to the mcstays and even though some family members said joseph didn't walk like that and summer never wore her hair up, wife in the case. there was question whether or not it was them but investigators really focused on the fact that it was, and patrick mcstay, the father who you saw in the piece, he said, you know, no way was it them. summer would never take her kids to mexico. she didn't like mexico. they left surf boards at home, if they went to mexico, why would they do and that their remains were found 100 miles north of their home, far north from the boarder. >> thanks so much. stay tuned for the cnn special report buried secrets, who murdered the mcstay family at 9:00 eastern and pacific right here and it is gripping.
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next for us tonight, the world cup hard breaker for team usa is where it happens. when 360 continues. ng the life . i'm living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. i'm living the life of dreams. no! i'm living the life of dreams. i'm feeling hopefully. feeling quite hopefully, it's right up here, turn right, turn right. with good people all around me. right, right, right, right, right! with good people all around me. ok look you guys, she's up here somewhere. with good people all around me. there she is! cara! come here girl! i'm feeling hopefully. and the light shines bright all through the night. oh i don't know it. and the light shines bright all through the night. yes, you do. and the light shines bright all through the night. 42. and the light shines bright all through the night. good job. and the light shines bright all through the night. and the light shines bright all through the night. and our dreams are making us nice stories. and my loves are well sleeping just right. and i know know know know now...
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...that we're, living the life of dreams... dreams... there's no monsters down here, [music fades out] dreams...dreams...dreams... it's just mr. elephant. come on, let's get to bed.
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the u.s. world cup run is over. as we mentioned earlier, team usa lost 2-1 in a nail biter against belgium, belgium, chris q was in the stadium. i get the sense you in the stadium leave without a heavy heart or heavy peck in your case. >> reporter: that's exactly true, john berman and as you might notice, i have a one on my
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chest, four reasons for the one. here is why, it's the number of goals we scored. that sucks. it's also the number of unity and i believe the country is more together than ever. it's also representative of one nation, one team and for me, that's the take away of the world cup is that the u.s. soccer team has captured the hearts of the country the way it never had before and lastly, it is the number of tim howard and as you well know, as a soccer fan, this was the stuff of history he did tonight, not just the numbers, 16 saves and i think that's low but how he did it. many shots against men unguarded. he did it with hard shots. he did it in critical moments. he's the man and i believe a personification of the team. he's big, bold, strong and about commentme commentment, respect. >> he played out of his mind, and the key as you mentioned, didn't give up. the team didn't give up. they fell behind 2-0 in the over
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time and i think everyone in the world thought this game was over, it was cooked. then they came back and scored a goal. julian green his first touch and buries one in the net. they would not quit and that counts for something. >> i think it counts for a lot, i think the team should leave bitter because they could have won. yes, without thomas it could have been 4-nil as well in regular time but they missed opportunities. their big guys didn't show up in critical moments so they should be bitter and that's good because that shows they felt they could have been in it. the game off the field is way more important. sport is often metaphor, john, you talked about that brilliantly in the past. the impact on the folks at home in the u.s., watching, thoughts about soccer, feelings much biller than one game in the cup as far as i'm concerned. >> what a game it was, soccer here in the united states i think to stay.
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chris appreciate it. >> you're number one, john. >> thank you. that was the fifth reason you're wearing the number one. that does it for us tonight. see you again at 11:00 for another edition of "360." "buried secrets, who murdered the mcstay family sta" starts r the mcstay family sta" starts r now. -- captions by vitac -- there is the house. >> there is the house. >> february 2010. a young family of four building their american dream vanishes from their home in suburban san diego. no signs of a struggle. >> they don't go anywhere without the double stroller. >> or any apparent plans to flee, gone without a trace. >> there is no way theyef