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tv   2012 Election Night in America  CNN  November 6, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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you heard bruce springstein and his song, we take care of our own. they're celebrating at obama headquarters in chicago. you can see the confetti. you see the bidens, the obamas. a lot of their close friends, family members. they are there on the stage celebrating this historic win, a second term for the president of the united states. and the vice president of the united states. they are pretty happy, perhaps early in the day there was a little tension but they came through and they won decisively in the electoral college and they're winning right now in the popular vote as well. nearly a million votes, by my estimate. right now, 800,000 votes in the popular vote. the president, 50%, mitt romney, 49%. they're still counting votes across the country right now but the president clearly has been reelected. and he promised to get down to business right away. he promised to work not only
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with democrats but with republicans. we had a statement by the way a little while ago from john boehner, the speaker of the house, and the republicans will maintain their majority of the house of representatives. also saying, he wants to work. he wants to cooperate. he wants to get down to business and pretty soon, they'll have a lot of business to do. because they have issues between now and the end of the year, the fiscal cliff. there is no shortage of work to do. they'll celebrate tonight but before you know it, anderson cooper, they'll deal with some very sensitive issues. >> an extraordinary speech by president obama. especially when you compare it to his acceptance speech four years ago. a much different tone. and also, you were remarking on what an extraordinary win this is for the president. >> it really is. and it looks like i think the president has told friends that he thinks the economy will really take off in the next four years and this was much more optimistic, exuberant, energetic. this was more like the barack
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obama that we were introduced to at that boston convention in 2004 in the very somber very young president-elect we were introduced to in grant park. i loved it. it is hard for me to put it into context. no one has in the modern era, has ever been reelected with an economy this soft or even close to this soft. it is really remarkable. he health off any primary challenge from his own party. job one for an incumbent president. then he made the case in the most difficult environment you can imagine. the guy, i know barack means blessed and maybe he is. his first weeks in office there was economic collapse. his last weeks there was a hurricane. and in between he didn't have very many easy days. >> the way he handled it was. had he handled it the way president bush handled katrina, he would be expresident. in his campaign and in fema, he seems to have that team. the campaign staff having been an old staffer, this is an even
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more difficult impressive win than 2008. >> yes. that economy was so -- >> the final six months of 2008, he lost 3.74 million joks. time month before this election, we gained 171,000 jobs. he purposely was so many better in 2008. he said he could not walk out there and give this exuberant speech knowing full well the economic condition we were in. he signaled to the first lady and she wanted to give a high five. he said not tonight. he said remember we have to rebuild this country, brick by brick, house by house, street by street. he understood the grind. the last four years it was a grind. what you saw tonight was him putting that coalition back together. you saw them expanding out west. winning those critical states. folks say, okay, nevada, new mexico, you throw in colorado. you are talking about a different sort of focus this time around. >> david?
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>> i think that the president and his team deserve a big night of celebration. this was a big victory. for a black to win two straight elections in this country is a significant accomplishment in political history and i don't take anything away from that. i do think it is possible to overinterpret how big the win is. it is worth remembering that when he beat john mccain, he beat him by 10 million votes and tonight he is currently winning by about a million votes. i think it will go higher. but i don't think it was as overwhelming a victory as what he got last time when he broke through. what i also found interesting about this, and i think it tempered. it was a little tempered about where he was going. much more a speech about values. paul was right. this speech echoed 2004, the convention speech. it sounded like a redux. what i thought he carefully steered away from was something he argued earlier. that this election would clear the air. this election would resolve what
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path we were going to take. and instead, he came out and talked about tonight, the arguments go on. people, passions continue. and we need to see if we can figure out how to get there. >> you did not see him say i've been elected. now we auto over i have an agenda. >> i would just like to make an observation about one throwaway line in the speech. he said, all the people who waited in line for three or four hours to vote and we have to fix that. you're damned right we do. what a disgrace. what a disgrace in this country that you have to wait in line for three or four hours in order to simply to vote. >> you were making the case that you work on elections in brazil, which is obviously a very modern country. has a lot going for it. >> much better system of voting. they're electronic, it is instantaneous and it is verifiable. >> it is on a sunday and it is mandatory. >> i have to quickly check in
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with candy crowley. from your perspective? >> reporter: well, i was thinking about that 2004 speech that he made when he gave the speech. i also, back and forth to colleagues said, the thing you is want to say, okay, what's the plan? and i think we still don't know what the plan is. and what we do know is that we've had the president tonight saying, i'm going to reach out to republicans and democrats. we had the speaker, who may or may not even expand his majority in the house. say, i'm willing to work with the president. but then both men have said, speaker boehner said in his statement tonight, this should not be seen as a mandate to raise taxes. and we know also that the president has said that he would veto any bill that didn't tend tax cuts for the wealthy. so i'm not sure where we are. i don't know what the plan is. tonight is not the night for it but it will come pretty quickly. >> and let's check with you. the campaign. >> well, anderson, i think one
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of the things we're overlooking is that the president is very clear about, when he says something, he actually does do it. what he said during this campaign, he tries to do it. he believes his mistake in the first term was trying to reach out to congress without reaching out to the american people more. and what he said in that speech was, i return more determined and more inspired than ever. what we saw during this campaign was the president who became increasingly cold and detached in office, bases energized and alive on the campaign trail. as if it breathed new life into him being on the campaign trail. and what his advisers tell me over and over is that when he gets back into office, if they thought he would be reelected, when he gets back into office, instead of working just with congress, he will take the show on the road. i know people say it can't be done. they think it can be done. and that he will continue to make the case to the american people. he thinks that's the answer.
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and that will energize congress to move. and that he did lay out a second term agenda. they think pretty clearly. you can disagree. >> we'll talk about that with our panelists, what that means taking the show on the road. i want to go to them first. a lot more number to look at on the map. >> i want to make sure we take a closer look, john king, at the pathway to victory. how did the president of the united states, he is up now by more than a million votes on the popular vote. on the electoral college vote, the all important reach for 270. he got it. he went beyond it. >> they will be critically happy if they can get above 50 and keep that above 50. a much narrower victory last time when he had 53% of the vote. if he can crack 50, this will make them happy. you're a sports fan as i am, a winning team in sports. what does it do most of all? it defends its house. it defends its turf. this is the obama map of 2008. when you come to the map of 2012, remark when i successful in a much tougher year for
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democrats themselves lost only indiana and north carolina. the two most republican states. of all the states president obama won as senator obama foreyears ago -- >> remember, north carolina only won by 14,000 votes. >> these are the two states with the deepest republican dna. of the two states he lost you have to say it is a remarkable achievement. begin the high unemployment that the president defended this map. >> i want to point out. florida is the only state we have not projected a win yet or a loss. we haven't made any projections. it is very close. 97% of the vote has been counted. the president has 50%. mitt romney has 49%. there is a difference though, not much there in florida. but i think the reason we have not made a projection is that they've decided to stop downing votes. at least for the night. they'll resume tomorrow morning and then we'll wait and see the official number. we have not made an official
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projection. about 65,000 votes there. i've gone through looking at the county. if you're looking for the conservative votes in the red counties, you won't find them. they have other votes to count. a few votes here and perhaps they know something in florida. >> maybe absentee ballots. >> at the moment, florida is blue and you're right. if this happened to go red late, that would be a third one. but at the moment he has only lost two which is pretty remarkable when you look at this. then you come to this map here. the president successfully defended the map. he is on the map. he has 303. if he gets the state of florida, that would put him over 330. he won 360 last time against john mccain. in defending his map, it is a very impressive electoral college victory. a more narrow victory when it comes down to the electoral election. you have to tip your hat. this is exactly what they said they would do. defend their turf. keep their coalition intact. turn out the vote. they did it. >> at love republicans were bad-mouthing the pollsters. but most of those battle ground
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states proved to be pretty accurate. >> very accurate. if you go state by state, look at the polls, dead on. >> we're taking a closer look at the president's path to re-election. how did he get to some key voting groups? what does it all mean for his second term? much more coming up right here at the cnn election center. the pace of change is accelerating. the way we...
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another four years for president obama and vice president joe biden. they win re-election in the electoral college. they're winning the popular vote right now. the demographics of this win. how do they put together this impressive coalition? >> it sounds overly simplistic but who votes determine who wins
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because of voting patterns in the united states. here's the vote by race. 72% of the electorate was right. they said that number needed to be 74% or higher for governor romney to have a reasonable chance. among white americans, governor romney did win, 59% to 39%. the president needed to be around 40. when you look at the nonwhite vote. african-americans, 13%. that is exactly consistent with four years ago. the obama coalition turned out. they did a good job. latinos for the first time in our nation's history, double digits nationally. and look at that. the president winning even more of the latino vote than four years ago. 71%. this is a crisis for the republican party on the national level going forward. there you have it by race. agenda gap in our voting tonight. governor romney won the men's vote. 53% of the electorate were women. president obama carried it by a pretty healthy margin. 55% to 44%. if you look through the demographics, a win for the president.
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let me slide this one over here. again, proof the obama coalition. they kept it together. they turned out. 18% four years ago. 19% now. 18 to 29 voters. look at the president's lop-sided win among younger voters as they age. if the democrats can keep them in the coalition. that's the question for the partiful are they democrats or obama voters? this number here went up a little from four years ago. it is a reliably could not is it the wednesdaycy. 65 and older, not enough nationally because of the president's strength among other voting groups. now we asked these questions. does the election give the president a mandate? a big electoral college victory. a narrow popular vote 56thry. 47% of the people who voted did say taxes should be increased on those above 250,000. that has been a big obama pledge in the campaign that he would push that. he won 70% of those votes. no surprise there. here's an interesting one. we'll watch how this plays out. he promised in a des moines registry interview if he won to
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push quickly for immigration reform. the president wants to offer legal status to those who are here illegally. 65%, that's a high number. 65% of those who voted said some legal status should be offered to those here illegally. and you can see it, they voted over whelmingly for the president. the president kept his coalition by race, gender, age. he can cite the exit polls and say he won on some of the big issues but you just heard jessica yellin say he will take it on the road. i don't say this to rain it on the president's parade. this is the political reality. if you look at the vote by county. by county across the united states of america. there's a whole lot more red. so when the president takes it on the red and says let's give legal stat to us illegal immigrants. when he says let's raise taxes on the wealthy. a lot of these red counties are republican conservative counties that will say no. that's not what we voted for. the president won re-election
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because he ran up the numbers in urban america, ran up good numbers in suburban america. to a lot of the country, even though he has this victory, it would be a tough sell. >> did you say he got 39% of the white vote? last time he got 44% of the white vote. so it went down. but he made up with it because of the hispanic voters voted in bigger percentages. >> and his margin of victory is smaller. if you go state by state for the battleground states which are more important if you look at the calculation. the president's percentage among white voters came down. that's one of the reasons this is 50 and not 53. he had 53 last time. >> he is building pup lead. good point. anderson, back to you. >> and you got a statement from mitch mcconnell? >> yeah. the republican leader in the senate who, remember, said that he wanted to make his job number one was to make barack obama a one-term president. tonight released a statement that, forget the kumbaya.
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he said the voters have not endorsed the failures or excesses of the president's first term. he went on to say now it's time for the president to propose solutions that actually have a chance of passing the republican controlled house in a closely divided senate. and then he goes on to say, we look forward to hearing the president's proposals. so this is the first shot across the bow. mitch mcconnell, as you pointed out, is up for re-election. could be primaried by a more conservative republican. he is the leader. >> what does this tell us about second terms for president? >> tough. i can't think of any offhand. >> bill clinton. >> bill clinton. >> he was impeached. >> but he actually got four straight balanced budgets. he got welfare reform. >> i think impeachment will be in the second paragraph of his obituary. that's a pretty big deal. >> but that's one thing you will see this time.
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you did not see last time. in 2008 many of the people who voted for president obama saw it as a moment but not a movement. they pretty much said the president has got it. so in many ways they sort of left. they've learned the last four years, they cannot sit on the sidelines and just say it is all up to him. you're going to see a lot more active participation. you will see folks who were in the tea party in 2010. they'll say the president needs troops -- >> it was more of a movement back then than it is now. >> no. when he won, many folks said he is there. he is in the white house. and look. he talked about it as well. that's one of the reasons. >> what about all that talk that they had a whole e-mail list and they were going to mobilize people. >> that was obama for america that was pulling to the dnc. i'm talking about the people who are there fighting for your agenda. and the white house will tell you, they did not -- >> okay. when he says he will take it on
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the road, what is that? >> i don't think the president's supporters quit on him. i think the president didn't ask. if jessica yellin's reporting is accurate, and i think it is, he will ask. when he passed the recovery act, he passed it on and went on to the next thing. he should have toured the country. gone to sites where they were fixing roads and bridges. take it on the road. >> what he said, one of his giving biggest failures was not telling the story. and i think what does that mean that he will take it on the road? he recognizes we are a divide country today. that he is going to try -- >> reagan did that with his general. >> we have to take a break. >> i'm not sure it will be that easy to go on the road now. i think it is critically important -- >> he has a point. >> i think he needs to spend time with his own party in washington. he needs to spend time with the republicans in washington. >> he does not like that. >> if he's going to get there, i think he has to do both. i don't think he can do one at
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the expense of the other the democrats are holding on to control the senate. we'll look at the priorities of washington going forward and whether partisan grid lock will be as bad as ever. [ alarm clock ringing ] [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis, can you start the day the way you want? can orencia help? could your "i want" become "i can"?
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let me update you on the popular vote nationwide for president of the united states. the president is ahead. he has more than a million votes ahead of mitt romney. 50% to 49%. to be precise, the president has 55,248,000 to mitt romney's 54,095,000. he has 1,153,000 plus votes more than mitt romney right now.
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let's look at what is ahead in the united states senate. the democrats retaining control of that chamber tonight. our tom foreman is in the virtual center. >> even as democrats are celebrating president obama's re-election to the presidency, all eyes are on this chamber and how the final vote is going to play out here. because that's going to have a huge impact on what happens to the president's agenda. let's take our shot up high so you can take a look at the chamber as we saw it earlier tonight. you can see that there are 47 seats in red there that are the republican seats. they've been able to control and there have been 53 seats that have been held by the democrats over there. that's if you include the purple seats. those are independents. take a look at those a little closer. one of those is the existing independent seats caucusing with the democrats. the other is angus king from maine who just came in tonight. it is not clear if he will caulk
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with us the democrats but it seems very likely. we're also changing three of these seats to plain wood there. because the three races out west that are currently undecided. it is not clear what will happen out there. in any event the democrats will maintain their majority here and that could help the president with his agenda. although when you think about thing like raising tafls on the wealthy, as we heard a short while ago from gloria, i believe, there is already pushback from some republicans who are saying the victory wasn't profound enough. the president's victory wasn't profound enough to make them back down on their resistance to thing like this. other matters, for example, what is happening is immigration reform. the idea the president might light into that. that may find some wiggle rooms. they look at the latino vote and what they might want to do about that. other matters that might come up in the next four years, an empty supreme court seat. that could be a different case
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where the republican there's push a bit more. the presidents get their aopponentee. the bottom line is what we said earlier on. there is no 60-vote super majority. that's what you need to overcome a filibuster here in the u.s. senate. absent that, the big question is how much will republicans want to push back and how koomtive will they feel? the president, if he wants to get his agenda through, will have to have his party find a way to work across this aisle with the republicans. whether there is reluctance or not or else we will probably see a lot more of the gridlock we've been seeing so far. >> tom, thanks very much. no super majority but a pretty good night for the democrats in the united states senate. they retain their majority. let's get more details. anderson is back. >> i'm glad his legs grew back as well. what are we looking at in the senate? >> we wanted to point out something we saw, a trend we saw develop tonight. there are a record number of
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women or at least will be in the next senate. tammy baldwin. we can project that she will be the new senator from wisconsin. she also happens to be the first openly gay lawmaker, or senator elected to the senate. nebraska, she's a republican but another new female face. we'll see deb fischer from nebraska. massachusetts, we talk about elizabeth warren. she will win there. and then mazie hirano. >> these are very, very close. also a couple of female candidates still outstanding. north dakota, the heidi heitkamp is fewer than 4,000 votes ahead of rick berg. we are watching this very closely still. nevada as well. very, very close. the republican incumbent, dean heller is slightly ahead of the
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democrat, shelley berkley. and this is a surprise, jon tester and denny rehberg were very, very close. >> call. house races as well. >> some very well known names. these are really squeakers. allen west was very well known. 50% to 50% for the democratic challenger. a little more than 2,000 votes separating them with 99% reporting. probably the most well known name when it comes to the tea party, michele bachmann is now neck in neck. fewer than 2,000 votes ahead of her democratic challenger. so this is pretty remarkable. >> with 85% reporting. so we want to talk with some tea party-backed congressmen who lost. and one was in illinois. joe walsh who was on television a lot. he lost to tammy duckworth, the
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democrat. and dan in new york. he won back his seat and he beat the candidate who beat him last time around. we are seeing some defeats of the tea party wave that we saw two years ago. >> appreciate it. thank you etch. >> let's go to larry borger. let's talk about this, where do things go from here? >> it is very hard to same i mean, mitch mcconnell is clearly not conciliatory. he is the leader of the republicans in the and in the house and even added a couple seats in the house. i don't think they feel like they've got to compromise with the president. they feel like the popular vote was a million difference and i think they're waiting for the president to propose and then they'll decide what they ought to do. personally i believe in terms of their own survival, why would they want to go off the fiscal cliff? it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me.
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i think they want to hear from the president first. >> isn't the one certainty that the president will attempt immigration reform sooner rather than later? >> i know. that's right. he owes latinos. >> he didn't deliver four years ago. he better do it this time. >> it puts the republicans in an enormously difficult political decision. as we saw during the primaries, they are defining themselves by bigger fences, more deportations. >> where else do you see movement? >> it will be a challenge for the republicans or an opportunity. i hope it is the latter. >> they have to do something about this. >> in that package though, if they're smart, they'll add infrastructure, transportation, highways, roads, bridges. republicans drive, too, they are driven, i guess. they need to use these roads and bridges too. it used to be that was the guaranteed bipartisan bill on the hill.
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because everybody needs roads and bridges. and perhaps after this -- it is actually called rebuilding america. after the terrible storm on the east coast, i think people are seeing how fragile the infrastructure is. so i have real hope for that. you can actually put it all together. short term. six-month, one year package of rebuilding america which would create jobs which we still need and then long term structural deficit reform. there is no even steven. the republicans say we won't give in on tax to the rich and the democrats say we won't give in on medicare. raising taxes on the rich is supported by 72% of the americans. cutting medicare is supported by 21% of americans. so it is not an even steven deal. what the democrats want to do is what the american people want. ask the wealthy to pay more. what the republicans want to do, they don't seem to get it. the country isn't buying what they're selling. this is not a country that wants to cut medicare. this country doesn't want to cut
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medicare. >> this was a very close race. there are no clear messages coming out of it. you cannot talk about a mandate. this is a very close race. >> go ahead. raise tax on the rich. you just got $700 billion over ten years. the debt is still gone up $10 trillion over ten years. you can look at the poll. you're not solving any of the nation's problems. >> it is 2:30 in the morning. you created those problem. i worked for the guy that balanced the bug. you came in and squaubdered it and you're complaining to me? >> now president obama can blame the guy in the last four years. the problem is all the spending. we still have the trillion-dollar deficit. and the economy that grew at 1.8%. the economy remains weak. to answer your question, what to they have to do when they come back? somehow the president will have to put this together with rich mcconnell work harry reid in the senate. not easy to do. with the republicans in the house. and also, keep the democrats on board the house to cut medicare.
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to make changes in social security. to cut entitlements and i'm not sure what the answer is on taxes. republicans will say, we'll put taxes on the table if you put obama care on the table. >> it is no shock to bring up this whole issue. look, when the president talks about taking it to the american people what he is actually saying is congress has such a terrible approval rating. mitch mcconnell can make all the comments he wants but he will to have come to the table. the american people won't sit here and watch another four years of the crap we saw the last four years. cutting right to the chase. will the president do so? yes. is he going big? absolutely on. fiscal as well as imdwrags. so he will tell the folks, look, i won them didn't win. you can say all want to about a mandate. that's washington, d.c. nonsense. when you wirn, you win. you need to be at the table. quit the press releases and you need on lead.
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you can't just say it is all on the president. he needs to get his people in order and boehner will have to get his folks in order as well to say we have to solve it together. it can't be solved by one party or one branch of government. >> mitch mcconnell has a race coming up and he could be challenged on the right. >> president obama says he will return to the white house more inspired than ever.
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how did the president score this victory tonight? we'll take a look at this. these are some of the battleground states. he won new hampshire, he won
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virginia, he won wisconsin, he won ohio, pennsylvania, and michigan. he won wisconsin -- once again wisconsin over there. we had it once over there. he won iowa. north carolina went for mitt romney, arizona went for mitt romney. but colorado. in, nevada, they went for the president of the united states. florida by the way, we have not yet made a projection on. they started voting for the night in florida. you sue at the president is ahead by about 64,000 votes in florida with 97% of the vote in. once again, the president won his re-election for another four years because he won almost all of the battleground states. he didn't win north carolina. he didn't win arizona. but the president did well obviously in most of those battleground states. the president spoke he will againly in his victory speech tonight. >> our economy is recovering. a decade of war is ending. a long campaign is now over.
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[ cheers and applause ] and whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you. i have learned from you. and you've made me a better president. and with your stories and your struggles, i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead. [ cheers and applause ] tonight you voted for action. not politics as usual. you elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours. in the coming weeks and months, i am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of
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both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together. reducing our deficit. reforming our tax code. fixing our immigration system. freeing ourselves from foreign oil. we've got more work to do. but that doesn't mean your work is done. the role of citizen in our democracy does not end with your vote. america has never been about what can be done for us. it is about what can be done by us together, to the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. that's the principle we were founded on. this country has more wealth than any nation. but that's not what makes us rich.
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we have the most powerful military in history but that's not what make us strong. our university, our culture, are the enemy of the world but that's not what keeps the world coming to our shores. what makes america exceptional are the bonds that hold together, the most diverse nation on earth. the belief that our destiny is shared. that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and the future generations, so that the freedom which so many americans have fought for and died for comes with the responsibilities, as well as rights, and among those are love and charity and duty and patriotism. that is what makes america great. [ cheers and applause ] >> the president's victory speech tonight in chicago. the president reelected for another four years. we're going to ask our analysts if anything about tonight's
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results surprised them. their answers next. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleaner-burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas. and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone
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are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. [ femdad vo:ouncer ] wok, time for bed, kiddo... lights out. ♪ (sirens)
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(train horn) ♪ vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] or that printing in color had to cost a fortune. nobody said an all-in-one had to be bulky. or that you had to print from your desk. at least, nobody said it to us. introducing the business smart inkjet all-in-one series from brother. easy to use, it's the ultimate combination
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of speed, small size, and low-cost printing. begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. the president reelected for another four years tonight. here's what his republican challenger mitt romney had to say to his supporters tonight. >> and i ran for office because i'm concerned about america. this election is over but our principles endure. i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to
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renewed greatness. like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the field. we have given our all to this campaign. [ cheers and applause ] i so wish, i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction. but the nation chose another leader and so ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation. thank you and god bless america. you guys are the best. thank you so much. >> a very gracious concession speech by mitt romney. >> thank you. you guys have been toiling through the night now into the early hours of the morning. i want to get a sense of what you think were the biggest surprises of the night. >> in at the number, that a president was reelected when 77% of the people in this country thought that the economy was
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bad. or poor. and in through the numbers, it is very clear, mitt romney did not have an advantage on who is best able to handle the economy and it was all about demographics and the way the country is growing and the way the country is changing. >> do you agree with that? it comes down to the demographics? >> i think that's very important but i'm going to pick an entirely different thing. i think the fact that vote,in this country for the first time in american history, two states approved same sex marriage. marriage equality. in maine and maryland and we don't know about washington and minnesota. i just think in the broader scope of american history, that will be seen as a big deal. because that's a cause that 15 years ago, was considered a fringe cause. in 2004, karl rove put those ballots because they knew they would lose. >> are those the same things? those are not necessarily not connected. change in demographics.
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>> we not only nominated a black president but the republicans hated a nonreligious minority. i think this country is changing in the best possible way. and we've just elected our first openly lesbian senator, tammy baldwin. senator elect from wisconsin. we reelected a president heen dorised gay marriage. 19 years ago, i was working for president clinton and we thought it was progress to pass don't ask don't tell so gay service members could lie but still serve their country. i think he is right. this might be for somebody who believes in that cause, one of the most wonderful things about tonight. >> ana navarro, you and i have spoken loot over the latino vote tonight. big surprise for you? >> florida. i'm surprised that romney lost florida. i thought he was doing much better in florida than what it ended up being. i'm also surprise that had after we know that the eyes of the
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world are on us when it come to voting, we couldn't get it right the second time around. i'm hoping that the governor of florida, the legislature in florida get together and figure out a way to fix our ballot. fix our system so we don't have these issues that we saw in this election will. >> what was your big surprise of the night? >> my surprise was the coalition that showed up once again to elect the president. thatafrican-american vote and the youth vote. i thought going from 2008, that it was that magic in a bottle. the pride of the african-american xhumt felt for having the first black candidate. he can win. so they turned out in record numbers in 2008. you know what? they matched those record number in 2012. so did the youth. there was a sense that there wasn't that excitement on college campuses. they could not get jobs. >> apparently the magic was not gone my surprise is what he just said. the real prize to the republican party, you picked the wrong time to pick off the wrong people with voter suppression.
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there was a lot of, a lot of folks, african-american, young folks, not enthusiastic. when the republican party essentially says we'll deny folks the opportunity to vote. we'll force through these voter i.d.s. i literally saw the shift, the last nine months in places all across this country where people were ticked off and they said, if -- >> more barack obama. >> it was for president obama. what i'm saying is when folks were saying you'll deny me an opportunity to vote? the anger was there and people vote three different ways. saw the hope in change. you see fear or it's anger. that was big a surprise. i have to give a shout to steven, the first african-american ever to serve congress for the state of nevada and him and his wife. congratulations. >> we'll talk about the markets reacting to president obama's re-election. dad vo: ok, time for bed, kiddo. lights out. ♪
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