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tv   Black in America  CNN  February 12, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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has president obama become the compromisener chief? he changes direct on contraception coverage and super pacs. is this the way to get reelected? welcome. politics and pop music. the grammys and ll cool j. >> i'm an independent. >> his ideas of keeping america great. >> einstein said you have to learn the rules of the game and play more than anyone else. >> music's greatest star maker, clive davis who brought up the
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brightest talents. jennifer hudson. >> sometimes if i have enough energy to. >> barbara streisanda having a grammy moment. here's piers morgan tonight. good evening in politics and barbara streisand, when did president obama get in the business of conservatives? >> it's been a great conference so far and for that i suppose we should also acknowledge president obama. he is the conservative movement's top recruiter. it turns out that -- he really is a good community organizer. i don't think this is a community he planned on organizing. >> how is the president's campaign fighting back. joining me is the campaign manager for obama 2012.
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become, stephanie. a rough timing of this. what i can't understand is why nobody saw it coming. >> nobody saw it coming, the criticism from the catholic church on contraception. let's remember where we started out. the president announced 2 1/2 weeks ago a monumental step forward for women's health in ensuring that all women got access to contraception with no out of pocket cost. he announced a year and a half extra transition for religious institutions. not churches because they were exempted, but institutions to work with them to find a way that we could implement this in a way that respected their beliefs and make sure they got coverage. this doesn't take effect for a year and a half. obviously we saw many including the sound you were talking about.
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mitt romney and the republican candidates. john boehner and mitch mcconnell and a lot of men trying to drive a political wedge. the president decided to expedite and take the steam out and take the debate away and focus on women's health in a way that helps religious beliefs. >> it obviously looks to everybody on the outside. you committed a goal and trying to clear the mess up. that seems to be what you are now accepting. >> it's actually not a compromise. that would mean we are compromised on whether or not women can get the health care. that's not anything they will compromise on. women are getting the same access to the health care they need. contraception to keep them healthy and cut down the rates of cancer. that's unwavering in terms of the president's commitment. this is an adjustment to the
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implementation. part of this is a disbelief we are debating about contraception to begin with. something women have been taking for decades. something that is accepted in this country. 99% of women take birth control. it's unbelievable we are debating it. >> it is, but not unbelievable that roman catholics would be debating it. i am roman catholic. >> as am i. >> you must understand why it's a big debate. for many roman catholics, theyer appalled by this. that's why i find it surprising that nobody thought it through in terms of the roman catholic element. people are saying i don't like that and the way they have. >> and you know that the catholic church is exempted from the rule from the beginning.
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as a roman catholic and as a woman, we disagreed with the church for a long time. i don't believe and the president didn't believe a nurse at a catholic hospital should have less of a right than a nurse at a public hospital. that was the ultimate test. >> the president is quite please and his approval ratings are ticking up and the economy appears to -- slowly, into some kind of recovery. the gop can't seem to decide who they want to take him on. i would imagine from your point of view, the obama campaign is going quite nicely at the moment. >> we're don't have an opponent yet. we are watching the republican primaries play out and saw interesting speeches today at the conference that you were playing earlier. a lot of sharp lines being drawn. mitt romney claiming he was severely conservative as a massachusetts governor. he continues to play to the conservative vote to try to lock up the nomination. it doesn't seem to be working
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well for playing to conservatives and he is alienating minutes. we don't know if he will be the nominee and if rick santorum will be the general election nominee. we know over the course of the season, they spent a lot of time alienating people. >> let me ask you one question that came out of this comment. he wouldn't like to see female soldiers on the frontline because of the emotional issue. he stressed he didn't mean the woman's emotion, he meant the man's emotion on the frontline. what did you and the president think of that? is he happy for the women to be on the frontline and feel the emotions can be kept in check? >> i don't want to speak for the president, but that comment seems craze to me. that men and women can't keep their emotions in check. certainly there both men and women of great valor who have been fighting for this country for decades in iraq and
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afghanistan. that comment seems crazy to me and i'm sure to men and women in the military. >> finally as we look at the forth coming election and the battle, what do do you identify now given you are closely involved with the campaign, is there a credibility issue with the dramatic u-turn on the super pacs? >> credibility issue? no. i think from the response we have seen this week, people appreciate he doesn't want to fight with hand tied behind his back. he fought long for campaign finance reforms. so that average americans and low dollar donors have a say in our elections. not just wealthy americans. >> i understand that, but let me put it this way. when the president is on the record as saying these super pacs are a threat to democracy, how can he now support them? >> exactly what i said.
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he will continue to fight to change the law, but the law is the way it is in this election cycle. we saw a commitment by karl rove and the koch brothers and a host of other republicans to spent a half billion dollars to defeat this president for one particular reason. to defeat this president. mitt romney's super pac, tens of millions of dollars were raised in the last quarter. less than 200 people. in order to ensure that the millions of americans who are giving what they can, $5, $10, $25, their voices are not drowned out and we will make sure the attacks are responded to and they are coming. that's why we made this decision to not fight with one hand tied behind our back and not disarm the middle of an election. doesn't mean we won't continue fighting to change the law. the president is committed to doing that. it might take an amendment to finally make sure that average americans have a say in their
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elections rather than special interest. i think that the response that we have seen over the past few days after we made this decision, people appreciate that their needs to be a fair fight. >> so the threat level from super pacs to democracy is being downgraded to for the period of the election? >> no. absolutely not. i am sure that even with our announcement it's lots of people to give even more. at least we can do our best. we will continue on the campaign side to raise dollars from average americans. you know the statistics on the obama for america money. more than a million dollars. the average donation is $250 or less. we are very proud that was and continue to build that grass roots force and ensure the voices are not drowned out. >> thank you very much indeed. >> thanks, piers.
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>> when we come back, mr. cool himself. ll cool j and his surprising ideas with keeping america great. re you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy.
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[ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. ( seth ) wouldn't you like to know ? something sparkly ? maybe. something sweet ? mmm... let's just say it's a surprise. the helzberg diamonds gift box. diamond heart pendant and godiva chocolate gems. i love you. you do ?
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i will be hosting the grammies with artists like nicky minaj who i love. >> i have been listening to you since i was a baby. >> i love you less now. >> the grammys haven't had a host in seven years, but this year they are calling on a guy so cool it's his little name. the greatest hip hop artist, the legendary ll cool j. i love that name. >> thank you. >> it's one of the greatest names in the history of music. >> it's dedicated to my mom. >> that are slightly ruins it. >> a little bit. >> you were christened james todd smith and your friends call you todd. what shall i call you now?
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what is a respectful way? >> todd works just fine. mother knows best. >> how are you feeling about the grammies? you are the man now. are you nervous or do you get nervous? you can't get that nervous. >> i wouldn't say i'm nervous, but nom like i got it. i'm done. spandex on. it's not that kind of a deal. i'm ready and look forward to the challenge and getting out there and not being in the way. it's nominated in our performance. >> you won two grammys. >> i have been nominated nine times so i lost more than i won. >> winning is better than losing. >> without a doubt. >> i want to read your quote in full. i'm happy to be black. i am what i am and i'm doing well and thankful to god for
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that. i'm a real person who cares about his art and what he is doing. i have a heart and soul and i want to touch people and give. as a black man, i hope to touch more and more people of different races and different colors. eventually if i stay on this path, we'll get there. i found that very inspiring, that quotation. it made me think again in the election year of the fact that america took this huge leap forward as a nation and got his first black president. given what you said there, how do you critique barack obama? >> i think, you know, first of all i want to qualify by saying when you are running for the president of the united states, you are going to make a lot of promises on the campaign trail that -- when you look at equation it's one plus one equals two, out come. you find out that one plus one
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plus a couple of other ones equals four and people are saying what happened to two? i think that we as people in the united states of america don't have all of the information in front of us. for our benefit. just on a worldwide level, no democracy, no democratic government is just dolling out all the state secrets and the dynamics that give the decision making that goes on. >> let me ask you a difficult question. you had an up bringing and forged against tough things in your life at the age of four. you watched your father shoot your mother and grandfather. a traumatic event that most people can't imagine. you fought through and became what you are today. a grammy-winning star. is america still a country of
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that opportunity? >> of course it is. of course america is still a country of that opportunity. going back to president obama, the reality is that no matter who holds that office, there is always going to be opposition. some of that opposition will be aggressive and some of that opposition will be passive. sometimes they will be passive enough to make it look like you have a coordination problem. like you can't put certain pieces of the puzzle in certain places. it happens in different ways that. being said, i don't think anybody should assume i'm a democrat either. i'm an independent. >> my mantra on the show has been the theme of keeping america great. it's a more positive way of viewing what is going on. let me ask you. youer a successful businessman. how do we keep america great? >> in order to keep america
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great, we have to keep america creative. the key is to create. i don't think anything great in this nation has ever happened without creation. whether it's the wright brothers or what steve jobs did. the basis of america is about creating. even if it's just creating freedom. we have always been about creation. you look at it and if you have all of these buiillionaires partying in the hamptons. the only cure for their lives is to create. sometimes creation is the best solution to create. not destruction, but harmony. we need to make sure there is art in the schools? why? because if art is not in the schools, a guy like steve jobs doesn't get a chance to express himself because in order for art to meet technology, you need
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art. it's not like it's technology. you need both. you have to maintain the balance. i think that's where people get it a little muddy. when you think about the class thing that's going on, you have one group of people that are wearing all white and playing cricket or croquet. i don't know how to say it. they are playing that and another crew playing it on the sidewalk. google that. they can't relate to each other. there is a middle grountd. >> here's the thing. they talk all the time. the rich are getting richer and you have a huge upper class and very wealthy people in america. the 1%. then this under class, the branding is given. people being denied by the system. that number is getting bigger
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and it's not just a black thing or a white thing. it's all colors and all creeds. more and more people are falling into this poverty trap. what do we do about that section of the community? >> einstein had a great quote. learn the rules of the game and play better than anyone else. that means you have to be educated. to know the rules of the game, you have to be educated. it starts with education, but not just about going to the public school and learning arithmetic and reading. we need that, but we know there things that are being taught around dining room tables and certain things being taught in fancy rooms that need to be shared in the under class or under belly community. that will only help society as a whole. if you -- >> how much should they be personally responsible in. >> completely. >> ron paul can't wait for the government or the states or whatever it is to help you.
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you have to help yourself. >> he's right in that regard. the government is not our religion. the government is our government and their job is to make sure we have a safe society that we are protect and they take care of united states and serve out and make sure our needs are taken care of as a society and a nation. we have to take care of ourselves and that starts with believing it can happen. a lot of times when you are dealing with the drown trodden and the underbelly and the urban community, you are dealing with people who have given up hope. >> when you talk to people in that position, what do you say to inspire them? >> look at me. >> how did you get there? when you look back, what was it about you that allowed you to get out of that trap? >> there was this woman named ellen griffith. that was my grandmother.
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may she rest in peace. she told me if a task is begun, never leave it until it's done. do it well or not at all. that was an education i was lucky enough to get it at home. i didn't learn that in school. i had a math teacher who told us we were dummies and punch us in the back. that was his idea of a joke. he is developing these mathphobes. >> what if you didn't have anyone like your grandmother. sad where you are and told me a similar story. you have the undivided love of a parent. one parent believes in you and it's ten times easier than if you have nobody. what do you do if you have no one? >> you have to look at all the people in the world that are successful and synthesize all of those positions and the people
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and those goals they achieve and the things they did and the heroic moments and you have to take your greatest michael jordan moment and the greatest whoever you name moment. put them all together and say i will go for it. i said this in one of my books. i said if your plane crashed -- it was in a song too. if your plane crashed and there was a life preserver over there, would you let it float away or would you grab it? it's your life. it's at the end of the day, you have to make the decision. as bad as the urban community is and as bad as the trailer park is and as bad as it can be in the ap layings in certain parts of america where it's tough. at the end of the day, there no bars around the communities. you can get out. you have to make the decision to get out. a lot of times, it's not the physical, but the mental bars
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that stop people. it's like an elephant that knew it was tied up. you don't have to tie it up anymore. you put a rope there. >> i'm fascinated by this. let's talk more about keeping america great. you are on to something. i like this. >> cool. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms.
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>> before i got stuck with you i didn't realize people who refer to themselves in the third person existed in life. >> like guy who is have one letter of the alpha get bette for a first name? >> tv's biggest smash hit on cbs. >> it's doing well. what knew? >> if i knew the secret, i would have did it years ago. >> why do you think it is so popular? >> i can't say. the stars just aligned. the original "ncis" is a huge show. having them as a lead in helped us. shane did a great job as a show runner and the writing staff does an amazing job. the network got behind it and believed in us.
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they have been great. it's one of the things that happen. you can't say why. >> if i said you can make movies, television, or music for the rest of your life, but it can only be one, what would you do? >> that's harsh. interesting question. i guess i would make television movies that are musicals. . >> glee, the movie. when you look at these artists at the grammys on sunday, performers like chris brown and cold play, who are you excited about. you can't say all of them. >> as a host i look at the body at work, but as a fan, i did
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grow up. i love hip hop and i am hip hop to the core, but i grew up on the bruce springsteen flag in the pocket. i want to see the boss perform. >> it's a good time for the boss to perform. to maybe sing born in the usa. this is a patriotic country, america. i'm getting a sense of collective deflation. everyone is a bit down in the dumps. >> sometimes if you are carrying a heavy load, it's okay to take a break and exhale. lift it back up and keep moving. that's what america is doing. i don't think america is going to by any means give up and deep down in the recesses of our american psyche, we see ourselves coming out of the turmoil and whatever you want to call it. perceived turmoil.
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it's kind of like this. >> how important is it with apple and i love what steve jobs -- >> every time i pull out a blackberry, i get reminded every time. i still got a blackberry. >> the one thing i can't get used to is the iphone. my fingers are too big. other than that, i have apple everywhere. i have a real problem with the fact that they employ more people in china than in america. to me it's wrong. i have this debate. why can't they say day we will bring back 10% of the workforce and take a hit. the american people would respond so favorably they would make the money back anyway. >> because in all businesses and
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politics, your greatest strength can be the greatest achilles heel. that is moving money from this place to that place and getting the best return. part of the reason why capitalism works and we are moving from this place to that place. >> do you have any problem? >> do i have a problem with it? i would love to see a creative way for more americans to stay employed and stay involved. i don't think i want to tell a business how to run their business or how to make sure their business works. ultimately the corporation, and living entity is a person and the only goal is to make sure it feeds the bottom line for the shareholders. that's the gray area. the shiny gray area that we deal with when we talk about business
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and cal tpitalism. >> for the focus was getting people back to work, it would change the whole thinking. >> people are not running around with a big bottle of cognac, laughing it up. people are hurting and suffering. >> if i was able to run for president which i am not, i would run on better education and getting americans back to work. everything else would follow. >> i agree, but it gets complicated. it's easy to run on something, but the problem is executing. there so many moving pieces that washington is so dynamic and so many players with so many different agendas. they are not always villains. they may feel right about what they are doing. it's not to villainize anyone. most people want americans working.
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they feel it's the government's responsibility and others feel it's private business owners. i think it's a combination so that the american people are taken care of. >> i can't let it go without talking about love. >> yeah. >> you have four kids. >> what have you learned about yourself through that process? >> eat your soup and let her talk. >> that are is the best advice for a man i have ever heart in my life. have a great time. >> tu, my man. >> coming up, clive davis and grammy winner jennifer hudson. ,. >> coming up, clive davis and grammy winner jennifer hudson. when my tempurpedic moves?
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>> i want to bring in two of the biggest names. what do these people have in common?
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the answer of course is man. clive davis. the man who made stars out of all these people and here with one of the biggest stars, oscar and grammy winner, jennifer hudson. thank you to you both. great honor to have you in my studio. jennifer, you are a fantastic story. you know why i love your story? simon cowell didn't spot your talent. i remind you of this every time. if you come on "america's got talent," i made sure you won. >> thank you for that. how do you feel, clive, you swooped on this amazing talent
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after you saw dream girls. did you see her on "american idol" and did you pick up on it then? >> i did, but i agreed to record the winner and the runner up. i saw jennifer's talent and regretfully she didn't reach the finals. i saw the screen test. she is saying i am changing. the great songs and saw her acting ability. >> you are living, walking proof that these shows which often get derighted by critics can produce world class stars, can't they? >> i think so. reality shows are a good platform for to you display your talent and two, it teaches and prepares you for the industry in which you are trying to become a
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part of. i feel like it's a very good thing. >> you went through a huge roller coaster of emotions. you are in this amazing show and doing fantastically well. you heart break, you don't make the final three. you are going home thinking that's it. what were you thinking? >> i had that moment right there. very briefly. i was like it's over. nobody wants to be rejected, but i quickly got over it and i said you know what, i'm walking away with the prize and that's my talent. i kept singing and even in the exit speech, i said something is in store for me. i don't know when or how, but i have to sing my way to it and two years later i got dream girls. >> when did you realize you would make it? >> when i got that second chance and not every day do you get second chances, but being able
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to audition for dream girls. being one of the people called back over and over again. >> did you sense it? >> that i department know. all of that was a huge surprise to me. i had no idea what would come from it. >> that movie could have bombed. >> goodness. even while we were filming on set, i wouldn't know that i had a scene that would be on my shoulders to lead until i was in the middle of it or one of the times when jamie came over and said you will get nominated for an oscar, every time they said that to me on the set, i would say whatever and pay it no attention. i had no attention. someone said the amazing thing
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is this girl has no idea what she is in store for. >> let's take a clip from dream girls. an incredible performance. ♪ >> my god. even when i hear it again, do you sing like that in the bath? >> sometimes if i have enough energy. sometimes. you have to feel it. it's an emotional day. >> she has some set of pipes, doesn't she? you have seen the greatest of all time. where does she rank? >> right up there. i have been known to be involved with the divas like aretha
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franklin and whitney. when i saw that audition for that movie part, i saw a depth and a range and a soulfulness that really ranks at the top level. that's why we have been working together ever since. >> correct me if i'm wrong, but it's hard to beat whitney at her peak. when i hear you sometimes i do genuinely feel. i'm not an expert like clive, but i feel she is nearly there. maybe as good? >> listen, it's hard to make comparisons. working with the queen of soul, aretha franklin who said can whitney compare to aretha? they are old timers and jennifer definitely has that potential. >> let's take a break. i want to talk about how you look. according to what magazine, you
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have either been too big, too small, too skinny, too whatever. i'm looking at what i think is almost physical perfection. >> thank you. >> they are all talking complete clack. let's talk perfection. i take a multivitamin, but i wanted more support for my heart. i found centrum specialist. a complete multivitamin enhanced for what's important to me. vision. energy. prenatal. heart. [ man] new centrum specialist
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will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to no one going love you. clive davis. let's talk about these magazine obsessions with how you look. i can't think of anything worse than people telling me whether i'm too big or too small. what is it like with all this nonsense being written about
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you? >> i try not to pay attention because you everybody says you should do and how you should look. i have come to learn through my weight loss journey there is really no winning when you lose weight. when you lose weight then you are too small. first you can't do it then you do it then you're too small. it never ends. that is why you have to do it for you. >> you have been through stuff in the last few years no one would twuntd go through. where do you find the strength of character that you have shown because that is what has really impressed me about you is this inner strength that you have? >> i have to give credit to god and also my upbringing y. grew up around a very religious based family. i grew up in the church. and my mother was a very wise and strong person. i feel like she raised us well
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and she prepared me well. that's what i lived by. go back to that base and that is what i stick with. >> have you taken those values to motherhood and impending marriage? >> definitely every day. that's a blessing in itself. >> what are the core values you think you got from your mother and grandmother? >> again, like my faith in god, family is everything. i have my son and i have my fiance and my sister. and even my friends. my assistant, we have been knowing each other since we were in the sixth grade, 11 years old. keeping family near. >> you got this huge pregrammys party tomorrow night and you have jane fonda presenting. do you know this? >> yes. >> it is an amazing party.
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everybody goes to it. what is the thinking about it? >> it started the year i started, we had a number one record nominated for two grammys. every company celebrates the night of the grammy awards. i said if we celebrated we would have two tables. let's do something the night before. stevie wonder came, elton john came. i knew i was on to something special. that began the tradition, the night before the grammys everybody comes from motion pictures, from television, from records and we all celebrate music. there are no winners, no loseers that night. i paired people, aretha
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franklin, alisha keys. the show will open with tony bennett. >> greatest living crooner. here is the question for you. if i could only allow you to listen to one song for the rest of your life on repeat, what would it be? >> it would be very painful to listen to one song. >> i'm forcing you at gun point. >> among my fondest memories would be "bridge over troubled water" the performance is just memorable. to me there is not one song. if i had to comply with your hypothetical i would say that one. >> i have been on this thematic thing about keeping america great. when you look at what is
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happening to america now, what do you think the answer is to get america fired up again? >> i think an improved campaign. so far i think the debates among the prospects has been disappointing. i am a great believer in president obama. i believe he is capable of inspiring this country and to have absolutely triggered that greatness thmpt first year there were many incidents that might have side tracked. i'm a believer and i believe that barack obama is going to lead us to a great second term. i would like to see a greater commitment to funds so that highways, schools and standard of living and quality of life can be and restore america to its prime. >> what you are saying is we need a bridge over troubled water. >> we need a bridge over troubled water. >> which is where we started this conversation. >> i look forward to seeing you that grammys.
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[ male announcer ] this is lois. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] try aleve d
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dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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tonight's only in america remains on a grammy theme. we and they will be asking the same question, who is the best? here is a clue. one of them is celebrating her 50th year in the business.
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she has won eight grammys. she has won two oscars, two emmys and a tony. she will witness a first hand the one truly defining symbol of grammy superstardom. another artist has been nominated, called simply barbara streisand. here is a clip. ♪ >> the greatest symbol you could want as a musician. barbara streisand, nobody in musical history has been nominated in the


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