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tv   24 7 Mayweather Ortiz  CNN  September 16, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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the following a presentation of hbo sports. ♪ previously on 24/7. >> i seen it on 24/7. >> arguing with your daddy. >> in las vegas, floyd mayweather maintained he was flustered by an a family altercation. >> i could careless. i don't have to speak to him again in life. i don't care. i'm fine. with or without him in my life. i'm fine. >> reporter: in ventura, california, victor ortiz's aggressive training program called for a similar aggressive healing regimen but i his confidence was bolstered when
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his boyhood idol offered an assessment of the past and future. >> it is gone. this is a whole different game for him. he should be the underdog. >> reporter: with fight night fast approaching, the war of words was intensifying. >> going to beat me. >> victor ortiz is 24. i'm old enough to be your boy's father. so i'm going to son him. >> i am 24 but i have been through a whole lot more than our good friend floyd. >> somebody's in trouble. ♪ . >> it's labor day at the
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mayweather boxing club, but there are no days off for the boxer in training. floyd mayweather, in fact, arrived angry at the gym today, frustrated, he says, by all of the attention being paid to his opponent's back story. >> let them know. let them know. >> about time they hear about the story. you know my dad left me. my mom left. black parents leave all the time. every black you know raised themselves. you can make it. you punks. they ain't over there massaging him. they say he wants a strong black man to massage him. give me the strongest black man you have got to massage me. i'm going to show you how my massage therapist look. works for our company, bad. everything we do is bad.
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i'm going to [ bleep ] right now and it is going to be bad. victor ortiz he let a man massage him and another wearing a fish net and he look at him like a god. are you serious? oh, man. what the [ bleep ] is going on. tell me what is really going on. ♪ >> reporter: the workout begins in ernest at 4:00 p.m., offering a reminder that mayweather is far from all talk. [ chanting ] >> keep working.
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>> who we fighting, victor ortiz, he's more than ready. you are watching, ain't you, all right then. >> it is morning at knucklehead's gym. victor ortiz has some visitors. the boxer is celebrity ambassador for big brothers/big sisters and a group of youngster from the los angeles chapter are here to meet him discovering he's not that different from them. >> who's your favorite basketball team for nba? yeah, boy. >> that's why my belt is green, bro. boston celtics. >> chicago bulls.
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>> they are all right. >> a lot of these kids sometimes they don't have the best people and role models to look up to. i'm not saying i'm the best role model to look up to or the greatest but i can say that, hey, to a point, i may be able to help a person or two maybe believe in themselves a little more than they did and give them a little hope. that's one thing. never stop believing in yourself, man. people will always try to say you can, you can't. which who cares. let them. the moment you start believing they may be right, then you are going to be the one like it's not good. i can say things. it is just up to them to pick it up. >> he holds court, the fight seemingly a thousand miles from his mind. but next door the gym is awaiting his arrival. it is media day in ventura and the turnout is by far the largest collection of cameras and note pads to cover a victor ortiz training camp. >> as far as media and stuff it
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is the biggest event i have had in my life but there's nothing different about it because i will put the gloves on and we will dance at the end of the night. >> good job. ♪ >> on tuesday, 260 miles northeast of ventura, the mayweather boxing club opens its doors to the media. it is a pre-fight ritual the boxer knows well. the more cameras, the bigger the show. >> my grandfather from mexico.
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that's right. i love you. >> the public workout is accompanied by a question an answer session, filled with inquiries of what has been seen and heard of late on tv. >> we saw one where you with and your dad got in a skirmish. it is rough to see that. >> no hard feelings toward my father. we had a disagreement and things happened. i just wish him nothing but the best and hopefully, he is still working with his fighters because me and my uncle are still working together. this is a lifetime relationship and we're going to get the job done. >> are you happy with the way 24/7 has been edited so far. >> like victor ortiz we are tied to the same story every week. i lived a very rough life. they made it seem like i just woke up and was a multimillionaire. my father was in prison, and my mother been on drug and my
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father was a drug dealer. we live seven deep in a one bedroom but i don't talk about that on the show. >> he has not forgotten how difficult life once growing up in grand rapids, michigan but he seemingly dunn does all he can to mask the memories of hardship. a few miles from the gym, this is the ode to opulence where mayweather is known to spend frequent afternoons, tobin motor cars. joining him for a browse today, r&b singer ray jay. >> limited edition. >> mayweather owns 14 luxury cars, collection valued at more than $4 million. on this visit he negotiates an impromptu trade, one of his bentleys for a new rolls royce. >> you want to come to the dealership and meet me at my house and me the difference and we will take care of it.
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i will give you cash. >> several hours later, back at the mayweather mansion, a man they call chop arrives with the call they call the ghost. >> rolls royce effect. we add another rolls royce to the collection, you know what i'm saying. that's what it is. all white, that's right. money men don't play. >> following a bit of paperwork, the exchange is made. a cash payment makes up the difference. >> thank you. >> appreciate another beautiful with the champ. >> we do that. we trade a super sport in and we take a rolls royce. so now we add a few more to the collection. at exxonmobil we know the answer is yes. when we design any well, the groundwater's protected by multiple layers of steel and cement. most wells are over a mile and a half deep so there's a tremendous amount of protective rock
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between the fracking operation and the groundwater. natural gas is critical to our future. at exxonmobil we recognize the challenges and how important it is to do this right. ♪ whoa! hey! [ dog barks, growls ] ♪ whoa, watch out, little man. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you take away the worry, it's easy to enjoy the ride. hey, bud. hey, dad. [ male announcer ] introducing cadillac shield. the most comprehensive suite of owner benefits offered by any luxury auto maker in the world. you know what,ell me, what makes peterpeter ?
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>> it is the last full week of training for victor ortiz in ventura. in boxing, dress rehearsals come in the form of sparring sessions which are held in knucklehead's gym three times a week.
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the sparring partner's job is simple to be mayweather mimics to do everything they can to make ortiz feel as if he is facing the real thing. >> floyd is nothing new to my camp. there's nothing there that hasn't been saying oh my god. there's a lot saying thank god. mayweather is a human being. i don't see floyd as anything special. the world has for many years but the world has been deceived for many years. he is 41-0. there's never been a victory in
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there with him. >> in las vegas, it's 2:30 a.m. floyd mayweather is up tending to a unique night time appointment at his house, a skype session with a group of soldiers, members of task force duke, stationed in afghanistan. >> what's up? what you all doing? >> we are in afghanistan. you know, right now i'm sorry i was late but i was watching this movie called "shark night" came up so i had to hang out and see "shark night." >> i want to say god bless and thank you guys. what can we do without guys like you. you guys go out and fight for
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the country. i want every troop to know that is over there fighting for the country i love this country. >> off beautiful fiance. >> come on in and say what's up, baby. >> hello. >> i will send you a postcard so you can be up all night, buddy. >> my nickname is the irs because i tax these boys but time giving victor ortiz his biggest payday, 2.5 million. that's my shoe collection basically. >> i know you walk around pretty close to your fight weight year round and i want to know what your motivation is to stay in that type of fighting condition. >> motivation, there's the motivation right there. let me show the troops. let's me walk for the troops.
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his home is 22,000 square feet. the private tour starts in the garage. that is my '57 and that is -- come and hold this. i have to show my troops. internet connection lost. i lost them. get the troops back on. get the troops back on. get them back on. this is the movie theater. this is my washer and drier in my closet. i lost my troops again. everything is customized. got the suede watch see the suede wall? there she goes. there she goes. tell the troops once again it was fun.
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thank you. you guys make me work that much harder come september 17th when i go put on the performance.
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[ indistinct conversations ] [ hissing ] agents, what did we learn here today? that lint balls are extremely flammable! well, yeah. and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪
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♪ less than two weeks before fight night, confidence in ventura is continuing to grow. the young boxer is determined a respite from training is in order. >> we're not going to talk about the fight. it is going to be a relaxed day. >> team ortiz assembles early
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harbor side for a deep sea fishing expedition. the name of the boat is "the island spirit." the destination is the channel islands. >> this whole boxing, boxing, boxing thing, don't get me wrong. i love what i do but i am human. why not spend the day doing nothing. >> some members of the crew handle the rough water better than others. but by afternoon the verdict on the voyage is determined by the catch. going fishing nine days before the biggest fight of your life is by no means a conventional decision, but great fighters are rarely predictable. they are men who are most comfortable without constraint, and most invigorated by confrontation. >> dedication, dedicate case,
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power. dedication, dedication dedication, power. >> floyd thinks he is a walk in the park. this will be a very, very ugly, bloody walk for him. >> there's a lot of things that i see in him, about him. they don't mix with me and they won't. anyone that'sies watching alreay knows with floyd mayweather you can say what you want to say. you can talk about his cases, about him being arrogant, you can talk about him being cocky. say you do or don't like him. he always comes to win. he always comes to win.
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>> it is not like i woke up thinking oh my god, i am here. i belong here. i was supposed to be here a while ago. >> he's not no champ. he was champion. >> i'm not stopping for anyone. with all due respect to floyd, he's not the one that is going to stop me. >> power, dedication, power. come on. power. come on. >> everybody saying that floyd has problems. everybody they put in front of me, i beat.
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♪ >> i know why i'm here. i know where i'm going. i know where i'm staying. the only question is, does he? not letting go. >> i am that's my name, world's best champion. world's best champion. i said before i'm going to be the man last standing. i'm still here. still going strong. anyone else? who's next? stay tuned for the finale of "24/7" and don't miss the big fight, mayweather versus ortiz on hbo pay per view tomorrow night.
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♪ >> training camp in las vegas has reached its final stretch. and with his bout against victor ortiz fast approaching, floyd mayweather's pace is as unforgiving as ever. if his continued intensity in the gym is any indicator, the
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undefeated 34-year-old is not taking his opponent, ten years his junior, lightly at all. [ applause ] >> another day in the gym, baby. >> he's widely recognized as one of the hardest workers in the sport, but that reputation as a gym rat is likely surpassed by his legend for unpredictability, which is why it is perhaps hardly a surprise to hear after his workout, mayweather has planned a very special night on the town. he has r


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