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tv   24 7 Mayweather Ortiz  CNN  September 16, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT

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adventuredome theet park on the strip for family, friends and employees. perhaps as a thank you or perhaps because he wanted a bit of fun. >> eat junk food, party all night and you will be champion, too. i can take anything. i'm not worried about nothing. you already know me. ♪ i ain't worried about nothing. see that back flip? see that back flip i did. coming to you live from 24/7. it is your man, money may. i like to play. love to play. like nice things. you have one life to live. why not live life to the
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fullest? my stomach. i don't know how i let these kids talk me in to getting on this? i'm sick. my white car. >> money allows him to have funny way he wants, any place and anytime he wants. a stark contrast, of course, to the limits that were placed on his life as a youngster in grand rapids, michigan. >> eight out of ten like work. rough childhood, certain situations i have been through, but god has truly, truly blessed me to put me in a better position. ♪ >> if life can be a roller coaster, floyd mayweather has learned to treasure the moments at the top. ♪ >> in ventura, california,
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knucklehead's gym is at full capacity with fans of all ages gathered to watch victor ortiz in his final open workout before he packs up for las vegas. >> his local following has grown over the past several weeks. for these fans, it's as much about what he represents as what he does. >> the way i carry myself, i'm just an open person, you know? having fans follow you and supporting you is definitely like a little pillow, a little
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cushion. >> a cushion from the hard edge of anticipation is that is building for the fighter and also the men around him. >> being involved in something this big is definitely, it's something that all fighters, trainers, promoters everybody wants to be involved in a big event. it means you have achieved something, have a little success. as a fighter and as a team we all realize the goal is to win the fight. you win the fight everything else takes care of itself. >> i pay my dues. i left the sweat, blood and tears in the gym. now this is the week of the fight, you know. it is down time for me until the fight. and then it is game time. >> the bright lights of las vegas await. ♪
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- correct. - and it's why the best agents... help safe drivers get a lower rate. - oh! - exactly. ♪ another dream but always you ♪ whoa! ♪ it's like a vision-- [ tires squeal ] ♪ [ resumes ] [ man announcing ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ >> while ortiz is enroute to las vegas, mayweather heads to los angeles for the taping of a late-night appearance with conan o'brien. >> please welcome, floyd mayweather. [ applause ] i'm excited to talk to you. i was under the impression the fight wasn't for a while. because i'm wondering, you have
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a fight on saturday. why are you here? you shouldn't you be training constantly. >> 40 minutes away, private jet. >> still, i picture you, i just picture you needing to stay in some kind of focus. is this taking away from your focus? >> not at all. as soon as the show is over, back to the jet, back to vegas and back to training. ♪ >> he is, if nothing else, a man of his word. there's always a scheduled departure time on air mayweather is quite simply whenever the fighter wants. >> straight up 24/7. tell them. the money team. we are on my jet right now. we are stunning and profilin'. me and my uncle, man, high maintenance, man, high maintenance. >> there are different ways to spend 40 minutes at 30,000 feet. some passengers pass the time
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more energetically than others. >> easy to chill on a jet. >> the plane touches down a few minutes early at mccarren airport and despite a full day in los angeles, it's never too late to open the gym for a workout. ♪ >> tonight will be one of mayweather's final serious training sessions at camp. as he gets out of the car, his voice is echoing on the television stagts that is tuned in to conan. >> good luck to you. > >. >> i'm working until it is time to bump. >> as he trains, his fiance is a visible presence a few feet
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away. this will be the sixth bout she has watched her husband to be fight. his unblemished record only calms her so much. >> of course i'm going to be worried and concerned and nervous. my hands are going to be sweaty. even though floyd is the best at what he does, anything can happen. that's what i always hate just going in to the fight. you never know. >> the boxer himself, however, has never approached a fight with fear. and even though he has fought only twice since the end of 2007, his outlook is assured as ever. >> you know i don't get nervous. i don't worry about nothing. he better worry, not me. execution style. looking at our gym. don't even look at me. stealing my moves, stealing my
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sway. what ortiz has to realize is this, i dish out whuppins. i don't take them. that's why i have been dominating the game since he's been 9 years old. since he's been a kid in elementary, i've been dominating this fight game right here. ♪ >> victor ortiz's flight to las vegas goes as smoothly as expected, and when the fighter lands, his mind is locked on the task at hand. >> my initial thoughts getting off the plane was, all right, we're here to end a career and start a new one. >> power, power power.
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>> ortiz has fought in the city plenty of times before, but never quite with the fringe benefits of this occasion. >> the first time they have treated me on a jet to get somewhere. the first time i have been riding in private limos. first time for everything. i just think it is kind of funny because i sit back sometimes and i'm like, given the background you can really appreciate it, you know, beyond appreciate it. >> reporter: the modes of transportation may have been substantially upgraded, the work to be done, never changes. according toingly ortiz heads from the airport to barry's boxing center, a gym he's used previously. >> i have been here for quite a few times before, for the same thing, to take my "w" home.
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we had a great, great camp. i'm happy with victor because he trained very, very hard and he's ready, definitely. >> better. a lot better. >> you don't have to throw a punch all the time. >> jab him anywhere, jab him. jab him. jab him. in the shoulder. nice round. if. >> we're ready for the fight for saturday night. we're going to do everything to beat this guy. [ applause ] >>. [ applause ] >> there's no doubt in my mind. you go get him. go, go, go. go, go, go.
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>> time. >> all right. >> whoo! >> training concludes at 10:00 p.m. and the fighter turns in immediately after. knowing the next day the schedule is packed, starting with official fighter arrivals at the mgm grand, another novel experience for the 24-year-old ortiz. ♪ a half hour later, floyd mayweather cuts a path through the crowd in a ritual he's come to know well. a portrait of cool in the spotlight. the model of cool confidence as he departs the scene to return to the gym. free 'cause that's how it ought to be my brother
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♪ >> nine weeks of training have produced a sequence of recurring images in the mayweather boxing
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club images all linked by hard work and dedication. >> believe me, i'm ready. i have been ready for a lot of fights. this is one of the fights i prepared for physically hard, very, very, very hard. my sparring partners were solid. and, you know, just different celebrities coming to my training camp, supporting me made me feel good. always feel good when you have different entertainers that come and support you and show love. [ applause ] >> while routine has been essential to the success of the camp, there's also been a share of the unexpected. most doubtedly the blowout between the boxer and his father several weeks ago. the pair still hasn't spoken stins the argument.
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>> do i regret it? absolutely not. because that is real life. i'm not -- i'm not like oacar de la hoya, i'm not hiding. i'm not hiding. me and my dad. we had a difference, i hear some people say well your uncle jeff said, it is not true if you don't speak to your dad ever again again. if me and my dad never speak again, i'm okay. >> this will be mayweather's first fight without the benefit of his father's counsel since he faced ricky hatman in 2007, but the rest of the boxer's long-time circle remains intact. but no member more crucial to his comfort than his trainer. >> when it is all said and done, when my career is over, roger and floyd mayweather, we had a
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chemistry and a bond that would never be able to be broken. that's my uncle. i love him. he's a blessing in my life and i thank god for bringing roger in to my life and being with me. i know he's older now and, you know, kind of sick, a little bit sick, but he never forgets that boxing. >> hard work and dedication their latest referendum awaits in just a few days. ♪ ten miles across town, vic torrer tore ortiz returns to barry's boxing center for an evening workout with the word out about where the fighter is training. a light 60-minute training session is on the schedule.
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the boxer offering no evidence that hysteria a of fight week is affecting him. >> i don't endorse -- i know i have to work hard and defeat this guy. put another one on somebody's record. >> i have seen a lot of fighter and some fighters get nervous. victor doesn't get nervous. a lot of people think he's afraid or scared. that's not true. saturday night he's going to beat mayweather no matter how he's going to beat him. >> push, push, push. time. good job. >> at the end of the workout a lighter moment reveals the fighter isn't the only one who's made progress the last several weeks. >> big improvement from week one until now. >> three weeks. look at that. better, huh?
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>> a lot better. ♪ >> they have come this far as a single unit. bonded together by faith and trust. propelled by a shared hunger for victory. inspired by a knowledge of what desire can make possible. >> it is very important because the whole team is going to get all the way to the top. and it's a great feeling for all of us. i really don't care about me. i want victor to win the fight. i don't care about me. i'm the same. >> having no parents around, it's pretty tough and i don't wish that upon anybody. i believe that's why my brother fights so good because he fights for his family, he fights for me.
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>> this fight means everything to my career. maybe not everything, but in my eyes it is only because i have always been the underdog. always. no matter what i am always the underdog. i don't mind it at all. not one bit. every individual has their way of telling themselves something. it is a story you tell between your ears that you listen to. i guess my symphony is a little different. ♪ >> at 1:00 on wednesday afternoon, the fighters and their teams gather at the mgm grand for a final press conference before fight night. >> it is the my pleasure, you know, to know this young man who
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i actually look up to. victor ortiz. [ applause ] >> so i dens sense a little bit of nervousness around this area. all of this section right here. then again let's not forget i am the current champion of the world and that will remain and that i will teach you what it feels like to have that one on your record, bro. saturday night i will hold my hands up and i'm going to put you on your [ bleep ]. >> you ain't going to get a chance. i must let the fighter know, once you have been at this level for so long, you know i'm never nervous. never worried about nothing. i believe in my skills. i believe in my talent. if no one believes in floyd mayweather, i believe in me. i'm the best. i'm the best. all work is easy work. all work is easy work.
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all work is easy work. all work is easy work. all work is easy work. ♪ >> there's a paradox that shapes every human journey. a reality that our lives are shaped by the choices we make. one thing that we cannot choose shapes us most, where we come from. no one has any say over how it starts. when we enter the world, who brings us here, how much bleakness and how much hope surrounds us as existence comes
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in to focus. these are the origins that forever define them. these are the images that have shadowed every choice they have made since. determining that violence was the most promising route of escape, reckoning that wealth was the most dependable ar bit tore of success. seeking guidance from the guise of shatterproof bonds. searching for control over the most complicated of connections. ♪ push it, push it. >> hard work.
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♪ >> i show you how to whup somebody. >> i was warming up. ♪ >> they never had any choice about where they came from, only extraordinary desire to fight their way out. on saturday night, floyd mayweather and victor ortiz collide in the boxing ring. and seize another priceless chance to determine where their journeys go next.
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don't miss the big fight mayweather versus ortiz tomorrow night on hbo pay per view. breaking news, a plane has crashed during a popular air race. there are mass casualties. the pilot jimmy leeward is believed to have died. he was 80 years old and from florida. he was a stunt pilot who appeared in films and has been a pilot much of his life. it is not clear how many others were killed or we will take it live to get the latest information. meantime, we want to show you what was caught on tape. look at the left side of your screen. as you look at this you will see


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